There are few people who want to have an apartment or a house without interior doors. But, almost everyone thought about which doors between rooms are better to install. So that it is both beautiful and functional, and does not take up space.

This is exactly what sliding interior doors are - a slider (diverging, sliding, moving to the side (into a wall, opening, pencil case) in one plane, i.e. doors that ride on rollers, sleds on rails).

Sliding interior doors - pros and cons

From a constructive point of view, there are two types of interior doors:

In this case door leaf hung on awnings. Swing doors are traditional and have proven themselves well. They give the room a rich look, but take up a lot of space, which leads to inconvenience in the implementation of interior solutions.

2. Sliding interior doors.

A modern solution that allows you to more rationally use the space of the room.

Sliding doors are divided into two subspecies:

Embedded in the wall(in a pencil case) and working on the principle of a compartment.

Sliding doors hidden in the wall (sliding into the wall, recessed into the wall) have a mechanism that allows you to move the door parallel to the wall.

The principle of operation of sliding doors built into the wall is as follows: rollers are installed on the door leaf, and guides are installed on the doorway (the door will go into the wall) or above the doorway (the door will go behind the wall).

The rollers move along the guides, freeing the doorway for passage.


They consist of small lamellas (made of wood or plastic), which, when shifted, can significantly save space.

The principle of the device is interesting, but cheap options are not practical. Instructions for assembly and installation of accordion doors are attached by the manufacturer.

The material was prepared for the site

Sliding door advantages:

  • unusual, non-standard solution;
  • the absence of blind areas and problems with the arrangement of furniture;
  • safety. The owner of sliding doors is not in danger of knocking on the corner of the door in an unlit room (but, you need to be careful, children can stick their fingers between the wall and the door);
  • such a door will not open with a draft.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • high installation cost. But, doing the work with your own hands, the costs are minimized and no higher than when installing swing doors;
  • bad insulation. The absence of an obstacle to the penetration of noise, light, odors can be eliminated by installing a felt gasket on the end of the door;
  • the complexity of caring for the pencil case, i.e. the place where the sliding door goes with a hidden structure. This problem is solved in two ways. With the help of a vacuum cleaner with the nozzle removed, debris is removed from the pencil case. The second option, more radical, involves removing drywall from one side of the wall. It should be noted that in a residential building, the vacuum cleaner does an excellent job;
  • the complexity of the repair. When installing the sliding door yourself, you can buy a few spare rollers to replace them if necessary.

Sliding door mechanism - sliding systems

As you can see, the main difference between sliding doors and swing doors is the mechanism of their functioning, which determines the options for door movement.

Thus, a sliding mechanism for interior doors can be:

1. Intrawall (hidden mechanism). As the name implies, such a mechanism involves the movement of the door inside the wall. The system of such doors should be implemented at the stage of wall construction, because the wall is equipped with free space- a case for a sliding door. Consequently, the wall becomes thicker by the width of the canister. This somewhat reduces the useful area, but the walls are freed up, near which you can install furniture, hang pictures or put flowers.

2. External (open mechanism). This sliding door system can be installed at any time, because does not require rebuilding the wall. In this case, the door moves along the guides along the wall. Therefore, you need to leave free space on one or two sides of the wall (depending on the number of doors and the direction of their movement).

It should be noted that there are a lot of options for door movement with an external mechanism (see diagram). That allows you to choose the best method for a particular room. Sliding doors, consisting of four leaves, deserve special attention. Here, the inner doors open towards the outer ones. What is especially important when you need to close a wide doorway or niche.

Guides for sliding doors

The last thing worth stopping at before starting the installation of sliding doors is the guide rails (profiles) along which the door moves during operation. They can be placed on top or bottom, or on both sides.

  • top guides. The most popular way. They should be used with a small weight of the door leaf. Guides located at the top function longer and are less at risk of breakage;
  • bottom guides. They are rarely used on their own, as they are easily deformed by simply stepping on them. In addition, the runners will need constant cleaning. And a door devoid of an upper support will not slide smoothly;
  • combined. Used when doors are heavy or for smoother opening.

In this article, we will consider how to install sliding interior doors with an external sliding mechanism.

1. Material

Knowing everything related to the types and mechanisms of the functioning of the door, you can proceed to the purchase of material and the preparation of the tool.

We will need:

  1. the door itself (canvas, box, platbands);
  2. fittings (guide profiles (runners), rollers, handles, locks);
  3. timber 50x30 for fastening the guide.
  4. hardware for fastening;
  5. level;
  6. roulette;
  7. hacksaw with fine teeth;
  8. drill;
  9. chisel.

Advice. With a door weight of more than 27 kg. you need to use 4 rollers, for a lighter one, two are enough.

So that handles and locks do not deform the wall and do not spoil the wallpaper when moving apart, it is worth installing hidden options, i.e. the ones that hit the door.

2. Preparation

At this stage, it turns out exactly where the door will be installed, and in which direction it will open. If two are placed side by side sliding doors, then you need to consider the convenience of opening them.

Advice. Sliding doors can be hung on common long upper skids or hidden in one pencil case. In this case, the width of the pencil case should be sufficient.

Dismantled if necessary old door, and the doorway is brought to the desired state and the door frame is installed, taking into account the gap between the door and the finished floor.

Advice. For residential premises, the gap should be 10 mm. If the finished floor has not yet been poured (laid), then you need to take into account the height of the screed, leveling and the thickness of the floor covering.

3. Interior doorway

  • We determine the dimensions of the doorway - the height and width of the door are measured.

Advice. It is better to take measurements at several points (top, middle, bottom). The door height is interchangeable in the closed and open state. This is necessary to take into account possible irregularities on the floor.

  • The beam is installed. To do this, draw a straight line over the top edge of the box. The distance from the box to the line is equal to the width of the guide. A bar is attached exactly to the line. In this case, the middle of the beam should be located above the right side of the interior door frame if the door opens to the right.

Advice. The width of the beam must be sufficient so that after installing the platbands, the door can be freely closed.

  • Upper guide profiles for sliding doors are installed. The skids are mounted on a beam and fastened with hardware.

Advice. To check the correct installation of the skids, you need to run a roller over them. With unhindered sliding, you can proceed to further work. If problems arise, it is best to remove them immediately.

