The most sophisticated and expensive renovation will look unfinished if old doors remain between the rooms or new ones are chosen tastelessly and do not match the interior. High quality, responsive modern requirements an interior wooden door will give the missing touch to the design of the home and create the right impression of the house. About the right choice species diversity and features internal doors from a tree this article will tell.

The main advantage of wood is that it is made from natural environmentally friendly material.

Construction and furniture stores today offer the widest selection interior doors from different materials. Quite rightly, for centuries the leading positions have been occupied by wooden structures. It was the tree that served as the basis for the construction of doors in houses, castles and palaces many centuries ago. And now this material does not lose its relevance.

Wood is of high quality and easy processing. If desired, a wooden product can be given an aged look, it is easy to paint, paint or cover with any material. There is a centuries-old tradition in the production of wooden doors.

Italy is considered the leader in terms of quality indicators and the number of door sales, but such models are not available to everyone. An alternative to Italian doors are products made in Spain, Finland, as well as designs of Belarusian and domestic production.

Interior doors as a functional part of the room are designed to perform several functions, in particular:

  • protective;
  • soundproof;
  • decorative.

Wooden interior doors, which are strong enough, reliable, environmentally friendly, have an attractive design, completely cope with all these tasks. appearance and create a unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort. In addition, wooden doors have a high degree of insulating properties. They retain heat, do not let noise through and are resistant to temperature extremes. Therefore, for centuries, wooden doors have been very popular in home improvement. In addition, they are perfectly combined with other materials in furnishing and decoration, in particular with clapboard, parquet and laminate.

Helpful advice! Giving preference to wooden interior doors, it is recommended to select furniture from the appropriate material. Then the room will look harmonious and cozy.

Interior wooden door: advantages and disadvantages

Among the many various materials, perhaps, interroom wooden doors enjoy the greatest popularity. Natural wood is not as durable as metal, but at the same time much more attractive; not as elegant as glass, but more wear-resistant. This material is averaged over the list of positive characteristics, and therefore occupies one of the leading places among other types of raw materials.

Wood as a material has the following advantages:

  1. Durability and long service life. Doors made of wood will last much longer than those made of chipboard or glass, while the durability of the product depends on the hardness and type of wood. Oak, beech, hornbeam, white acacia, yew are considered the hardest, and pine, poplar, aspen, cherry, linden are considered the softest.
  2. Wear resistance and impact resistance. These qualities are endowed with all of the listed hardwoods, as well as juniper, birch and apple. At the same time, soft pine is able to withstand shock and mechanical stress.
  3. Wood products do not require special care during operation, it is enough to wipe them regularly. In case of damage, a wooden door can be easily restored.
  4. Solid and respectable appearance. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, wooden doors are not inferior to any material.

Along with the advantages, wood is characterized by some disadvantages, in particular, strength predetermines the severity of the material. Certain breeds are vulnerable to moisture, which excludes the possibility of their installation in the bathroom. But the main disadvantage is the high price of interior wooden doors.

Solid wood interior doors: the advantages of different types of wood

The quality of the doors and the maximum compliance with all the advantages depend on the material from which they are made. The range of wood (as well as the color range) is very wide, which largely determines the price. natural wood. Interior wooden doors are made from both solid and glued solid wood or derived materials, which significantly affects the cost. For different conditions and specific premises, you need to choose certain types of wood. To create doors, both deciduous and coniferous, and even exotic woods are used.

Helpful advice! The quality of the product is significantly influenced by the preparation and method of processing the material.

The following types of trees are most often used for the manufacture of door structures:

  1. Oak is the most expensive material. Oak doors are very durable, wear-resistant and serve for several decades. The material has a different color - from bleached to dark brown.
  2. Beech is practically not inferior in quality to oak, but has a lower cost. Additional benefit - beautiful colour with a pinkish sheen and a uniform texture that will fit into any design. The main flaw is poor moisture resistance.
  3. Ash is a non-capricious material, characterized by durability and affordable price. The strength is not inferior to oak, resistant to high temperatures and humidity.
  4. Pine is the most practical and affordable breed, therefore it is widely used in the production of doors, but at the same time it has lower strength characteristics.
  5. Exotic species include dark green ebony, chocolate rosewood, pink and light brown African birch anegri. It is for the beauty and originality of the color that pleases the eye that some owners prefer these breeds and do not skimp on their purchase.

