The health of plants, the appearance of the garden and the future harvest depend on how timely and correctly the spring work is done. What do you need to do on your suburban area Firstly?

First cleaning

First you need to remove everything from the beds winter shelters and tidy up the garden. With the advent of heat (when the soil dries out a little), remove dry leaves, windbreak, remnants of supports and shelters, as well as other garden debris. As you harvest, remove only young weeds that have emerged before they have grown stronger, have had time to bloom and easily break out with roots from moist soil. Wash the frames and glass of the greenhouse, clean the drains, clean garden paths from moss, you can even paint garden furniture if you didn’t do it in the fall - here, in addition to ordinary paint, for example, pf-115 enamel can work - it adheres perfectly to the surface and saves the walls.

Plant nutrition

At the very beginning of spring comes the most suitable period for preparing the garden for spring growth. garden plants additional feeding is constantly needed, even if they grow on rich soils. Fertilizers provide them with strong and healthy growth.

Most fertilizers are a mixture of the most important nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen compounds contribute to the growth of the green mass of plants, phosphorus is responsible for the strong growth of the root system and shoot formation, potassium is important for the formation of flowers and fruits. During this period, it is most effective to use complex fertilizers, which include all these three elements, for example, Azofoska, Nitroammofoska.

Such fertilizers are produced, as a rule, in the form of granules, which are best scattered over melting snow in compliance with the application rate indicated on the package. This ensures uniform dissolution of the granules and gradual penetration of nutrients to the roots of plants.

Pruning shrubs and trees

At low positive temperatures, before the beginning of the spring growing season, trees and shrubs, including fruit and evergreens, can be planted and transplanted. It is also necessary to prune fruit stone trees and some fruit trees. berry bushes.

spring pruning fruit trees necessary for the formation of a cup-shaped crown with an open center. This form of fruit crown provides better access to light and air, which means a more plentiful and healthy harvest. It is necessary to eliminate dry branches with a secateurs or a garden saw, as well as to thin out the central part of the tree so that future branches do not block each other's access to the sun and fresh air.

Lawn care

At a temperature of +5, the grass on the lawn begins to grow. Spring is the time to remove leaves and debris from the lawn, adjust the boundaries and conduct a spring lawn treatment. Start treatment with a hard mechanical cleaning and removal of debris (old coarse grass stalks, leaves, moss). Use metal for this work. fan rake. Then carry out aeration (ventilation) of the soil on the lawn - piercing the topsoil to a depth of 10-15 cm. Aeration provides air, water and fertilizer access to the grass roots.

Improvement of the topsoil is achieved by evenly distributing the sand over the surface of the lawn. This procedure improves the structure of heavy soils, helps nourish grass roots, and corrects small irregularities in the lawn surface. Use a mixture of sand light garden earth or leaf humus (2:1), carefully leveling the composition on the surface and correcting irregularities with the back of the rake.

Division of perennial flowers

Early spring is the best time to divide herbaceous perennials (such as asters) before they begin to grow actively. Some of them will have to make an effort, cutting rather tough rhizomes. To do this, use a sharpened bayonet shovel. To dump large specimens out of the ground, substitute a board under the roots, which you use as a lever, stepping on it.

The division sites are usually clearly visible - these are empty spaces between compactly located buds or young shoots on rhizomes. First divide large bushes into four parts crosswise, and then manually you can divide them into even smaller parts. The division of grasses such as feather grass or sedge is less labor intensive. To obtain seedlings, it is enough to use a sharp knife.

Soil preparation

For seed germination of cold-resistant crops (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, beets) requires a soil temperature of + 8˚С, and for heat-loving crops (cucumbers, pumpkin) - + 12˚С.

