Fertilizing trees and shrubs in spring is one of the components of a high yield. It should be produced taking into account the age of the plantations, the quality of the soil and the availability of irrigation. Three whales of fertilizers for fruit bushes and trees are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Types of fertilizers

Top dressing of trees and shrubs in early spring is carried out either with mineral or organic matter.

They are divided into simple and complex. The difference between them is how many components are included in their composition. If one, then these are simple mineral fertilizers, two or more are complex. They are also divided into groups according to the main component in the composition - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The basis of organic fertilizers is rotted organic matter - manure, manure, compost and green manures.

Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers

Top dressing and shrubs in early spring with mineral fertilizers requires a careful approach. The main thing in this type of fertilizer is the measure, otherwise you can harm not only the plant, but also the earth and people.

Nitrogen fertilizers include:

  • This substance acidifies the soil and does not dissolve well in it, so it is better to apply it in the fall. To improve the properties, you can add 1.5 kg of lime to 1 kg of ammonium sulfate.
  • Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is an instant substance. The action is fast and effective on non-acidic soils. Plants absorb it well and react to it. If the soil itself is acidified, then it is better to dilute ammonium nitrate with limestone flour in a 1: 1 ratio. This will neutralize the acidity. This type of fertilizer can be applied both in spring and autumn at the rate of 150-200 kg per hectare, if this is the main component, and 100-150 kg per hectare in the form of top dressing.
  • Another effective top dressing of trees and shrubs in the spring is urea (urea). This fertilizer is highly concentrated and very effective in increasing yields. It can be applied directly under the rhizomes fruit bushes and trees at the time of loosening the soil or through watering, if using the liquid form of the concentrate.

The main requirement that should be observed when using nitrogen fertilizers is compliance with the instructions for use, proper dosing and safety precautions during storage and application to the soil.

Top dressing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers help plants adapt to external environment, make them frost-resistant and strong. They also affect the quantity and quality of the crop.

Phosphorus fertilizers should be applied deeper into the ground, as they are poorly absorbed, and it is recommended to do this in early spring when digging the soil for the first time. The most popular phosphorus additives are superphosphate (which is based on sulfur, gypsum) and phosphorus flour, which is used on acidic soils.

Superphosphate is in greater demand because of its rapid absorption by the roots of trees and shrubs. When planting seedlings, it is enough to add from 400 to 600 g of superphosphate to each planting hole. For adults, the feeding rate is 40-60 g per 1 m 2 of the trunk circle.

The property of phosphate fertilizers is the rapid growth of the plant and the development of a powerful root system. You can also note qualitative changes in the taste of berries and fruits and the amount of the crop.

It is better not to use potash fertilizers in their pure form, but dilute them with zinc, iron or nitrogen substances. The most popular type of potash fertilizer is potassium sulphate, which does not contain chlorine and sodium harmful to plants.

Top dressing of trees and shrubs in spring with potash fertilizers provides good harvest. The lack of potassium in the soil affects the size of the fruits and their taste. Potassium sulphate can be applied to any type of soil at a dosage for top dressing of 20-25 g per 1 m 2. The best effect is given by a mixture of phosphate fertilizers with potash fertilizers.

Top dressing of seedlings

The quantity and quality of fertilizers depends solely on the composition of the soil, but top dressing garden trees and shrubs in the spring, especially before planting seedlings, is required.

The presence of phosphorus in the soil is especially important for seedlings, since it is he who affects their growth and rapid adaptation. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be laid before the seedlings are planted.

It is best to do this in a layer deeper than the hole, under a tree or bush. It is also important that fertilizers are immediately laid in large quantities, with the expectation of several years. Fertilizing trees and shrubs with phosphorus in spring is important only for young trees, as it stimulates their rapid growth.

Other fertilizers for trees younger than two years old can be omitted only if the soil has not previously been completely depleted. Otherwise, it should first be carefully fertilized and restored, and only then lay the garden.

Feeding with organic matter

Organic fertilizers are natural and natural for trees and shrubs. They began to be used long before the chemical industry appeared. They enrich and improve the composition of the soil without harm to it.

Fertilizing trees and shrubs in spring with manure is the most common procedure for summer residents. This is the most affordable and cheapest type of top dressing with a full range of components necessary for plants - boron, manganese, cobalt, copper and molybdenum. Horse manure and bird droppings are considered the best for feeding trees and shrubs. They are the most complete with essential trace elements for plant growth and high yields. Most often, a liquid form of fertilizing fruit and berry crops is used.

