Tomato belongs to nightshade crops and is valuable vegetable brought to Europe in early XVI century. In Russia, it has been cultivated since the end of the 18th century. Now the tomato occupies the 2nd place among vegetable crops in terms of prevalence. In our country, it is grown on 250 thousand hectares, which is about a quarter of the total area occupied by vegetables.

Excellent taste, wide distribution, high productivity and diverse uses have led to the popularity of tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes can be done indoors and open ground on suburban area. It is necessary to consider in more detail the question of what is the value of culture and.

Valuable properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes are distinguished from all vegetable crops by their abundant content of vitamins C, B1, B3, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, carotene, mineral salts, aromatic substances, sugars, citric and malic acids, fructose, lycopene.

The amount of nutrients depends on the place of growth, cultivation techniques, care methods and other reasons.

Tomatoes are known for their antidepressant properties, vegetables have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, contribute to weight loss due to low calorie content. Every year the popularity of tomatoes is growing.

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Planting tomato seeds for seedlings

To grow tomatoes, you need a selection of good healthy seeds that are used for planting seedlings. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a nutrient solution. To prepare 1 liter of solution, take 1 tsp. wood ash. It can be replaced with 1 tsp. nitrophoska, 2 g of the drug "Buton", 1 tsp. liquid fertilizer "Effekton" or 1 tsp. fertilizer "Agricola-vegeta".

The selected drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in cloth bags for 24 hours at a temperature of 20-25°C. Next, the seeds are hardened. A cloth bag with seeds is placed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. The freezer cannot be used. After this time, the seeds should be immediately planted in previously prepared soil for growing seedlings.

The soil is prepared from equal parts of turf, peat, humus. Add 1 tsp to a bucket of the mixture. superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea. The mixture is best heated in an oven for 20 minutes at 100°C. Lightly watered soil mixture is poured onto a baking sheet with a layer of 4-5 cm and left in the oven. Then they start sowing seeds for seedlings in peat pots, which are sold in many garden stores. The pots are filled with soil mixture, without filling 1 cm to the top, watered with a solution for soaking the seeds. 1 seed is placed in each pot to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, the seeds are not watered from above.

You can use special cells and boxes for growing seedlings. In this case, the seeds are planted with an interval of 5-6 cm. Seeds for seedlings are sown 45-75 days before transplanting into open ground. Planted seeds are kept in a bright room (greenhouse, room) with a constant temperature of 22°C. The first watering of emerging seedlings is carried out sparingly. The second watering is done after 14 days and combined with top dressing. The third time the seedlings are watered 3-4 hours before picking and transplanting.

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seedling care

Seedling care consists of watering, fertilizing, airing. Boxes with seedlings should be turned daily towards the light in different directions so that the plants do not stretch in one direction. The first root dressing of plants is done when the plants have 1 true leaf. For top dressing, it is good to use Agricola-Forward fertilizer, dilute 1 tsp. it in 1 liter of water. The second root top dressing is made with the advent of the 3rd true leaf. In 1 liter of water, the drug "Effekton" is diluted. The third top dressing is carried out after picking.

Plants dive (seat) with the appearance of the second leaf. Before planting for 2 hours, the seedlings are watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, spend 1 g per bucket of water, completely moisten the root system. Seedlings grown in peat pots, in most cases, do not dive. For picking, a box is used in which plastic, peat or thick polyethylene cups are placed, fastening them together with paper clips. Containers for seedlings are filled with soil mixture, do not fill up to the edges of 1-2 cm, leaving this volume for backfilling, watered. Seedlings are deepened to the middle of the stem.

12 days after planting, the plants are fed (third feeding). For top dressing in a bucket of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. potassium nitrate and double superphosphate at the rate of 1/2 tbsp. liquids per pot. 3 weeks before planting in the ground, tomato seedlings are accustomed to direct sunlight and a temperature of 15 ° C, hardened, while young plants are taken out of the greenhouse for a day, after which they can be kept outdoors at night. Hardened seedlings give an excellent harvest. The optimal age of tomatoes for planting in the ground is 2 months.

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Choosing a place for planting tomato seedlings and preparing the soil mixture

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the timing of planting tomatoes in the ground is limited. They are usually planted in the first decade of June, before this time there is a threat of frost. Growing tomatoes is problematic where nightshade crops used to grow. This will damage seedling growth and further care for vegetables. it is best to produce locally legumes, root crops, herbs, carrots, onions.

Tomatoes really need light, a place for planting is taken away sunny, protected from the wind. Damp areas with a close location of groundwater, which adversely affect the root system of tomatoes, are not suitable for cultivation. This culture is not too demanding on the composition of the soil, fertile soils. The optimum acidity of the soil is pH = 5.5.

On sandy and loamy soils, mineral and organic fertilizers should be applied, drainage should be done. During the growing season, the formation and growth of fruits, the need for nutrients in tomatoes increases, and fertilizers are required.

