Throughout history, we have composed mythological tales and endowed magical powers with virtually everything under the Sun. Nevertheless, trees are perhaps one of the most logical candidates for attributing such qualities. Because the trees are full life force, live much longer than people, and tower over almost all life on Earth.

10. Kalpavriksha (Kalpa Tree)

'Kalpavriksha', also known as 'kalpataru', is a wish tree, however its mythology is much more complex. Kalpavriksha is not just one specific tree in Indian mythology - it is a whole spiritual concept. However, wish fulfillment may not be the most direct translation, as the meaning of the tree is not to be a genie who can grant your every wish. Kalpavrikshas are worshiped because people believe they are connected with the divine.

Even Alexander the Great went in search of these trees in the hope that his wishes would come true. Like many people, he was attracted by the idea of ​​​​obtaining without any effort all the earthly blessings that he could only wish for. There are many trees in India that are considered more or less sacred, depending on the claims that people have made about whether their wishes have been granted. Many of these trees are still frequented by people, and people leave gifts at these trees in the hope of gaining the favor of the gods. One tree in India is believed to have the power to help people in court, and those who go to a nearby court often pray to the tree before doing so.

9. Eternal Banyan Tree

The banyan is the type of tree under which the Buddha sat, according to some legends, but its mythological significance is much deeper. While banyans are real trees, there are many beliefs about their magical nature that persist to this day. One story tells of a father who sent his son to pick fruit from a tree and look at the seeds inside. He then told the boy to open one of the seeds and tell him what he saw inside. The boy said that he did not see anything, and his father explained that out of this nothing came the banyan tree.

In this story, he uses this as a lesson to explain how much life and greatness can come from so little. However, the tree has truly mythical powers beyond its stunning size. Many people are still convinced that the banyan roots never stop growing, they grow down deep into the Earth and lead to a real eternal tree. Just like a phoenix rises from the ashes, according to legend, a felled banyan tree will use its powerful roots deep underground to return to its former glory.

8. Nariphon

One of the strangest folk tales ever told comes from Thailand and tells of something called Narifon. Legend has it that the prince's wife was exiled to the Himvanti forest, where she stumbled upon trees that grew very strange fruits - miniature women. According to the legends, these trees were supposed to protect our heroine during her travels through the forests, because women were immune to their magic. However, according to legend, these trees were very dangerous for men.

If a man cut down Narifon, or plucked a fruit woman from its branches, and then had sex with her, he became sterile. If he had any magical abilities, then he also lost them. The strangest part of the legend is that these fruit girls are described in many stories, and their body length is about 20 centimeters, so even if you strain your imagination, it is quite difficult to imagine how a man could do it.

7. Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil is an ancient Scandinavian tree of life, and a very important part of the stories about the god Odin. According to the myths, Odin hoped to gain more wisdom, so he went on a journey on his horse, Sleipnir. In the course of the action, in which there are several parallels with the story of Christ, Odin hanged himself on the world tree, and hung on it for a total of nine days and nine nights. Odin was also pierced by a spear, although in this myth he inflicts injury on himself. The myths also say that after much testing, Odin was still able to obtain the wisdom he sought from magical runes.

In some stories, the tree of life is more than just a symbolic tree from which Odin hanged himself. Most likely, it is also an interpretation of the heavens themselves. It is sometimes described with an eagle at the top, which was associated with Odin, and a snake at the bottom, which represented the underworld.

6. Jinmenju

While the fruit girls of Thai folklore are a bit weird, they still have a certain innocence to them. However, their Japanese cousin, Jimmenju, is much more difficult to handle. In myths, these trees grow in mountainous areas, usually very rarely and far from a place where anyone could confirm their existence. What makes these trees unique is that their fruits are actually human faces. These faces laugh when people pass by, and would probably make an ordinary person run without looking back in the opposite direction.

Luckily, Jimmenju don't actually attack people, and if you laugh at a tree, the fruit will shake and fall to the ground. If you have a burning desire to taste a human face and you can find one of these mythological trees, you are in luck, because according to the legends, the taste of the heads resembles the taste of citrus fruits.

5. Zakkum (Tree Of Zaqqum)

Zakkum is mentioned several times in the Quran and is said to exist only in Hell. It contains very bitter fruits that are fed to people in hell who ask for something to eat. It is believed that this demonic tree is powered directly from the flames of hellfire. Passages from the Qur'an explain that when the inhabitants of hell begin to go mad with hunger, they have no choice but to eat the foul-smelling fruit from Zakkum.

But that's not all: after the damned inhabitants of hell eat the fruit that falls off their faces, they are given a terrible brew of boiling liquid to drink. This causes their bodies to fall apart into a molten heap of flesh and bone. They are then sent back to Hellfire and repeat the process. It doesn't really matter which mythology religion tells the story: Hell sounds pretty scary in any of them.

4. Whispering Oak Of Dodona

Photo: Fingalo

This mythical oak comes from Greek mythology and was one of the first oracles of Zeus in ancient times. The tree itself could not speak human language, but like any tree, its leaves rustled in the wind and made a noise. While it is rather difficult to say for sure who first came up with the idea, according to some sources, Dodona's first oracle was most likely an Egyptian priestess who was kidnapped and brought to the area.

While the tree did have a real history, it also appeared in mythology. In the story of the Argonauts, the gods told Jason to use a tree branch in the construction of his ship in order to secure his journey. In the Iliad, Achilles also went to Dodona to receive instruction. Unfortunately, the real tree was cut down after Christianity became the dominant religion in the area.

3. Sky-High Tree

This folk tale from Hungary begins with the fact that the shepherd made his way into the royal garden. He saw a magnificent tree and decided that he definitely needed to climb it. As he climbed higher and higher, he encountered some of the most fantastic things he had ever seen. High in the sky, at the top of a tree, he discovered entire temples, castles and beautiful landscapes. However, the Hungarians are not the only ones who have a celestial tree in mythology.

In Siberian mythology, the legends about the tree that reaches the heavens are quite popular. In these legends, the tree has a more important task than just being a place of miracles, it literally holds the sky above. According to ancient myths, the sky needs something to support itself. However, there are some differences between the legends. Some believe that the tree does not necessarily hold the sky, that it actually passes through it, and according to other legends, the tree bends when it reaches the top of the sky. However, in both cases, the tree is a kind of portal to other worlds. If you manage to get to the very top of the Celestial Tree, you will find the entrance to some version of paradise.

