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  • Modern bathroom design: photo ideas for a stylish interior

    Have you thought about the fact that no matter how comfortable it was in our house, no matter how beautiful furniture and the decor was not located in it, and no matter what technologies improve our home, none of this can be compared for us with such an indispensable part of the living space as the bathroom.

    It is the bathroom that is the place where we imperceptibly spend a lot of time taking care of ourselves in the early morning, it is in the bathroom that we relax and wash off all the burden of a hard day's work ...

    Long gone are the days when all bathrooms were standard, like a blueprint. The design of the bathroom in importance is no different from the same living room or kitchen, because Beautiful design bathroom is the guarantee of our pleasant relaxation and comfort.

    Today we will offer you a modern bathroom design in different styles 2019-2020, outlining the features of bathroom interior design, as well as offering fifty beautiful photos ideas on which bathroom design to choose.

    We will not only show you the design of the bathroom, but also name the most current trends and trends in bathroom interior design 2019-2020.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: trends, trends

    If the bathroom design is done by a specialist for you, you are very lucky, because the pros can easily cope with the zoning of space, the choice of tiles and plumbing, decorating your bathroom in the best traditions of modern design.

    If you create your own bathroom design, the best way to do this is to help you. beautiful photos bathroom interior design ideas 2019-2020 that you will find below.

    Besides whatever you choose original design bathroom, you need to make this room as functional, comfortable, beautiful, cozy as possible.

    First of all, you need to start from what size your bathroom is, and what design ideas you can implement in it.

    The design of a small bathroom 2019-2020 must be created taking into account ergonomic factors, because if there is not enough space, this does not mean that you do not need to look for ways out of how to equip it to the maximum.

    The fashionable interior design of a large-sized bathroom gives endless opportunities for experimentation, because it can be equipped not only with the necessary communications and original plumbing, but also play with decor, interior options, even choose paintings and textiles for the bathroom.

    And so, let's model your unique modern bathroom design 2019-2020 step by step, breathing your individual character into its arrangement.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: stylistic features of the interior

    Considering the trends in bathroom interior design, we note that the absolute trend for today is minimalism. Simplicity and conciseness, in harmony with modern technologies, highlights the functionality and comfort of the bathroom, in harmony with the simplicity of design.

    Professionals offer to evaluate the design of the bathroom in beautiful natural shades, mainly white, oil, sand, gray, black.

    It is these shades that show best design bathroom interior 2019-2020 in a minimalist style, because materials that imitate natural surfaces are used to create it. Mixing many colors in one interior is not acceptable for minimalism.

    In addition to minimalism, modern Scandinavian-style bathroom design has become very popular, which is also drawn to simplicity, the absence of everything superfluous, the combination of a black and white palette interspersed with elements of bright and saturated colors. This style is characterized by the imitation and use of wood, concrete, linen, cotton, copper, brass, stone, ceramics, etc.

    If you really want to get stylish design bathroom 2019-2020, pay attention to such an interior style as a loft, which gradually began to influence modern designs not only of the main ones, but also of bathrooms.

    For those who are not in the know, the loft style offers us an urban interior design, reminiscent of the storage or attic spaces of the house, decorating the walls. brickwork, concrete, cement, wooden surfaces, aesthetics and at the same time the manufacturability of the room.

    If urban and urban motifs in the interiors are uncomfortable for you, then we advise you to look at other interior options, for example:

    Bathroom design in a classic style;

    Provence style bathroom design;

    Japanese style bathroom design;

    Original multi-colored bathroom design with drawings and ornaments;

    3D bathroom design with natural motifs.

    When you have decided on a style, you need to consider next questions arrangement of space. Choose the finishing material - it can be ceramic tiles, stone, marble, etc. Also you should choose good plumbing.
  • In our time fashion trends affect absolutely all aspects of life and, of course, in order to stay in trend, it is necessary to take into account the latest ideas of designers in interior design. Here we take a closer look at the trendy bathrooms of 2018.

