The question of how to sheathe a house from the outside of foam blocks worries many who decide to use this material for construction. Although there is an opinion that finishing is not a mandatory event, it is this process that helps to give the building a presentable appearance, as well as significantly increase its durability. Now there are several of the most popular options that are actively used for external use.

When deciding how to decorate the facade of a house from foam blocks, it is necessary to take into account a number of mandatory conditions that the materials must meet:

  1. Resistant to seasonal temperature fluctuations. The cladding must be able to withstand extensive freeze and thaw cycles and this cannot affect its appearance or protective performance.
  2. Vapor permeability. Since foam blocks are breathable products, exterior finish should not interfere with this process. It should be borne in mind that when using products for cladding that significantly impede vapor exchange, a special technology is used.
  3. Waterproof. Protection load-bearing structures from moisture - this is a parameter that prevents premature destruction of the structure.

Naturally, if all of these factors are present in the material, this indicates its durability. But we must not forget that the exterior decoration of walls made of foam blocks must have a significant margin of safety, because there is a high probability of mechanical impact.

On a note! An important role is played by the peculiarity of the foam blocks themselves, which are a type of foam concrete. Such material is characterized by cellularity and porosity, which must be taken into account when performing any work.

Types of products for finishing the house outside

The foam block house does not look very presentable from the outside, so the material chosen, in addition to quality characteristics, should create a good decorative look. Therefore, the final decision should be made only after evaluating all the characteristics of facing products.

Natural and artificial stone

The use of natural stone presupposes the presence of reinforced surfaces and a reliable foundation. That is why, if the foundation for the house does not involve a significant increase in the weight of the structure, it is better to refuse this option or replace it with an imitation.

In any case, natural and artificial stone have undoubted advantages:

  1. Great decorative look. The cover is completely customized.
  2. Durability. Even an analogue of natural material has a long service life.
  3. Resistant to various kinds of influences. Indeed, the surface does not lose its qualities even over time.

An example of finishing the facade with decorative stone

Unfortunately, the product also has quite significant drawbacks:

  • Difficulty of installation. This is especially true of the natural version. In addition to the difficulty in processing, such products require special adhesives. Also, we must not forget that due to the large weight, the design must initially be reliable.
  • High cost. The most accessible variety is sandstone, which is quite widespread. Of course, it is much cheaper to use imitation, but it will also require significant financial costs.

Finishing the foam block from the outside with the help of stone can be carried out in two ways: fixing on the base (which reduces the level of steam exchange) and mounting on the frame. The latter method is typical for modern artificial varieties. Stone is most often used in combination with other materials, it is excellent for finishing part of a building.


In general, tile is an analogue of stone, the technology of its use completely repeats the process of working with this option. To date, there are several main varieties for facing foam blocks:

  • clinker;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic for facades.

All of them are united by the following positive qualities:

  1. Ability to withstand aggressive environmental influences.
  2. Wide decorative row.
  3. Excellent protection against moisture penetration.

The disadvantages are almost identical to those inherent in natural stone. In addition, the cost of such products depends on its quality.

Facade cladding with porcelain stoneware

On a note! Much attention should be paid to installation technology, especially joints. It is because of their rapid destruction that moisture penetrates, which gradually deforms the coating.


Exterior decoration of a house made of foam blocks with bricks is a labor-intensive and expensive undertaking; it is almost impossible to perform it qualitatively without the appropriate experience. During installation, it is necessary to provide for many nuances. For example, if the dwelling will be operated year-round, then a device is required air gap and ventilation holes.

Brick has many advantages, which depend on the chosen variety: clinker, silicate or ceramic, but it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Plastering and painting

There is a cheap but popular option when the cladding of a foam block house is carried out using plaster mixes. The application technology is quite simple. There are two main ways to finish with such a composition:

  1. Manual. Work in progress hand tool, and installed beacons are used for more accurate alignment.
  2. Machine. This method allows you to veneer the surface in a short time, but leveling is also done using a rule and a spatula.

Regardless of which option it is decided to decorate the house with, a reinforcing mesh is used to strengthen the coating. And to make the surface really reliable, an additional layer of paintwork materials is applied to it. With facade paint, you should be extremely careful, the composition should not greatly impair vapor permeability.

On a note! There is a so-called decorative plaster, which has inclusions of different fractions. It is applied directly to foam blocks without an additional plaster layer or as finish coat.

Ventilated facade device

Due to the fact that when decorating houses from foam blocks on the outside, great attention must be paid to vapor exchange, products that are mounted on a frame can be considered the best solution. For this, there is a special group of materials.

Decorative facade block

An excellent alternative can be a facade foam block, which already has decorative trim. When using it, the problems of choosing the material for cladding the erected house completely disappear.

