Usually bread is stored either in a plastic bag or in the refrigerator. But the best place for him, of course, is a wooden bread box. More or less constant humidity is preserved there and such a bread box breathes, thanks to which the bread does not grow moldy and stale for a long time. It is not so difficult to make a wooden bread box with your own hands.
Here is her drawing:

Of the materials, we need a board 10-12 mm thick, preferably birch, oak, ash or linden. Pine is not good, because. it will saturate the bread with a resinous smell. You will also need wooden slats for a flexible cover, a handle and fasteners.
From the board we cut out two sidewalls, a bottom and an upper bar (see picture).

From the inside, in the sidewalls, it is necessary to make a semicircular groove for a flexible cover. It is better to choose it with a milling cutter. You can use a finger mill on a drill.
The lid itself is made of thin wooden slats. Reiki can be glued to a fabric base or inserted into a cord.

If the family is large, you can make a two-tier bread box according to the same principle:

The bread box can be varnished on the outside or linseed oil, and inside it is better to leave uncoated. However, a wooden bread box can be decorated with burning, decoupage or painting as you like.

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Since ancient times, it was customary to store bread in wooden boxes, which the people began to call bread boxes. Thanks to this device, the pastries remained fresh and did not get stale for a long time. Modern bread boxes perform the same function as their predecessors, but now they are more functional and easier to use.

Now in any hardware store you can buy this device. And here, a do-it-yourself wooden bread box will become a real decoration of the interior of any kitchen and retain the warmth of the master's hands. Where to start and what material do you need?

You need to prepare in advance before starting the manufacturing process. stock up on everyone necessary tools and materials, prepare drawings of the future product in accordance with the dimensions, as well as the way the door functions. It is even possible to make an approximate layout if such work is carried out for the first time. The last thing is the design.

First you need to choose the material from which the case will be made. Do-it-yourself bread box can be made from:

  • Plywood
  • tree
  • bamboo
  • birch bark

Any of these materials is remarkably breathable and regulates moisture inside the bread box - they are often combined in one product. Thanks to these properties of wood, bread retains its taste and smell for a long time. For fastenings and connections, small screws, carpentry glue are used. Depending on how the door will open, small canopies and a handle may be needed. Breadbaskets are made into several types, depending on how the door is designed:

  • Simple
  • carved
  • Blinds

A standard carpenter's kit will do the job. The surface finish of the product can be a wound - it is determined by the design, and accordingly Decoration Materials for coverage.

Making a wooden bread box with your own hands is quite simple. It is worth considering that ideal option for this will be linden, ash and birch. Pine and spruce have a too strong smell that bread will absorb. The manufacturing process itself can be divided into the following stages:

  1. According to the drawing, all elements are cut out of wood, which should be tightly joined together. Dimensions can be arbitrary. An example of parameters is shown in the figure.
  2. Parts can be connected with screws, furniture studs or carpentry glue. More skilled craftsmen use a spike connection. Spikes are formed on some parts, and recesses on others.
  3. The seams at the joints are coated with glue for a better connection. In this case, all connections must be carefully processed. This is done with sandpaper.
  4. At the end, a door is made. A modern wooden bread box is usually equipped with a shutter door, which is made of thin planks.
  5. In order for the shutter door to move, you need to make a groove inside the body of the product, along which this element will move.

You can make a version of the door of a simpler sample. In this case, the curtain will lean outward. It is also made from thin strips. Often the slats are replaced with a bamboo rug, which is stitched with a strong thread.

In any case, such bread bins will be quite roomy and functional. Thanks to the material, the product is completely environmentally friendly and will suit any style of interior. The surface can be varnished on wood, after painting with a pattern. Those who are engaged in carpentry can decorate the body with wood carvings.

Plywood as an analogue of wood

A cheaper analogue of wood is plywood. A do-it-yourself plywood bread box is made according to the same principle as a wooden one. The main thing is to draw a sketch of the future product and cut out all the constituent elements with high quality. Plywood is difficult to work with, as the edges can peel, so you need to be very careful. To work, you will need the following tools:

  • Jigsaw for sawing
  • The drill will form holes for connecting parts
  • The grinder is designed for processing saw cuts

The last step is assembly. The figure shows the simplest example of this procedure.

Housing elements can be connected using glue, self-tapping screws and grooves. Hinges for fixing the door are installed outside. At the end, general grinding is performed, and then the surface is decorated. The housing must have holes for ventilation.

