Block house allows you to give a stunning appearance any home, even if it is built from conventional building materials. After sheathing with a block house, it seems that the house is entirely built of logs, it is impossible to distinguish it from a natural log house. Sheathing the house with a block house can be done with your own hands.

It is worth noting that the original meaning of the word blockhouse was distorted. In the West it means frame houses, which are collected in a short time. At us the same term is applied first of all to finishing panels. For the production of the block house are used different types wood, coniferous wood is quite often used, so it will not be difficult to pick up suitable option for any home.

Block house type selection

Block house can be classified according to the type of material used:

  • wooden block house. Made directly from logs. At a woodworking plant, a log is processed according to the square in a circle scheme, that is, semicircular sections are cut along the perimeter of the logs, the rest goes to the manufacture of beams and boards, and sections with a semicircular surface are used to make a block house. Wood at the production stage is impregnated with special protective compounds, and the packaging excludes deformation;

  • metal block house. In fact, it is a kind of siding - it only imitates the shape and surface of wood, installation is carried out according to the same method as the installation of siding panels;

  • vinyl block house - compared to natural wood somewhat dim. Installation is no different from the installation of siding and a metal block house.

Tools and materials for sheathing a house with a block house

Sheathing a house with a block house with your own hands is quite simple, for this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wooden blocks (section 40x50 and 30x40 mm), you can also use metal carcass, but most often preference is given to a wooden crate;
  • waterproofing film;
  • vapor barrier layer. Foil kraft paper is often used;

  • heat-insulating material, in principle, the device of a heat insulator layer is not necessary, but most often the sheathing with a block house is combined with wall insulation;
  • block house;
  • means for processing wood, despite the factory impregnation, additional processing of the block house will not be superfluous;
  • stain or varnish;
  • self-tapping screws, nails or kleimers;

  • platbands;
  • skirting boards (when sheathing a block house on the inside of the wall);
  • corners for mounting on external and inside corners;
  • a hacksaw for cutting a block house (for large volumes of work, it is better to use a circular saw);
  • drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • screwdriver

Block house wall cladding technology

For proper wall cladding with a block house, installation work should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Wall preparation. At this stage, the walls are cleaned of dirt. If wood cladding is outer wall, then it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the bark from the logs.
  2. A layer of waterproofing is attached to the surface of the wall. To do this, you can use a special film.

  1. A crate is placed on top of this film. Typically used wooden crate, although it is allowed to use metal profiles. The elements of the crate must first be protected from decay and insects by impregnation with special substances. It is recommended to use bars with a minimum section of 40x50 mm, this size is due to the fact that the thickness of heat-insulating materials is usually 50 mm. The step of the lathing bars should not exceed 50 - 60 cm. mineral wool or other insulating material.

Since there should be a gap between the blockhouse and the heat insulator layer, a second crate is stuffed on top of the crate already attached to the wall, but bars of a smaller section are used - 30x40 mm, the block house panels will later be attached to them. Before attaching the second layer of the crate, a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the entire surface of the insulation (using a stapler).

It is important not to confuse the location of the vapor barrier layer, foil kraft paper is located with the foil out.

  1. After that, you can proceed with the installation of the panels of the block house, the wall sheathing can be started both from top to bottom and in the opposite direction. At this stage great importance has observance of the horizontality of the panels, the slightest misalignment can spoil the whole positive effect of block house sheathing. Especially carefully you need to control the horizontality of the first panel.

Sheathing of the outer wall is not carried out along the entire height, the block house is not brought to the ground by at least 30 cm. Stone materials are usually used to finish this section.

Even before starting the sheathing, you need to decide on the type of fastening of the block house to the crate, the speed of work and the percentage of marriage will depend on this. Between themselves, the panels are connected according to the tenon-groove scheme, but they also need to be attached to the laths of the crate. This can be done in 3 ways.

With the use of clamps. This will require additional labor, so the installation of the block house will be somewhat slower, but at the same time the risk of damage to individual panels is minimized.

With galvanized nails. Perhaps the most undesirable method of fastening, which can only be recommended to an experienced person. Nails are driven at an angle or perpendicular to the groove of the board. When using this method, the risk of damage to the elements is extremely high. lock connection panels.