The main mineral nutrients of tomatoes are phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. With a lack of phosphorus, nitrogen is poorly absorbed by plants, growth stops, the setting, formation and ripening of fruits is delayed. Plants get sick, the color of the leaves turns blue-green, then gray. A lack of phosphorus causes the leaves to curl inwards. At the beginning of growth, it is best to apply superphosphate for the proper development of tomatoes.

With intensive growth, the culture needs nitrogen, and potassium is required for the proper development of the stems. Excess nitrogen leads to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits, potassium neutralizes the harmful effects of substances that increase the acidity of the soil. Based on these properties of fertilizers, an ideal soil for tomatoes is prepared. It should include humus, manure, compost as nitrogen-containing components. Heavy loamy soils are lightened with sand. Moreover, 1 m² is fertilized with 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.

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Planting seedlings in the ground

Types of formation of tomatoes: (standard, indeterminate, determinant).

Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is watered hot water, in which potassium permanganate is dissolved, take 1 g per bucket of water. In this case, you can drive stakes into the ground after 1 m, pull a rope between them along the entire length of the site. Then a ditch 35 cm deep is dug along the rope, the bottom is treated with pitchforks, manure or humus is poured.

At the bottom of the ditch, pegs are installed after 1-1.5 m, a wire or rope is pulled between them, which serves to tie the plants. Seedlings previously grown in peat pots are planted vertically, while the pot is only covered with soil without removing the plant from there. Tall varieties and hybrids are planted in the middle of the ridge in one row, it is possible in a checkerboard pattern, 50 cm are left between the tomatoes and 1 m between the rows.

Evening time is well suited for planting in the ground, cloudy weather in the daytime - it is important that Sun rays did not adversely affect young plants that should acclimatize. Metal arcs can be installed above the beds, and a non-woven covering fabric can be stretched over them. It is an excellent protection for young plants from the burning sun and strong winds. The beds should be regularly weeded, mulched, fertilized. Watering is done 2-3 times a week, bushes are spudded, preventive measures are being taken to combat many pests and diseases.

Plants spud 10 days after planting in the ground. Before that, they are watered, moisture accelerates the growth of new roots, the second hilling is done after 2 weeks. At first, tomatoes are watered into the wells, using 0.5 liters of water per bush. The best time for watering is in the afternoon on cloudy days. Mandatory watering is done when the brushes bloom, before loosening and hilling, as well as after applying mineral fertilizers.

Planting Tomatoes in open ground, produced by Tomato seedlings, usually in the first week of summer. You also need to pay attention to the characteristics of varieties of tomatoes.

In the fall, they begin to prepare the soil for planting Tomatoes. For these purposes, it is necessary to fertilize the soil and when digging, potassium chloride and superphosphate should be added, 400 g each, for every 10 square meters. meters, to a depth of - 30 cm.

If you did not have time to make manure, for planting Tomatoes in open ground, then at the beginning of spring, before harrowing, you will need to make - saltpeter at the rate of - 200 gr. on - 10 sq. meters, to a depth of 15 cm. The same should be done with other fertilizers when spring work, but only if they were not introduced in the fall.

For spring fertilizer for planting Tomatoes in the open field, nitrophoska will also go, for every 10 sq. m., - 600 gr. Another, well-established way to fertilize the soil for planting tomatoes is a mixture of compost and ash, at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. ash on a bucket of compost and holes or furrows are fertilized with this mixture.

Planting seedlings of tomatoes

It is better to start planting seedlings of Tomatoes in open ground in the afternoon, so that during the night the seedlings of Tomatoes get stronger and better endure planting in open ground.

For planting Tomato seedlings, separate holes or small trenches are made, with a depth equal to the height of the pots in which Tomato seedlings grew. Then, the seedlings of Tomatoes are carefully removed from the containers in which they grew and carefully laid out together with a clod of earth in the pits, trying not to damage the roots. In order to extract Tomato seedlings without damage, it is necessary to moisten the containers with seedlings well at least an hour before transplanting. Low-growing, early varieties of Tomatoes are placed so that between the rows of tomatoes there is a distance of at least 60 cm, and between the bushes themselves in the rows of at least 30 cm. Tall varieties of Tomatoes also require proper placement in an open ground - 70 cm between rows and - 50 between Tomato bushes. It is worth remembering that best time for planting Tomato seedlings, it is evening, and you should create a shade for the plants, using sheets of cardboard or thick paper.

Watering plantings of tomatoes

Tomatoes should be watered regularly, especially in the first period after planting. After watering the Tomatoes, it is necessary to loosen the soil between the rows of Tomatoes to saturate the soil with oxygen. This has a beneficial effect on the growth and ripening of future Tomato fruits. When planting Tomatoes are watered irregularly, you may encounter a disease such as Tomato Blossom Rot, especially in dry weather. After - 7-10 days, depending on the condition of the planted seedlings Tomato, it is recommended to use top dressing prepared in the following proportions: - 40 gr. Superphosphate, - 60 gr. Garden mixture for - 10 liters of water. As an option, substitution is possible - 60 gr. garden mixture - 10 gr. ammonium nitrate. In the event that the Tomato plant has poured and become more massive, and the process of formation of Tomato ovaries is very slow, it will be necessary to exclude all nitrogen-containing fertilizers from dressings.

