The surest way to give your site freshness, to make it truly spring and light, is to plant pink flowers in its flower beds. The names of such plants brief description will be presented in the article below, but it should be noted in advance that among them there are both single flowers and bushes, and even trees. Also, pink representatives of the flora can be annuals or centenarians. Keep this in mind when designing your site.

Flower Pink colour- a characteristic feature of a perennial plant brandushka. These tuberous bushes begin to bloom in mid-April, and delight the eye with such beauty almost until the end of summer. Following the brandushka, they appear at the colchicum - its closest relative. They look like small, almost lilac stars that can be planted throughout the site to create a magical spectacle.

Pink literally stick around the branches of the badan plant. As a rule, they rise above many other representatives of garden flora, so they always attract attention. Next to him will look very harmonious or bean. His small flowers bloom in spring, along with leaves, and form a weightless cloud, which becomes an indispensable decoration for any garden.

The pink flower is also characteristic of many ornamental varieties of almonds. Among these, one can name Georgian, Lideburg, Petunnikov almonds. But the flowers of a dark pink, saturated shade are characteristic of the three-lobed variety of this plant. It has more impressive dimensions than other ornamental species, so it fits best into the orchard.

Phloxes have incomparable beauty. Their long stems are literally strewn with bright pink flowers that do not wither for two months. It is easy to form a flower carpet from them, as they always grow close to each other. If phloxes are properly cared for, they will bloom in the fall.

Stunning pink flower - tulip. It, as a rule, pleases the eye only in spring, starting from March. At such a time, pink pink with a blue bottom or pink with silver edges may bloom in your flower bed. Closer to May, a terry pale pink variety will become a worthy decoration of the flower bed.

Among the most common plants that are characterized by this delicate color is lilac. It blooms by the end of May, and with proper care does not lose its for another month. In any garden, lilacs will be a great alternative to small fences.

Perhaps the most charming, and at the same time simple, pink flower is the daisy. Among them there are terry varieties, and winter-hardy; with large flowers and very small, dwarf ones that can form a stunning spring carpet on your site.

Pink color is characterized by a whole variety of representatives of the flora. Here you can name a tea rose, and an iris, and a hawthorn, and a dahlia, and a clematis, and even a peony. Decorative pink plums create a stunning effect in the garden.

One of the most early flowering plants- perennial brandushka(Bulbocodium), whose large pink flowers (about 5 cm in diameter) appear at the end of April right from the ground, even before the leaves grow. Several flowers grow from each corm, and by the end of summer 2-3 new ones are formed.

Bloom at the same time or a little later colchicum(Colchicum szovitsii) with pink funnel-shaped flowers and broadly linear leaves, and the 'Pink Giant' chionodoxa variety with pink star-shaped flowers in loose, elegant inflorescences.

It blooms surprisingly long, sometimes up to 3-4 weeks. It retains almost as much decorativeness in the cut: this is the secret of the success of the durability of mini-bouquets and boutonnieres from this small (15 cm) early spring plant.

Blooms in early May kandyk(Erythronium). For the rose garden, the varieties "Pink Perfection" with bright pink flowers and "Rose Beauty" are suitable. After two weeks of flowering, the leaves of this species dry up, the seeds ripen. A highly decorative variety "Eros" with numerous (up to 25 pieces) dark pink simple flowers (diameter 2.5 cm), located on a dense inflorescence up to 21 cm high. Of the Dutch hybrids, whose inflorescence height is 25-30 cm, early light pink grade "Anne Marie" and pink medium "Pink Pearl".

In early May, intensely pink numerous small flowers bergenia thick-leaved (Bergenia crassifolia), collected in large paniculate inflorescences, proudly rise above the luxurious rounded leathery leaves wintering under the snow.

In late April-early May, a beautiful hellebore(Helleborus) keeping the palmately dissected petiolate leaves under the snow during the winter. Particularly good varieties are "Gertrude Frobel", "Roseus Superbus" and "Hans Schmidt" with large pink flowers reaching 6-7 cm in diameter.

At the same time almond low, or beaver(Amygdalus nana), covered with a pink cloud of flowers (the height of a spherical bush can reach 1.5 m). Bright pink single flowers (diameter 2.5 cm) bloom at the same time as the leaves begin to unfold, which can only be seen up close. Therefore, the picture of a blooming beaver is perceived as a pink cloud hovering for 10-14 days over the earth waking up from winter sleep.

IN last years received widespread three-lobed almond(A. triloba) up to 3 m high with pink and dark pink flowers, densely arranged along the entire length of the shoots and resembling small roses in shape. Reaching a diameter of 3 cm, they appear in the first half of May before the leaves bloom and remain decorative for 2.5 weeks.

Rarely do we meet decorative types of almonds, although these beautiful plants rightfully deserve a worthy place in any garden, and not just with a predominant pink palette: Georgian almond (A. georgia), which feels great in central Russia; Ledeburg almond (A. ledebourii), whose pink flowers appear earlier than other species, and the duration of flowering reaches 3 weeks (the fruits of this variety reach a length of 4 cm); Petunnikov's almond (A. petunnikowii), which forms a very decorative shrub up to 1 m high, abundantly strewn with pink flowers.

