You know, there is no fear in nature. No worry. Only a person has such concepts as “sinful”, “should”, “obliged”, “guilty” and “nobody needs me”. Plants are simple live- thrive or not thrive. They do not understand that it is possible to grow a garden, “to be like everyone else”, out of obsessive concern about children or out of confidence that “it is necessary”. Watching summer residents, I see a general “garden necessity”. Very rarely I meet those who maintain a dacha for myself, For his pleasure - as a friend. This is where the main reason for the crop failure and abandonment of our gardens is buried! We try to treat the garden like a piece of land on which food grows. And this is a mistake.

The garden is our partner. Plants are our symbionts.
First, they have their own ideas about how to live and survive. They, I apologize, do not suspect of our existence: cohabitation with them is our idea.
Secondly, cohabitation must be mutually beneficial. Symbiosis improves life without requiring any sacrifice in return. Otherwise, there would be no symbiosis in nature.

Our agricultural culture, which emerged from extensive agriculture, ensures the maximum labor enslavement of a person, bringing very episodic harvests. If the dacha is your friend and favorite place, you should no longer be satisfied with the myth of hard work on earth. It is naive to believe in it, seeing how without any difficulty nature produces a gigantic biomass of plants.

Here are some working principles for you to think about. Working principles are the perspective of a person who has achieved success and realized why it happened.

1. Smart garden guarantees returns.
Surprisingly, most of us plant gardens, not assuming, but only hoping: what if it grows? Can you imagine a Dutchman thinking the same way?! After all, they succeed, and we are no worse. Let's throw luck off the altar - it does not depend on us, it's just an accident. Any time and any work wasted worsens your life: after all, you could give it to more necessary things.

Preparatory measures are taken to increase the likelihood of a harvest. For example, they sow two or three different varieties of each vegetable, create organic beds, arrange containers for watering, a roof for the beds. But just dig up and plant - good harvest almost unbelievable. And no amount of weeding and watering will help: there are showers, hail, diseases, drought, and there are your problems that do not allow you to constantly visit the garden. It is necessary to make sure that the garden is protected from adversity and does not need you all the time.

2. A smart garden gives back more than it takes..
Otherwise: the garden should not strain, be a problem. Once we tried to plant three plots - how could it be without vegetables? But there were almost no vegetables, and we planted everything. Finally, it hit me: once in May, seeing unweeded shoots (no time!!!), I plucked up the courage and plowed it all up. And he started his own profession. The mountain fell off my shoulders. Now we are creating little by little compost beds. 40 sq. meters, and the harvest is growing from year to year. And it turned out to be much easier to live without your own vegetables than almost without them, but with anxiety and denying yourself a day off.

3. Smart garden does not stress your loved ones.
Here you just need to figure out who needs a garden. He is needed: to the one who worries about him and who tells the rest how and what to do there. It is you? Please look at your loved ones with a loving eye: perhaps they do not want, do not like the garden, they have no time, they dream that it does not exist! They give in to you, denying themselves. So you need a garden. You are a partner. This is your goal. Your wish. But there is no reason to change the lives of others: they have their own goals and desires. Of course, they eat your vegetables and preparations. And thank God! Most likely they can live without it, but here you are? .. By the way, perhaps one of their greatest desires is to see you calm and not worried about garden problems. Leaving the garden is not an option, because you love the earth. Here is the output: arrange a smart garden, and your relatives will help you with this.

4. Dealing with Clutter Never Brings Order.
This is one of the principles of rationality discovered by Ron Hubbard. It works everywhere and constantly in all spheres of our life. good remedy from porridge in the head. It is applied simply. Ask yourself: “What am I struggling with?” Once you've figured out what you're struggling with, then ask, "How do I create this?" Having determined, you reluctantly stop creating it. And life gets better. The thing is, that any disorder is created, and does not exist on its own. And we create it ourselves. But we do not understand this. For example, we have created forms of plants that are monstrously resistant to any iron and to any kind of destruction. Now we call them "weeds". By the way, they were created using the same iron - it was artificial selection, very tough and fast. In the same way, diseases and pests were created that are now resistant to hundreds of chemicals. We fight drought, weeds, and depletion, and at the same time we continue to create them by digging up the soil. In the same way, we create our diseases and all other troubles and struggle with them all our lives.