Currently, there are three main varieties of such a product:

  • Standard. This option is a fragment, on one side of which there is a coating. The building under construction acquires a very respectable appearance.
  • Angular. Such foam blocks with lining have two decorative surfaces. They are excellent for laying in window and doorways as well as outside corners.
  • With heater. This material includes a layer of thermal insulation, which is especially important for difficult climatic zones.

Decorative facade foam block

Probably, the foam block with the facing side, as the production technology develops, will be able to completely eliminate the need for subsequent finishing.

Features of wall decoration from foam blocks

As you know, indoor humidity levels are often higher than outside. Therefore, moisture, along with air, tends to leave the room through the walls. Of course, if they are made of a material with a low vapor permeability coefficient, for example, brick, moisture will linger on the surface and leave the room in another way - through cracks in the windows and ventilation.

But the vapor permeability of foam concrete, or aerated concrete, is from 0.08 to 0.26 mg / (m h Pa), depending on the brand. This is a high figure, about the same as a tree and even higher. Therefore, to avoid getting the walls wet, you can go one of the following ways:

  • Finish the walls from the inside with a vapor-proof material. In this case, increased humidity is possible indoors, especially if the ventilation efficiency in the house leaves much to be desired;
  • Finish walls with vapor-permeable material from the outside. As a result, moisture will freely go outside, respectively, the walls will not dampen and, at the same time, a favorable microclimate is formed in the house.

I must say that vapor permeability is not the only quality that a facing material should have. It is extremely important that the walls outside be protected from direct contact with water, since aerated concrete absorbs moisture strongly, which again will lead to dampening of the walls and their destruction.

Another important point is thermal insulation. If the walls are not insulated from the outside, the dew point will be located inside the foam concrete, which will also lead to its rapid destruction. That is why it is necessary to properly finish foam concrete structures.

External facing materials

Wet or dry materials - the main features of finishing technologies

You can finish the walls outside using two technologies:

  • Wet facade. The technology, called a wet facade, involves pasting the walls with insulation, the surface of which is plastered and covered decorative material. It allows you to relatively inexpensively finish the walls, reliably protecting them from the negative effects of the environment.

The advantage of wet materials lies in their low cost. However, the durability of such a finish is low - 15-20 years;

  • Ventilated facade. The ventilated facade refers to dry finishing methods. It involves the use of a frame on which the facade panels are attached. In this case, the insulation is located in the space of the frame between the skin and the wall.

A ventilated facade costs at least 20-30 percent more than a wet one, but it is able to last longer and, most importantly, has good maintainability.

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Option 1: wet facade

To achieve a positive result when finishing walls using technology wet facade, it is necessary to choose the right insulation. Beginners (and not only) often use polystyrene foam as a heater. But, this material has zero vapor permeability.

As I have already said, in order to use foam, foam or any other vapor-tight insulation, it is necessary to reliably protect the walls from moisture from the inside.

Therefore, it is more expedient to use mineral (basalt wool) for insulation. The only thing is that it must be front, i.e. have a density of at least 120 kg/m3.

The thickness of the plates should be at least 50 mm, but it is better not to save and use mineral wool 100 mm thick.

In addition to mineral wool for wet wall finishing, prepare the following materials:

  • Adhesive composition for mineral wool;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • Dish-shaped dowels;
  • plaster corners;
  • Decorative plaster, for example, bark beetle.

The finishing process includes several stages:

The work is performed in the following sequence:

Illustrations Actions

Board bonding:
  • Dilute the adhesive in water, according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • Apply glue to the back of the boards in lumps;
  • Glue the plate and level it. According to this scheme, paste over the entire first row;
  • Arrange the second row with an offset according to the masonry principle. Also, ensure that the corners are tied so that there is no even seam line.

    Before installing the plates, do not forget to clean and prime the walls.

Dowel installation. Position the dowels according to the diagram shown. Hammer them so that the hat is slightly recessed into the plate.

You can proceed with the installation of dowels only after the glue has dried.

Preparing for plaster:
  • Clog all the gaps between the plates with scraps of mineral wool;
  • Glue aluminum corners to the outer corners.

  • Cut the mesh into canvases along the height of the walls;
  • Prepare the glue with which you glued the plates;
  • Apply glue to a small surface and attach the mesh;
  • Smooth the mesh with a spatula;
  • After the surface has dried, apply another layer of glue no more than two to three millimeters thick. At the same time level the surface with a wide spatula.

Finishing with decorative plaster:
  • After the surface has dried, treat it with a facade primer. Apply with a roller or brush;
  • Dilute the plaster mixture in water;
  • Apply the coating with a trowel and spread evenly over the surface in a thin layer;
  • When the coating begins to dry, rub it with a trowel.

Mineral wool can irritate the skin, so be sure to wear gloves before working.

I must say that it is possible to clad walls not only with decorative plaster. Clinker or porcelain tiles will be held on the reinforced insulation. However, there is no particular point in gluing it, since the plaster under the tile will become unusable much faster than the tile itself.