Blooms profusely in mid-May phlox subulate (Phlox subulata). Its creeping shoots, on which numerous flowers are located (diameter 1-2 cm), form dense thickets. A blooming pink carpet is easy to increase if 50-60 rooted cuttings are planted per 1 sq.m. At good care(watering, top dressing, non-acidic soil and good lighting) phloxes bloom a second time - in the fall.

In early May they run amok tulips: 'Pink Trophy' with single flowers and 'Peach Blossom' with double flowers; later cultivars are pink with a blue bottom, plain 'Pink Supreme' and 'Smiling Queen', pink with a silver edge; lily-flowered 'Gisela' with single pink flowers Rounding out the bloom are double late tulips, among which the densely double pink "Eros" can be distinguished.One of the most popular late double species is the pale pink copt "Angelique", blooming in late May.

tree blooms in May peony, which, unlike herbaceous species that require a lot of sun, can grow in partial shade. For a garden with a pink palette, "Reine Elizabeth" with huge bright double flowers (up to 20 cm in diameter) is perfect. At proper care the number of flowers on an adult plant, whose height is 80 cm, can reach 100 pieces.

It should be mentioned sedum false (Sedum spurium), the recumbent stems of which form a dense pillow. Beautiful pink flowers of this plant (height 10-12 cm) with large stamens are collected in corymbose inflorescences that look great against the background of juicy bluish-green leaves. Stonecrop false blooms profusely and continuously from May to August.

At the end of May appear lilies of the valley, among which the variety "Rosea", distinguished by pink flowers, can be noted.

Blooms in the second half of May lilac, filling the garden with a gentle unique fragrant aroma. The rose garden can be decorated with varieties "Alyonushka" with silver-pink large inflorescences, the length of which reaches 25 cm; "Bride" with light pink large (2 cm) flowers; terry soft pink very fragrant "Tenderness"; "Necker" with light pink medium-sized flowers (1.5-1.8 cm), collected in openwork inflorescences-sultans up to 20 cm long. Very good variety "Madame Antoine Buchner" with large flowers (up to 2.7 cm) , painted in a wide variety of colors: from mallow-pink to pale whitish-pink tones. Its sparse panicles-inflorescences reach a size of 27x10 cm. This variety blooms in medium late terms.

In the second half of May, replacing bergenia, a hybrid blooms in the shady corners of the garden - varieties "Rosea" with a pink-white corolla and "Rose Queen" with pink-lilac flowers.

Unpretentious appear in May daisies: terry pink variety "Beauty Giant Rose", very winter-hardy, with large (4 cm diameter) inflorescences. Even larger (diameter 5-6 cm) densely double inflorescences of white-pink color in the "Rose" variety. A good dwarf variety of daisies "Geante de Chevrouse" is only 10-12 cm high with pink semi-double inflorescences reaching a diameter of 5-6 cm. Do not forget to divide the biennial daisy bushes at the beginning of summer and plant the delenki in a new place, otherwise flowering weakens sharply. The mother bush, the stems of which die off in the center with age, as if by itself is divided into 4-6 parts. Delenki easily and quickly take root and continue to bloom, easily transferring transplants.

Blooms at the end of May obrieta(Aubrietia), forming bright pillows 10-12 cm high. Most species and varieties of obrieta have blue-violet flowers, but there is a Gloriosa variety among them, which stands out with bright pink hues. Flowering is long and abundant until mid-June.

Among the varieties roses dominated shades of pink winter-hardy "Maiden" s Blush "from the group of roses with densely double fragrant light pink flowers (diameter 6-8 cm) deserve attention. Among the remontants, reaching 100-150 cm, pale pink densely double fragrant flowers stand out" Mrs. John Laing"n"Heinrich Munch".

Extremely decorative, characterized by exceptionally abundant and long flowering of large light pink flowers, the variety "Mrs. John Laing" is the best of this group. Remontant roses bloom at the end of June and often (secondary) at the end of summer, although the second bloom is weak and unfriendly. Of the hybrid tea roses, the varieties "Pink Pearl" with densely double dark pink flowers and "Caroline Testout" with double large light pink flowers and leathery dark green leaves deserve attention. Pale pink terry varieties "Frieburg" and "Ophelia" are beautiful.

In the Floribunda group, a very winter-hardy cultivar "Poulsen" s Pink" stands out with shiny pinkish-salmon, medium-sized fragrant double flowers collected in inflorescences of 3-15 pieces; in the Grandiflora group, the Queen Elizabeth variety with large (diameter 10 cm) double fragrant flowers bright pink color and glossy dark green leaves. This variety is easy to propagate from cuttings. From climbing roses suitable varieties "New Dawn" with pale pink fragrant double flowers, "Dorothy Perkins" with double fragrant pink and "Conrad Ferdinand Meyer7" with large fragrant double soft pink.



