It is called creeping hops, beer hops, curly hops, bitterness... This powerful and beautiful vine has everything to be useful to man. Hops are revered by many peoples of the world, it is a symbol of fertility, strong economy, prowess, happiness and longevity, it is depicted on coats of arms and coins. But many summer residents are not at all happy with him. Hops tend to grow rapidly, inhibiting growth cultivated plants around you. But is it really necessary to fight it?

Pork with Eggplant - A delicious stew with vegetables and spicy rice is easy and simple to cook for dinner or lunch. It will take about half an hour to cook, so this recipe can be categorized as "if you need dinner quickly." The dish turns out hearty, fragrant, spicy. Turmeric colors the ingredients in a beautiful golden yellow color, cloves, cardamom, garlic and chili pepper add savory notes to the dish. Choose lean meat for this recipe.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberry familiar to us, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth giving her a place in the berry.

Despite the confusion that has accumulated over the past decades with the name "Christmas cactus", one of the most recognizable and colorful forest cacti, epiphyllums remain everyone's favorite. Leafless, with flattened stems, strikingly abundantly blooming, hybrid epiphyllums with their hanging shoots and delicate flowers do not require particularly difficult care from the owners. They can become the most colorful flowering succulent plant in any collection.

Merchant buckwheat with meat and pumpkin is a simple recipe for a delicious dinner or lunch. I advise you to bring it to readiness in the oven, although you can also on the stove. Firstly, it tastes better in the oven, as the buckwheat is steamed, it becomes very tasty, and the meat is tender. Secondly, the hour that it languishes in the oven can be spent on yourself or communicating with loved ones. Perhaps many will decide that buckwheat with meat is an ordinary dish, but try to cook it according to this recipe.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by nocturnal butterflies) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the grower and designer, because we often walk in the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We are never put off by the fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Pumpkin is considered by many gardeners to be the queen of the beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health. all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs are amazing! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch eggs are hard-boiled eggs wrapped in chopped meat breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high rim, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-frying oil so as not to smoke the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tub cubanola Dominican fully justifies the status of a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, cubanola is a fragrant star with a difficult character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, the best (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare, but requires pre-preparation. Chickpeas need to be pre-soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably at night, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, experiments with non-banal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden are in trend. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and a position. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the range of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, for medium ripening - 55-60 and late dates- not less than 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Homeland - southeastern North America.
Family - Blue (Polemoniaceae).
Garden varieties, grouped under the name Ph. hortorum and are descended from panicled phlox or are hybrids with Caroline phlox and spotted phlox.
Reproduction: cuttings, dividing the bush, root suckers, seeds.

Phlox paniculata - perennial from 50 to 150 cm tall. Stems glabrous or pubescent with a woody base. The leaves are oval-lanceolate, 5-15 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide, opposite, sessile, the pairs are arranged cruciformly on the stem relative to each other, the upper leaves are alternate. Phlox breeding began in the 19th century.

Of pests susceptible to attacks by larvae Maybug Melolontha hippocastani that feed on roots. Effective fight is digging the soil between rows and loosening with manual sampling of larvae; the introduction of the drug Bazudin into the soil before planting the crop.


AURORA, variety L. Ivanova. Moscow, 1943 - pale pink with a matte coating, wide, large raceme, flower diameter 3.5 cm, plant height 45 cm, in the second year 75 cm, beginning of flowering - early July, stable in cutting, not susceptible to disease.

ARCTIC - White flowers, light yellow stamens, flower diameter 3 cm. Flowering time - 30 days.

LAVANDELWOLKE (K. Forster, 1939) - flowers 4 cm in diameter, light lilac in color, fade, crimson outside tube. The height of the bush in the first year is 50 cm. The average flowering period.

MIA RÜYS - pure white flower with yellow stamens, 3.2 cm in diameter. Bush height in the first year - 35 cm, in the second - 65 cm. Early.