In addition, low-quality mineral wool can begin to delaminate under the weight of the tile. Therefore, decorative plaster is the best option Plus, it's inexpensive.

Option 2: ventilated facade

To finish the walls in this way, you will need the following materials:

  • Front panels. Their choice is simply huge - it can be vinyl, metal or fiber cement siding, corrugated board or sandwich wall panels;
  • Wooden beam 50x50 or facade metal profile;
  • Minvata. For a ventilated facade, low density boards can be used;
  • Wooden slats;
  • Wind-moisture protective membrane;
  • Dish-shaped dowels;
  • Dowels for foam concrete.

Facade cladding is carried out in several stages:

  • Frame installation;
  • Warming and moisture insulation;
  • Facing with facade panels.

So let's move on to step by step description process:

Illustrations Actions

Frame installation. Fasten the beam to the wall in a vertical position. Arrange the racks so that they are vertical and in the same plane. Fasten the racks using special chemical or mechanical dowels for aerated concrete.

The step of the racks should leave 60 cm - this is standard width mineral plates.

Warming and waterproofing:
  • Fill the space between the racks with plates;
  • To fix the insulation, “grab it with dowels;
  • Fasten a moisture-proof vapor-permeable membrane over the frame with a stapler. Place it on the frame with an overlap;
  • Nail wooden slats to the frame on top of the membrane.

Sheathing. Almost all facade panels are mounted in the same way:
  • The starting bar is set at the bottom;
  • Corner profiles are attached to the corners;
  • Then the panels of the first row are connected into a lock with a starting bar and fixed on the frame with self-tapping screws;
  • The panels of the second row are connected to the lock with the panels of the first row and are also fastened on top with self-tapping screws. You can learn more about the nuances of mounting the panels from the instructions from the manufacturer.

As you can see, the sheathing is carried out quite quickly and simply.

Interior decoration

For interior decoration you can use ordinary plaster, for example, gypsum-lime. But, this method is old and well-known. Therefore, next I will talk about more modern technologies, such as:

  • Finishing with plasterboard in a frame way;
  • Drywall finishing in a frameless way;
  • Clapboard trim.

Option 3: finishing with plasterboard in a frame way

Drywall has long been the most popular finishing material, as it allows you to quickly and easily level the surface of the walls and give them any shape. In addition, drywall is a relatively cheap material. Due to the large assortment of varieties of gypsum boards, it is possible to sheathe walls with them in any room, including those with high humidity.

Most often, drywall is attached to the frame. It is this technology that allows you to eliminate any unevenness and give the surface the desired shape.

To finish the walls with drywall, you will need the following materials:

  • CD and UD profiles, as well as direct suspensions;
  • Priming;
  • Putty;
  • Reinforcing tape, for example, sickle.

Installation of GKL in a frame way includes several stages:

Let's briefly consider the nuances of mounting the GKL in a frame way:

Illustrations Actions

  • On the ceiling, opposite walls and the floor, the contour of the future wall should be marked;
  • On the wall that will be sheathed with GCR, lines should be drawn,

Frame assembly:
  • Fix UD profiles on the floor and ceiling;
  • On the wall along the drawn lines, fix straight hangers with a step of 50 mm. To fix the hangers, use special dowels for foam concrete walls;
  • Insert the racks into the guides, place them opposite the drawn lines and fix them with self-tapping screws in the hangers.

Fastening GKL. Attach drywall sheets to the frame with self-tapping screws, screwing them in 25 cm increments. Slightly sink the screw heads.

  • Prime the surface with an acrylic primer;
  • Cut the chamfers from the edges of the sheets and stick a sickle on the joints;
  • Fill the joints with putty and, after it hardens, clean it with a spatula;
  • Cover the caps of the self-tapping screws with putty;
  • Cover the entire surface of the wall with putty and then sand. You can learn how to putty correctly from other articles on our portal.

Option 4: finishing with plasterboard in a frame way

If the surface of the walls is relatively flat, it is often impractical to make a frame, as it takes a long time, and also reduces the usable space of the room. Therefore, drywall is mounted in a frameless way.

To perform this operation, in addition to the GKL, you will need gypsum glue, as well as a primer. The process of installing drywall is quite simple:

Illustrations Actions

Surface preparation:
  • If there is an old peeling coating on the walls, it must be removed;
  • Treat the surface with primer in two passes with interlayer drying.

  • Mix the glue in water according to the instructions on the package;
  • Apply glue to a sheet of drywall (you can treat the entire surface or apply glue with "blunders") and attach it to the wall;
  • Align the sheet, checking its position with a rule and a level;
  • Paste all the walls according to this scheme.

GKL finishing is carried out according to the scheme described above.

