Orange is a beautiful, attractive and light color that uplifts the mood and also energizes. Decorating the kitchen in such colors is a great solution.

That is why today we will talk about right design orange kitchen, and in particular with what to combine this shade, its features, how to choose wallpaper, and also give some tips to help you decorate the kitchen in orange tones.

Features of orange in the interior of the kitchen

Orange color helps to cope with apathy, sadness and brings bright, vivid emotions into a person's life. It also has some features:

  • The color is bright, deep, but at the same time, the energy of aggressiveness does not emanate from it.
  • Matches with many colors.
  • Perfectly fit into any interior.
  • Lots of shades.
  • More warm tone.

Orange attracts attention and cannot go unnoticed. All tones of this color are beautiful in their own way. And also the advantage in the form of a large number of halftones gives vent to imagination and a choice of shades for every taste.

What goes with orange?

Before deciding to decorate the interior in orange tones, you need to know that this color is very bright, attracts attention and of course warm. With similar colors, it will look tasteless, annoying and the kitchen will be very bright. The combination of this color with cold tones will not give a beautiful, harmonious result.

Due to the fact that orange is a warm color, it will not work well with dark blues or purples.

Orange and white in the interior of the kitchen

Orange color in the interior of the kitchen in combination with white will create a beautiful, harmonious room with accents, but at the same time it will not be oversaturated. It is best to use delicate shades of orange, such as pumpkin, honey and even tangerine, for decorating a kitchen in such tones, while the other shade should be pure white.

Ultimately, you will receive bright interior with orange accents, but this will not oversaturate.

Orange and black in the interior of the kitchen

This combination of colors looks elegant, stylish and modern. Usually, it is chosen by people who are not afraid to make serious decisions, have leadership qualities. different shades black, enhance the action and brightness of orange, creating a contrasting interior.

However, it would not be bad to dilute such a design with light shades, most often white is used. For example, the floor, walls, ceiling and a few accessories will perfectly smooth and dilute the interior.

Kitchen in orange and green colors

This combination of colors is in perfect harmony with each other, it can be seen even in nature.

Both delicate shades of green and orange look great, as well as bright ones. It is best when decorating a kitchen in these shades, choose three or four shades and decorate the entire room in them, starting from the walls and ceiling, and ending with the furniture upholstery.

Among the shades, only one should be dominant. For example, bright orange against a background of muted tones of green, or vice versa. So you will achieve harmony and you can relax in the kitchen while eating or even have a cup of tea.

Kitchen in orange and gray tones

These shades are used in the kitchen - infrequently. However, it is worth considering such a kitchen design as another possible variant. Against a gray background, orange will look advantageous, and the first one will muffle the orange a little.

It is better if there are only some accents of orange in the overall design, and gray will be dominant.

Orange with brown in the interior of the kitchen

In this combination, it is better if there is not much orange. For example, decorate only the tabletop in a given color, and everything else in dark brown tones, perhaps using small orange shades.

It is best to apply this combination in such styles as: classic and rococo, as well as empire. This is because a dark brown tree looks very noble and harmonious in combination with orange, and the darker it is, the brighter orange can be used.

Advice! Orange corner kitchen in combination with dark brown will look great and harmonious. This option is not only modern and elegant, it is also not overloaded with bright colors.

orange red kitchen

This combination of colors will help raise the overall temperature in the room by a couple of degrees.

Having opted for an orange-red kitchen, you just need to dilute it with some neutral, light tones. For example, it can be white, ivory, milky, as well as all shades of gray.

What wallpaper is suitable for an orange kitchen?

Since we have already sorted out the colors that are combined with orange, now let's talk about the wallpaper material.

You can immediately forget about paper-type wallpapers, they are not intended for the kitchen. You should not take into consideration wallpaper made of fabric, acrylic and liquid type wallpaper. Everything above listed species wallpaper cannot be wiped off from dirt, and they are also very afraid of water and even oil, which can get on them during cooking.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper is a great option for the kitchen. They can be washed from dirt, they will last a long time, and also do not absorb unpleasant odors. They also don't fade or fade.

