We can observe the manifestation of fashion in many areas that surround us. Even in interior design, because in order to match the modern rhythm of life in your apartment, you need to rely on the latest trends in the fashion world. It is important to be able to combine style and comfort in interior design, while emphasizing exclusivity.

The design and interior of the bathroom is especially important, as our morning begins here, and here we can relax and unwind. Naturally, the atmosphere of this room should be not only modern, but also comfortable. Choosing fashion design bathroom, consider the style of the house as a whole and your personal preferences. Given the large number of materials, it will be quite simple to design a design that is both modern and comfortable at the same time.

Style and forms

The main features that can be traced in modern design work, are clear and simple lines, decorated with natural materials. Clear geometry and structure focus on the business nature of modern life, no extra details and are increasingly common in modern bathroom interiors.


Minimalist trends take the lead in the design of fashionable bathrooms. It is based on simplicity, lightness and ascetic beauty. In minimalist interiors, only the most important things are allowed in the room, but there is also a place for discreet decor here. Design features such bathrooms are characterized by conciseness and straightforwardness.

High tech

High-tech style is also quite popular style for decorating bathrooms. Super modern style, which was created on the basis of high-tech constructivism.

Features of this style:

  • clear straight lines
  • excellent lighting (usually point)
  • perfectly smooth shiny surfaces
  • lots of chrome parts

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The color scheme in such an interior is used calm, non-aggressive.

Naturally, the main object of the bathroom is the bath itself. She is given a separate, clearly delimited place. However, sometimes it is combined with a shower. However, modern designers prefer their separate location.

shower cubicles in modern bathrooms are replaced by a built-in shower. The presence of a partition is not necessary here at all. If a partition is still necessary, then, as a rule, transparent glass is used.

When choosing sinks, you should focus on a clear geometry, which will favorably emphasize the severity of the interior of this room.

Very effectively, fashionably and beautifully will look design in the form of a bowl, installed on the countertop.


Regardless of the fact that the dominant style in the design of bathrooms is minimalism, a variety of materials can be used for bathroom decoration.

It was a pretty bold experiment. use of natural wood, which became possible due to the specific moisture-resistant processing of the material, which expanded its functionality. Now we can easily recreate the closeness to nature by laying laminate or parquet in the bathroom.

Wooden surfaces will go well with marble tiles, softening and filling with warmth a room decorated with stone.

When choosing bathroom tiles, you should give preference to materials that imitate natural stone. The use of such tiles will emphasize the style of the room without overloading it unnecessarily.

Color solutions

The most popular shades are:

  • white
  • grey
  • beige

They can be used both separately and in combination.

Read about other color solutions in our article about choosing the color of the bathroom.

Looks very impressive bathroom in shades of grey. Sometimes gray is considered boring and uninteresting, however, if used correctly, it can recreate an atmosphere of pomposity and comfort. A combination of several shades of gray looks very advantageous in the interior.

You should not abuse too dark shades, using them only in details, otherwise the room will seem heavy and uncomfortable.

It should also be taken into account that the combination of gray with other shades can greatly diversify the interior, bringing it closer to natural landscapes in combination with warm brown shades or, on the contrary, create a feeling of coolness and freshness in combination with green shades.

Related article: How to remove cockroaches in an apartment with folk remedies

White color never goes out of fashion, which fills the room with cleanliness and freshness. Minimalist interiors are often decorated in white. Create a sense of natural peace and comfort helps classic combination whites and gray flowers with a hint of natural wood.

Using white as a basis, we can always diversify it with bright elements. It is very important that this is just one accent, for example, bright curtains, decorative panel or artistic image.

Shades beige colour perfectly combined with the natural color of wood and various brown tones. This combination can be called successful and has a positive effect on vision and emotional background.

As a rule, the beige shade is diluted, since by itself it makes the space of the room expressionless and monotonous. A successful color combination of beige is created with white, which allows you to achieve volume and structure of the room.

Bathroom, sinks - new shapes and paint

Design solutions for the bathroom are so diverse that you can always choose a model to your liking.

The rectangular bathtub is quite popular now with wooden cladding, or other material imitating wood.

Another feature of modern bathrooms is a bathtub built into a special podium of rather impressive size. The rounded shape of the bath is also quite acceptable.

Plumbing is also preferably rectangular in shape with a snow-white shade.

