The Moscow Aviation Institute is rightfully considered one of the best technical universities in the country and the entire post-Soviet space. This is confirmed both by the rich history of the educational institution and the number of famous accomplished graduates, as well as by the high places it occupies in the rankings. It is extremely difficult to enter here on a budget, because you need to pass the SEE with 185 points or more, the competition for budget places is very high, and their number decreases every year. Therefore, many students choose a paid form of education.

Let's consider what the cost of education will be at MAI for applicants for a contract in the 2017-2018 academic year:


Most of the directions at MAI are presented for future bachelors. The most budgetary by metropolitan standards, only 144,410 rubles, will be studying in the following specialties:

  • Business Informatics;
  • GMU - State. and municipality. control;
  • Management;
  • Org. youth work;
  • Applied mathematics / + informatics;
  • Service;
  • PM - Personnel Management;
  • Foundation. informatics and inf. technologies;
  • Economy.

For the study of the largest number of specialties at the MAI bachelor's degree, the cost is 150,230 rubles for the first academic year. The list of these areas includes:

  • Automation tech. processes and productions;
  • Biotech. systems and technologies;
  • Innovation;
  • Inf. systems and technologies;
  • Inf. safety;
  • Laser equipment and technologies;
  • Materials science and technology of materials;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • Applied Mechanics;
  • Software engineering;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Syst. analysis and exercise;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Physics;
  • Ecology and nature management;
  • Electric power industry and technology.

For 25 thousand more, for 175,970 you can unlearn two semesters at the Moscow Aviation Institute on "Advertising and Public Relations" or "Linguistics".

The highest price set for undergraduate programs of the Moscow Aviation Institute was the amount of 201,720 rubles, for which you can study the following specialties:

  • aircraft industry;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Aircraft (aircraft) engines;
  • Nanotechnologies and microsystem engineering;
  • Missile complexes and astronautics;
  • control systems traffic and navigation.

Part-time form

Applicants who plan to earn a living and receive education at the same time, as a rule, enroll in part-time education. At MAI, there is an opportunity to study on a “point-by-point”, and the price of such training will depend on the chosen specialty:

Price for the 1st course,Direction
59 210 Design and technology el. funds
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
79 800 aircraft industry
Aircraft engines
81 600 Business Informatics
123 760 Advertising and public relations


Completely absent, that is, almost distance learning at the Moscow Aviation Institute is also possible, but the choice of directions for obtaining such an education is extremely small - there are only nine of them. Four of them are taught for 59,210 rubles a year:

  1. Informatics and Computing. technology;
  2. Design and technology el. funds;
  3. Applied Informatics;
  4. Radio engineering;

... and the remaining five - for 68 thousand rubles:

  1. Business Informatics;
  2. Management
  3. Service;
  4. Economy.

MAI Specialist: available destinations and prices


If earlier training in almost all areas of training at the MAI lasted 5-6 years, now only the most complex programs remain in the specialist, syllabus which could not be reduced to a 4-year duration of a bachelor's degree. So, you can complete the first year of training as a specialist for 150,230 rubles in just three areas:

  1. Inf. telecommunications security. systems;
  2. Radio-electronic systems and complexes;
  3. Special org.-tech. systems.

Education in the remaining six available specialties will cost freshmen and their parents 50,000 more - 201,720 rubles. The list of such destinations is as follows:

  • Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket and space complexes;
  • Aviation design. and rocket engines;
  • LA test;
  • Integrated aircraft systems;
  • control systems LA;

Part-time form

You can also study part-time at the Aviation Institute, but you will have to choose from only three areas upon admission, the first year of study in which will cost 79,800 rubles:

  1. Project., production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  2. Integrated aircraft systems;
  3. Aircraft and helicopter industry.

The possibility of distance learning in the MAI specialist is completely absent.

MAI master's degree: tuition fees


After graduating from the "Mayov" bachelor's degree, newly minted bachelors most often go back to apply for admission to the MAI, since technical education without a master's degree in many cases cannot be considered complete. The most budgetary will be master's education in "Applied Mathematics", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", as well as "Fundamental Informatics and Informatics". technologies”, which will cost 154,570 rubles:

Less than 4,000 more (158,410 rubles) will cost studying at the "Economics" or "Management".