What style to choose for the kitchen in orange tones?

Color and style are intertwined. If you want to decorate the kitchen in bright colors, for example, in the color of a pumpkin or tangerine, then about the design in classical style you can forget. And if you like the combination of black and orange, then you should pay attention to modern styles, for example, modern. In fact, orange will look very beautiful and harmonious in different styles, but the main thing is to use it correctly, without overloading the interior.

The best styles for decorating a kitchen in orange tones are: ethnic, hi-tech and minimalism.

Some tips for decorating an orange kitchen.

It is best to design a kitchen in orange tones when it:

  • Very spacious, but it lacks comfort and intimacy.
  • If the windows of the room face north and because of this there is little light in the kitchen.
  • In the case when the family leads an active, mobile lifestyle, as well as all family members are characteristic, temperamental.

By the way, here are a couple of tips on how to visually enlarge the kitchen using Orange color:

  • To visually make the ceiling taller, use orange on only one wall, it is called "accent".
  • If you decorate several walls with this color or their individual parts, as well as, for example, an apron for an orange kitchen, it will seem wider.

As you can see, decorating a kitchen in orange tones is quite easy if you know some of its features and design rules. I hope you have chosen color scheme and the style in which you will decorate the kitchen.

Photo of a selection of kitchen design in orange colors

Black and orange color is a very bold and bright combination that allows you to create original trendy interiors. If for the decoration of the bedroom or living room the black and orange gamut is slightly redundant, then for the kitchen it is ideal.

The advantages of this combination are non-triviality and relevance, a beneficial effect on a person’s mood. Juicy orange shades look even brighter and more attractive against a black background.

Black and orange kitchen design options

If you have chosen this color scheme for your kitchen design, consider how you will use it. It is important to decide initially whether the surfaces of furniture and finishes will be predominantly glossy or matte, how intense the main orange tint should be, which color should be more orange or black. For example, below are several design options for a bright kitchen.

Orange set, black countertop

The simplest and most practical option. This is the case when there will be much less black in the interior than orange. The orange color set can now be bought ready-made. But if you want some special shade of orange, then kitchen furniture will have to order.

A black countertop can be as practical and comfortable as possible, or it can turn out to be incredibly whimsical and difficult to maintain. It all depends on the type of surface. On a perfectly smooth monophonic surface, all stains and dust particles are visible.

This type of countertop looks very impressive, but it needs to be constantly cleaned and rubbed. On the other hand, tables with a discreet pattern under natural stone or wood look clean and tidy even after a simple wipe with a sponge. Now you can order a black countertop with original splashes of a different color.

Let's say you have already picked up a black countertop and an orange set. What in this case should be the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling? In order not to get an excess of color, it is better to make a light, soft finish. The walls can be matte peach. Suitable for ceiling White color, and for the floor - marble black.

black apron

Another simple option is to decorate the entire kitchen in various shades of orange, and emphasize this composition with a black apron. The apron, if made expressive enough, will be an excellent accent in the design of the kitchen.

The apron is located above the work surface. It often has to be washed from kitchen dirt, in addition, it is adjacent to the stove and sink. Therefore, it must be made of durable moisture-resistant and heat-resistant material. And, again, it must be "non-marking", that is, with a pattern or embossed texture.

The apron can be lined with the following materials:

  • ceramic tile;
  • front brick;
  • mosaic;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • photo wallpapers covered with glass;
  • printed glass panels.

Colors that are in harmony with orange are suitable for the picture - gray white, all shades of orange. The most economical option is ceramic tiles interspersed with a different color. The most expensive will be glass panels with photo printing.

Black bottom, orange top

Now two-tone headsets are very popular, which give the kitchen a modern and stylish look. The division of the room horizontally by color is actively used today by leading designers.

If desired, you can do the opposite, and paint the upper part of the kitchen black. But in this case, the interior may turn out to be too “pressing”.