To obtain a solution, any container is half filled with manure, and poured with water on top, after which they should be thoroughly mixed. After a month, the resulting mixture can be used at the rate of 1 liter per 6-8 liters of water. If the soil is dry, then the solution should be made more liquid. A thicker fertilizer composition is applied to moist soil.

If it is planned to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in April, then, accordingly, a solution should be laid in March.

Top dressing with compost

Peat and humus are types of organic fertilizers that can be used both independently and in the form of compost. Compost is made from manure, peat or various waste - food or fallen leaves and tops. These are fermented plant residues, which were artificially prepared during the year. To do this, you need to choose a place that does not flood with water, and put all the components mixed with the ground there.

As the compost heap grows, it should be moistened so that rotting takes place more intensively. It is recommended to cover the compost with a black film, which does not allow moisture to evaporate and at the same time attracts the heat of the sun. For better decay, plant waste and manure can be sprinkled with layers of slaked lime, and in order to have access to oxygen, layers of branches and straw are used, which allow the compost to “breathe”.

The finished composition can be used after 1-2 years. This is the purest and most useful fertilizer, which has a great effect on both the plants themselves and the ground.

Feeding stone fruit trees

For the quality development and growth of stone fruit trees, good nutrition is extremely important. Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in March is the key to a good harvest, as this helps plants to quickly move away from hibernation.

It is very convenient to give the first portion of fertilizer when there is still snow under the trees. As it melts, nutrients will enter the soil and feed the roots. If the stone fruit tree is young, then it is better to start top dressing in the 2nd year of its growth. To do this, it is enough to use urea at the rate of 20 g / 1 m 2. It should only be applied in the spring. In autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be added.

When stone fruit trees - cherries, plums, apricots and others - enter the fruiting season, up to 10 kg of manure or compost, 20-25 g of urea, 60 g of simple or 30 g of double superphosphate and 200 g of wood ash per square meter should be applied.

Feeding pome trees

For pome trees, the best fertilizer in April will be nitrogen substances that stimulate the growth of their shoots. If the tree gives a weak harvest, then it is additionally recommended to add urea in the ratio of 5 g / 1 m 2 of the near-stem circle. For adult trees, top dressing is carried out around the perimeter of the entire crown.

It is very useful to use the aisles in the garden for sowing cultivated grasses such as meadow fescue and others. They should be mowed as they grow and left under the trees. In this case, you can not fertilize the garden with organic matter, but add only mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizing berry bushes

In order for the berry plant to give good yields, the land should be prepared and fertilized in advance. For example, black currants need moist places, while raspberries, red currants and gooseberries need well-lit, warm areas of the garden.

Bookmarking the soil fertilizers should be done plentifully. Manure, humus or compost is applied at the rate of 500 kg per 100 m 2. Of the mineral fertilizers, phosphorus and potash are suitable for berry crops.

If the laying of the berry was carried out correctly, then the next couple of years, you can significantly reduce the top dressing of the soil.

One of the most important components of garden care is the spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring. Without this, it is impossible to achieve an attractive appearance of ornamental plants, as well as a bountiful harvest. fruit crops. Remember that proper feeding of shrubs and trees in spring is not only able to saturate the plant with additional elements, but also support and improve its chemical and mechanical properties.

Feed composition

During the growing season, a tree repeatedly changes its need for nutrients. It is in early spring, during the beginning period, that it is necessary to be saturated with potassium, a little less - with nitrogen and phosphorus. During the flowering period and during its end, the tree needs nitrogen. At this time, there is an intensive growth of shoots. After that, plants need phosphorus.

And shrubs are needed. But before proceeding with this procedure, you should take into account all the features of each type of tree. For example, conifers require significantly less nitrogen than apple and other deciduous trees. After all, conifers do not need to grow fallen leaves again. It is also known that in fruit trees, with high yields and over time, nutrients are washed out of the soil.

The amount of nutrients that are contained in the soil (phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.) directly depends on the concentration of humus that is in it. In sandy soil, its content is minimal, compared with loam or clay. The content of potassium is directly related to the mechanical composition of the soil. Its content in the sand is also minimal.

During spring feeding, all this must be taken into account.