  • The lower skids (rails) are installed. To do this, you can choose one of several options:
  • a part of the subfloor (or parquet, laminate, tile) is selected, and the lower guide is inserted there. The lower rollers will move along it;
  • the guide is installed directly on the floor (parquet, laminate), and in order not to destroy it, a threshold is set;
  • installation of the guide knife. But, since the system of lower guides is rarely used, if necessary, the so-called package knife is installed more often. Its purpose is to hold the door and prevent it from deviating from the given direction of movement.

The non-threshold sliding door system makes it possible to realize the operation of the door without destroying the floor covering (no need to lay rails). The mechanism works thanks to carriages with rollers on ball bearings, which move along guides with shock absorbers and a lower connection. The upper guide is hidden behind a decorative trim, in the same color as the door.

4. Assembly of sliding doors

We hang rollers (roller mechanism) on the upper end of the door.

At the bottom end, at a distance of 15 mm. holes are drilled from both edges. A groove is selected between them along the entire length. Its width is 2 mm. exceeds the width of the knife. The depth is equal to the height of the knife and is usually 10-18 mm. Part of the butt without a groove will play the role of a natural door stop.

5. Installation of fittings for sliding doors

Installation includes the installation of handles and lock tie-in. This must be done carefully so as not to damage appearance doors. Often this procedure is entrusted to specialists.

6. Installation of a sliding interior door

The door is installed in the rails. After the door has been moved, stops (rubber shock absorbers) are inserted into the skids, they will not allow the door to “fall out” of the guides when opening and soften the stop.

7. Sliding door decoration

To make the doorway look beautiful, you need to close all the structural elements. For this, platbands are used. They are mounted on the door frame and upper rails.

But it is not required condition, because often structural elements are an integral part of the solution. For example, when using high-tech or modern style.

The installed door in the section will have the form shown in the diagram (drawing).

Instructions for installing sliding interior doors video

8. Care and maintenance of sliding doors

In order for the doors not to create problems during operation, you need to properly care for them. For this you need:

  • avoid getting water on the door so that it does not lead (if the canvas is made of wood);
  • keep the guides clean. Debris trapped inside the guides will cause the door to close with difficulty;
  • close the door gently. Do not close the door with force, this will accelerate the wear of the rollers. In the worst case, the limiter may fall out and the door will “fly out” of the guides;
  • check the condition of the hardware from time to time. It is easier to replace the rollers in time than to deform the guide profiles over time;
  • use special products for the care of the door and glass.


Proper installation of sliding doors between rooms and timely replacement of component parts is the key to the long-term functioning of any door.

Initially, sliding doors were designed to save space in small spaces, where every centimeter literally eaten up by the opening radius of an ordinary door counts. But today, the question of how to install a sliding door yourself is also asked by those who do not have to squeeze sideways from one room to another. And all because such doors are comfortable, functional and very elegant. And if you install them yourself, then not so expensive.

What are sliding doors

Before thinking about how to install sliding doors, you need to decide which ones you want to see in your interior.

Types of sliding systems are distinguished by the method of sliding:

1. It can be two parts of the canvases that open in both directions
2. One door goes left or right along the wall.
3. When the canvas goes into the wall, hiding in the opening of a pocket (pencil case) made of drywall or a finished metal cassette.

Number of sheets...?

First of all, compartment doors, as they are also called, differ in the number and width of the canvases, which depend on the parameters of the doorway or niche that you want to close.

  1. For a standard opening, one movable web is enough to cover it completely in the closed position.
  2. For wide openings, it is more advisable to use two canvases than one wide one.
  3. If you want to partition off a room by dividing it into functional zones, it is not necessary to build partitions - it is enough to install multi-leaf sliding doors. Depending on your needs, all canvases can be movable, either only the central ones or only the side ones. Options can be anything.

Sliding door installation process

1. Installation of guides
2. Fixing the holders on the door leaf, fittings (handles, locks)
3. Door leaf installation
4. Installation of limiters, closers
5. Fixing platbands and extensions
6. Checking and final adjustment of the door

Sliding door assembly tools:

  • construction roulette;
  • corner;
  • water or other level, plumb;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • foam gun;
  • a set of chisels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • dowel;
  • plastic plugs for self-tapping screws;
  • assembly foam.

Do-it-yourself interior sliding doors


Space saving. There is no need to waste useful space on closing and opening the door, which can be observed in the case of a swing structure. It can be used for some additional purposes.
The ability to easily open the sash without making any effort.
They can easily be left open. No wind flow is able to spontaneously close them.
Easily amenable to automatic regulation, that is, it is possible to automate the control system without problems.

Sliding door advantages:

  • unusual, non-standard solution;
  • the absence of blind areas and problems with the arrangement of furniture;
  • safety. The owner of sliding doors is not in danger of knocking on the corner of the door in an unlit room (but, you need to be careful, children can stick their fingers between the wall and the door);
  • such a door will not open with a draft.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • high installation cost. But, doing the work with your own hands, the costs are minimized and no higher than when installing swing doors;
  • bad insulation. The absence of an obstacle to the penetration of noise, light, odors can be eliminated by installing a felt gasket on the end of the door;
  • the complexity of caring for the pencil case, i.e. the place where the sliding door goes with a hidden structure. This problem is solved in two ways. With the help of a vacuum cleaner with the nozzle removed, debris is removed from the pencil case. The second option, more radical, involves removing drywall from one side of the wall. It should be noted that in a residential building, the vacuum cleaner does an excellent job;
  • the complexity of the repair. When installing the sliding door yourself, you can buy a few spare rollers to replace them if necessary.

  • Keep in mind that there are usually no sockets and switches near the installation of the sliding door cabinet. If you still need them on the wall, consider installing them before you make the pencil case. In finished products, there is usually no place for wiring and sockets (or switches). But look, there are already manufacturers who provide such options.
  • The sliding door can be higher than the standard swing door.
  • In order to increase sound insulation, use seals.
  • If you are making a door in a new building, do not forget to consider how the finished floor will be located in order to take this into account in the calculations.
  • For mounting the finished canister, foam is used, which has a reduced expansion coefficient (it almost does not expand)
  • When buying a ready-made pencil case, find out what material it is mounted in (drywall, brick, concrete, etc.)
  • Use a plumb line when working, it will more accurately show the place, after installing the upper profile (or beam), where the lower guide rail should be located.
  • To ensure that fasteners do not unscrew or loosen anywhere in the system, all adjustment screws must be fixed according to the locknut principle, applying glue or sealant to the fastener threads.
  • Before inserting the rollers into the upper guide, blow it thoroughly so that small debris, chips, and scale cannot spoil their course.

