IN last years it is fashionable to have a kind of Japanese desktop garden - bonsai tree , de still and not one thing. And the highest aerobatics among amateur growers is considered growing bonsai at home . Only a few have the courage, strength and patience to grow one or more trees, but if it does, then this is a hobby for life. After all, this Japanese style provides for constant care, pruning, transplanting and improving the design of the plant.

Bonsai came to us from Sunny Japan, and translated from Japanese means a tree grown in a pot (the so-called bowl) or on a deep tray. Another translation is "trimming a tree" or "a tree that is sheared." For the Japanese, the art of bonsai has become a kind of lifestyle, has replaced leisure, has become a special form of knowing the meaning of life.

Historical chronicles Ancient China And ancient egypt, which are already more than two thousand years old, convey information about growing plants in bowls near houses. True, for the most part grown for culinary and medicinal purposes, spicy or medicinal herbs and shrubs. A little later, the Japanese became interested in this cultivation method and turned the cultivation of bonsai into a high art.

Before you grow a bonsai at home, you need to prepare the entire tool. These are special concave pliers, which are easy to cut with a small part of the trunk of stump-cuts to form a branch. The cut out part (depression) of the trunk will quickly fill with the juice of the plant and overgrow. To trim thick branches, you need special scissors-nippers that form an even cut. Also you will need a small nail file, which has a blade length of about 15 centimeters, one scissors with thin ends and one with blunt ends.

The next step will be plant selection for bonsai . Its size must be at least 20 cm and not more than 50 cm. When choosing, be sure to inspect the roots of the plant. It is necessary to take a tree with a healthy, well-developed and strong root system. Only such a tree will take root well and quickly. And the root system will be used to give the exotic, chosen form.

The type of tree depends only on the preferences of the owner. From coniferous it is better to take Japanese cryptomeria, Chinese juniper, European or Japanese larch, Himalayan cedar, Korean fir, black or common pine, pea-bearing cypress or folded thuja.

From leafy plants more often prefer birch, hornbeam, oak, beech, maple, willow, ash, ficuses.

From fruit trees, you can take an apple tree, plum, hawthorn.

If you want to see flowers, then experts advise magnolia, Chaenomelis, rose, narrow-leaved pyracanthus and other flowering plants.

Now you need to choose bonsai style plants . Tip: review the photos, and print the one you like. Since in the photo - one to one - it will never work, because in nature there are no two identical trees. And grown indoor bonsai will also be different: each has its own growth rate, crown, pruning. And how it will turn out depends only on the imagination and skillful hands of the grower.

You need to root a bonsai tree in a deep container and only then transplant it into a bowl or onto a tray. Since the initial formation of a bonsai takes about two to three years, there is a lot of time to choose a suitable bowl. The flats are pots for bonsai with low sides made of natural materials. Clay is more often used, but porcelain, faience or ceramic are also possible. In shape, size and design - a varied choice. But the main factor to consider is the desired style, look and shape of the bonsai tree. There must be harmony in everything. And advice will help determine the size: the depth should be equal to the diameter of the trunk at the base, the length should be no more than two-thirds of the width or height of the tree, and the width should be literally a couple of centimeters less than the longest branches.

The land after planting a tree should be well watered, well rammed. The trunk needs to be dug deeper to thicken. Then, when transplanting into a bowl, the lower part of the trunk, together with the top of the root system, must be left above ground level. After planting, watering for the first time, the bonsai tree is quarantined for ten days.

It is better to root on the balcony or in the house. But always in a shaded place, as bonsai do not like a direct hit. sun rays. These trees are very whimsical and tender, due to a ridiculous mistake when leaving after a few years of life, they can die in just a couple of days. Therefore, a young, just planted tree after quarantine is gradually accustomed to the open air, taking it out first for an hour or two into the garden, gradually increasing the time spent on the street. And only after a month you can install it in a permanent place.

start in the second or third year after planting in early spring. For this you need slow tree growth . It is transplanted into a bowl, after cutting off the roots that go straight. Leave as many horizontal roots as possible, remove weak and diseased lashes. With subsequent transplants, the roots must be cut.

slows growth and transplanting into poor soil . Usually the composition of the soil includes loam (about a third), peat or rotted leaves - 50 percent of the volume, small stones or coarse sand. With the minimum necessary feeding, such soil does not contribute to the growth of the plant.

