But one existing drawback is that the induction cooker needs its own dishes. However, if you are newcomers, then you still need to buy new dishes - you can immediately for an induction cooker. But how to distinguish it? How to choose cookware for the induction hob? Read more…

YES guys dishes are now in bulk, for every taste, color and wallet. There are expensive brands like "zepter", and there are a large number of analogues, including Russian manufacturers, by the way, with good quality, they cost adequate money.

Many people think that almost all induction cookware is chrome-plated, or contains a double bottom, this is not so! Now most of the chrome pans and kettles (about 60%) are not suitable for induction at all. By the way, we had some dishes, with a double bottom and chrome, but the stove refused to work with it.

Now what you need to look at the dishes themselves. By the way, many do not buy in sets, but gain one pan at a time.

If you are typing one item at a time, then be sure to see that your dishes support induction. Now the markings are applied to the bottom. There are several main designations, or rather only two.

This is such a spiral, look at the photo

Or here is an icon that looks like a camomile, photo

However, famous manufacturers may not have designations, for example, “Tefal” designations are almost always applied to a cardboard box, on which the word “induction” is indicated.

Also, there may not be a designation in the sets of dishes. For example, we bought a set, but there were no markings on the bottom. All information is on the packing box. Also a spiral with an inscription that supports induction.

This is how easy and simple it is to choose dishes for an induction cooker.

In conclusion, I would like to say, when buying dishes, choose models with an energy saving function (there are several layers of the bottom that keeps heat, something like a thermos). When you boil such a kettle, it really takes longer to cool down, and much longer. And this means that you will need to heat it up much less often, and with an electric stove this is very important (less electricity is consumed).

Disposable tableware: benefits and harms

Disposable tableware is very convenient!

To date, many have come to this conclusion, primarily because of the properties that it possesses. Disposable tableware (paper and plastic tableware) does not break, has a small weight, and does not require much space for storage, it is cheaper than glass.

Due to the fact that plastic utensils do not break and are easy to clean, sometimes they are used as reusable utensils, but few people thought about the harm that comes from disposable utensils.

Authoritative researchers have concluded that the reusable use of disposable tableware can lead to the appearance of malignant tumors, general fatigue and headaches. Allergies, asthma attacks, even mutagenic changes in the body may appear.

Consumer properties

Consumer properties of disposable tableware are those characteristics of disposable tableware that the consumer most often pays attention to when choosing dishes and which are the most important for its use.

  • Safety of disposable food and drink utensils (i.e. it is important that they comply with hygienic and medical requirements).
  • Aesthetic component: disposable tableware should have an attractive appearance: a variety of colors, the possible presence of patterns, the absence of various kinds of deformations and the presence of foreign materials, etc.
  • Heat resistance characteristics (preservation of temperature and resistance properties when in contact with hot drinks and food).
  • Availability of a possibility of application both for cold and for hot dishes and drinks.
  • The ability to use disposable utensils for storing food in the refrigerator and for heating or cooking food in microwave oven, etc.
  • The presence of such a property as frost resistance (for certain categories of disposable tableware).
  • Resistant to chemicals such as alkalis, acids and fats.
  • The presence of such a property as thermostaticity (the ability to hold dishes with hot food or drink in your hands and not burn your hands).

  • Strength, resistance to deformation.
  • Elasticity.
  • For items such as knives and forks, the presence of their primary properties is to cut and prick without deforming these cutlery.
  • Sustainability.
  • Availability of various shapes and sizes.
  • Disposable tableware should have sufficient capacity, and at the same time be compact and light in weight.
  • Environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.

These plates are not eaten twice

Experts say: plates, forks, spoons and cups from polymer materials cannot be used more than once.

This even applies to plastic water bottles. It is strictly forbidden to pour milk or alcoholic drinks there - you will get a poisonous mixture.

The main rule when choosing disposable tableware is to carefully read the label. Each branded product must have a label showing what the packaging is made of. If there is no marking, then it is better to take care of your health and purchase the product in glass containers.