Struggle is a kind of unreason (easier - madness). When I open it, I see the world more real. If there is a struggle, it means that they are not trying to find a reason. Any struggle is exhausting and gives only the illusion of victory: they have not stopped creating a mess. I was convinced that almost any struggle in gardening is ineffective. So I'm looking for ways to get by without fighting. And they are.


In his book, the agronomist N.I. Kurdyumov shares with readers his experience gained over the years of practical activity.

"Despite the abundance of material, the book, nevertheless, is, first of all, about how to minimize unproductive work and add a bit of personal freedom to you. I myself am a big lazy person. I take off my hat to diligence, but I am sure that this is not our way out - we already work much more than necessary. It's just that our work on earth is not effective enough. A real lazy person, Lazy with a capital letter, will not lift a finger until he figure out how to save himself from unnecessary work, and get more "- N I. Kurdyumov

Nikolay Kurdyumov

Instead of a preface

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

The last chapter is sociable

Explanatory dictionary

Nikolay Kurdyumov

Smart garden in detail

Instead of a preface

“There are few good books. Hopefully, with the advent of this one, there will be even fewer of them.” A. Knyshev

May all and sundry grow stronger and prosper!

What is this book about?

Those who are familiar with my past creations already know how to arrange a fruitful and beautiful garden, in which there is almost no place for struggle and hard work, and time passes mainly for various pleasures, such as: creativity in design beds and the formation of plants and trees, mowing a motley grass lawn, inventing and arranging ever new tricks that allow you to do nothing, reasonable types of plant care with anticipation, admiring blooming flowers and newly appeared design corners, as well as pouring fruits and green vegetables (practically - the main pleasure for which we keep dachas), detachment from everyday problems, friendly kebabs and even such rarities as just lounging and sleeping in broad daylight, with complete peace of mind.

In other words, this book is about success .

About five years ago I made an epoch-making discovery for myself: success is not just centners of vegetables and fruits.

Success is to create a cottage that gives you constant pleasure. And vegetables, and fruits, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty, and all this to receive without tension and fatigue, without anxiety and routine, but with pleasure - this is success!

Discovering the essence of success turned my life in a new, much more rewarding direction.

Since then, I have been busy constantly inventing, searching and arranging my site towards the ideal state. Every year I change something, check, compare.

Progress towards the goal is not fast, but noticeable. This is what makes life pleasant: after all, the essence of happiness lies precisely in this difference - albeit not by much, but today is better, more successful than yesterday!

This is what I am sharing with you. It's the search.

I do not give ready-made instructions, but offer directions with examples and experience.

I do not pretend to be an integral technology - it is still far from it. I invite you to move along.

« Smart garden in detail”, unfortunately, is richer and heavier than the “Smart Garden”. On the other hand, it is much fuller.

There will be more specific techniques and methods, devices and recipes. There will be both a general theory and an applied "philosophy" - for those who are not yet familiar with it.

I will do my best to make this book funny. This is another discovery of mine: the more fun the book, the easier it is to put into practice.

Despite the abundance of material, the book, nevertheless, is, first of all, about how to minimize unproductive work and add to you a modicum of personal freedom.

I myself am a big lazy person. I take my hat off to diligence, but I am sure that it is not our way out - we already work much more than is necessary.

It's just that our work on earth is not effective enough. A real lazy person, a lazy person with a capital letter, won't lift a finger until he figure out how to save himself from unnecessary work, and get more.

Which useful quality, right?

Now, let me introduce myself:


Sometimes I have a feeling of not unreasonable narcissism ...

I am Nikolai Kurdyumov, for friends and wife - Nick. My body recently celebrated its fortieth birthday, but I myself - no more than twenty-seven.

In Timiryazevka, my wife Tatyana and I studied at the very beginning of the eighties and to the fullest we used the opportunities that were then available to travel through the mountains and rivers, take photographs, delve into the theater and musical life, and not part with the guitar.

Then, three charming kids appeared, and we got carried away with pedagogy and health systems.

As teachers, they ended up in Azovskaya, at the school of MP ... Shchetinin. Since then we have been living here: the children finish school. And very successful! With glitter. The son - with silver, the middle daughter - with gold. The youngest, on this occasion, is thoughtful.