The decoration of the May alpine slide can be a variety saxifrage Arendsa (Saxifraga x arendsii) - "Purpurmantel" with dark pink flowers, which forms a dense turf cushion 18-20 cm high. The "Elf" variety, belonging to moss-like saxifrages, is distinguished by abundant flowers on very low stems.

Blooms in May rhododendron small-leaved (Rhododendron parvifolium). This is a low-growing evergreen densely branched shrub 0.5-0.6 m high with medium-sized pink flowers arranged in 2-5 pieces.

A wonderful garden decoration can be hawthorn, especially its terry varieties, such as "Rosea Flore Pleno". In standard form, it will be good on the lawn in single plantings. Hawthorn hedges are very picturesque: in May-June they are decorated with flowers, in August-September they blaze with large red fruits, rich in vitamins and sugar. Hawthorn does not need special pruning, hedges, if necessary, are “trimmed” in the summer after flowering.

An unsurpassed and most elegant decoration of a rose garden can be a decorative plum, too rare so far in the Russian open spaces. But in Europe, almost every garden has such a plant, called the star of spring-flowering trees.

In fact, under the name "decorative plum" in a group of plants combined decorative forms almonds, peaches, bird cherry, blackthorns, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries. They belong to different genera and species, but they are united by a functional orientation - they decorate spring garden powerful abundant annual flowering.

The diameter of non-double and double pink flowers varies from 2 to 5 cm. In addition to trees, bushy forms used for hedges are widespread, dwarf and ground cover forms are widely used on alpine hills. All decorative plums are unpretentious, and many of them can become a unique decoration of the most exquisite garden.

Unpretentious blooms in June weigela, distinguished by numerous pale pink tubular flowers and leaves with a white border (Weigela florida copt "Variegata"). This ornamental shrub can attract many gardeners with its slow growth and compactness (in adulthood, the height of the bush does not exceed 120 cm).

The pink palette of the garden with its pale pink simple numerous flowers diversifies action- varieties "Rosea" and terry pink large inflorescences of the variety "Pearl Rosea". These shrubs, 120 cm high, are not too demanding on soils, can bloom profusely not only in the sun, but also in partial shade, but require annual pruning of faded shoots, as well as old and unproductive branches.

Rhizomes bloom in June irises, among which pink is very rare, most varieties are painted in lilac, yellow, blue, white tones. You'll be lucky if you can get 'Pink Talcum' or 'Strathmore' with gorgeous pink flowers. The gardener is especially proud of cherishing in his garden a bearded dark pink iris with a red beard - the "Chi-Chi" variety, which forms an inflorescence 80-85 cm long with 5 large two-color flowers that appear in June. "Chi-Chi" is good both in single landings and in groups, forming magnificent Iridaria.

Herbaceous flowers bloom in June peonies. Terry large (diameter up to 15 cm) pink flowers of the "Frosted Rose" variety and dark pink with a salmon shade (diameter 12 cm) densely double "Angelo Cobb Freaborn" are especially decorative. An interesting variety is "Rosea Plena" medicinal peony (Paeonia officinalis) with large double flowers of pure pink color.



herbaceous peony

In June, they begin their triumphal procession through the garden clematis, most of the flowers of which are painted in lilac-violet and white tones. However, among them there are varieties that can take their rightful place in the garden with a pink palette.

These are the Alyonushka variety with lilac-pink fragrant medium-sized flowers (5-8 cm in diameter) and Tenderness with intensely pink flowers with a crimson hue (up to 12 cm in diameter), which bloom a little later, in July. In June, large flowers (diameter up to 17 cm) of clematis of the Yunost variety bloom, pale pink with a raspberry tint. This is one of the best pink-flowered varieties that continues to bloom until September.

Varieties of foreign selection are very popular, among which "Nelly Moser" should be especially noted with light pinkish-lilac flowers (18 cm in diameter), star-shaped with a raspberry stripe and dark red anthers. This variety blooms profusely from July to September, and with good agricultural technology, annual plants bloom in the year of planting.

Light pinkish-lilac very large flowers (diameter up to 20 cm) with a red stripe and reddish-lilac anthers have a variety of "Marcel Moser". Its flowers almost do not fade, and each plant, under favorable conditions, simultaneously “holds” several dozen flowers open.

It is impossible not to mention the perennial dahlias, more often than others used not only to decorate gardens, but also as a traditional cut crop.

Of abundantly flowering varieties it should be noted anemone "Siemen Doorenboos" (diameter 7-8 cm), dense pink "Rose Preference" (diameter of inflorescences about 12 cm) on long (up to 30 cm) peduncles; "Rose Tendre" with huge (17 cm) pale pink "flowers" with a white base and, finally, "Promotion" with peduncles up to 38 cm and very showy pale pink inflorescences with a diameter of 21 cm.

The "Carried Angel" variety is magnificent with giant (diameter up to 22 cm) dense pink inflorescences, and "Rose Effect" with small (6 cm) densely pink inflorescences, which are up to 20 at a time in dissolution, is attractive.

