Every florist dreams of constantly ornamental garden. And the way to solve the problem is simple - creating a flower garden from perennials continuous flowering. Such flower beds can please the eye until late autumn, and caring for perennial plantings limited to spring cleaning and summer watering. But in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated, and instead of decorating the garden, inexperienced gardeners get a piece of land with stunted bushes of some plants.

Rules for creating flowering flower beds

Making a flower bed with your own hands so that it blooms from early spring to frost, remaining decorative even in the winter season, is very difficult. It is necessary to take into account a lot of little things that turn out to be important, and in the case of a perennial flower garden - decisive. One of these nuances includes the size of the area allotted for planting ornamental plants.

The fact is that none of the garden plants can be beautiful throughout the summer season. To create a perennial flower bed of continuous flowering, you have to select many types and varieties of shrubs, flowers and herbs. Replacing each other, they imitate a picturesque picture of a flowering meadow or mountainous area in the country.

But in a small area it is impossible to place a sufficient number of plants.

The number of their varieties should be quite large; expressiveness of landings can be achieved only with the help of large spots. different color. You should not plant a single copy of spring, summer and autumn flowers - this way you can only achieve the effect of a chaotic cluster of plants. Such a flower garden of perennials will not have a decorative effect.

So, the basic rules for beginners to create flowerbeds of perennials in the country with their own hands should be:

  1. An assortment of plants that allows them to change each other during the season.
  2. A large number of bushes of the same variety and species.
  3. Plants that are close in flowering time should be planted nearby, and not scattered over the area of ​​​​the flower garden. This is due to the requirements for creating accents: a large flowering group, shaded by the foliage of other plants, looks better than single specimens lost among the greenery.
  4. A constantly blooming flower bed should be irregular. To achieve the effect of continuous flowering, you have to create several successive groups. During the summer, it will turn pink, then multi-colored, then yellow.

Video "What is a garden of constant flowering"

Demonstration video from useful information and plants.

In order to fulfill all these requirements, a fairly large area needs to be taken under the flower garden. If this is not possible, it is better to limit yourself to planting several small flower beds in different parts of the garden, which will replace each other and create color accents here and there. With this technique, you can turn the entire summer cottage into one permanent blooming garden.

Where to begin?

The device of a flower bed of perennials in the country should begin with the selection of plants according to the timing of flowering. This stage consists in compiling a list of spring, summer and autumn types of flowers. It should be taken into account that some garden plants are divided into varieties that have a slightly different flowering period from the average. Based on this, it is possible to pick up such flowers in a group of identical representatives of the species that will lengthen the decorative time for some section of the flower bed. For example, plant white phloxes of early, middle and late deadline flowering.

After that, you need to explore the place where the perennial flower bed will be located. Research should include an analysis of the soil, the illumination of individual parts of the flower garden, the presence of a slope in some direction. All this will be required in order to properly seat the plants, taking into account their requirements for moisture, light and soil conditions.

If the future flower garden is not very large, and the conditions for the plants will be approximately the same, you can make another list for selecting species that suit all these sites.

Before you make a flower garden, you will have to draw a diagram of it. To do this, you need to have a good idea of ​​what shades it is desirable to place in separate parts of a flower garden of continuous flowering from perennials. Another important point when creating a flower garden scheme from perennials - the selection of herbs and shrubs in height. There are several possible options:

  • on a flower bed (round, oval) overlooked from all sides, tall plants should be planted in the center of the composition, and undersized closer to the border;
  • in a wall or fence, tall elements can grow in the background, while medium and ground cover elements can grow closer to the viewer;
  • in you can allow more free placement of large specimens in the middle ground or so that they cover part of the composition, making it possible to see it differently from another point.

When the area is quite large, you can experiment with placing an ornamental shrub or tree as a solo element on the ground cover grass carpet.

Such plantings look very beautiful in combination with medium and low flowers or bushes with colored foliage.