The PVC icon (PVC-polyvinyl chloride) or the number 3 in a triangle on the bottom of the bottle or plastic packaging warns the buyer about its toxicity.

In addition to harmless glass containers, there is harmless food-grade plastic, which is marked with letters:

  • RE (PE)- polyethylene,
  • PETF (PET) or PET (PET)- polyethylene terephthalate,
  • RR (PP)- polypropylene.
  • PS (PS)- means polystyrene (its code is the number 6).
  • In addition, safety is confirmed image of a plate and fork, numbers 05 and 1.

Marking on disposable tableware - what does it mean?
Not all buyers know what the marking means and how such dishes can be used.

This marking indicates that the cookware is made of polystyrene. It can only be used for cold foods. You should never heat food on them in the microwave. In this case, harmful toxins enter the food. In addition, alcoholic beverages should not be poured into dishes with such markings, since toxic substances are also released. The released styrene accumulates in the kidneys and liver and leads to various diseases.

Plastic with this marking is made from polypropylene. Dishes with this marking can be used for hot drinks and foods. Such dishes can withstand up to +100 ° C. You can drink hot tea and coffee from polypropylene glasses, and heat food on plates in the microwave.

You can't pour alcohol. From the contact of alcohol and polypropylene, toxins are released - formaldehyde and phenol. These toxins also affect the kidneys and liver, but there is still a chance of going blind.

Triangle on the package, consisting of three arrows, says that the dishes are made of material recycling raw materials. Inside the triangle, as a rule, there are numbers.

They talk about the type of processing. So if you see

  • 1-19 is plastic
  • 20-39 - paper and cardboard,
  • 40-49 - metal,
  • 50-59 - wood,
  • 60-69 - fabric and textiles,
  • 70-79 - glass.
Drawn on the packaging glass-fork sign means that the dishes are suitable for any dishes, including the first (hot). If the icon is applied to the packaging in this form, then the products can even be stored in such dishes.
And here if such an icon is underlined, plastic products not intended for contact with food.

Dangerous plastic

We often underestimate the danger it can pose to our health. It turns out that there is a relatively safe and dangerous plastic. Since we still have no way out, it is worth taking care of choosing the lesser evil. Some types of plastic are really dangerous.

Information about the material used in the manufacture of the packaging is located on its bottom in the form of a graphic symbol consisting of three arrows forming a triangle. In the middle of the triangle are numbers from 1 to 7, indicating the type of material from which the packaging is made.

What are these numbers?

1 - PET (PET)

Such plastic is mainly used in the production of disposable beverage containers. Typical PET packaging are bottles mineral water. Such packaging, even after careful cleaning, can release toxic chemicals when reused. Never reuse this kind of material.


Polyethylene low pressure (high density) is used for the production of semi-rigid containers, it is one of the safest plastics and can be reused.

3 - PCV (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride is very often used, for example, in the production of packaging films for food products. PVC is hazardous to health and can release toxins. When burned, PVC produces highly hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins, which are often more dangerous than potassium cyanide.


Polyethylene high pressure(low density) used in many types of packaging (e.g. plastic bags) is considered recyclable and safer than many other plastics, but not as safe as plastics 2 and 5.

5 - PP (PP)

Reusable polypropylene is often found as a material for food containers. It belongs to the group of the safest plastics along with material 2 (HDPE).

6 - PS (PS)

Polystyrene is well known in the form of foam. PS releases toxins and should not be used as food packaging. It is also rarely used for this purpose due to the lower chemical resistance of polyethylene, but is present, for example, in lids for disposable coffee cups.


Never reuse plastic products marked with the number 7. This group includes many types of harmful chemical substances, including the highly toxic bisphenol A (BPA), which can contribute to schizophrenia, depression, or Alzheimer's disease. In addition, eating foods that come into contact with BPA can lead to disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, and even cancer. Never use such products in microwave ovens that allow BPA to penetrate deeper into food.

It is most often found in:

In order to avoid poisoning from packaged food, simple nuances should be taken into account.

First of all, it should be remembered that disposable tableware is disposable.