Tips for successful cultivation Tomatoes in the open field

In order to grow high quality, tasty and healthy tomatoes, try to adhere to the following recommendations.

1. Tomatoes do not tolerate shading, they are very photophilous. Tomatoes should be grown in areas where they can get the maximum amount of solar energy.
2. For good and proper growth of Tomatoes, they must be provided with a sufficient amount of moisture, this volume of water is about 2.5 liters daily, as a result of which it is necessary to ensure regular watering of Tomato plantings.
3. Try to pick only ripened Tomatoes, the longer the Tomato will ripen naturally on the bush, the tastier and healthier it will be in the end.
4. It is recommended to fertilize plantings of Tomatoes, at their early stage of growth, in the future, the use of fertilizers should be stopped until the formation of ovaries of future Tomatoes. Fertilize the bushes during the formation of ovaries should not be, as the growth process will be very slow and will not bring the desired result. The presence of a large number of flowers with complex racemes on a tomato bush is not always a guarantee of an excellent harvest of tomatoes. Due to the lack of pollen, Tomato flowers may begin to fall off and end up with a poor harvest. In order to prevent such a development of the situation, it is necessary to apply artificial pollination of Tomato flowers, this is a very effective and, most importantly, absolutely harmless method. This method of pollination, it is recommended to carry out - 2-3 times a week in the afternoon, by shaking the tomato stalks.

Despite the fact that Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, very hot weather is a rather negative factor for them, since the redness of Tomatoes stops during the heat, this is due to the supersaturation of the fruits with red pigment. Ripe tomatoes are healthier and tastier than unripe ones. In such situations, artificial ripening of tomatoes is used, but this procedure only gives a good presentation, unfortunately this does not add any benefit to the fruits. Tomatoes keep their beneficial features, only when ripe on the bushes.

Activities contributing to the accelerated ripening of tomatoes

Tomato bushes are prone to strong branching, while many shoots with a large number of ovaries begin to depart from the central stem of Tomato. These twigs are called Stepsons, and the process of removing them is called Stepson Tomatoes. This stepping procedure must be done in order to avoid excessive stress on the bush, due to too many ovaries on the stepchild shoots, which then turn into fruits and these tomatoes will not have time to ripen on the bushes, which will ultimately lead to a poor-quality, poor harvest. .

When forming a Tomato plant, it is necessary to leave the main stem and the stepson shoot, which was formed first, that is, the plant will consist of two stems. The rest of the stepchildren on the Tomato Bush, which will appear later, must be pinched off at the initial stage of their growth, leaving no more than 1 cm. If, nevertheless, you notice that the stepchildren have grown quite large, then you need to pinch off only the top of the shoot. Removal of stepchildren from Tomato bushes should be carried out regularly, once a week.

After the first - 2 or 3 flower clusters are formed on the Tomato bush, it is necessary to pinch off the tops of the plant, this way you will achieve an earlier ripening of the Tomato fruits.

With the harvest of Tomatoes in the fall, the main thing is not to be late, because the fruits of Tomato, lingering on a branch at temperatures below 8 degrees, quickly rot and deteriorate. It is better to pick tomatoes early and put them in boxes with ripe fruits, since a ripe tomato releases ethylene, which helps the rest of the fruits to ripen.

Tomato Care

Top dressing of Tomatoes continues throughout the season, and it is better to do it every month. Fertilizers or compost must be applied between rows of tomatoes.

Fertilizer for the planned planting of Tomatoes, it is better to apply 1-2 weeks before planting seedlings. Preference should be given to fertilizers with a low nitrogen content, in relation to other constituents.

Watering Tomatoes

Particular attention should be paid to watering Tomatoes, due to the strong discomfort of Tomato plants, even with a very slight moisture deficit. Consequence insufficient watering Tomatoes can become rotting and brittle in the plant itself, especially during hot weather. Tomatoes have a great need for calcium, obtained from the soil with the help of water. Mulching around tomato plants avoids rapid loss of moisture due to evaporation from the soil.

In vain, some gardeners believe that it is possible to grow tasty and juicy tomatoes only in a greenhouse. By planting seedlings in an open garden, it is also possible to achieve good results if you choose the right variety. Undersized and early ripening varieties are suitable for growing tomatoes in open ground, the fruits must have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. As a rule, the weight of a tomato does not exceed 100 g and the yield is noticeably lower, but such plants are much more resistant to various diseases and pests.

Choosing a place on the plot for growing tomatoes and preparing the soil

The bed should be broken in a well-lit place, the soil should be closer to the neutral composition and rich in nutrients. Too heavy soil is diluted with peat or sawdust. It is better to place plantings in the south side of the site and in such a way that the plants are not blown by cold winds. Often, gardeners make single-row beds along fences or outbuildings.