Do not forget about unpretentious perennial lupins, blooming in June and August (repeatedly) with pink flowers collected in dense beautiful candle-shaped inflorescences (cultivars "Roseus" and "Schlusselfrau").

Many gardens from June to August are decorated with decorative large-flowered hybrid forms of perennial pyrethrum pink (Pyrethrum roseum): its inflorescences, shaped like double and semi-double daisies, look spectacular against the background of beautiful openwork gray-green leaves.

Speaking of perennials that decorate the garden with pink blooms in the summer, one cannot help but recall gypsophila(kachim), capable of giving with its small - simple or double - pink flowers, strewn with thin peduncles, airy lightness to any bouquet. Let's not forget to pay tribute to the gladioli, so beloved by Russians, and, first of all, the "Picardi" variety with a pale pink color of large flowers in powerful inflorescences up to 140 cm high.

Often in gardens you can find a cute plant with fragrant flowers with light pink fringed petals, which forms a dense turf 15-22 cm high. This is a pink perennial form carnations sandy (Dianthus arenarius f. rosea). Even more common carnation pinnate (D. plumarius) with single light pink fragrant flowers.

Carnation blooms in June-July, and for our colors well suited varieties "Desdemona" with dark pink and "Pomegranate" with carmine-pink flowers. The best pink varieties of Turkish carnation are "Rosakonigin" with bright pink large (up to 4.5 cm) fragrant flowers and "Lachskonigin" with salmon-pink medium-sized (2.2 cm) jagged petals.

Unpretentious blooms in July-August astilbe: variety "Brunhilde" with light pink inflorescences up to 20 cm long and "Erica" ​​with pink flowers collected in inflorescences medium density 25 cm long.

Very common in gardens middle lane you can find a biennial stock rose, or garden mallow(Althaea), and its best variety for our palette is "Terry Pink", which forms its dense inflorescences, up to 100 cm high, from very voluminous bright pink flowers. The height of such a plant is 2-2.5 m (the diameter of a hemispherical flower is up to 10-12 cm).

Blooms in mid June early varieties phlox paniculate. But for a garden designed in pink tones, varieties that bloom in July-August are best suited. These are "Inspiration" with bright pink flowers with a red eye (diameter 3.6 cm), collected in dense flat-oval inflorescences, and "Elenka" with pale pink large flowers (diameter 3.8 cm) with a white eye in a rounded inflorescence with a diameter 12 cm

A rare garden does without annuals - callistefus (annual aster), snapdragon,.

It is worth paying attention to the varieties of annuals aster"Rose Pink", "Hellrosa" with pink large heads (diameter 9-9.5 cm), "Rita" and "Olympia" with light pink inflorescences with a silvery coating (diameter 10 cm) and dwarf "Zwerg Lackskarmin" height 18 cm with a dark pink inflorescence-basket.

One of the best varieties Levkoev from the group of gigantic bomb-shaped, reaching a height of up to half a meter, with double shiny white-pink flowers (diameter 4.5 cm), forming a pearl-pink inflorescence up to 23 cm long, is the Brilliantrosa variety. An interesting large-flowered gigantic variety "Diana", blooming in June, with pink with a stroke of densely double flowers (diameter 5.5 cm), collected in a dense inflorescence up to 25 cm high. Very large (diameter up to 6 cm) densely double bright pink flowers in inflorescences up to 25 cm in the variety "Chamoisrosa". Noteworthy are the varieties "Silver Pink" and "Rosetta", blooming from June.

To the best pink-flowered varieties snapdragon include "Pink" with pink flowers, "Rose Marie" with hot pink "lips" and lighter tube, "Cherry Red" with rose red petals and a bright pink tube.

Favorite flower of many gardeners - petunia. Of the old, popular varieties for a long time, the pale pink "Karmin Queen" should be mentioned, of the new hybrid varieties, many liked the "Cherry Tart" variety with bright pink flowers (diameter 6.5 cm).

In almost every garden grows unpretentious, blooming tirelessly until the very frosts. kosmeya(the best varieties are "Sensation" and "Rosenelfe" with bright pink flowers), as well as lavater three-month-old (Lavatera trimestris), called a khatma or garden rose.





In June, the queens of balconies (and open ground) are pleased with the flowering of tuberous begonias. Despite the high cost of planting material, the difficulty of preserving it in the autumn-winter period, every gardener who once grew a profusely flowering tuberous begonia is no longer able to refuse it. The flowers can be double, one- and two-color (up to 15 cm in diameter), with wavy edges, and flowering continues from June to the first frost in September.

The most decorative variety "Roy Hartley" with pink flowers and F1 hybrids of tuberous multi-flowered begonia called "Non-Stop", characterized by abundant continuous flowering. Of the large-flowered begonias, the varieties "Bouton de Rose" with double pink flowers (diameter 18 cm), "Camelliiflora" with double pink flowers with a white border (diameter 12 cm) and "Crispa Marginata" with non-double folded flowers (diameter 9 cm) deserve attention. , white with a pink border. Of the small-flowered tuberous begonias, the pink variety "La Madelon" with double flowers (4 cm in diameter) is interesting.