Option 5: lining

For finishing a bath, as well as rooms with high humidity, for example, a bathroom, optimal solution is wall cladding clapboard. Moreover, lining can be not only wooden.

Recently, PVC lining has been very popular, which can imitate wood, marble or even tiles.

The installation process of lining includes several stages:

Installation of PVC lining is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Lathing installation. The laths of the crate should be fixed perpendicular to the location of the lining. If the panels will be mounted vertically, fasten the crate horizontally.

The spacing of the rails should be about 50 cm.

Mounting guides:
  • Fasten the U-shaped guides along the perimeter of the walls with a stapler;
  • Fasten the corner guides.

Panel mounting:
  • Insert the first panel with a tongue into the guide;
  • Screw the screws into the bottom wall of the groove;
  • Connect the second panel with the first in the lock and also secure it with self-tapping screws from the side of the groove. Thus sheathe the entire wall;
  • Cut the penultimate panel in width from the side of the groove, connect it to the penultimate one and tuck it into the guide bar.

Approximately the same scheme is mounted wooden lining, the only thing is that there are no guides for her. Therefore, in the corner from the side of the tongue, it is fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. Subsequently, the joints in the corners are closed with decorative wooden corners, which are fastened with hairpins or carnations without caps.


Now you know how and with what to properly and beautifully decorate the walls of foam concrete blocks. If you have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

Buildings made of foam concrete have their own specifics finishing works due to the low moisture resistance of the material. In this regard, the interior decoration of the house from foam blocks should include high-quality vapor barrier of enclosing structures. It is desirable to perform external thermal insulation of the building, but in some cases it is necessary to arrange it inside the house or you should start with wall insulation.


This material is produced in the form of plates or rolls. Cork is and finishing, therefore, high demands are placed on the preparation of wall surfaces. The base must be dry and clean, without defects, of high quality plaster. Before you start warming the house, the cork must be kept unpacked for a day at room temperature. The walls are treated with a deep penetration primer, after which, with the help of special glue, insulation is glued to them. The average cost of 1 square meter of cork is about 1,200 rubles.


Represents the made foam polyethylene covered with aluminum foil on both sides. Penofol is attached to special bars mounted on the walls. To eliminate gaps, the plates are laid tightly end-to-end, the seams are sealed with aluminum tape. Then, internal cosmetic finishing with clapboard or drywall is performed. Insulation of foam block walls from the inside with penofol makes it possible to ensure the preservation of up to 97% of heat in the premises. Such thermal insulation costs 25-35 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Variety of interior design solutions

For walls from the inside in foam concrete buildings, the most popular design options are plastering followed by painting or wallpapering, plasterboard cladding, clapboard cladding and various decorative panels. Each of these methods has its own implementation specifics.

Plaster for finishing works

For foam concrete walls, it is recommended to choose gypsum-based breathable waterproofing compounds. Plaster internal walls will be more reliable when using a grid. The thickness of the finishing layer from the inside of the house should be twice as large as from the outside. On top of the plaster, you can use acrylic paints or moisture-permeable wallpaper. A package (30 kg) of dry mix will cost about 200 rubles. This amount of material is enough to level 3 sq.m. layer 1 cm thick.

  • Before applying the mortar, the walls must be moistened abundantly.
  • The first layer is made from a water-cement mixture, the consistency of sour cream.
  • The plaster is applied until the first mortar has dried.
  • Work is carried out in small areas.
  • When preparing the surface for wallpaper, the hardening solution is carefully processed with a trowel and a sponge grater.
  • If it is planned to paint the walls, a day after plastering, they are smoothed down with a trowel abundantly moistened with water.
  • It is possible to give structure to the surface before painting - the dry solution is treated with a hard brush, comb spatula or embossed roller, creating a variety of stains and patterns.

Plasterboard constructions

The use of drywall on the frame ensures ventilation of the wall surface. The interior decoration of a foam concrete house in this way has its own specifics:

  1. A vapor barrier device is required using membranes that are mounted in the air gap between the drywall and the wall. For unhindered air circulation, it must be at least 5 cm.
  2. Additional insulation from the inside somewhat reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.
  3. For mounting the frame to the blocks, you need to use it for foam concrete.
  4. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is provided for the bathroom.

The price of 1 sq.m of drywall is 100 rubles, and 1 running meter frame profile - 30.

Sheathing of foam blocks with wooden clapboard

The technology of such an eco-style finish consists in mounting a lining pre-treated with an antiseptic on a crate of bars. Today, lining fasteners are made with special clamps, which imperceptibly and firmly fix the lining on the frame. A heater is laid between the lining and the wall and a vapor barrier is arranged. In the process of finishing, it is necessary to provide for the laying of electrical wiring.

To improve the safety and decorative qualities of the skin, it can be treated with varnish or impregnation after installation. Wall decoration from foam blocks inside is possible with similar modern materials - block house and eurolining. The price of the material varies, depending on the type of wood and the class of the product, from 140 to 800 rubles per 1 m 2.