Important rules for breeding a flower garden

Another rule that will have to be observed is limiting the growth of some aggressive species. Many decorative flowers and herbs are able to grow within a few years so that they occupy the entire flower garden. For them, you should pick up fences made of plastic or metal, which will need to be deepened into the soil around the landing site.

Along with flowering plants, breeds with decorative leaves should also be planted. Many withdrawn garden forms conifers, shrubs and small trees, herbs and grasses are able to decorate a flower garden of continuous flowering with unusually colored or variegated leaves throughout the season. They can tint the brightness perennials or serve as an independent color accent.

It must also be taken into account that some herbaceous plants, fading, become unattractive or die off.

So that bald spots of dried stems do not form on the flower bed, next to the ephemera it is necessary to provide for the planting of summer species with large leaves or with the formation of a dense bush (hostas, peonies). They will help to hide the spring flowers that have lost their decorative effect.

Examples of flower garden schemes

To simplify the work, you can use ready-made schemes of flower beds. For example, the corner flower garden option proposed below for the entire warm season. The drawings show how the general appearance of the flower bed changes from season to season and the emphasis on the high backdrop of the composition shifts from a bush in the corner to delphinium candles in summer, and tall grass (miscanthus) and sunflower by autumn.


Gradually, the color scheme of the composition also changes. If desired, you can change it by including varieties of delphinium, bluebells and phlox with a different color for the summer season in the scheme. By picking up daffodils, hellebore, irises of a different color, adding small-bulbous ones (muscari, hyacinths, etc.) to the fore, you can also change the spring appearance of the flower bed.

Some plants can be replaced with suitable flowering dates if the growing conditions are not optimal for the data in the drawing. In particular, in the northern regions, where forsythia can freeze in winter, it can be replaced with a male willow. A tall bush can be additionally lined with more compact spireas that can support flowering in this corner until May.

Using the same scheme as a support for fantasy, you can supplement it by making the flower corner decorative even in winter time. To do this, it is enough to replace the forsythia bush with an ornamental apple tree breed (berry, Pallas, plum-leaved). The tree will have to be pruned, holding back growth, but every spring it will delight with lush flowering and delicate aroma for 10-14 days. IN summer season delphiniums and sunflowers can still bloom, and by autumn the focus will again shift to an apple tree strewn with scarlet tassels of small fruits. Apples remain on the branches until spring.

In winter, the left ears of miscanthus can also decorate this corner. They can not be cut during autumn cleaning. If we allocate a little space for annuals, which are preserved in the form of dried flowers (helichrysums of different colors, for example), then the restrained and harsh winter beauty will be preserved until January.

Conifers in flower beds

Recently use coniferous trees in the design of flower beds of continuous flowering has become very popular. This happened as a result of the appearance on the market of breeding forms with unusual colors and crown outlines. Golden and blue, dwarf, creeping conifers create delicate accents in parts of the composition, attracting attention and shading the bright colors of flowers. In winter, when the snow cover is still shallow, they are the only ornamental plants in empty flower beds.

The diagram shows an example of a combination of several conifers at once with perennial flowers and ground cover grasses. In the background there are 2 specimens of juniper with a pyramidal crown, giving the composition a tendency to rise. They are the main point around which the rest of the details of the flower garden are placed.

In the middle ground, compact bushes of juniper with golden needles (Old Gold) and mountain pine are planted. They will give density to the composition in the spring, when deciduous shrubs have not yet blossomed, and favorably set off primroses (primroses, small-bulbs). In summer and autumn, their significance is small, they serve only as green islands in a variety of colors. flowering plants. Closer to winter, when most of the flowers disappear, their shades will again play the leading role of accents against the background of dark and yellow leaves of shrubs.

The juniper in the foreground has a creeping crown. Its main purpose is to serve as a groundcover when grasses have not yet grown. In winter, he and the rest of the conifers will remain the only green islands among the snow-covered bushes of lilac, mock orange and buddley.