Do you want to create something original and at the same time practical and useful in your apartment? The perfect way to diversify design decoration your home is to install sliding doors between the hallway or living room, other rooms in the house. They will help to visually make the space more coherent, as well as save additional square meters.

In addition, interior doors with a sliding design also have such advantages as:

  • the possibility of simple automation of products, their opening and closing from the remote control or by pressing a special button;
  • effective protection against drafts. If you are pursuing precisely this goal, you will additionally have to install sealing inserts that will increase thermal insulation;
  • ease of use, subject to regular maintenance of the roller system.

The installation of such structures today is offered by just a huge number of companies operating in the market. But if you are not looking for such easy ways, you can easily make sliding canvases and with your own hands. And our recommendations will help you with this.

Before you start making compartment doors with your own hands, you need to decide on their design features. There are several options for you to choose from:

  • interior doors are installed on the lower and upper rails. This design is very reliable, however, for its implementation it will be necessary to raise the flooring, prepare a special niche for installing parts;
  • installation is carried out only on the upper rails. In this case, the floor will not have to be destroyed, but it will be necessary to carefully choose the roller system, focusing on strength and resistance to heavy loads;
  • sliding canvases move along the wall. The advantage of this method is the ease of implementation. The disadvantage is that the design will take up space in the room;
  • concealed installation, in which the interior doors, when opened, hide in the wall. The advantages are obvious, but the disadvantage is the need for rather complex preparatory work.

See also: How to install an interior door yourself

Also, you need to decide if you end up with a double or single door. However, it depends more on the size of the opening than on your wishes.

The sequence of work on the manufacture and installation of interior doors

If you have already decided on the design and materials (they can be anything - chipboard, solid wood, glass), you can get down to business. To securely install sliding doors with your own hands, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • preparation of the opening, its very careful leveling using plaster or putty. If you have chosen hidden installation, you also prepare niches in which the canvases will hide with your own hands;
  • opening marking necessary for the most accurate installation of side racks and rails (or one upper rail);
  • do-it-yourself installation of the upper part of the structure. For the qualitative implementation of this procedure, you will need a level, since the guide must be mounted strictly horizontally. Otherwise, the sliding doors will constantly open by themselves;
  • installation of the side elements of the box. They must be strictly parallel, which must also be checked by a level;
  • installation. If you already have sliding canvases ready, then you can hang them on the roller mechanisms of the upper guide. If the design provides for the presence of a lower guide, then the rollers are first fixed on it;
  • do-it-yourself installation of limiters that prevent the rollers from slipping off the bar, as well as the sash falling during use;
  • system health check. Be sure to make sure that the sashes are tightly connected to each other when closing, and also do not warp in the process of moving along the guides.

See also: How to make repairs in the bathroom and toilet with the replacement of doors

In order to make and hang interior sliding doors with your own hands, it is enough to have minimal knowledge and skills, as well as very carefully check the accuracy of installation. All this will help you create a solid, reliable and aesthetic design without involving specialists, as well as save money.

Sliding doors in our country today, almost no one can be surprised.

Along the way, they work, you can guess the name - this door does not swing open, but scrolls through special guides. Proven by that time, they continue to appear in residential, commercial and technical rooms, offices.

Sliding doors are mostly made of wood, but there are other options. Such doors can be installed between rooms and loggias, on a terrace, porch or balcony. Most likely, you remember how interesting it is to see sliding doors in a Japanese interior - they still occupy a high position among the original interior solutions. But such a power to build your own home.

We will learn about the advantages of such doors:

  • Economical.

    For the owner of a small living space, this is the best option.

  • The illusion of the integrity of the situation.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Great way to define space.

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Mechanism types

Have you decided to automatically assemble the sliding door mechanism?

Pay attention to some of its nuances:

Radium. They are semi-circular in shape, often made of strong tempered glass with a thickness of about 8 mm or more.

This version of the mechanism is quite expensive, but it looks impressive as an office or living room gives the illusion of volume. Often such a door is installed in case, for example, you cannot install a sliding door leaf.

coupe. The door is named for a simple reason - they are very similar to those that can be observed in the car pile on Russian trains.

The mechanism of these doors allows the installation of single and double, triple and quadruple products. Like radial doors, you can save space. Some prefer that the door does not open only to the side, but is hidden in a special niche. This will require the creation of a special hollow section of drywall and metal.

Also known as "zigzag". These are doors from several segments, which, after a break, are folded into another. This plan moves the do-it-yourself sliding door mechanism to make it a little more difficult than a rest, but also quite realistic.

Sliding doors are also divided according to the fixing criterion.

They are made on the basis of one or two guides. Door on one rail, otherwise hanging, less time required during installation. However, the advantage of a two-track door is more reliable and stable, which is especially important if you want to install a heavy door leaf.

Another, also very common, way of fastening a door is this: a special partition is installed, empty inside, in which a hidden rail is installed.

As a result, the door "disappears" from the room, you save a lot of space.

The door can be installed both on rails and on the ground and on a special rail.

For this reason, the door leaf will be slightly higher than the ground.

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Materials and tools

  • doorway;
  • Aluminum profile (about 2 m);
  • wooden rod;
  • Cases (brackets);
  • rollers up and down;
  • Point and attach them;
  • Fasteners (self-tapping screws, bolts, dowels);
  • decorative sockets;
  • roulettes;
  • pencil.

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Install a sliding door

Thus, you have bought or even made your favorite sliding door and are in a hurry to learn how to assemble a sliding door mechanism with your own hands.

Consider the algorithm of measures in the case of installing a door space in two slots:

1. First, the old door and the frame it was attached to must be disposed of. It is advisable to paint the ends in a ton of new doors. Also remove dust and dirt from the work area.

2. Then place a space under the top beam and reinforce it over the hole.

3. Then you need to mark the parts of the guides. To do this, you will need to measure the height of the door leaf, but do not forget to add the result to the distance between the floor and the door.

4. Start installing the cables from the bottom. The guide should be twice the width of the door.

Then make sure the level is working properly. If there is a slope, the door will open and close. Attach the rails directly to the ceiling or top bracket, as well as to wall plugs and brackets.