At a small height from the ground, the trunk wired for thickening and growth retardation. As soon as the wire begins to interfere with the normal development of the tree, it is removed and transferred to another place. In this way, side branches can also be formed. To give the desired shape, the branches and trunk of the tree are twisted and fixed in position with a rope or wire. This is especially suitable for ficuses, as they do not tolerate pulling the trunk to thicken.

Also to reduce growth reduce juice flow . To do this, periodically cuts are made on the trunk in different places. A tree for tightening wounds will fill them with juice, and, at the same time, form interesting nodules on the trunk.

Reduce growth and pruning . The first pruning is recommended in the spring after the first buds appear on the tree. Young shoots are cut at the level of 1-2 rosettes from the trunk. Branches that overlap each other are also cut off. After pruning, the tree will be covered with young leaves that will be smaller than usual. Remember one rule: when pruning, the plant should not have flowers. If the bonsai has released buds or is already in bloom, pruning can be done only after flowering has ended.

Using these methods, the so-called miniaturization of the bonsai tree is achieved.

Few words about irrigation methods. The bonsai tree cannot be watered from above. For the first method, you need to take a tray on which to put expanded clay, pour it heavily with water (so that the water “stands”), put a bowl with a bonsai tree on the tray. Water must be constantly added, as it quickly evaporates and is absorbed by the plant. The second way is to literally “drown” the plant, together with the pot, for a few seconds in a larger tau with water. Preferably, separated rain.

Growing bonsai tempers fortitude, patience, mindfulness, promotes the appearance of inner peace and tranquility. But if the reader still does not have the patience and strength to grow bonsai at home, you can go to a flower shop and simply buy a bonsai tree. Of course, no one requires the grower to daily pruning, watering or other procedures when growing bonsai. But just sit down, sit next to the table Japanese garden and it is very pleasant to admire this work of art, especially when a blizzard howls outside the window and frost cracks.

Bonsai is an art that originated in China in 200 BC. The Japanese liked the principle of growing trees, since the small territory of their country does not allow planting gardens with large trees. Later, this art spread throughout the world and even became a collector's item. Every lover of green spaces wants to have at home a corner of wildlife that resembles a garden or forest.

Growing a miniature tree is a rather lengthy process that requires patience and certain knowledge. Bonsai can be grown from a knot or branch of a tree, having previously rooted them in water, or planted from seeds. When the seed sprouts and grows a little, you can start planting.

For this you will need:

  1. A cache-pot, not deep, similar to a plate or not a deep bowl, on the bottom of which you need to put a plastic mesh.

2. Earth - buy special or mix garden soil with sand and peat in a ratio of -2:1:1

3. Seeds or seedlings of the selected tree

4. Wire and pliers to shape the tree

Having decided to diversify your home flower garden with a tree in a pot, we choose a tree species. It can be pine, maple, spruce, oak. The least common are birch, cherry, apple tree, viburnum. Bonsai can be grown from almost any tree.

Growing from seed

We buy in the store or collect ourselves. Not all seeds can be germinated at once. Some require some preparation. Seeds of juniper, hornbeam, maple, quince should be put in the sand and watered. Keep wet. This is called the dormant period, which can last up to six months. There are seeds that can be planted immediately after harvest, these include tree seeds - fir, pine, spindle tree, oak, beech.

To begin with, we soak the seeds, you can use vermiculite.

Vermiculite has the ability to absorb moisture, is not subject to decay and the influence of unfavorable factors. They can dilute the soil to retain moisture.

After germination, we proceed to planting. To do this, we buy peat pots in the store

We fill them with a mixture of sand and peat, you can use the earth for cacti. When pouring the mixture, leave three centimeters on top. We fill another centimeter with the same mixture, but sifted. We plant a seed, press down the soil with a piece of wood, moisten and cover with a film.

If you have chosen the seeds of a tropical plant for planting, leave them on the surface, do not sprinkle with soil.

We are looking for a place for a pot, where there will be no direct sunlight. After germination, we make holes in the film for air to enter. When the leaves appear, open our seedlings and put on sunny place. After reaching a height of 10 cm, we begin a pick, shorten the roots before planting.

Growing from seedlings

Root cuttings can be taken from any tree. To do this, we select younger branches that are not touched by diseases and not damaged by various pests. We cut the stalk obliquely to increase the area of ​​moisture absorption. We put the cuttings in an opaque container filled with water. After the roots germinate, we proceed to planting

To form the desired shape, wrap the trunk and branches with wire.