Look very original suspended structures bedside table and toilet. An important detail is the masking of all communications in the wall panels.


For fashionable bathroom decor, it would be appropriate to have an unusual lighting system with different lighting options. It is difficult to imagine a modern bathroom without built-in lighting.

It can be various options illumination of mirrors and bathtubs themselves, which will fill the bathroom with a feeling of comfort and coziness. Bright lighting is not necessary here at all, it can be completely replaced with spotlights around the perimeter of the room.

How much time do you spend in your bathroom? We are sure that much less than, say, in the kitchen or in the bedroom. However, does this fact imply that its design can be given less attention? Of course not. Moreover, being one of the most functional rooms in an apartment or house, the bathroom, nevertheless, makes quite serious demands on the organization of the interior. An analysis of fresh design ideas clearly demonstrates a clear bias towards pure colors and geometric harmony: former elegance is mercilessly exchanged for modernist practicality, and pompous motifs are deeply hidden in natural organics. But first things first. The focus of our attention today is bathroom design 2019. Let's sort through all the current trends, highlight those modern ideas that will be in demand over the next year, and also consider bright, cute and successful photo examples in a variety of interiors.

current color scheme

There is an opinion that everything new in most people at first causes some doubts, anxiety and even a slight fright. But everything old is very comforting. This is what lies the main problem people who are in search of a new design for the bathroom: they are instinctively drawn to the usual options, while completely different motives are knocked out in trends. This is especially true in the case of colors. Let's remember those characteristic colors and shades for bathrooms that one would like to call archetypal:

  • blue;
  • light green;
  • beige;
  • green;
  • turquoise.

Surely, you have seen many examples of rooms decorated in such a color key. And not only in the photo - in life: with relatives, neighbors, girlfriends and friends. Yes, what is there, maybe, in themselves?

The modern design of the bathroom seriously expands the color boundaries, offering, instead of the selection mentioned above, qualitatively new solutions based on contrasting shades and natural textures.

  • return to pure colors;
  • active exploitation of all shades of gray;
  • emotionally neutral colors;
  • muted tones;
  • bold combinations of pastel bases with rich tones.

Without any doubt, grey colour one of the major discoveries recent years. And the point here is not at all the popularity of the provocative film "50 Shades of Grey", but the fact that this color perfectly reflects the change of mood in 2019. The former straightforward pomposity and cheerful elegance logically gave way to restraint and solidity. By its nature, gray is a neutral color - and this fact fits perfectly into the main design trends this year. In addition, it helps to visually enlarge the room, and with the complex use of any gradients with its participation, it also hides all the flaws in the layout of a particular bathroom.

In general, the gray color has confidently crossed the boundaries of a separate color and turned into a separate tool with which you can carry out the most unexpected and interesting interior experiments.

In addition to the mentioned gray, it is worth remembering about contrasting solutions. Harmonious combinations of red and white with skillful optimization of space remain relevant. But the classic, which, it would seem, does not die - black and white - still seems to need a serious rethinking: dilute it with gradient variations of gray and get a much more advantageous complex look.

In general, be extremely careful with colorful and flashy tones. They make sense only when they harmoniously fit into the interior and meet the direct task - to create an attention-grabbing non-standard bathroom design in 2019. The photo shows examples of such experiments, which can be called successful. But it is not exactly.

We offer you more photos of bathrooms with modern ideas for 2019, which perfectly reflect the color trends we have listed.

Popular materials

A confident turn towards natural organics is the main design idea in 2019, neglecting which is like walking past a treasure trove of gold. Indeed, there are countless variations in the use of natural materials and textures, and therefore ignoring such a trump card for decoration is akin to a real design crime.

  • bold use of wood;
  • solid stone texture;
  • greens as small parts interior.

The use of natural materials allows you to breathe natural organic matter into the room and "tune" the atmosphere in such a way that a person feels most protected and comfortable in the bathroom.

  • wooden pallet in the shower;
  • wood flooring;
  • combination of wood and stone in furniture and accessories.

Of course, for use in the bathroom, high-quality wood is required, which costs a lot of money. But if you really want to create an up-to-date bathroom design, as in the photo below, then you should be aware that many modern ideas require serious financial investments. Incredible tact in contact with natural materials, a sense of unity with nature and a general atmosphere of ease, harmony and luxury are worth it. At the same time, wood must undergo a mandatory processing step - impregnation with a special composition, which significantly increases its moisture-resistant properties.