Feeding in March

Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in spring should begin in March. Fertilizers must be applied directly to the snow that melts. It is very comfortable. After all, it will become easier to walk on the snow, and over time, it will pull fertilizer into the soil with it.

Soluble pre-mineral mixtures must be scattered into the near-stem circle with a handful (approximately 30-40 grams). For young trees, only one or two handfuls can be used. For mature trees, you need to use more fertilizer (two to five).

Top dressing of young fruit trees and shrubs in spring should be evenly distributed over the diameter should be more than 1.5 m. For older trees, fertilizer should be scattered around the perimeter of the entire crown. In this zone, the largest number of roots are located, which actively carry out absorption. But if the trees are located on a sloping site, such fertilization should not be carried out. They will quickly be washed away by meltwater, which often does not linger on the slopes. The same can happen in the case of heavily frozen soil and a large amount of snow.

Feeding in April

Remember that you can only make snow with snow In April, when the snow finally melts, phosphorus and potassium must be added to the soil. For this, superphosphate, ash and potassium sulfate are used. When choosing fertilizers, pay attention to the composition. Indeed, for example, complex mixtures should not be used in April, because they consist of a large amount of nitrogen. In this case, you can significantly exceed the content of this element in the soil. This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in plant viability and provoke the development of various fungal diseases.

Most often, two feeding options are used:

  • in March, nitrogen fertilizers are used, and in April - phosphorus and potash fertilizers;
  • use complex spring fertilizers both in March and in April.

Feeding in May

In May, you should also take care of the plants. Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in spring, in May, involves the use of rotted manure or mature compost. If you don't have organics on hand, you can use a complex mineral mixture in which the nitrogen content is slightly exceeded. In May, the dose of fertilizer application also depends on the soil and its fertility. The maximum dose should be used for wood-podzolic types of soils, the minimum - for chernozem, and the average - for forest sulfur.

Top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring is quite effective when using fertilizer-soaked mulch, which covers the tree trunks. It becomes an effective top dressing, especially if straw, compost or rotten leaves are poured into it.

tree fertilizer

Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in early spring, together with organic and mineral fertilizers, is ideal for fruit and deciduous crops. But this scheme is completely unacceptable for evergreens. Such will have an undesirable effect on them.

Indeed, these mixtures contain sufficiently large amounts of nitrogen, which causes the active growth of new shoots. And not every tree can withstand such an action. Manure is also not used for these types of trees.

For coniferous plants it is best to use special fertilizers that are designed for feeding conifers. They have a completely different composition of the main trace elements. Such fertilizers contain a large number of substances, among which magnesium must be present. From organic matter, it is better to use biohumus and rotted compost.

Remember that using spring fertilizer needed only for old coniferous trees. For such breeds, remember: let better wood will be without feeding than overfeeding him.

What do you need to know?

Spring feeding of fruit trees and bushes has some rules that every gardener should remember!

1. The fastest way for a tree to absorb fertilizer is in liquid form.

2. Fertilizing seedlings is necessary only after full rooting.

3. Each top dressing should be carried out in cloudy weather or late in the evening.

4. Dry fertilizers should be applied either before watering or immediately after it. An exception is the March dressing, which is applied over melting snow.

Remember that liquid fertilizers should only be applied to moist soil. If you do not follow this rule, then the root system of the tree may get burned. They, in turn, can lead to a long-term disease of the plant or even to its death.

Shrub fertilizer

Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in spring will allow you to get a good harvest. The first top dressing should be carried out during the formation of new shoots (up to approximately 2 cm).

If potash, phosphorus, and organic fertilizers, then in the spring it is necessary to use only nitrogen. In the root zone it is necessary to add:

  • Ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • Calcium nitrate - 35-40 g;
  • Urea - 12-15 g.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with organic matter should be carried out if fertilizers have already been applied in the autumn. To do this, dilute manure with water in a bucket and add 1 table there. a spoonful of urea. Under each plant, it is necessary to introduce such a bucket of top dressing of 2-3 liters. Remember that immediately after such top dressing, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering of the plant. The second top dressing in the same way should be carried out in two weeks. We also carry out the third dressing.

If you do not have access to organic fertilizers, you can replace them with mineral fertilizers. Such a fertilizer must be prepared independently from a bucket of water, 25 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium sulfate. Such a bucket is designed for 2-3 bushes. After fertilizing, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly.

Remember that the holes under the bushes should be no more than 60 cm in diameter and 10 cm deep. After fertilization and abundant watering, the holes must be covered with earth or mulched with peat.