Every 3, and preferably 2 years, the landing site should be changed. Causative agents of various diseases remain in the soil, affecting both tomatoes and other nightshade. Therefore, growing tomatoes in open ground the best predecessors for them are considered: onions, carrots, garlic, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, all types of cabbage. Do not plant after peppers, potatoes, eggplants.

Ridges for digging have been prepared since autumn. Manure or other organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. If the preparation of the ridges begins in early spring, then manure cannot be used, it is replaced with humus or compost. You can also add minerals to the soil, based on 1 m² you will need the following amount:

  • superphosphate - 80 g,
  • potassium chloride - 20 g.

You should not apply too much fertilizer "in reserve", this will cause an active growth of green mass, but will adversely affect the fruit set.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes

Sowing seeds in boxes or containers begins on February 20, as a nutrient substrate, you can use the land from the greenhouse, diluting it with forest soil. If sowing is done in separate containers, then it is recommended to plant 2 copies in one hole. When the seedlings sprout, the weaker plant is removed. During the growth of seedlings, it is regularly watered and kept in a fairly warm and bright room.

Preparation of seedlings for growing tomatoes in open ground requires preliminary hardening. To do this, a few days before planting, the containers begin to be taken out onto the balcony or into the yard. First for an hour, then more and more increasing the time of the procedure.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Healthy seedlings are well developed, have a height of no more than 35 cm, from 7 to 9 leaves and a couple of inflorescences. As a disease prevention, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%). 12 hours before removing the earthen clod from the container, the soil is well moistened so as not to injure the root system.

The planting pattern depends on the chosen variety of tomatoes, for undersized ones they make rows at a distance of 40 cm, and the holes are placed at a distance of 35 cm. When growing more branchy specimens, the distance is increased by 15–20 cm. , then humus is added to the wells immediately before planting. Enough 1-2 glasses.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, the key to success is proper fit. The seedling is placed in the hole along with a clod of substrate and lowered just below the level of the upper layer, sprinkling the plant to the cotyledon leaves. After that, the soil around the bush is compacted and slightly moistened. In order for the plants to acclimatize faster and take root better, it is recommended that the procedure be carried out on a cloudy but quiet day or in the evening.

Features of caring for tomatoes

To get an excellent harvest you need to work hard. Although varieties intended for open ground are more viable and resistant to the vagaries of the weather, plants need regular watering, top dressing, lashing and garter.

Watering tomatoes

Growing tomatoes in open ground begins with an irrigation system. As a rule, it is enough to moisten the bed once every 7 days. If you do this irregularly, then the skin of the fruit will crack. During each procedure, the soil must be moistened to a depth of 35 cm. Water heated in a barrel to ambient temperature is used for irrigation. Plants are watered under the root or between the rows, but without irrigating the foliage. To do this, it is more convenient to use a watering can with a "spout" or a ladle with a long handle.

After planting, it is better to immediately mulch the soil by overlaying it with straw, peat or humus. This will not only delay the growth of weeds, but will also maintain a certain temperature regime. If there is no mulching layer, then the beds must be loosened and weeded; for successful development, the root system needs good aeration.

Pasynkovanie and pinching tomatoes

When growing tomatoes in open ground, the bushes form undersized, but, nevertheless, they also need to be pinched and pinched. Bushes form in one, two or three stems. Most often, the first 2 methods are used. In the first case, all stepchildren are removed, when grown in two stems, they leave one single shoot under the first brush of the inflorescence, and the rest are mercilessly removed. The shoots are pinched off or cut off carefully, leaving a “stump” of 1 cm, it is better to use a sharp knife so as not to injure the plant too much.

In early August, pinching the plant is done, removing the top after 3 inflorescence brushes are formed. All unset inflorescences are removed in a timely manner, this procedure accelerates the growth and ripening of fruits. By the end of the season, the lower leaves are also removed, but not all at once, but in stages.


During the season, the farmer must carry out several top dressings. When carrying out the procedure, you can adhere to the following scheme.

  • The first top dressing is carried out 12–14 days after planting the seedlings in the garden. In 5 liters of water, 5–7 g of superphosphate and 3 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted. Consumption: 12–14 liters per 1 m² of plantings.
  • The second feeding is carried out with the appearance of the first ovaries. In 5 liters of water, 6–7 g of potassium sulfate and 3 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted. Can be alternated with organic fertilizers using a solution of mullein (the optimal ratio is 1:10) and bird (chicken) manure (the concentration is 2 times lower - 1:20).

When growing tomatoes in open ground, special attention should be paid to fertilization. If it is not possible to purchase highly concentrated substances, then the solution is prepared on the basis of liquid complex fertilizers.

Tall plants are tied to a support, for this a wooden peg is driven in near the bush and the stem is fixed with twine. Small bushes do not need such a procedure. The ripening of the first tomatoes begins after July 10, provided that the variety was chosen early ripe. Varieties with an average ripening period begin to bear fruit in early August. Harvesting should not be delayed, as there is always a risk of damage to tomatoes by late blight. If worsening weather conditions are expected, then half-ripe fruits can be collected and left to ripen on a sunny windowsill.

