Maybug is an insect fairly large size reddish or black. Beetles breed at the end of spring, their larvae (beetles) mature for several years underground. Their jaws are already strong enough to gnaw through even old and powerful tree roots.

With the onset of warmth from the chrysalis appears adult cockchafer, this occurs in late August or early September. Hatched adults hibernate in the ground, and then begin to renew their offspring again.

What harm does the insect do?

main food cockchafer are the young shoots and leaves of the plant. The beetle is able to leave only bare branches from the tree in a couple of months.

The beetle itself is not so scary for cultivated plants, most dangerous his . They are practically invisible to the eye, because they are underground.

At the same time, they destroy the root system of the plant, and it completely dies.

More often objects for beetle attack trees such as: cherry, apple, plum or sea buckthorn serve. The beetle also settles on currants and lilacs, birch and aspen. The larvae are not so selective in food and are able to destroy any plants that are only on suburban area.

What are the remedies against the larvae of the May beetle?

Special funds

Consider chemical means of combating the May beetle and its larvae.


This remedy for Khrushchev is an insecticide of contact and intestinal damage. It also protects crops from soil pests. The active substance in the composition - diazinon at a dosage of 50 grams per kg. For guard flower plants the drug is sprayed on the surface of the earth at a dosage of 30 grams per 20 m2. Potato processed by adding 10-15 grams of the mixture to the wells at planting.


Biological product based nematode. Selectively destroys pest larvae. Maintains balance in the soil for two years.

Absolutely harmless for humans and pets, does not harm animals from the environment.

The drug kills the larva within 1-3 days, penetrating into it. used for morning and evening watering in proportions of 1:100 at an ambient temperature of 10-26 degrees above zero, preferably at high humidity.


Soil pest control product. Has the same effect as Zemlin. Packed in the form of granules, due to which the protection time increases.

Applies when planting plants and prevents the appearance of pests throughout summer season. After hitting the soil, it begins its action within a day. Before planting, microgranules simply need to be poured into the soil.


Remedy for the larvae of the May beetle. Active substance - thiamethoxam. It is a contact and intestinal insecticide. Available in granular form, you can apply directly to the soil or prepare a solution.

The result after using the drug occurs within an hour, and after a day, absolutely all pests die. Applies at any time of the year and in any weather, humidity also does not affect the properties of the drug. Compatible with other insecticides and fertilizers.


The drug from the larvae of the May beetle.

Environmentally friendly pesticide long-lasting protective effect. Rain resistant.

Contains active ingredients imidacloprid and bifenthrin. Available in the form of a suspension concentrate. To protect potatoes, spray the plant before planting with a solution of 10 ml. substances per 5-10 liters of water. This should be enough for 1 acre of land.

For guard cabbage and tomatoes a solution of 10 ml is made. substances per 3 liters. water, before planting, the rhizomes are soaked in the solution for 1 hour, the remaining liquid is diluted in 10 liters. water and used for irrigation.

For guard fruit and berry trees prepare a solution of 10 ml. substances per 5 liters. water (enough for 0.2 acres), the solution should be watered abundantly under the root. seedlings simple trees are also processed under the root with a solution of 10 ml. substances per 3 liters. water.


Another preparation for Khrushchev is an insecticide that kills soil pests by contact, intestinal and translaminar routes.

Active substance - diazinon. Possesses long protection of crops from insects. 30 grams of the substance is enough to process 20 m2.

Hazard class - 3, not phytotoxic, but dangerous for fish, should not be allowed entry of the drug into water bodies.

Produced in the form of granules. To evenly apply the drug to the soil, you should prepare a liter jar, fill it with ¾ sand, add Bazudin there and mix.

Before boarding potatoes added to the hole (15 g per 10 m2), to protect the cabbage, the soil surface is cultivated (10 g per 10 m2), flower crops processed similarly to potatoes (15 gr. per 10m2)

Preparation Vallar

Organophosphate insecticide for systemic and contact-intestinal effects.