Compact arrangement of perennial flowers

Another diagram shows how to make a beautiful perennial flower bed if there is very little space on the site. The basis and background of the composition is clematis, winding along the lattice on the wall of the house. 2 varieties of this vine were used - early and late (flower color can be chosen to your taste). A flower garden made according to this scheme makes it possible to admire it from the beginning of July to the end of August, with a change in shade as some flowers fade and other flowers bloom.

In the middle plan on the right, paniculate phlox bushes are planted nearby, selected according to the same principle. Early variety blooms from early July white, gradually replaced by a later pink. These shades can also be varied. A bright colored spot in this area will persist until the end of August. If it is possible to increase the planting area, then September bushes can be planted next to the phlox.

The left part of the middle plan is formed by pions and . The first ones begin flowering at the end of May, finishing it by mid-June. Then the baton passes to the astilbe and the pink daylily next to it (in the left corner, closer to the foreground). Help shade blooms decorative leaves host, complements the foreground with a golden daylily on the right.

To get beautiful flower beds in early spring, you can supplement the scheme with small-bulbs and primroses. Dying off by mid-May, they will be hidden by overgrown foliage of hostas and daylilies. To imagine what a perennial flower garden will look like, the photos and names of some of the plants used in these schemes will help.

What plants can be planted in a flower garden?

In early spring, small-bulbous ones begin to bloom. This group of plants for a perennial flower garden includes: daffodils, chionodoxes, muscari, poultry, crocuses. They do not need to be dug up annually for storage, like tulips or gladioli.

Bulbs are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other in large quantities. This is necessary in order to form a beautiful island of the same colors, since most small-bulbous plants are undersized (up to 20 cm). Their leaves are narrow and long, and decorativeness is achieved solely through inflorescences, like muscari or hyacinth. Single specimens of such colors will be hardly noticeable.

A little later, familiar daisies and primroses, and sleep-grass, begin to bloom. These are also quite small and inconspicuous primroses one by one. To create a flower garden of continuous flowering, you will need a lot of planting material of primroses of any kind. But the decorativeness of an island of earth barely emerging from under the snow is worth the cost of money and labor.

Flowers for summer and autumn

Perennials that bloom in warm weather are rich both in color and in the number of species. Beginning in May, peonies and irises of various shades bloom. Later they are joined by daylilies and garden lilies, creating bright patches of yellow, orange and red. Panicles of astilba harmoniously echo high cereals: pampas grass, reed grass, pike. By placing high delphinium candles in the background of the composition, you can support them with lupins of different heights and colors in the middle and foreground.

Ground cover plants like periwinkle, thyme, tenacious and others also bloom. Despite the inconspicuousness of individual flowers, their clusters among the grasses create picturesque spots of different colors. You can also supplement compositions with wild herbs - yarrow and tansy with large inflorescences, yasnotka, greenfinch, sage. These herbs are able to bloom all season, filling the gaps between individual varieties and types of garden flowers.

At the end of summer, more and more yellow shades appear: rudbeckia, grassy sunflower, yellow and chrysanthemums. These colors can be harmoniously diluted by choosing varieties of red chrysanthemums and late dark pink phlox. Violet-blue range of September and cushion asters will help to form flower beds in the appropriate shades. By removing old flower stalks on astilbes and delphiniums, these plants can also be forced to bloom again.

Careful care of a perennial flower garden will help you enjoy the change of seasons and colors for several years in a row without annual work. Planted once ornamental shrubs and flowers will delight the owners for a long time.