Currently, plastic is an integral part of our lives, and it will not be possible to get rid of it quickly in the kitchen. But you can try to minimize the harmful effects of plastic on our health. For this:

1. Use only plastics marked 2 (HDPE) and 5 (PP) for food storage.

2. Do not use other categories of plastic for food storage, but recycle it. Do not reuse PET bottles or microwave food in the food trays you bought them in (unless the packaging says they are suitable for this purpose).

2. Do not microwave food in packages containing bisphenol (Group 7), do not pour hot liquids into them, and do not wash in the dishwasher.

3. Use all plastic packaging in accordance with the instructions on them (recommendations for temperature, use of the dishwasher, etc.).

4. Do not buy mineral water in plastic packages that have been exposed to the sun, but it is best to buy drinks (including such as milk, kefir, yogurt) in glass containers.

Disposable packaging and utensils are designed to be used once. It is not worth leaving them in reserve for storing other products.
After use, the thin protective layer on the plastic is destroyed, and these dishes cannot be reused.

Always pay attention to the appearance of the package, its integrity, clarity of the inscription, expiration date.

Principle 1. Disposable tableware can be used strictly for its intended purpose
Each type of disposable tableware has an indication of what it is intended for: for cold, for hot, for cold drinks, for alcohol, etc. If you pour a hot drink into a glass intended for cold, the plastic begins to release toxic substances.

principle 2. Never leave the product in open jar even in the fridge. Either buy a smaller package or close tightly.

Principle 3. You can not store any products in disposable dishes, especially in used ones.
After using disposable tableware, the protective layer is destroyed, and when products, such as sugar, are stored in it, toxic substances pass into the product.

Principle 4. Meat and cheese are better not to take in the package.

Principle 5. Plastic dishes are not intended for ethanol-containing substances - alcohol.
Ethanol is an aggressive solvent. The toxic substances in the plastic begin to dissolve and end up in the drink.

Principle 6. The best option for disposable tableware is paper.

Principle 7. Often the composition of plastic dishes includes melamine, which is especially abundant in bright multi-colored dishes intended for children. In its normal state, it is not dangerous, but if you put something hot on a plate, medanin begins to release toxins that enter the human body with food.
Paper is cellulose. Even if its particles enter the body, nothing bad will happen.

Plastic bottles impair potency

While disposable cups are usually thrown away, convenient plastic bottles often remain in use.

In them by no means can't pour milk, since fats in it are able to dissolve some polymers, alcoholic drinks, kvass, compote. Polymers tend to "age" under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, therefore, over time, they begin to release substances harmful to humans.

Scientists from the Department of Epidemiology at HSPH and Harvard Medical School have come to the conclusion that plastic bottles are not as harmless to health as is commonly believed.

The constant consumption of drinks from plastic bottles more than two-thirds increases the body's levels of the chemical bisphenol A, which affects sex hormones, says Associate Professor Karin H. Michels.

This substance, which itself resembles the female hormone estrogen, is used in the production of food and drink packages and jars, as well as baby bottles. The study found that the levels of bisphenol A in the urine of subjects who drank all drinks from plastic bottles for a week increased by 69.

Heating plastic bottles, which parents do when they want to warm milk for their babies, introduces the chemical into the liquid contents in dangerous amounts. "This is a concern, as children may be particularly susceptible to bisphenol A, which can lead to disruption of the hormonal glands," says Michels. Previous research has shown that high BPA intake is associated with birth defects, growth problems, and an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

So that the housewives do not have to delve into the characteristics of the material and memorize its properties every time they buy new dishes, manufacturers have developed a whole “alphabet” of pictograms that are understandable at the visual level. These small icons on the dishes perform an important task - they inform the consumer about the operating conditions of the kitchen utensils.

If the picture on the icon allows any action (permits any conditions), then the same icon, but crossed out, prohibits them.

Labeling of cooking methods

Gas and electric, induction and glass-ceramic stoves, ovens, "microwave ovens" - which is not on modern kitchen! The labeling of the dishes will tell you what type of stove the pans, pots and stewpans are intended for.