If spring is delayed, you can speed up the start of the season by warming up the soil. To do this, a few weeks before the planned sowing, cover the prepared soil area. garden material or black plastic, which will trap heat in the ground and keep out excess moisture. Seedling-grown crops will also thrive in warmer soil.

seedling preparation

To allow young plants to acclimate, take the seedlings out into the garden on warm, windless days. If frosts are not expected at night, after a while it will be possible to leave the seedlings overnight in the garden, first wrapping it in polyethylene, and then without shelter. If you are growing your seedlings in a greenhouse, turn up the ventilation to harden off the plants. Start hardening seedlings 1-2 weeks before planting in the ground.

Before planting in the ground, water both the seedlings and the place prepared in the garden in advance. Transplant on a cloudy day or early evening. When transplanting, you can slightly shorten the roots of the plant. Plant the prepared seedlings so that the soil covers the stem of the plant until the first true leaves, water abundantly several times and compact the soil around the plants so that they cannot be pulled out of the ground without damaging the leaves.

Plants with exposed roots (from a common box) are more vulnerable than plants from individual containers, and plants in peat pots will naturally transfer to the ground most easily.

The arrival of spring is the awakening of plants and the preparation of the soil for a new harvest. The weather will tell you when and what kind of work to do, especially since it is different every year. But general recommendations worth sticking with.

The spring sun is so bright, besides, the rays are reflected by the unmelted snow so that the crowns of the conifers get burned. While the snow is lying, the branches of young trees are pulled together with twine and covered using burlap or bedspreads.

Low trees are covered with shields. Pour around the roots warm water so that the frozen earth warms up, and sap flow begins in the trunks.

Spring snow is heavy, and the lingering snow breaks off the branches of fruit trees. To protect fragile twigs, it is dropped and shaken off in time, but carefully, without resorting to forceful methods.

In spring, the bark on the trunks is gnawed by hares and other rodents. It is better to remove snowdrifts from under the trunks, then the animals will not get to the branches, and the trunks should be regularly inspected.

At the beginning of the month, on warm days, it is recommended to whitewash the trunks. Lime with blue vitriol will protect trees from awakening pests, and White color will reflect the burning Sun rays. Instead of whitewashing, for a while, the trunks are wrapped with white paper.

When frosts are not lower than 10 degrees, they start pruning apple trees. First, old fruiting, then young trees. Pears, cherries and plums are pruned before flowering.

Pruning rules:

  1. Thick branches are cut first, then lower, so that the crown is in the form of a bowl.
  2. Do not leave visible stumps.
  3. A cut wider than 1.5 cm is cleaned with a knife and painted over oil paint.
  4. In order not to infect trees, the file and knife are disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  5. At the shrub, old branches are cut off at ground level.
  6. Fruiting shoots of bushes are shortened by 15 cm, damaged branches are cut off along the first or second healthy bud.

It is impossible to prune annually, otherwise the tree will weaken. Last year's plantings are not pruned. For the treatment of broken places or those damaged by frost, a var or clay mash is used.

Treatment for diseases and pests

For treatment from pests and fungi, urea, iron sulfate or Bordeaux liquid are taken.

Pests are also afraid of Fitoverm or Agravertin.

At a temperature of 7 degrees Celsius, but before the buds increase, fruit trees and bushes are sprayed with a special insecticide.

It is also necessary to make grooves, divert streams and stagnant water to allow the roots to breathe.

Major cleaning work:

  1. Collect covering material, clean and put away.
  2. Clear the site: rake last year's foliage and grass, put in compost pit. Remove broken branches from the site and burn.
  3. Remove emerging weeds.
  4. Remove moss from under stones and containers.
  5. Sweep garden paths.
  6. Repair and paint gazebos, benches.
  7. Check containers, flowerpots and eliminate cracks, treat with disinfecting solutions. In overwintered plants, replace the soil.
  8. Replace or remove old bark or woodchip mulch.

When to open winter-covered flowers

On sunny days, covered flowers are opened, as condensation accumulates under the shelter, causing the plants to rot.

In the second half of March, daffodils and lilies are released.