For the growth and nutrition of our garden wards after wintering, the element nitrogen is needed, which, if it was in the soil, was washed out of it by rains into deeper layers during the fall and winter, carried away with melting snow. Therefore, in the spring there is a need to feed the trees in the garden, and with what and how - let's break the process down.

Fertilization methods

Nitrogen supplements can be delivered to their destination in a variety of ways.

  • Spraying - foliar spring top dressing
  • root feeding; it is carried out by introducing fertilizer elements into the soil in a liquid or solid state.

Regarding the age of the tree, we must know how and where to properly bring food so that it reaches its goal. If the seedling is small. then you need to fertilize the entire near-trunk circle.

In an adult tree, the suction roots are located approximately in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe projection of the crown onto the ground and beyond this border, and top dressing must be applied there.

The liquid form of application is more preferable. since in more ensures that the food is digested quickly. it is poured over previously watered soil. to avoid being burned by the fertilizer solution.

Dry minerals are loosened into the soil. then watering is done. Just
it makes no sense to scatter the granules over the surface - the nitrogen will evaporate from them, not
having reached the goal.

An overdose of nitrogen is no longer desirable. than its disadvantage. Because of it, fruit trees can grow to the detriment of fruiting, and they will not be well prepared for winter.

Feeding trees is not carried out every spring, it depends on the nature of the soil (they feed less often on clay), autumn fertilization, how the tree felt in the previous season, on the amount of last year's crop, how much it lost during this time nutrition.

When, how and what to feed

The first feeding of fruit is carried out in early to mid-April, when the buds are only
begin to swell, and the snow has melted. There is no point in throwing pellets on the snow,
the roots will not receive nitrogen. However, when using this method, there is a risk that nitrogen-fed plants will tolerate them worse during return frosts.

Many gardeners advise to carry out such an operation during the period of leaf blooming or the beginning of flowering.

What fertilizer is best to use? It can be organic - compost,
manure. humus or mineral additives: urea, ammonium nitrate, sulfate

Along the perimeter of the crown, a furrow is made with a depth of half the bayonet of a shovel, the above compositions are introduced there. For mineral additives, the norms are indicated on the packages.

At the present time, the ground under fruit trees is often not dug up. A
planted lawn grasses or just mow. How to fertilize in such

On my site, along the edge of the trunk circle, trimmings of old
water pipes about 25 cm long (the more, the better). They rise slightly above ground level. This is where nutrient solutions are poured.

The trunk circle of the old Antonovka was mulched with black spunbond, pipes were dug under it along the line of projection of the ends of the branches. Shade-loving hosts also feel great there.

If you make a solution, then 10 liters will require 1 tablespoon of urea, or 3 tbsp.
complex fertilizer. or azofoski, nitrofoski. In order for more potassium to be present, it is good to add half a glass of ash, and if we take urea, then a whole glass.

The presence of potassium will make the fruit more sugary. Instead of ashes, you can put a spoon
potassium sulfate.

Organic matter is placed at the rate of 20-30 kg of humus per mature tree.
By the way, if you add compost along the perimeter of the crown every 2-3 years, other "treats"
not required.

It is very useful to treat with slurry: dilute and infuse last year's cow or horse manure for two weeks in a barrel with a closed lid (ratio 1:5), stirring occasionally. Dilute 1:2 before use. The norm for an adult tree is 5 buckets.

It is good to feed with liquid fertilizers, for example, manure "compote".
To prepare it, I take a bucket of rotted manure, two buckets of weeded grass,
half-liter jar of old jam, a glass of wood ash. I put everything in a 100-liter barrel, fill it with water, close the lid. The composition ferments for about two weeks, so you need to take care of its preparation in advance. Then I take a liter of compote, plant it in a bucket of water and fertilize. An adult tree needs 5 to 10 buckets. In addition to nitrogen, this composition will provide potassium and trace elements.

Foliar processing has two goals:

  • Feed as fast as possible
  • Protect from pests and diseases (details in the next article).

Through the leaves, nutrition is absorbed much faster, so we feed the fruit, especially when the root system cannot provide nutrition for the buds and leaves in early spring, and when flowering occurs, the formation of ovaries.

These can be fertilizer special mixtures with trace elements in their composition,
complex, for example, "Kemira-Lux", boric acid, potassium permanganate. Very fit
preparations "Uniflor-growth" and "Uniflor-buton", where microelements are contained in
easily digestible form.