Break all possible stereotypes and boldly place plants indoors. They will look organically against the background of dark wood.

The triumph of geometry is also confirmed by another popular type of tile - diamond-shaped. The hexagonal pieces are a great way to emphasize the commitment to the linear philosophy, but at the same time overcome the restraint and orderliness of traditional forms, offering designers an endless number of variations in use. Pay attention to this trend!

Examples of the use of popular materials - wood, stone, ceramic tiles - in the photo.

Popular styles

Even a cursory glance at modern ideas confirms the undeniable influence Scandinavian minimalism on design methods. Excellent space optimization, a simplified decorative part sacrificed for practicality, a general atmosphere of orderliness and tranquility - all this allows us to declare minimalism one of the most popular design styles for the next few years.

We also recommend paying attention to loft. Of course, if you have a spacious house and the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to realize the most extraordinary creative ideas. If you think that stucco and careless brickwork do not fit well with the functional component of bathrooms, then you are seriously mistaken: the hallmark of the loft was emphasized industrialism in every interior detail, and the bathroom in this sense is an excellent springboard for testing common style attributes.

Against the backdrop of refined and extremely cold Scandinavian minimalism and a dry, lifeless loft, the classic modern style - it is also called contemporary looks like a compromise. Meanwhile, it is this practical design of bathrooms that is dominant in 2019:

  1. nothing superfluous in the interior;
  2. as much as possible free space;
  3. restraint in lines and forms;
  4. outstanding ergonomics;
  5. futuristic monochrome furniture and accessories.

But what about those who are used to vintage cabinets, floral prints, color tiles Ivory? Good old classic provence remain in the past? Of course, these design styles can hardly be attributed to the main design trends - as you can see, completely different modern ideas are popular. However, if classic interior fits perfectly into your vision of an ideal bathroom and meets all your aesthetic requirements, feel free to decorate the room, guided by your taste. Otherwise, you will never be able to relax and enjoy a shower or a richly flavored bath foam.

The role of plumbing and furniture in the design

Almost all modern ideas are based on the need free space optimization. The more space you get after the final design of the room, the more valuable and comfortable it will seem. A reasonable question arises: what about plumbing? Was it also influenced by these trends of the times?

It is sad for fans of overall washbasins and bathtubs, but that's it. The obvious direction of design thought in 2019 is to reduce their size. Minimalism, as the dominant trend in recent years, has established new standards, offering instead of luxury and pomp, something qualitatively new and much more appropriate in the bathroom format - a sense of intimacy, inner harmony and visual elegance as a common dominant.

When choosing furniture and plumbing for your room, this year you should be guided by the chosen style, but in general there is one piece of advice that will prove relevant even in the case of a harsh and time-tested classic: do not overload the space. Where it is possible to use the built-in mezzanine - use the built-in mezzanine, it turns out to build an installation in a combined bathroom - do it!

Avoid ugly and creepy-looking shower enclosures - beautiful and elegant shower enclosures look much more attractive, and perfectly match the aesthetics of recent years.

Pay attention to the fact that pallets are gradually becoming a thing of the past - instead of them, open drain systems are being widely introduced, using the floor space for organizing communications. This is how another characteristic detail is realized - open space, rejection of any partitions or non-obvious compromise solutions with their use.

Properly selected plumbing and furniture, as well as some accessories, can greatly transform a space, emphasizing its beneficial aspects. And this is a serious step towards ideal comfort.

Curious Trends

Every new season brings obvious or not very design trends that divide property owners into two camps: someone easily picks up fresh solutions, boldly integrating them into their living space, and someone prefers to wait, questioning their appropriateness in the format of one or another rooms. We invite you to play the role of such experts and evaluate in advance some interesting trends that will be relevant in 2019 as well. A selection with photos, where these modern ideas are vividly presented, is immediately following.

  • mirror wall- it looks very cool in the format of both a small and a large bathroom, in the first case it can greatly expand the space and make the room more comfortable;
  • self-leveling 3D floors- perfectly complement the interior that keeps pace with the times, perfectly emphasize the volume of the room and its stylistic originality;
  • wooden furniture- we have already mentioned above that natural materials this season have become the basis for harmonious interior, the same with furniture - and the more casual its surface is, the more interesting and effective this decision will seem;
  • combination in the room shower enclosure and cast marble bathtubs- a bold decision that acquires the right to life in the presence of a large amount of free space;
  • marble washbasin + wooden cabinet- we continue the theme of natural organic matter;
  • brass accessories- one of the features of the loft and minimalism, in combination with marble on the walls will look especially advantageous.