5. Then you need to assemble the rollers. They are located at the bottom of the door, on the bottom rail.

6. Mark the wall to install the top conductor, place it in the marked place.

7. When installing the sliding door mechanism with your own hands, do not forget to install the stops, otherwise you may encounter such a problem as slamming from each drawing.

The sliding door is equipped with its own hands. Types and completeness of the door

It is better to buy plastic clips - they provide maximum flawlessness when opening and closing the door.

8. When the mechanism is assembled and installed, you must cover the rails with decorative plates, install the panels. Such elements are attached to self-tapping screws, which are covered with special plugs.

9. Then lift the door by turning it to the side with the top.

First, the upper part is installed, after which the door is lowered onto the lower rails. In this case - if the door is large enough, you may need an assistant.

After completing the installation of the mechanism, it is necessary to check the quality of the door, analyze how it softly closes and opens, or all this is delayed. If you feel that the door you installed is not easy at first, don't worry. Gradually the mechanism is used and the problem disappears.

If desired, built-in doors can subsequently be decorated with colors or special elements.

Based on the above material, you can be sure that installing the sliding door mechanism by hand is not that difficult.

Of course, you can always find help from experts. However, do not forget that this event, even today when the sliding door is no longer a rarity, will cost you a lot of respect.

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He shows us videos of installing sliding garage doors.

Installation of glass sliding doors is almost the same as installation wooden doors, except that the door is attached to a sliding mechanism.

The installation procedure for such a door is clearly shown in the video below:

The following video will walk you through the technical nuances to consider when installing the hidden slide version.

Hi all! You have decided to install sliding doors in your house, but in your opinion, experts ask for a lot of installation and you can't afford it?

Do not despair, after reading this article, you can easily install sliding doors with your own hands without involving professionals, there is nothing overly complicated in this work and any home master can handle it.

Tools and materials

To work on installing a sliding door, we need to prepare the following:

  • drill with drills, screwdriver, chisel;
  • combined end saw;
  • tape measure, ruler, square and level;
  • polyurethane foam and a "gun" for working with foam;
  • hammer, mallet, pliers.

Preparatory work

The first thing to do before starting work is to cover the floor with either cardboard or thick plastic wrap, so we will protect the finish coating from damage.

Then measure the width and height of the doorway.

We apply the markup according to the resulting measurements to the additional beam and saw it off to a given size with a miter saw.

On the floor we collect all the parts of the additional timber prepared at the previous stage and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

Advice: In order to prevent cracks and chips from forming on the surface of the beam at the attachment points in the places where the self-tapping screws will be located, it is best to drill holes in advance with a drill with a countersink.

We install the assembled structure in the opening, check the “evenness” of the installation with a building level, if necessary, level it with wooden or plastic wedges and blow out the slots with mounting foam.

With a chisel, we hollow out a spike between the crossbar and the standing part of the resulting door frame.

The door frame is ready, we proceed directly to the installation of the sliding door itself.

Step by step instructions for installing a sliding door

Step 1: We measure the length and saw off the side trim to size.

At this same stage, we also need to cut off the ridge of the casing, with a width equal to the width of the upper bar.

After completing the above work, install the side trim.

Step 2: We install a thrust beam, on which we subsequently fix the guide.

Step 3: On the aluminum guide, we drill holes for fastening in increments of 15 - 20 cm and fix it to the thrust beam with self-tapping screws.

Step 4: Insert the rollers into the guide.

We unpack and install the door on the end, remove the shipping straps and attach the mount for the rollers to the upper end of the leaf.

We hang the door on the rollers and mark the installation location of the plastic flag.

We install a plastic flag in the marked place.

We mount the door on the flag and on the rollers and tighten the mount.

DIY sliding door: 180 photos! Master classes. Mounting and installation

Then we install stoppers in the guide and check the operability of the mechanism.

Step 5: Installation of the upper decorative bar.

The first thing we need to do at this stage is to measure the width and saw off the timber to the desired size.

Then, to the upper part of the beam, we fasten steel corners from the inside (here it is worth recalling that the corners do not come with the door and you will have to purchase them separately).

We install and fix the decorative upper beam with self-tapping screws.

Step 6: The last stage is the installation of the handle.

Here we just repeat the steps, fix the inside of the handle and attach a decorative bar to it.

We check how well the door opens and rejoice at the work done.

Video on the topic "installation of sliding doors with your own hands":

IN modern interiors single leaf sliding doors are not uncommon. In small apartments, they significantly save scarce space, and in spacious rooms they are considered a full-fledged decorative element of interior decoration.

Designs look neat and aesthetically pleasing, have various sizes, depending on the width of the opening and the type of sliding system, as well as all kinds of design options for canvases and combinations of materials.


single leaf doors with sliding systems installed in relatively small openings.

They are divided into:

  • retractable, hiding when opening inside the wall or a cassette built into the partition, or placed on the outside of the opening;
  • hinged, based only on the upper rail;
  • coupe, with canvases moving along the wall along two rails - upper and lower.

The shape of the door can be straight or radius, located inside or outside the doorway, be deaf or with glass inserts, have manual or automatic opening.

Manufacturers produce a huge number of models of standard and non-standard sizes in different styles and color solutions.

To the advantages of single-leaf doors, compared with double-leaf constructions, can be attributed to:

  • no need for docking canvases;
  • fast installation;
  • more reliable system;
  • lower cost.

The disadvantage of the doors under consideration is the low level of sound insulation and the difficulty in covering wide openings with one sheet.

A large sash will require a reinforced roller system and more space along the wall to be able to fully open the passage, which is not always possible. In particular, plans can be disrupted by the layout of the room, which does not allow sufficient space for an open sash.

For the normal functioning of a single-leaf door mounted outside the opening, it is required to reserve free space along the wall on the side of it where the leaf will be moved.

The size must match the width of the door.

For a wide passage in cramped conditions, a way out, in fact, exists. Designers propose to divide the premises by installing a compartment door inside the opening, the design of which consists of two elements - a movable leaf and a stationary section.

But here it is necessary to take into account the size of the passage. It must be at least twice as wide as the leaf moving on the rails, otherwise the door will not be able to open to its full width.

Sliding structures are applicable in any residential and office premises, dressing rooms and utility rooms. But due to their characteristics, they are not used as entrance doors. The canvases are made of wood, MDF, plastic and glass, which gives the canvases weightlessness.

Features of the creation and installation of interior sliding doors

The right choice of guides and roller systems allows the doors to slide smoothly and silently, whether it is a compartment door, hinged or sliding structure.