It must be remembered that for such processing it is necessary to take lower concentrations of solutions (5-10 times) than with the root one. All work should be carried out in dry weather after sunset.

Spraying is not an alternative to root nutrition, but can greatly help fruit trees in difficult times, support their immunity.

Spring feeding for shrubs is carried out similarly to the methods described above for fruit trees, only the dosage changes.

Please watch a very useful video on fertilizing in the spring:

For high fruitfulness of your garden, it is necessary to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in the spring. Plantations are fed with fertilizers. The main components in the development of trees are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When using these types of fertilizers, plantings are saturated with oxygen and useful substances necessary for the activation of vegetation processes. Especially top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs is necessary in the spring, when they wake up and need protection and help.

Fertilizers for fruit trees and shrubs in spring: their types

Many summer residents and gardeners are wondering: How to fertilize trees in spring? To do this, you need to know what kind of fertilizers they need. The need of fruit trees and shrubs for certain elements necessary for nutrition and development varies, depending on the vegetation processes. In the spring, plantings need. Phosphorus and nitrogen are necessary for the formation of fruits.

The feeding process itself is carried out with organic or mineral substances. We present them below:

  1. Organic fertilizers are humus (compost, litter, manure, peat), when used, the soil is enriched with vitamins.
  2. - are divided into simple, when they include one component, and complex, which, in turn, contain several. Their basis is phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Organic - natural fertilizers for plantings. Their main function is to improve the composition of the soil. They do no harm. Feeding trees is a fairly popular method. They contain trace elements necessary for growth - copper, manganese, cobalt and others. Compost, as one of the types of fertilizers, is quite a universal remedy. It can be: 1. humus and - as independent components; 2. and a mixture of tops, leaves, and fermented organic residues with the ground.

It is important to observe the dosage, proportions and safety precautions. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for use, so as not to harm either yourself or the plant.

Potassium fertilizers , must be used diluted (diluted with iron, zinc). The most commonly used remedy is potassium sulphate. The correct dosage will enrich the tree or shrub with the necessary elements, which will provide them with good fruits. When mixing potash and phosphate fertilizers, the best effect is achieved.

Phosphoric , help with adaptation of plantings to environmental factors, which makes them strong and resistant to frost. They must be introduced into the ground deeper in the spring, so that the roots absorb the product as much as possible. This is necessary for the root system, as a result - good quality and quantity of fruits.

Properly selected and used fertilizer for fruit trees and shrubs in spring will not only enrich them with the components and substances necessary for nutrition, but also improve soil properties, which will ensure a good harvest.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs begins with the introduction of nitrogen-containing elements into the soil. In order to saturate the plant with vitamins and trace elements, you can use either ammonium nitrate. The process of feeding through the root will occur in stages and gradually. Microelements and vitamins introduced into the soil, with precipitation, will sink to the roots and absorb them.

Each plantation has its own system, the so-called feeding, with the necessary substances. Thanks to this, you can find out how to feed fruit trees and shrubs in the spring.

Spring care for the apple tree begins in April. When the first leaves are visible, you can start the feeding process using nitrogen-containing mixtures - humus, urea or ammonium nitrate. They are brought into the near-trunk circles of the tree. These substances activate the vegetative processes. Fertilizers are applied to the soil when it is dug up or loosened. In this case, the root of the tree is fed.

The pear also needs vitamins and microelements in the spring. It is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, urea, and also chicken manure.

It is necessary to introduce chicken manure in a small amount, otherwise there is a risk of burning the trunk and roots of the tree.

When mixing saltpeter with water, it is important to observe the proportions of 1: 0.5. Every year in the spring, the amount of fertilizer used should be increased, as the tree itself grows and grows.

Before the cherry begins to bloom, you need to feed it. Since there are still few leaves on the tree at the beginning of spring, it is during this period that liquid fertilizers should be applied. This will enrich the tree, even before flowering, with all the substances necessary for nutrition.

It is advisable to apply liquid fertilizers periodically if there is a small amount of precipitation. Chicken manure, nitrogen and organics mixed together are also suitable.

Experienced gardeners and summer residents know that shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries are also important and need top dressing in the spring. They should be fertilized like this:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • a mixture of ash with urea;
  • ecofoskoy;
  • a mixture of several types of fertilizers.