Summing up

Let's try to highlight the main trends and those modern ideas that will directly affect how the modern bathroom will be. This list can be considered a kind of summary of everything we talked about above.

  1. space optimization should be at the forefront in design - correct selection plumbing and furniture, as well as their good location, will achieve a comfortable feeling in the room and its visual increase;
  2. plumbing begins to combine functional and decorative roles - while a special emphasis is placed on the use of natural materials, their combinations, emphasizing harmonious ergonomics;
  3. a large room - solid lighting, which means that the larger the bathroom, the more compositionally complex and balanced the lighting system should be (several levels);
  4. each piece of furniture should perform a practical function - if at the same time it also positively affects the aesthetic perception of space, this is only a plus;
  5. the layout of the bathroom should not be overloaded with details - brevity of forms and lines is welcome;
  6. the color design is shifting towards neutral shades - feel free to use any gradients, and if you feel the need to refresh the interior, dilute neutral muted tones with contrasting combinations.

Photos of bathrooms in full accordance with the above rules for building an interior and the dominant modern ideas.

Noting for yourself the modern ideas familiar to you, you probably paid attention to the fact that very often designers boldly deviate from the prescribed rules without any damage to the final result. Of course, artistic intuition also plays a significant role in this, allowing you to predict the nature of the perception of a certain detail in the interior of the bathroom and its close connection with the general mood of the room. However, the so-called creative impudence is also of great importance - this is a deliberate mixing of various accents in order to get something qualitatively new and interesting in the interior. Are you capable of this?

Modern ideas are not thought out according to a clear plan or someone's directive - they are based on the same human factor that is able to give birth to a brilliant idea spontaneously, inspired by just one detail in a peeped project. Who knows, maybe you will become the author of such unusual idea, which you first successfully implement yourself in your bathroom, and then others will pick it up? At least that's what we tried to do!

A small bathroom is a common problem in apartment buildings. But even this room can really be turned into an oasis of comfort and relaxation, if you use design techniques. By choosing the right finishes, plumbing and furniture, you will see that it was not at all a narrow area that was the cause of crowding, but only an illiterate placement of things. Our recommendations will help you correct mistakes and make your bathroom comfortable and tidy!

Small bathroom remodel

The first thing you need to decide on at this stage is to make the bathroom combined or separate.

By removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom, you can slightly expand the area and save on finishing materials. But, firstly, this will require permission from special authorities; secondly, there may be important communications in the partition, such as water or sewer pipes, ventilation ducts, electrical wiring; and thirdly, for a large family, a shared bathroom will be very inconvenient from a practical point of view.

As for a separate bathroom, in this option the only drawback will be that both rooms often turn out to be very tiny and there simply will not be room for a separate washstand in the toilet. In this case, you can use a compact sink, placing it, for example, in a corner, just above the drain tank.

You can also add a little extra squares to your small bathroom by reducing the hallway or corridor.

Color spectrum

We all know perfectly well that light shades will help to design a bathroom that is modest in size, not only bringing lightness and freshness to the interior, but also visually expanding the space. For most of us, it is white that is a symbol of cleanliness and freshness, which are so necessary in a room for water and sanitary procedures.

But don't get hung up on light surfaces just because the bathroom is modest. color accents are also necessary to rid all members of the household of persistent associations with a hospital ward or operating room, in which, of course, it is clean and even sterile, but absolutely uncomfortable.
But the bathroom, no matter how small it is, is designed not only to perform the basic functions of providing opportunities for water procedures but also for relaxation. In large families, the bathroom is often the only place for privacy. Agree that such a space must be designed with special care.

The abundance of white surfaces always creates a somewhat cool atmosphere in the room. Designers recommend "dilute" the snow-white tone with the integration of wooden surfaces. These can be facades of storage systems (most often these are small drawers under sinks, less often hanging cabinets and open shelves), imitation of wood on ceramic tiles, which is used for finishing floors or decorating an apron over a bathroom, sink.