With the help of self-tapping screws. At the same time, a hole equal to the diameter of the self-tapping screw is drilled in the board at ½ of its thickness, then the block house is attached to the crate. Subsequently, this hole is masked using, for example, a mixture of glue and sawdust.

After installing and fixing the first row, its horizontalness is checked using the building level. In the future, horizontality can be checked every few rows.

To facilitate the sheathing of the house with a block house, it is recommended to position the panels in such a way that the spike goes into the groove from top to bottom. With this arrangement of panels, light tapping with a rubber mallet is enough to ensure that the panels are firmly connected to each other.

  1. Completion of the installation of the block house. The finishing touch can be considered the finishing of external and internal corners. In principle, you can try to butt-join the panels of the block house, but this will require careful sawing of the ends of the panels, which will lead to unnecessary labor.

In addition, the butt joint will not allow the panels to compensate for thermal deformations when heated. To save time, most often for finishing corners, special corners are used, which are attached to adhesive mixtures. This does not affect the aesthetic component.

The same approach is used in the decoration of window and doorways. Slots and other flaws are hidden behind the platbands.

  1. Despite the factory impregnation of the tree with protective compounds, many people prefer to cover the tree with an antiseptic again after the installation is completed. You can also use varnish or stain to achieve the desired shade of wood.

With the help of sheathing with a block house, even the most ordinary brick house easily turns into a natural log house. It will look like the builders have just finished laying the last logs.

Each person has his own perception and assessment of the environment, each prefers to be in his usual environment, and it is purely individual. But there is a type of interior decoration that is favorably perceived by most people. We are talking about the use of wood in interior design - and here the block house for interior decoration provides ample opportunities for the implementation of your own ideas and ideas.

The very first impression that a block house leaves is plain board, with the front side of a cylindrical shape and a ridge and a groove on the ribs. However, when done interior decoration block house, a photo as an example of such interior design can be seen below, its perception will be completely different.

From the point of view of the characteristics of this material, making it possible to use it indoors, the following can be noted:

  • environmental friendliness. It's absolutely harmless material, which does not have a negative effect on the body;
  • lightness and strength. When using a block house for interior decoration, it does not create excessive impact on bearing structures houses and foundations;
  • soundproofing. Block house, like any wood, provides significant absorption and attenuation of noise;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • blockhouse decoration inside the house allows it to breathe;
  • indoor microclimate- the air, filled with the smell of wood and resin, acquires healing properties.

In addition, such a board makes it quite easy to combine a variety of elements of room design - such as beams, brickwork, forged items. What a similar decoration with a block house looks like inside, the photo below shows in sufficient detail.

Do not forget about the original appearance, reminiscent of walls chopped from logs. And about the feeling of warmth that will always give a house finished with such material.

Choosing a block house for interior decoration

In this matter, everything is quite simple, and at the same time there are some features that must be taken into account. It is necessary to take into account for which premises the interior decoration of the house with a blockhouse will be carried out. It is worth just recalling that most often in the production of a block house are used coniferous trees. Each breed has its own, only its inherent features. Spruce has a lot of knots, and they form an original pattern on the surface, pine will demonstrate a great texture, and cedar will create a kind of microclimate in the room.

If you have to sheathe the walls of the living room, then you can use any material to your taste. If it is planned to finish the block house inside the bath or sauna, then it is best to avoid the use of coniferous wood, hardwood boards (linden, aspen, alder) are better suited for these purposes. The fact is that when heated, coniferous woods emit resin, in which you can get dirty.

In addition, these boards usually high density, which means its high heat capacity. This, accordingly, makes it hotter in the same steam room. As a result, it will be possible to earn burns if you touch it. Therefore, the interior decoration of such rooms as a bathhouse with a blockhouse should reduce the likelihood of negative impacts. For this it is best to use hardwoods, for example linden.

After the type of board that will be used is selected, you can begin to select the material itself. For the most expressive finish internal walls blockhouse should be made with narrow and fairly thin boards, their maximum width should be no more than 150 mm. This will allow you to get a relief surface and not “take away” the volume from the room.