Interior wooden doors made of pine: a combination of price and quality

The most popular tree species are listed above. There are also exclusive varieties. For example, luxury lovers can afford mahogany interior doors. The breed is distinguished not only by the bewitching color of the wood, but also by a high degree of hardness, which makes it especially valuable. Not to mention other varieties such as cedar, walnut, maple, alder and cherry. These breeds are perfectly polished, tinted and have a delicate pattern.

A reasonable combination of price and quality is the main condition right choice wood. In this regard, interior wooden doors made of solid pine deserve special attention. The main difference is the low cost. Despite the softness of the material, pine products have high performance characteristics. In addition, they have other advantages:

  • relatively light;
  • pine is easily processed;
  • pine doors are easy to restore.

It is unpainted interior wooden doors made of pine that are distinguished by a light natural tone that captivates buyers. Varnishes and paints allow you to get a different shade.

The main disadvantage of wooden unpainted solid pine doors is excessive softness. In addition, due to the broken processing technology, resin can be released from the wood. Therefore, before sending pine for production, it is important to dry it thoroughly.

Helpful advice! In the installation of interior doors, one must adhere to one important rule. All rooms should have doors identical in material, texture and color. This applies not only to residential utility rooms. The choice in favor of natural wood can cause significant costs.

Solid oak interior doors: reliability and durability

Doors made of precious wood, such as oak, beech or mahogany, are installed in respectable houses and apartments, which emphasizes the special status of the owners. Such products are characterized by the following features: a high degree of strength, wear resistance and external attractiveness.

Oak doors do not lose their shape for a long time, they almost never crack. The minimum service life is 30 years. Its duration is significantly affected by care and proper operation. Unpainted oak doors have one important characteristic: during use they change their color - from light beige to dark brown. Therefore, before painting solid oak wooden interior doors, this feature should be taken into account. If a decision is made in favor of coloring, then preference should be given to special expensive varnishes and paints.

There is such a type of processing as staining by soaking wood for a long period. Products made of bog oak are highly valued, they have increased strength, flexibility and impact resistance, they are distinguished by a dark color.

The main and indisputable disadvantage of oak products is their high cost. The price of a wooden interior door with an oak frame is twice as high as a similar option made of pine or alder.

Types of interior doors according to the method of manufacture and design

In addition to solid wood, other materials are also used in the manufacture of door panels. In particular, structures can be panel and panel. The first type is presented in the form of a frame, which is sheathed with timber bars. The middle is filled with a monolith or honeycomb material, which guarantees increased sound insulation. Such doors are deaf or glazed.

Related article:

Entrance wooden door. The difference in designs and ways of functioning. Self-manufacturing and installation tips.

The manufacturing process of interior paneled wooden doors is much more complicated and labor-intensive. The main frame, called the strapping, consists of bars, mullions are installed in the middle (also made of bars). The space between the strapping and the mullions is filled with special inserts made of paneled panels, glass or a combined type.

Common manufacturing method and more budget option doors made of glued solid wood are considered. The door leaf is made from cut wood bars. The glued construction differs from the solid array in less stress, therefore it is less susceptible to deformation and is more resistant to moisture. The high aesthetic and stylistic characteristics of these structures are evidenced by photos of doors made of glued solid wood.

Design features of wooden interior doors: photo examples of different types

Interior wooden doors have different design. It is chosen depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The main differences are the method of opening and arrangement of the doorway. Thus, they can be hinged, folding and sliding.

Helpful advice! The level of wood moisture is an important indicator in the door industry. In accordance with GOST in the finished product, its level should not exceed 12%. The excess of this criterion indicates non-compliance with the production technology, which can lead to an early deformation of the door leaf.

In its turn, swing structures are divided into single and double wooden interior doors. They are distinguished by the number of valves. For the installation of such structures, you need at least square meter space for doors to open freely. Installation of wooden doors for interior hinged type is a process that does not require special skills and knowledge.