2 Lotus Tree

While the lotus flower is certainly a real thing, the lotus tree has been present in various mythologies for a long time. And given that it has passed through several cultures, the stories about this tree are very different from each other. The Greeks may have had one of the strangest versions. According to Greek myth, there was a young goddess named Lotus who eventually turned into a tree to protect herself from the unwanted sexual advances of another god named Priapus.

Fruit from the lotus tree also appears in Homeric legend when Odysseus and his men land on the land of the Lotus Eaters. When these people ate the fruit from the tree, it was so delicious that it made them forget everything that was important to them in life. This myth has given rise to the term Lotophagus to describe people who lead a decadent lifestyle but essentially live boring and meaningless lives.

The very name of the lotus has great significance in many religious beliefs, and has also been mentioned in connection with God. Some myths say that in paradise, on the right hand of God, a lotus tree grows. In addition, some myths endow symbolic meaning the idea of ​​a tree and the presence of divinity. In fact, the symbol of God above the lotus shows how the divine can transcend the material world.

1. Jubokko

According to folklore, if you ever travel to Japan, you should take a good look around before approaching any tree, because it could be Jubokko. This tree is extremely deceptive, and from a distance looks like a completely harmless tree. However, if you look closely, you'll notice that its branches look oddly capable of grabbing things, and if you look at the base of the tree, you'll see human remains piled up. If you encounter anything like this, run as fast as you can until you become the next victim of the vampire tree.

Jubokko trees were once ordinary trees, existing according to the laws ordinary trees until the ground they grew on was stained with blood. When tree roots were covered in blood, they turned into otherworldly, evil tree spirits that feed solely on blood. If you get too close to one of these trees, it will grab you with its long arms and dig into you with force, and then suck all the beautiful red liquid out of your body. Your body will then be left as a bloated corpse for birds of prey, and no, Jubokko won't call you the next day.

Plants in the legends and tales of Rus'

Voronkina Lyudmila Artemievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti

This material will be of interest to students of secondary and senior school age.
Target: expanding the horizons of children.
Tasks: introduce students to beautiful stories associated with plants.

According to ancient legends, the East Slavic god Yarilo endowed the earth with plants (according to scientists, this word goes back to the two words yara-spring, and yar-year, it is no secret that earlier, in pagan times, the year was counted from spring). "Oh, you goy, Mother of the Cheese Earth! Love me, the god of light. For your love, I will adorn you with blue seas, yellow sands, blue rivers, silver lakes, green grass-ant, scarlet, azure flowers ..." And so every spring, the earth blooms from winter sleep.


In ancient Slavic legends, lily of the valley flowers were called the tears of Volkhova (the mistress of the underwater kingdom), who loved the gusli Sadko, whose heart belonged to an earthly girl - Lyubava. Upon learning that her lover's heart was occupied, Volkhova did not open her love to Sadko, but sometimes at night, by the light of the moon on the lake, she sobbed bitterly. And large tears-pearls, touching the ground, sprouted lilies of the valley. Since that time, the lily of the valley in Rus' has become a symbol of hidden love.


A girl lived in the world and she had a favorite - Roman, who made gifts for her with his own hands, turned every day of the girl's life into a holiday! Once Roman went to bed - and he dreamed of a simple flower - a yellow core and white rays diverging to the sides from the core. When he woke up, he saw a flower next to him and gave it to his girlfriend. And the girl wanted all people to have such a flower. Then Roman went in search of this flower and found it in the country of Eternal Dreams, but the king of this country did not give the flower just like that. The ruler told Roman that the people would get a whole field of chamomile if the young man stayed in his country. The girl waited for her beloved for a very long time, but one morning she woke up and saw a huge white-yellow field outside the window. Then the girl realized that her Roman would never return and named the flower in honor of her beloved - Chamomile! Now the girls are guessing on a camomile - "Lo-bit-does not love!"


An old folk myth tells how a beautiful mermaid fell in love with a handsome young plowman Vasily. Their love was mutual, but the lovers could not decide where to live - on land or in water. The mermaid did not want to part with Vasily and turned him into a field flower of the color of the cool blue of the water. Since then, every summer, when blue cornflowers bloom in the fields, mermaids weave wreaths from them and put them on their heads.


One day the flower goddess descended to earth. She wandered for a long time through the fields and forest edges, through gardens and forests, wanting to find her favorite flower. The first thing she saw was a tulip. The goddess decided to talk to him:
- What are you dreaming about, Tulip? she asked.
Tulip answered without hesitation:
- I would like to grow in a flower bed near an ancient castle, covered with emerald grass. The gardeners would take care of me. Some princess would love me. Every day she would come up to me and admire my beauty.
From the arrogance of the tulip, the goddess grew sad. She turned and walked on. Soon on the way she came across a rose.
- Could you be my favorite flower, Rose? the goddess asked.
- If you put me near the walls of your castle, so that I can braid them. I am very fragile and tender, I cannot grow anywhere. I need supports and very good care.
The Goddess did not like the answer of the rose and she went on. Soon she came to the edge of the forest, which was covered with a purple carpet of violets.
- Would you be my favorite flower, Violet? - asked the Goddess, looking hopefully at the small graceful flowers.
- No, I don't like attention. I feel good here, on the edge, where I am hidden from prying eyes. The brook waters me, the mighty trees shield from the hot sun, which can damage my deep rich color.
In desperation, the Goddess ran wherever her eyes looked and almost stepped on a bright yellow dandelion.
- Do you like living here, Dandelion? she asked.
- I like to live wherever there are children. I love hearing their romps, I love watching them run to school. I could take root anywhere: along roadsides, in courtyards and city parks. Just to bring joy to people.
The goddess smiled.
- Here is a flower that will be my favorite. And now you will bloom everywhere from early spring to late autumn. And you will be the children's favorite flower.
Since then, dandelions have been blooming for a long time and in almost any conditions.


In Rus', there was a belief that the beautiful Anyuta once lived, kind and trusting, and with all her heart she fell in love with a handsome seducer, but he was frightened of her love and left, promising to return soon. Anyuta waited for him for a long time, looking at the road, fading away from melancholy and died. Tricolor "violets" grew on her grave, and each of the flowers personified Anyuta's feelings: hope, resentment and sadness from unrequited love.