Bamboo bread bins

Bamboo material is not only a decoration for finishing the body of the finished product. Often, craftsmen make small bread bins from bamboo napkins. Such a product will be made for several hours, not days - this is the main plus.

For work you need:

  • bamboo napkin
  • Cardboard
  • self-adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Textile
  • Marking pencil
  • Decorative wooden handle

The dimensions of the future product are determined by the parameters of the napkin. The body is made of cardboard. The side walls on one side should be rounded. This is done so that the door closes smoothly and fits snugly against the structure.

The parts are glued together with glue. From above, from the inside, the made body is glued with self-adhesive. Thanks to this technique, the cardboard will become much stronger. The last step will be finishing with bamboo. Cut the napkin into two pieces. The first size corresponds to the bottom, and the second will be the door. Your finishing option will make the product unique.

Birch bark

Many craftsmen are interested in: how to make a bread box from birch bark? This material is very soft and pliable for weaving. It is difficult to buy this material, but you can make it yourself by cutting off the top layer of birch bark.

Since the body of the product is formed due to weaving, the bread box in its own way appearance looks like a box with a lid. Over time, the birch bark material hardens.

Weaving methods:

  • Rug
  • Angular

At the same time, you need to monitor the formation of the edges of the panels - they should be even and tightly woven. To do this, they use a few basic tricks, adding stripes for rounding.

The fabric for the lid and bottom is woven of the same size, and also applies to the side sections. The connection is a birch bark tape, which is woven into the gaps of the panels. A do-it-yourself birch bark bread box will make the interior of the kitchen more unique and authentic.

You can buy a ready-made bread box at any agricultural store, but a self-made bread storage container will cost much less. There are many options; an experienced and even novice carpenter can easily make a model out of wood, and an ordinary housewife will effortlessly make it out of cardboard and bamboo rugs or from plastic bottle.

from wood

The wooden bread box maintains the natural level of moisture and is breathable, which allows baked goods not to stale for a long time. Also, mold spores develop much more slowly in it. And if you decorate it with the help of decoupage, burning or artistic painting, then it will also serve as a decoration for the kitchen interior.

Tools and materials

To make a wooden bread box you will need:

  • Joiner's glue.
  • Board 10 mm thick.
  • Thin wooden planks measuring 340 x 25 x 6 mm.
  • A small piece of linen.
  • Saw-hacksaw.
  • Sander or a piece of sandpaper.
  • Electric jigsaw (if it is planned to manufacture a curly back wall).
  • Frazier. In the absence of such, a drill with a finger cutter is also suitable.
  • Screwdriver and screws.
  • Ruler, compass and pencil.

Manufacturing procedure

Making a bread box with your own hands is not difficult if you have minimal woodworking skills:

  1. Markup. With the help of a ruler and a compass, on the wrong side of the board, draw the outlines of the bottom, side and back walls, the fixed part of the lid. The drawing shows an image of a conventional rectangular back wall, but if desired, its top can be carved. In this case, the width of the back is left the same, and the height is increased.
  2. Sawing. With a hacksaw, the board is sawn along the marked lines. If necessary, figured parts are cut with a jigsaw.
  3. Preparation. On the side walls on the inside, grooves are made along which the movable cover will move. They also cut folds for connection. Grooves are cut in the bottom for fastening the side walls. In the upper fixed part of the cover, a fold is selected for attaching the back wall and grooves are made for connection with the side walls.
  4. Grinding. All parts are processed with a grinder or emery.
  5. Production of a movable cover. Wooden planks in the amount of 13 pieces are attached to the fabric with wood glue so that the edges on the right and left protrude beyond the edges of the fabric by about 1.5-2 cm. The planks should be placed close to each other. Instead of wood glue, you can use furniture brackets. In order to make it convenient to close and open the bread box in the future, it is worth attaching a handle to the lid or simply gluing a small piece of wood.
  6. Bread box assembly. All parts are interconnected with glue and screws. It is necessary to ensure that the side walls fit snugly against the bottom, lid and rear wall. It is highly not recommended to perform a glueless connection, since a constant influx of air from the outside will cause the bread to quickly stale.

When all the main work is completed, the breadbasket can be decorated as you wish. Most often it is varnished or impregnated with linseed oil. Inside the tree is not treated with anything.

It is best to make a bread box from birch or linden, ash and oak are also suitable. But it is undesirable to use pine, because the bread stored in it will acquire a resinous, coniferous smell.