  • Release form - water-soluble granules.
  • The chemical composition of the drug - the main component - diazinon. The concentration is 40 g/kg.
  • Mechanism of action. The drug after treatment of the roots is distributed throughout the cells of the plant. The larva, eating it, consumes the drug, and then dies.
  • Application conditions. Vallar from the larvae of the cockchafer only used in root way, applied to the plant itself is not recommended.
  • Hazard class - class 3.
  • Recipe for preparing a solution: 8 grams of the drug should be diluted in 1 liter of water, and then the roots should be dipped there.
  • Mode of application. seedlings plants are dipped with roots in the prepared solution. After 25 days, the roots are re-treated with the drug per 50 grams per 10 square meters, then planted in the soil.

Folk methods of dealing with the beetle

It will be effective and folk remedies. the old fashioned way catching the cockchafer is shaking them off the trees. The procedure should be carried out in the morning or evening hours. Individuals that have fallen from a tree are collected so that the females cannot lay eggs and are destroyed.

To get rid of the beetle, you can use birds. Just set them on a certain plant using cereals or any other food, you can also hang them birdhouses or start chickens.

Dig a hole, put a basin in it, the edges of which will be smeared with something sticky. The bugs get stuck and can't get out.

Hang a white sheet on a rope and light it up bright light. Such a trap will attract male cockchafers, they will begin to crawl under the sheets and rustle in the grass. It remains just to collect them in a separate container and destroy. On females this trap does not work.

Folk recipes against the larvae of the grub

How to kill the larva of the cockchafer? The most popular, but laborious is their mechanical collection. In the spring, when the earth begins to warm up enough, the larvae rise higher into the warmth and moisture. You can find them at a depth of 10-20 cm. It will not be possible to collect all the larvae, and digging the earth is not such a useful process for agriculture.

To combat the larvae of the May beetle with folk remedies, sow the affected area lupins. Weeds do not grow near the lupine, which means that the larvae will have nothing to eat, so they will die.

To save potatoes from larvae, it will help well weak solution of potassium permanganate. You just need to spray it under the leaves of the plant.

Sow the area under the plant white clover. Nitrogen, which will be synthesized by bacteria in clover roots, will make the soil unsuitable for larvae to live in, but fertile for plant growth.

You can save currants and strawberries by spraying onion peel solution. 100 grams of husk insist in 10 liters of water for 5 days. The tincture is diluted in proportions 1:1 and sprayed on the affected plants and the ground under them.

Prevention of the appearance of beetles on the site

Nothing will protect you better from a pest than timely prevention.

When digging the earth in the spring, you can add a little bleach or a chlorine-containing preparation, this will scare away the beetles.

You can save strawberries with a solution ammonia (half a tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Chafer - dangerous pest for any plant.

Should fight immediately with him, otherwise his larvae will destroy all the works in a matter of moments.

When processing from beetle larvae more efficient just help chemical preparations in conjunction with folk methods.

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The May beetle activates activity on the site with the onset of spring. If measures are not taken in time, the consequence of his stay will be a larva. The female beetle lays up to 100 eggs at a time at a depth of one meter in the soil. Just a few months later, large and well-fed larvae resembling caterpillars are born from them.

In the first year of life, the beetle is harmless, but as it matures, it becomes a serious threat to the crop. How to deal with a pest and what you need to know about it in general? More on that below.

Stages of development of the May beetle larvae

By itself, the May beetle is a large-sized insect with a body up to 35 mm long in rich black or burgundy color. Under natural conditions, he lives in forests and forest-steppe.

Spring is the period of active reproduction of the insect. Females mate with males, lay their eggs in the soil, and then die. After a month and a half, active and hungry larvae appear from the eggs, characteristic feature which is an annular shape.

On average, the May beetle larva lives for about four years, after which it pupates and turns into a beetle at the final stage of its development. This happens in early autumn or late summer. Young beetles hibernate in the soil, with the onset of spring they come out to breed.