In this version, the lower base cabinets of the headset have orange fronts, while the upper cabinets are painted orange. The integrity of the set is maintained due to the same fittings. The tabletop, as a border element, can be of any harmoniously blending color. It can be black, orange, gray or white.

Finishing the walls, floor and ceiling can support the division of the kitchen into a black bottom and an orange top. But as a result, there will probably be too much black in the interior, so it is better to choose light shades for dining furniture (dining table and chairs).

Additional colors

An interior composition of two colors will become even more self-sufficient if it is slightly diluted with other shades. The choice of additional shades depends on what effect we are trying to achieve, whether we want to increase the contrast of black and orange or smooth it out, whether we need to make the kitchen more sunny, or glamorous outrageous, etc.


When combined with black and bright orange, the interior often turns out to be somewhat heavy in perception. There is nothing to worry about if you spend very little time in the kitchen. But for a long pastime, the atmosphere should be light enough. We add decorative elements or white finishes, and the interior of the kitchen becomes much more comfortable.

A white element can be a ceiling, a dining table, a curtain, one wall, a countertop, a set of household appliances or tableware. If the base orange is not very bright, the decor will turn out to be quite cozy and without white patches.


In the case when the kitchen is made in a modern trendy style, with glossy surfaces, with a minimum number of decorative elements, it is better to choose gray instead of white to dilute the black and orange range. It should be a light metallic or mouse shade.

Add grey colour possible in various ways. Black countertops with gray veins take on the look of expensive wood surfaces. natural stone. The same veins will make the ceramic tile apron less easily soiled.

The easiest way to lead gray kitchen interiors is to pick up a set of metallic household appliances.


Brown will fade from black to orange. Therefore, if you are not afraid of an overabundance of dark shades, you can safely use this color in the interior. The use of brown shades as additional ones makes it possible to simplify the process of decorating the kitchen, since all the details of a natural wood color automatically become appropriate in it.

Black and orange kitchen style

This combination of colors practically does not limit us in choosing a style. However, it is not easy to apply it in traditional classics. Only if you take a completely faded orange and a minimum of black, but at the same time, the possibilities of bright color contrast are lost. Therefore, it is better to make a black and orange kitchen in high-tech or glossy modern style.

When creating a modern or high-tech kitchen, the main color accent should be work zone kitchen, including a set, countertop, apron, household appliances. All other elements - walls, floor, ceiling, dining area - this is the background, designed to emphasize the chosen stylistic direction.

The spacious kitchen can be made in any of the ethnic European or African styles.

For this, a deep orange color is chosen, in which wooden furniture is painted. The walls are a tone or two lighter. The floor is wooden - dark brown or black. The apron and countertop are black. Making a small kitchen in this way will lead to a visual narrowing of the space of the room, and the kitchen will turn out to be very cramped and not comfortable.

Common Mistakes

What to avoid when designing a black and orange kitchen.

  • With additional decoration of the kitchen, you should not select bright color accents of warm colors - red, raspberry, lemon. The fact is that the orange color is able to muffle any shade located on its background, and therefore, instead of an accent, we will get an element that will “argue” with the background, creating disharmony in the interior. It is better to play on the contrast of a warm-cold shade.
  • Even in the most daring interior, you do not need to use a black ceiling. He will make the kitchen a room with a heavy depressive atmosphere. It is also not worth making a multi-level multi-colored ceiling, since the interior of the kitchen is already overloaded with a large number of details due to its functional purpose.
  • Large kitchens do not tolerate a clear division into a dark bottom and a bright top, or vice versa. In such cases, the interior looks boring and not original. Correcting the situation is very simple - you need to dilute orange with black, and black with orange.

The kitchen in orange colors will warm you up on winter evenings and bring a sunny mood to the house.

It may be inclement weather outside the window, but it will always be summer in the kitchen. This kitchen looks very unusual, stylish, warm and bright.

Orange will not be easy to beat, but after reading the recommendations that interior designers offer, you can easily achieve your ideas.