Having gone through the hopelessly unemployed perestroika period, I remembered that I had learned how to cut trees well. Later, it suddenly turned out that it was necessary and in demand.

Then it became clear that science, books and shops are a beautiful wish, and dachas are a reality that is very far from them.

Finally, it turned out that the wildness of our dachas is by no means an obligatory thing, although it is methodically created by science and culture.

By the time, Ron Hubbard's system of knowledge* came across - technologies for enhancing abilities, solving problems and creating success.

Eyes were opened to the huge difference between what we want, what we do and what we get as a result.

And so my profession arose - gardening "success". Tanya and I are busy developing it: I work with large gardens, she works with small ones.

Forming gardens is more of my profession, and gardening is more of a hobby, because I only garden in my free time.

I dream of becoming a real gardener - in the old days these were people who were able to grow everything from an orange to a radish.

And now I am a promoter. And I am very concerned that the book be intelligible, and that you would understand everything exactly as I understand it myself. Even better.

Conclusion - the place where you are tired of thinking ...

1. The main reason why the text may seem incomprehensible is that one unfamiliar word .

One single word that you don't clearly imagine or misunderstand in context.

You can ignore this and keep reading. But, this is already practically useless: after the missed word, an empty strip remains in the memory!

And now, after reading another half a page, you suddenly feel that you are tired, it is no longer interesting to read, the thread is lost, and in general the author is too smart, and you are not too savvy in science.

The historical village of Shushenskoye is the bank of the Yenisei. The soils are poor sandy loam, in summer it is above + 35 °, in winter up to -45 °, there is little snow. Every second year is a severe drought. Bread burns out on arable fields, potatoes will not give birth - many do not dig them. And at this time, Zamyatkin steadily and effortlessly collects fivefold crops.

Zamyatkin's area has not known a shovel for about twenty years. According to him, in ten years the fertile layer has deepened to 30-40 cm. The soil has become so loose that pegs for tomatoes do not need to be driven in - they are easily stuck. The potato harvest has approached two tons per hundred square meters. Cabbage - a pood of heads of cabbage - up to 1800 kg per hundred. Yields of cabbage, carrots are three to five times higher than average, berries are plentiful. Zamyatkin does not use manure, much less compost. From fertilizers - only ash. Now in his beds, in his words, there is a true fertile agrozem. This means that the marginal harvest is guaranteed in any given year.

How does he do it?

Of course, a third of the increase comes from varietal agricultural technology: Zamyatkin selected the best varieties for himself and literally became related to them. But two-thirds of the success is the natural garden system: narrow beds, lack of plowing, green manure sowing, reasonable crop rotation, mulching.

“The harvest is no longer a problem. Recordomania seems to have been ill. Now my goal is the ultimate natural fertility and sustainable agro-biocenosis.”


The beds at Zamyatkin are stationary, 80 cm wide, with passages of at least a meter. This is how they are born. In the first half of June, the lush grass is trampled down. A thick, half-bayonet, layer of various plant organics is piled on it. And from above - two fingers of the earth. An ideal bed: and the weeds will not let go, and breathes in order to rot faster, and the worms are at home. It stays that way until the end of the summer. In August, cold-resistant green manure is sown here: mustard, oil radish. And in the spring on it - peas, beans, beans: let them fertilize the soil additionally. With them, the fertilization begins. And if the soil is good, you can plant both watermelons and potatoes.

Only a flat cutter takes care of the beds, and only superficially. All summer - mulch, in spring and autumn - green manure. The weed problem disappeared along with the empty land. When there is always a dense culture in the garden, or mulch, or thick green manure, where do weeds live here when their niche is occupied? And they quietly exist, not claiming to be massive and grey.

Diseases are gone too.

Zamyatkin introduced the smartest technique into his practice - the elimination of morning dew. He puts simple film screens over the beds. Heat rays are reflected back to the garden - that's it, no dew! Only that which tends to get sick is covered in this way: onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes.

Mulch Zamyatkin has the same basis of soil content as green manure.
He spends almost no time and effort on harvesting organic matter. A thick layer of separately harvested "hay" is used only for special purposes: to create new beds, to stifle weeds, to cover tree trunks of seedlings. And in the beds all year - natural, "green manure mulch."