Country style is one of the most popular interior styles not only for houses and apartments, but also for household plots.
The basis of country style is the simplicity of the rustic direction. It is worth considering that country style can be associated with the country that you fell in love with. This may be a hint of a Russian hut, an American ranch or a Swiss chalet.
Most often, country style is used to give or country house, because this style will bring romance and unity with nature to your dacha. A flower garden in this style will be distinguished by its naturalness and harmony.
To create a cozy flower garden in this style, you must first carefully plan it, work out a preliminary scheme, decide which plants are best used in a particular version, and only after that start laying out the site. This flower garden does not imply any exotic plants, only simplicity and naturalness.
Wicker baskets, carts, old cans and wooden wheels are great for country style. Also, such a flower garden can be decorated with stones. various shapes and sizes.
Perfectly fit into the design of the flower garden asters, chamomile, lupine, gelenium, coleus, lactiferous bell, Snapdragon. From shrubs, you can use boxwood, viburnum, corn, ornamental cabbage and multi-colored hydrangea.
In this style, you can also decorate the front flower garden. Since the flower garden is located in the front garden, it decorates the entrance to the house, all the plants in it perform a purely decorative function. Its appearance changes during the summer. At first, bright scarlet inflorescences of lychnis on a silvery-white background of wormwood, small petals and bluebells set the tone. By autumn, yellow and purple colors begin to predominate, echoing the golden colors of fading nature. When replacing individual plants in the planting pattern, the decorative effect will change the more the more changes are made.
Country style gives great opportunities for your imagination. To decorate such a flower garden, you can use old wooden utensils (cart wheels, etc.), various cans and basins. The arrangement of plants in such a flower garden can be varied, most often erect and tall plants are planted in the center. These can be crops such as, for example, yellow marigolds, gloxinia or primrose. Lower or ampelous forms of plants are planted along the edges: hybrid petunia, fittonia. bright accent in a flower garden, ordinary garden strawberries can serve. Romantic notes will bring to this work landscape design planted violets or forget-me-nots.
It is worth noting that the lawn located near such a flower garden should not be well-groomed. Naturalness is the basis that will help you combine all the elements into one. Therefore, wild poppies, dandelions and clover growing on the lawn will only be an excellent addition.
An example of a country-style flower garden: 1 - goldenrod, 2 - small petal, 3 - pursh wormwood, 4 - lychnis of Chalcedon, 5 - gelenium, 6 - lactiferous bell, 7 - sapling, 8 - coleus.

It does not take much effort to transform a summer house; a bright and original flower bed will help to make the site more picturesque. Such transformations are landscape designers, but you can do without a specialist and make beautiful flower beds from perennials with your own hands in the country.

Reasons why you need to choose perennials to create a flower bed:

  1. Perennial plants grow and bloom again year after year.
  2. They reproduce by rhizomes, seeds and shoots, so it will be possible to expand the flower bed or form a new one.
  3. They require care, but they do not have to be planted every year, since the roots do not die, only the top of the plants dies.
  4. Perennials do not deplete the earth.
  5. Many perennials have medicinal properties By planting them, you can create your own green first aid kit.

The flower garden needs to be arranged before autumn, so that the flowers have time to prepare for the cold.

What to consider when choosing perennials for flower beds

For a successful decoration suburban area a beautiful flower bed of perennials must take into account several rules:

  • All flowers chosen for the flower bed should grow well on the available soil. Fertile soil is suitable for lupine, bluebell. It is not worth planting asters and yarrow with them, preferring swampy soils.
  • We must not forget about the natural relief of the site. Ledges, lowlands, various features of the relief can be used to advantage when creating flower arrangements.

  • Perennials must be adapted to a given climate zone.
  • Planting plants, it is necessary to take into account their preferences in lighting. It is not worth placing light-loving perennials in the shade.
  • Plants should not be planted too close to each other so that they do not have problems with growth.

Types of flower beds

A beautiful composition of flowers can be performed not only in the form of a flower bed in its traditional sense. There are flower beds various kinds and forms. Let's consider some of them.

  • Rabatka.

It is a narrow strip of flowers of several types. Planted along fences and walls of houses.

  • Border.

This is a kind of border of flowers. Low-growing plants planted in the form of a strip are framed by paths and paths. Assumes the presence of flowers of one or two varieties.

  • Flowerpot.

Can be moved to different locations. Suitable for flowerpots climbing plants and extraordinary perennials.

  • Arabesque.

The original geometric shape of the flowers. Includes not only flowers, but also gravel, stones and pebbles.

  • Rock garden or alpine slide.