Roses open at a temperature of 5-7 degrees Celsius when the snow melts. The first time - for ventilation. Drainage grooves are immediately made and the earth poured from above is removed.

Then the roses should be covered again, making holes in the material. Finally open when the soil warms up by 15 cm.

To protect shrubs, trees and flowers, their roots from temperature changes, a layer of mulch from fresh humus or compost is poured around. Pine bark or crushed cones are also suitable. In addition, mulching will help retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

In April, they work with soil and beds, plant trees. Carefully dig near-stem circles near fruit trees. After the snow cover melts, before the buds appear, plant the seedlings in a permanent place.

Ground handling tips:

If you dig up the soil that has not dried out, clods will remain, which will immediately harden. Also, you can not wait until the soil dries to a state of dust.

Readiness for digging is checked by squeezing a lump of soil in your hand. It turned out a dense lump - still damp, crumbled - late, fell into pieces - the earth is ready.

Before digging, organic fertilizers are scattered, and after - mineral and nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Digging up, they remove the roots, so the rubbish will not grow longer.

Heavy soil where water stagnates is improved by adding gravel or sand. Hard soil is softened with sawdust, humus or river sand. Clay is added to the loose. They deoxidize with ash, and malic or acetic acid will help to make it acidic.

Using covering material before sowing seeds, root crops and greens, on heated beds, grow earlier.

With the onset of warm days, it’s time to take up the pond: clean, inspect the bottom and fill it with clean water. The next day, plant aquatic vegetation, after a couple of days - launch the fish.

With the appearance of insects, treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site 2-3 times.

With the beginning of snow melting, it is time to spread mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, having previously leveled the snowdrifts and removed the ice crusts. Do not walk on the surface, so as not to leave holes.

As it dries, remove debris and leaves, combing the grass. Then loosened with a special rake. To penetrate the soil of oxygen, pierce with a pitchfork around the edge of the lawn.

If the surface is damaged, sand is poured into the pits and fresh seeds are sown. May is the time of cutting the regrown grass.

After the snow melts, inspect the currant and gooseberry bushes. Broken, dried and aged branches are pruned. Then fertilize the soil under the bushes. Pests are repelled by processing with copper sulphate or nitrofen is used.

Branches with swollen buds are removed, but if there are a lot of such buds, the bush will have to be thrown away - there are ticks in the buds.

On warm days, branches are rooted for reproduction.

Bent raspberries, first of all, are released. After straightening, they are tied to supports, cutting off old, broken and dried shoots. Then pour mulch from manure, broken branches or straw.

strawberry care

First, remove the snow retainers, then last year's leaves and debris, old mustaches and flowers. Collected is burned. Then, a nitrogen-containing fertilizer is poured under each bush, and Bordeaux liquid is sprayed on top.

The swollen first leaves are added dropwise, while loosening the ground around the bush. With the onset of persistent heat, they are sprayed with dissolved calcium chloride and wood ash. In place of the frozen bushes, young rooted bushes are planted. It will scare away mulching with ash and pine needles.

Flowers are planted when night temperatures do not fall below plus 10. Before that, they work with hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops.

In order for the flowering of petunias, asters and other flowers to begin earlier, the seeds should be planted at home in seedling boxes, after soaking for 10-15 minutes. in potassium permanganate, then dry. Bulbs of plants are kept in solution for 30 minutes.


A clean and well-groomed site is a pleasure to admire during leisure hours. And timely processed shrubs and fruit trees with beds will provide a harvest for the winter.

Winter is about to end, and we will return to gardening again. As you know, these works are not only planting fruit vegetable crops but also in the careful care of the soil, shrubs and trees. And they should be taken as soon as the cold subsides, so as not to miss the time. Each month of spring has its own characteristics in the care of the garden.

What to look out for in March

In March, the main concern for the garden is high-quality pruning. perennials- trees and shrubs. It can be started after frosts below 10 degrees stop.