Nicolas Phlammel - The flowers are dark ruby ​​with a carmine "eye", the flower diameter is 4.7 cm, the inflorescence is wide, rounded, dense, diameter - 14 cm. The height of the bush in the first year is 55 cm, the diameter is 30 cm. The average flowering period.

Gris Gris -The color of the flowers is variegated, with lilac and white spots on the petals with a raspberry ring near the entrance to the tube, it fades, the flower diameter is 4 cm, the height of the bush in the first year was 60 cm.

ROTBAearly variety. The flowers are dark crimson in color, the reverse side of the petals is contrastingly whitish, diameter 3.2 cm. The height of the bush in the first year is 40, in the second year 75-80 cm. Forms few shoots. The stem is dark colored.

SCHNEEPYRAMIDE, Ph. maculate - petals are white, with a pale pink ring, the inflorescence is dense, pyramidal, flower diameter is 2.5 - 3 cm. The height of the bush is 100 cm. The duration of flowering is 45 days. Early.

Professor Kvasnikov - dark pink flowers with a diameter of 3.7 cm are collected in a very large 30 cm conical inflorescence. The bush is powerful spreading, 90 cm high in the first year, lies down under the weight of wet inflorescences. Forms from 20 to 40 shoots in a bush. Late variety. Flowering is long. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases and nematodes.

DOLPHIN (N.A. Pavlyuk, 2005) - a flower of bluish-lilac color, with a raspberry ring at the base of the petals. Round-conical inflorescence. The variety is medium in terms of flowering, has repeated flowering.

Kyiv FESTIVE(E. D. Kharchenko). Red flowers with a diameter of 3.5 cm are collected in an inflorescence with a diameter of 20 cm. The height of the bush is 60 cm. The variety is medium in terms of flowering, flowering time is 47 days.

Gaganov's favorite(P.G. Gaganov, 1953). Corolla coral-scarlet with a diameter of 4cm. The inflorescence is round-pyramidal loose, with a diameter of 17 cm. The bush is strong, 80 cm high. It forms 16-18 shoots. Early variety.

MISHENKA (M. Dronov). The flower is white with a light purple-violet radial stroke. Diameter 3.3 cm. Large fractional conical inflorescence. The stem and leaves are light green. Height 60 cm. Early variety, blooms for 30 days.

BEET - an early variety. Flowers of saturated beet color, monophonic, 3.5 cm in diameter are collected in a loose, rounded pyramidal inflorescence, 15 cm in diameter. The height of the bush is 70 - 80 cm.

Success (Gaganov, 1937) Corolla 3.8−4.0 cm in diameter, dark purple with a large sharply defined star. The inflorescence is spherical-conical dense with a diameter of 16 cm. The bush is erect, strong, 60–70 cm high. It forms 25–30 shoots in a bush. Early variety.

PRINCESS (Pavlyuk, 2005) - the color of the flowers is white with a faint pinkish tinge and a raspberry ring at the entrance to the tube, the bush is tall (80 cm) strong. The variety does not lodge during typhoons, blooms both in the shade and in open sunny areas, medium-early in terms of flowering.

northern cloud -early variety, light bluish-lilac flowers with a raspberry ring 3.2 cm in diameter fade, flat-round inflorescence 25 cm in diameter, bush 40 cm high in the first year, reaches 80 cm in the second year and 80 cm in diameter.

New (Kharchenko, 1952) - cbranches are lilac-blue with a light stroke at the base of the petal and with a raspberry ring at the entrance to the tube with a diameter of 3.8 cm, the inflorescence is flat-round dense with a diameter of 16 cm. Late variety.

Granddaughter Nadia - clight pink branches with a bright pink center with a diameter of 3.5 cm, flat-round inflorescence, large. Bush 50-60 cm high. Early variety.

Nicolay Schors (E. D. Kharchenko) -red flowers with a raspberry ring, 3.8 cm in diameter, are collected in a large flat-round inflorescence with a diameter of 25 cm. The bush is strong, 75 cm high, the stem is light green.