The quality of the board is also important. Manufacturers have several approaches to this issue. Some are guided by the requirements of domestic GOST, others by European and American standards, and others by their own standards, often exceeding GOST standards in terms of rigidity. Despite such different requirements, finishing the house inside the block house should be done with only excellent quality material - without cracks, tool marks, rot and blue.

In this case, the result will be as expected. What is obtained with this approach, the interior decoration of the blockhouse, the photo a little higher and to the left shows in all details.

Features of the internal installation of the block house

Regardless of the surface on which the blockhouse is mounted indoors (brick, wood, etc.), it is always carried out on the crate. For this, a bar of 30-40 mm thickness is used. The bars are attached to the wall at intervals of fifty to sixty centimeters and are aligned in height. This is another advantage of this arrangement. interior spaces- when sheathing is done with a block house inside the house, it is not necessary to level the walls before finishing.

With all the details about the installation, the article will tell: block house, installation according to all the rules.

When finishing the facades, thermal insulation is mandatory, however, when the interior decoration of the house is carried out with a block house, this is not at all necessary, especially for brick and wooden structures. The decision on this (to do, not to do insulation) must be made in advance, before the installation of the crate. If the insulation will be carried out, then the thickness of the bars should be increased. By the way, the free air space between the wall and the sheathing will improve the soundproofing effect.

Usually, the installation of a block house indoors, as well as outside, is performed horizontally along a vertical crate. However, in some cases, vertical mounting of the board is also used. This is especially true in rooms with high humidity, such as in a sauna or bath. This eliminates the accumulation of water in the grooves of the board and prevents the destruction of wood.

With this method of installation, the spike of the first and subsequent boards should be directed towards the light source, which will make the joint of the boards less noticeable, by analogy with gluing wallpaper with an overlap. However, such fastening can be considered as an exception, and the common practice is to install the block house horizontally with the position of the tenon on top and the groove on the bottom of the board.

Installation can be started both from above and from below. The most common method of fastening is with a nail or a self-tapping screw at an angle into a spike. With this method of fastening, it is better to start the installation from the bottom, so it is easier to work. Another way is to use special brackets, kleimers. If you fix the block house like this, internal installation It turns out high-quality and reliable, but its cost increases.

More details on the installation of the block house in the inner corners can be found on the video:

How to care for upholstery

After the lining of the interior is completed, it is desirable to protect it from moisture, dust, grease and dirt. For this, there are now a large number of special tools, primers, varnishes and stains. The best protection would be varnish or wax. In this case, it is enough to periodically clean off the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp sponge. Do not use abrasive materials or aggressive detergents.

At the same time, stains allow you to paint a block house in desired color or give it the desired shade. So, by impregnation on an ordinary pine board, you can additionally highlight and emphasize its texture, make it a larch tone or enhance its shine. Such coatings serve for at least five years and then need to be updated. Lacquer (wax) coating will significantly increase the service life of the block house.

The use of a block house for interior decoration allows you to give them a new, original look and create the atmosphere of an old log house. In addition, a wonderful combination of wood finishes with deliberately coarse decorative elements (beams, forged products and stone) will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of past times in the design of the house and enhance the original flavor of the whole situation.

A block house (having the shape of a rounded log) is relatively inexpensive compared to a log house and quite a demanded natural material, moreover, its use in conjunction with various heaters guarantees a modern and durable home finish.

Sheathing the outside of the house with a block house conceals a similar technology for warming the facade of a bathhouse, a summer house or a cottage and facing with wood, vinyl or metal siding. Facade decoration with a block house is a valuable investment in protecting the house: increasing atmospheric resistance, strength, reliability of the building, plus additional heat and sound insulation!

The cost of finishing the house with a block house

The price consists of the volume and level of complexity of the required work on the installation of the crate, the installation of an insulating layer, a steam / wind barrier and other processes. The superintendent supervising our facilities will make the necessary measurements free of charge, provide calculations and a proposed work plan. In the case of project coordination, the final amount is agreed individually, taking into account the % discount.