In March, after the snow melts, pruning of trees and shrubs should be done.

  1. Systematic pruning helps to regulate the processes of plant growth and fruiting, to increase the period of productivity. For example, cutting the branches of apple trees in winter and spring, you will ensure best decoration buds, friendly flowering and high yield.
  2. At currant and gooseberry bushes, old branches should be sawn off to the ground. Usually they are unproductive and give underdeveloped shoots that do not bring a crop. In raspberries, such shoots are best removed in the fall, but the early spring period is also suitable for such work.
  3. Be sure to whitewash garden trees if you didn't do it in the fall. It is better to do this at the very beginning of March, before the snow melts completely, in order to avoid bark burns, and only on a sunny day.
  4. Until the movement of tree sap has come (in the first half of March), graft the cuttings. Later vaccinations will not succeed.
  5. If during the winter damage appeared on the trunks of trees, they need to be “treated”. Clean the damaged area to healthy tissue, disinfect the wound with a solution of vitriol and lubricate with garden pitch or mullein and clay putty. Wrap the stained areas with burlap.
  6. In the last days of March, you can remove the strapping from tree trunks. Loosen the remaining snow around the trees. If the spring turned out to be cold and protracted, then these works can be carried out in April.

What to do in the garden in March

How to avoid mistakes when pruning trees and shrubs

Like any garden work in March, pruning fruit and berry plantations requires some knowledge and has its own secrets.

Tree pruning is as follows:

  • prune old fruit-bearing trees first;
  • after 1-2 weeks, younger trees that do not bear fruit;
  • the apple tree begins flowering before everyone else, so it is cut first;
  • pear, plum and cherry trees can be pruned before flowering.

When you cut large branches, try to make a ring cut without leaving stumps. Such a wound will heal faster and have less impact on the trunk. Cut off branches from branches with a diameter of more than one and a half centimeters with a knife and paint over with oil paint based on drying oil.

Please note: to avoid infection of the tree due to trimming damaged areas, be sure to treat the tools used with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The branches of shrubs - raspberries, currants, gooseberries - must be cut to the level of the soil. At the same time, pay special attention to the tops of productive shoots: it is enough to shorten them by 15 cm if they have not suffered from frost and mechanical damage. Otherwise, pruning should be done to 1-2 healthy buds so that the cut exposes the green bark and white wood.

When cutting branches, check the location of pest nests and destroy them. It would be best to burn the nests along with the pruned branches.

April worries

This month will require a lot of diligence from us. It is in April that the snow finally melts, but cold snaps are frequent. Therefore, we will have to eliminate the shortcomings of March and take care of the soil.

In April, you need to dig in the trees and feed them

  1. If you haven't finished pruning trees and shrubs during the previous month, now is the time to get to work. And after that you can start planting and transplanting plants.
  2. Shrub shoots laid on the ground before winter must be released and straightened.
  3. Be sure to feed the plants with fertilizers - organic and nitrogen. If your garden is still young or consists only of a berry, use this recipe: a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus and 0.5 kg of wood ash per 1 sq. m. area. A fertile garden will require a 30% increase in fertilizer dose.
  4. Be sure to dig the soil around the tree trunks. It is very important not to miss the most opportune moment. To do this, check the soil: take some earth, squeeze it in the palm of your hand and open it. The soil should be slightly damp and break into large pieces. If it has retained the shape of a compressed palm, then it is too early to start digging, but if it crumbles, then the earth has already dried up and it is too late to process it.
  5. It is necessary to dig near the trunks along the radius, starting from the tree trunk, so as not to damage the root system. When processing bushes, it will be more convenient to use a garden pitchfork. Carefully break up lumps and level the surface with a rake. While working, try to pick out the roots of weeds.

Planting new plants and care features

When the snow melts, and the earth completely thaws and warms up, you can start planting young trees. Plan the location of the holes in advance and prepare them so that by the time of use the soil in them has sunk to the desired level. The size of the pit should be about 2 times larger than the earthen clod that wraps the rhizome.