Benefits of an orange kitchen

Doctors have proven that the orange color is visually pleasing and beneficial for the psycho-emotional state of a person. The colors of such a kitchen will bring joy, and you will forget about the blues, lethargy and loss of strength.

Orange kitchen in the interior

Thinking through and preparing repairs, you should focus on the properties of this color.

Orange has bright hues, so other colors can be lost against its background. For example, in the kitchen there is an orange table, and the set is white, you will focus on the dining area. Therefore, juicy shades should be used with caution.

The warm palette of shades of this color will play a positive role for the shady side of housing. For example, an orange corner kitchen will sparkle with new colors if you paint the corner with a clear color or put a bright detail in it.

Orange color magnifies and brings objects closer. This will come in handy if you need to adjust the layout of the room.

There are generally accepted unions of colors in the design of the orange kitchen:

Black and orange colors

A bold decision, but you don’t need to use too much black, otherwise the room will look gloomy.

White+orange colors

Orange color looks more spectacular on a white background. For example, a white set and red curtains will look good and unique.

orange blue colors

This combination is classic, the colors complement each other perfectly.

Romance turns out to be more restrained, and the classics are smoother, more feminine.

wood and orange

Wood is a symbol of comfort and warmth, which can revive a cold interior.

But it will be better to apply it as a background, and not an equivalent part. interior decoration kitchens.

metal and orange color

Cool metal brilliantly complements the orange palette. And the emphasis is on steel edges for furniture and metal accessories.

brown-orange kitchen

Do you want peace and harmony in home design? Combination Brown and shades of orange great solution.

Honey, pumpkin and apricot are perfect for the kitchen and dining room.

Green and orange colors

The connection of orange and green will give the presence of a hot summer and comfort. A colorful room will please the eye every time, give joyful emotions. Children will definitely like such a room, and seed dinners will be held in an atmosphere of love and celebration.

Companion colors

The notes of orange and soft green are perfectly combined. olive color Suitable for painting ceilings, walls and floors.

Combination of orange cuisine. Correctly decorate the kitchen in orange.

Restrained shades are ideally combined with juicy orange flowers. Their palette will satisfy every taste: cream, sand, gray with a light shade, soft pistachio.

Kitchen lighting in orange color implies a large number of light sources. Ideal spotlight.

Orange kitchen furniture

Choose kitchen set for a kitchen of this color is not difficult, because the choice is limitless: you can paint it entirely in bright orange or make accents.

To avoid a bright orange color, soothing shades will help out: yellow, peach and pale white.

Orange color in the interior of the kitchen will bring positive emotions. He can easily get rid of the blues and emotional experiences. Please yourself and your loved ones with a beautiful high-quality repair.

Photo of orange kitchen

Reading 8 min.

Orange cuisine is not such a rare occurrence in the interiors of modern homes. According to polls, this shade is the second most popular among women, right after pink. And this is not surprising.

Orange color can be called the most optimistic and bright, in combination with the right shades, it reveals its full potential. A kitchen decorated in orange tones will never look boring and uninteresting. It is only necessary to take into account some important nuances when creating such an interior.

The influence of orange on the human psyche

Designers say that orange shades are not suitable for decorating living rooms and bedrooms, but this color will be very appropriate in the interior of the kitchen. Since orange is by no means a neutral shade, it should be combined with other tones very carefully, avoiding some combinations.

Saturated orange color is well perceived by the human psyche only in limited quantities. This bright shade attracts attention, while, unlike red, does not cause feelings of anxiety.

Just like yellow, this color improves mood, gives a charge of vivacity and energy. However, you should not create an interior in which the orange tone dominates, otherwise it will cause irritation.

What elements of the kitchen interior should be done in orange

Kitchen set- choosing this element of the interior, preference should be given modern model, with glossy facades, glass and metal details, lighting. The fact is that the orange color is more suitable for high-tech style, so the headset should be appropriate.