Name of outdoor workunits rev.Price, rub.)
Full facade cladding process
Finishing the facade with a turnkey block-house with painting m 2 800 rub.
Complete window finishing (slopes, ebbs, etc.) PC. 2000 rub.
Partial facade cladding
Assembly of block house panels m 2 350 rub.
Installation of the crate device m 2 150 rub.
Installation of the counter-lattice device m 2 100 rub.
Installing a vapor/wind barrier m 2 50 rub.
Installation of the insulation layer 100 rub.
Installation of internal/external fillets running meters from 80 rub.
Installation of ebbs running meters from 160 rub.
Framing windows and doors running meters from 250 rub.
Treatment with antiseptic impregnations m 2 50 rub.
Application of decorative impregnation, paints and varnishes (1 layer) m 2 70 rub.
Mounting drainage system(gutter, pipe, bend) running meters from 300 rub.

Why is it worth finishing the house with a block house?

Block house is an environmentally friendly product, resistant to mechanical damage, not subject to deformation during temperature fluctuations. Processing with special antiseptic impregnations, applying protective paints and varnishes ensure the preservation of the texture and natural beauty of wood. Thanks to this coating, the finish acquires moisture resistance, without being subjected to rotting processes for many years.

Facade cladding with a block house is also famous for its good heat-insulating properties: air gaps, contained in the fibrous structure of the material, provide minimal thermal conductivity, which is why the house is warm and cozy in winter, and pleasantly cool in summer.

Calling our specialist will help you make an accurate calculation and selection necessary materials according to the required dimensions, determine the volume of work, solve technical nuances.

Volume discount

to 10%

The technology of facing a house, a summer residence, a bathhouse with a block house

Facing the facade with a block house is carried out on a lathing previously installed outside after the stage preparatory work. In the process of preparation, the craftsmen clean and level the surfaces, create the construction of the crate, lay an insulating layer with a vapor / wind barrier.

The installation of the counter-lattice will provide a ventilation layer between the insulation and the sheathing of the block house. The tongue/groove interlocking configuration allows the panels to be tightly mated when facing walls, preventing moisture ingress.


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It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of such material as block house. Its main advantage is an environmentally friendly, natural material, specially treated wood. And everyone knows about the properties and characteristics of wood. Here's how you can use a block house, photos of rooms and houses in the decoration of which a block house is used, design options for rooms and other rooms, and there will be a real review.

Block house is not an ordinary, familiar board with smooth surfaces. It has several varieties that differ in appearance. The front side can have a cylindrical surface (log imitation), or it can be flat, usually such a block house is called timber imitation. What is a blockhouse, the photo below allows you to see in detail for both options.

As can be understood from the presented data, the block house does not differ in a variety of forms. Visually, an imitation of a beam and a lining, a block house are somewhat similar to each other - a photo of an imitation of a beam is presented above, and a photo of a wooden lining is below, and they can be compared independently.

However, this different materials, although each of them serves as a surface finish. Lining is currently used mainly for interior decoration (internal), but the block house, in addition to internal premises, is also used for facade cladding.

Application for finishing the facades of a block house

Previously, the lining was also used for cladding external walls, but recently the house is most often sheathed with a block house, a photo of such a house for an example is given below

Such a change in materials for facade cladding is due to differences in their properties. During production, the block house is subjected to deep drying in chambers, due to which it acquires additional strength and resistance to fungal attack. Yes, and in thickness it surpasses the lining and better resists external influences. And the house, sheathed in a block house, the photo of which can be seen below, takes the form of a chopped log.

However, the use of such a board for finishing exterior surfaces has other advantages besides changing the appearance of the house. When installing the facade decoration of a house from a block house, the photo of how this is done is given below, insulation is carried out, which provides additional comfort.

Do not forget about one of the main purposes of the block house - to protect the walls of houses. It is the ability to achieve several goals at the same time when using this material that provides it with such a wide application.

And it must be honestly noted that the impression left by the house, for the decoration of the outer walls of which a block house is used, is completely different than from an ordinary house. It is enough to see how the block house changes its appearance, for example, photos of houses are given below:

Block house in interior decoration

In fact, such a board serves as a universal material, equally successfully used for all types of finishes (internal and external). How can a block house be used to decorate the premises, an interior photo, for example, is given below.