The technology is simple. In August, some kind of cold-resistant green manure is sown under a rake, and before frost it gives a thick green mass. Without letting her tie the seeds, cut it off with a sharp shovel. It turns out a layer of hay. In spring, it is three times thinner: it has compacted, partially shrunk. We rake clean grooves in it, sow and plant in them. The plants stood up, burst open - all the soil is covered.

Winter rye usually does not freeze and starts growing in spring. Such a "mulch" has to be cut below the tillering node, otherwise it will grow back.

Option: green manure is not cut off, it freezes, and in April the bed is bristling with straw. It is also an effective mulch - it will cover from wind and frost. Right in it we beat holes or cut rows. Later we break it and put it on the bed.

You can mulch with any organic matter, the main thing is that it be.

Experiments have shown that excellent potatoes grow under a thick layer of plant dust and straw. IN last years Zamyatkin grows it that way. He laid out the “seeds” in the garden, filled them with loose organic matter, helped the sprouts to come out if necessary - and completely filled up everything. In August, I lifted the mulch - there are clean tubers under it, at least right into the pan.

And this is what is characteristic: wireworms, larvae Maybug and other carnivores are not found in the mulch. Apparently, they do not risk rising from the soil: too many here are not averse to feasting on them. One way or another, but for many years under the straw all the tubers are clean, without damage. And you dig into the soil - many are gnawed.

The rules for organic mulch are simple. In autumn, cover the soil as early as possible - let it live longer and freeze later. And in the spring, on the contrary, first rake the rough mulch on the paths: let the soil thaw and warm up.

What summer residents do not cover seedlings in order to take root! And it still dries up. Zamyatkin, as always, took a closer look at nature - and there everything has already been invented. The snow has fallen - we sow phacelia. By the time of disembarkation - a covering carpet. Digging holes and planting. Calm, partial shade - seedlings are balding. And frosts threaten - it is easy to throw the film directly on the green manure. The seedlings began to grow, it became crowded - we cut off the green manure and put it like mulch.

Now everything is clear!

Mulch is a multi-story and multifaceted concept. Speaking about the protection of soil and seedlings, it is difficult to draw a clear line between a layer of sawdust, dead turf, dry stalk ... cedar elfin, shrubs, trees. Forests and steppes are the "mulch" of the planet. In the forest floor and turf, woodlice with worms live and swarm, and in the layer of forests, gardens and parks - we are with you. But imagine that your garden and forest is uprooted. “The soil is bare for a month, it dies for a month,” says Zamyatkin.

N. I. Kurdyumov

About life, about life and only about it

The poet sings to the drop.

After all, there is nothing more for a poet to watch,

And nothing more to hover over ...

What is this book about?

This book, like "Smart Garden", is about how to arrange a comfortable, productive and beautiful garden, in which rest and pleasure are the main activities, and routine work and struggle are an insignificant addition.

It is this garden that is normal and natural. Here you control the development of plants confidently and without tension. You, a busy city dweller, come here with pleasure on weekends - not to work hard, but to change the situation, relax and renew your impressions. Here even your loved ones, who are usually looking for an excuse to stay at home, find interest for themselves - it’s enough that you are not obsessed, exhausted and do not strain anyone!

Unlike our traditional gardening, one of the main goals of which is to load a person with work as much as possible, reasonable dacha use seeks to minimize labor and give you a modicum of personal freedom. At the same time, the randomness of the harvest is outlawed, and methods are applied that increase the likelihood of a return of the garden and vegetable garden.

Now the rationality of dacha use is more relevant than ever. It happens that the very awareness of the meaning of the contents of the dacha returns its former interest, resolves problems with relatives, and even greatly improves harmony. family relations. And I have solved many of my problems with the help of intelligent gardening, and I will deal with this most interesting question until I myself learn everything that I write and talk about. And I try to tell only about what I can, what were able or know how other people. They have learned it themselves. We can also learn everything only from our own experience: to be able is to do. But they have spent decades on this, and we, using their experience, can learn faster.