However, the largest number of specialties was assigned a price of 165,670 rubles. WITH complete list These areas can be found below:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • Computer science and computing. technique;
  • Design and technology el. funds;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Materials Science and Engineering. materials;
  • Software engineering;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • System analysis and control;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Physics.

The price for some master's programs is much higher than the most common one and amounts to 210,620 rubles for the 1st course. It is installed for:

  • Aircraft industry;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • In addition to full-time education, MAI also accepts part-time and part-time students, but here the choice is not as great as in the full-time department. So, for admission to the part-time master's program, applicants will have to choose between three available areas. The most inexpensive of them is Applied Mathematics and Informatics. For study in the 1st year in this specialty, they will ask for only 60,950 rubles. The average price of the “points-for-points” direction is “Aircraft Engineering” for 83,360 rubles for 1 course. And for the first two semesters of study in the most expensive direction, "Management", you will have to pay 95,050 rubles.

    Those wishing to study at the MAI in absentia can choose between the cheaper direction “Computer Science and Computing. technology” for 65,380 rubles or one of the more expensive areas - “Economics” and “Management”, the first course of study on which will cost 79,210 rubles.

    Learn more about the university itself and the benefits of studying at MAI in various specialties by watching a video at the university:

Higher education provides an opportunity to get a decent job. This is taught to schoolchildren long before the time comes for them to decide how their future life should develop. Therefore, many applicants are extremely responsible about where to continue their education. Such future students carefully examine information about the future university. This article is intended to make the process a bit easier. It will describe the Moscow Aviation Institute (departments, faculties, admission conditions). This information will allow you to make an informed decision: is it worth choosing the educational institution in question for yourself?

About the university

Over the years of its existence, MAI has grown from a small aeromechanical school to one of the largest national research universities. Today, 1800 experienced competent teachers train more than 20 thousand future specialists at 12 faculties in 42 areas of training. Graduates of the institute under consideration are extremely in demand. Thus, the employment of students is guaranteed.

Positive reviews

Is it worth it to go to MAI? Reviews and opinions of people vary. Often in the most dramatic way. However, most of the feedback is positive. Students and graduates talk about competent, experienced teachers, high-quality knowledge gained at the university. Many share what they were able to get Good work upon completion of training. Most of the graduates do not regret the years spent at this institute.

Negative Feedback

However, not everyone speaks of studying at MAI with such tenderness and gratitude. Some claim that many teachers do not provide knowledge properly. Such students talk about the constant lateness of professors, the lack of full-fledged classes, problems with the admissions committee, and the lack of relevant teaching materials.

It is not easy to choose which responses to believe. Most likely, all of them partly have a certain basis. As a rule, it all depends on the specific people with whom you will have to cooperate. Conscientious teachers will provide quality knowledge, others will waste your time.

passing score

Applicants must take into account many nuances. So, what else is important to know for those who are going to independently enter the MAI this year? Reviews recommend paying attention to what passing scores according to the results of the Unified State Examination have been established by this educational institution. They are relevant both for those who plan to enroll in budget place, and for those who have chosen for themselves the option of paid education.

So, the minimum score in computer science (or information and communication technologies), as well as in social science, is 50, in Russian - 48, in mathematics - 39, in physics, foreign language, history and geography - 40.

By all means take into account these requirements when entering the MAI reviews recommend each applicant. This will help you objectively assess your chances.

Areas of training

Before choosing a specialty for which you will apply to the Moscow Aviation Institute, reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of exams required to pass.

So, there are several blocks of subjects, the test results for which should be provided upon admission. The first block: Russian language, physics, mathematics. These disciplines are relevant for the following areas of study: applied mathematics and computer science, fundamental computer science and information Technology, physics, computer science and information systems and technologies, radio engineering, instrument making, biotechnical systems and technologies, laser equipment and laser technologies, electric power industry and electrical engineering, applied mechanics, automation technological processes and production, technosphere safety, metallurgy, standardization and metrology, traffic control systems and navigation, rocket systems and astronautics, aircraft engines, aircraft engineering, control in technical systems, innovation, nanotechnology and microsystem technology.

The second block of disciplines: mathematics, history, Russian language. It is relevant for those who plan to study as a linguist.