Pour a mixture of fertile soil and organic fertilizers at the bottom. Form a mound in the center of the hole and strengthen the seedling by spreading the roots. Compact the soil, water and fix the plant on a pre-driven peg. After a couple of days, mulch the trunk circle.

Tip: be sure to check the quality of the seedlings! The root system must be strong, healthy and sufficiently developed. Avoid diseased and broken branches on the plant.

When planting shrub seedlings, follow these rules:

  • currants are planted with a slope of 45 degrees to the soil surface;
  • gooseberry bushes are planted vertically;
  • after planting these crops, branches are pruned to three buds above the ground;
  • raspberries should be cut to a height of 40 cm.

If you have prepared cuttings for vaccination, then in April is the time to use them. Before the juice begins to actively move along the trunks, it is most convenient to apply the methods of improved copulation and splitting.

So that sudden spring cold snaps do not take you by surprise, and the flowers are not damaged, try to warm the soil yourself. Smoke piles will help you with this. And to protect strawberries and strawberries, cover them with old newspapers or film.

In the course of gardening in April, the first spraying is carried out. It must be done when the buds on pears and apple trees are just beginning to bloom and look like a green cone. Use Azofos or Bordeaux liquid for this.

There is a very good alternative to chemical spraying. In April, preparations based on petroleum oil can be used for this. They help very well in protecting the garden from pests such as sucker, scale insect, moth, aphid, leafworm.

Garden care in May

This month brings us closer to summer, and everything that you plan to do in the garden focuses on the flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

There is still an opportunity to get vaccinated in May if you missed the opportunity in April. Pay attention to the condition of the kidneys. If they are swollen and are about to open, it means that the active movement of juices has begun. The cuttings grafted at this time will receive the necessary nutrition. In this case, the kidneys on the cuttings should be at rest, that is, not open.

If you did not provide your garden with smoke piles in April, then in May you will have to hurry with this. On an area of ​​​​6 acres, you will need to make about 10 such piles, evenly distributing them throughout the garden. Otherwise, you risk losing flowers at the first light frost.

Tip: In order to avoid wasting time on such piles, in May you can use smoke bombs instead. They can be purchased at the hardware store.

Remember that even light frosts can damage the flowers and deprive you of the harvest. For example, flower buds of an apple tree can withstand temperatures down to -4 degrees, and already opened flowers will die at 0: -1 degrees.

In May, the flowering of trees and shrubs begins, it is especially important to protect them from frost during this period.

Now May garden work will consist of regular, proper feeding and protection from pests and disease exposure.

As soon as ovaries begin to form on the branches, fertilize the soil around the plants. organic fertilizers, for example, infusion of bird droppings or mullein. Sometimes they can be replaced mineral fertilizers. Be sure to water the plants well after top dressing so that the water quickly conveys nutrients to the root system.

How to avoid the impact of harmful insects on plants

It is in May that the invasion of insects begins that can harm trees and shrubs, and even destroy the entire crop. First, the caterpillars of the rose leafworm and moth come out of wintering. After flowering ends, codling moth butterflies appear. It is necessary not to miss this moment and carefully treat the trees with special preparations.

The most common pests of berry bushes are:

  • moth;
  • weevil;
  • sawyer.

These insects are activated in May, and infect raspberries, currants, gooseberries. To combat each of them there is a drug. Treat the choice of funds with special attention: the substances must be approved for use and approved by the relevant authorities.

Pest-proof garden will delight you with lush blooms

Regular loosening of the soil in tree trunks can be very useful. Thus, you will disturb the pests and destroy their nests. It is especially important to do this after rains to remove the remnants of weed roots.

Review the vaccinations you received in April. If they have taken root, you can remove the protective film.