One day the daughter of a rich merchant fell in love simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about such a poor groom. To save the family from shame, he decided to resort to the help of a sorcerer. His daughter accidentally found out about this and the girl decided to run away from her home. On a dark and rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. At the same hour the sorcerer also left the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. In order to take the danger away from the girl, the brave young man threw himself into the water. The sorcerer waited until he crossed the river and waved his magic staff when the young man was already getting out onto the shore. Then lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who, because of the rain, was a little late for the meeting place. And the girl, too, remained standing on the shore. Her thin frame became the trunk of a mountain ash, and her hands - branches stretched towards her beloved. In spring, she puts on a white outfit, and in autumn she drops red tears into the water, grieving that “the river is wide, you can’t step over it, the river is deep, and you won’t drown.” So there are two lonely trees that love each other on different banks. And “you can’t get over the mountain ash to the oak, it’s clear that the orphan can swing alone for centuries.”


Once upon a time, when viburnum berries were sweeter than raspberries, there lived a girl in love with a proud blacksmith. The blacksmith did not notice her and often walked through the forest. She then decided to set fire to the forest. The blacksmith came to his favorite place, and there only a viburnum bush grows watered with tears, and under it sits a tearful girl. The tears shed by her did not allow the last bush in the forest to burn. And then the heart of the blacksmith stuck to this girl, but it was too late, like the forest, the youth and beauty of the girl burned down. She quickly grew old, but the ability to respond to love returned to the guy. And right up to old age, he saw the image of a young beauty in his hunched old woman. Since then, viburnum berries have become bitter, like tears from unrequited love.


There is a legend that tells where the wild rose itself came from and how it was discovered. healing properties. Once a young Cossack woman and a young man fell in love with each other, but the old ataman also laid eyes on the beauty. He decided to separate the lovers and sent the young guy to military service. In parting, he gave his beloved a dagger. The old chieftain wanted to force the Cossack woman to marry him, but she escaped and killed herself with a gift weapon. In the place where her scarlet blood was shed, a bush grew, which covered itself with beautiful flowers with a charming aroma. When the chieftain wanted to pluck an amazing flower, the bush was covered with prickly thorns, and no matter how hard the Cossack tried, he did not succeed, only injured his hands. In autumn, bright fruits appeared to replace the flowers, but no one dared even try them, one day the old grandmother sat down to rest from the road under a bush and heard him say to her in a girlish voice that she was not afraid, but made tea from berries. The old woman obeyed and after drinking tea, she felt 10 years younger. Good fame quickly spread and rose hips began to be known and used for medicinal purposes.


According to Russian legends, a green-eyed girl with a beautiful face lived in the village, she valued loyalty and purity above all virtues. But she liked the grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu Khan. For several days he unsuccessfully tried to talk to her, but the girl was engaged and did not answer Batu Khan. Then Batu Khan tracked her down, but the Russian woman was not afraid, snatched a dagger from under the shushpan and stabbed herself in the chest. She fell dead at the foot of a hawthorn, and since then young girls in Rus' have been called hawthorns, young ladies, and young women - boyars.

The legend of the cuckoo's tears plant

He says that the cuckoo was crying over this plant on the Ascension Feast and spots from her tears remained on its flowers. Look closely and you will really see the spots - that's why the plant is called cuckoo's tears! Another name for cuckoo tears is spotted orchid.


Everyone knows this legend, which tells about Ivan's Day (The pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala, previously celebrated on the day of the summer solstice (i.e. the longest daylight day of the year) before the baptism of Rus', is now celebrated on July 7 on the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist i.e. astronomical correspondence to the pagan holiday is now lost). So, according to legend, it was at midnight on Ivan Kupala that a bright fiery fern flower bloomed, so bright that it was impossible to look at it and the earth opened up, flaunting all the treasures and treasures. An invisible hand rips it off, and the human hand has almost never been able to do it. Whoever manages to pluck this flower will acquire the power to command everyone. After midnight, those who were lucky enough to find a fern flower ran "in what their mother gave birth" through the dewy grass and bathed in the river to receive fertility from the earth.


It is associated with the old Russian word “tea” (not a drink!), which meant: most likely, perhaps, apparently, etc. In one Russian village, the guy Ivan lived. He was very fond of red shirts, he used to put on a shirt, go out to the outskirts and walk along the edge of the forest, walk. The villagers, seeing a bright red color among the greenery, said: “Yes, this is Ivan, tea, he walks.” They got so used to it that they didn’t even notice how Ivan was gone in the village and began to speak to the scarlet flowers that suddenly appeared near the outskirts of the village, “Yes, this is Ivan, tea!”


An old legend about a bathhouse that came to us from Western Siberia: “The slender young shepherd Alexei often drove herds of horses to a watering place to Baikal. Horses flew into the bright waters of the lake with acceleration, raising fountains of spray, but Alexei was the most restless of all. He dived and swam so joyfully and he laughed so contagiously that he frightened all the mermaids. The mermaids began to come up with various tricks to lure Alexei, but none of them received his attention. Sighing dejectedly, the mermaids sank to the bottom of the lake, but one fell in love with Alexei so much that she did not want to be with him She began to get out of the water and quietly pursue the shepherd. Her hair burned out from the sun and turned golden. Her cold eyes lit up. However, Alexei did not notice anything. Sometimes he paid attention to the unusual outlines of the fog, similar to a girl stretching out her hands to him. But and then he only laughed and accelerated the horse so much that the mermaid jumped aside in fear.The last time she sat not far from Alexei by the night fire, trying to attract attention with a whisper, a sad song and a pale smile, but when Alexei got up to approach her , the mermaid melted in the morning rays, turning into a bathing flower, which Siberians affectionately call Zharki.
As you can see, many legends tell us about the events associated with plants. Basically, everything is connected with the highest human feelings: love, pride, faith, hope, loyalty, courage. There are also a number of legends about the healing power of plants.



An ancient legend tells that the beautiful Anyuta once lived in the world. She fell in love with her cold-blooded seducer with all her heart. The young man broke the heart of the gullible girl, and she died of grief and longing. Three-colored violets grew on the grave of poor Anyuta. Each of them personified three feelings that she experienced: hope for reciprocity, surprise from an unjust insult, and sadness from unrequited love.

In France, tricolor violets were called "flowers for memory". In England, they were a "heart's delight", they were presented to each other by lovers on February 14 - Valentine's Day.


During excavations in the Crimea on a tomb that was about two thousand years old, archaeologists discovered an image of an aster. This indicates that the plant has been known to people for a very long time.