If the space in the room is limited, then it is better to stop the choice on a folding or sliding design. A sliding wooden interior door, when opened, goes into a special cavity in the wall. The most common model is sliding doors.

Folding doors significantly change the interior of the room, creating a feeling of additional space, so their installation is perfect option for small apartments. A subspecies of a folding canvas is an interior wooden accordion door, which assumes the silent movement of door elements in the opening. Such a design is carried out without unnecessary heaps. The disadvantage of doors of this type is poor sound insulation. Installing such products in the kitchen will not protect against the penetration of various odors outside of it.

Wooden shutter doors: a new trend in interior design

The fashionable trend in interior design has recently become the installation of louvered doors. If initially they were used as decor items, now they are increasingly used as partitions between rooms - in the form of interior doors. The popularity of the design is due to a number of advantages:

  • originality of design;
  • aesthetics and versatility, providing the ability to install the structure in different interiors;

  • environmental friendliness due to the manufacture of wood products, which has a positive effect on human health;
  • freedom in choosing the shape, type and size of louvered doors;
  • practicality, which lies in a wide scope of application both in the traditional form and in the form of an accordion door;
  • the benefits carried out due to the free circulation of air, contributing to the ventilation of the room;
  • affordable cost and ease of installation;
  • choosing the method of manufacturing a louvered door - to order or independently.

The ability to make shutter doors with your own hands is considered one of the main advantages. However, for this you need not only to have elementary carpentry skills, but also be patient, since the process is not so much complicated as monotonous and scrupulous. If the temperament is not distinguished by perseverance, then it is better to make louvered wooden doors to order.

Helpful advice! At self-painting or the manufacture of custom-made shutter doors, their compliance with the style of the room should be taken into account. For example, for classic interior doors with a golden brown coating are suitable, and for country, Provence or Mediterranean style the best choice there will be white louvered doors.

Features of the choice and installation of interior doors in a wooden house

In a wooden house, as in any dwelling, its zoning is an important factor. Interroom doors will help to satisfy this requirement. At the same time, it should be taken into account that design features log cabins involve a number of difficulties in the process of installing interior doors in a wooden house.

To avoid difficulties, you need to competently approach the process of choosing doors. It's not worth saving here. Their quality, beauty and durability depend on how much wooden interior doors cost.

The criteria for the right choice are:

  • wood of high quality varieties, better than valuable wood species;
  • use of special paintwork materials and processing technologies;
  • compliance of the box with the canvas;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • quality fittings.

The optimal choice of material for interior doors in wooden house- This is an array of oak or other strong species with a good texture.

The assembly of doors involves several stages. First, the box is mounted, then hidden hinges are fixed on the canvas and holes are made for handles and latches. Next is the installation of the lock and the installation of platbands. These works are recommended to be entrusted to professionals. Given the design and non-standard features of log cabins, it is better to make wooden interior doors to order.

Restoration and repair of interior wooden doors

The advantages of wooden doors include their durability, the possibility of repair and restoration. The type and complexity of the work depends on the nature of the damage. Sometimes a simple small scratch spoils the appearance of the entire product.

You can remove microdefects in the form of scuffs and small scratches with the help of special markers and retouching pencils. Scuff marks can be eliminated with spirit and texture pencils, allowing you to preserve the grain of the wood without damaging the base.

Restoration of interior wooden doors also includes the removal of deep scratches and even chips. A special wax will help to solve this problem, the application of which almost completely eliminates defects. Wax mixtures are distinguished by the degree of hardness and color. Before applying to the surface, it is desirable to warm up the composition, and then rub it into the surface in thin layers.

In order to remove very deep damage, you will have to purchase a special wood putty. It is applied in several layers, while allowing each previous coating to dry completely. Irregularities are eliminated with sandpaper - an already smooth surface is varnished in the appropriate color.

Interior doors have not only functional purpose as a means of zoning a home, but are also an important element of the overall interior and style design. Therefore, connoisseurs of beauty, quality, reliability and style should opt for wooden structures. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products from different types of wood, with a variety of shapes and designs. The main disadvantage of wooden doors is the high price due to the strength and durability of natural material.