Cardboard and bamboo mats

This bread box is cheap. Supplies and ease of implementation. However, due to the lack of tightness, it is not able to ensure the storage of bread for a long time. Also, its size will be limited by the size of the rugs, so making it big will not work.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, you should prepare:

  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Awl.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Bamboo rugs.
  • Glue gun.
  • Piece corrugated cardboard. It is not necessary to buy a new sheet, you can use a clean and whole large box. However, do not take boxes from household chemicals and other things that have a strong smell and are unsafe.
  • Self-adhesive film.
  • Flat decorative cord, narrow and dense lace or other material for trimming the edges. Needlewomen who are proficient in knitting can crochet the edges around the perimeter using cotton or viscose threads.
  • Ruler and pencil.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a cardboard bread box with your own hands does not take much time:

To better store bread, before placing it in such a bread box, it is worth wrapping the loaf with a linen towel or napkin.

From a plastic bottle

A bread box made from a plastic bottle is not intended for storing bread. The chopped product is placed in it immediately before serving.

Tools and materials

In order to create this masterpiece of handicraft art, you need to buy or find at home:

  • A five-liter rectangular bottle with smooth walls. Bottles with various concavities and convexities, too ribbed will not work.
  • Acrylic paints. Their color can be chosen to your liking by choosing beautiful combination. Recommended - black, lilac and golden; they will give the product a vintage look.
  • Scissors.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Tassels.
  • Newspapers.
  • PVA glue.
  • Multilayer napkins.
  • Glue gun.
  • Transparent tape.
  • A handful of half peas.
  • Ruler and marker.

Description of work

The process of creating such a breadbasket will require perseverance and accuracy:

  • Cutting out the main parts. This stage consists of several steps:
    1. Cut off the bottom and neck where the ribbed part begins.
    2. With a ruler on two parallel side parts of the bottle, 8 cm are measured in several places, making a mark with a felt-tip pen. All marks are connected in one line, along which they are then cut with scissors.
    3. The bottom is cut exactly in half and the concave parts are cut out.
    4. A narrow neck is cut off from the neck so that a blank in the form of a cut cone remains.
  • Assembly start. Two semicircular parts, which were obtained from the bottom of the bottle, are glued with adhesive tape on both sides of the "boat" formed from the side part.
  • Newspaper wrapping. To do this, they are cut into strips, and the glue is diluted with water in a ratio of one to two, after which the plastic blank is pasted over in two layers. Newspaper cover should be both outside and inside. The same is done with a cone-shaped part.
  • Creating curly edges. Semicircular waves must be made along the upper edge of the boat part and the lower edge of the cone part. They are cut out with scissors, and in order to make the semicircular protrusions the same, they use a coin or a circle cut out of cardboard as a pattern.
  • Bread box decoration. It happens in several stages:
  • Coloring. First, the entire surface of the breadbasket is covered with black acrylic. On top of it, plaits and peas are painted in a dark lilac color, and after drying, golden paint is applied to the bulges.
  • Varnishing. In conclusion, the bread box is varnished and after the varnish has dried, it is used for its intended purpose.

A self-made bread box will delight the owners of the house and surprise their guests, because if you show imagination, such an item will turn out to be exclusive.

More often than not, the stick is stored either in the refrigerator or in a plastic bag. But most the best place For storing bread, a wooden bread box is considered, which breathes and maintains a constant level of humidity. For this reason, the bread in it can not grow moldy or stale for a long time. Such a wooden bread box) (well) of course under the arm is easy to make with your own hands.

How to make a wooden bread box with your own hands?

In the interests of making a bread box, you will need a riveting having a thickness of about 10 mm. For the breadbasket, swindle, ash, oak and birch are the most suitable. You should not make a bread box from pine, so (that is) in this case, the bread will be saturated with the smell of resin. Excluding this, you will need wooden slats for the manufacture of a flexible cover, fasteners and a hand.

From the board you need to cut the bottom, the top bar and two sidewalls. Inside, take both sidewalls, you need to choose a semicircular slot so that a flexible cover can be wound around it. Better goodbye to make grooves with a milling cutter. To do this, you can use a finger cutter installed with a drill.

The lid is made of thin wooden slats, which you can either stick on a fabric base or insert a cord inside.

If you don’t have a big surname, then you can make a two-tiered bread box according to the same principle.