The thin petals of an aster are a bit like the rays of distant stars, so beautiful flower and received the name "aster" (lat.aster - "star"). An ancient belief says that if you go out into the garden at midnight and stand among the asters, you can hear a quiet whisper. These flowers communicate with the stars. Already in ancient Greece, people were familiar with the constellation Virgo, which was associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to ancient Greek myth, the aster arose from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and wept. For the ancient Greeks, the aster symbolized love.

The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo.


Along with plum and pine, bamboo is a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. According to the ideas of the Japanese, bamboo represents devotion, truthfulness and purity. Before the New Year on each front door in Japan, bunches of pine branches and bamboo shoots appear, which should bring happiness to the house in the coming year. For the Japanese, a bamboo stick with the image of a swallow represents friendship, and with a crane - long life and happiness. In Japan, there is a legend about the miniature girl Kaguya-hime, which the lumberjack Taketori no Okina found in the trunk of the bamboo he cut down. Interestingly, the flowering of bamboo in some cultures is interpreted as a harbinger of famine. This is due to the fact that the plant blooms very rarely, and its seeds are eaten, as a rule, only in times of famine.


The Russian name is Belladonna (Belladonna, beauty, sleepy dope, sleepy dope, mad cherry, rabies).

With the help of belladonna, women have been trying to become more beautiful for many hundreds of years. And sometimes even at the risk of their lives, because belladonna is a poisonous plant. It contains the poison atropine, which can cause severe poisoning. As a result, a strong excitement begins in a person, reaching rabies, which is why this plant was popularly called "rabies". It is no coincidence that the great Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus attributed belladonna to the genus Atropa, named after the Greek goddess of fate Atropa. According to the myth, Atropa breaks the thread human life(Greek atropos - "relentless", "irreversible").

However, already in ancient Rome, women used belladonna juice in order to dilate the pupils, and thereby make their eyes more expressive and attractive.


The ancient Slavs wrote on birch bark - birch bark. In ancient Novgorod, which became famous for its high culture, many messages were found scratched on birch bark. In Rus', birch has long been a symbol of grace and purity, which personifies Russian nature and a Russian woman.

One of the legends tells about a beautiful mermaid who lived in a forest lake. At night, she came out of the water and frolicked under the moon. However, as soon as the first rays of the sun appeared, the mermaid immediately dived into her cool home. One day she started playing and did not notice how the young sun god Khors appeared in the sky on his solar chariot. He saw the beauty and fell in love with her without memory. The mermaid wanted to hide in the lake, but the golden-haired god would not let her go. And so she remained forever standing, turning into a white-trunked beauty birch.

In ancient Rus', there were many customs associated with birch. For example, on the occasion of the birth of a child, a young birch was planted near the house. This ceremony was supposed to make the child happy, and protect the family living in this house from adversity.

Birch sap, so revered at the beginning of spring and serving as the main cause of the death of birch trees, was considered life-giving, rejuvenating and giving strength. However, in terms of composition, there is nothing in it, except for water and a small amount of sugar, and it is not really an aphrodisiac.


The Slavic peoples had a tradition during the holiday dedicated to the ripening of rye, barley and wheat, to decorate the first sheaf with cornflowers. He was called a birthday man and brought home with songs.

The Latin name of this plant is associated with the centaur Chiron - the ancient Greek mythological hero - half-horse and half-man. He had knowledge of the healing properties of many plants and, with the help of the cornflower, was able to recover from the wound inflicted on him by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. This was the reason for the name of the plant centaurea, which literally means "centaur".

The origin of the Russian name of this plant is explained by an old folk belief. A long time ago, a beautiful mermaid fell in love with a handsome young plowman Vasily. The young man reciprocated her, but the lovers could not agree where they should live - on land or in water. The mermaid did not want to part with Vasily, so she turned him into a wild flower, which in its color resembled the cool blue of water.


The scientific name of the plant comes from the Latin anemos - "wind". In Russian, the plant, by analogy with the Latin version, began to be called "anemone". In Palestine, there is still a belief that the anemone grew under the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Therefore, in this country the plant is especially revered.

In ancient Greek culture, there is a myth about the origin of the anemone, which tells about the tragic love of the beautiful earthly youth Adonis and the goddess of love Venus. When the beloved of Venus died on a hunt from the fangs of a wild boar, she bitterly mourned him, and in the place where her tears fell, tender and beautiful flowers grew - anemones.


The scientific name of loosestrife in translation from the ancient Greek language means "spilled, clotted blood." It hints at the hemostatic properties of this plant. The species name of loosestrife is associated with willow (from the Latin salix - "willow"), since both plants have narrow, elongated leaves.

The Russian name "derbennik" comes from the Old Russian dialect word"derba", denoting marshy places or unplowed virgin lands. It is there that these plants are most often found in nature. In warm and humid weather, drops of water flow from the leaves of the loosestrife, so in everyday life it is called plakun-grass. There is an old legend that the tears of the Virgin, who mourned Christ, turned into plakun-grass.


There are legends about the longevity of oaks. In the Zaporizhzhya Sich, an oak tree has been preserved, under which Bohdan Khmelnitsky gave parting words to his soldiers before the battle, and in St. Petersburg there are oak trees planted by Peter the Great.

According to an ancient Slavic myth, even before the creation of the world, when there was neither Earth nor Heaven, there was a huge oak tree in the blue sea, on which two doves sat. They went down to the bottom of the sea and got sand, stones and stars. From them the Earth and the Sky were created.


Ginseng is one of the oldest medicinal plants. Already three thousand years ago traditional healers used it for medical purposes.

The scientific name of ginseng - panax - is translated from Latin as "panacea" - that is, "the cure for all diseases." In Chinese, the word "ginseng" hints at the similarity of the root of this plant with the figure of a person (Chinese zhen - "man", shen - "root").

The ancient Chinese valued ginseng worth its weight in gold. They believed that during flowering, the plant glows with a magical light, and if at that time its healing, glowing in the dark root is obtained, then they can not only cure all the ailments of the sick, but also resurrect the dead. However, it is extremely difficult to get blooming ginseng, because according to legend, it is guarded by a dragon and a tiger.


Due to the peculiar shape of the fruit, the people call calendula marigolds.