The third block: Russian language, computer science and These exams will have to be passed by those who are going to enter the following areas of study: applied mathematics, Applied Informatics, software engineering, information security, information technology and communication systems, design and technology of electronic means, quality management, system analysis and management.

Mathematics, Russian language and geography will have to be taken by those who want to study ecology and nature management.

In turn, social studies, Russian language and mathematics will be needed for those who want to continue their education in the following specialties: economics, personnel management, management, business informatics, advertising and public relations, organization of work with youth, service.

This information will help you rethink your plans and assess your options.


The main thing you need to decide in advance is this. For this, it is important to carefully study the list of available faculties at this institute. These include the following:

  • "Radiotuz".
  • "Aviation Technology".
  • "Foreign languages".
  • "Aircraft Engines".
  • "Aerospace".
  • "Applied Mathematics and Physics".
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft".
  • "Applied mechanics".
  • "Control systems, informatics and electric power industry".
  • "Social engineering".
  • "Robotic and intelligent systems".
  • "Pre-university training".

The Moscow Military Aviation Institute is also quite popular among applicants. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with all the features of the chosen specialty even before the submission of documents. This will facilitate the process of adaptation to new conditions during training.

Special rights and benefits for applicants

Some applicants have the right to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute without any entrance exams. Student feedback reports that this happens quite often. Among these applicants:

  • Those who participated in the All-Russian Olympiad or won it.
  • Those who participated in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad or won it.

Others can study at the expense of budgetary funds within a certain quota. This opportunity can be used by persons with disabilities; orphans; those left without parental care; combat veterans.

The higher education institution in question can change some conditions at its own discretion. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the current requirements regularly.

How are individual achievements counted?

As the reviews of 2016 report about the MAI, they can declare when applying for training about their special achievements, which will certainly be taken into account when enrolling. Points are awarded for significant results (from 1 to 10).

The following individual achievements play a role:

  • Sports victories (world champion, European champion, medalist or champion of the Olympic, Deaflympics and Paralympic Games).
  • Certificate of secondary general education(with honors or with the condition of receiving a silver or gold medal).
  • The status of the laureate, prize-winner, winner of the Olympiads corresponding to the chosen specialty).
  • Diploma of received higher education(Honours).
  • Diploma of secondary vocational education (with honors).

    A maximum of 10 points can be awarded.

Admission of foreigners

Can foreign citizens become MAI students? Student feedback shows they can. However, for this group of applicants there are special conditions for admission.

For example, such citizens can study at the MAI (reviews on the training of foreigners confirm this fact) both through financial support from the budget and through funding from any legal or individual. In the second case, as is usually the case, a contract for the provision of services is concluded.

In the higher educational institution in question, there is a strictly defined quota for the education of foreigners, which is established in accordance with current legislation. It can fluctuate depending on the chosen specialty, as well as over time. Otherwise, foreign applicants are treated in the same way as Russian ones.

Such applicants are not required to take the Russian language exam for admission. For neither, the list of compulsory examination disciplines is adjusted in a certain way.

There is a certain quota of foreign citizens who can study in those specialties whose educational programs involve the disclosure of information that is classified as state secrets. This mechanism is governed by the relevant law.

The need for a medical examination

A number of specialties require the provision of some additional documents. These are results in accordance with the requirements based on current legislation. Russian Federation. This condition applies to the following specialties:

  • "Radioelectronic systems and complexes".
  • "Aircraft testing".
  • "Power engineering and electrical engineering".

Consider this if you plan to enter one of these specialties at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Feedback from students confirms that knowledge of such features greatly facilitates the process. Parents of applicants are encouraged to monitor how their child will prepare the necessary documents.

Features of accepting documents

What do you need to prepare before applying to MAI? Reviews recommend that you study this item in advance in order to eliminate unpleasant surprises in the process of submitting documents. So what do you need to know?

Together with a statement of desire to enter this higher educational institution, you must provide:

  • Any document that allows you to identify the identity of the applicant.
  • Two photographs (black and white) 4 x 6 cm.
  • Original document of previous education (a photocopy will also be appropriate).
  • If the applicant has any special rights upon admission, you should provide additional documents confirming this fact.

In the event that a potential student considers it necessary to present something else to the selection committee, he has the right to do so.