    Main trends

    When renovating a bathroom and wanting to follow the latest fashion trends, it is necessary to take into account all the novelties and advice of famous designers.

    Having analyzed all the new trends in creating an interior, in order to make fashion design bathroom, you need to highlight four main areas:

    • comfort,
    • practicality,
    • beautiful aesthetic appearance
    • ergonomics.

    Of great importance is the comfort in the bathroom, a relaxing atmosphere on the one hand and filling on the other. After all, it is here that in the morning we get a charge of vivacity, and in the evening we wash away the accumulated fatigue, all the worries and problems accumulated during the day.

    In addition, it is necessary to place plumbing fixtures, furniture and accessories in the most profitable and practical way, without overloading the space, but making the most of every centimeter.

    It is important that while in the bathroom, there is a feeling of solitude, relaxation, filling with positive emotions and good energy.

    This year, designers advise experimenting more, playing with colors, and not being afraid to make bright accents. The most used materials are finishing stone, mosaics, large-sized tiles, decor using geometric shapes.

    Trendy bathroom tile design with natural tones and ornaments. The main trend was the use of natural materials, imitation of seascapes, sand, grass, stones, water, shells, etc.

    When planning the style of the bathroom, pay special attention to the lighting design, the more light enters the room, the more comfortable it will be to be in it.

    If the penetration of daylight is limited, take care of bright fixtures. It can be either a large chandelier on the ceiling, or the presence of several lamps on the walls near the mirrors.

    Color finish

    If the room reserved for the bathroom is small, then preference should be given to light, pastel colors. The best solution would be White color, with the addition of soft and delicate undertones in blue, purple, pink, green or sand shades.

    When the dimensions of the room allow you to play with color, you can choose more contrasting tones - red, black, blue, rich brown, rich green, orange and dark purple.

    For a medium-sized bathroom, it makes sense to choose a more calm, muted overall tone with the addition of bright accents in the form of accessories.

    Please note that the color shade of the ceiling should not match the floor - this indicates complete bad taste, makes the room awkward and blurry.

    When decorating a room in one tone, it is always beneficial to make the ceiling the lightest, the walls 2-3 tones darker and the floor 1-2 tones darker than the walls, or contrasting with the walls.

    The same advice applies to furniture. It should be a few tones lighter or darker than the room, so as not to merge with the general background. For small rooms, light furniture is preferable; for more spacious rooms, you can choose furniture in more saturated colors, up to contrasting ones.

    For rooms with bright design furniture is always selected that does not focus on itself, so as not to overload general form. Now fashionable furniture for the bathroom in rich blacks, browns, purples, as well as unusual powdery and olive colors.

    This year, at the peak of popularity, the connection wooden surfaces and tiles. Natural, natural materials are gaining momentum in decorating. It could be a bath natural wood, countertop, cabinet, sink, floors or neat functional shelves.

    ceiling design

    This season, designers are advised to do stretch ceiling in the bathroom, they can be either matte or glossy. It has also become very popular dropped ceilings and stained glass.

    Visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will help mirror ceiling or a ceiling with mirror inserts, it looks quite aesthetically pleasing and original.

    Wall design

    For wall decoration, the most famous designers advise choosing large-sized tiles in order to reduce the number of seams, in combination with small mosaics - adding bright accents in the form of unusual patterns. Looks great a natural stone both on walls and in floors.

    To more clearly determine the design, we advise you to look at photos of a fashionable bathroom.

    Photo of a fashionable bathroom

    1. Finishing materials and color palette
    2. Style directions
    • Modern design for a small bathroom. Tips and photos of interesting solutions
    • Conclusion

    Modern bathroom design. Photo most stylish interiors

    The bathroom, where we spend a lot of time every day relaxing, or vice versa, energizing before an active day, should be not only cozy and functional, but also stylish. Today, design is closely intertwined with high technology, no one is interested in meaningless accessories or furnishings just “for decoration” - practicality and a high level of comfort come first. This should be kept in mind when creating bathroom interior in modern style, then it will turn out to be really relevant and in line with the latest trends.