Rules for the use of dishes

In addition to the icons that regulate the conditions for the heat treatment of food, manufacturers of dishes place pictograms explaining how to properly wash and store containers, bowls, salad bowls, and plates. In addition, the table for decoding icons on dishes provides information on additional properties of products.

Features of marking plastic utensils

Always pay attention to the labeling of plastic utensils. For the layman, all types of plastic are “one size fits all”, and meanwhile, not every material is suitable for contact with food, not everyone will endure heat or temperature changes, and certainly not all are safe for health.

The arrows forming a triangle indicate that the material can be recycled. Inside the triangle are numbers, each of which indicates a certain type of material.

Plastics range from 1 to 19, but we will look at the first seven types that are used to make food containers:

  • PET (PETE) - make bottles for vegetable oil, beer, filtered or mineral water, soda. The container is intended for single use.
  • HDPE (high-density low-pressure polyethylene) is most often used for packaging fermented milk products. Secondary use is not recommended, as the material releases formaldehyde.
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride) - known as packaging material for bottles, bags, films. Not suitable for fatty and hot foods, dangerous for the release of vinyl chloride.
  • LDPE (high density polyethylene) - can be used to store refrigerated products. It is shock-resistant, but does not withstand too low (for example, when frozen) and high, more than 100 ° C, temperatures.
  • PP (polypropylene) - has heat resistance, can even withstand boiling. Dishes made of polypropylene "tolerate" hot food and heating in the microwave, but release formaldehyde under the influence of fats and alcohol.
  • PS (polystyrene) - suitable for cold drinks or foods that do not require heating. Usually disposable trays are made from this fragile plastic.
  • The OTHER group includes other types of plastics. For dishes, most often it is polycarbonate, which is durable, resistant to high and low temperatures. With prolonged use, it can release carcinogens.

The ability to heat directly depends on the set of qualities of the material. If you use unsuitable products, nothing will happen at all when installed on the stove and the pan will remain cold. For this reason, even before buying appliances, it is better to determine which dishes are suitable for induction cookers.

Cookware material

A distinctive feature of the pans of the desired purpose is their manufacture from a ferromagnetic material. Basic options: cast iron, steel, iron. In addition, products from certain alloys are used (for example, steel + aluminum). If the cookware was bought recently, then on the bottom you can find an imprint with the corresponding marking (Induction).

Tip: You also need to look for a characteristic icon on the dishes that repeats the shape of the magnetization coil (spiral).

There are recommendations that allegedly allow you to determine whether the dishes are suitable for an induction cooker. It is advised to use an ordinary magnet for this purpose: it is applied to the bottom of the product. Actually it's not enough informative method, because even for pans made of ferromagnetic material, for some reason, induction cookers do not always respond properly. Therefore, it is still better to be guided by the designation on the bottom of the dishes.

But how to choose dishes for an induction cooker if the house already has a significant set of pots and other containers that are not specifically designed for use in new conditions. In this case, it is enough to install the product on the hob. If the desired properties of the dishes are not found, the equipment simply will not turn on.

Note: Among old-style pots, the bottom has a slightly curved surface, and only containers with a flat bottom can be used on an induction stove.

The range of cookware continues to expand, and there are already products made of non-ferromagnetic materials with special characteristics of the bottom. For example, aluminum, glass-ceramic pans. Outwardly, they look like all other cookware of their types, but also contain a multi-layered bottom with a magnetic disk at the base.

Cookware bottom diameter

Most often, the burner is designed for pots with a bottom diameter of at least 12 cm. The operation of the equipment will be impossible if most of the heating surface remains free. For this reason, you should decide in advance which cookware can be used for induction cookers.

But there is also alternatives Solving the size mismatch problem:

The second of these methods is usually implemented in institutions Catering(cafes, restaurants). However, it is quite possible to avoid such difficulties, since some manufacturers offer induction cookers in which the burners are designed for dishes with a bottom diameter of 8 cm or more. This is already significant progress. But technology does not stand still, and there are even models of induction cookers that automatically adjust to the needs of users: they change the characteristics of the burner depending on the size of the pan installed on it.