If the kitchen is small, use this shade carefully. It is better that only some facades are orange - lower or upper, but not the whole structure.

kitchen apron- it can be completely orange, provided that this color is not dominant in the kitchen set. As finishing material can be used ceramic tiles, glass and even brick. An apron made of a mosaic combining orange and black tones will look especially interesting.

Table and chairs- An excellent solution would be to install a dining table and chairs made of special orange transparent plastic. It could be natural wood, it all depends on the chosen interior style.

If the kitchen is equipped in a high-tech or minimalist style, the bases of the table and chairs can be made of metal with a chrome finish, and the top of durable orange plastic.

Curtains- this element of the interior is appropriate only if the kitchen is made in the style of country, Provence, rustic, eclectic or shabby chic.

If the owners have chosen high-tech or minimalism, curtains and curtains will have to be abandoned, replacing them with light orange blinds. In any case, the orange tint on the windows will look very good. It will fill the room with warm light and give it comfort.

Walls- don't make them all orange. You can make only one wall in this bright shade, painting the rest in light gray or white. As a finishing material, you can also use washable wallpaper, ceramic tiles, plaster, brickwork(for one wall).

Chandelier- this interior element will look very organic in orange, especially in combination with other accessories. In order for there to be enough light in the room, additional lighting with a cold glow should be installed (above work surfaces, above shelves, etc.).

As for the orange chandelier, it can be made of chromed metal and glass. On small kitchen with a low ceiling, you can install a small orange glass shade.

Since a lot of light is required, it is better to organize spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the kitchen. It is very good if enough daylight enters the room.

Interior styles that go well with orange

High tech- this style is ideally combined with orange. It is perfect for active and modern people who are not afraid of experiments and prefer innovation to boring traditions.

In a high-tech kitchen, you can install a laconic kitchen set with orange glossy facades and glass inserts. The walls in this interior can be white or light gray, and the floor should be arranged in the same color.

All Appliances should be ultra-modern, preferably from one manufacturer. best color for her - metallic silver or black. A large orange refrigerator will look very interesting in such an interior.

We must not forget about spot lighting all around the kitchen. The apron can be made of glossy tiles or mosaics. For the arrangement of work surfaces, it is recommended to use synthetic stone.

As floor covering it is better to use porcelain stoneware. A black bulk floor will look good. Suspended ceiling white color can also be glossy.

Advice! If a rich orange seems too bright and defiant, you can replace it with softer shades - apricot, salmon, pale orange. The snow-white details of the decor - tablecloth, curtains, porcelain will also help to dilute the brightness of this saturated color.

Minimalism- this style will also "make friends" with all shades of orange. The main thing is to make sure that this bright color is not too much in the room.

The kitchen in monochrome neutral colors will be decorated with orange elements: tall refrigerator, lower or upper facades headset, blinds, chandelier. Surfaces can be glossy or matte. The room should not be overloaded with unnecessary details and accessories.

The use of textiles should be completely refrained from. It is better to hide all dishes and kitchen utensils, and not put them on display. You can put one tall orange vase in the corner of the kitchen.

Classic- a style that is difficult to combine with orange. However, if you still really want to do this, you should replace the bright shade with a calmer peach tone. It can be used in textiles - upholstery of chairs, curtains, tablecloths. The decoration of such a kitchen will be elegant peach-colored dishes.

In general, the interior should meet the classical standard, that is, it is necessary to give preference to smooth lines, natural materials, and exquisite decor. The use of gilding, mirror surfaces and natural stone is welcome (can be replaced with artificial).

Advice! How more modern style interior, the brighter and more saturated shades of orange can be used in it - pumpkin, carrot, orange, as well as the color of cinnabar. For traditional interiors, strict shades of orange are more suitable - mustard, ocher, amber, honey, brick, terracotta, chestnut, rusty.

What shades can be combined with orange color in the interior of the kitchen

A harmonious combination of shades is almost half the success in creating the interior of any room, including the kitchen. Before proceeding with its arrangement, it is necessary to clearly understand the general concept of the premises, and clearly understand what the result should be.