Even in a very small room, it is impossible to perform all surfaces in white. The flooring must be made at least 2-3 shades darker. This is necessary to create a favorable, from the point of view of the emotional state, picture of the interior. If the flooring is made in a light tone, like the walls and ceiling of the bathroom, there is a feeling of a lack of form in the room, the person literally “leaves the ground from under his feet”. You can use an imitation of wood or stone, choose a tile with a colorful ornament or in a plain version, but not light.

Apart from white color, there are many color options for creating a light, calm finish that does not weigh down the image small room and help create a relaxing atmosphere. All pastel shades are suitable as a base for wall decoration in a small bathroom. Light beige tones, among other things, will help create a warm, relaxing atmosphere. In addition, against the background of beige walls, snow-white plumbing looks more spectacular. To bring contrast to the light image of the room, you can use darker color schemes for flooring or storage systems.

Various shades of gray can be used to decorate a small bathroom space. On a gray background, not only the whiteness of plumbing looks great. But also the brilliance of chrome-plated bathroom accessories - various holders, faucets, faucets. A light gray tone can be taken as a basis, and with the help of darker, deeper shades, you can emphasize the geometry of the room or highlight one or another functional area.

Not only by choosing the color for finishing the main surfaces, you can influence the visual perception of the room, its dimensions and boundaries. Small color inserts, various edgings, the placement of a print on a tile - with the help of various design techniques, positive effects can be achieved to create a comfortable image of a small bathroom. For example, the location of a narrow border or a colored insert not in the middle of the room, but a little higher, will visually increase the height of the room.

Finishes and materials

Taking a bath or shower, everyone can observe how much steam and condensate is formed in the air. This means that absolutely all materials for finishing a small bathroom must be waterproof and resistant to temperature changes.

Bathroom floors

At first glance, it might seem that concrete base in the bathroom it is enough to tile with tiles and its repair will be finished. But this is far from being the case - it would not hurt to carry out some more work under the upper decorative layer. So, the "warm floor" system will provide a comfortable temperature, and a dense layer of waterproofing will save angry neighbors from visiting in the event of a flood. It is better to choose a tile large, light in color.


For wall decoration in a small bathroom, you can use ceramic tiles, plastic panels, painting, artificial stone or moisture resistant wallpaper.

The first step is to properly plaster the surface and apply a quality primer. You can also level the surface with aquapanels.

From paints, it is desirable to use non-toxic water-based, acrylic, silicone, and water-dispersion compositions. It is better to refuse traditional oil ones - as they dry for a long time, emit the smell of acetone and quickly crack under the influence of temperature.

Ceilings in the bathroom

The best choice for decorating the ceiling in a small bathroom is a stretch film with a mirror effect. It is absolutely resistant to water vapor and will serve for at least ten years without losing its original aesthetic appearance. In addition, such a ceiling will help minimize the unpleasant consequences of flooding.

If needed budget repair, then you can stop at painting, but it will have to be updated every year.

Another good way to finish the ceiling in the bathroom is cladding. plastic panels. For the frame under them, only a stainless metal profile should be used.

Can there be such a design technique in a small bathroom as an accent wall highlighted with rich color? Designers unanimously answer yes. standard sizes a bathroom and even an irregularly shaped room can benefit from the presence of a colorful finish on one of the surfaces.
It will not visually reduce the space, but will emphasize the shape of the utilitarian room. Most often, for a bright or contrastingly dark performance, the shower cabin area is chosen, but you can also use the wall behind the bathtub or sink with a mirror as an accent surface.

The choice of plumbing

Modern manufacturers are guided by the needs of customers. The demand for compact models of plumbing fixtures does not fall, despite the improvement in the quality of life, the increase in the possibilities of utilitarian spaces in apartments and private houses. Pay your attention to suspended models plumbing - toilets and sinks.
They are built into niches specially created for them, inside which you can hide all engineering systems. Console models will help save much-needed centimeters of usable space in small rooms. Not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue, because a hanging toilet or sink, which seems to be built into the wall without any pipes - perfect solution for modern and stylish look bathroom.

In a small bathroom, where it is difficult to allocate space for a spacious bath, you should definitely give preference to a shower cabin. Moreover, there are models equipped with deep jacuzzi trays, so lovers of romantic bathing with candles and rose petals will not be offended.

In addition to significant space savings, the cabin reduces water consumption. Considering rising utility bills, this is a big advantage. Having ventilation above the shower will quickly remove moisture and minimize condensation on the finish outside. And if you still want to lie in the water to your full height, then owners of small bathrooms should pay attention for corner and curved bathtubs.