In Russian folklore, an ancient legend about the origin of this name has been preserved. It tells that a boy was born in a poor family. He grew up sick and weak, so they called him not by his first name, but simply by Snake. When the boy grew up, he learned the secrets of medicinal plants and learned to heal people with their help. From all the surrounding villages, the sick began to come to Zamorysh. However, there was an evil man who envied the glory of the doctor and decided to kill him. Once, on a festive day, the Sinister brought a goblet of wine with poison to Zamorysh. He drank, and when he felt that he was dying, he called people and bequeathed to bury after death the nail from his left hand under the poisoner's window. They fulfilled his request. Grew up in that place medicinal plant with golden flowers. In memory of a good doctor, people called this flower marigolds.


Since ancient times, people have fallen in love with cypress for its grace, pleasant aroma, valuable wood and healing properties. The temple in Jerusalem was decorated with cypresses.

Since ancient times, some peoples associated cypress with death and funerals, while others symbolized youth and grace. No wonder they say about a stately man that he is slender, like a cypress.

In Greco-Roman culture, there was a myth about the son of King Keos - Cypress. According to this myth, a golden-horned deer lived on the island of Keos in the Karfey valley. Everyone liked the graceful animal, but Cypress loved him most of all. Once, on a hot day, a deer hid from the exhausting heat in the bushes. Unfortunately, at this time, the son of King Keos decided to hunt. He did not notice his best friend, and threw a spear in the direction where he lay. Despair gripped the young man when he saw that he had killed his beloved deer. Cypress's grief was inconsolable, so he asked the gods to turn him into a tree. The gods heeded the prayers, and he became a slender evergreen plant, which became a symbol of sorrow and mourning.

water lily

An ancient Greek myth tells of the naiad Nymphaeus, who waited in vain for her beloved. According to one version of the legend, it was Hercules himself. The inconsolable Nymphaeum spent many days and nights on the shore of the lake, until from grief she turned into a white lovely flower - a nymphaeum, or a water lily.

In ancient times, the Germans called water lilies the swan or mermaid flower, because they believed that nymphs sometimes turn into birds or mermaids. The ancient Slavs called the white water lily "grass-overcome". When going on a long journey, travelers put a charm around their necks - a small bag with dried flowers of this plant, hoping that it will help overcome all the difficulties of the journey. Hence the Russian name - a water lily.


The common name of kupena is associated with the rhizome - "Solomon's seal". Every year, the dead stems of the kupena leave scars on its thick rhizome that vaguely resemble seals. These traces gave reason to call the cupen the Solomon's seal.

The fact is that, according to an old oriental legend, the Israeli king Solomon (Suleiman) wore a precious ring on his finger with the image of a "six-pointed star. It was this sign that later became known as the star of David or the seal of Solomon. Myths say that with the help of his magic seal, the king of Israel winning in numerous battles. Thanks to this talisman, David also had power over good and evil spirits - genies. Even the most important genie - Asmodeus - carried out any orders of the king. Demons who did not want to obey him, the Israeli king punished - imprisoned in copper vessels, which sealed with the Seal of Solomon. Once proud of his power over the genies, Solomon invited Asmodeus to measure his strength and recklessly gave him his magic ring. Asmodeus immediately turned into a giant and transferred Solomon to distant lands, and he himself took his place on the throne.

For several years the king of Israel wandered about different countries, begging and needy. Nevertheless, he reached his native Jerusalem and, thanks to his cunning, again took possession of the Seal of Solomon. Thus, Solomon regained power over the country and the jinn. They say that once Solomon marked with his Seal the healing plant kupenu so that, if necessary, it would be easier to find it. Traces of Solomon's seal are still preserved on its rhizome.


Priestesses in ancient Greece used this plant in rituals to predict the future. The first witches did the same. It is believed that this plant was brought to Europe in the 15th or 16th century. By that time, it had been used in America for several centuries.

The American Indians of the Southwest used datura in the same way as witches did: to induce visions and as a counter to spells and evil spells. The plant is such a potent poison that just touching it is enough to develop skin inflammation.


Laurel, as an evergreen tree, symbolizes immortality, but also triumph, victory and success. The laurel serves as the emblem of Apollo, the Greek god of poetry and music; at games in his honour, which included competitions in both athletics and the arts, the winners were crowned with laurel wreaths. The Romans extended this tradition to military victors. Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath at all official ceremonies (it is assumed that this was more intended to hide his bald head than to remind the Romans of his status as an immortal). On English coins, Charles II, George I and George II, and after a while, Elizabeth II were depicted with laurel wreaths. As a symbol of excellence, the laurel wreath was often included in the symbols of automobile companies such as Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Mercedes.


A fern in Rus' was often called gap-grass and it was believed that one touch of its flower was enough to open any lock, break iron shackles or fetters.

That's just how it blooms, no one could establish. But it was believed that the flowering fern was guarded by the Firebird.

And legends began to arise around the mysterious fern.

According to one of them, the god of the Sun - Yarilo - benefited people by giving them fire. Every year on the night of June 23-24, he sends fire to the earth, which flares up in a fern flower. A person who finds and plucks on Ivan's Night (the night of Ivan Kupala) "the color-fire of a fern" ("king-fire"), becomes invisible himself and acquires the ability to see treasures hidden in the earth, understand the language of every tree and every grass, the speech of animals and pets. However, according to legend, picking a fern flower is difficult and dangerous. Firstly, the flower bloomed at midnight only for a moment and it was immediately cut off by the hand of an invisible evil spirit. Secondly, the spirits of darkness, coldness and death terrified the daredevil and could drag him along to the land of darkness and death...


Once upon a time, snowdrops were considered an emblem of hope. An old legend tells that when God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise, it was snowing and Eve became cold. As a consolation to her, a few snowflakes were turned into delicate white snowdrop flowers. Frozen Eve, they seemed to give hope that soon there will be warming. Since then, the snowdrop has been considered a precursor to heat.

There is another legend about the appearance of snowdrops on Earth. This story was told by the famous writer Anna Sakse. The goddess of snow gave birth to a daughter and named her Snowflake. Her father decided to marry her to the North Wind - the South invited her to dance. The groom did not like this, and the North Wind made Snowflake dance with him. He danced and blew cold, from which roses died, trees in bloom, which the Southern brother brought. The snowflake ripped open the downy feather beds prepared for the wedding and covered everything with a white veil. The north wind got angrier than ever. Then Yuzhny grabbed Snowflake and hid it under a bush. At the request of Snowflake, the South Wind kissed her, and she melted, falling like a drop to the ground. In terrible anger, the North wind crushed her with an ice slab. Since then, there has been a Snowflake under it. It is located all the time and only in the spring, when the South wind bypasses its possessions, she, having heard, looks at him from the clearing with a gentle look.