Obviously, for a modern owner of an apartment or a private house, an interior door is not only an interior element that allows you to create a certain isolation of one room from another, it is also a decorative component of the image of the entire dwelling. And the question of choosing this very important and functional piece of furniture ceases to be simple when the consumer is faced with a huge range of modern stores, where doors are presented in a wide price range, design variations, made of various materials with all kinds of color solutions. Well, the possibility of manufacturing doors according to custom order and completely erases the boundaries of the choice of this piece of furniture. So, which door to choose by color? What design to give preference, so as not to violate the overall design style? How to find practical and at the same time inexpensive option? Let's sort it out in order.

The choice of shape, size and type of design of interior doors

To begin with, the choice of doors for your home should be addressed at the initial stage of renovation planning. Even if all the doorways of your premises have standard sizes, you need to make sure of this in advance so that you don’t have to look for a door leaf standard sizes or order individual production (which will entail not only additional costs, but also stretch the repair over time).

Speaking of width doorways for single-leaf doors, their sizes are usually presented in standard 60, 70, 80 and 90 centimeters. But the height of the door panels has recently fluctuated with various manufacturers. Not so long ago, it was difficult to find doors with a height of more than 2 m, but now there are a lot of such options - 2 m and 10 cm, 2 m and 20 cm. Designers recommend using interior doors of non-standard height for visual "raising" ceilings. If your needs are not within the standard sizes, then you need to prepare the doorway in advance for the canvas you like, or look for doors for existing designs.

Of course, in the modern market of interior doors there are enough companies that will manufacture the product according to your size and individual design. Such a canvas will not only fit perfectly into the existing picture of the interior, but can also become its highlight, thanks to its exclusive execution. But for individual approach will need to pay. Nevertheless, most buyers prefer to purchase interior doors from the assortment of the store.

From the point of view of dividing doors by type of construction, the most popular for our compatriots are single-leaf and double-leaf swing doors. The usual design and mode of operation take up the trendy offers - turning or semi-turning door leafs.

Agree that the swing door in the open state takes up a lot of useful space in the room, and the opening itself requires a certain amount of space. In small spaces, designers suggest using variations of sliding doors. The first way to create such a design is to place the door leaf between two rails that are attached to the ceiling and floor. As a result, we get sliding canvas operating on the principle of compartment doors. Recently, this method of creating room isolation has been simplified to a single hanging rail or tripod that is attached to the walls above the doorway. Thus, it is possible to save space in small rooms, but it is important to understand that furniture or other interior items cannot be installed close to the wall at the place where the door leaf moves.

Not less popular lately sliding doors. The main task of such a design, in addition to its main function of isolating rooms, is to save space. The door slides into a specially designed drywall box or directly into the walls. As a result, the canvas does not interfere with anyone and does not take up space in a small room.

Two and three-leaf doors, which fold like an accordion, can become the best option for rooms in which there is no possibility of installing sliding structures, but there is a need to save space.

Another design of interior doors, which cannot be ignored, is the shelving door. Differing not so much in the type of opening, but in their very appearance, such doors can be found at the entrance to the living room, which also performs the functions of a library or an office. A door with open shelves is most often used to store books and therefore has a fairly large weight, which complicates not only the entire structure, but also requires certain properties from fittings.

Execution material - choice with financial reference

The choice of material for the execution of interior doors directly depends on your financial capabilities. Of course, the style of interior design, the specifics of their functionality (kitchen, bathroom or toilet) are also criteria for choosing the material for the manufacture of doors, but do not play a decisive role.

Currently, the following types of materials for the manufacture of interior door panels can be distinguished:

  • fiberboard doors - the most popular option, affordable and with a wide range of choices. The advantage of such doors is their low weight and ease of use. But if we talk about the durability of use, then such models are in last place;
  • MDF canvases are more expensive than fiberboard products, but this is due to their high strength and reliability. Such interior doors can be used in rooms with humidity above average. Cloths create excellent sound insulation;
  • solid wood products are an unfading classic of any interior items. Such doors are not cheap, but they can serve for decades (doors made of wood can be inherited by your younger generation with proper operation). Often, manufacturers use wood of light and inexpensive species (for example, pine) as the basis for doors, and sheathe it with veneer from more noble species. Thus, it is possible to reduce both the cost and the weight of the product.