Decorative panels MDF

When choosing how to sheathe the foam block from the inside, attention should be paid to such material characteristics as attractive appearance, durability, ease of installation. Often, cottage owners prefer MDF panels, which also have excellent sound and heat insulation performance. They are easy to care for, do not fade and do not absorb dirt. If you want to change the design of the room or damage part of the finish, MDF panels are easy to dismantle and replace. For work, you will need a locksmith square, a plumb line, a level, a tape measure, a drill with nozzles and a jigsaw. The cost of m 2 MDF panels is about 200 rubles.

The porous structure of the material causes its low density, which makes the use of conventional fasteners for finishing work useless. For the same reason, it is practically impossible to use conventional plasters. Such features that the foam block finish has from the inside require special technologies, which significantly increases the cost of finishing.

The interior decoration of a house made of foam blocks is not just decorative design the interior of the room, but by an urgent need, taking into account the specifics of this building material. The use of foam concrete elements in the masonry of the walls of structures for various purposes has quite reasonably gained wide popularity, which is facilitated by their numerous advantages. However, walls made of foam blocks need mandatory two-sided protection, which must be taken into account during construction. In general, interior decoration has its own specifics, but in many respects it is similar to working with other materials. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Features of finishing foam concrete blocks in rooms

The wide distribution of the construction of houses from foam blocks is due to their advantages over other building materials:

  • significant block sizes, which facilitates and speeds up laying;
  • small specific gravity, which makes it possible to increase the dimensions of such elements;
  • sufficiently high mechanical strength;
  • high thermal insulation and noise protection properties;
  • resistance to temperatures in a wide range;
  • incombustibility;
  • harmlessness to the human body;
  • ease of processing with hand tools.

Foam block houses have such an important advantage as the ability of the walls to "breathe", that is, air can penetrate through the foamed concrete.

Why is the interior decoration of walls made of foam blocks so necessary? The point is that most positive qualities caused by the presence of a porous structure. With the accumulation of moisture in internal inclusions, the material loses its thermal insulation properties. There is a risk of the beginning of the cracking process. At the same time, foam concrete is quite hygroscopic, and moisture easily penetrates into the material. In addition, one should take into account such a circumstance as the appearance of condensate. Steam easily passes through the foam blocks, and when it meets the colder outer surface of the wall, it condenses. The resulting moisture gradually accumulates inside the material, destroying it. Thus, the walls of foam blocks require waterproofing both from the outside of the house and inside the premises.

Required Tools

When carrying out interior decoration of walls from foam blocks, the following tool should be prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint brush;
  • paint roller;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • construction mixer for mortar preparation;
  • hammer;
  • mallet;
  • scissors;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • metal ruler.

Finishing principles

Do-it-yourself wall decoration from foam blocks has its own specifics. First of all, it should be taken into account that the smooth surface of the elements and the composition of foam concrete do not allow the use of conventional cement-sand mortars, which do not have reliable adhesion to the material in question. To ensure good adhesion, special primers designed specifically for this purpose are applied. Such products are able to penetrate deep into foam concrete by 3-4 mm, which improves adhesion and reduces hygroscopicity.

The quality of finishing work largely depends on the correct implementation of the laying of blocks during the construction of walls. If a special glue was used during the construction of the walls, then the block joints have a width of no more than 2-3 mm, which provides a fairly smooth wall surface, which facilitates the application of a protective coating. In addition, when laying, the walls must be reinforced with reinforcing belts every 4-5 rows of foam blocks, which is necessary for the strength of the structure and the elimination of shrinkage phenomena. If the reinforcement is not made, then during operation, the shrinkage of the blocks will lead to cracking of the outer and inner protective layers.

When carrying out measures to protect the walls, the interior decoration of the foam blocks is first carried out, and only then work is carried out from the outside. All finishing work must be carried out in warm, dry weather during the summer months. This is important so that the wall can dry well after the interior finish, that is, before it is completely insulated with external waterproofing. In winter, the moisture in the pores can freeze, which means it can be preserved inside the material.

What is the interior of foam blocks? It is possible to properly finish the walls of foam blocks only by providing reliable protection from moisture penetration. To do this, before starting to decorate the room by finishing, it is necessary to carry out some mandatory work to level the surface, ensure adhesion and protect the foamed concrete.

Protective and leveling coatings are provided in several layers. First, the surface is primed with a special compound designed specifically for foam concrete. A mandatory element of interior decoration is the imposition of a vapor barrier to prevent condensation. It should be borne in mind that steam occurs in any living space and not only in the bathroom or in the kitchen. With his breath, a person ensures its presence in the room. Of the modern vapor barriers, it is especially necessary to note penofol, which is a rolled material made of polyethylene foam, which is covered with aluminum foil on both sides.