The cost of products varies in a wide segment, starting from budget options and ending with elite models.

The range allows you to choose doors for any modern style interior. Many manufacturers offer a unique author's design of paintings and their complete set with exclusive fittings.

If desired and material possibilities, the compartment door can become a real work of art and the pride of the owner. But even the simplest sliding single-wing design will surely provide certain conveniences for people with handicapped and will not cause injury to a person who is at a close distance from the door, which often happens when the swing sash opens or closes abruptly under the influence of drafts.

Sliding door design

Single-leaf doors with sliding systems consist of one leaf, as the name implies, and an opening mechanism that includes several elements:

  • guides - bearing and auxiliary;
  • rollers or roller carriages;
  • stoppers;
  • limiters.

The compartment door can be equipped with an additional fixed section, and the sliding structure can be equipped with a cassette (pencil case), as mentioned earlier.

The carrier guide takes on the main load from the moving canvas, and the auxiliary one helps to keep it in a vertical position. Roller systems and a "working" rail designed for hinged single-leaf doors are located in the upper part.

On the floor, in this case, sills and guides are not installed, which is practical and convenient when moving people and cleaning the premises.

The compartment door rests on the lower rail, which is buried flush with the floor covering or mounted on top of it.

The working rollers are fixed at the bottom of the canvas, and additional wheels are installed at the top, moving along the auxiliary guide. They correct the position of the sash and ensure its smooth running.

Single-leaf sliding doors open only in one direction from the doorway, which should be taken into account when installing them, as well as when placing furniture along the walls.

For sliding doors, there are two types of arrangement of bearing rails.

They are mounted either in the lower or in the middle part of the structure, depending on the weight of the canvases and design features cassettes. The upper guide performs the same function as for compartment doors.

Stoppers and stops prevent the sash from slipping off the guide rail, limiting its maximum travel.

The elements are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Before buying a single-leaf sliding door, you should decide on its dimensions and the possibility of installation, namely, whether there is enough space to fully open the leaf.

You will also need to decide which design will be more convenient to use, and how harmoniously this or that model will fit into the interior of the room. The choice is huge, so there should not be any difficulties in this matter. Before starting installation, it is necessary to consider in which direction the canvas will open, so that later you do not have to reinstall the guides.

11/16/2015 at 10:11 am

Do-it-yourself sliding interior doors - selection and installation guide

Sliding doors are a rather unusual element that is largely able to decorate the interior of any apartment.

Having decided to install such a door, you should, first of all, evaluate how it satisfies the conditions that are available in your apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any thing, sliding doors have their own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account.

The advantages include:
- space saving;
- non-susceptibility to drafts;
- ease of opening of shutters;
- the possibility of automation;
- no need for thresholds.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:
- insufficient level of sound and thermal insulation;
- the impossibility of using the door as an entrance;
-higher price of locks and fittings.

Design features

Structurally, all sliding doors incorporate a roller mechanism, guides and a door leaf.

Sliding doors can be of the following types:
- compartment doors;
- cascade doors;
- accordion doors;
-doors with several shutters (from two to four);

Purchase of necessary materials

In the event that you decide to install a sliding door yourself, first of all you need to decide on its type, which will allow sales consultants to guide you regarding the type and number of elements that should be purchased.

As a rule, all sliding fittings are sold together with the door leaf.

Door installation

After choosing the type of door and buying everything you need for it, you can begin installation. As an example, let's take the easiest to install and the most common single-leaf sliding door.

So, the installation of sliding doors is carried out in the following order:

Make markings for guides.

To do this, the door leaf should be attached to the opening and make a few marks along the top edge. Then raise these marks to the height of the guide and roller mechanism. Using a level, make sure that the marks are horizontal to avoid spontaneous closing or opening of the door in the future.

Install the guide under the marks so that it is slightly away from the wall.

This is necessary so that when moving the door does not cling to the wall or trim. For some types of doors, guides are also installed on the floor.

The length of the rail must be at least twice the width of the doors.

Insert the fixing bolt inside the roller carriage and slide the roller mechanism into the guide.

A pair of rollers is required to hang a single leaf door.
Install the roller carriage brackets in the upper part of the door leaf. Their fastening is carried out at a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge of the door.

Raising the door leaf, it is necessary to screw the bolts into the brackets installed on the door leaf.

This operation is best done by two people, since one person must keep the door up, and the second must screw in the bolts. Check the horizontality of the upper cut of the door and set it by tightening the bolts.
The slopes and the doorway can be hidden with the help of architraves according to this instruction and extensions.

The roller mechanism is covered with a decorative strip, hung from the outside.

Install all the necessary fittings on the canvas.
As you can see from the described sequence of actions, installing a sliding door is not such a difficult task. The only condition is that all operations are carried out carefully and slowly.

It is also desirable that all work be done by two people.

Sliding doors, interior sliding doors, photo sliding doors, do-it-yourself sliding doors, installation of sliding doors

How to make a door on wheels with your own hands

Sliding doors in 15 minutes "Comfort 60"

Do-it-yourself compartment door.

Mechanism on roller belt tensioner

Do-it-yourself compartment door.

Very budget friendly machine.

What drives you when you equip your cozy nest? The desire to stand out, to follow fashion trends or just a desire to make practical use of the space? If everything together matters to you, then installing sliding doors is the best option. design solution. By choosing the type of product that suits your interior, you will create a real oasis of home comfort, where you will want to return again and again.

Sliding door designs

Thanks to the ingenuity and ingenuity of manufacturers, the range of sliding products is so large that even the most picky buyer will find something for himself. suitable option. Products are not similar to each other in shape, design, dimensions and raw materials from which they are made.

When choosing a design, consumers pay special attention to the last distinguishing feature - material. For the production of products are used:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • mirror;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Products from natural wood- this is, as they say, a classic of the genre. They are able to give a sophisticated look even to the most simple interior . good wood From time immemorial, it has been a symbol of wealth and luxury. The high cost of goods is justified by durability, practicality, beauty.

Wooden sliding doors are durable and reliable in operation

Doors made of glass, mirrors are preferred for small areas. They visually enlarge the room, making it feel much more spacious. When choosing these types of products, you do not need to worry about their fragility. They are made of high-strength materials that are not subject to mechanical stress.