Video how to grow tomatoes outdoors

Secrets of growing tomatoes outdoors

Growing tomatoes outdoors can be difficult for beginner gardeners, as the plant is quite demanding to care for. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the culture in preparation for planting, watering and feeding tomatoes, as well as provide them with protection from pests and diseases.

For the reader's reference

Tomato (lat. Solanum lycopersicum) belongs to the Solanaceae family. The fruits of the plant are berries, but the culture belongs to the vegetable, so the tomato is equally correctly called both a berry and a vegetable. The birthplace of culture is South America.

When to plant tomatoes outdoors

The culture does not tolerate frost, so it is necessary to plant seedlings in open soil at a stable average daily temperature. Do not rush: bushes planted early will get sick and lag behind in development.

  • In the southern regions of Russia, it is possible to start the procedure for planting seedlings of early ripening varieties at the end of April;
  • In the Urals and Moscow region - in the first half of May (landing time can be shifted by 10-15 days with nighttime air temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius);
  • Mid-ripening tomatoes are planted later: in the South - in early May, in middle lane Russia - in early June.

Most auspicious days for planting tomatoes lunar calendar are 1-3, 9-10 and 19-20 May. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the afternoon, it is better - in cloudy, but not rainy weather.

Features of choosing a place and preparing soil for tomatoes

When choosing a garden plot for planting tomato seedlings, it is recommended to give preference to well-lit southern slopes that are protected from the wind. Since the culture does not like waterlogging, you should choose elevated places with light loamy soil of low acidity.

Crop rotation rules for tomatoes

Crop rotation allows the land to rest and restore the trace elements consumed by the plant. Therefore, the place of planting tomatoes should be changed annually. It is important to consider which plants grew earlier.

Tomatoes grow much better, growing and caring for them in open ground in the beds where they grew: legumes, greens and root crops. Crops such as potatoes, peppers or eggplants are undesirable. They can cause contamination of the land with late blight, which will pass to seedlings.

Soil preparation for tomatoes in several stages

Soil disinfection can be carried out in the fall. For the procedure, a solution is used blue vitriol: 1 tablespoon of copper per 10 liters of water. Consumption is 1 liter per square meter beds.

In spring, the soil is fertilized with organic matter and mineral salts: they are applied per square meter of soil in equal proportions, 1 bucket each: peat, humus and sawdust. Add 2 tablespoons of phosphate and a couple of glasses of ash.

The soil is dug up well, watered with a warm solution of bleach for disinfection (2 liters per square meter). The preparation of the ridges must be carried out in advance: 5-7 days before transplanting tomatoes into open soil.

Tomato planting and care in the open field

The quantity and quality of the crop often depends on more than proper care. It is necessary to properly prepare the seeds before sowing and take care of the growing seedlings, and after planting in the soil - to ensure good watering and feed.

A set of pre-sowing measures

Tomato care starts with seedbed preparation seeds. You can follow all the described procedures, or those that you consider necessary.


The seeds are placed in a saline solution (1 teaspoon per 0.2 l of water), mixed thoroughly and left to stand for 10 minutes. For planting, choose full-weight seeds that have settled to the bottom of the container, they are washed with water and dried.

warming up

Seeds are placed in cloth bags and heated on a battery for several days before the sowing procedure.

Disinfection or dressing

Necessary for disinfection of planting material. Seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a 1% iodine solution.

Seed nutrition

Soak for a day in ready-made nutrient solutions (Epin or potassium humate). You can use potato juice.


The grains in a gauze bag are placed in warm water for 10-12 hours. Every 3-4 hours it is necessary to change the liquid, and let the grains breathe.


Planting material is placed on a moistened cloth or paper towel. It is important to ensure that the material does not dry out and periodically add liquid until the seeds swell and begin to hatch;


To ensure friendly seedlings, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for the night, and during the day they are kept at a temperature of 20 degrees. Celsius, the procedure is repeated three times.

Planting tomatoes in open ground

Grown seedlings should be prepared before transplanting. It is necessary to carry out hardening in the air and accustom the sprouts to sunlight, otherwise the fragile sprouts may die from a sudden change in conditions. Ventilate for 2-3 days, then take the seedlings to fresh air for a week, gradually increasing the time.

You can plant tomatoes in open ground when the height of the bushes reaches 20-25 cm, and the stem has 7-9 large leaves.

Before transplanting, tomato seedlings are well moistened. The procedure is carried out as follows: the beds are marked in advance: for high varieties of tomatoes, the distance between the bushes should be up to 60 cm, and the same between the rows, and for undersized ones: 40 and 50 cm, respectively. The holes are made 25-30 cm deep, filled with water and allowed to be completely absorbed.

The finished seedlings are taken out of the containers and planted together with a wet earthen clod. If the bush is very long, the lower pair of leaves is cut off on it and the stem is buried in the hole, but so that it does not bend or break.

The roots are covered with earth, a little rotted manure is added and sprinkled again. Then they tamp with their hands and water: 1-2 liters for each bush.