Eating any part of henbane, especially the root, is indeed very dangerous, it was believed that this could lead to infertility, insanity or a deep trance, from which it is possible to get out only with great difficulty. It is from this last belief that probably the modern Welsh belief stems - that if a child falls asleep near a growing henbane, he will not wake up.

If the English belief interprets henbane as a powerful sleeping pill, then in Russia, on the contrary, henbane was considered a means that excites the nervous system and can lead to temporary insanity. From the court and the saying: "He overate henbane."

Everyone loves exotic plants. To see in my greenhouse exotic plant it is important to follow the secrets of care. A capricious plant requires special compliance with the conditions. The subtleties of breeding large groups of flowers are the same. In this collection, we tried to collect a lot of secrets in order to avoid mistakes when breeding a particular plant. It is important to determine which group the acquired plant belongs to in order to determine further actions.

There are wonderful lines from A. S. Pushkin. Near the seaside, the oak is green; Golden chain on an oak tree; And day and night the cat scientist Everything walks around the chain; He goes to the right - the song starts, To the left - he tells a fairy tale, There are miracles; there the goblin roams, the mermaid sits on the branches.

From time immemorial, the oak has been the most sacred tree among many peoples, including the ancient Slavs and Celts, and it was worshiped as a deity. Oak was associated with lightning and thunder, thunderstorms and downpours. Trouble lay in wait for anyone who dared to cut down an oak tree. The Slavs considered the oak a sacred tree, which the Thunderer Perun himself takes care of. Without the permission of the Magi, no one had the right to cut down a tree, injure and spoil it, break branches. Oak is a gift to people by the gods. And the ancients on the head of Zeus - a wreath of oak leaves - a sign of strength, firmness, courage. Oak today remains a symbol of courage and perseverance.

It is difficult to say why such a luxurious, powerful tree as an oak has become the "protagonist" of many sayings, aphorisms and jokes in a modern way. Moreover, it is mentioned almost everywhere in a clearly negative sense: "impenetrable", "inflexible", "oak-oak" ...

The more oaks in the army, the stronger our defense. - If the boss is constantly spreading his thoughts along the tree, then he is probably an oak. - He inherited the cerebral cortex from an oak tree. - Oak tables are standing, healthy oaks are sitting. - Whatever the boss is an oak, whatever the subordinate is a stump, whatever paper is a linden. - It's a paradox: you don't often see people climbing an oak tree, but people who fall down from an oak tree - all the time. - What kind of oak do you have to be to let yourself be peeled like sticky? - Each pig must build a barn, raise a piglet and plant an oak ... - Life is like an acorn: you hang, you swing, you don’t know when you will fall, you don’t know what kind of pig you are eat, and around oaks, oaks. Source:

Flower legends

Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:33 pm (link)

Quoted 10 times + in quote pad

Sacred oak in myths and legends

There are wonderful lines from A. S. Pushkin.

Near the seaside, the oak is green;

Golden chain on an oak tree;

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale,

There are miracles; there the goblin roams,

The mermaid sits on the branches.

From time immemorial, the oak has been the most sacred tree among many peoples, including the ancient Slavs and Celts, and it was worshiped as a deity. Oak was associated with lightning and thunder, thunderstorms and downpours. Trouble lay in wait for anyone who dared to cut down an oak tree. The Slavs considered the oak a sacred tree, which the Thunderer Perun himself takes care of. Without the permission of the Magi, no one had the right to cut down a tree, injure and spoil it, break branches. Oak is a gift to people by the gods. And the ancients on the head of Zeus - a wreath of oak leaves - a sign of strength, firmness, courage. Oak today remains a symbol of courage and perseverance.

Oak often "attracted lightning to itself." From ancient times to the present day people live in the memory of observations about the frequent lightning strikes in the oak, which is included in sayings such as: "From lightning under an oak to escape - to gather before the time for the next world" (that is: "Keep away from the oak during a thunderstorm" ). Therefore, it is no coincidence that in antiquity the oak was considered sacred and associated with the god of lightning and sky Zeus (Jupiter).

People have long had a tender love for oak. Not only "the mountain ash wants to get over to the oak!", But all living things are drawn to it. Oak is the most powerful "donor" of trees, charging a person with positive energy. It is enough to put the palms of your hands on it for 2-3 minutes, as you will feel a surge of vivacity and energy. Oak acorns were "the first bread of mankind." Acorns were ground into flour, from which bread was baked.

It is difficult to say why such a luxurious, powerful tree as an oak has become the "protagonist" of many sayings, aphorisms and jokes in a modern way. Moreover, it is mentioned almost everywhere in a clearly negative sense: "impenetrable", "inflexible", "oak-oak".

The more oaks in the army, the stronger our defense.

If the boss is constantly spreading his thoughts along the tree, then he is probably an oak.

Whatever the boss is an oak, whatever the subordinate is a stump, whatever paper is a linden.

It's a paradox: you don't often see people climbing an oak tree, but those who have fallen from an oak tree - all the time.

The tree of life is the sacred oak.



On the banks of the Sura long ago

In a beautiful God-given place

Sura has been composing songs to them for centuries.

Curly oaks stretched up,

And leaned their heads to the sky.

In the crimson autumn hem of the forest

Weighty acorns were dropped.

And to them, these mighty three oaks

Our ancestors went to pray

Asked for what they wanted

And at this time, the birds fell silent ...

All requests silently listened to oaks,

Neither a twig nor a leaf flinched,

And after listening to all the prayers,

They conveyed these requests to God ...

And soon many of them

Everyone who asked came true.

Who wanted a husband and children

To whom wealth - requests were fulfilled ...

And the ray of their life illuminated the sun,

And there was anxiety about fate,

After all, every believing ancestor knew

That everything that exists is sent to them by God!

And many years have passed since then,

But people also believed in miracles,

And even on the day when it happened,

That the mighty two oaks have dried up.

Only the most persistent survived among them,

He gave strength to all for three,

Gave health to people, beauty,

Carrying them from the earth through eternal veins.

A hollow formed in the tree,

Huge, worn for years ...

For centuries old oak land

Clings firmly to strong roots.

Shakes his lush head to the sun

And helps everyone, as before, people,

But the oak did not know: the time will come,

And people will completely forget about him ...

And so it was - people did not come ...

AND strong winds then blew

Howled ferociously and shook the oak,

But they did not bend to the ground at all.