By the end of May, the trees fade, and an ovary forms on them. First, the flowering is completed by stone fruits - plums and cherries, then - pears, and apple trees are the last to bloom. At this time, complex processing of trees will be required, which includes exposure to the following drugs:

  • acaricide will prevent the occurrence of ticks;
  • insecticides will scare away pests - insects and rodents;
  • fungicides will stop the development of diseases.

Timely and correctly carried out work will save your garden, make it healthy, beautiful and fruitful.

Pests that threaten the harvest of fruit and berry plantations

Video about gardening in spring

A beautiful, well-kept garden is not only good harvest, able to provide you with blanks for next winter. It is also a cozy place where you can relax both in spring and summer. Therefore, summer care becomes an integral part of the life of any owner of a summer cottage. We hope our article will help you learn something new. Tell us in the comments about your secrets of spring work in the garden. Comfort to your home!

Many people associate the arrival of spring with warmth, lengthening daylight hours and the desire to relax in the bosom of nature, breathing fresh air. However, if you own a garden or summer cottage, you associate spring with the beginning of land work. Successful spring work in the country is the key to a rich harvest and a beautiful garden. Therefore, during the period when the earth is getting rid of the annoying ice shackles, you should not waste your time, because right now you need to start preparing the site for the next harvest season. And the "Dream House" will tell you what works are the most important in the spring.

Spring work in the country

Spring starts with cleaning

Even the most well-groomed garden at the beginning of spring looks depressing: the covering material that protects the soil squinted under the weight of snow and moisture, last year's foliage turned into a pile of garbage and began to rot, and fallen branches and fallen branches accumulated under the trees. Not only does the garbage collected during the winter look extremely unaesthetic, it also negatively affects the condition of the soil. Therefore, the very first work in the country in the spring should begin with a general cleaning.

As soon as the first snow melts and the temperature stabilizes a little, collect the covering material, clean it and hide it until the next frost. Please note that if spring has not yet fully come into its own and the tree branches are covered with a snow or ice crust, it should be removed, otherwise the branches may break due to excess weight.

Work in the country in the spring

Spring cleaning of the garden

Spring work at the dacha

Spring cleaning of the garden, garden and cottages consists in the complete cleaning of the territory from debris, last year's leaves and grass. The easiest way to do this is with a rake and garden brush. However, you should not burn last year's foliage, because this can harm your health and the health of others. Experienced gardeners use winter debris to create compost, pouring leftover foliage into a special container or pit.

With the advent of spring, the first weeds wake up. If seedlings of horticultural enemies have already appeared through the soil, remove them right now, otherwise the grass will grow significantly in a week. In addition, in warm and humid places, such as under stones, containers, etc., moss often forms, which also has a detrimental effect on plants. It is convenient to remove the growth with a brush or a strong jet of water.

Most important works spring at the cottage

Spring cleaning in the country

Spring at their summer cottage: preparing the soil

One of the most important stages of spring work on personal plot is tillage. As soon as the snow has completely melted and the earth stops sticking to the shovel, the soil must be dug up to remove weed roots and pest larvae from the soil.

Also, it is in the spring that the soil should be fertilized to ensure a good harvest. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers, which contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Because in spring time there are sharp fluctuations temperature regime, the soil around, trees and perennials should be mulched. This will protect the root systems of plants from the cold and hide them from the scorching sun. To create mulch, it is better to use fresh humus or compost.

Also, pay attention to the strength of the soil. In too heavy soil, water will stagnate at the roots of plants. To improve the quality of the land, in this case it is recommended to add coarse gravel or fine sand to it. If the soil is too loose, add clay or clay soil to it along with fertilizers, otherwise nutrients and moisture will seep deep into the soil.

Having prepared the soil, pay attention to spring work on the lawn. With the first thaw, remove the remnants of snow and ice from, providing air access to. Due to seemingly harmless remnants of ice crusts, after a while, ugly bald spots form on the lawn.