Favorable weather conditions contribute to an increase in the number of beetles on the site. Insect activity can continue for many years, so it is extremely important to understand what measures and means to combat it will have a lasting effect.

Taste preferences of pests

Like representatives of many pest families, the May beetle larva (the photo can be used for accurate identification) is more dangerous than the beetle itself. If mature individuals harm the leaves of plants for several summer months, then the larvae are much more voracious - they like not only leaves, but also flowers of fruit trees:

  • plums;
  • cherries;
  • blackcurrant;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

The larvae happily feed on the roots of a number of vegetable crops, gnaw the roots of strawberries and other berry bushes. Does not become an exception for insects and roots lawn grass. In just a day, a three-year-old larva can eat the roots of a young pine tree.

Folk methods of pest control

At the initial stage of infection, it is permissible to use folk remedies and methods against the offspring of adults. In order for the fight against the larva of the Maybug to give results, you can use:

  • tincture on dry bark of white acacia (1:10) for the treatment of affected plants;
  • sunflower tincture;
  • leaf tincture walnut(a kilogram of leaves is poured with a bucket of boiling water and insisted for a week);
  • a decoction of poplar leaves, infused for three days;
  • tincture of stems and leaves of wormwood mixed with wood ash (300 g of dry mix per 200 g of ash and a bucket hot water).

It is believed that it will also be possible to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle with the help of an iodine solution obtained from 10-15 drops dissolved in water, as well as a solution of onion peel or garlic, infused for several days. Before use, the onion or garlic solution is diluted with water and poured under the root of the plant.

Knowing what a beetle larva looks like, you can try to fight it with the help of traps. For catching, containers with water are installed under a working light bulb that attracts insects. You can also achieve the effect using plastic bottles with bait for insects and water, from which, once hit, they cannot get out.

Chemicals against Maybug larvae - the best drugs

A proven, although not the safest way to defeat a hated enemy is the use of effective chemicals. Well proven:

  • "Zemlin".
  • "Actara".
  • "Bazudin".
  • "Initiative".
  • "Nurell-D".

It is necessary to work with each of the listed means in compliance with safety measures.

Zemlin, for example, acts on the intestines of an insect. The drug is used at the time of planting seedlings and bulbs. Anti-Khrushch affects nervous system and is able to destroy the larvae camouflaged in the ground. The agent is used to treat planted plants and crops and at the stage of planting, wetting the root system with it.

Aktara is a well-known remedy against all sorts of pests and Khrushchev (the May beetle also falls into the list of victims of the drug) is no exception. The solution in the base with Aktara is poured under the root of the plants.

And another version of the drug - Pochin. The tool gives an effect if it is added to the soil at the stage of sowing crops, followed by dispersion over the surface.

It is worth noting that the listed drugs can help get rid of larvae and beetles, while they do not pose a danger to crops and flowers on the site, if you follow the precautions and follow the instructions.

Effective biological preparations against cartilage

Proven biological preparations will help you forget forever about who the May bug is and how much harm it brings. Moreover, the products will not pose a threat to the quality of the crop and will not require knowledge and experience in the field of combining dried herbs and flowers to prepare decoctions and tinctures from pests.

A well-known remedy from a series of biological preparations for Khrushchev is Nemabakt. Completely safe, it will solve the problem of larvae breeding on the site. The drug was created on the basis of a nematode worm, which, when it settles in the soil, begins hunting for beetle larvae. In a few days, it will be possible to significantly reduce the number of pests, and eventually get rid of them forever.

Nematodes are stored in a special bio-ground adapted for use. You can buy it only at specialized points of sale with a guarantee of compliance with storage conditions.

Biologists have found one feature in the larvae of the May beetle - they cannot stand the high level of nitrogen concentration in the soil. By increasing its level, it will turn out to exterminate pests. Just achieve the right conditions with the help of white clover, planted near the garden and orchard.