    And what styles are gaining popularity? What to look for when designing the bathroom of your dreams?

    Of course, interior fashion is not as fleeting and changeable as catwalk fashion, however, in 2017, new trends have appeared that should be taken into account.

    What should be modern style bathroom

    Resource-saving technologies and equipment are in demand more than ever, allowing to save water during hygiene procedures.

    "Smart" plumbing will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than traditional counterparts, but the cost of acquiring it will quickly pay off with low utility bills. In addition to water-saving hydroboxes or toilets that use sink drains to fill the cistern, there are low-cost devices, such as faucet heads, restrictive cartridges, and shower heads, that do not allow excessive consumption.

    If we talk about styles, then the future belongs to minimalism, with its laconic forms, the absence of pretentious decor and restrained colors. This direction is ideal for bathrooms of any size - it gives room for fresh and extraordinary design solutions.

    Finishing materials and color palette

    • Modern bathroom design built on contrast, but not open, but "soft", without absolute oppositions. For example, two types of tiles are used in wall decoration: large and mosaic, but at the same time they are designed in one color scheme. In general, ceramics is a favorite of this season - it should be given priority when choosing a decorative coating for the bathroom.

    The embossed tiles featured in these photo is one of the leading trends.

    Advice: Deep relief tiles are not recommended for small bathrooms. It visually splits the room, besides, it is not easy to maintain and quickly accumulates dust in the chamber space.

    No less popular is the tile with a geometric "volumetric" pattern; it is also designed for large rooms.

    • Actual combination of several materials, allowing maximum protection of areas with high humidity. An interesting combination of wooden surfaces with glossy tiles, matte plaster with mirror inserts, natural stone with concrete. Environmental friendliness, natural materials and natural, muted shades are in fashion.

    It is undesirable to withstand the entire interior in dark colors even if the room is spacious and well lit.

    • If someone likes bright colors, you should not refuse them. However, it involves the dosed use of saturated shades, in the form of a single accent, but not for the local coloring of surfaces.
    • most popular in 2017 – 2018 recognized grey colour and its varieties.
    • Another trend: black and white, "chess" gamma, borrowed by designers from Art Deco.

    Style directions

    To create modern design in our bathroom, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the traditions of minimalism.

    Adherents of the classics, country or retro will not have to give up their favorite trends, but they should not be used in their pure form. Eclecticism is the right way out for those who want to be in trend, but are not ready to take water procedures in a minimalist interior.

    Take simplicity and functionality scandinavian style or the classic direction with its artsy decor and luxury finishes, and then add some details from the loft, hi-tech or modern. Before us is fashionable, modern interior where the individual preferences of the owner are preserved, but at the same time, the latest world trends in design are taken into account.

    How such eclecticism looks like in reality is easy to imagine by considering the following examples with photos.

    It is much more difficult to maintain style and make a spectacular chamber room than a spacious one. That is why the design of a small bathroom is given special attention.

    Modern trends allow to realize a lot interesting ideas even in a small area, although the palette of design solutions will still be limited.

    • White and its shades are still relevant and are unlikely to go out of fashion in the near future. You can safely design a compact bathroom in bright colors using tile medium size - the room will seem much larger than its actual size. To verify the effectiveness of such a technique, pay attention to these photo:

    Important: For psychological comfort, designers advise making the floor at least a little darker than the walls, then the spatial orientation is not violated.

    • Modern or minimalist furniture: laconic forms, without decor, with glossy facades that reflect light well, are at the height of fashion today. Just such models are suitable for a small bathroom.

    Tip: hanging cabinets should be preferred to floor cabinets, even if they have legs. The furniture in this case does not cover the floor, which makes the room look more spacious, as in the photo below.