Spring work in the garden

Taking care of trees and shrubs in spring

If the air temperature stays at 3-4 degrees above zero for several days in a row, it's time to start pruning fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning should begin with the largest branches, gradually going down, so that as a result the crown of the tree takes on a cup-shaped shape. However, any pruning work should be carried out before the start of the growing season.

If you plan to plant young seedlings, you need to do this immediately after the snow melts. But keep in mind that planting must be done before the buds form on the seedlings.

In addition, when caring for trees and shrubs, pay attention to fastened dry leaves. Often these leaves are nests. dangerous pests. To protect plant health, collect dry leaves and burn them.

Work in the country in early spring

We prepare seedlings

As a rule, before planting, seedlings are grown indoors or in greenhouses, but if the weather is calm outside, already in March, young plants can be taken out for several hours to acclimatize. It is possible to leave seedlings overnight in the garden only if frosts are not expected, however, insulate containers with young plants until the temperature is completely stabilized. If you grow seedlings in spring, increase ventilation to harden plants. Depending on the variety of plants, hardening is carried out for 7-10 days before planting in the ground.

Spring work in the garden

In March, the echoes of the February snowstorms are still heard, and caring summer residents have already rushed to their suburban areas to get them in order for the upcoming season. It would seem that what can be done in the garden in early spring, when the earth has not yet warmed up enough, and there is snow in the ditches at all? In fact, spring work in the country includes an extensive range of activities for cleaning the territory, caring for trees, and preparing the soil for planting.

First of all, it is necessary to remove from the garden and vegetable garden everything that served as protection from winter frosts. Covering material or special designs must be cleaned, rinsed, dried and put away in utility room until autumn cold. From beds, flower beds and garden area the debris remaining from the fall should be removed: windbreak, old branches, fallen leaves, withered grass. Even if, by spring, some garbage accumulates again.

It is quite possible that with the first rays of the sun, the enemies of cultivated plants also hatched -. While the roots are weak, the sprouts can be easily removed from the moist soil. Moss grows in warm weather, and algae grows in damp places. Short shoots are easily removed with a stiff brush, and the path from natural stone or brick with the first pockets of young moss can be washed out with a strong jet of water from a garden hose. Any activities with water should be carried out at positive temperatures, otherwise the country yard will turn into a skating rink.

Containers, vases and flower pots should also be cleaned, repaired if cracked, and treated with herbicides. From the containers that served as a wintering place for perennial flowers, you should get the old soil and replace it with fresh, and thoroughly dry the tubers and rhizomes of plants.

An overview of the complex of garden work that needs to be carried out in March will also be useful:

Early spring is the right time to repair polycarbonate greenhouses that may have been damaged in winter time from snow drifts

Mulching and fertilizing the soil

Mulching is carried out in flower beds, in the garden and in the garden. creates comfortable conditions for plants, warming their roots in the cold and protecting them from the scorching rays of the sun in the heat. It perfectly retains moisture, eliminates the appearance of weeds, protects against dangerous insects. Many cultivated plants(strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin) are less susceptible to decay and increase yields on mulched soil. We should not forget about the decorative effect: the mulched soil looks well-groomed and neat.

When biological fertilizer, manure, is added to mulch (for example, bark or sawdust), the degree of its overripeness must be checked. Incompletely oxidized substance can kill plants

Material for making mulch:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • bark;
  • chips;
  • straw;
  • rotted leaves;
  • covering fabric.

Fruit tree care

Simple garden work to care for shrubs and trees rejuvenate them, increase yields and improve appearance plants.

Pruning branches and shoots

When the air temperature has overcome the mark of 0°C, has become positive, but is still low, berry bushes should also be produced. As a result of pruning, the crown of the tree should take on a cup-shaped shape with an open center, which provides ideal lighting for each branch and excellent airflow. Thinning the crown and shortening the branches are appropriate at a time when there are no flowers, leaves, or even swollen buds on the trees. Together with the shoots, the trunk is also shortened.