Clover roots, with a high content of bacteria, absorb nitrogen, which causes the synthesis of proteins and, as a result, the creation of unsuitable living conditions for beetle larvae.

Prevention as a way to avoid maggot infestation

Knowing what the May beetle larva eats and in what conditions it feels most comfortable, you can take care to prevent infection. To do this, it will be enough to take care of the soil on the site, mulching it, arranging small grooves in the rows of crops with a solution of karbofos, using a solution of ammonia to treat the planted plants.

Summing up all of the above, it is worth noting that it is possible to prevent the attack of May beetles on the site, without forgetting about preventive measures, just as it is easy to get rid of pests and their larvae after infection with one of the above effective methods.

Potato plantations are very fond of the cockchafer. The pest spoils a lot of vegetables, which upsets many gardeners. May beetles are quite tenacious; a lot of knowledge and skill are needed to deal with them.

Effective methods of control, features of the pest are described in the following material. If you notice a beetle in your garden, immediately deal with its destruction. Without stopping the reproduction of the May beetle in time, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Experts believe that the birthplace of the insect is North America. The Maybug did not attract much attention until it began to actively destroy entire potato plantations. It is rather problematic to confuse the pest with other insects: the May beetle grows up to two centimeters in length, the body is covered with a shell of red or orange saturated chitin.

Adults, in particular females, begin to lay eggs in the spring. The larvae that emerge from the eggs begin to actively feed on everything that comes in their way. The larvae look like white caterpillars with many small legs. The life span of the larva is about four years. Powerful jaws help May beetles (larvae) gnaw through the root systems of large trees, not to mention vegetable plantations.

By mid-summer, the larva gradually turns into a pupa, outwardly very similar to an adult. By autumn, the chrysalis becomes a full-fledged May beetle, hibernating deep underground.


Modern developments are very popular due to their harmlessness to humans, the absence of damage to vegetation in the garden. One of these agents is Nemabakt, the agent is classified as a bioinsecticide, which is capable of destroying harmful insects in the larval stage.

May beetles appear in summer cottages in early spring. To prevent the formation of larvae, you must begin to deal with them immediately. One female beetle can lay in the soil about 100 eggs to a depth of 1 m. After a couple of months, larvae appear from the eggs, similar to thick, twisted "ring" caterpillars.

During the first year of life, the larvae do not bring much harm. But in the next 2-3 years they can bring significant damage to the garden and garden.

Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive use of all means of struggle with the May beetle and its larvae, so that many years of work in the summer cottage are not in vain. May beetle larva: how to deal with it?

May beetle larva - photo:

How to deal with the larvae of the May beetle in the garden?

When the first adult beetles appear gotta start chasing them right away preventing them from multiplying. It is worth trying to install special light traps.

You can make them from any large container, smeared inside with something sticky, on the bottom of which is installed flashlight. Still, in the early morning, beetles can be shaken off the trees onto prepared bedding and destroyed in boiling water or fire.

The mass invasion of May beetles is rare, once every 4-5 years and many novice summer residents not taking them seriously. If the fight against adult insects was not carried out, then the larvae of the beetle will not keep you waiting.

How to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle in the garden? Beetle larvae live in the upper soil layer, at a depth of 20-40 cm and it's hard to find them. They are activated at the beginning of summer, with a noticeable warming.

The fact that these voracious pests appeared in the garden can only be judged by appearance damaged plants. If they are for no apparent reason began to wither, turn yellow and dry- this is the work of the larvae of the grub.

To save your land From these "uninvited guests" the following steps must be taken:

How to destroy the Khrushchev in the soil?