Fertilization in the spring under fruit trees and shrubs is an important factor in the formation of fruits and their normal development. Digging up and loosening the soil, annually, leads to weathering of the earth. Therefore, not only plantations, but also the soil need to be fed. Mineral and organic fertilizers feed and enrich the soil and trees with essential substances. This is necessary not only for the growth and fruitfulness of plants, but also to improve the composition of the soil.

Top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs begins in the spring, before the flowering process. During this period, plantings are weakened and need initial care. The root system needs feeding. This is achieved by applying fertilizers to the soil. The very process of feeding fruit trees and shrubs is the first step to a good harvest.

Rules for fertilizing fruit trees - video

Gardeners know that in order to get a bountiful harvest in the fall, it is necessary to properly feed shrubs and trees in the spring. Trees, shrubs and plants constantly receive from the soil the nutrients they need to grow and develop. But over time, the soil under them becomes poorer and poorer. This leads to a decrease in yield.

Even if you have already fertilized the soil in the autumn, this does not mean at all that this is no longer necessary in the spring. The fact is that snow leaches important substances from it, especially nitrogen. In addition, trees and shrubs are actively growing in spring, so it is important for them to get this extra help.

How to feed trees and bushes in spring?

  1. Manure or bird droppings - helps to enrich the soil with all the necessary substances, as well as improve the permeability of moisture and air.
  2. Compost is plant debris that has begun to rot. It can improve the absorption of important minerals, but care must be taken to ensure that the compost is properly rotted.
  3. Slurry - to obtain, mix water and manure in a large container in a ratio of 3: 1. Leave to wander. Before fertilizing the soil, add another bucket of water to 1 liter of manure.

Mineral fertilizers are considered:

There are also a number of microfertilizers, which include a set of the most important substances for plants - zinc, boron, manganese, iron, copper, sulfur.

Top dressing of trees and shrubs: when to carry out?

In the spring, it is necessary, first of all, to fertilize nitrogen-containing agents. Many gardeners believe that it is best to do this at a time when the snow begins to melt. It is recommended to pour the preparations in circles (at least 50 cm in diameter, but better across the entire width of the crown) under the trunks of trees and shrubs directly on the snow.

Melt water quickly seeps into the soil, dissolving nitrogen in itself and nourishing the plants. This method is undesirable while the snow layer is still too thick or there is frozen ground under it. If the mixture is left in the air for a long time, then most of the nitrogen will erode.

Many summer residents are of the opinion that it is necessary to fertilize the soil in spring only after the plant has already fully woken up after hibernation and the first buds appear on the branches. Whenever you decide to fertilize, it is worth remembering to follow the correct dosage. If you pour too much nitrogen, it will lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Second time top dressing orchard should be held in April, when most trees and shrubs are in bloom. In order for them to grow and develop normally, it is recommended to add to the soil phosphorus and potassium. But at the same time, these components are better not to make. First, add a little phosphorus, and after a while, potassium.

The third top dressing is carried out after the plants have stopped blooming. At this time, it is better to use organic fertilizers. They should be laid in specially prepared recesses, dug up and mixed with the ground. If the soil in your garden is fertile, there is no need to fertilize with organic matter more than once a year.

The main types of perennial fertilizers

To ensure that your garden is fully supplied with all the necessary minerals and nutrients feeding is recommended in two ways:

  1. Root feeding - watering is carried out under the trunk so that the substances enter the soil.
  2. Foliar - branches are sprayed.

Both the first and second methods are effective. If timely and correctly carry out gravy and spraying, trees and bushes will bloom more abundantly, grow faster and bear fruit better.

Foliar top dressing of fruit trees in spring: features

In the spring, you can use more than just root fertilizer to improve the growth of your garden. Also gives excellent results foliar top dressing . Take a small amount of the leftover groundbait mixture and make a weak solution out of it. They need to carefully spray the entire crown of a tree or shrub.

The leaves perfectly absorb all substances., so the tree or shrub gets minerals faster. Gardeners call this method emergency assistance. It is used when it is necessary to stimulate the growth of shoots or when the trunk or root system has been damaged. For this method, both organic products and minerals are perfect. Microfertilizers also give a pretty good result.

If you want the fruits to have a sufficient amount of calcium, it is necessary to spray the fruit trees with a 4% Bordeaux mixture in the spring. She will also become excellent protection for wood from insect attacks and some diseases. Just remember: so that there are no burns of the bark and leaves, the solutions must be very weak.