Aida (W. Pfitzer, 1933) -the flowers are bright purple with a carmine "eye", 3.8 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is spherical. Low, bush height in the first year 32 cm, in the second 50 cm. Early.

Lilac Pyramidal - variety is descended from Phlox maculata. Stems glabrous with purple streaks. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, dark green, shiny. Inflorescence of medium diameter, cylindrical, medium density. The color of the flowers is lilac with a dark eye, the corolla is curved. The petals are corrugated. The variety is the earliest, begins to bloom on June 10. Not affected powdery mildew.

America (presented by K. Kesselring, 1915) -salmon-pink flowers, with a red "eye", 3.8 cm in diameter, collected in an oval inflorescence with a diameter of 20 cm. The bush is strong, straight, 75-80 cm high. Early.

Kirschen Furst- ctwigs are bright scarlet saturated color, diameter 3.8 cm, collected in a loose pyramidal inflorescence. Bush 70 cm high. Forms few shoots. Early variety.

Isabella (Shevlyakova, 1996) -pink flowers with a raspberry ring at the entrance to the tube are large, 4 cm in diameter. The oval petals are superimposed on each other and slightly bent. Oval inflorescence 15 cm in diameter. Bush drooping, 50 cm high. Early variety. There is a re-bloom.

Shostakovich (I. L. Zalivsky, V. P. Kuleshov, 1958) - cpurple branches with a white star in the center with a diameter of 3.2 cm. Bush height 60 cm, diameter 50 cm. Medium variety, blooms 33–35 days.

June is the time of flowering panicled phlox. Gardens and front gardens are buried in fragrant and colorful flower clouds. Of all the species, panicled phlox has the richest collection of varieties.

Landing in open ground

Phloxes are planted throughout the season, but optimal timing spring, late summer or early autumn. Planting pits 25–30 cm deep are prepared for them. They should be spacious in width so that the roots fit freely. At the bottom of the pit pour 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ash, mineral fertilizers at the rate specified in the instructions and humus or compost. The amount of organic matter in the composition of the soil mixture is 30-50%. All components are thoroughly mixed with the ground and the planting holes are filled by 2/3. A small mound is formed in the center, on which a seedling is placed. The roots of the plants are straightened and covered with earth. When planting, make sure that the root neck is deepened by 5–6 cm and the renewal buds on it are also at least 3 cm in the ground. The soil around the seedling is well tamped. Phlox is watered abundantly immediately after planting and for the next 3-4 days if the weather is dry.

The article "" will help you choose the seeds of panicled phlox, in which you will also find many other types and varieties of phlox.

You will find about the classification and selection of panicled phloxes.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Suitable areas for phlox are well-lit or slightly shaded. In the sun, plants are planted if regular watering is provided. Variegated, brightly colored varieties prefer partial shade. They contain less chlorophyll and fade in the sun.

Phlox paniculata grows in any well-cultivated and drained garden soil. The acidity level should be neutral or slightly acidic. Heavy clay and sandy soils are improved before planting.



Phlox paniculata is moisture-loving. The amount of water depends on the degree of dryness of the soil. In the heat, the plants are watered frequently and plentifully in order to completely wet the root zone. The soil around the bushes should be moist, but without stagnation and accumulation of water.

For 1 sq. m (for one irrigation) in dry weather, 1.5–2 buckets of water are required. Water the phlox in the evening so that the water does not evaporate quickly. If the autumn turned out to be dry and warm, watering does not stop until October, so that the plants accumulate a supply of moisture for a successful winter.

top dressing

Feeding phlox begins from the 2nd year after planting. Each gardener empirically chooses his own feeding scheme. It all depends on the rate of growth and development of the plant. The standard number of dressings per season is 3-4.