Furniture arrangement

compact washing machine with side loading can be built into any free niche: under the sink, boiler, in the corner between the bathroom and the wall or above the toilet. It is only necessary to provide an insulated outlet nearby and discreetly hide the pipes.

In order not to spoil expensive plumbing, drain dirty water it is better to take it directly to the sewer hole.

To store things in a small bathroom, you should make the most of the vertical space - put high pencil cases, hanging shelves, towel dryers. For shampoos, gels, foams and other hygiene products, shelves-doors on brackets that open at an angle can be equipped in the sides of the bath 45-60 degrees or make narrow horizontal shelves with sliding screens.

Another one interesting idea- pull-out rack You can fold clean towels in it, and they will be well protected from moisture.

Decor and lighting

For small space Light is one of the most important elements of drawing up the image of the interior. It is he who is the main assistant in the visual increase in the volume of the room. Reflecting from mirrors, glossy and glass surfaces, the light spreads throughout the provided volume of a small utility room. That is why one ceiling lamp won't be enough. spot lighting along the perimeter of the ceiling, mirror illumination, the use of strip lighting or a combination of lamps of various designs and modifications - even in small space options are possible.

Mirrors can be attributed to both functional and decorative elements of the interior. No bathroom is complete without a mirror, and in a small space it becomes not only a means to reflect objects, but also serves as a visual expander of the room.
If, instead of a regular mirror, a large mirror canvas is installed above the sink, possibly occupying the entire width of the room, the boundaries of such a bathroom will literally be erased. Not to mention the multiple reflections of artificial light.
In mirror surfaces, which often serve not only as reflective elements above sinks, but also as backsplashes, holes can be drilled for mounting lamps or connecting communication systems for installing a faucet. For showiness around the perimeter of such a mirror panel or in the lower part, you can install tape lighting.

For decorating in a small bathroom, there is often simply no room left. In order to avoid fragmenting the image of the room into small parts, designers do not recommend not only not to get carried away with decorating the interior, but also to minimize all accessories and additional interior elements.
And yet, we always have the opportunity to bring color, originality and just variety into the bright and often dull image of the room with the help of household items that no bathroom can do without - bright towels or shower curtains. Rug in front of the sink or bath, original sets of bath accessories, various dispensers and holders.

We invite you to read the article on the topic: "bath design 2019" with the comments of our expert. You can ask all questions in the comments.

  • Modern bathroom design: photo ideas for a stylish interior

    Have you thought about the fact that no matter how comfortable it was in our house, no matter how beautiful furniture and the decor was not located in it, and no matter what technologies improve our home, none of this can be compared for us with such an indispensable part of the living space as the bathroom.

    It is the bathroom that is the place where we imperceptibly spend a lot of time taking care of ourselves in the early morning, it is in the bathroom that we relax and wash off all the burden of a hard day's work ...

    Long gone are the days when all bathrooms were standard, like a blueprint. The design of the bathroom in importance is no different from the same living room or kitchen, because Beautiful design bathroom is the guarantee of our pleasant relaxation and comfort.

    Today we will offer you a modern bathroom design in different styles 2019-2020, outlining the features of bathroom interior design, as well as offering fifty beautiful photos ideas on which bathroom design to choose.

    We will not only show you the design of the bathroom, but also name the most current trends and trends in bathroom interior design 2019-2020.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: trends, trends

    If the bathroom design is done by a specialist for you, you are very lucky, because the pros can easily cope with the zoning of space, the choice of tiles and plumbing, decorating your bathroom in the best traditions of modern design.

    If you create your own bathroom design, the best way to do this is to help you. beautiful photos bathroom interior design ideas 2019-2020 that you will find below.

    Besides whatever you choose original design bathroom, you need to make this room as functional, comfortable, beautiful, cozy as possible.

    First of all, you need to start from what size your bathroom is, and what design ideas you can implement in it.

    The design of a small bathroom 2019-2020 must be created taking into account ergonomic factors, because if there is not enough space, this does not mean that you do not need to look for ways out of how to equip it to the maximum.

    The fashionable interior design of a large-sized bathroom gives endless opportunities for experimentation, because it can be equipped not only with the necessary communications and original plumbing, but also play with decor, interior options, even choose paintings and textiles for the bathroom.