To spray the crown of apple or pear trees, a solution of zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate with water (ratio of 0.2 g of substance per 1 liter of liquid) is suitable. If you use two elements at once, then their dosage should be halved. It is better to spray the crown of cherry plum, cherry, apricot and plum with urea in early spring (it must be diluted in water in a ratio of 50 g of urea per 10 liter of water). You need to spray several times with an interval of 7 days. If you want to get a more effective result, try to alternate the foliar and root method of fertilizing.

Top dressing of trees in the spring: what is the norm?

It is very important to correctly set the norm for one tree. If there is not enough top dressing, then you will not get the result, and if there is too much, you can burn the tree. Therefore, it is very important to remember the dosage of drugs.

What to consider when calculating the dosage for one tree?

  1. How often and how much do you water your plants. If the plantations receive enough moisture, then the dosage of top dressing can be higher.
  2. When you are cutting. Immediately after pruning, you should slightly increase the proportion of fertilizer so that the plant recovers faster.
  3. What is the composition of fertilizers.

Urea as a way to fertilize shrubs and trees

Urea is mineral fertilizer, excellent source of nitrogen which stimulates plant growth. Therefore, this method is most often used in the spring, when the plants move away from winter. For feeding, you can use ready solution or scatter pellets under trunks or plants. Urea is actively used for spraying strawberries, some fruit trees (cherries, apples, plums), raspberries, black currants.

Spring feeding of young trees

It is not recommended to apply any kind of fertilizer under too young seedlings. It is best to start feeding from the second year of the plant's life. Young trees in springtime need both organic as well as mineral funds.

During the first loosening of the soil after the snow melts, it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen-containing mixtures. Manure and urea should be diluted in water (300 g of urea or 4 liters of liquid manure for 10 liters of liquid). Remember that under one young tree you will have to spend at least 5 liters of the funds received. If you use humus, remember that a tree that has been growing for no more than 5 years should receive about 20 kg of this fertilizer in the spring. Liquid top dressing can only be introduced into moist soil so as not to damage the root system.

Remember that the first few years you will not notice much effect from top dressing. This is fine. You will only see results when the tree begins to bear fruit.

How to fertilize fruit trees in spring?

Apple trees in the spring are most in need of mineral and organic nutrition. If your apple tree is more than 5 years old, but not yet 10 years old, for its growth it is necessary to make at least 30 kg of humus annually. Trees after 10 years need up to 50 kg of humus.

Pear dressing is similar to apple, but slightly different from it. The pear needs more humus. It must be mixed in the spring during the digging of the soil. While the tree is not yet four years old, up to 20 kg of humus can be used. But every year this figure must be increased by 10 kg.

Cherries and cherries at the age of 4-5 years need to add humus every spring, scattering it around the post (diameter not less than 0.5 m and layer up to 4 cm). Trees from five years old need humus every three years.

Under a six-year-old cherry plum or plum, up to 10 kg of humus should be added. If the tree is already more than six years old, the amount of fertilizer is increased to 20 kg.

Apricots are fed more than once in the spring. First, nitrogen-containing agents are used, then organics.

How to fertilize shrubs in spring?

As soon as the snow melts, the bushes need to be fed with nitrogen-containing products (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate). A little later, you can feed the shrubs with potash or phosphate mixtures.

Most in drink potassium preparations needs a gooseberry. He also needs foliar top dressing with manganese sulfate, potassium sulfate, boric acid.

In the spring, raspberries should be fertilized with liquid mixtures of minerals. Organic raspberries need to be fed every three years.

Currants need to be fed several times. First, before flowering itself, using nitrogen and organic preparations. Then the fertilizer should be repeated after a few weeks. When the berries begin to set, you can use ready-made mixtures for shrubs. Thanks to this, you can improve the taste of the fruit.

Top dressing of the orchard in the spring: useful tips

Every gardener should know some features of spring garden dressing:

  1. Chemicals are carried from the soil to the roots by liquid, so if you are using a dry fertilizer, you need to water the plant generously.
  2. Even liquid top dressing is not recommended to be applied to dry ground, as the root system can be damaged.
  3. In the first year of life, garden crops do not need to be fed.
  4. Fertilizer is more effective if carried out in the evening.
  5. When feeding, keep in mind that in an adult tree, the root system can deviate from the crown border by 50 cm.