Nitrogen is used only in spring. In the spring, as soon as the shoots grow up to 10 cm, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of urea - 1 tbsp. a spoon is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Before budding, the bushes are mulched with humus mixed with ash and flower mineral fertilizer. After flowering, you can feed phlox with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. After autumn pruning - the last top dressing - organic mulching with the addition of ash.

Pruning and garter

One of the important procedures is pruning bushes before wintering. It is better to shorten the shoots minimally, leaving a stump of 2–3 cm. short pruning does not allow pests and fungal spores to accumulate between shoots, facilitates mulching and preventive treatment with fungicides.

Tall phloxes are tied up, otherwise, with heavy rains and wind, the shoots lie down and break off.

winter shelter

Panicled phloxes have long adapted to the conditions Middle lane. winter shelter for them, it replaces the autumn mulching of bushes. A layer of humus will protect protruding buds from dying off in snowless winters.


The division of the bush

In early spring or early autumn, a 3–4-year-old mother bush is dug up. With a sharp knife, they divide it into several parts and plant delenki. It is undesirable to grow plants in the same place where phloxes have recently grown. Planted in the spring, delenki will bloom in the summer, with autumn division - the next year.


Rooted, overwintered cuttings are excellent planting material. The bushes grown from them are distinguished by good health and immunity.

Terms for spring-summer cuttings - the end of May - the first half of August. Non-lignified shoots are cut from healthy bushes. From each of them take the middle part with 2 internodes.

The lower leaves are cut off, and the stalk is placed in a box or pot with wet sand. The container is covered with foil. They monitor the humidity of the soil and air, periodically spray the leaves from the sprayer and ventilate the mini-greenhouse so that the cuttings do not rot.

Within 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root, shoots will begin to grow in the axils of the upper leaves. Seedlings are transplanted to a bed in a semi-shady place so that the root system is finally formed. Transplanted to a permanent place in autumn.

You can root the shoots in September. They are planted immediately in open ground - in a mixture of earth and peat, at an angle, slightly deepening. After planting, mulch with fallen leaves and leave to winter. In the spring they are planted in fertile soil for growing, and in the fall - in a permanent place.

Reproduction by seeds

This method for panicled phlox is less popular. Varietal characteristics are not fully preserved, phlox seeds quickly lose their germination.

Seeds are stratified before planting. The easiest way is to sow seeds before winter immediately after harvest. A place for phloxes is prepared in advance - in September, and the seeds are laid out in grooves when the soil freezes. From above they are sprinkled with earth with a layer of 1–1.5 cm.

Spring shoots, with the advent of true leaves, dive onto the beds and take care of young plants as usual. They must go through all stages of development, except for setting new seeds in inflorescences. So young phlox from birth will adapt to the microclimate of the site.

Diseases and pests

Of the fungal diseases, panicled phloxes are more likely to get sick powdery mildew. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides, a solution blue vitriol, infusion of garlic.

Plants can be affected mycoplasmas and various viruses. One of the common - variegation virus. From plants for which the strokes on the petals are varietal characteristics, diseased specimens differ in that the stripes are arranged randomly. These diseases are not treated and the affected plants are destroyed.

Of the pests is dangerous stem nematode. Plants on which the nematode settled are rejected and burned.

Even if only phloxes grow in the flower garden, it will be colorful and unusual from spring to autumn. The flowering of phlox, like a bright flame, pleases and warms the soul.

You will learn more about planting phlox and caring for these flowers from the video.

Both florists and landscape designers. The plant is unpretentious in care, which wins favor. The family includes many hybrid varieties. What varieties of panicled phloxes to choose, where to plant and how to care for them, read on.

Biological features

The flower got its name in Greece, where it was associated with flames. The fact is that the "ancestors" of modern phlox were distinguished by a bright red color.

Over the years, in the process of hybridization and selection, new varieties of the most unexpected flower shapes and shades have been bred (and continue to be bred). So far there are no yellow ones.

perennial herbaceous flower, the height of which is up to 150 cm. A powerful root system is the basis of the life of the plant and a guarantee that it will decorate your garden for years.