Planting fruit seedlings

With the first rays of the sun, immediately after the snow melts, young seedlings should be planted. Planting is carried out while the trees are at rest, sleeping, that is, they do not have buds, otherwise the seedlings will die without having lived even a couple of weeks.

Planting young fruit trees occurs in the following order:

  • They dig a shallow hole, on the bottom of which manure is laid and on top of it - a thin layer of enriched soil.
  • The roots of the seedling are placed in a prepared hole, carefully dug in and lightly compact the soil with their feet.
  • They drive in a peg next to the seedling, which serves as a support for it at first.
  • Water and make sure that the earth around the roots does not dry out.

See the video for more details:

Grafting for new varieties

Spring is the best time for grafting trees. With equal success, budding (grafting with a kidney) or copulation (grafting with a cutting) can be carried out. Cutting shoots are the most viable, as shoots from a grafted bud can hardly survive the winter. The most successful time for cuttings is between mid-April and early June. The operation is carried out with a grafting knife or. One of the main conditions for effectiveness is close contact between the rootstock and the scion.

Spring grafting of fruit trees is a great opportunity to have many varieties in your summer cottage, while planting only a few main trees.

Processing flower beds with perennials

The division of herbaceous perennials will be more effective if carried out in early spring. Thanks to him, the resource of planting material increases and old plants are renewed, which begin to lose color, weaken and rot. If the rhizomes of bluebells, asters, phlox, crocosmia are separated in time, they will begin to grow more actively, and flowering will be longer and more violent. Large bushes are divided into four parts of the usual bayonet shovel putting them on the board. The place of dissection is the spaces between the kidneys. The roots of small plants are separated with a garden knife.

Bright crocosmia after the renewal procedure gain a second life: they should be dug out every 2-3 years, separate the children and plant them in another place

Spring renewal of the lawn

In order for the silky grass of the lawn to please the eye throughout the summer, from early spring it is necessary to carry out a whole range of activities, the main of which are:

  • top dressing;
  • combing;
  • aeration;
  • weeding.

For uniform and metered application of fertilizers to the lawn, there are many devices, one of which is a convenient trolley on two wheels

If the lawn is small in size, then you can use a regular garden rake for the combing procedure, and a pitchfork for aeration.

Methods for planting vegetables

If the climate permits, many vegetables are planted directly in open ground. There are several ways to disembark, which depend on the location:

  • in trenches;
  • on raised ridges;
  • on embankments;
  • on flat ridges;
  • into containers.

If the soil is light, sandy, warms up quickly, but does not retain moisture well, it is better to use the trench method. Clay soils also warm up easily, and also retain moisture well, so raised ridges are traditionally used for them. Several layers of manure, earth and compost, laid according to a special scheme, form bulk ridges, which are called " smart garden". Ordinary even ridges are used in greenhouses, and containers where there is not enough free space for planting.

Material on how to make beautiful beds in your garden will also be useful:

Raised beds are used for planting vegetables and flowers. Their distinctive feature is a border made of wooden planks or ceramic tiles

Pest control

Unfortunately, with the onset of heat, harmful insects are activated that can nullify all the efforts of hardworking summer residents. Many of them attack fruit trees and shrubs. It is necessary to carefully examine all the branches and pay attention to the fastened dry leaves. Perhaps these are the nests of golden tail or hawthorn. They must be collected by hand and burned.

Weevil beetles are destroyed on cold days when they become numb and stop moving. A film is placed under the tree, then the branches are shaken. Fallen insects are burned. From moths and leafworms, an infusion of mustard or wood ash is used. The suckers are afraid of the infusion of garlic with tobacco.

For spraying trees from pests, a solution is also used. blue vitriol, urea, Bordeaux mixture, iron sulfate, and laundry soap helps with aphids

Except listed species spring work, there are many others, for example, planting flower crops, updating garden furniture, cleaning of reservoirs.