"Smart Garden in Details" is the "Smart Garden" developed and fattened by new information. I am typing the first lines, and already I regret that the book will lose its lightness. But there is too much to say. Accumulated. There will be several new chapters - on the nuances of shaping, on the laws of pruning, on working with mature trees, on growth regulation, on varieties and ways to propagate the desired plants. Old chapters will change to reflect the new experience. There will also be “applied philosophy”, but I will try to be brief and not lose my sense of humor. But in general, any good book should be fun, especially "Usnechology". What is this book about? Of course, about success. About success, whatever one may say, and only about it.

And now I want to introduce myself:


I am Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov, for friends - Nick. I'm already 39 (a nightmare, how the years fly by! Tomorrow should be another end of the world. If only time would stop!) In Timiryazevka, my wife Tatyana Mikhailovna and I studied at the very beginning of the 80s. They lived happily, were engaged in tourism, author's song, photography, music, were interested in psychology and pedagogy; All this is near and dear to us now. Children, it turns out, have already grown up, and very successfully continue this business. Ivan at sixteen is a student at KTU. Julia will finish school at fifteen and is preparing for a music school. Tasya hasn't made up her mind yet, but she has enough energy for all of us put together. We live together, albeit crowded in the village of Azov.

At first I just trimmed the trees. Then I discovered that I needed. Then it became clear that in books and shops - beautiful desired, having nothing in common with the unsightly summer cottage real. Finally, it turned out that the wildness of our dachas is a thing, although introduced by culture, but not at all obligatory.

Productive methods were found for giving, and usnechology was found - technologies of success developed by Ron Hubbard (USA). They turned out to be so practical that it was necessary to develop this direction. What Tanya and I are doing now: I work with large gardens, she works with small ones. At the same time, their owner often interests us more than the garden: after all, he must meaningfully work himself after us.

That's how the profession came to be. You could call yourself a gardener, but a gardener is a master who knows how to masterfully grow everything from peach to radish. In the meantime, without a title, I have to tell and write books for a long time. And to tell about all the good things, to be honest, I love almost more than growing gardens. So now I am a promoter. I write about how best to dacha. And very concerned about the intelligibility of the text of the book. I will try to write as simply as possible, and you, please, try to read without leaving anything incomprehensible to yourself.

Scientific research is to read

a few books that no one has read,

and write another one

Least of all I aspire to write a scientific book, and most of all, a book that is practical, useful, and entertaining. And for a book to be useful, good content is not enough. It is important that it does not contain not a single word whose meaning you did not understand or understood in part, approximately, with difficulty. It is the obscure word that is the reason for the loss of the thread of reasoning. It is the vague words that are the reason why the book is not easy to read, it is uninteresting, annoying, and you feel that you are too illiterate and stupid. Thank God no! You are all right, this is the author, trying to show his colleagues his competence, used the language adopted in their company. It turns out that the book was not written for you. Therefore, I tried to reduce the incomprehensibility of the text to a minimum. There is a glossary at the end of the book. I marked all suspicious words with a + sign and placed them there. Not only terms. It is important that we interpret common (seemingly!) words in the same way. Then you will understand exactly what I wanted to say, and we will not have to argue.

And now you understand the text. It's enough for entertainment. For use, no. To use the book read it in the garden. Find, look at and touch everything mentioned. Create in microvolume, on one tree, on one square meter what needs to be seen. And often watch how it behaves. Then you will have experience- the same hook, without which, with all the efforts, “do not take the fish out of the pond” of your success. Knowledge is just bait!

P.S. A major drawback of the book, which cannot be avoided: there is too much different detailed information in it. Please read it little by little, with long breaks, like several separate little books.

Chapter 1. MEET SUCCESS IS NORMAL (my applied philosophy)

It's not easy to rise above yourself

And hardly everyone can do it.

But that's all, we're that tall.

Which ceiling did you choose?

T. Smirnova

I always take great pleasure in meeting successful ways of life. It is impossible, impossible, and suddenly - there is! Impossible, unthinkable, but here it is! Everyone got used to it, imbued it, sucked in “patience and labor…” with their mother’s milk, and suddenly one took it and didn’t believe it, checked it, thought it over and broke it! - did much better. And after all, nowhere is easier - how did you not think of it before ?! The most interesting thing is what happens next. Then the friends were delighted, the press made a noise, science criticized, and success quietly sank to the bottom. And for major successes often had to fight, and cruelly. Success does not take root in our world. Because the holders of power and science cannot live with people who do not need their control and guardianship. Because if success is spread, the holders of the economy and politics will not be able to sell us anything - their income is based on our inability and helplessness. But success is life itself. Achievements, like seeds, settle, but then germinate. Progress is still taking place, and only because someone once showed that this is both better and simpler.