Orange with white- it's a classic a win-win. This combination of shades will look very stylish and elegant, but at the same time somewhat cold.

The ideal way to decorate the interior is to combine white walls with an orange set. The floor in the kitchen can be beige. One orange wall combined with three completely white walls also looks great.

Advice! Since the orange tone is warm color scheme, it should be combined with the same warm shades that are in color palette located next to it.

Orange with black- this combination of shades will help to make the kitchen exclusive and elegant, it will add sophistication and charm to the room.

However, only these two colors should not be present in the interior. They must be diluted with beige or light shades. For example, paint the walls and ceiling white, install a kitchen set in black and orange and make the self-leveling floor black.

Orange with beige- a wonderful combination of shades, warm and harmonious. A kitchen in this color scheme will look very cozy.

Beige shade significantly smoothes the brightness of orange, making it softer and more pleasant. As additional tones when arranging a beige-orange interior, you can use white, brown and yellow.

Orange with gray- a very elegant and almost perfect combination of tones. Orange color is perfectly combined with all shades of gray, from the palest to the most saturated and dark. Especially often this solution is used when arranging a high-tech kitchen.

The ideal interior: decorate the walls with gray plaster, install a light gray kitchen set with orange glossy facades. Equip a kitchen apron with a mosaic of black, orange and gray tones. Set up a table and chairs with metal bases and a bright orange top.

The use of orange shades when arranging a small kitchen

Orange color has the ability to visually increase objects in size and bring them closer. This means that this shade should be used with caution when arranging a small kitchen.

To make the room look harmonious and comfortable, you should follow some rules:

  1. If one of the walls is highlighted with orange, and the other three walls are made beige, gray or white, then the ceiling in the low kitchen will look higher.
  2. If the walls to the middle, or a separate section of them (for example, an apron), are painted orange, then the whole room will visually become more spacious and wide.
  3. In a very cramped and small kitchen, orange color should be present only in small details - for example, in kitchen utensils, accessories, fittings and textiles.

Orange, with all the variety of its shades, can be energetic, soft, warm, and even cold. If you listen to all the advice and draw up a clear plan for the future interior of the kitchen, you can achieve excellent results.

This color rarely leaves anyone indifferent: some love it, others hate it. Let's talk about how you can use it in apartment design without unpleasant surprises. See design ideas for orange kitchens in the interior: photos of sets and tips on how to choose wallpaper, flooring and an apron for facades in orange tones.

How does this color affect...

… our mood

Orange is an optimistic and cheerful color. Use it if you want to get rid of apathy and blues: you are guaranteed a sunny mood, regardless of the weather outside the window. If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, a kitchen set with orange facades is an excellent choice: you will feel more cheerful.

Orange color starts the recovery processes of the body, increases tone, and speeds up the pulse. Blood runs faster through the body, digestion and absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food improves. Therefore, staying in an orange kitchen energizes and gives strength.

But be careful with the amount of color: its excess in the interior can put pressure on the psyche, cause aggression and irritation.

… perception of space

Like all warm colors, it visually brings objects closer, so in a small kitchen you should not paint the walls orange - visually it will appear smaller.

But a kitchen set with bright orange, tangerine or apricot facades in combination with white and against the background of neutral walls in a small apartment looks very good.

Who will suit the orange kitchen

  • The interior in orange tones is well suited for small dark kitchens with a small window that faces north or west. They will always be sunny, warm and cozy.
  • This a good option if you often invite guests and consider yourself an extrovert.

Do NOT choose orange if you:

  • You work in a bright office, communicate with people a lot, and at home you want one thing - to relax and unwind.
  • Spend a lot of time in the kitchen - cooking, eating, watching TV, reading and working on a laptop. The bright orange interior will quickly bore you.
  • Among the household there are hypertensive patients or you have a hyperactive baby. Orange is calmer than red, but still affects pressure and excites the nervous system.
  • The kitchen window faces south / east, and in the warm season it is very sunny. This color raises the temperature of the interior, and too "warm" design will cause discomfort.
  • Choose a kitchen for a studio apartment. In a small combined space, neutral light facades look better.
  • Dreaming of becoming leaner. In the interior of the kitchen, orange is insidious: it improves digestion and metabolism, but increases appetite.