Further finishing design depends on the chosen option. The most common methods are the following:

  • installation of drywall or chipboard, followed by decorative cladding;
  • wall plastering for painting or whitewashing;
  • wallpaper;
  • lining with clapboard or other wood finishing materials.

Leveling walls with plaster

Any version of wall cladding indoors first of all needs to provide a flat surface, which is especially important in block construction. Surface leveling is carried out by plastering. Such work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Surface preparation. This preliminary procedure includes a thorough cleaning of the wall from dirt, grout, grease and oil stains. If there are large defects, they must be repaired.
  2. Primer. Special composition applied with a paint brush or roller in a thin layer over the entire surface of the wall. It is important that it penetrates into the foam blocks to a depth of about 3-5 mm. Wide seams between blocks are treated with adhesive.
  3. Mesh installation. After the primer has completely solidified, the entire wall surface of the foam blocks is covered with a mounting grid. The most commonly used mesh is fiberglass. This element strengthens the finishing coat and, most importantly, ensures the adhesion of the plaster.
  4. Plastering. The task of this operation is to perfectly level the surface. For plaster, it is recommended to use ready-made dry mixes for internal works based on gypsum or cement. Often, craftsmen use a sand-cement mortar of their own preparation. In this case, they usually adhere to a 3:1 ratio. The technology of plastering depends on the subsequent cladding. So, when preparing a wall for tiling, one layer of plaster is considered sufficient. If painting or wallpapering is planned, then a two-layer plaster with an outer, finishing layer that provides a perfect surface is recommended. In this case, the first layer (main) has a thickness of 2-3 cm, and the leveling, top layer is 10-12 mm.

Surface painting

After careful alignment of the foam block wall, the room can be decorated by painting it. This operation is performed on plaster, and therefore differs little from similar finishing works with other building materials used. True, one nuance should be noted: acrylic-type paints are undesirable for foamed concrete, since they exclude the presence of a "breathing" effect. When painting foam concrete, the use of silicate or silicone-based paints is considered optimal.

Recently, the loft style has been in vogue in interior design. In that original interior need visibility masonry walls. In order to achieve this effect, preparatory work are limited only to the primer, and it is applied without hiding the masonry structure. The accuracy of the design is ensured by preliminary grinding of the foam blocks. To enhance the security of the wall, it must be coated with an impregnating composition with hydrophobic properties.

Drywall finishing

Finishing interior spaces drywall is one of the most common options. With this finish, you can use any heat-insulating and vapor barrier materials, as well as additional waterproofing. The technology is based on wall cladding with drywall sheets on a crate of wooden beams or metal profile. As a rule, the frame is made by fixing vertical elements in increments of 45-55 cm. If necessary, they are reinforced with horizontal jumpers.

Drywall installation works are carried out in the following order:

  1. The preparatory stage, including a primer and a single-layer plaster.
  2. Installation of vertical elements of the crate. For this, a U-shaped aluminum profile or wooden beam size 20x40 or 40x40 mm. Fastening is provided with self-tapping screws.
  3. The imposition of hydro, heat and vapor barrier. First, waterproofing made of polyethylene thick film or roofing felt is attached between the racks of the crate. Then, if necessary, a layer of thermal insulation is applied from mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or other materials. At the end, the protective layers are covered with a vapor barrier, and the foil layer must remain outside. The fastening of protective materials is provided with dowels, self-tapping screws or with the help of an adhesive composition. It should be borne in mind that the gap between these layers and the elements of the crate is unacceptable.
  4. Sheets of drywall are fixed to the crate with screws or self-tapping screws for metal. Holes are pre-drilled at the attachment points to prevent damage to the material. Self-tapping screws must be recessed. When fixing the sheets, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap between the vapor barrier and drywall.
  5. The final decoration of the walls on drywall is carried out according to standard technology.

Foam blocks are widely used in the construction of houses, due to their numerous positive properties. However, this material requires reliable protection against moisture, which is provided by wall decoration both outside and inside the room. With proper work, the foam blocks will serve for many years without requiring major repairs.

The foam block is convenient in construction as it has a low weight, but at the same time sufficient dimensions for the rapid construction of residential buildings. The material has a porous structure, therefore it is fast, absorbs moisture from the environment. This means that it is necessary to clad the walls of the foam block.

This is a porous material. This structure is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Let's figure out why. Let's start with the positives:

  • The air in the body of the foam block helps to remove vapors from the interior. This allows you to make a comfortable microclimate in the rooms.
  • Low thermal conductivity - retains heat. If the house is built in warm regions, then often it is not necessary to additionally insulate it. Walls made of foam blocks will save heat for a comfortable stay indoors.
  • The light weight of the overall structure does not require a powerful foundation, which means that the cost of its construction will be less. But here you need to be careful. The type of cladding is determined in advance to add strength to the foundation if necessary.