N. Kurdyumov - Smart garden and cunning garden (N. Kurdyumov)

Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Release year: 2006
Genre: Gardening
Publisher: Rostov n/a: -Vladis
Russian language
Number of pages: 53
Description: In his book, an agronomist, a graduate of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev, connoisseur and master rational use garden and garden N.I. Kurdyumov shares with readers his experience gained over the years of practical activity. The interests of the author are connected with the development of the most effective methods of dacha use, which make it possible to guarantee the harvest and at the same time reduce labor and time costs. The object of the author's attention is a private garden and its owner. The author is convinced that the garden should be a place of rest, and the harvest should be the product of mental rather than physical labor.


Sergey Shershnev


14-03-2018 19:45:38


Garden and garden in the house (Evgeny Popov)

Format: PDF, DjVu, OCR without errors
Author: Evgeny Popov
Release year: 1985
Genre: Garden
Publisher: Children's Literature
Russian language
Number of pages: 110
Description: The author talks about what fruits and vegetables can be grown indoors even in winter and what you need to know for this.


Garden and vegetable garden on the windowsill (Compiled by Zinoviev I)

Author: Compiled by Zinoviev I
Release year: 2017
Genre: Garden
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere

Duration: 02:34:36
Description: To all those who do not have their own suburban area, and I really want to grow goodies and usefulness, we recommend trying to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs and even coffee on a windowsill or balcony. And we will show you how to do it right. Dare! Compiled by Zinovieva I. Expand 01_01_01_Lemon tree 01_01_02_Seedling selection 01_01_03_What is a grafted plant 01_01_04_Planting citrus fruits 0 ...


Garden and garden for the lazy (Paul Trannua)

ISBN: 5-7805-1147-0

Author: Pavel Trannua
Release year: 2006
Genre: Garden
Publisher: AST-Press SKD
Series: 1000 tips from the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: Pavel Trannua, a graduate of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University, a gardener with more than 25 years of experience, wrote an amazing book. Its essence is simple: how to cultivate your garden and garden, so that the work does not seem hard labor, and the results are always pleasing. It turns out that there are simple and effective ways, which will help you, by reducing labor costs several times, to increase the level ...


Frost-resistant garden and vegetable garden: How to beat the climate (Compiled by S. Kalyuzhny)

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Author: Compiled by S. Kalyuzhny
Release year: 2017
Genre: Library gardener and gardener
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Fedosov Stanislav
Duration: 04:59:00
Description: Everyone dreams of a flowering and fruitful garden and vegetable garden, but when we arrive at our site in the spring, we often don’t recognize it, so winter “hosted” it. We will tell you how to survive winter time without loss and protect plantings not only from low temperatures, but also from the burning spring sun, thaw, ice and rodents. You will also learn about the most frost-resistant varieties of...


Garden. Garden. Manor (T. Golovanova, G. Rudakov (comp.))

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Authors: T. Golovanova, G. Rudakov (ed.)
Release year: 1990
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Publisher: Young Guard
Russian language
Number of pages: 290
Description: Gardening, horticulture, construction garden houses more and more citizens are starting to get involved. In a popular, fascinating form, the collection will give a minimum of knowledge on how to grow fruits and vegetables, build various structures on the site. The book contains many drawings and color photographs. Contents To view the book, it is recommended to use the WinDjView program, capable of ...


Newspaper Garden-garden №8

Release year: 2010
Genre: newspaper for summer residents

Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Newspaper for summer residents. Published since 1994. Distributed in the Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov, Voronezh, Saratov regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. Articles and recommendations on gardening, viticulture, horticulture and floriculture for the southern regions of Russia.