How to get rid of the May bug in the ground? To get it right get the bug out of the soil use the following tips:

  1. In autumn, when plowing, you can sprinkle the soil dry bleach or well spray " whiteness».
  2. Tight helps a lot soil mulching: you can save yourself from larvae, and from weeds.
  3. Well proven and biological drug Nemabakt. It is based on live nematode worms that eat beetle larvae in the soil. You need to buy this drug only in stores and carefully check the expiration dates and storage conditions.
  4. You can dig several holes in the soil, about half a meter deep, and fill them manure. Khrushchev larvae will not bypass such a bait. In autumn, with the onset first frost, manure is scattered over the site and the larvae that settled in it for the winter will die.
  5. Another option is pre-plant tillage. iodine solution. A few drops in a bucket of water.
  6. If safe and simple methods do not bring results, then you should switch to chemistry. After spring digging, before planting plants, you can treat the soil with special preparations: Aktara VDG, Bazudin, Antikhrushch, Zemlin and others.

But do not forget that such drugs can cause serious harm not only to the larvae, but also to the plants themselves. Need to use them very careful.

How to remove larvae on strawberries?

The favorite delicacy of May beetle larvae is strawberries. How protect strawberries from larvae may beetle? To save the berry from the pest, use simple rules:

How to save potatoes from a pest?

Do cockchafer larvae eat potatoes? May beetle larva eats potatoes! And in this case the best remedydeep plowing of the soil before boarding. When the potatoes grow up, you can safely release chickens. They do an excellent job with the larvae and do not harm the potato field.

Chemistry in this case, use not desirable. It can only hurt.

How to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle on potatoes? It is best to plant next to potatoes any cruciferous. Regular weeding also helps control pests. They do not tolerate soddy soil.

How to protect yourself from the larvae of the May beetle? Main Rule fight against carp - timely destruction of adult insects, processing, digging and regular weeding. The most effective the method of struggle is to collect the larvae by hand, in the old fashioned way. Carefully monitor your site and such a misfortune as the larvae of the beetle will not touch you.

How to get rid of the roach in the garden? About one of the simple methods of struggle in this video:

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Basic description of the pest

May beetles, they are also May beetles - insects of the Coleoptera order, the lamellar family, type - arthropods, inhabit Europe and Asia. In some years, they caused enormous damage to agricultural activities. Thanks to the widespread use of pesticides, their population has been significantly reduced, and in some areas they have completely disappeared. In the 1980s, a ban on the use of a number of chemicals was issued, and their number began to increase. The larva of the May beetle, the photo of which you will see below, causes tremendous harm to plants. Read more about pest control methods.

This insect is quite large in size - up to 31.5 mm. Sufficiently protruding elongated-oval or wide-oval body black or red-brown, elytra mostly red-brown or yellow-brown. On the head and pronotum, sometimes they have a weak greenish tint. The sides of the ventral part have white triangular spots of small dense hairs, mostly large and distinct, rarely small and blurred.

The body has dense small or shallow punctures and small recumbent hairs or hair-like scales of whitish, yellowish or grayish color. Hairs and scales of medium density (in young individuals that have just become beetles), are very dense, hiding the main background. The longest protruding hairs are usually on the head and pronotum, mostly collected in longitudinal strips. The underwings also often hold the sparse, longest, bristling hairs. The extreme segment of the maxillary palps is elongated, pointed at the apex, slightly curved, and has an indentation from above.

The antennae have ten segments, the third palp is elongated, in the male with a large significantly curved club, which consists of 7 identical plates, in the female of 6. Large, semi-oval, very smooth, shiny scutellum, sometimes with relatively dense punctures with small hairs or scales . Elytra oblong-oval, with 5 narrow ribs, distance between them in dense small dotted line and wrinkles. The posterior part of the abdomen is large, sloping, triangular or obtuse in shape, elongated in the form of a process. In females, the process is always shorter, in males it is more developed, elongated.

The thorax is covered with dense and long yellow hairs. The abdomen is covered with both small non-protruding hairs and scales, and bristling long frequent or sparse hairs, sometimes they are absent. There are also hairs on the legs, longer on the thighs. Outside fore tibia two, rarely three teeth.