The pink palette of the garden is adequately complemented by white and pink eremurus Olga (Eremurus olgae) and powerful eremurus (E. robustus) with pale pink flowers in inflorescences up to 2 m high. In June, and then again in August, magnificent delphiniums bloom, among which it is worth highlighting the Astolat variety with double pink numerous flowers (diameter 5 cm). Height of this beautiful plant can reach 200 cm. The variety "Guinevera" (height 100 cm) with double pinkish-lavender flowers (diameter 5 cm) is also very decorative.

Among the exquisite lilies in pink, we can recommend resistant domestic varieties "Tarusu", "Metu", "Brut", "Gaydamak", "Iolanta" and "Phobos".

Late flowering perennials include aster, blooming from August until frost. The best varieties- "Treue Gute" with pink, "Plenty" with deep pink, "Heiderose" and "Rosea" with pure pink and "Lille Fardell" with dark pink flowers.

The farewell greetings of the pink cloud are sent chrysanthemums Korean, among which it is worth highlighting the Pink Daisy variety, pleasing to the eye until the end of September with non-double inflorescences (7 cm in diameter) of a brownish-pink color with a white center.

In conclusion, I would like to mention a rare, but surprisingly beautiful plant that adorns the garden in late autumn, enduring frosts. This ornamental cabbage. Its large rosettes of leaves, painted in hot pink and delicate pale pink, will be great in low borders, mixborders and on an alpine hill when there are no more flowers left in the garden.

To make the room cozier and brighter, many housewives grow indoor plants in the house. Various domestic types of flowers with red petals are popular.

There is a huge variety of different house flowers dyed red. They differ in size, shape of leaves and petals, flowering period and comfortable living conditions.

In order to achieve bright and long flowering, it is also necessary to properly care for the plant, taking into account all its individual characteristics.

The following types are the most popular.

It is a large evergreen shrub. If not carried out on time necessary work cropping, then its height can reach 1.5 meters.

The leaves are dark green in color and slightly oblong in shape. Characterized by the presence of notches along the edges of the sheet. On average, the length of the plate is 15 centimeters.

Hibiscus flowers are similar in shape to a funnel, the diameter of which is 12-16 centimeters. Depending on the selected variety of petals can be dyed red, orange, yellow or pink. Seeds are in a five-fold box.

Hibiscus bloom can be observed from early spring to mid-autumn. Favorable conditions will be the absence of drafts and good lighting, while it is very important to remember that the direct rays of the sun should not fall on the flower.

For many, hibiscus is known not only as a houseplant, but also as a raw material for making hibiscus. This drink is very healthy and contains a lot of vitamin C.

For indoor cultivation, the dwarf pomegranate is commonly used. The height does not exceed 50 centimeters, the leaves are small, rich green, oblong in shape.

Pomegranate flowers are small (2-3 centimeters in diameter), terry. The color of the petals is scarlet, sometimes they can be called "fiery".

Flowering falls on the period from April to August.

When growing pomegranate, it is worth remembering that he loves the light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. This culture is not afraid of drafts. When creating all necessary conditions at the end, the buds can be replaced by bright fruits that are edible, but ripen extremely rarely.

Oleander is usually grown in large rooms or in a special greenhouse. The height of this seemingly compact plant can reach 2 meters. Oblong foliage, somewhat reminiscent of willow leaves, grows strongly and forms a dense, spreading crown.

Bright, red flowers, consisting of 5 petals, are collected in inflorescences of several pieces.

Oleander wood and sap are poisonous.

The main difficulty in care is that in summer he needs to provide warm temperatures, and cold in winter, that is, the pot will constantly have to be rearranged.

This is a very beautiful perennial. bulbous plant. Leaves thin, xiphoid, grow up to 60 centimeters in length. At the very base, they are painted purple, and the rest of the leaf plate is dark green.

Flowers are located on a long peduncle (40 centimeters), collected in umbrella inflorescences. The shape is like a star, the color of the petals is bright red.

Vallota blooms twice a year from May to June and from September to October.

Such a plant likes to be in direct sunlight, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. When caring for him, it is worth remembering that he is poisonous.


At home, they grow bright red leeya, in another way it is also called Guinean.

This plant is a shrub height 90-120 centimeters with large leaves, which are divided into many small pointed leaflets. At a young age, the foliage is burgundy in color, which eventually becomes dark green.

Flowers are formed just above the corners of the leaves and are collected in large airy inflorescences. The petals are deep pink above and red below.

Leah loves bright sunlight, high humidity and tolerates drafts well.

Euphorbia most beautiful is an evergreen shrub that V open ground reaches 3 meters in height. At the moment, miniature hybrids have been bred, whose dimensions do not exceed 30-50 centimeters, and they are used for home cultivation.

The leaves are dark green with jagged edges and are ovoid in shape. Their length is on average 10-15 centimeters.