Before proceeding with the formation of the crown, choose a style:

Tekkan- the trunk is straight, the crown is wide at the bottom, narrowed at the top.

Moyogi is the most common style. The trunk has a curved shape. There can be several bends, the most important thing is that the top is always above the base.

Syakan- has an oblique shape. Symbolizes the pursuit of the sun.

Sokan - characterized by branching of the trunk, the effect is achieved by forming one branch as a child trunk.

Kengai - a style that symbolizes a tree that, adapting to natural conditions, seems to be hanging from a cliff.

Budzingi- the style is complex, characterized by the absence of branches at the bottom of the tree.

Fukinagashi - resembles a tree standing on the seashore, on which the wind blows.

Yose-ue- forest composition, which consists of independent tree trunks of the same species.

Hokidachi - upright tree, a feature of which is branching from one point.

Shokijoju- a tree growing on rocks. Its roots are looking for any crevice where they can penetrate in search of water and nutrients.

Ishizukispectacular style, shows a tree growing in a rock crevice.

Kabudati - several stems grow from one root system.

Ikadabuki - symbolizes a tree that has fallen into a swamp, which has adapted to the environmental conditions.

Sharimiki- the tree is aged artificially, by removing the bark.

After our tree is planted and taken root, we cut the branches annually.

Indoor bonsai, photo

Bonsai in the garden, photo

Video how to create a bonsai in the garden

Do-it-yourself pine bonsai, a detailed guide with a photo

It is very convenient to grow bonsai from pine, as it is an unpretentious evergreen tree. Better time for planting - it's autumn. If you decide to grow bonsai on your suburban area, we stock up on a shovel, a bag and go into the forest. We find a suitable small pine tree, dig it out, and collect the soil in which it grew in a bag.

Further actions:

  1. We select a pot of small diameter, up to 15 cm.
  2. We plant in a pot and put in the garden, in a place protected from the sun.
  3. We mulch the roots for the winter.
  4. At the end of March, we cut the seedling by 10 cm, due to which the trunk begins to thicken, and the side shoots begin to grow.
  5. If necessary, thin out the needles.
  6. Choose the style you want to get
  7. With the help of wire we create a slope of the trunk or branches.

DIY ficus bonsai, step by step guide with photo

Ficus is one of the popular flowers that gardeners are happy to grow. Ficus has many varieties that allow you to diversify the interior.

Here are some of them:

  • rust red;
  • carica;
  • microcarp;
  • dull;
  • variegated;
  • ginseng

The most common variety is Ficus Benjamin.

Ficus is great for growing bonsai for the following reasons:

  • well developed root system;
  • growing fast;
  • the trunk is massive;
  • leaves are small.

To grow ficus bonsai, you need to know the rules of planting and care, otherwise you risk losing the plant. If the leaves start to fall off, then you are doing something wrong. Given the rapid growth, in two years you can get a beautiful miniature tree - bonsai. When forming a ficus, the following styles are usually used - tekkan, moyogi, shakan, sokan. The pot should have drainage holes. We prepare a drainage grid, which we put on the bottom of the pot.

We take a young ficus and cut its roots.

To get a young shoot, you can cut off the bottom branch of a ficus and put it in water. When the branch gives a good root system, you can start planting.

Pour the soil on top, which should not be very fertile. We put a suitable stone on top, coat it with clay.

We plant a ficus on top of the stone, distributing the roots over it, which we carefully wrap with a rope or soft wire to secure, sprinkle with soil. The top of the roots should be open.

Further care consists in cutting the roots, forming a crown and timely watering.

bengal ficus

ficus benjamina

ficus microcarpa

Ficus retuza

Rusty red ficus

DIY beaded bonsai, photo

If there is no opportunity or desire to care for a living bonsai, you can weave it from beads. Such a tree will be a real decoration of the house. In addition, beaded bonsai will be a wonderful gift.

First of all, we choose the style we want to get.

We prepare material for weaving

You will need:

  1. Bead itself.
  2. The wire is thinner for branches and thicker for the trunk.
  3. Clay Moment colorless.
  4. Alabaster.
  5. Scotch tape.
  6. Wire cutters.
  7. Acrylic paints.
  8. Pot.
  9. Decor.