Thickness of the bottom of the cookware

When deciding which cookware is more suitable for induction cookers, one should not forget about other parameters. In particular, we are talking about the thickness of the bottom. It is acceptable to use containers with a sufficiently thin bottom (for example, 2 mm), however, in this case, the risk of noise generation during the cooking process increases. In addition, another drawback is noted - the deformation of a thin metal under the influence of sufficiently intense magnetic processes.

In view of these features, the use of unsuitable dishes should be avoided. There are pans with an all-metal bottom, as well as analogues, in which a multilayer bottom is provided various materials. The preferred option are tanks that contain a cast disc in the base. This feature ensures the strength and complete fit of the dishes to the surface of the burner.

Advice: Best Option for an induction cooker is a pan with a bottom thickness of at least 4.5 mm, which will ensure sufficient reliability of the product.

Comparative analysis of pots made of popular materials

To understand which cookware is suitable for induction hob, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a number of features of several common types of pots:

  1. Cast iron products - are characterized by low thermal conductivity, which means slow heating and slow cooling. Still such pans are durable, serve for a long time. But at the same time they are demanding in operation. Without proper care, cast iron pans will quickly become covered with rust. Cooking sour dishes in such dishes should not be, and besides, it is not recommended to store cooked food in it.
  2. Aluminum products are not so durable, however, they conduct heat well. At the same time, ready meals should not be stored in them either. Allowed to use aluminum cookware on induction hobs only if the bottom is made of ferromagnetic materials.
  3. Steel pans - characterized by aesthetic appeal, durability. Such cookware has an almost unlimited service life and is suitable for use on an induction oven in all respects. hob. It can be used to store food.

How to care for dishes

  • do not use abrasive compounds and materials, as there is a chance of damaging the perfectly smooth surface of the dishes;
  • to avoid the risk of smudges on the surface of pots and other containers, wipe them dry after washing;
  • products with a ceramic coating do not tolerate temperature changes, therefore, it is recommended to avoid situations where heat is abruptly replaced by cold, for example, if you remove hot dishes from the burner and immediately send them under cold water;
  • any non-stick coating can be damaged (burned out) if the pan / pan is left empty on the stove, as a result, the properties of the product will noticeably deteriorate.

When deciding for yourself the question of how to choose dishes for an induction hob, you need to clarify the nuances of care so that you don’t have to run into trouble the first time you use it.


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(irina.panteleeva) Irina Panteleeva

2019-06-25 2019-06-25 Cheat sheet for the seller: deciphering the labeling of dishes - Gala Center The seller must know everything! And this is no exaggeration. Of course, we are not talking about the location of the planets and the number of US states. The professional is well versed in his products and easily answers the most fantastic questions of buyers. https://www.site/posuda/articles/

The seller must know everything! And this is no exaggeration. Of course, we are not talking about the location of the planets and the number of US states. The professional is well versed in his products and easily answers the most fantastic questions of buyers. As a result - increased sales, customer loyalty and many other bonuses that make the business successful. Undoubtedly, being able to sell is a talent. Someone is born with it, someone learns it in special schools and universities. But there are things that you can learn on your own, but unfortunately laziness interferes. It turns out that not every seller knows how to decipher the icons on the dishes. And how then to talk about the benefits and rules of its use? We will talk about what manufacturers want to tell consumers through the original characters in our article.

Deciphering the icons on stainless steel pans

Having decided to buy dishes in bulk from a warehouse, the retailer must clearly know the purpose of specific products. All manufacturer's recommendations can be found on the box in the form of a table of images and inscriptions. Consider the designations on the example of the Vetta trademark. Wholesale tableware from the manufacturer goes on sale in cardboard boxes.

The icons on the pans are deciphered as follows:

  • smooth burner - suitable for electric stove
  • burner with fire - for gas stove
  • burner with a circle inside - for glass ceramics
  • spirals - for induction cookers
  • icon in the form of a cassette - washing in a typewriter
  • snowflake - food in stainless steel pans can be stored in the refrigerator.