It should be noted that the block house itself is a rather expressive material, but in addition, it goes well with others - stone, glass, as well as finished products - lamps or forged iron decor details. For an example of how the block house is used in the interior - photo options this is shown below.

This use of block house panels helps to realize a variety of stylistic options finishes. As a result, the interior of a blockhouse can resemble the atmosphere of a noble or merchant's house, or it can help reproduce the atmosphere of a hunting lodge or blend seamlessly with high-tech decor.

Moreover, such finishing can be carried out not only in residential premises, but also in any other. This is how decorating a room with a block house might look like, a photo of a playroom for children is shown below.

The use of block-house panels for interior decoration looks the most right decision if the exterior finish of such material has already been made. In this case, it will be possible to maintain a single style of home decoration, which will be perceived more organically than the decoration of different parts of the structure. As an example of such a finish, you can see what a room from a blockhouse looks like, the photo of which is presented below.

Other options on how to use the block house

In addition to using the board for exterior decoration and decorating the living rooms of the house, it is also used for decorating auxiliary rooms. One of these possible objects are baths or saunas, to see how they are finished with a block house, the photo below will allow with maximum detail.

Interesting options arise when a block house is used to design the landscape surrounding the house in the desired style. Here it would be appropriate to use a block house for the construction of gazebos or a fence, for example, as in the photo below.

All the considered examples do not cover the possible use cases of the block house. The properties of this material, like real wood, make it possible to realize the most ambitious plans in home decoration, to give it a new, modern and fashionable look.

Block house - modern finishing material made from wood. Finishing with such material not only gives the room an aesthetic appearance, but also allows you to create a favorable microclimate. This article will tell about the features of finishing the space inside the house with a block house, design ideas and installation methods.


Block house is a type of lining. On the one hand, the surface of the panels has a convex shape, which visually resembles a log house or rounded timber. For fastening on the material there are special spikes and grooves.

Block house is used for internal and exterior finish. building material it is possible to veneer rooms of a small area, since the thickness of the panels is not very large.

Products have a number of advantages.

  • Safety for human health. Since the panels are made from natural wood, the block house is a completely environmentally friendly material.
  • The panels do not create a large load on the walls due to the fact that they have a small mass.
  • The material provides a good level of sound insulation.
  • The coating has thermal insulation properties. Of course, the panels do not provide absolute heat retention, but they minimize the effect of cold surfaces on the microclimate.

  • The material is easily attached to the surface of walls and ceilings. Work is not difficult even for beginners.
  • A block house made of valuable tree species fills the room with a pleasant aroma that creates a special mood and has a positive effect on the health of the household.
  • Wooden panels do not have to be used to finish the entire room. Block house goes well with other materials, they can decorate only one wall or part of it.

Varieties of material

In the modern construction market, you can find many varieties of block house, which differ in some parameters and characteristics. The main classification involves the allocation of several types of material, depending on its quality.

  • "Extra". Extra-class panels do not have significant defects, they are of excellent quality and high cost.
  • Category "A". Panels in this category are of good quality. A small presence of healthy knots, resin pockets and traces of pests (wormholes) with a width of no more than three millimeters is allowed.
  • Category "B". The material may have more significant defects on the surface. However, flaws should not spoil the operational and decorative characteristics panels.
  • Category "C". Products of this class are characterized by low cost and the poorest quality. The material has an unpresentable appearance and needs additional processing. Panels of this class can be used to decorate the walls of utility rooms.

The performance of the block house is influenced by the type of wood from which the material was made.

  • Pine. On such a surface, there are usually traces of knots that create an interesting pattern. The material can be used for both interior and exterior decoration of houses.
  • Siberian fir. This material stands out among other coniferous trees with the smallest weight. Fir contains little resin, so this wood is prone to decay and requires additional treatment with an antiseptic.
  • Spruce. This material has a beautiful texture. Unlike pine, spruce has a lighter shade.
  • Cedar. Such wood has a pleasant aroma and has a good effect on the microclimate in the room.