    • Bathrooms with shower- not only relevant, but also a practical solution when it comes to small spaces. Traditional bathing containers take up too much space and are increasingly abandoned in order to save usable space. Cabins with transparent sliding doors, equipped with innovative water supply systems - this is what is truly modern and stylish. And here is photo, which prove this statement:
    • Sometimes there is a need for a separate bathroom no toilet, since the shared bathroom, for some reason, is inconvenient to use. In this case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room turns out to be quite small, but you should not give up.

    We organize storage spaces above the door and under the bathroom (replacing it with a shower cabin will not save the situation in this situation), we refuse floor furniture and install it under the sink washing machine. As a result, the room is cozy and functional.

    Modern bathroom "stands" on three pillars: style, safety and ecology. Given these important components, it is easy to create a comfortable space that will give us joy beyond time and fashion.

    Changeable fashion from year to year dictates its own rules. It seems that there are practically no people left in the world who are completely indifferent to her quirks. After all, the craving for experiments, changes and new experiences takes its toll. So why deny yourself the pleasant little things? So we decided to figure out how to make even the bathroom stylish, bright and relevant. All in the best trends of 2019!

    What to consider when decorating a bathroom?

    Modern bathrooms have long ceased to be the same type. Even the same area can be beaten in fundamentally different ways.

    First, decide what you need: a bath or shower, a wall-hung or floor-standing toilet, a sink with a cabinet, or an independent tulip bowl. Furniture sets differ in content and equipment. Even set household appliances everyone has their own.

    Having a clear list of what you need in hand makes it much easier to develop a general concept. So the bathroom will be ergonomic, comfortable, beautiful and individual. After all, the smaller and more functional the room, the more important it is not to miscalculate even in small things.

    Interior trends 2019

    Interior fashion changes and improves in the same way as in clothing. In 2019, the following trends can be noted:

    Personalized interiors. No one sets out to thoroughly observe the canons of one style. Everything is as eclectic as possible and focused on the preferences of the owner of the apartment;

    The principle of contrasts. Classical opposing color pairs are actively used. For example, blue and red are of similar brightness and saturation. This is called an energy-efficient balance for harmonious relaxation and recharging;

    Soft minimalism. Minimalist interiors are gradually becoming less concise and allow decorative details. But the fashion for decluttering, multifunctional solutions and rational consumption continues to evolve;

    Concrete. The “feature” of bathrooms in 2019 is the use of brutal concrete surfaces for snow-white plumbing and delicate decor. These can be wall or floor panels, bowls and entire fonts;

    Asymmetry. Designers are less and less pursuing a clear harmonious symmetry. Creative controlled clutter and free space planning at its peak;

    Mixing of metals. Fancy combinations of gold, silver, brass and bronze are a logical continuation of eclectic trends. Pay attention to this when choosing plumbing, radiators, heated towel rails, valves and fittings.

    Choosing a bathroom color 2019

    The main color trend of 2019 is total immersion. different shades single spectrum, gradients, ombre, watercolor washes - all this is used on walls, floors, ceilings and furniture.

    coral bathroom

    Delicate and warm coral shade is the main color of 2019. He is rapidly gaining positions in interiors. Romantic, graceful and neutral, it will make the bathroom light room, refined and elegant.

    Coral color at the same time reminds of delicate pastel classics, breathtaking underwater world and fragrant marshmallow desserts. It can be harmoniously fit into the bathroom in almost any style.

    green bathroom

    Green is the color of freshness and relaxation. It is bright, juicy and calm at the same time, so it seems to be created for decorating a bathroom. Especially relevant in 2019 will be complex rich shades: emerald and malachite. And in contrast to them - a gentle milky-mint.

    blue bathroom

    All shades of blue have always occupied one of the leading positions in the design of the bathroom. In 2019, deep dark shades come to the fore: cobalt and sapphire. They go well with white plumbing, glass, chrome details.

    black bathroom

    Stylish black plumbing organically merges into the trends of 2019. Glossy surfaces are replaced by a noble matte wear. The tradition of using complex shades will continue: graphite, dusty, soot.

    yellow bathroom

    The most relevant shade in 2019 is creamy yellow, the so-called “French vanilla”. It is warm, cozy and sunny, but not overly bright and flashy. By the way, it perfectly enlarges small rooms without windows: for example, a bathroom.