MDF products are a budget alternative to wood. Over the years, they do not lose their presentable appearance and captivate with their light weight and ease of installation. A significant drawback is their instability to moisture. Therefore, such products are not recommended for installation in the bathroom, toilet.

MDF door systems - an affordable analogue of wooden products

Plastic retractable structures are no less popular among consumers. They are resistant to deformation, temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet rays. Doors with a protective decorative coating will last for many years without requiring special care.

Sliding systems are also made of metal. Such devices can be found in pawnshops, banks, jewelry stores. However, the imagination of designers is limitless, so they have found ways to use such products in country houses and even apartments. At the request of customers, the metal can be decorated with patterns that give the product lightness and texture.

In private houses, you can install metal sliding doors

Installation methods

Sliding systems are divided into two large classes: sliding-folding and parallel-sliding. For folding structures, the sashes do not travel along the wall, but move to the side and fold in the form of an accordion or a book.

In parallel-sliding systems, the canvases move along a vertical surface. Installation methods are:

  • compartment doors;
  • cassette or built-in;
  • cascading.

Sliding doors can be single leaf or double leaf. The canvases move along a vertical surface along rails in one or different directions. Compartment designs are perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, balconies, wardrobes.

You can install sliding doors yourself

Installation of this type of product is quite simple and quite within the power of a novice master. You can put them on time repair work, and after. The main requirements are a smooth opening, the ability of the wall to withstand the expected load.

Along with a huge number of advantages, this system has negative points. Given that the canvases move tightly along the wall, it is impossible to place furniture near it.

In addition, compartment products do not protect the room from sounds and smells. This is due to the design features. To ensure that the sashes do not touch the vertical surface, small gaps are provided on both sides.

Cassette products, like compartments, can be of one or two wings. The peculiarity of this model is the presence of a niche in the wall, where the canvases are rolled up. The cassette design provides a high degree of sound insulation due to the fact that it is possible to install seals along the perimeter of the opening.

Cassette sliding door provides high sound insulation

If we talk about the disadvantages of cassette doors, then the most significant of them is the installation of the structure only during the repair. The second disadvantage of the model is the installation of a false wall under the pencil case to the detriment of additional centimeters of area.

Cascading structures consist of one or more wings and are considered a type of compartment doors. The number of guides corresponds to the number of sheets that, when opened, are assembled on one side of the vertical surface.

Cascade door - a kind of compartment doors

Installing this model is not easy. It includes many parts that require high-precision assembly. This work can only be done experienced craftsmen, because there is practically no room for error.

Classification by mechanism type

There are two large groups of devices.

suspension system

A suspension device is called a carrier beam, to which a U-shaped guide is fixed.. It is along it that the canvas moves on rollers or, in technical terms, a hanging door.

The installation of such a door assumes that the flooring remains intact. Only on the right or left side of the opening, a roller is mounted from below. He rides along the groove made in the lower end of the blade. The main function of the roller is to prevent the product from deflecting vertically during movement.

Suspension system device

Install suspension system won't be a big deal. Installation is carried out in several steps:

  1. fixing the top guide;
  2. installation of the roller device from above in the end part of the door;
  3. installation of the sash in the guide;
  4. fixing the limiters designed to ensure that the canvas does not derail.
  5. making a groove in the lower end of the product, fixing the roller.

Suspended structures play a purely symbolic role interior partition. They do not protect the room from odors and do not provide adequate insulation from noise.

Rail sliding system

Rail structures are used in wardrobes, dressing rooms, bedrooms, living rooms. This type of mechanism is represented by two rails located above and below.

The rail system is characterized by high strength

This design is characterized by durability. The door is firmly fixed in vertical plane and keeps out odors and noises. The imperfection of the system lies in the difficult cleaning, as the bottom rail periodically becomes clogged.

After weighing all the pros and cons of each of the systems, choose the most suitable one for yourself and start the process of step-by-step installation.

Necessary tools and materials

Starting assembly sliding structures, make sure you have the required tools and materials. To work, you will need a whole set:

  • electric drill or screwdriver;
  • puncher, if necessary, extracting the inner layer of the wall;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • overhead strips - 2 pcs. One of them is mounted at the top, and the other is opposite the side in which the doors open.
  • anchors;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • handles on canvases - 2 units;
  • finishing nails;
  • two extras;
  • a rack to which the sashes adjoin, being in the closed position;
  • fittings: rollers, components of fasteners, aluminum rails;
  • canvas. To determine its size, measure the height and width of the opening and add 70 mm to them from above;
  • wooden beam with a section of 50x70 mm. The length of the beam is equal to the sash width increased by 2 times plus 5 centimeters.

Armed with everything you need, move on to the next block of work.

Sliding door installation instructions

Set up a multi-panel structure mirror doors or large by weight products can only be a true professional. A novice master, taking on such responsibility, is able to do a lot of rash actions, which will later cost a lot.

Therefore, if this is your first time encountering retractable structures, start from the very beginning. simple option– assembly of compartment doors. If you purchase a ready-made kit, you will save a lot of time and effort. The kit contains all the components for installing a sliding system, including fittings.

When you get to work, you should be extremely careful and accurate. The whole process begins with the preparation of the opening. The quality of the installation depends on how accurately its measurements are made.

The height of the opening is determined in several places: measure the right, middle and left sides. In the same way, measure its width. Then they check how perpendicular and straight all sides are. In the case of installing platbands, the thickness of the vertical surface is measured in several places and at the corners of the opening.

The height of the opening is measured in several places

To avoid mistakes when installing compartment doors with your own hands, follow these instructions exactly. Break the whole process into blocks and gradually move from one to another.

Dismantling the old door

Free the box from cashing out, remove the old canvas and door hinges, and then dismantle the box itself. However, it can be left untouched if it holds well and does not prevent the doors from moving freely along the rails.

At the first stage, the old door frame is dismantled.

Opening preparation

If necessary, eliminate the curvature of the walls, fill cracks and cracks with putty.

The contours of the opening should be even, so make sure that no bricks or drywall stick out anywhere.

Check how parallel and horizontal the part of the opening is from above to the flooring. The maximum limit deviation is admissible up to 5 mm. This is also mandatory for the sides of the opening. Here the tolerance is a maximum of 0.5 cm per 2 m.

After dismantling the old box, a new one is installed. It is leveled with small wedges. Adjust the angle of the structure to the floor and vertical surface by moving or pushing in the wedges.

Wooden wedges are used to level the door frame.