The flowers themselves are very small, painted in a yellow hue and collected in inflorescences in the form of a rosette. Because of their size, they are not as visible as the bracts that form around them. Bright red petals have the same shape as the leaves. IN general view this flower looks like a star.

Flowering falls in December-February, so the second name of the plant is the Christmas Star. It does not like shading and drafts.

For cultivation as a houseplant, a hybrid called Pentas lanceolate is used. The plant is evergreen shrub up to 50 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate in shape, the length is 5-7 centimeters, the presence of pubescence is characteristic.

Small star-shaped flowers with red petals gather in umbrella-like inflorescences with a diameter of 10 centimeters. You can see all this beauty from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

tolerates direct Sun rays and is not afraid of drafts. In summer, the plant should be watered abundantly, but for the winter period, the amount of moisture introduced must be reduced.

At home, the andre subspecies is usually grown. The leaves of such a plant are large, their length can reach 30 centimeters, the shape is heart-shaped, the color is dark green.

The flower is a yellow erect inflorescence and a bright red, glossy sail-shaped veil that is located under it.

quite a tough plant., which does not tolerate drought and drafts. Prefers a large amount of light, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. When caring for a flower, you must follow the safety rules, because the juice, getting on the skin, causes severe irritation.

With proper care, flowering lasts all season.

This plant belongs to perennial bulbous subspecies. Intense green leaves grow up to 50 centimeters in length, they are characterized by an ovoid shape with pointed ends.

The flowers are on hollow arrows and are huge, usually their diameter is 25 centimeters.

Funnel-shaped flowers. Hippeastrum blooms in late winter or early spring.

Plant thermophilic but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

shrub herbaceous, on average, its height is 50 centimeters. The leaves are oblong and ovoid, 10-15 centimeters long. A distinctive feature will be the presence of small villi.

Flowers in their shape resemble a bell with curved edges. The petals are painted in a delicate pink color with large red patches. The flowers, as well as the leaves, are hairy.

Such a plant carefree, prefers partial shade and does not tolerate drafts.

Initially, the stems of Koleria are straight, but over time they begin to bend down to the ground.

Choosing from the whole variety of house plants with red flowers is very difficult to decide, because they all have extraordinary beauty.

But due to the different flowering periods, it is possible to select a group of plantings in such a way that when one plant fades, the other is just beginning to pick up buds.

Brandushka - early perennial. It begins to bloom in April with pink flowers (up to 5 cm), an average of 2 flowers per bulb. Blooms for about 4 weeks. Cut costs about 3 weeks.

Colchicum begins to bloom in early spring with its white-pink flowers and Chionodox \'Pink Giant\' lavender-pink flowers.
Of the May flowers in pink tones, such varieties of kandyk will look good,

like \'Pink Perfection\', \'Rose Beauty\', \'Eros\', \'Anne Marie\' and \'Pink Pearl\'. These varieties differ in shades of pink.

Also, the garden will be well decorated with bergenia thick-leaved flowers and chic hellebore varieties pleasing to the eye with their large flowers (6-7cm) \'Hans Schmidt\', \'Gertrude Frobel\', \'Roseus Superbus\'.

In early May, a cloud of pink flowers appears on spherical almond bushes up to 1.5 m high) and blooms for about 2 weeks.
Three-lobed almonds are popular. Its height reaches up to 3 m. It has pink flowers, somewhat reminiscent of small roses (about 3 cm). It stays on for about 2.5 weeks.
Of particular note are some types of almonds (Ledeburg almond, Petunnikov almond).

Phlox awl-shaped, which has numerous flowers, belongs to May. If well looked after, it can bloom in the fall.
Tulips begin to bloom actively at the end of spring: ordinary \'Pink Trophy\', terry variety\'Peach Blossom\'. Varieties \'Pink Supreme\', \'Gisela\' begin to bloom a little later. The latest varieties are \'Eros\' and \'Angelique\'.

The 'Reine Elizabeth' peony can be found in partial shade. It blooms with large bright flowers.
Lily of the valley variety \'Rosea\' will look great.
Fragrant lilac varieties \'Alyonushka\', \'Bride\', \'Tenderness\', \'Necker\' deserve attention.
Daisies deserve attention.

It's beautiful and unpretentious flowers. Large varieties of daisies include \'Beauty Giant Rose\' and \'Rose\', and there is a miniature one: \'Geante de Chevrouse\'.
Aubrieta mostly blooms in blue-violet tones, but there are exception varieties (for example, \'Gloriosa\').
Of the roses, it is worth taking a closer look at the varieties \'Maiden\'s Blush\' and \'Mrs. John Laing\'n\'Heinrich Munch\'.\'Mrs. John Laing\'. Tea-hybrid terry \'Pink Pearl\' deserve special attention.

If there is a slide in the garden, you can decorate it with Arends' saxifrage variety \'Purpurmantel\' or abundantly blooming\'Elfl\'.

Rhododendron is a low shrub that blooms with small flowers of 2-5 pieces.
Hawthorn \'Rosea Flore Pleno\' with its double flowers will be a wonderful asset in the garden. Bright flowers turn into large red fruits by autumn. Does not require special care.