It is a combination of flowers, artificial mountain relief and large stones. Creeping plants are used. The composition is appropriate even on a plot of modest size.

  • Mixborder.

The plants that make it up bloom at different times, so the flower garden will change throughout the seasons. This type of flower bed is located in spots or groups.

A video about the process of creating a mixborder will help you repeat the same bright flower garden on your site.

If there are gaps between the planted flowers, they can be covered with ground cover plants.

Color combinations in the flower bed

To create a beautiful and harmonious flower bed with your own hands, you should think about combinations that will be pleasing to the eye.

  1. Monochrome. The flower bed is planted with plants of the same color, but in different shades. When creating a flower bed of perennials, you can add bright, boring accents in the form of plants of other colors.
  2. White shades. It also looks good in combination with white and blue. A suitable combination of colors can be daisies, bluebells and tulips.
  3. Gradient. To create the effect of a smooth transition from one color to another, bright perennials should be planted in the center, surrounded by lighter plants, and even lighter at the edges.
  4. For example, surround red flowers in the center with orange ones and plant yellow ones around the edges.
  5. A romantic plot will help create pink, purple and lilac shades.

The flower bed will look nicer if you dilute the flowers with green spaces.

Tiered beds

One of the spectacular types of perennial flower beds is longline. original look it gives the selection of plants of different heights. Such a flower bed not only looks beautiful, but also provides a comfortable existence for all its constituent plants that avoid competition.

A win-win design:

  1. Tall plants are planted in the center.
  2. Next to them are representatives of the flora of medium height.
  3. The flower bed is framed by low-growing herbs.

Creating a flower bed in Siberia

Perennials prefer temperate climates. In harsh conditions, when the ground freezes, not all species get along and eventually die. However, there are perennials that feel great in the Siberian climate.

Traditionally, three-tiered flower beds are created in Siberia. This ensures a blooming garden throughout the season. The effect of continuous flowering is created due to the fact that all planted perennials begin to bloom in different dates. Thus, when one has faded, others begin to bloom.

  1. First tier. Plant height up to 30 cm. Trees are surrounded by such plants and paths are formed. They usually bloom first. Undersized: lily of the valley, pansies, primrose.
  2. Second tier. Height less than 0.5 m. Sredneroslye: tulip, narcissus, reticulated iris, scylla.
  3. Third tier. The height is more than 50 cm. It can be shrubs or single tall flowers. Tall: real bedstraw, New Belgian aster, phloxes.

Some plants may arbitrarily occupy territories not assigned to them. To limit their growth, it is recommended to create artificial fences.

Schemes of beautiful perennial flower beds

Before planting flowers, you need to think about how the flower bed will look like. To do this, a diagram is drawn up, which displays the location, flowering time and shades of the selected plants.

Examples of simple schemes for creating beautiful flower beds from perennials, which every beginner can implement in the country with their own hands:

Scheme No. 1

A simple but harmonious version of the flower bed:

  1. Panicled phlox shades of pink.
  2. Pink astilba.
  3. Purple-silvery daylily.
  4. Heuchera with lavender leaves.
  5. Geranium is great.

All plants included in the scheme in the photo fade in the fall, and begin to bloom in July or May.

Scheme No. 2

A flower garden made up of perennials of different heights:

Scheme No. 3

flower composition, collected on the site in different shades of the same color, looks harmonious with well-chosen combinations.

Note! If the resulting combination of perennials in the country flower bed was not to your liking, do not be upset. You can replace one plant with another to achieve the desired result.

Scheme No. 4

Flowerbeds look good and are easily created from simple shapes.

Taking the shape of a heart as a basis, and planting undersized or medium-sized flowers around its perimeter, you can get a spectacular flower bed.

It is not worth using tall plants to create figures, since the beauty of the flower bed cannot be appreciated without looking at it from above. Lush flowers are suitable for the contours of the heart. You can fill the central part with small flowers of various shades.

Scheme No. 5

Suitable for beginners, the island flower bed idea is easy to implement and maintain.