Immediately after planting, the beds should be covered with foil for 6-8 days. During this time, the plants will get stronger and take root, watering is not recommended yet. After, the shelter can be removed and the landing moistened.

Caring for tomatoes in the open field

Tomato bushes must be regularly weeded, hilled and loosened the soil. A peg is placed near each plant in advance. For the highest varieties, the height of the support should be at least 80 cm. It is recommended to use a synthetic thread that does not cause rotting of plants.

Watering tomatoes in open ground

Tomatoes do not like excess moisture; stagnant water can cause the development of fungal diseases. Until the ovary appears, it is recommended to only slightly moisten the soil, avoiding drying out.

Watering tomatoes in open ground when ovaries appear is carried out every 7-8 days, 1 liter per plant is enough. During the period of growth and ripening of fruits, the frequency of watering is increased to 5-6 days, the amount of water is increased to 2 liters per bush. It is necessary to pour water under the root, avoiding contact with the leaves, as this can cause vertex rot. Drip irrigation is recommended.

It is recommended to add a couple of pinches of wood ash per 1 bucket to the water during irrigation (with automated drip irrigation, you can sprinkle beds) a couple of pinches of wood ash per 1 bucket, such top dressing of tomatoes in the open field will strengthen the immunity of plants and accelerate their growth.

Water should be taken from a well or well, and tap water should be defended. It is best to water in the afternoon. The water must be warm, as cold water will only harm the plants.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field

The procedure is carried out every 2 weeks. For fertilizer use 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium per 10 liters of liquid. For one bush use 1 liter of solution. It is important when fertilizing that the amount of nitrogen does not exceed phosphorus and potassium.

Top dressing for tomatoes in open ground folk recipes, will help to abandon the use of chemicals and pesticides. The most popular among gardeners:

  • Nettle infusion on water will saturate the soil with microelements such as potassium, calcium and manganese.
  • A solution of wood ash will help protect the tomatoes from pests such as slugs and snails, while saturating the soil with potassium and phosphorus.
  • An infusion of nettle yeast or other green fertilizer will greatly increase the release of methane and nitrogen, which are beneficial to plants.

How to tie up tomatoes, care and pinching

Caring for tomatoes in the open field is not only about watering and feeding. Immediately after removing the film shelter from the garden, it is necessary to put a peg near each tomato bush.

It is placed on the north side at a distance of 10 cm from the stem and driven into the ground by 30-40 cm. The aerial part of the support is usually 1 m. The bush begins to be tied during its active growth. It is unnecessary to tightly tie the stem to the support, the twine should simply support the plant in an upright position. As you grow, the garter is raised higher.

In order for the fruits to be larger and they ripen faster, it is necessary to form bushes. Most often, one main stem is left on the plant, and the extra shoots are removed. The stepping procedure must be carried out regularly.

Young sprouts coming from the base of already growing brushes must be removed, as well as all leaves below the first branches. They are simply pinched off with two fingers.

Outdoor tomato care video

Prevention from diseases and pests of tomatoes

Growing tomatoes outdoors makes them particularly vulnerable to common diseases and pests. Compliance with preventive measures will partially avoid problems.

  • Observe crop rotation, try not to plant tomatoes next to potatoes;
  • Dig the soil well before planting and disinfect;
  • Plants affected by diseases or pests must be removed to protect healthy bushes;
  • When watering, make sure that drops do not fall on the leaves;
  • Refrain from watering during a period of severe temperature drop;
  • Give preference to new varieties and hybrids that are resistant to common diseases;
  • Use folk remedies to repel pests that damage plants and carry diseases (an infusion of garlic or onions).

Choosing a variety and growing tomatoes in the open field video


Growing tomatoes, planting and care in the open field will seem simple and a pleasure if you provide the culture with everything you need and follow agricultural practices. And as a result, you will get an excellent harvest.

Do not be afraid to experiment and try new varieties bred by breeders, grow tomatoes that will be much easier to care for due to their resistance to diseases and temperature extremes.

One of the most popular vegetables in home gardens is the tomato. It is used to prepare various dishes, including winter preparations. Vitamins and amino acids are preserved even in canned fruits. In order to harvest good crops every year, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the agricultural technology of tomatoes and the rules of care for growing and planting in open ground.

In the article we will consider the most acceptable and productive varieties for the Russian region, right ways planting and transplant secrets, as well as how to fertilize and how to feed the bushes.

Landing work begins after establishing a night temperature with a positive indicator. In the middle lane, this period falls on the 20th of May - the beginning of June.

Terms are determined taking into account the plant variety and the climatic features of the region. As soon as the average daily temperature is established +12 degrees, you can start disembarking. It is important to take into account the maturity of seedlings:

  • shoot height reaches 20-25 cm;
  • the stem has 7-9 well-formed leaflets.

disembarkation early varieties in the south of Russia and in Ukraine it starts from the second half of April to the first days of May. Gardeners in the central regions of Russia transfer seedlings to the garden from May 1 to May 15.