Decorative plum can be found very rarely in our country, although it is incredibly beautiful.

Since June, an unpretentious weigela shrub has been blooming.

His hallmark are leaves with a white border and pale pink flowers.

The action varieties \'Rosea\' and \'Pearl Rosea\' feel good both in the sun and in the shade. Every year they need to cut unnecessary branches.
In pink tones, irises are not common at all. Unless such varieties as \'Pink Talcum\', \'Strathmore\' or insanely beautiful \'Chi-Chi\'.

Herbaceous peonies also bloom in summer. Varieties \'Frosted Rose \' (up to 16 cm) have large flowers
and \'Angelo Cobb Freaborn\' (about 12cm).
In pink flowers, you can note clematis varieties \'Alenushka \' (up to 8cm), \'Tenderness \' (up to 12cm), \'Youth \' (up to 17 cm, bloom until September).
Beautiful lupins bloom twice: in June and in August.
Pink pyrethrum, gladioli, carnations, astilbes bloom from June to August.

Peretrum pink is somewhat reminiscent of daisies, which are in harmony with openwork leaves. Gladiolus deserve a lot of attention. Variety \'Picardi\' blooms with large pink flowers and reaches a height of about 140 cm.

The sand carnation and pinnate carnation are among the most common fragrant flowers. pink flowers possess \'Garnet\',\'Desdemona\'. The most popular with flowers with a wonderful aroma are \'Rosakonigin\' (up to 5cm) and \'Lachskonigin\' (up to 2.5 cm).

Astilbes do not require special care. Look good variety \ 'Brunhilde \' (inflorescences about 19 cm), variety \ 'Erica \' (inflorescences about 25 cm).
Asters can be attributed to June. This is an annual plant with large flowers (on average 9 cm). There are also larger varieties, such as \'Rita\', \'Olympia\' (about 10 cm).
Brilliantrosa\' is a noteworthy levkoy variety. It can be up to 1.5 m in height. It blooms with beautiful white-pink flowers (about 4 cm in diameter).
It is worth paying attention to Snapdragon\'Rose Marie\' and \'Cherry Red\'.

Petunia is a favorite flower of most gardeners. Some of the most common varieties are \'Karmin Queen\' and \'Cherry Tart\'.
Cosmea is good because it blooms from the very beginning of summer, until frost.

Phlox paniculata begin to bloom in mid-summer. \'Inspiration\' and \'Elenka\' deserve attention. The diameter of flowers in these varieties is about 3.7 cm.
Club begonia makes you fall in love at first sight. It is unlikely that anyone who sees her will remain indifferent. It blooms with large flowers (about 15 cm) until the first autumn frosts. It is worth noting \'Roy Hartley\', \'Bouton de Rose\' (up to 18 cm), \'Camelliiflora\' (up to 12 cm), \'Crispa Marginata\' (up to 9 cm) and \'La Madelon\ ' (up to 4 cm).
Olga's Eremurus will be a good addition to the rose garden. In height reaches up to 2 meters.
In autumn, the garden will be decorated with asters, Korean chrysanthemums.
Ornamental cabbage is found, but in itself it is incredibly beautiful. It blooms in late autumn and is not at all afraid of frost.

For the first time, unusual and flowering plants began to be grown in pots or greenhouses in the era of the Great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photos and names of which in paper form can fit in several cabinets, are a passion for millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative indoor plants

Ornamental plants are valued for the flowers of the most different forms and colors, unusual foliage, a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and ampelous, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, require different conditions of maintenance and care.

Someone is passionate about succulents, someone is more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, a short catalog will be a great help when choosing a “green pet” to your liking.


evergreen shrub, easily tolerating crown formation, blooming from late spring to mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids indoor flower prefer partial shade, responsive to care, giving their owner a lot of white, yellow, pink, raspberry "bells" with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm.

To restore strength, the plant needs a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees.


The photo and name of this home flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film "Leon". Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular for its variegated, leathery broad-lanceolate foliage and unpretentiousness when kept indoors.

In the color of the leaves of different species and varieties, there are not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Among house plants, ferns are not uncommon. Herbaceous evergreen cultures attract attention with carved fronds and hardiness. One of the most popular ferns is the maidenhair, whose young fronds are gracefully folded and have a pinkish cream color. In the house, the flower needs partial shade and cool maintenance in winter.


These houseplants with flowers of white, pink, purple color do not obey all flower growers. But when creating right conditions And constant attention medium-sized shrubs, related, please with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the many types of indoor flowers, there are many cultures belonging to the Aroid family. Natives of the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere invariably amaze with the splendor of greenery and a variety of forms.

When meeting a photo of decorative home flowers with the name "alokaziya" it is easy to notice how these plants differ in appearance. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, odorous, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative and deciduous crops valued by amateur flower growers.