Now let's get down to the negative points that the same porosity provokes. There are not so many of them, but you still need to be prepared for this. The material absorbs quickly and a lot of moisture from the environment. In the summer, this condition will not bring much harm, but in late autumn or winter the situation is much more complicated.

Moisture penetrates into the pores and freezes when the ambient temperature drops to negative values. Then ice forms, which destroys the foam block from the inside. Thus, structural strength is lost.

In addition, the material does not have special strength properties. It is easily damaged on impact. 'Cause walls built from such building material require protection. Having become acquainted with the features of foam blocks, the question arises of what kind of lining should be in order to reliably protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

The finish must have the following characteristics:

  1. The steam transmission capacity is at the same level as that of the foam block, and preferably higher.
  2. Moisture repellent properties.
  3. High strength.
  4. Surge resistance temperature conditions especially for values ​​below zero.
  5. Long service life.

Of course, in order to reliably protect the foam block from moisture, it is not enough just to choose right stuff for finishing and quality installation. You also need to do the following:

  • Get the roof right.
  • Arrange a rain and melt water drainage system.
  • Set ebbs over window openings and plinth.
  • Make a blind area around the house.

Materials for exterior decoration, what is the best way to sheathe walls from the outside?

Since the construction market offers a huge selection of claddings, then choose suitable option for covering the foam block from the outside is not difficult. There are several popular ways to finish such a facade. Each of them has its pros and cons, therefore, before dwelling on a specific option, you should familiarize yourself with all available options.

Ventilated facades

For a house made of foam blocks, this method is suitable. When arranging a ventilated facade, a gap remains between the wall and the cladding, in which air circulates calmly, and at the same time removes excess moisture. The main thing is to build the frame correctly and leave the necessary space for ventilation.

In this case, it is also possible. The heat-insulating material is chosen one that is able to pass a sufficient amount of steam from the interior. As decorative cladding use:

  1. corrugated board;
  2. siding;
  3. fiber cement boards.

Cassette hinged facade

This metal structure, which is made of aluminum or thin galvanized steel. Buying such a design, a person receives everything necessary for installation, except for profiles for arranging the frame.

In addition, the set includes detailed instructions by installation. Before starting the process, be sure to carefully read and note the most important points, without which the installation will not be of high quality.

This finish is most commonly found on commercial high-rise buildings or industrial buildings. In private construction, metal cassettes are used, but they are extremely rarely chosen for cladding houses. The main reason is the high cost of finishing material.

The use of corrugated board for finishing the facades of buildings

To create this material, galvanized steel is used. The sheet has a special shape that gives it strength. The rectangular corrugated board is covered with waves. The wave height may start from 8 mm. This value indicates the strength of the material.

Previously, profiled sheet was used only for roofing, since it did not have special decorative properties. Now they produce a material with a coating that imitates and brickwork, And a natural stone and even a tree. Therefore, corrugated board is increasingly found on the facades of various buildings.

Consider its advantages:

  • Creates an obstacle to the penetration of moisture to the foam block or insulation.
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • The installation process is simple and even a beginner can do it.
  • The polymeric decorative covering reliably protects metal from corrosion.
  • Fire safety.
  • Simple care.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the material has disadvantages:

  1. If you need to cut the material, then you should not use the grinder. Sparks that fly during the sizing process damage the polymer coating, leaving islands that are easily corroded.
  2. High noise level in rainy weather. Drops, falling on the metal from a great height, create sounds that interfere with the inhabitants of the house.

Using vinyl siding for house cladding

Plastic trim is categorized budget options. Manufacturers create options with different structures that imitate wood species, and coloring components make it possible to make lining of different shades.

The undeniable advantages of such material are:

  • Light weight.
  • Simple and fast installation.
  • Moisture repellent properties.
  • Biological inertness - mold, fungi and bacteria do not settle on vinyl siding.
  • Good tolerance to changes in ambient temperature.
  • Unpretentious care.

There are also some downsides:

  1. Linear changes in panel dimensions during heating and cooling. If this is not taken into account during the installation process, the siding will deteriorate irrevocably at the first temperature jump.
  2. Some unscrupulous manufacturers use bad dyes that quickly break down under the influence of ultraviolet light. And this means that the finishes lose their attractiveness and it is necessary to sheathe the house again.
  3. Low level fire safety. Although vinyl does not support combustion, high temperatures melt with the release of acrid smoke. If there is somewhere nearby open source fire, the lining will be damaged.

Fiber cement boards

This modern material made of high-quality concrete with the addition of cellulose. Thanks to this additive, the lining becomes a little lighter, and at the same time stronger. By appearance fiber cement boards resemble brick or tile masonry.