    And so, let's model your unique modern bathroom design 2019-2020 step by step, breathing your individual character into its arrangement.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: stylistic features of the interior

    Considering the trends in bathroom interior design, we note that the absolute trend for today is minimalism. Simplicity and conciseness, in harmony with modern technologies, highlights the functionality and comfort of the bathroom, in harmony with the simplicity of design.

    Professionals offer to evaluate the design of the bathroom in beautiful natural shades, mainly white, oil, sand, gray, black.

    It is these shades that show best design bathroom interior 2019-2020 in a minimalist style, because materials that imitate natural surfaces are used to create it. Mixing many colors in one interior is not acceptable for minimalism.

    In addition to minimalism, modern bathroom design has become very popular in scandinavian style, which also strives for simplicity, the absence of everything superfluous, the combination of a black and white palette interspersed with elements of bright and saturated colors. This style is characterized by the imitation and use of wood, concrete, linen, cotton, copper, brass, stone, ceramics, etc.

    If you really want to get stylish design bathroom 2019-2020, pay attention to such an interior style as a loft, which gradually began to influence modern designs not only of the main ones, but also of bathrooms.

    For those who are not in the know, the loft style offers us an urban interior design, reminiscent of the storage or attic spaces of the house, decorating the walls. brickwork, concrete, cement, wooden surfaces, aesthetics and at the same time the manufacturability of the premises.

    If urban and urban motifs in the interiors are uncomfortable for you, then we advise you to look at other interior options, for example:

    Bathroom design in a classic style;

    Provence style bathroom design;

    Japanese style bathroom design;

    Original multi-colored bathroom design with drawings and ornaments;

    3D bathroom design with natural motifs.

    When you have decided on a style, you need to consider next questions arrangement of space. Choose the finishing material - it can be ceramic tiles, stone, marble, etc. Also you should choose good plumbing.
  • The bathroom is considered by many to be the most unfashionable place - it should be functional and comfortable. However, changing color solutions, new materials and coatings are being created to protect the old ones, and plumbing is changing after them. What has emerged and is gaining popularity in the past few years?

    Many designers are returning to natural materials, finding new and functional ones among them, this also applies to bathroom design. The main design trends are: super clean colors, seamless lines, practical and simple layout of rooms, but cozy and elegant.

    Continuity is the new dynamic

    Straight lines and modern aesthetics allow the use of the same materials for wall and floor cladding. Thus, one of the tendencies is continuity.

    Combinations of different materials

    The combination of modern and natural adds style to the interior. For example, matching a tree and natural stone artificial materials or the warmth of wood with the sheen of ceramic tiles.

    visual lightness

    The simplicity of design is usually apparent. To achieve this effect, it must be very carefully planned. Harmony is that thin line that many aspire to.

    New is well forgotten old

    Clay is one of the oldest materials and is one of the most relevant materials today. Clay has plasticity and naturalness at the same time.

    Plumbing that showcases the beauty of water

    Living to non-living

    Living plants in the bathroom make the interior closer to nature.

    Modern use of familiar materials

    Another natural material that is making a comeback in the bathroom is wood. Thanks to modern impregnations, it is used not only as decorative elements, but now it can be laid on the floor and used in the shower.

    Diversity of nature

    They say that there are no two identical natural materials that exactly repeat each other. That is why their use makes every bathroom unique. Both stone and warm wood bring pleasant tactile sensations.

    dark colors

    Dark colors are making a comeback in interiors. If used correctly, the bathroom will look luxurious and relaxing.

    pure colors

    Pure colors are becoming popular - matte and neutral. They pair perfectly with dark grays and bring contrast to the color scheme.


    Marble wall cladding and metal accessories in shades of brass and gold are a throwback to the aesthetics of the 70s. In the near future - one of the most fashionable materials.

    Minimalism and natural stone

    Noble marble is perfect for a minimalist style. It can be used for both floor coverings and cladding, and as a material for plumbing.

    Perfect for finishing travertine and quartzite.

    Geometry games

    Oriental patterns were replaced by interesting geometry.

    Minimalist bathrooms in the city

    When it comes to size and shape, the trend is towards smaller and more comfortable spaces. Compact bathrooms have been replaced by huge ones. They are not only better suited for urban apartments, but also create a sense of restraint and intimacy.

    Bathroom radiators

    In conclusion, a few examples of heating.