We cut the wire, 45 cm long. We string beads, in the amount of 8 pieces. We twist each wire, make a bundle of several received. The number of branches depends on the selected tree and style.

We connect the bundles of the received branches

We form buds

Buds should turn out 150 pieces

We take a thick wire and with the help of masking tape we fasten our branches to a thick wire.

Dilute gypsum with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

After all the branches are screwed, you should get something like this tree. We insert it into the pot, which we fill with plaster.

We also cover the trunk with plaster, let it dry and paint the trunk with paint.

We complement the decor

How to make a bonsai pot with your own hands, step by step with a photo

You can make a flower pot from an ordinary ceramic salad bowl. To do this, you will need a drill and a ceramic drill.

Choosing a salad bowl

We take a drill and a drill

Making drainage holes

Planter ready

How to make an artificial bonsai with your own hands, photo ideas

There are many options for creating artificial bonsai. There is no limit to fantasy here. It can be created from natural materials and from artificial ones. You can collect suitable snags in the forest to create a trunk and process it in a special way. You can use a dying flower on the windowsill. For branches, collect needles or leaves. To create from artificial materials, a three-core wire is suitable - this will be the base of the trunk, and make leaves from artificial flowers. Suitable needles, which must be processed in a special way.

  1. We go to the forest or park and find a suitable snag. Defects and curvature will give a sophisticated style.
  2. We collect branches of pine or juniper.
  3. We find moss and collect it in the same way.
  4. We proceed to conservation, for this we need alcohol, acetone, glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.
  5. We wash the branches and needles from dirt and dry them.
  6. We place the branches in the solution so that it completely covers them.
  7. Leave for a week and lay out to dry.
  8. We paint the needles with oil paint in green color, since after the above described manipulations, the needles are whitened. Before painting, we dip the branches in paraffin.
  9. We glue the branches to the trunk and fix them with wire. After the glue dries, remove the wire.
  10. We prepare the basis - we select suitable dishes and fill it with gypsum, which we dilute to the density of sour cream.
  11. You can do without a pot, for this we take cellophane, put it in suitable shape and also fill it with plaster, insert our artificial tree.
  12. After drying, we take it out of the container, separate the cellophane and paint the resulting shape in the selected color.
  13. We decorate the base with moss and pebbles.

For creating deciduous trees, you can take artificial leaves.

In the aquarium, an artificial bonsai tree also looks spectacular.

Artificial bonsai tree, master class

An artificial bonsai tree can be made from many materials: beads, fabric, paper, wool, plastic bottles, soft porcelain, natural materials and even metal. The basis of the trunk is usually snags of various trees or a three-wire wire. For leaves and flowers choose fabric, paper, plasticine, parts of artificial flowers

To make a wire bonsai, we will prepare PVA glue, scissors, wire cutters, electrical tape, masking tape, gypsum, floral tape, artificial flowers.

Dilute gypsum to the density of sour cream.

We bend the wire in accordance with the chosen style. On the basis we make a ring, which we put in a bowl and fill it with plaster.

We thicken the wire with plaster.

If you have chosen a snag as the basis for the trunk, choose the one that matches your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the future tree will be like. Curvature and defects will add charm to the trunk.

After conservation, which is described above, we put it in a mold and fill it with plaster.

We wrap the trunk with masking tape, thus thickening the trunk. From above we coat with a thick layer of PVA glue, then we apply diluted gypsum. We leave to dry for a day.

Thinking about what the crown will be. We form it from artificial leaves. We fix them with glue and wire.

After drying, coat with glue again, let dry. Then we start painting the trunk. We take acrylic paints, dilute with PVA glue, in a ratio of 3: 1 and paint.

Bonsai sakura artificial tree, step by step instructions with photos

Sakura bonsai can be made from beads or artificial flowers.

Beaded sakura flowers are made as follows:

  1. A wire is taken, 45 cm long. Beads are strung on the wire
  2. We make two loops, so that each looks like a petal.
  3. We string beads on one end of the wire.
  4. Let's make another petal.
  5. We continue to twist the wire with a loop until 6 petals are obtained.
  6. The flower is ready.

The resulting flowers should have the ends of the wire, at least 10 cm, with which we collect bunches of flowers together and fasten to the wire, which will serve as a branch. Wrap with masking tape.