Fix the box with screws. When working with a screwdriver, you must be extremely careful not to damage the product.

Mounting the top rails

After placing the box, attach the door to the opening and mark its upper border. Repeat this action again, placing the product in the opening. This is only necessary if the floor is not very even.

Top rail installation

If the line turned out to be horizontal, measure 0.7 cm from it and draw another line. It will subsequently be installed wooden beam. To fix the beam, take such a number of self-tapping screws that it fits snugly against a vertical surface.

The rail is fixed to the bottom end of the beam. At first, it is slightly screwed on one side. To accurately determine the location of the self-tapping screw, the thickness of the web is divided by two and added from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, which are needed for the smooth movement of the valves. Proceed in the same manner on the other side.

Before fixing the guide, make sure it is straight.

Before the rail is permanently fixed, make sure that the gap between the canvas and the wall is sufficient. Also pay attention to the straightness of the guide. Kinks and curvature must not be allowed, otherwise the structure will not work properly.

Assembly of carriages and installation of limiters

Moving on to installing the sliding door rollers, insert the bolts into the carriages so that they protrude slightly from the hole. Run the carriages into the rails prepared for them and make sure they move freely.

The next step is to install the carriages

At both ends of the guides, limiters should be installed that will not allow the canvas to derail. When doing this, pay attention that the rubber shock absorbers are directed inward.

We make a groove at the bottom of the door leaf

To make a recess in the lower end of the sash, step back from its edge 1.5 cm on both sides and drill one hole with a radius of 3.5 mm and a depth of 2 cm. Between them, select a groove for the guide in the center.

A groove for the guide is selected in the center of the sash

The depth of the recess should be 1.8 cm, and the width is 0.3 cm more than the width of the guide, which is a flag or a knife. Taking into account that it is not easy to make a perfectly even groove, it is recommended to mount two rails or a profile in the shape of the letter "U".

Fasteners for carriages

Moving away from the side borders of the sash by two millimeters, fix the fasteners to the carriages exactly in the middle. Important point: The notches on the brackets in the form of a semicircle must be directed towards the wall.

We hang the door leaf

Putting the door alone will not work, so call someone to help. Once you've found someone to help you, start doing the following:

  1. Attach the product to the rail and connect the carriage bolt on the right with the cutout on the bracket, while lifting the canvas.
  2. Insert the end of the bolt into the hole of the adjusting nut with washer.
  3. Fasten the brackets lightly on the carriage bolts.
  4. We proceed to the installation of the lower rail in the recess. To do this, move the lower part from the vertical surface, set the canvas horizontally and move it to the open position.
  5. Measure maximum length opening and mark with a simple pencil.
  6. Set the gap between the leaves and the vertical surface. To do this, move the lower part of the blade and put a mark at the location of the knife. The distance should be no more than 0.5 cm.
  7. Remove the canvas and tighten the bottom guide to the floor covering with two self-tapping screws.
  8. Align the notch at the end of the web with the rail and hang the products without screwing the nuts all the way.
  9. Set the gap between the floor covering and the product by tightening or loosening the adjustment bolts on the carriages.
  10. Lock the nuts without turning the bolts.

decorative design

To hide the rails at the top of the opening, platbands are used for decorative purposes. The lock and handle are installed at the end.

Features of installing cassette doors

The above instructions can be used as a guide for the installation of guide sheets. When installing this model, there is no need for decorative trim. Instead, they additionally put a false wall.

When installing cassette doors, a false wall is mounted

The distance between the false wall and the vertical surface is approximately 10 cm. It is calculated based on the thickness of the sash, the gaps on both sides and the size of the profile.

The profile frame does not require reinforcement, since most of the load falls on the wall. But if you want to give rigidity to the structure, then install wooden bars inside and fix them with self-tapping screws..

Installation of sliding doors is not a very complicated process, but it requires certain skills in the construction business. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite better than the master. So you can avoid double work in case of an error or save an extra penny.

In an effort to make the house more comfortable and cozy, the idea often comes up to replace ordinary swing doors with sliding ones (they are also called retractable, sliding, hanging). The good news is that you can install sliding doors with your own hands without any problems. The bad news is that a normal mechanism costs about the same as a quality canvas. Bribes in them is the moment that in the open state they almost do not “eat up” space. They either hide in the wall (the best, but more difficult option to implement), or move along it.

All this is true, but there is a significant disadvantage - a very low degree of sound insulation, especially in the variant of the compartment door. When the canvas just covers the opening. When installed in a pencil case (into a wall), the situation is slightly better, but the degree of sound insulation hinged door cannot be achieved with this installation method. If all this does not scare you, you can study the systems, choose, and then install.

Sliding door systems

There are two types of mechanisms: suspended and rail. Both are not ideal. Briefly about their advantages and disadvantages - below.

Suspension system on top rail

The suspension mechanism is bearing beam, to which is attached a guide in the form of the letter "P" with "legs" bent inward. The rollers to which the door leaf is attached move along this guide. In technical terms, this is a hanging door on the top rail.

When installing such a door, the floor under the door remains smooth, only on the right and / or left in doorway the lower roller is installed. It slides along the groove made in the bottom end of the canvas. It is necessary so that when moving it does not deviate vertically. This design is the easiest to install. Installation is very simple and consists of several steps:

That's all. Roller doors installed. But this system, in this form, as in the photo, has very low noise isolation characteristics. They are practically zero: the passage is simply blocked.

Rail sliding doors

This type of door has two rails: top and bottom. The rollers are also installed at the top and bottom. Thanks to this design, the system has a high degree of rigidity: it can be shaken, and this will not cause much damage.

Minus the rails in the floor is known: the complexity of cleaning. Debris and dust constantly gets into the grooves, you have to monitor their cleanliness. This type of door is most often used in cabinets,. They are installed as interior doors if mobile children grow up in the family. Then safety is more important than the difficulties with cleaning.

Mounting options

Regardless of the sliding door system, installation methods can be:

The easiest installation option is compartment doors. They can be installed independently, and not only at the stage of repair, but also after it. It is only important that the opening is even, and the wall has a normal bearing capacity. The disadvantage of such a system is that you can’t put anything close to the wall in the place where the door rolls back. There is one more thing: very low sound insulation. It's easy to explain: if you look from the end, there is a gap of several millimeters on the sides. It is necessary so that the canvas does not “shuffle” along the wall. And all sounds perfectly penetrate through it, becoming only a little quieter.