Compared to the lush inflorescences, which are located on fragile stems, phlox leaves look small, their shape is oval or lanceolate-elongated.

Concerning color characteristics Well, it all depends on taste. It is worth carefully planning landscape design, combining plant varieties according to their color, flowering time and bush height, so that later you do not have to redo or replant anything.

It is worth carefully inspecting the seedlings to make sure they are healthy and free from pests.

Choosing a suitable landing site

Despite its unpretentiousness, panicled phlox requires you to follow some rules of planting and care. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of seat.


The plant prefers shady places, overheating of the root system is extremely harmful to it. In sun-drenched places, flowers quickly fade, lose their attractiveness, become oppressed.

Important! The brighter the color of the phlox flowers, the less sunlight it needs. For example, blue inflorescences will look beautiful only if you plant the plant in the shade.

The soil

Phlox beds are advised to plan on soils with a high humus composition and a well-established drainage system. If your site is dominated by soils with increased level acidity, then they will have to be "fertilized" with lime, since the plant does not take root on oxidized lands.

The optimal type of soil for the plant - sandy soil. With proper watering in such a flower bed, the plant will feel great.

Planting seedlings

Phlox seedlings should be planted in previously prepared shallow pits in spring or autumn. The bottom of the hole should be lined with compost or biohumus. If the ground is loamy, add sand and organic fertilizer to the hole. Having placed the plant in a recess, its roots should be horizontally straightened.

It is important to keep a distance of about 50 cm between seedlings. This is necessary for the proper development and functioning of the root system.

When planting phloxes, you should be aware that from time to time you will have to help your wards in the process of their growth: water, loosen the ground, fertilize. Proper Care- a pledge of lush flowering.

Did you know?The popular name for phlox is "calico". All due to the fact that its inflorescences are associated with the variegated and light color of chintz fabric.

On dry days, phlox must be watered once a day (morning or evening) under the root. For one square meter you need to spend one and a half - two buckets of water (one bush consumes about two liters). plantings with cold water in hot weather can adversely affect their vital activity: fragile stems in this case crack.

Weeding and soil care

Periodic loosening of the soil under phlox is the key to their proper growth and development. The site should be kept in order and cleared of weeds, which can harm the root system of the plant or become a source of its diseases.

Did you know? Because of the spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences, in which dozens of flowers are eaten, phlox is interpreted and revered as a symbol of reciprocity and unity.

top dressing

To help the root system of panicled phlox to form properly, it is advised to feed the plant with organic and mineral supplements.

The optimal fertilizer is liquid manure with potassium salt or phosphorus. You need to fertilize the bushes five times: in May, June, at the beginning and end of July. The last fertilizer should be carried out during the period of seed formation.

Faded and dried phlox tops must be cut off, and then cover the rhizome with soil, peat or wood bran to prepare for winter and protect from frost.


Phlox bushes are quite cold-resistant, but still worth playing it safe. In the case of a snowy winter, frost can harm the plantations, so it is worth additionally wrapping them with straw, coniferous branches or tree leaves. Snowy winter also contributes to the excellent "rest" of plants.

Reproduction methods

Florists with experience recommend transplanting phloxes at least once every 5–6 years in order to renew and preserve varieties. Transplantation can be carried out both in spring (April, May) and in summer (August). Reproduction of panicled phlox occurs in several ways.

Growing from seeds

After the pollinated flower wilts on the stalk of the plant, seeds are tied in a separate fruit box. It is worth noting that a flower can only be pollinated with a long proboscis.

One box contains 2-3 seeds. Mature seeds, if they are not collected in time, fall into the ground, and self-seeding occurs.

Growing panicled phlox from seeds begins in early spring. Seeds are placed in pots or specially equipped boxes. Seedlings need to dive several times, as they grow rapidly upwards.
The next stage is transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, and only in May they are advised to plant them in open ground.