With the help of wire we fix the branches on the trunk. We do the trunk in the same way as the above examples. If you want to use green leaves, cut them from fake flowers or buy them from a craft store.

You can make any base, use a cache-pot or a mold made of gypsum, where you first need to plant the trunk. We decorate the base at our discretion.

As we can see, growing a bonsai or making an artificial one is not that difficult. It takes a little effort and patience.

Have you been fond of the noble art of growing bonsai for a long time or decided to try your hand at this field for the first time and want to learn how to care for a miniature tree? In any case, you should pay attention to the ficus - thanks to the pliability of this plant, it is much easier to form a bonsai from a ficus than from many other flowers and trees, and the result is very effective.

The attention of people who are passionate about growing bonsai has focused on ficuses relatively recently, but during this time they managed to gain great popularity. This plant lends itself well to formation with the help of twine or wire, the trunk quickly heals wounds, instead of cut branches, new ones quickly grow. At the same time, thanks to the smooth bark, miniature leaves and thin twigs, with the proper approach, the tree turns out to be very harmonious and attractive.

But one of the most important differences is that the plant willingly puts out aerial roots, which over time can take on the appearance of trunks.

How to grow and care

To grow ficus bonsai, you need to use a flat pot: this will limit the growth of the root system and, accordingly, the above-ground part of the plant. must be well drained (at least one hole). Bonsai respond well to pots with legs: this design allows air flow and does not allow excess water to stagnate.
For ficuses, soil is excellent, consisting of equal parts of sorted peat, dry (powdered) clay, humus and clean sand. Also good choice there will be soil for palm trees and, finally, special pellets for growing bonsai. Transplants are usually needed every two years. Do them better in spring.
Growing bonsai ficus, you can "plant" it on the stones - the roots, braiding one or more stones, give the composition a special expressiveness. To do this, you need to process the roots of the bonsai with a clay mash and fix them on the stones with a wire in the desired position. It is important that they touch the ground and be able to receive from it nutrients. In the future, the root system itself will firmly braid the stones and the wire can be removed.
One of the important conditions for growing miniature trees is care. If you are trying your hand at it for the first time, it is better to use not wire, but twine or ribbon - there is less risk of injuring the plant. If the use of wire is necessary, it is better to braid it with a soft cloth, for example, felt.

The braid for forming the trunk is carried out from the base of the trunk upwards. It must be done very carefully so that the branches or trunk do not break. When working with ficuses, the braid should remain on the tree for 45–60 days.

One of the easiest options for growing a miniature tree. Pruning for this variety is better to use radial, in which the entire green component is removed. The basis of the future tree will be a trunk with roots.
With this ficus, you can use the weaving technique: several sprouts are planted in a pot, which are woven together with a rope or wire.
The formation of the root system for can begin about 4 months after the plant has taken root. The roots are freed from the soil with the help of special sticks and spatulas, starting from the root collar. By transplanting this flower, you can either selectively remove excess roots, or trim the entire bunch. Further, in order to obtain a particularly spectacular form, the aerial roots of the microcarp should be straightened, directed to the ground and buried.

Ficus Ginseng Bonsai

It is quite easy to grow bonsai from this ficus, it is unpretentious in its care. at home, among other things, it consists in abundant watering (water should drain into the pan). Transplantation for this variety is preferable in the summer, while a quarter of the root system must be removed. In winter, he will need additional lighting, in the shortest days - up to 6 additional hours.

One of the smallest varieties. These houseplants They prefer well-lit rooms, but they should be protected from direct sunlight. The water in the pan should not stagnate, this can lead to root rot. Feed should be mainly in the spring, when the plant wakes up. There are a number of video instructions on the net on how to create a beautiful bonsai from grown Kinki step by step. For this variety, as well as for Microcarp, the interlacing of trunks is well suited, these flowers get along well with several pieces in one pot.

Ficus Benjamina is one of the most popular varieties for those who love growing bonsai. Since it is relatively easy to make Ficus Benjamin bonsai, the ease of care has made this variety a popular choice among beginners.

For this flower, it is permissible to grow in many canonical bonsai forms: moyogi (vertical, slightly curved position of the trunk, branches “look” in different directions), shakan (curved trunk, branches only from above and directed in one direction), hokidachi (broom-shaped tree with a wide crown), etc. In addition, Benjamin's ficus is great for composition on stone.