Unlike alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought due to the water accumulated in succulent leaves. Aloe vera or agave is often grown as home flowers. A plant up to one and a half meters high is decorated with long leaves up to 30 cm long, seated along the edges with thorns.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- Another representative of the vast Aroid family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed-heart-shaped dense leaves, holding on high erect petioles, and cob inflorescences, decorated with bright bedspreads up to 15 centimeters long. The modified leaf is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Akin to the culinary delicacy of asparagus, as a houseplant it is notable for its unpretentious disposition, active growth and long life in a pot. Several types of this culture, thanks to needle-like foliage, an ampelous or bush-like form, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. The decorative effect of the plant is complemented by a rare but memorable flowering. Collected in a brush, white flowers are small, but fragrant. After they wither, red rounded berries are formed.


Originally from Southeast Asia, it is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large broad-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In the catalogs, among the photos of indoor flowers with the name "aspidistra" you can find specimens with variegated leaves, decorated with white or yellowish stripes . The flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Corollas of reddish-brown or purple color appear near the ground.


Home flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called "Vanka Wet" or "touchy". , settled down on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. An extremely unpretentious plant, due to the presence of a mass of varieties, is ready to please the grower with the flowering of simple and double flowers of the most different shades.


Begonia is a rare plant that has both decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietal and hybrid forms in the world, actively used for landscaping in the house and outside. Home flowers can differ in the way they reproduce, be bushy or ampelous, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative leafy crops highly appreciate the bright, unlike anything green of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Geranium room (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundant and long-blooming pelargonium is an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, lends itself to shaping, if necessary, resumes and reproduces vegetatively without problems. A sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in the house and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions, has taken root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. With proper care and adequate nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly pleases with the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.


The bulbous perennial is popular for its simple care and incredibly vibrant blooms. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep purple. The leaves form a fluffy basal rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flowers begins a dormant period, lasting several months and requiring dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite "soft" oval-shaped leaves are characteristic features of the home gloxinia flower. tuberous plant with winter period dormancy for flowering requires a long daylight hours, nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Over one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers can simultaneously show off in all shades from white to deep purple.


Guzmania draws on itself thanks to the bright foliage, bordering a not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of planting and lasts up to 3 months, means the near death of the mother plant, which should be replaced by basal daughter rosettes.


A decorative deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious, stands out for its high growth rate and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home, the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, heat, nutrition and a lot of bright but diffused light.


Accustomed in nature to truly "Spartan" conditions, the dracaena is not capricious in an apartment. Several varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a "tree" with a bare trunk and a cap of stiff green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas - tuberous plant from the Aroid family is often found in the collections of flower growers who are passionate about evergreen decorative deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower from 50 to 150 cm high forms several powerful dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Mature plants with proper care form milky-white inflorescences-cobs.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of ornamental and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related species, interesting and wonderful in their own way.

Common features of all varieties are unpretentiousness, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all available vegetative methods and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of flowering, and the viviparous form of Kalanchoe will help to cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizomatous plant with a powerful basal rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top into an umbrella. At home, flowers last more than 3 weeks.


Maranta is a low, often creeping or ampelous perennial with decorative foliage, on one leaf plate combining shades of light and dark green, purple and pink, white and brownish tones.

Euphorbia Mil

Euphorbia Mil in Russia is better known as the "crown of thorns". This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a stiff stem covered with long thorns and a bunch of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences, bordered by bright bracts, in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or "mother-in-law's tongue" has been a regular on window sills for many years. An unfussy home flower, popular for its tough foliage, with a variegated pattern or a light border.

- one of the most common indoor flowers, but a cylindrical variety with pointed erect leaves original form only gaining followers.

fat woman

The decorative home flowers in the photo owe their name to fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or "money tree" is an excellent house plant, the care of which even a beginner can do. In terms of endurance and easy reproduction, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia is an excellent ampelous flower for home cultivation. The plant is characterized by rapid growth, high decorativeness, unpretentiousness and easy agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions with the help of one culture. moisture-loving, lends itself to crown formation and takes root easily, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is an epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. The relatively simple care of phalaenopsis allows a novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Violet uzambarskaya (saintpaulia)

At first glance, the Uzambara violet captivates with the appearance of fleecy foliage collected in lush rosettes, over which simple, semi- or double flowers of the most bizarre shapes and colors reign as a bright hat. Modern Saintpaulia varieties number in the thousands and represent giant and dwarf plants, monochromatic and variegated flowers, green leaves and greens with white or pink edging.


Catalog of indoor flowers with photos and names various kinds and varieties of ficuses can be published as a separate book. Today, there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant, several dozen are grown in culture, having the shape of a bush, tree, ground cover and even ampel specimens. The most widely used and rubber.


- the leader among plants in terms of the ability to purify the air. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of indoor flower. A non-capricious and easily propagated herbaceous perennial in the house forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. A feature of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic lianas, hoya occupies one of the first places in terms of beauty and popularity. evergreen perennial with long stems, covered with dense "wax" leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers, leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.

Video: 70 indoor plants in my interior