Cassette doors are good because in the open state the leaf is in the niche of the wall and does not interfere. The second plus is that seals can be installed around the perimeter of the opening, which give much higher sound insulation performance. The disadvantage of installing a sliding door in a niche is that it can only be done at the repair stage. The second drawback: to make a pencil case for sliding doors, they usually put a false wall, and this is stolen centimeters of area.

Cascading - one of the varieties of compartment doors. It just has more guides: according to the number of movable door panels. Installation is perhaps the most difficult: a lot of details and high accuracy of installation is required. The systems are classified as elite, and they rarely save on installation: repairs will cost more.

Features and installation procedure

You can install sliding doors with your own hands even without much experience. It is quite possible to do without installers. It will take a little time, and also - installation instructions. We will try to give detailed description process with photo and video materials.

Self-installation of sliding interior sliding doors

Systems may vary slightly, but general rules remain the same. There are several requirements that must be met prior to installation:

  • The opening must be even, otherwise you will have to take a canvas that covers all deviations with a margin.
  • The bearing capacity of the sides of the doorway should be high, as well as the wall above it.
  • The opening should already be finished: plastered and painted, wallpapered or decorated with decorative panels.

Next, let's start assembling. You can attach videos first. Different manufacturers have their own recommendations. Some recommend retreating from the edge 1/6 of the width of the door leaf, in other systems they are attached immediately from the edge, and the mounting plates provide the indent. We install such a system: in it, roller platforms are installed immediately from the corner.

Marking the location of the rollers

We center them, measuring so that the distances are the same. Having exposed the plate, with a pencil or marker we outline the places for the fasteners. We drill holes in the marked places. The diameter of the drill is 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screw.

We expose the plates, screw in the screws. The length of the fastener depends on the weight of the canvas, but not less than 70 mm. We twist them exactly perpendicularly, otherwise unnecessary stresses will arise.

Installing rollers

Supports for rollers are inserted into the installed plates. They are fixed with a cover on the side surface. Next, roller platforms are screwed onto the threaded pins.

It is also convenient to install handles and locks before hanging. They need special, mortise. If you bought a ready-made kit, the required holes are available. If you have adapted an ordinary canvas, you will have to trace the outline with a pencil, and remove the excess with a chisel. After the handle or lock enters the recess, the attachment points are marked, holes are drilled under them and fittings are installed.

Most convenient way- hang sliding doors on a dry wooden beam. Its cross section is less than 50 * 70 mm, its length is twice the width of the door leaf + 5 cm. We cut off the guide of the same length.

Having placed the guide along the bar, it is attached to the bar with self-tapping screws at least 8 cm long. The number of fasteners - at least three - departing 10 cm from the edges and in the middle (more often, less often - no).

Now you can measure at what height to mount the beam. A guide with a bar is “rolled” on the door with installed rollers. So you can accurately note how high the doors turned out. We drill at least four holes in the side face of the beam for fastening to the wall.

The guide with a bar "rolls" on the rollers on the door

7-10 mm are added to the mark obtained - the doors should hang, and not shuffle on the floor. 7 mm is the minimum gap that is sufficient if there are no floor coverings. If they are supposed (later lay laminate, carpet, linoleum, etc.), then the thickness of these coatings must also be taken into account.

So that the canvas does not “walk” during installation, it is jammed with small wooden wedges. You need at least two stops - near both rollers.

Having attached the beam to the wall and correcting its position with the help of a level, we mark its position with a pencil. If the wall allows, you can fasten it to the wall through, but take self-tapping screws with a length of at least 120 mm for this, or better, put it on anchor bolts.

If the wall, for example, is concrete, the installation of dowels is required. To do this, you need to transfer the marks under the fasteners to the wall. This can be done using a thin and long drill, the diameter of which is smaller than the drilled hole.

An even simpler option: a long thin nail. It is inserted into the hole and a mark is made on the wall with a couple of blows. Further, the procedure is known: we drill holes for the plugs of the dowels, insert the plugs, if necessary, hammering them. Then we install the doors.

Attaching sliding doors to the wall

Stoppers must be fixed along the edges of the guide. They are brought in from the sides, the required location is established empirically (so that the canvas covers the opening completely in the closed state, and rolls back sufficiently when opened. They are fixed with clamping screws.

Having opened the doors, we install a flag roller on the floor. It goes into a groove sawn at the bottom of the canvas. It is necessary so that the doors do not deviate vertically.

First, we insert it into the groove, mark the holes for fasteners, drill, then fix it with short self-tapping screws (length about 15-20 mm).

On this we can assume that the sliding doors have been installed. They are already fully functional. Remained Finishing work. The mounting bar with the guide is closed with a decorative trim matched to the tone of the door leaf. It can be nailed directly to the beam with finishing nails.

Only when you expose it, make sure that the wheels are closed. So much more beautiful)) Now - that's it, you installed the sliding doors with your own hands.

See below for a video tutorial on installing such a door. There are several installation options.

We mount cassette-type sliding doors (in a case)

The process of mounting the guide, hanging the door leaf almost one to one repeats those described above. There is no need only for finishing, and all other steps are necessary. Instead of mounting a decorative strip, a false wall is mounted at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall. Usually it is made of plasterboard profiles, which are sheathed with wall plasterboard. But this is not important - you can use GVL or plywood, any other suitable material.

Where does the distance of 10 cm come from? The thickness of the door leaf and the gaps on both sides are 5 cm. A minimum of 5 cm is added to them for installing the profile. So it turns out 10 cm.

Since the main load will fall on the wall, the profile frame can not be reinforced. If such a wall does not seem very reliable to you, you can insert wooden bars inside, which you can fasten with self-tapping screws. This will make the structure very rigid.

The basic principles for calculating the case for a sliding door, as well as the marking features, the principles of preparing a doorway for installation, see the video.

Homemade sliding doors

Any door leaf can be mounted on rollers and will work as a sliding door. The guide and all other components - rollers (carrier and flag), stoppers, stops - can be bought. Hang on them at least a piece of plywood or a door assembled from several boards. This is the easiest and cheapest option. But to make a mechanism on your own is already a more difficult task. One of the options for a sliding door mechanism made from improvised materials (from round pipes different diameter) in the video. The system was supposed to be installed in a closet, but judging by designs, easy can withstand even an oak door from an array.