All these options for doors made of various materials can be presented both in a deaf form (panel) and with glass inserts. Speaking of glass as a material for the execution of door panels. In modern design projects, more and more often you can find doors made exclusively of glass, without frames and profiles. Such designs look light and fresh, bring to the interior not only the motives of industrialism, manufacturability, but also the possibility of visual expansion of space. Doors made of tempered, human-safe glass (even if such a canvas breaks, which is not easy to achieve, a person will not be able to injure himself with fragments due to a very strong protective film) practically do not interfere with the penetration of light, which allows you to maintain the illusion of spaciousness even when the rooms are isolated.

Color palette - decide on shades

Choosing the color of door panels is not an easy dilemma. On the one hand, there are no strict rules in this regard, on the other hand, I would like to see a harmonious combination of all interior elements in my own home. We install doors not for a year, but often for decades, which is why it is important to approach the choice of this piece of furniture with all responsibility. The first thing to decide is whether you want the door panels to merge with the overall color scheme of the room or become an accent in your interior?

You can follow the path of elimination. Depending on the area of ​​​​your premises and the degree of illumination, you can exclude dark versions of the door panels, which will visually emphasize the modest scale of the dwelling. Experts recommend bright doors not only for small and poorly lit rooms, but also as a versatile design that can be easily combined with a simple and concise finish, minimalist design and does not attract attention, leaving the opportunity for other interior items to take the lead.

But designers will be able to tell you about a dozen reasons for using dark door panels in the interior. And one of the first will be the feature stylistic design. For many stylists, it is necessary to create contrasting, accent elements that not only attract attention, but also bring clarity to the interior, give rigor and constructiveness.

Many people prefer to choose door leafs in color floor covering. This method of creating a harmonious image of the room works if the flooring in all rooms of the apartment or house is the same, at least in color (in the kitchen and hallway it can be tiles, in other rooms, laminate, parquet or linoleum).

Another way to create a combinatorics that is pleasing to the eye is to combine the color of the door panels with the main furniture - large wardrobes or entire suites. This method is not always a good solution, at least in the long run. After all, you can replace the facades of cabinets or other furniture ensembles much earlier than you decide to change interior doors.

The design technique, in which the doors in the room look exactly the same as the facades of the cabinets or the dressing area, allows you to achieve a harmonious image of the room. The doors of the room and the closet may differ in size, but the stylistic design and color choice must match.

If light walls and no less neutral door panels are not your style, if you need a bright, colorful accent in the interior, then the door to the room is quite capable of coping with this task. A bright door can be the only accent element or maintain the tone of a key piece of furniture, but in this case it is necessary to hit the tone exactly.

Residential door design - a kaleidoscope of ideas

There are a lot of options for the execution of door panels - much more than it might seem at first glance. By and large, there are no clear rules and taboos when choosing a door design, except for one. If all interior doors lead to one common room - a hall or an entrance hall, a common corridor, then the execution of all door panels should be in the general concept. They can be made from different materials (for example, a bathroom door should be highly resistant to moisture), but at the same time look the same style. The same applies to sizes - doorways can be of different widths (usually the door to the bathroom and kitchen is narrower than the openings leading to other rooms), but they must have the same height so as not to disturb the harmony of the common room.

There are many universal options execution of doorways that can organically fit into any style of interior design (except for very unusual, avant-garde ones). Light doors without decor can look harmonious in almost any interior, diverse color palette. But dark doors make any design stricter, more constructive. dark doors they will give respectability, but they will also “indicate” the size of the room - if your rooms are modest in size and the ceilings are low, then there is no point in emphasizing this fact. The natural pattern of wood with reddish hues harmoniously fits into many options for the stylistic design of rooms. It is easy to combine it with furniture from the same color group, differing in shades and diluted with light surfaces.