Mid-season varieties are planted 2-3 weeks later. Work in progress in cloudy weather or in the evening after 20-00.

Young shoots need protection from spring frosts, therefore, after planting, the bed is covered with agrofiber or covered with plastic wrap, which should be completely removed after June 5-10.

Varieties resistant to temperatures for planting in Ukraine and Russia

Ukrainian gardeners and summer residents of Donbass identified the five most the best varieties high-yielding tomatoes that can be planted in these regions.

The plant begins to bear fruit early, pink tomatoes can be harvested until the end of summer. Vegetation lasts 65 days, the weight of a medium-sized tomato is 200-220 gr. With proper care, up to 100 tons of crops are harvested per hectare.

The hybrid is tolerant to various diseases(fusarium, verticillium), suitable for cultivation in the country in different types soil, withstands adverse weather conditions.

High yielding hybrid early term maturation (vegetation period - 60-65 days). Large fruits weighing up to 300 gr. have fleshy flesh and a sweet taste.

This plant is characterized by: a developed root system, excellent set, weighty fruits, large crops. Supernova shows resistance to cold and disease. Fruits retain their marketable appearance for a long time due to the dense peel.

The hybrid is suitable for industrial cultivation, plants are resistant to weather disasters, diseases typical of tomatoes.

The yield per hectare, for example, if planted in Donetsk region, is about 100 tons. Slightly elongated fruits, outwardly similar to cream, medium in size with weight up to 80 gr.

Vegetation lasts 115-125 days, there is a simultaneous ripening of tomatoes. The fleshy pulp with a dense structure is ideal for processing.

The plant is recognized by its branched compact bush and a large number of fruits, the weight of which does not exceed 60-70 gr.

The growing season lasts 65-70 days. The hybrid is stress-resistant, easily tolerates hot weather and cold weather, shows tolerance to Fusarium wilt, nematode. There is a hint of sweetness in the taste.

Among Russian gardeners, the following varieties of tomatoes are popular.

Bushes of tomatoes are formed of medium size with dense ovaries of fruits weighing up to 70 gr. Tomatoes ripen even at low temperatures.

Increased yield allows you to collect more than 100 tons of vegetables per hectare.

Vegetation requires 95 days. Vegetables are well transported due to the elastic peel and dense pulp with a sweetish taste.

The hybrid represents an improved version of the White Bulk, is distinguished by strong immunity and the ability to develop under low temperatures and heavy rainfall.

The fruits literally stick to a short bush, red tomatoes hang on average 200 gr. More than 4 kg of crop is harvested from one bush.

The result of the work of English breeders is highly resistant to a humid environment and fungal infections. Tomatoes are forming round shape light red color, weight reaches 100 gr.

The growing season lasts 110-125 days. Up to 40 tomatoes are removed from the bush, if grown correctly.

The fruits are formed by brushes, outwardly similar to cream, weight is about 90 gr. The height of the bush reaches only 70-75 cm. The variety is valued for the ability to sow in open ground.

The plant easily tolerates heat and coolness in spring. The growing season lasts 96-98 days.

How to plant tomatoes for a good harvest

Seedling selection

Some gardeners prefer to buy seedlings on the market, while others prefer to grow their own. In both cases, seedlings with a well-formed root system, a strong stem that has reached the length 20 cm.

On each shoot should have time to form 7-8 leaves, they are saturated green color indicates a healthy state. Paleness or spotting on the greens may signal some kind of disease or violations of the conditions for growing seedlings.

When growing seedlings on your own, it is worth considering the timing of sowing and observing the temperature regime at each stage of development.

What is the preparation of the beds for?

Before planting seedlings, disinfect the soil a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. funds for a bucket of water). 1.5 liters of working fluid should go per 1 m2. After that, fertilizers are introduced.

Tomatoes respond well to organics and minerals.

For loam and clay soils, you can use the following mixture: manure humus, peat and sawdust, taken in a bucket. From minerals, a mixture of superphosphate (2 tablespoons), potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon), wood ash (2 cups) is suitable. Preparatory work with the soil are completed a week before the start of the landing.

Secrets of planting seedlings in spring

It's better to land on cloudy days or after sunset. At night, the shoots will be easier to adapt to the new environment. The planting pattern is selected taking into account the variety of tomatoes. Each bush should be well ventilated and illuminated by sunlight.

Tomatoes with an average ripening period are planted in a row at a distance 50-60 cm from each other. The row spacing is 50-60 cm. Compact plants are placed at a distance 40 cm.

Holes for seedlings are dug up to the size of a shovel bayonet. After abundant watering of the pits and absorption of water, the seedlings are transferred one by one to the holes along with an earthen clod. It is not recommended to violate the integrity of the root system, so it will take less time to adapt. The work is completed by watering the beds (1-2 liters per bush).

The most important care after transplanting into the ground

For the development of the root system and the plant as a whole, oxygen is needed, so every 2-3 weeks you need a bed loosen(tool immersion depth 8-12 cm). If the soil is dense, then work should be done more often.