Creating such a flower bed does not take much time and does not require clear boundaries when planting plants. Color solution can be varied. Using different colors gives a natural feel to the flower bed, but a one-color option is also acceptable.

When creating such a flower bed, it is necessary to select perennials not only by color, but also by height. An islet consisting only of undersized or only tall plants will lose its charm. The key to success is perennials of different heights.

Scheme No. 6

A variant of a beautiful and uncomplicated perennial flower bed in the form of a discount:

  1. Hybrid tea rose.
  2. Syringa.
  3. 3 spurs.
  4. 5 panicled phloxes.
  5. 5 peach bells.
  6. 5 small petals.
  7. 4 majestic geraniums.
  8. 4 cuffs padded.

Given the peculiarities of building a rabatka, you can try to create your own scheme for such a flower garden and implement it on the site with your own hands.

Rabatki are of several types:

  1. Unilateral. Tall plants occupy the back, while stunted plants remain on the front.
  2. Bilateral. Their main difference between other species is in the center. It is filled with high perennials, and the side parts are given low. Symmetry is not required.
  3. Symmetrical. It has a clear shape, maintains symmetry relative to the center, is located between two paths or paths.
  4. Asymmetrical. It is an alternation of undersized and tall crops.
  5. intermittent. If the plants are too tall, gaps are left between them for lower perennials, flat stones and dividing tiles are allowed. Such decor can be made of granite with wood trim. Even green spaces are also used to create borders. It is important to follow them and be careful so that the discount remains pleasing to the eye.

When planting a rabatka, it should be remembered that in perennial flower beds, where it is important to maintain a clear boundary, you can leave small gaps and fill them with annual plants. This is due to the property of perennials to grow over time. By weeding, watering and feeding the flower garden, you can maintain its dignified appearance until the onset of frost.

Having gained valuable experience in creating simple flower beds, you can not stop there and look for a creative approach to their design. It is worth trying to show imagination and independently come up with original compositions, bring to life the most daring flower ideas.

Original ideas for perennial flower beds

You can get inspiration for creating beautiful and pleasing to the eye flower beds from perennials in your dacha by looking at photos of spectacular and extraordinary flower beds that adorn other people's plots.

Flowers are the decoration of any garden, no matter where it is and no matter what size it is. Thanks to the successive color spots, even the most inconspicuous corner comes to life, only each flower garden requires careful and painstaking care.

The only way out of this situation is, which should be successfully picked up once, and the problem of annual planting and digging will be forgotten for several years. Only planning such a flower garden will have to take into account several important rules.

perennial flower garden layout

First of all, you should choose a site for the future flower bed and decide on the shape of the flower garden. There are no special rules and restrictions here, however, from any side, the flower bed being built should look decent.

As for the selection of perennial plants for flower beds in the country, it is important to build on not only the preferred colors, but also on the type of parameters of the plants themselves:

  • The center of the composition should be perennials with the largest and brightest flowers.
  • They should be supplemented by more modestly flowering plants.
  • Small and undersized perennials are used for gap filling and edging.

When choosing, it is important to see not only flowers, but also leaves: their shape, color and size. Greenery is no less decorative than flowering plants.

Tall plants are planted away if the flower bed is against a wall or. If the flower garden can be walked around, then the largest plants must be in the center of the composition. Already existing plantings can be entered into such a structure: trees, shrubs or garden buildings, for example, an arch or a gazebo.