When a little time has passed

Heard from all sides,

A surprising number of people came!

This is what happened: (everyone knows this!

About the miracles of those who come to the oak

From all the outskirts people will know

Telling them to each other later.)

Once upon a time there was a forester on the outskirts

He and his wife did not have children ...

It made them so sad

And the case itself is not rare in all years.

And they say the woman has gone

To the holy tree to pray for children ...

She fell to the ground with her body

And wept under the tree again by this.

And they say she then in the hollow,

That woman, praying, came in,

About the most intimate at this moment

She spoke to the mighty oak.

As soon as nine months have passed,

Her good dream came true:

That woman gave birth to a girl!

Rumor has it that oak helps everyone!

Now they go to the holy tree,

Hurry from all sides, from all suburbs.

Everyone prays and asks for something,

They go into the hollow, hug the tree.

No wonder they worship him

After all, only God alone knows

How many people the tree helped,

And how it still helps!

And in how many villages, in how many of their houses,

Where children's birthdays are celebrated!

At any time and in all years

The oak is waiting for people, the oak meets everyone!

Gives hope, prays for everyone,

Fulfills people's desires.

Brings a lot of happiness to those people

Who, believing in God, lives his day.

Unknown forces - two wings

As if a tree is lifted higher,

And even though the body hurts for people,

But the tree lives, does not die.

Soon he will be five centuries old,

And the oak still lives and believes

That next to him hearts will meet again

That he will warm many souls with his help.

Bless for true love

Bless on a difficult journey

Pray for all who come to God.

And just like the Sura River

Gives all its strength to the glorious Volga,

So the sacred oak is in a hurry to help,

For this, he lives for a very long time.

And the age-old Sura land

And delicious rivers of Erzya water,

The sacred oak is nourished, protected,

Increasing its power all the years.

Everyone says that God himself protects him,

After all, the tree is great!

And they are always lit over him

Only the most beautiful dawns.

Blossomed, revived, amber dawn,

The birds sang to her, the tree was awakened.

And the morning dew drops

Down the weight of the entire branch tilted.

The oak shook his powerful body,

Inhaling the dawn amber fresh air.

He dropped all the dewdrops into the grass,

And smiled at the morning sun.

He told him his new dream:

“Erzya couple came to me,

They asked to bless the children,

Blessed them on the birth of a guy!

This guy will be born a hero,

He will grow up healthy and beautiful,

He will be gifted with a special mind,

And the age of his growing up is happy!

He will love his native people

And honor the traditions of the native land,

Know your rich language well

All - all Erzya calling for the same.

And he will revive the memory of the Erzyans,

Will make you remember Tyushtya and Purgaz,

Will call the Almighty for help -

He will enlighten the empty-headed immediately!

And the Erzyans will sing their song,

She always warmed everyone's hearts,

In difficult times for the ancestors

She rallied people, inspired them to work:

“Erzyans, we are all strong together!

And things are arguing when we are together! -

What inspirational words!

Soars like a bird, this song!

And you can feel the Erzya character in it” –

And the oak sighed lightly, continuing again,

He said good news to the sun:

“At the end of my dream, this news:

The woman and the young man

In one beautiful such dawn

The long-awaited hero is born!

Now there are three of them in the family!

And from my acorn then

Oak - a strong child was born!

To you, the Almighty, I say with my heart,

What a good dream I had!

The tree stretched from sleep,

Touching branches with the sky,

And said the last words

And the sun smiled at the tree with light!

Once there, in that Erzya region,

On the banks of the Sura, in a beautiful place,

Three oaks grew - three heroes,

Sura has been composing songs to them for centuries.

And mighty oaks grew,

Around them, the Erzyans called out to everyone,

People gathered to pray to them,

Trees expressed their requests.

A hundred years later, one of the three oaks,

Which turned out to be the strongest

To live for my two withered brothers

And he stayed to help those who pray.

And this tree still lives

And makes us all believe with our hearts.

The greatness of the beautiful name carries,

Opens doors for all believers.

And if the tree still lives

OAK, sacred

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  • If people understood the language of trees, how many stories a maple familiar from childhood could tell about itself. He knocks on the window, waving branches and green palms, as if calling: “Talk to me.” It feels like he understands everything about what is in the soul of a person, as the most dear, close friend. It's impossible not to love him. It is no coincidence that the poet Sergei Yesenin dedicated his innermost, lyrical poems to him:

    “I won’t be back soon, I won’t be back soon!
    For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.
    Guards blue Rus'
    Old maple on one leg.
    And I know there's joy in it
    To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
    Because that old maple
    Looks like me in the head"

    And not only poets were fascinated and inspired by maple, many songs, fairy tales and ancient legends were composed about it.

    Legends and tale of maple

    Legend of the Singing Maple

    The evil stepmother-sorceress cursed her unloved son and turned him into a Maple tree. Maple grew up very beautiful, he understood everything as a person, remaining kind and loving. Once wandering musicians passed by the grove and stopped under a maple tree for a halt. The musicians liked the tree very much, and they made a violin from the branch. The violin sang and cried with the voice of a man, about life and love, touching and exciting the hearts of people.

    By the way, Sadko's harp was also made of maple. Also, in ancient legends and myths, there is a mention that the maple is the favorite tree of the Slavic god Lel, he spent most of the time under the maple.
    Maple is popularly called a melodious tree, since ancient times musical instruments have been made from it - violins, domras, guitars, psaltery.
    « Stretch the ringing string on the dry branch of the wedge-tree, sing your daring song to me ..."- a frequent motif of old legends.

    Maple is beautiful at any time of the year ...

    Maples are fantastically beautiful - openwork, lush crown, carved leaves, slender, majestic camp.

    spring , in late April and May, delicate, yellow-green inflorescences appear on the branches, similar to panicles, emitting a pleasant aroma that attracts bees. Maple blossoms last two to three weeks, and then young maple leaves bloom.

    In summer maple is just as gorgeous in all its glory.
    Its crown resembles a lacy, airy, green cloud of carved maple leaves rustling in the wind, creating a wonderful play of light and shadow. If you look closely, you can see that the maple leaves are very reminiscent of the open palm of a person, with five fingers, with veins, like the lines of fate.

    Aautumn maples glow with all shades of yellow, orange, crimson, purple colors. The trees, as if engulfed in a golden flame, fascinate with magical beauty. And in September, maple seeds ripen, similar to small helicopters or dragonflies. Helicopters fly in the heavenly heights, like letters sent by an invisible postman, and somewhere in the clearings they find shelter in order to grow into a new maple tree in the spring.