When buying dishes in bulk from the manufacturer, pay attention to the inscriptions:

  • "Capsule Bottom" indicates that the pan has a capsule bottom that provides fast and even heating. This results in resource savings and improved quality of the cooked dish.
  • "Stainless steel" - the product is made of stainless steel, which does not oxidize and does not change the taste of products.

Deciphering the icons on enameled pans

This type of kitchen utensils is the most popular. He is loved for affordable price, bright exterior design and durability. However, in order for enameled pans to last long, proper use is necessary.

Look at the labels. The first row indicates that they cook on all types of stoves. They can also be washed in the dishwasher. Further, the fire icon indicates the prohibition of their use on an open fire (for example, when camping while cooking on a fire). The decoding of the “crossed-out knife and fork” icon is a ban on the use of sharp objects that damage the enamel and, accordingly, send kitchen utensils to the trash can.

Deciphering icons in pans

When buying wholesale dishes from Satoshi, do not ignore the information sheet.

The brand indicates:

  • type of non-stick coating: "Ceramic", "Marble" or "Titanium".
  • the inscription "Soft Touch" - the coating of the handle (it can also be a non-heating bakelite)
  • "Aluminum cast" - cast aluminum, which is many times stronger, more durable and more durable than a stamped counterpart. Such pans have more weight and thick walls that do not deform under the regular influence of high temperatures. Read about all the benefits of these products in

*Deciphering the marking: on which stoves you can cook.

Ovenware made of heat-resistant glass and ceramics, baking dishes

Millimi branded ceramic pots and oven dishes are marked as follows:

  • cooking in the oven
  • withstand temperatures from -40 to + 240 °, which means they can be stored in the refrigerator
  • you can not cook on an open fire.

Deciphering the icons of cardboard packaging:

It is also very popular from the manufacturer Satoshi.

It can be placed in the microwave and oven. Automatic washing at 65 degrees is also allowed.

Shatoshi metal baking molds also have their own marking indicating the name of the non-stick coating, the material of the product and the possibility of automatic washing. The decoding of icons with crossed-out cutlery indicates the prohibition of the use of sharp objects. Work only with silicone, nylon and wooden accessories is allowed. Also on the kitchen utensils you can see a picture with the inscription "PFOA Free". This is a guarantee that the non-stick coating does not contain harmful acids that cause cancer.

silicone utensils will last much longer if the manufacturer's messages are correctly deciphered.

In silicone accessories, you can cook in the oven and microwave at t -40 - +250 degrees. You can not get pastries with forks and knives. The ECO label confirms the environmental friendliness of the material. "FOOD GRADE SILICONE" - food grade silicone, completely harmless to health.

Deciphering the marking of ceramic tableware

If you decide on the Millimi brand, you should know: it is used in a microwave oven, suitable for freezing and defrosting food, storing in the refrigerator and washing in automatic mode. At the same time, it should be handled with care, as evidenced by 2 icons:

  • umbrella with rain - protect from moisture
  • broken glass - a fragile product can break when dropped.

We understand the labeling of plastic dishes

Plastic devices accompany us everywhere - at home, at work, in the country and at a picnic. What you need to know about these accessories, so as not to harm your health, we tell further.

Vetta plastic utensils (containers and containers for food storage) are made of polypropylene, which is safe for people. This is indicated by icon number 5. Accessories can be used in the refrigerator and microwave oven, wash in the machine.

Reliable supplier Gala Center: wholesale tableware from the manufacturer from a warehouse in Moscow

Do you want to order certified and safe products for a retail store at a low price? So you have come to the right address. The catalog contains more than 1700 items and the assortment is regularly updated with new products. The marketplace features:

  • white porcelain, glass and ceramic tableware for the restaurant
  • multi-colored plates, salad bowls and mugs for home and cafe
  • pots, baking dishes, frying pans
  • plastic tableware
  • cutlery and more.