The best perennials for flower beds

These perennials are the most popular, unpretentious and spectacular at the same time, only on their basis you can create many options for original flower beds that will decorate the garden for several carefree years:

  • Astilbe - this is a unique plant that can be extremely decorative even in dense shade, and depending on the variety, they can be different sizes and have different colors of fluffy panicles - flowers that work for a record long time, up to ten weeks.
  • Helenium. Its flowering is abundant and long, from June until frost.
  • Geranium is magnificent- famous not only for large flowers, but also for decorative foliage, it grows in partial shade, under trees and in mixborders with other perennials, blooming from May to June, and then pleasing the eyes with feathery reddish leaves.
  • Kotovnik- unpretentious, resistant to any conditions and any light, but blooms especially luxuriantly in the sun.
  • Oriental poppy- unique in size of magnificent flowers. There are varieties that bloom in May - June, and later in June - July.
  • Cuff one of the most durable and unpretentious perennials for a flower bed with spectacular leaves.
  • sedum- able to revive planting at any time of the year, it is unpretentious and multiplies rapidly.
  • Rudbeckia- illuminates the garden with its flowers in late summer and autumn. The plant itself loves light and nutritious soil.
  • yarrow- its baskets of different shades decorate the flower beds from June to September.
  • hosta- one of the few shade-loving perennial flowers for the flower bed. classically combined with astilba.
  • Sage- decorates the garden with inflorescences of all shades of purple, and a delicate aroma from June until autumn.
  • Japanese anemone- this is the most beautiful perennial among the unpretentious. Delicate flowers of various colors are magnificent not only in flowerbeds of perennials, but also in bouquets.

Perennial flower beds of your own design

When thinking about creating a flower bed from perennials, you should not particularly trust the beautiful photos on the bags of seeds. In order for the plants to please with friendly and long flowering, the characteristics of the plants that will be useful when planning a flower garden are much more important.

You should not chase the number of species, it is more important to choose plants by color and flowering time.

First, determine the size of the future planting and, based on the surrounding landscape and personal preferences, select specific perennial flowers for the flower bed.

This takes into account:

  • the timing of flowering of each plant, so that at least three species constantly bloom in the flower bed;
  • conditions of growth and care;
  • harmonious combination with other species, for example, in terms of flower size or color.

On square meter depending on the growth of a particular perennial, a certain number of plants are planted:

  • At a height of 1 to 2 meters, 2-5 plants are planted.
  • With a height of 50 cm to 90 cm, 5-9 plants are required.
  • With a height of 20 cm to 40 cm, 7-12 plants are required.
  • Ground cover and undersized species are planted in the amount of 10-16 pieces.
  • Bulbous plants, regardless of growth, are planted at the rate of 12-25 pieces.

It is better to plant perennials according to pre-applied markings.

In an effort to achieve a dense cover in a flower bed, you should not plant perennials too closely. This will not allow the plant to grow and bloom in full force in the future.

Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

  1. Phlox purple or crimson;
  2. Astilba with pink tassels, blooming luxuriantly throughout the summer;
  3. Daylily with purple or lilac cups;
  4. Geichera with decorative frost-resistant leaves;
  5. Geranium is magnificent, pleasing with both flowering and variegated foliage.

Only five species of common and very unpretentious perennials for flower beds, it turns out, can become the basis of a very attractive composition of long flowering.

Flower garden of perennials on the background of the lattice

In such a flower garden, not only the horizontal plane is used, but also the vertical one. This decorative lattice, on which the clematis (15) and tender (14) that make up the background of planting are based. A little closer to the viewer medicinal echination (13) and decorative balls allium (7), tall Korean mint (12) and lofant.

In the center of the composition are cone-shaped boxwood (10), silvery feathery wormwood (11) and deep purple multi-grate (8). On the sides, the flower bed is bordered by verbena (9), hybrid yarrow (6) and one of the types of cinquefoil (5).

In this example, the shortest species were closest to the edge of the flower bed: geranium with azure flowers (3), stonecrop (4), thyme (1) and cuff (2).

It is not at all necessary to copy with maximum accuracy the schemes and photographs of flower beds with perennials that you like and found in the network or gardening magazines. Any of the plants can be completely replaced if you choose another one with similar flowering periods and comfortable growing conditions. In the same way, one can replace color scheme flower beds, reduce or increase its size, adjusting to your needs.

Healing flowerbed of perennial plants

Perennials are good because they allow you to experiment from the heart and create unique flower beds even from not the most ordinary plants. For example, why not make a flower garden of medicinal herbs in some ownerless, but not sunless corner?