This technique requires a minimum amount of effort. In early spring, after the snow has melted, healthy bushes must be dug out of the ground and their rhizome cleaned from the ground. Then you need to carefully separate the root collars with your hands, and also separate the plexus of the roots.

As a result, several separate parts are obtained from the bush, each of which should have 3–4 growth buds and thick stems. The divided parts are ready for landing in the places prepared for them.

Important! Experienced florists advise dividing the rhizome in order to remove its old woody part, in which the nutrition process worsens and weakens. Neglect of this measure of caring for a plant can lead to its partial death, depression or complete death.


The lower incision should be made below the kidney, then shorten the middle leaves, and cut off the upper ones. Place the finished cuttings in the ground and water five times daily. warm water. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root and sprout.

Among the huge variety of phlox, one of the largest groups are panicled phlox. Varieties of panicled phlox amaze with their varied colors. In addition, they are also famous for their long and lush flowering. Today we want to introduce you to some of their most popular representatives. But first, it will be interesting to learn more about what is so special about these phloxes.

What are panicled phlox

Panicled phlox is one of the most beautiful varieties of plants. characteristic feature varieties of the group are strong strong stems, which become woody by autumn. They grow straight and form a bush that holds its shape well. Most varieties have an average height of 70-100 cm, although there are also compact species with a height of 35 cm or more. Phloxes feel good both in the sun and in partial shade. Moreover, the height of the bush in most species of panicled phlox directly depends on the intensity of lighting.

In the sun, the plants will be lower, and the buds will be smaller. But if you shade the bushes for a couple of hours on a hot afternoon, they will be higher. Some varieties of panicled phlox grow up to 1.5 m in height. The fibrous root system tolerates wintering well in open ground, but the aerial part dies off. Every year, the rhizome grows not only in width. It also rises slightly above ground level.

In order for the bush to develop and bloom normally, it is necessary to add soil every spring. It will close the young roots that form on the new shoot at the point of departure from the old rhizome.

Such phloxes bloom for a long time, from the beginning of summer until the first autumn frosts. The color of flowers can be both monophonic and two-color. It is noteworthy that they do not open immediately. The maximum opening of the inflorescence begins from the second week of flowering.

There are no panicled phloxes in the color yellow color. Color palette species is represented by white, pink, red, blue and purple tones with different shades.

Phlox lovers can get acquainted with different varieties in the private gardens of flower growers-collectors of these plants. One of these cherished places is the garden of Lyudmila Fedotova, whose phloxes amaze with their diversity. Among them, most of them are paniculate species.

Varieties of panicled phloxes: a small selection of flowers with a chic color

Panicled species have many varieties of warm coloration. Red and pink inflorescences are very beautiful, but now we will not talk about them. Cold tones, from blue to purple, acquire a special mystery in phloxes. No less beautiful are white inflorescences, especially with contrasting patches.

Among them I would like to note the following varieties:

  • Othello;
  • Robert;
  • Burgundy giant;
  • Miroslav;
  • Fiona;
  • Igor Severyanin;
  • Yoke;
  • Vsemil;
  • Breath of the Arctic;
  • Marble;
  • Divey;
  • Fatima;
  • Purple robe;
  • Zephyr;
  • Snow White;
  • Alyonushka;
  • Europe;
  • Atlant;
  • Lavandelvolke;
  • Lyubasha;
  • Fliderantsian.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the phlox Orange giant. This is a very beautiful and rather tall species. It is an orange variety of phlox. Bushes grow over 1 m in height. The stems are painted in a dark cherry color. Against their background, large stuffed inflorescences look beautiful.

In the photo of the Orange Giant phlox, you can see that its flowers are pink-orange. In the center, a small crimson ring is barely noticeable. Phlox quickly grows in volume, turning into a sprawling dense bush.

The brightness of the colors is not lost and does not fade under the sun's rays.