    Magic Maple

    Our ancestors endowed all trees with magical properties, including maple.
    Since ancient times, people have believed that divine essences are hidden in maple, which are able to protect and help a person gain well-being and longevity.
    It was believed that maple brings happiness and love, and that it protects against lightning, so it was planted near the house. Maple is the keeper of the native hearth.

    Branches, seeds and leaves of maple were attributed Magic force protecting a person and his house.
    A solar disk carved from maple and hung above the door, maple steps at the entrance to the house, front door jambs made of this tree - all this is to protect the house from evil forces. . Bread was baked on maple leaves to convey the power of the Sun to the loaf.
    Bridges were built from maple over running water. Ancient magicians believed that water was an obstacle to dark forces, and maple did not allow sorcerers to use the bridge.
    The spirit of the maple was called the Slavic god - Klenich ...
    There is an ancient belief that there is a strong connection between a person and a maple, and that the tree feels the soul and experiences of a person.
    The five-pointed maple leaves resemble the outstretched five fingers of a human hand; in addition, the five ends of the maple leaf symbolize the five senses of man.
    Since ancient times, people have believed that as long as a person is alive and well, then the maple grows and turns green. And if a person fell ill or experienced adversity, then the maple tree by the window would dry out from melancholy.
    In the legends of the Slavs, maple is a tree into which a person has been turned in past lives. For this reason, maple wood could not be used for firewood. According to an old tradition, when a house was built, a couple of maple trees were planted on its southern side.
    In ancient Slavic magic, maple is considered a tree of patience, spiritual strength, balance, tranquility, giving peace, love and peace. If you approach the maple in moments of unrest and ask for help, then it will give protection in all matters, self-confidence. Maple is a very kind and affectionate tree, it is able to light blue, hug and dispel doubts and sorrows.

    “I will close his trail with a maple leaf - he will not fall in love with another. If my dear hears, then the maple outside the window will not wither. Stretch a ringing string on a dry branch of a maple tree, sing your daring song to me. But my dear does not sing his song, he builds a light-winged maple ship to go to unknown lands, to play with unspent power. I will again wait, grieve, bow to the maple, so that my dear will return, so that the maple leaf will turn green again with a wide, friendly ... "

    Maple, generous and giving ...

    Maple is not only a beautiful, poetic and magical, kind tree, it is also extremely precious, as well as hardy and resilient.
    He is not afraid of frost and cold, he can withstand the most severe frosts. Maple is also drought tolerant. For example, poplar and willow dry without water. A maple without water can live for a very long time.
    Maple can reach a height of 30 meters, and lives for more than 200 years.
    In spring, maple awakens one of the first trees. With melted snow, water rises from the roots, along the trunk to the branches, and maple sap flows under the bark of the tree, very tasty and sweet, sugar was evaporated from it in the old days .. In addition to humans, forest birds and animals appreciated maple sap. The woodpecker, in order to get to the sweet treat, makes a small hole with its beak, and the squirrel simply bites through the bark. But this does not harm the tree, because the wounds are small and heal quickly.
    And maple is a wonderful honey plant. The bees are attracted by the scent and sweet nectar of the flowering tree. Maple honey is of excellent quality, healing and tasty.
    In addition to the nutritional properties of honey and juice, maple is also valued for its excellent wood. IN ancient Rus' maple was a favorite material for craftsmen who made spoons, ladles, carved and turned vessels.
    Various musical instruments made from it are especially valued: flutes, oboes, clarinets, as well as violins, psaltery, guitars, balalaikas, domras. Maple is famous for giving the sound a special melodiousness and brightness.

    Masters of art and artists used maple for woodcarving, unique patterns and engravings were obtained from it.
    In the old days, spinning wheels were made of maple, and furniture, as well as graceful combs with thin and long teeth, were made from it. These combs have been preserved in museums and some huts to this day.

    Maple - healer

    Maple juice (klenovka) - not only tasty, but also very healthy drink. It quenches thirst, tones, strengthens strength, and as a vitamin remedy, natural antibiotics are found in it, therefore it promotes wound healing.
    The bark is used as an astringent
    A decoction is made from the leaves and seeds, which has diuretic, antimicrobial, antipyretic and wound healing effects.
    The maple broom has the same properties. The main means of healing baths is maple. Maple broom relieves fatigue and nervous tension, improves mood, restores the energy of the body.

    Ancient Slavic rituals and traditions, with the participation of maple

    Maple also has popular names - Yavor, Atsarn, Klenovina, Klinina .. Mothers, seeing off their sons who went to war or on long trips, lamented “ Ay, my son, you are my little lark»
    In the rituals of the holidays Trinity, Green Christmas time, Ivan Kupala used maple branches in the same way as birch branches. In Polissya, the Saturday before the Trinity was called “maple Saturday”. On a holiday, the house was decorated with maple branches, and a maple tree was placed at the door. It was believed that the souls of native ancestors were hiding in maple branches.

    In some villages, a rite was prepared for the holiday "bush driving ". In the forest, maple branches were broken and tied with a thread. The girls dressed up "in the bush", decorated themselves with herbs and flowers, and surrounded by singing friends walked around the village several times, bowing to each house. Trinity songs were called “on the bush”. Then the participants of the ceremony went to the field, or to the river bank, where they weaved wreaths, jumped over the fire, fortune-telled for love, cast spells for health, happiness and protection from sorcerers.
    Also in the old days there was a folk rite "Threading through the maple." The baby was carried through the branches of the maple, so that his life was long and happy. The maple tree was considered by the people to give longevity.

    Signs about maple

    If maple leaves curl up and expose their lower surface to the wind, it will rain.
    Maple sap has gone - the spring frosts are over.
    If the maple "wept" - a sure sign that it will rain in a few hours.
    If the maple branches are leaning together in one direction, this is a sure sign that there is a good water vein nearby.
    If the maple in the spring releases juice - wait for the warming soon.
    If the birch begins to bloom before the Maple, it is worth waiting for a dry summer.
    If the Maple blossoms before the Birch, the summer will be rainy.

    "How I want to write about the green forest,
    About the old, old, old maple.
    He stands as if surprised by something,
    It's like he's in love with someone.
    It grows near an old gazebo.
    Only the leaves sway in the wind.
    The maple bowed its branches to the ground,
    He gathers kids around ... "(c)