Newspaper "Garden-garden" No. 7

Format: PDF, scanned pages
Release year: 2010
Genre: newspaper for summer residents
Publisher: Publishing house "Sad-garden"
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Newspaper for summer residents. Published since 1994. Distributed in the Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov, Voronezh, Saratov regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. Article and recommendations on horticulture, viticulture, horticulture and floriculture for the southern regions of Russia.
Add. Information: To view files in pdf it is recommended to install Adobe Reader


Collected works of N.I. Kostomarov / Collected works of N.I. Kostomarov. In 8 books, 21 volumes (N.I. Kostomarov)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Kostomarov N.I.
Year of issue: 1903
Genre: Historical monographs
Publisher: M.M. Stasyulevich Printing House
Language: Russian (pre-reform)
Number of books: 7 out of 8
Description: The collected works of N.I. Kostomarov are the most complete edition of the works of the Russian and Ukrainian historian Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov (1817-1885) to this day.
Add. Information: Collected Works consists of 8 books and 21 volumes. Each book consists of 3 or 2 volumes. 7 books out of 8 were submitted in the distribution. Book 6 (volumes 15-16) is missing. Book 8 comes in two versions. "Ruin. Mazepa. Mazepins. ...


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Year of issue: 1951
Genre: ethnography, history
Publisher: AN SSSR
Russian language
Number of pages: 285
Description: This work is devoted to the problem of ethnic territories and ethnic boundaries. It would seem quite obvious that in order to study any people, tribe, ethnic group, it is necessary first of all to establish in what territory they live, and to determine the exact boundaries of their habitat. However, such a “completely obvious” situation runs into significant difficulties for


Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
Author: Kushner P.I. (responsible ed.)
Released: 1958
Genre: history, ethnography
Publisher: Moscow. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Russian language
Number of pages: 283
Description: The book "Viryatino village in the past and present" is dedicated to the history of the Russian collective farm village, one of the oldest in the Tambov region. The study, based on extensive field and archival material, shows the forms of economic activity, life, dwellings, clothes and customs of peasants before the Great October Socialist Revolution and indigenous...


Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Averkieva Yu. P.
Released: 1961
Genre: Ethnography, history
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 273
Description: The monograph explores the features social order Indian tribes of the Northwest coast of North America. Particular attention is paid to social institutions, which contributed to the gradual destruction of primitive communal relations and the development of social differentiation. Sample Pages Table of Contents Introduction The northern group of tribes (Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshia...


Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
Author: Dolgikh B.O.
Released: 1960
Genre: monograph, ethnography, history
Publisher: Izd-vo AN SSSR
Russian language
Number of pages: 662
Description: The main task of this work, as its title shows, is to establish the tribal and tribal composition of the indigenous population of Siberia in the 17th century, that is, by the time the Russians arrived in this country. Since the indigenous population of Siberia at that time was in its bulk, at the stage of the patriarchal-tribal system and therefore consisted of clans ...


Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Ivanov M.S. (responsible ed.)
Released: 1963
Genre: collection of articles, ethnography
Publisher: Oriental Literature Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 175
Description: The collection is devoted to the problems of the ethnogenesis of the peoples of the Front
Asia: Turks, Bakhtiars, Yuryuks and Turkmens. Linguistic issues are also being explored: the formation of the Afghan national language. ContentsM. G. Aslanov. On the formation of the Afghan national language. D. E. Eremeev. The origin of the Yuryuk...

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay
Author: Bunak V.V. (responsible ed.)
Released: 1965
Genre: ethnography, anthropology, archeology
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 414 Scanned and processed by Folkvald, post-processed by Ruthen, 2011.
Description: A fundamental monograph on the physical anthropology of the Russian people, summarizing and summarizing the results of the Russian anthropological expedition of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences led by V.V. Bunak 1955-1959, which marked the beginning in our country of the most complete and widest study...

but I

studio classic. Roman rule in the East: Rome and Cilicia (II century BC - 74 AD) (Abramson M.G.)

ISBN: 5-93762-045-3
Serie: Studio Classica
Format: PDF, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Abramzon M.G.
Release year: 2005
Genre: Ancient world. Antiquity
Publisher: "Akra", IC "Humanitarian Academy"
Russian language
Number of pages: 256
Description: The book of the Russian scholar of antiques, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. G. Abramzon is the first detailed study in modern historiography devoted to more than two hundred years of the organization of the Roman province in one of the regions of Asia Minor - Cilicia. In the period from the II century. BC e. according to the 1st century n. e. ...