Any decorative inserts help not only diversify the design of the door leaf, but also stylistically connect it with other interior elements. Inserts made of transparent or frosted glass visually make the design lighter and more interesting. In doing so, you get a certain amount of light coming through the glass decor. If you want to preserve the privacy of the room, then choose frosted or corrugated glass, it is also possible to use glass decor with photo printing (if the print does not contradict the overall style of the interior).

It happens that the door leaf itself is an art object, a work of applied art. In this case, the rest of the interior is built around this element of the interior, subordinating the decoration, furniture and decor. As a rule, such doors are made to order, most often made by hand.

Interior doors - current ideas for modern interior

An interior door can become a decorative element that emphasizes the style of the room. The function of a door is no longer limited to separating one room from another. Fashionable interior doors emphasize the style of the room, and even a modest door design can look very elegant, complementing the overall style of the room.

Wooden door as part of the living room accent wall in a modern style

Interior doors are made of various materials, but it is wood that is relevant at all times, radiating warmth and giving a feeling of comfort. Especially for you, we have compiled a collection of photos of beautiful wooden interior doors.

Elegant sliding doors separate the dining room from the living room

The wood not only gives the room a sense of closeness to nature, but also has a pleasant texture that makes it especially attractive, as in the photo above. Wood is often combined with glass; in addition, there are models of sliding interior doors that not only save space, but also look stylish.

White door with a geometric pattern for a room in Provence style

Classic bathroom door design

White interior doors can be a very practical solution. They go well with any decor and can serve as a backdrop for other decorative elements or colors. By the way, here's a great idea: a simple white door looks great in a bright door frame. A quality doors from the array, produced in Belarus, can be found on the website

Stained glass on interior door

Simple design for a minimalist room

White swing doors in a classic interior

The classic design of the white door will perfectly fit into both classic and modern interior. Depending on your personal preference, you can choose door handle in both brass and steel, and the matching color will completely transform the look of an interior door. In addition, there are many possibilities for decorating the door. For example, glass elements transmit light and look welcoming. In our photos you will find many ideas for interior doors of various colors and styles.

Contrasting design for a muted room color scheme

Narrow swing doors to a small closet

Before and after: doors with and without a pattern

Matching kitchen door and flooring

Light wooden door on a black background. Unusual interior solution, isn't it?

Traditional wooden door design

Vintage door in modern interior

The black door in this photo is handmade in Italy and has become the centerpiece of the entire interior in the room. Thoughtful details and excellent execution are the key to the uniqueness of each design element.

White swing doors with glass

How to decorate an interior door

Bright door and pastel walls

White hinged interior doors with round elements

Empire style white doors

Pine door with dark door frame. Stylish contrast, isn't it?

Sliding white doors to dressing room

Light interior door made of cherry, the geometry repeating the floor, and matching the color with the rug

Swing doors to the living room

White glossy door with black hardware

Interior and wardrobe doors of the same style

Beautiful wooden door with glass inserts

Stylish interior doors in a modern living room

Interior door dark color with great texture

Wooden bathroom door with frosted glass

Fashionable wooden door to the kitchen

The doors to the bedroom and the bathroom are the same, but different

Oak interior door with gold

white bathroom door

Contrasting colors in the interior

How to decorate an old door with your own hands

White interior door with frosted glass

Stylish sliding door that stands out beautifully against a dark wall

classic white door

Door white with gold

Simple and elegant wood door with lighter door frame

Interior door in antique style

Light brown door in a white room

Vintage interior with white door

Fashionable wenge sliding door

Large sliding doors to the bedroom

Do-it-yourself white-gold door

White door with golden handle

Skirting boards on the door and windows, made in the same style

In the interior of the house, everything should be thought out: the interior, the arrangement of furniture, the general style of the rooms, which is organically completed wooden doors interior. It is they who speak in the house about the true taste of the owner and his attitude towards his home.

Even the most expensive repairs will fade if home doors are old. But new doors, bought unsuccessfully, can cross out the whole impression of the house.

Why are we talking about wooden doors? No other material, even the most modern, has such a perfect set of qualities as the familiar, warm and cozy wood.