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Types and photos of the pest

Various types of May chamois inhabit almost all of Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, most of the Siberian taiga and Central Asia, Syria, northern Iran, India, Japan, China, also Tibet, Indochina and the Philippine Islands. The main species of the May beetle are the western May beetle, the Eastern May beetle and the Caucasian marble beetle.

western cockchafer- a beetle 23-32 mm long with a strong, wide and strongly protruding body. The lower part of the body, head and pronotum are black in color. Coloration of elytra, legs, antennae, palps, and posterior abdomen light brown, reddish brown, or almost blackish brown. This type characterized by significant variability in color and may have a color very different from the typical. They live in most of Europe, in the east in the European part of the CIS.

western cockchafer

The pronotum is dark in color with short gray-yellow hairs. Elytra curved, elongate-oval, with 5 thin ribs, covered with frequent short hairs of white or gray color and scattered by the longest bristling hairs. Base and flanks with sparse long bristling yellowish-gray hairs, ribs with distinct rather small punctures. Thorax with long dense white-gray hairs. The posterior part of the abdomen in the male is elongated at the apex into a thin process, in the female it is slightly shorter.

Eastern May Khrushchev or the eastern May beetle is similar to the western May beetle, but has some differences from it in color and in a number of other features. The body is 20-29 mm long. Females are larger than males. The body is large, elongated-oval, arched forward. The coloration is changeable.

The extreme segment of the maxillary palps is elongated, slightly curved. The head is small, retracted into the pronotum and covered with fairly dense punctures, with frequent, long, bristling light yellowish-gray hair. Eyes protruding forward, medium in size. The posterior part of the abdomen is strongly steep, passing into a process at the apex. The posterior part of the abdomen is rather steep, at the apex it narrows into a process, which is again widened and rounded at the apex; in the male it is not very long, in the female it has the same width along the entire length, and sometimes it is completely absent.

Eastern Maybug

There are two subspecies of the eastern beetle:

  • Melolontha hippocastani romana - the top of the body, together with the pronotum, is covered with frequent white hair-like scales that turn into hairs.
  • Melolontha hippocastani mongolica - stands out for its strongest, wide body, short and wide posterior abdomen. Length 19-27 mm.

Caucasian Marble Khrushchev- the body of an adult beetle 30-37.8 mm long; width - 14.2-18.5 mm. Black or brown-black color. On the head and pronotum there is a yellow pattern, on the scutellum and elytra there is a white scaly pattern. The color of the club of the antennae is black-brown.

Khrushchev breeding

May beetles reproduce by laying eggs in the soil to a depth of 20-50 cm (depending on the species: eastern to a depth of 20-30 cm, western 20-40 cm). Eggs are oval, white, 2x3 mm in size. May beetle larvae appear, depending on soil temperature, on average after 24-50 days. Adult larvae reach a size of 5-7 cm.

The cockchafer larva has a thick body twisted on the underside with six legs. The head is large, round, pale yellow, brown-yellow or brown-red. Life cycle from 3 to 5 years, after which they turn into beetles. May beetle larvae live in the soil and feed on the roots of various plants. In the first year they are not dangerous, because they feed on the remains of plants.

Having become stronger the next year, they damage and destroy the roots of all plants. The maggots don't like too much high temperature soil and high humidity.

May beetle larvae have a powerful jaw and due to this they can even feed on the roots of shrubs and trees. Damaged plants wilt, growth slows down, and they may die.

The fight against the larvae of the grub

Many gardeners often wonder - how to deal with the May beetle and its larvae? Let's try to find out. There are several ways to fight.