The bush grows up to a maximum of 90 cm in height, straight stems hold their shape well. In the second half of summer, bloom on the tops bright flowers. You can admire them until the end of summer. The inflorescences are painted purple, while the petals themselves are darker than the middle. Light longitudinal stripes are barely visible along the petals. The resistance of the variety to diseases, especially fungal ones, is average.

Othello is often referred to as the blue variety of phlox because it has the ability to change color. In the evening, after sunset, its inflorescences darken and turn blue.

Despite the fact that the bush grows up to a maximum of 50 cm in height, it is distinguished by powerful stems. Along the entire length of the shoot are bright green oval leaves. Roberta can grow in the sun, but blooms better in partial shade. Her flowers are medium in size, no more than 3 cm in diameter. But there are a lot of them and all together form a magnificent conical inflorescence. This is one of the brightest phloxes: the color of the buds is rich purple, but in the center they are a little lighter.

Although the variety is considered medium flowering, its flowering is abundant and long. The first buds open in July, and the last ones bloom in September.

A tall variety that lives up to its name. The bushes are very powerful, from 1.1 m to 1.5 m high, with a large number of densely leafy straight shoots. They grow and multiply very quickly. They bloom in July not very large, but dense inflorescences, slightly elongated. The flowers are beautiful, with velvety monochromatic purple petals. This is one of the darkest phlox varieties.

The grade possesses good resistance against weather changes and does not burn out.

Bush up to 85 cm blooms in mid-summer. Inflorescences oval, elongated. The flowers are round, pale lilac, with a white center, decorated in the form of an asterisk. The petals seem to overlap each other. It winters well even without additional shelter.

Bush up to 70 cm blooms in July. This lilac phlox is very cute, with delicate coloring. There is a purple ring in the center of the flowers, and light purple shadows on the petals. The inflorescence is rounded, slightly elongated. Sometimes the bush blooms a second time closer to autumn.

In the photo of Phlox Fiona, you can see that the lilac color becomes deeper and turns into blue. This happens when it is cloudy and little sun outside, as well as in the evening.

Even a photo of phlox, Igor Severyanin, cannot convey how original and bright its coloring is. Quite large, up to 3.7 cm in diameter, the flowers are painted in a rich lilac-violet color. In the center of the flower is a large white star, about which light rays diverge along the petals. Phlox blooms in July, the inflorescences are large, lush, rounded. The plant does not exceed 70 cm in height, but quickly grows a wide bush.

A beautiful bush with strong straight stems grows up to a maximum of 80 cm in height. In July, large, elongated and very dense inflorescences bloom on it. Each flower has a diameter of up to 4 cm, painted lilac with a white center. The petals are wavy, lacy, which gives the phlox a special charm.

The variety tolerates cold winters well.

One of the new varieties obtained in 2013 by Russian breeders. The bush grows up to almost 1 m in height. The inflorescences are very lush, with large pale pink flowers of cold tones. In the photo of Phlox Vsemil, you can see that there is a white star in the center of the flowers. They bloom at the beginning of summer.

A low bush (maximum 60 cm) fascinates with the mysterious color of the inflorescences. The main part of the petal is crystal white, but the edges are surrounded by a wide purple border. The ring is the same color in the middle of the petal. The flowers themselves are medium in size, collected in a rounded inflorescence. Blooms in mid-summer.

The bush is medium in size, but with large flowers of the original color. They are light lilac, in the center they have a large white star. The highlight of the variety is the shading on the petals with a darker shade. Thanks to this pattern, they really look like marble. The petals themselves are widely spaced, with gaps between them. Phlox blooms in July, and the leaves have a bluish tint.

In the evening, the flowers turn blue, which is why the color of such phloxes is considered blue.

Bush of medium height, only 70 cm, grows in dense stems, does not fall apart. Blooms in July with rounded conical inflorescences. They are large, but slightly rare. The flowers are painted in dark colors, combining purple and purple. If you look closely at the photo of Phlox Fatima, the petals at the base and in the middle seem to be highlighted around a thin cherry ring.