The Moscow Aviation Institute is an educational institution that provided many thousands of students with high-quality knowledge and made it possible to get a highly paid, prestigious job.

Be extremely careful when choosing a university and specialty. This choice will have a significant impact on your entire future life. Take it seriously. And then the next years of study will bring you only the most positive emotions.

I am the mother of a third year student. My son is studying to be a programmer. It's very hard to learn, three skins are torn off. Especially in the first year, especially Vestyak!) But, those who really want to study, and did not just come for a crust, they are always afloat. For three years, according to the son, either those who obviously did not pull it off and transferred to another university easier, or those who “scored” on their studies at all, did not appear at lectures, did not pass laboratory, tests and exams, were expelled.

My eldest son finished his studies at the 1st faculty this year and entered graduate school without exams. When he defended his diploma, the audience applauded. I can say that it is difficult to study, it will not work out, the granite of science needs to be gnawed. Teachers of a high level and the old school, they forge today's highly qualified personnel. Of the 27 people who entered the department with my son, only three came to the finish line. But these are experts of the highest level. Employers are ready to take them on any conditions. 02.07 with the youngest son also submitted documents to the MAI. As for the admissions committee, I agree, it’s a complete mess, it’s surprising that for so many years the people who organize the admission of applicants have not bothered to monitor other universities (how are they?) or at least transfer the selection committee to a recreation center where there are chairs. A huge inconvenience - you can’t choose faculties in one place by priority, I had to go through this hell twice.

The first time will be difficult. Most frequently asked question in my head will be "why do I need it?" will concern primarily inscription, engineering, chemistry. You will have to put up with what you need, and grit your teeth to hand over to teach, cram, subjects. Buy blueprints? In my opinion only as a last resort. Believe a person who is not adapted for drawing in any way - any drawing can be handed over by bugging the teacher with his diligence and constant correction of the jambs indicated by the teacher (I never got to the paid ones for the engineer), but the purchased drawings are fired immediately and there is a risk of being sent with them . After the first failures in the session, there may be an acute desire to dump somewhere where it is easier. Not even passing the exam in three attempts and going to paid courses is not at all a reason to fulfill this desire, especially if there is only one tail. Approximately such difficulties, future freshmen.

MAI is by my side. She taught at a nearby school, a lot of students went to the Moscow Aviation Institute, and mostly three students. In my opinion, everyone who wanted to, everyone did. Information from 7 years ago. Only one faculty remained strong there, programming. Our school used to have grades 9-11, which were taught by teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute, 15 years ago they were in great demand, there was a competition. 7 years ago they took everyone there indiscriminately, now they just can’t recruit for one subgroup in the class. I think that the MAI can be considered as a fallback. She graduated from MSU VMK herself, three years ago her son graduated (budget). It is difficult to study and no bribes are taken there, they tear up three skins. On the course, the son has less than half of the course left for the diploma, and the payers are expelled without hesitation, the son's classmate (payer) flew out of the 2nd year and landed at the MAI, and finished it without much bothering. But in general, I'm not very happy, as they teach at VMK now, specialists from Baumansky are much stronger.

Hello, periodically looking through the records, I noticed that there are very few plums about MAI. Well, here's my review of MAI. To put it mildly, I skipped the 11th grade, and therefore I passed the USE unimportantly, I passed 5 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, social studies, and took geography as a spare. There was no definite goal for admission, I thought something related to the economy, but I didn’t even plan geography. So it turned out that geography came out strong, for which it almost did not prepare. It so happened that I entered the MAI. A logical question arises, what can be done with geography there, and so, there is a specialty "environmental safety of space activities", I went there because of the romantic name, not really imagining what I would study.

A little about the curriculum The first course was very difficult for all my classmates, since we are all practically humanists, and in the first semester our curriculum was littered with mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, and so on, there was only one subject in the specialty. They handed over the session with the idea that after the 1st course there would be no more physics and mathematics. It was very hard when you hate these objects with all your heart. In the second semester, history repeated itself, but more specialized subjects appeared, now I'm in my second year, I have difurs, engineering, materials science, twims, like the last semester of torment, but we are already used to it in general, although we tirelessly repeat: " we are environmentalists" Educational process Attendance is not the toughest thing in this institute, there are subjects that must be attended (engineering English language), there are some that you don’t need, everything is different here, I don’t have the best attendance, but then I have to pay for it at the end of the semester. The schedule is issued at the beginning of the semester, and no longer changes, well, unless you personally agree with the teacher. There are a maximum of 4 pairs per day, that is, you finish at 16 days. Saturdays are different for everyone, we didn’t study before, now we study once every two weeks.