You will find a complete guide to colored kitchens on a special page.

Glossy example corner kitchen with neutral apron and calm finish

Choose a shade

Orange is obtained by mixing two warm colors - red and yellow. The main thing is to choose the shade that seems most pleasant to you.

If you are confused by the juicy pure color, do not give up the dream of a bright sunny kitchen. Choose a more calm shade - closer to yellow, red, peach and apricot.

For modern kitchen(modern, minimalism, hi-tech) pure saturated shades are suitable - bright or red-orange, orange, tangerine, carrot, pumpkin, coral. Examples are in the photos below:

In a more traditional classic interior muted, diluted or dark tones are good: rusty brown, amber, ocher, red, terracotta. They are used in textiles, for finishing walls, apron, but not facades.

Orange kitchen set

In the kitchen, this color is often used in the form of furniture - the most obvious solution when you want to bring a lot of color into the interior without overdoing it. Usually these are custom-made kitchens, but some manufacturers also offer ready-made economy-class suites in orange or tangerine color.

Most often, orange kitchens are glossy: MDF as a base, coating - enamel with a high gloss effect or acrylic, HPL plastic, PVC film.

Headsets with radius rounded facades in a bright finish look especially advantageous and impressive:

To make the design of the orange kitchen harmonious, stick to simple rule: how brighter furniture, the more concise the facades and fittings. The main role in such an interior belongs to color. The headset is the focal point, it will take all the attention.

If you want to make a kitchen custom order We encourage you to check out our selection:

Photos of real kitchen projects in orange tones

The kitchen set can be plain or have combined facades. Companions are white, brown, wenge, gray, etc. See what colors go best with orange:

A white and orange kitchen is a versatile and win-win option. But keep in mind: whiteness makes any color brighter.

You can use not pure white, but its unobtrusive shades - baked milk, Ivory, eggshell, creamy. The contrast will be softer, and the interior will be calmer. The apron and countertop should also be made light.

In the following selection, we have collected photos of white and orange kitchen sets:

Brown and wenge
Bright, rich, harmonious combination. The tabletop can be beige, white, brown, black, under light or dark wood. Light beige plastic or artificial acrylic stone with small brown specks is good.

Wenge bottom and orange top require a light apron

As in the case of wenge, for inexpensive kitchens they use zebrano imitation - HPL plastic, pvc film or laminated chipboard, in more expensive models, natural veneer is used.

Kitchenette made of HPL plastic on the facades

The duet is spectacular, but very obliging. Do not overdo it with black, otherwise the kitchen will look gloomy, disturbing and too contrasty. Use it pointwise and balance it with a light neutral background. The countertop and apron of a black and orange kitchen can be black, gray, white, brown or light beige.

Acrylic facades are distinguished by their rich color and high glossy sheen.

Use the following colors with care: they will only make friends with orange if you choose the right shade.

Cheerful and summery combination. Choose clean green color or its warm shades like light green, green apple, lime. Leave walls and textiles neutral beige. The tabletop and apron can be made white, beige, brown or to match the upper or lower facades.

The photo shows an example of a green-orange kitchen with a plastic countertop:

gray or metallic
Cool steel tones "cool down" orange, and it, in turn, enlivens the gray color and makes it more interesting. This combination is often used in minimalist, techno or high-tech kitchens. In addition to facades, an apron, countertop, wallpaper, floor tiles or porcelain stoneware can be gray. Saturated shades of gray are especially good, for example, graphite, dusty gray or the color of wet asphalt.

Beige and cream
Mutes and soothes orange. Opt for a cool, light beige without a strong yellow undertone.

A duet with bright shades of blue looks fresh and interesting: azure-turquoise, denim, cobalt, sapphire.