Our dear tree

This natural material can "breathe". It creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. Treated with special impregnations, modern wood has gained the ability to resist fire and moisture. It has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. Wooden doors are durable, easy to handle and install. To buy wooden interior doors and not make a mistake in choosing, you need to be able to understand them.

Design features

Paneled. They are based on a solid frame, to which thin panels-shields are attached. Glue is not used in the design of these doors, so these models are particularly durable and reliable. But they are also more difficult to manufacture.

Paneled doors belong to the elite, prestigious class. Designers love them - thanks to their technical properties, such models can bring any interior ideas to life.

Shield. Very common and affordable products from a financial position. They are made from three parts: a frame, a special filler (monolithic or honeycomb) and overlays. In the cheapest versions, a raw board is used for the filler.

  • Monolithic filling makes the models heavier (usually it looks like a shield made of wood blocks). From the standpoint of sound insulation and environmental friendliness, this is the best option.
  • Honeycomb makes doors lighter. This is an original construction in the form of cells, filled with MDF or pressed dry cardboard.

Doors of this category can be even and with patterns. The latter look much richer, but the use of glue when attaching decorative overlays does not allow them to be installed in rooms with an aggressive environment (balconies, bathtubs, kitchens). Shield models are not recommended for nurseries either, as doors decorated with beautiful patterns are subject to mechanical damage.

Choosing a material

  • Chipboard, MDF, fiberboard. Wood derivatives are a favorite material for modern manufacturers. Thanks to modern technologies they do not contain phenolic resins, do not emit harmful substances. It is from chipboard that most Spanish-made door models are made, which are considered the best on the market.

  • The array is natural. All-wood doors from the massif rightfully bear the title of elite. Manufacturers approach the production of such models with particular care. The tree should be perfectly dry (sometimes it takes 3-4 years to dry), without the slightest knots. Otherwise, the product will soon be deformed and cease to function normally.

  • Glued array. This material is made from carefully dried wood, which is disassembled into small pieces (lamellae) before drying. All defective places are removed from the lamellas, and then glued into blanks. They are fastened into blocks, from which the door frame is made.

  • Veneer. In the production of such models, the outer door leafs are veneered veneer(it is made of precious wood). The quality of these doors depends on the compatibility of the materials (if a veneer from a certain type of wood is glued to a base of a different wood, the wood will dry out and begin to flake off). If you make wooden doors with your own hands - keep this in mind!

Popular tree varieties

Russian manufacturers, as well as Swedes, Finns and Lithuanians, most often use solid pine in the production of doors.

Pine. Clear varnished pine wood is very pleasing to the eye, thanks to its light texture and darker speck pattern. Pine is the most affordable inexpensive material. But it is very soft, when hit on such a tree, ugly marks may remain.

For greater durability, pine doors are subjected to special impregnation, which allows them to be installed in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen).

Oak, beech, maple, mahogany. These valuable breeds are used in the production of elite models. There are legends about the attractiveness and super strength of such doors. Subject to all regulations in technological process These beauties will serve you for decades.

Italian masters are more favorable to cherry, sweet cherry, alder and walnut . And recently, very curious models from solid bamboo have appeared. bamboo doors have an unusual texture and are not afraid of moisture and increased heat.

Advice! Choose doors made of light-colored wood if the size of the room is not large. Light wood visually increases the volume, creates a feeling of freedom and airiness.

Varieties of wooden interior doors

  • Swing. Traditional doors that can be found in any home. Modern models can have a variety of finishes and shapes. swing doors may consist of one or two canvases. They are distinguished by good heat, noise and cold resistance qualities.

  • Stables. The original variety of swing models. In the old days they were mounted in stables, hence the name. These are two separate halves, each has its own set of hinges and locks. Experts advise installing them in homes where there are small children - the lower part will prevent the baby from leaving the room. Such models are good in kitchens.

  • Sliding. Such designs are more comfortable and cozy. They are especially ideal for narrow rooms where there is so little space. These doors are ideal for the kitchen (they are a great space saver). When opening door structures run parallel to the wall.