    Terracotta bathroom

    Thick and rich terracotta color is one of the most comfortable and homely. In such a bathroom it is warm even cold winter, while the expressive life-affirming shade is quite versatile in complex combinations.

    Popular bathroom styles in 2019

    In 2019, complex mixed styles come to the fore. One day, the abundance of lush decor was replaced by its complete absence in the best traditions of minimalism. Modern fashion is looking for harmony between these extremes in pursuit not of quantity, but of quality.

    Art Deco bathroom

    The vogue for personalization and asymmetry is bringing the whimsical art deco back to life. Now he is gradually replacing the strict classics with its conservative approach to design and details.

    Grunge bathroom

    The loft in the interiors of 2019 is being modernized, becoming softer, neater. The popularity of the concrete texture in the bathroom, combined with the fashion for delicate coral, mint and vanilla shades, gives rise to more and more new variations of the grunge style.

    Bathroom in contemporary style

    The richness of textures is another "trick" of the interiors of 2019. In the bathroom design, this trend is most evident in the eclectic contemporary style. It is all built on the contrast of simple forms and expressive materials.

    Bathroom in Italian style

    Hard to surprise in 2019 Scandinavian interiors. Gradually they are replaced by more comfortable, textured and complex Italian trends. In fashion - expensive finishes, natural stone, voluminous fabrics, elegant plumbing, warm ocher, brick, cream and olive tones.

    High-tech bathroom

    Futuristic high-tech is gradually changing to functional high-tech. Forms and solutions are simplified, but the craving for metal, chrome elements, glass and expressive glossy surfaces remains relevant. Everything you need for your bathroom!

    Decoration Materials

    When choosing finishing materials in the bathroom 2019, always focus on functionality first. Indeed, despite all the fashionable research, high humidity, constant cleaning, hygiene and practicality have not been canceled.


    In addition to classic tiles, the popularity of stone finishes is growing again. It does not have to be natural, because such material is expensive, heavy and not always practical. Modern artificial stone is much more convenient, but it looks just as good.


    The emphasis on the ceiling is a striking feature of 2019. Therefore, pay attention to complex plasterboard structures, expressive multi-tiered stretch ceilings, stucco moldings, suspensions and spotlights. Do not forget only about the humidity of the bathroom.


    Excessively active wallpaper patterns or tiles in the design of the walls fade into the background. But painting, stained-glass windows and other individual design solutions. There won't be another bathroom like this!

    Bathroom furniture 2019

    In furniture design, extremes again happily coexist. Valuable textured woods and catchy glossy acrylic remain equally successful. But plastic is becoming obsolete, supplanted by eco-styles.

    Textured textiles are relevant again. Swap out your boring rubber rug for a soft, round pile carpet. Of course, it will have to be washed regularly, but you will see how the bathroom will be transformed in no time!


    If you want to stay on trend in 2019, pay attention to black bathroom fixtures. And especially - on black matte faucets. You will see, soon they will take over the interiors around the world!

    A lot of attention is paid to the little things: whimsical bathroom legs, unusual valves on pipelines, complex geometric shapes of washbasins. Also in vogue are large stone bath-bowls.

    Lighting and decor

    The abundance of light and multi-level systems are still relevant. This is especially practical in the bathroom, which rarely has windows and an influx of natural light.