The material has the following characteristics:

  • Light weight.
  • Fire safety.
  • Long service life.
  • Resistant to UV radiation and low temperatures.
  • Affordable cost.

As for the disadvantages, that is, they are in fiber cement boards:

  1. Complex installation that requires professional skills or the involvement of additional labor.
  2. The material absorbs moisture from the environment. To eliminate this drawback, after installation, the skin is coated with a hydrophobic composition.

The use of facing bricks

In order to protect the foam block structure from external influences, brickwork is also used. This type of cladding is included in the project. From facing material erect an additional wall at a distance of 5 cm from the main one. To sheathe a house with bricks, it is necessary that the foundation be designed for such a finish.

In order for the structure to be strong and reliable, the main and facing walls are dressed. Suitable for this:

  • Metal rods.
  • Tape corrosion-proof for a bandage.
  • Basalt plastic for flexible connections.
  • Nails for cellular materials.

In the bottom row and under the cornice, empty vertical seams are left in the masonry, which will serve as ventilation holes. Such products will allow vapors from the interior to leave the ventilation space without restrictions.

Consider the advantages of brickwork:

  1. Reliably protects the foam block from the effects of precipitation, which means it increases the life of the main structure.
  2. Resists negative temperatures.
  3. Fire safety.
  4. High levels of strength.
  5. Insulation can be placed between the wall and the cladding.
  6. Does not require maintenance during operation.
  7. Serves for a long time.

There are several disadvantages:

  • Difficulty of installation. Constantly monitor whether the wall is level with the help of a building level.
  • You need to be able to work with the solution.
  • Whitish spots sometimes appear on poor-quality bricks - efflorescence.
  • The high cost of facing material.

Facade tiles

You can decorate the walls of the foam block with tiles for the facade. One of the following types will do:

  1. clinker;
  2. porcelain stoneware;
  3. ceramic frost-resistant.

All types facade tiles have the following positive aspects:

  • They are not wetted by water, which means that they are able to reliably protect the foam block from moisture.
  • Resistant to any temperature fluctuations.
  • Has mechanical strength.
  • Light weight, which allows installation on walls with low strength.

There are also negative points:

  1. A flat surface is required for installation, therefore, first the wall is leveled with rough plastering.
  2. The tile does not allow steam to pass through, which leads to the accumulation of condensate inside the premises.
  3. There are high cost options.

Stone wall decoration

Stone decoration looks expensive and attractive in any century, and today it has not lost its relevance. The material is durable and reliable, it will well protect the foam block from moisture, low temperatures, mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation and other negative influences.

But a few shortcomings, very significant, scare away most private developers:

  • Large weight - requires a large and solid foundation.
  • High price. It is not only the material, but also the performance of the work.
  • The complexity of laying - especially if a wild stone with raw edges is chosen. Installation requires skills, so it will be very difficult to cope on your own.

Wall plastering followed by painting

If option c is selected, then only those mixtures that form a breathable layer are selected. At the same time, such a finish should protect the foam block from atmospheric moisture. Modern plaster mixes have the necessary properties, so they can be safely used for porous materials.

The main advantages of this finish are:

  1. Repels moisture.
  2. Has the necessary strength.
  3. Lets steam out of the interior.
  4. Affordable cost.
  5. Decorative plaster allows you to make an original facade.

Of the shortcomings note:

  • For self-application, you must have minimal skills in this area.
  • A difficult and lengthy process.
  • Short service life up to 10 years.
  • If you do not adhere to the technology, the applied layer may fall off before it dries.

If you buy an unpainted mixture, be sure to take care of facade paint. It is selected for the composition of the plaster. This is a very important point, because the paint can go badly and at the same time the facade will not look attractive. Usually paint material applied in 2, and sometimes 3 layers, therefore they are bought with a margin.

Materials for interior decoration

When choosing options for interior wall decoration, they are guided by vapor permeability and moisture repellency properties. From the side of the premises, the foam block is also subject to negative influences. For interior cladding choose:

  1. Plaster - will help level the surface, let the steam out, keep the foam block dry, even if the wall is watered with a hose. For strength, a reinforcing mesh is used. In the future, the plaster will be decorated with wallpaper or paint.
  2. Wooden lining. As you know, the tree perfectly passes steam and at the same time can protect outer wall. The main disadvantage is the need for regular renewal of the protective layer of varnish or paint. The lining is installed on the frame, which allows you to make an additional ventilated gap to remove vapors.
  3. Drywall also a good option for leveling internal walls, especially if complex structures are planned. I mount the sticker or frame material, depending on what front of work is planned to be done next. After installation, drywall is puttied and painted or decorated with wallpaper.

The foam block is an excellent material for the rapid construction of residential buildings, but at the same time it requires a protective coating. If this is not done, then in a decade the walls will begin to collapse, and reinforcing them is much more difficult and expensive than taking care of high-quality cladding at the beginning.