The above diagram shows how the plantings of each plant are located, and also gives the concept of colors.

When creating this flower garden, the following names of perennial flowers for the flower bed were used:

  1. Echinacea, blooming together until mid-autumn,
  2. Marigold,
  3. Unpretentious tansy or flax,
  4. Veronica officinalis,
  5. Lavender or sage similar in parameters,
  6. Badan, which creates dense bright spots, or oregano,
  7. fragrant basil,
  8. plantain lanceolate,
  9. Mullein, decorating the flower garden with powerful peduncles,
  10. pulmonaria,
  11. Yarrow.

Similarly, you can plan a flower bed of spicy-flavoring herbs, replacing tall and short perennial flowers for a flower bed, the photos and names of which are indicated in the source for no less attractive crops. In the background of such a gastronomic flower bed, you can plant juniper, catnip, lavender and lemon balm, place mint, sage, all kinds of onions and oregano closer in the path, and you can border the flower bed with thyme and borage.

Perennial plants require control over their reproduction, otherwise over time they will run wild, flowering will decrease, and the flower bed will lose its shape.

Flowerbed of perennials of continuous flowering

However, the dream of every gardener is a flower bed that blooms from the moment the snow melts until the onset of winter. It is difficult to plan such a miracle, but if you take into account the sequence of flowering plants and ensure proper care for the plantings, then the task will be quite within the power of many flower lovers.


  1. Muscari or Pushkinia;
  2. Pulsatilla meadow;
  3. Arabis;
  4. tulips undersized varieties cream color;
  5. Parrot or double yellow tulips;
  6. Aquilegia;
  7. Daffodils of delicate colors with a short crown;
  8. Yellow large-flowered daffodils;
  9. Fringed yellow tulips in a vase;
  10. Wintering east;
  11. Multi-flowered pastel rose with medium-sized flowers;
  12. Lilac medium flowering.


The dominant feature in a perennial flower bed in summer is a biennial stock rose, but it can be replaced with foxglove or another shade.

Decorative planting in the summer months give:

  1. Multi-flowered rose;
  2. Lilac;
  3. hare cabbage;
  4. Eringium;
  5. Lavender;
  6. Blue cereal;
  7. Kosmeya;
  8. Lily Tibetan;
  9. Feverfew pink;
  10. Malva or foxglove;
  11. Oregano ordinary;
  12. Delphinium.

When planting, it is important to take into account the competition among the planted plants.


In autumn, the flowering of many perennials ends, but the task of providing decorativeness is taken over by the foliage and grasses that change colors.

  1. Small-flowered spray rose;
  2. Hare cabbage or stonecrop;
  3. Eringium;
  4. Blue cereal or kneeless;
  5. Kosmeya;
  6. Feverfew pink;
  7. Chrysanthemum Siberian;
  8. Hubei anemone;
  9. Black cohosh is simple.


The decorativeness of the flower beds, right up to the snow itself, is retained by naturally turning into dried flowers, which finished their flowering in the fall, as well as:

  1. Wintering east;
  2. stonecrop;
  3. Giant eryngium;
  4. Lightning.

Perennial Care

Perennials cannot be called overly whimsical, but they also have their own preferences and requirements for planting and care conditions:

  • For perennials, loose, light, nutrient-rich soils are preferred.
  • If wild plants are planted in a flower bed, then it is important to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible.
  • To retain moisture and create protection for plants for the winter, you can use mulch, sawdust and needles.
  • Watering and fertilizing even the most unpretentious perennials for a flower bed should be done very carefully to prevent waterlogging under the sockets.
  • Should be created reliable protection flower garden from the wind.
  • Marigolds and lavender planted along the edge of the flower bed will become a natural protection against pests.

A careful approach to the selection of perennials and their care is the key to creating an exemplary flower garden, which for many years will be a true decoration of the site, and a source of pride for its creators.

Video - perennial flowers for the garden