How to grow bonsai from Benjamin's ficus with your own hands? It is best to grow a plant from an apical cutting 8–12 cm. Such a cutting must be dried at the cut points, disinfected with a powder activated carbon and put in a growth stimulator. For better rooting, it is better to keep it in a mini-greenhouse at temperatures up to 22–17 ° C.
Lighting should be plentiful, and humidity should be high. When the root system develops sufficiently, the sprout can be transplanted into the ground, and if necessary, immediately onto stones. When the plant reaches the maximum planned height, the first is produced. In the future, it should be cut at least once every six months.

Of course, looking after such flowers is more difficult than usual, but take care of them carefully and carefully, while showing imagination, and after a while you will find yourself in your hands, like a miniature piece of wildlife.

Video "Bonsai from Ficus Benjamin"

From this video you will learn how to make your own ficus bonsai.

Bonsai is the art of growing smaller copies of nature's creations of plant origin, which first conquered Japan and then the whole world. A skillful likeness of the selected representative of the flora is formed by oneself, so this requires a lot of patience, time and knowledge. In this article, we will tell you how to grow a bonsai tree at home, and what care is required for it.

Choosing a tree for bonsai

To grow without much hassle beautiful tree bonsai at home, it is best to choose one of the following plants for this, about which gardeners' reviews are extremely positive. Photos will help you see what such a green pet will look like.

  • Indoor types of citrus:, lemon,;

  • Decorative varieties of apple trees;
  • Barberry;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Maple.

These are just some of the most popular options. Growing bonsai can be done from a variety of plants that are found everywhere: in parks, forests, gardens. You can also buy seedlings from nurseries. The price will depend on the chosen type of tree and its height.

Growing bonsai from seeds

There are two types of shrub and tree seeds suitable for exotic bonsai. One type of crop can be immediately used for germination, while the other part undergoes a hibernation period, during which the sprout must wait out the cold season. Stratification at home will serve as an imitation of winter.

  • For a period of 3-5 months, the seeds of the bonsai tree are placed in sphagnum moss or in wet sand, then the container is removed in the refrigerator. Positive temperature regime and a moist environment will help the seed prepare for growth. When put in a warm place, the sprout will quickly awaken;
  • You can grow bonsai from seeds from spring to the very beginning of the autumn season. For seedlings grown at the end of summer, it is necessary to apply illumination, which is indispensable in the autumn-winter period;
  • In order to successfully germinate seedlings and make it easier for them in the first months of life, you need to take peat tablets, soaked and absorbed moisture, or sandy-peat light substrate. Until the appearance of sprouts, the container is kept under a film in the dark. The air temperature depends on the type of tree grown;
  • The greenhouse must be ventilated so that rot and condensation do not appear. When the first shoots appear, the presence of fresh air in the room is necessary, then the seedlings are transferred to the light. If necessary, they are fertilized and watered with the help of a complex composition.

The bonsai plant is transplanted when it reaches 10-12 cm in height. In this case, the main root is shortened by 1/3 so that the green pet stops its vertical growth. The future trunk is immediately formed using copper wire.

Growing bonsai from cuttings

You can grow a bonsai with your own hands from a cutting. This method allows you to speed up the growth time compared to the previous option by almost a year. First you need to collect suitable cuttings. Do it better in the spring.

  • Choose semi-woody or green shoots 5-10 cm long and about 5 mm in diameter;
  • It is necessary to plant cuttings in sterile soil, additionally treated with hormonal powder (if possible).

A short master class on planting a cutting:

  • Fill the bottom layer of a deep pot with a diameter of 15 cm by about a quarter with a mixture of akadama and fine gravel in equal proportions;
  • We fill the remaining space of the container with a soil mixture suitable for the selected plant;
  • We remove all the branches at the bottom of the handle, we cut the thick branches obliquely;
  • Optionally, we process the cuttings with a special hormonal powder, which can be bought at plant stores;

  • We insert the seedlings into the soil, leaving a sufficient gap between them;
  • Carefully water the soil;
  • We remove the pot in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight so that the young leaves of the bonsai do not get burned;
  • Slightly moisten the soil, but do not flood;
  • It will take a few weeks before germination occurs. It will be possible to plant shoots in a year, and in a couple of years it will be possible to start forming a bonsai crown.