    Aged accessories are slowly but surely disappearing. A simple, concise and functional decor is in fashion: fancy-shaped mirrors, mosaic and stained glass inserts in decoration, evergreen decorative succulents in concrete flowerpots.

    Light coral, vanilla and mint shades are perfect for small bathrooms. So it will not be difficult to decorate the interior in accordance with the trends of 2019.

    Instead of a massive bowl, install a modern shower cabin with lighting. It will fit well into the concept of zonal and multi-level lighting.

    When choosing bathroom furniture, pay attention to multifunctional storage systems, corner cabinets, built-in compact appliances and light metal and glass structures.

    Bathroom 2019 - photos of real interiors

    The main trend of this year is the lack of clear canons. That is why when designing a bathroom design in 2019, you can safely experiment and create something new and unique. And for inspiration, we offer you this selection of photos!

    The bathroom is a place where a person spends a lot of time, recuperating the energy spent during the whole working day. It also serves as a place for relaxation and a set of vivacity for the coming day.

    A modern resident of a big city wants in every possible way to make his bathtub different from the mass of others. To do this, he adds to it a huge amount of new technologies and interior items.

    This article will discuss how to come up with and implement a fashionable bathroom design.


    Despite the fact that many people prefer to combine various bright colors in the interior, one of the most popular combinations remains the combination dark walls and light sanitary ware. It is not surprising, because in this way appearance the rooms seem more premium and rich.

    However, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color, and everyone should choose based on their own preferences and desires. But it is worth remembering that poisonous shades visually reduce the space. For example, turquoise or lemon colors.


    Those who are trying to choose furniture for a combined bathroom on their own, without using numerous recommendations, make a large number of stylistic mistakes. Ideas for placing furniture in the bathroom can be gleaned from various magazines and articles on this topic.

    Bionic shells are gaining popularity every day. They are distinguished by an abundance of chrome, as well as specially aged faucets. This adds a little carelessness to them, which attracts due attention.

    Don't forget about lighting. In addition to all the familiar standard fixtures, you can use floor lamps or the so-called sconces. They are just starting to come into fashion, but they look very impressive.

    Also, special areas of the bathroom can be distinguished with separate strips of light. It is worth remembering that warm light adds more comfort than cold.

    Finishing material

    After the issue with the furniture is resolved, you can proceed to the main step - choosing the material for finishing the bathroom. It can be either tile or marble or stone.

    Many residents of modern high-rise buildings choose wood-like tiles. If you also want to see wood imitation in your interior, then you need to know that it is better to combine it with light colors. A large number of manufacturers of bathroom utensils can provide many options for this type of finish.

    Room greening for water procedures is not uncommon. Those who want to get as close to nature as possible and give their bathroom a more lively look choose different plants that fit perfectly into the interior.

    For example, "living" walls are widespread, which are made of climbing plants. It must be borne in mind that for this kind of bath improvement, good ventilation and a large space are required.

    All kinds of objects can be made of natural stone. We are talking not only about walls or ceilings, but also, for example, about a bathroom or some kind of countertop.

    In this way, you can give your room a look of antiquity, which looks very attractive. In addition, a large space can be diversified with various kinds of columns.

    An interesting effect is given by the use of concrete. The sink and bathtub made of this material look especially beautiful. Additionally, you can purchase mixers and taps made in dark shades.

    A stylish solution for a modern bathroom can be considered rainbow tiles. Due to the wide variety of designs, each person will be able to find a design to their liking. But we can advise you to pay attention to the tiles with the effect of spilled gasoline or with a mother-of-pearl shine.

    In the end, I would like to note that it is not necessary to resort to the help of architects or designers. They will not be able to accurately select a design suitable for each person.

    But you can turn to them for advice on choosing plumbing, as the opinion of a professional will not be superfluous in this matter.

    Photos of the new bathroom designs in 2019 can be found on the Internet and from there you can already highlight the moments that you have the right to transfer to your room for water procedures.

    Bathroom design photo 2019