The variety winters well, but is unstable to fungal diseases.

A bush up to 90 cm high holds its shape well. Doesn't fall apart, grows fast. Blooms in July with large and lush inflorescences. The flowers are painted in an even lilac color, without other shades and inclusions. The only thing is that in the sun they brighten.

A bush of panicled phlox Zephyr grows up to 70 cm in height, its shoots are strong and even. Rounded dense inflorescences of delicate white color, but with a pale purple center. Fuzzy pinkish rays diverge from it along the petals. The flowers themselves are large, over 4 cm in diameter. They bloom in mid-summer and bloom until the end of August. The variety is moisture and drought resistant.

When grown on sunny place flowers fade and turn white.

The color of the buds is very original, they bloom in the middle of summer. Despite the fact that the opened flowers are virgin white, the tube is pink. This gives the petals an elusive pink shade. And here closed purple-brown buds. Together they form a large and lush pyramid-shaped inflorescence. Bushes grow up to 80 cm in height. The stems, although strong, are decorated dense foliage, but under the weight of the inflorescences droop slightly.

It grows in the form of a slender bush up to 80 cm high. The stems are strong, but there is not much foliage on them. The variety is easily recognizable by its color and large lush inflorescences that bloom in July. They have a rounded conical shape, but the flowers resemble a wheel. The petals are milky white, however, in the center there is a crimson spot with a clearly defined outline. On the petals pink color does not spread, and they themselves are dense and slightly wavy. But the tube is painted in lilac color.

The variety is characterized by slow growth and high winter hardiness.

A powerful bush with straight stems grows up to 90 cm in height. The shoots are densely covered with dark green foliage. Large pyramid-shaped inflorescences bloom on their tops in July. The flowers are also quite large, up to 4 cm in diameter, white with a pink ring.

Phlox Europe, the photo of which is higher, is similar in color to Alyonushka. You can distinguish them by the ring and the shape of the inflorescences. In the second, the core of the flower is darker, and the inflorescences are more rounded. In addition, Europe grows faster and taller, reproduces more easily, and has more foliage on the stems.

As you can see in the photo, Phlox Atlant has a large lush inflorescence that opens in the middle of summer. It lives up to its name: the flowers are very large, up to 5 cm in diameter. Painted in White color, but with a purple ring and a slight lilac tint on the petals. The bush itself is also quite tall and powerful - up to 1.1 m in height, with strong shoots.

One of the tallest varieties. The height of the bush can reach 170 cm, although the most common plants are about 120 cm tall. The shoots are powerful, slightly spread their arms under the weight of the inflorescences, but do not need a garter. They are very large and lush, in the shape of a cone or pyramid. The flowers are also large, up to 4.2 cm in diameter. Blooming in July, they attract the eye with a delicate pale lilac color. In the center of the flower, looking closely, you can see a pale purple star.

Lavandevolke rarely gets sick and winters well.

A low bush (an average of 60 cm) holds its shape well. In mid-July, lush ball-shaped inflorescences bloom on the tops of the stems. The color is delicate, bluish-violet. Blurred white spot in the center of the flower.

Phlox looks blue in the sun and fades a little. In hot summer, the flowers are almost white.

One of the tallest varieties, with small flowers. With a bush height of 120 cm, the diameter of the flowers is no more than 2 cm. Despite such dimensions, the bush itself is strong, the shoots do not fall apart. It blooms in July with inflorescences resembling lilac or hyacinth. The flowers are a delicate lilac-blue color and a long purple tube. The petals are slightly curved.

The flowers emit a delicate aroma, and in the evening acquire a steel hue.

As you can see, varieties of panicled phlox with a “cold” color are stunningly beautiful. And light warm pink notes on a white background only emphasize their charm. Plant a couple of these wonderful perennials in your flower bed and enjoy their lush flowering.

Phlox paniculata in the garden - video