1. Folk methods

The fight against the larvae of the Maybug is carried out both chemically and folk methods. effective means herbal infusions for tilling the soil around plants are considered:

    • dry bark of white acacia (1 kg.) Infuse in 10 liters of water for three days, strain the solution and process the plants;
    • 0.5 kg. sunflower flowers pour 1 bucket of water, insist for three days;
    • fresh walnut leaves (1 kg.) pour 1 bucket of boiling water and leave for seven days;
    • pour poplar leaves with boiling water and cook for 15 minutes (half a bucket of leaves per bucket of boiling water). Then bring water to a ten-liter volume and leave for three days;
    • chop the leaves and stems of wormwood (300 gr.) Mix 200 grams of wood ash, pour 10 liters of hot water and let it brew for 3 hours.

sunflower flowers
walnut leaves

Leaves and stems of wormwood
wood ash

The fight against cartilage with the help of iodine is effective - dilute 10-15 drops in a bucket of water and water around the plant. Used in the fight against the larvae of the Maybug and a solution of onion or garlic husks - in 10 liters warm water soak 100 grams of husk, close and leave for 3-5 days. Ready solution dilute 1:1 and water the plants under the root.

The fight against the beetle can be carried out using traps. To catch the beetle itself, light traps are used - a container with a sticky substance or water is placed under the light bulb. Instead of a container, you can use any adhesive surface. Paste any surface with “sticky tape” for flies and place it in places where beetles accumulate.

They make traps from plastic bottles or glasses: fill them with water with jam or kvass and set them in the right place. Trapped beetles must be removed every day. Although it is difficult to completely get rid of the May beetle larvae, by combining all methods of struggle, it is possible to reduce their numbers.

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2. Using chemicals

The fight against the cockchafer will be effective if you use a special remedy for the larvae of the cockchafer. Examples of drugs: Antikhrushch, Aktara, Zemlin, Bazudin, Pochin, etc.


When using these tools, safety precautions must be observed.

  • "Antikhrushch" is a remedy based on a substance of contact-intestinal action that damages the nervous system of insects. With the help of this drug, you can destroy pests that are in the ground (larvae). Antikhrushch is added to the soil, the roots of the plants are moistened before planting, the plants are watered under the root. The product is highly effective and resistant to washing off by rain.
  • "Aktara" - is highly effective against various kinds of pests, including the larvae of the cockchafer. For plant protection open ground from Khrushchev watered with a solution under the root. When added to the soil, it has a more pronounced activity.
  • "Zemlin" chemical drug contact-intestinal action against pests living in the soil. When planting bulbs and seedlings, the surface around the plant is sprinkled with the preparation, and then the soil is loosened (not deep, up to 2 cm). When planting tubers, sprinkle the bottom of the hole or furrow.
  • "Bazudin" - protects plants from pests that live in the soil. The drug is added to the soil before planting crops.
  • "Nurell-D" - the drug has a toxic effect on the larvae and adults of the pest. The chemical is also resistant to washing off by rain. Plants are treated with a solution of the drug, watering under the root.
  • "Initiation" - chemical agent used in the fight against soil-dwelling insect pests of open ground plants. The drug is added to the wells when planting tubers, scattered over the surface of the soil, planting seedlings of flowers.

All of the above drugs are effective in the fight against beetle larvae and are harmless to flowers in open ground. Fight the larva of the May beetle, eating the roots of vegetable and fruit crops, using chemicals should be done with caution, having studied the instructions for their use and strictly observing the waiting time from processing to harvest.

3. Biologicals


How to deal with the larvae of the Maybug without using chemicals and folk remedies? The most effective and safe remedy for the larvae of the May beetle for people and plants is Nemabakt.
A biological preparation based on a nematode - a worm that lives in the soil and feeds on larvae. Thanks to this tool, you can get rid of the larvae in a short time. "Nemabakt" is contained in a special bio-primer, ready for use. It is necessary to purchase such a biosoil from manufacturers or in large specialized stores where the conditions for its storage are not violated.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered one important feature May beetle larvae - they do not like a high concentration of nitrogen in the soil. In order to increase the nitrogen content, sodding of the soil with white clover is used around the areas with plantings. This method is most effective for trees. Clover roots contain bacteria that absorb nitrogen, and as a result, protein synthesis occurs. Soil enriched with nitrogen becomes unsuitable for larvae to live.