The loosening procedure is often combined with weeding. Weeds provoke the invasion of pests and retain moisture in the beds, which creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases. In addition, the thickened bed is poorly ventilated. After the first weeding of established seedlings, the soil can be mulched.

Watering carried out under the root of tomatoes, greens do not need to be watered. Of the existing irrigation systems, preference is given to spot irrigation, sprinkling provokes shedding of inflorescences, causes blanching of fruits.

The first time after planting, you should not get involved in irrigation, it is enough to carry out water procedures 1-2 times a week, preventing the soil from drying out.

For the stability of the bushes, many gardeners carry out hilling. To do this, soil is raked under each stem.

IN stepchildren many varieties need it, especially large-fruited ones. Removal of stepchildren is carried out every 2 weeks so that all forces and nutrients distributed exclusively for the formation of tomatoes.

Pollination methods

In order for the fruit to form in the inflorescence, pollination is required. There are different varieties: pollinated by bees and self-pollinated.

If insects are absent from the garden due to weather conditions or for a number of other reasons, then you can pollinate the flowers yourself. To do this, you need to determine the male and female inflorescences.

A soft brush is first carried out over the pistils, then the pollen is shaken on the stamens. Such manipulation is usually done in greenhouses, and then only with those varieties that need pollination.

To attract insects to the beds for the purpose of pollinating the crop, it is recommended to plant in the aisle honey plants(basil, marigold, etc.).

Acceptable top dressings and fertilizers to get a productive tomato

After planting the seedlings, 3-4 feedings are carried out.

  1. In 3 weeks after landing seedlings, fertilizer "Ideal" is introduced into the soil with the addition of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon) to a bucket of water. One tomato consumes 0.5 liters of solution.
  2. When the second flower brush will begin to bloom, a second complementary food is introduced. Mix in 10 liters of water: potassium sulfate (1 tsp), superphosphate (1 tbsp), potassium chloride (1 tsp), Agricola-Vegeta fertilizer (1 tbsp). Another option involves the use of "Signor Tomato" (st. L. per 10 liters of water).
  3. When blooming third flower brush introduce "Sodium humate" or "Ideal".
  4. After 2 weeks, a solution of 10 liters of water and st. l. superphosphate.

Errors in growing and sowing

To protect your crop from unforeseen losses, you need to familiarize yourself with the mistakes that gardeners often make when growing tomatoes.

Buying seedlings with inflorescences is one of the common mistakes when growing tomatoes.

Among the main ones:

  • planting seedlings or seeds out of time indicated on the packaging, or a selection of varieties intended for cultivation in a greenhouse;
  • buying seedlings with inflorescences(subsequently, the formation of ovaries is disrupted);
  • abundant watering (provokes rotting of the root system);
  • excessive fertilization of the soil (leads to intensive development of the stem and leaves, while the inflorescences look lethargic);
  • landing in open ground ahead of schedule(violation temperature regime negatively affects the formation of ovaries).

Diseases and pests - what poison to spray from them

Most of the diseases are caused by violations of the temperature regime and irrigation norms. Humid environment and warm weather create optimal conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.

The following diseases are considered dangerous for tomatoes:

  • in which brown spots appear on the stem and leaves. On the reverse side of the sheet one can see the characteristic white coating. The fruits are covered with brown spots. The main reasons for the development of the disease are strong temperature fluctuations, high humidity. The fight against late blight involves spraying: the first time the seedlings are treated 20 days after planting with the Barrier solution, the second time the treatment is carried out after another 20 days with the Barrier biological product.
  • characterized by the appearance of black depressed spots on green fruits. The cause of the development of the disease is: insufficient moisture of the plant, an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, calcium deficiency. If zones of damage are found, it is recommended to treat the bushes with a solution of calcium nitrate. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of water. Severely affected tomatoes must be removed from the garden and disposed of.
  • root rot of tomatoes occurs due to waterlogging of the soil or is transmitted through contaminated soil. Therefore, before planting, the garden bed must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulphate; during the growing season of the crop, irrigation rules must be strictly observed.
  • tomatoes are recognized by their characteristic brown spots on stems, leaves and fruits. The disease affects tomatoes more often when they reach maturity. At first, small round foci appear, which quickly grow in size, which may not be immediately noticed. If signs of the disease are found, the plants should be sprayed with Fitolavin.

Among dangerous pests capable of causing significant damage to the crop:

  • bear;
  • wireworm;
  • nibbling owls;
  • whitefly;
  • melon aphid, etc.
  • Bazudin;
  • Arrow;
  • Thunder;
  • Phosbecid and others.

Timely fertilization of plants strengthens the immune system which makes them unattractive to insects. They like to attack weak and young shoots. And a strong culture with a well-formed root and stem will be able to resist diseases and pests, giving the owners a generous harvest.

To grow good harvest outdoors on the street, you need to carefully look after the plantings, cover the bushes as needed. In some cases, you need to feed the ground soil even before planting the seedlings, but, most often, you need to start feeding the plants after sowing.