  • Larch. This material is highly durable. Larch contains a large amount of resin, which protects the material from decay.
  • Alder. This type of wood is considered one of the most durable and moisture resistant. The performance of alder panels only improves over time.
  • Linden. This coating is virtually unaffected. high temperatures. Most often, a linden block house is used for facing bath rooms.
  • Birch. The wood has a uniform structure and is easy to work with. paintwork materials. With the help of birch panels, you can create an imitation of almost any expensive wood species.
  • Aspen. Such panels are not subject to rotting, they tolerate moisture well and have high strength.

Wooden panels can have different lengths, widths and thicknesses. Standard material thicknesses are 20, 30 and 36 millimeters. The width can vary from 90 to 190 millimeters. Intermediate output widths are typically 120, 140 and 160 millimeters. The length of the panels is usually two or six meters.

How to choose?

The choice of a suitable block house depends on several parameters at once.

When buying material, consider the following factors:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • interior design style;
  • purpose of the room;
  • surface type.

For small apartments or small rooms, it is better to use panels with a minimum thickness. Such material does not "take" a lot of space. For large rooms, you can use wide panels, which will create an imitation of rounded timber.

Block house looks good in such interior styles as country, rustic, provence, shabby chic. The panels are perfectly combined with other materials, for example with decorative plaster, natural stone or paint coatings. You can decorate only part of the wall with a block house, creating an interesting interior solution.

Panels are quite easy to mount on a variety of bases. Most often, the material is used for facing brick, concrete, wood or metal surfaces.

The purpose of the room in which it is planned to carry out the cladding affects the choice of the type of wood from which the panels are made. In rooms with high humidity the best option will be moisture resistant tree species.

When choosing a block house, it is also important to pay attention to its quality. There should be no damage or significant defects on the surface of the material.

How to sheathe: step by step instructions

Wall cladding with a block house can be easily done with your own hands. Installation work do not require careful cleaning and leveling of the base, as the panels are attached to the crate. Before starting the main work, it is recommended to treat the planks of the block house from the outside and from the inside with an antiseptic composition and dry at room temperature.

Surface preparation

To protect the base from adverse effects external factors and microorganisms, it must be cleaned of contaminants and treated with antiseptic impregnation. If there are significant irregularities on the surface, then the wall must be leveled with plaster or putty.

chief preparatory stage before cladding with panels of the block house is the installation of the frame. For the crate, a beam is used, the thickness of which can be from three to four centimeters. The slats are vertically attached to the surface with an interval of 50-65 centimeters using dowels and self-tapping screws.

First you need to attach the slats in opposite corners of the room. When mounting the beam in the corners of the first, its upper part is fixed. The correct position of the lower part is determined using the building level.

A rope is pulled between the installed rails, then the rest of the structure is attached, starting from the middle of the wall.

It is more convenient to attach the timber, starting from the top. After the complete installation of the structure, you can begin facing work.


It is recommended to start fastening the block-house panels from the bottom of the wall, moving towards the ceiling. A small gap (no more than a centimeter) must be left between the first panel and the floor to form good ventilation. The material is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Self-tapping screws are screwed into the groove with a screwdriver at an angle of 30-45 degrees. As an alternative fastener, special clamps can be used. The advantage of this fastening is that it will be hidden behind the panels.

Each next panel is placed with a spike in the groove of the previous plank and is knocked out for better fixation with a carpenter's hammer. If wall cladding is carried out in a room with high humidity, then it is recommended to leave a gap of a couple of millimeters between the panels. This will avoid deformation of the block house.

It is not necessary to fix the material close to the ceiling, it is recommended to leave a small gap (five millimeters). The joints of the planks are masked by decorative corners.

Finishing work

After all the planks are securely attached to the crate, it is recommended to level the surface with a grinder. To improve performance, wood also needs to be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting impregnation.

The gaps that were formed during installation between the planks and the floor, as well as the planks and the ceiling, must be closed with skirting boards. To give greater aesthetics to the facing coating, the block house can be treated with paint, varnish or stain.

For painting the surface, it is better to use water-dispersion compositions in order to preserve the natural structure of the wood. The technology of applying the paint and varnish composition does not differ from the similar processing of any other wooden structures.