How to choose soil and pot for a bonsai tree

It is advisable to plant a home bonsai in a shallow and small container so that it does not grow huge. At the same time, it is necessary to form and cut off part of the roots.

The bonsai pot is chosen very carefully. This takes into account that from year to year the plant will become heavier, may become unstable, especially if it has a cascading, inclined or irregular shape. Therefore, for a "green friend", ranging in size from a few centimeters to a meter, ceramic bowls, containers or pots are made, usually massive, different shapes and style. Their bottom should have several drainage holes used to release excess moisture and to secure the future tree.

Scalding with boiling water or a hot solution of potassium permanganate is very suitable for processing the pot. So you protect the Japanese bonsai from the fungus of the root system.

The soil helps the tree to retain moisture and provides nutrition, and also thanks to the soil, the roots of the plant are fixed in a small pot. Therefore, in order to grow miniature copies of maples, oaks, lemons, lindens, etc., they resort to using a special substrate. This mixture, which is based on certain types of clay, is called akadama in Japan.

The granular substance is “flavored” with sand and fertile soil for good friability and nutritional value:

  • For growing flowering crops, three parts of sand, seven parts of earth with turf and a part of highly nutritious humus are taken, which are mixed together;
  • Deciduous species of bonsai trees grow well thanks to a substrate with three parts of washed coarse sand and seven parts of sod land;
  • Conifers love loose soil, consisting of two parts of washed sand and three parts of turf soil.

Before planting a bonsai, the soil must be sorted out and everything superfluous removed, which can damage the root system. And also the substrate is sterilized and sifted, drainage is made at the bottom of the container.

Bonsai crown formation

To give a miniature tree a beautiful bizarre shape, copper wire is usually used.

  • First, all branches from the lower part of the trunk and all the “dry land” are removed from the plant. Next, three main branches are selected on the crown, which visually form a triangle with equal sides, and all remaining branches between them are removed. You can also leave 2 or 4 branches - it all depends on your desire;
  • To make a trunk bend, remove the top soil layer from the roots and carefully tilt the trunk to required angle. One end of the soft wire is added dropwise and fixed in the ground at the stem base from the inside of the bend. The trunk must be tightly, but carefully wrapped with wire to the base of the branches left, so as not to damage or tear off the bark;

  • You can also create bends of bonsai branches using thin braided wire so as not to hurt delicate plant tissues;
  • It is necessary to remove the wire from the trunk of the formed tree after a couple of years, otherwise it may return to its original state. Twigs can be released after six months;
  • To maintain the aesthetic appearance of the bonsai, do not forget to regularly cut off long shoots that have crawled out of the crown perimeter and old foliage to allow new young leaves to grow.

Video: Bonsai pruning and crown formation

How to care for a tree at home

Your the main objective- successfully cope with watering a miniature culture. After all, a shallow pot filled with roots and a small amount of soil create certain difficulties. Drip irrigation or irrigation is best suited, which will allow dosed, without blurring, to moisten the substrate under the plant.

Only settled, melted or soft water is suitable for irrigation. During the growing season, green pets need a lot of moisture, and in the fall, watering is reduced and becomes less frequent.

Miniature plants are great for algae-based mineral supplements, which are carried out every 2-3 weeks. You need to take care of the trees carefully, do not leave them without "food", but most importantly - do not "overfeed":

  • In the spring season, with maximum growth, 2 times more nitrogen must be applied to the fertilizer than phosphorus and potassium;
  • In summer, the same proportions are used, but the concentration is reduced by 1/2;
  • At the end of August, especially for deciduous crops, the content of phosphorus and potassium is increased by 2 times, and nitrogen is reduced;
  • Fruiting and flowering shrubs and trees require more potassium, which goes to the formation of ovaries and buds.

In winter, the tree needs the following care:

  • In mild climates, plants are kept outdoors or on unheated terraces;
  • In a small pot, the roots may suffer first of all, so they are well covered, and the substrate is dried a little;
  • In spring, the bonsai flower awakens. Now it again needs to be watered, fed, formed a crown and roots.

The video below will help you see the process of growing miniature plants more clearly. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you can buy an already formed tree. But its cost will be estimated at several thousand rubles. If you do not have the time and opportunity to carefully care for such a green pet, then do it, which, according to its aesthetic data, will be no worse than a living one.

Video: How to care for a bonsai tree