The buildings and dormitories of the Corps are all in one place, but their condition is terrible, the elevators work every other time, the toilets are holes in the floor, and this is in the main building, there is no place to sit between couples, but we don’t have a wardrobe, I think this a plus, since there are no eternal queues, and you can calmly sit in the audience in a jacket and a hat, I remind you that the buildings are terrible, the windows are with huge gaps. I don’t live in a hostel, but I was in them, there are block and corridor types, it all depends on the faculty, but the hostel of my faculty with the loud name “space” is in a deplorable state.

The entertainment program is run by the trade union bureau, and it depends on everyone, but there is always the opportunity to go to the theater for free, to museums, etc. A lot has already happened, but I can’t say anything about the May spirit, MAI has its own traditions, for example, when the whole institute drinks on a box on September 1, and then the police unanimously disperse everyone, in general, our institute is called musical and alcohol, but if you don’t drink, then no one forces you. There are a lot of chants about Mayevites, and probably the Mayevian spirit makes him love him, despite all his minuses. MAI IS ME, MAI IS US, MAI IS THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRY.

MAI is by far the main institute in aviation. But it would not hurt to make a small repair in the hostel, otherwise it turns out when we study, then everything really corresponds to a high level. And when we come to the hostel, then excuse me, it doesn’t correspond at all ... Yes, of course, Muscovites and Muscovites don’t give a damn about it, of course, Tony went home and ate mom’s borscht. But after all, Moscow is not all of Russia, but Russia is us, people from all over the country. And all these Muscovites are only nose to the top, but there is no sense. They don’t know a lot, and they are very stupid, I even began to notice that if they are stupid, then one hundred percent is a Muscovite. Although I am not against all Muscovites, understand me correctly, but those whom I met are darkness and horror ...

completed the first course at ENGEKIN MAI

about the admissions committee, when I entered, I was also wildly horrified by everything that was happening, I even thought about abandoning the idea of ​​​​going there, but no, I did it anyway) such a mess is always going on there and in my opinion they are not going to change anything, the main thing is not to judge it the whole institute!

at the expense of the repair - at first it catches your eye, of course, the situation, but then you get used to it) and in the ENGEKIN building itself there was a repair recently, everything is sooo good there + they built a new building now, I don’t remember the truth for which faculty

education itself is at a good level, not bad, but not excellent either, you understand, you don’t enter Moscow State University. teachers really teach, in most cases they won’t give a grade for beautiful eyes) for a year I remember teachers in law, history (which I didn’t like, but I went to the lectures of this teacher with pleasure), matana (it’s generally difficult to forget), economics, computer science, statistics, etc. All of the above are excellent teachers!

BUT! Separately, I want to say about the dean's office and everything connected with it - it's just hell! horror! nightmare! the people working there are just non-humans, I can’t say otherwise. that there are girls sitting in the dean’s office itself, from whom you will never get anything, always some kind of evil, and so on, I don’t understand why they went to this job if they don’t like it, what, the worst nightmare is the deputy. dean - I don’t know at all who let her work with people, especially with students! she constantly yells at everyone, in the literal sense of the word, I have never seen her so that she doesn’t yell at someone, if you need to get something from her - you yourself understand what awaits you. it remains only to limit oneself as much as possible from this person, but when one has to face, in any case, an unpleasant aftertaste remains after communication. it seems that she is either sick in the head, or it’s time to treat her nerves, or she just likes to take out all her anger on students

otherwise the institute is good) I have never regretted that I entered here, and the atmosphere is good (well, almost) and teaching!

Applicant of this university: This year I graduated from high school, and I was faced with a choice between universities for further education.
Since I am not from a very wealthy family, I only considered the option of going to the budget. While studying Physics and Mathematics, in addition to the main exams, I took the Unified State Examination in Physics and a specialized exam in Mathematics. My plans were to enter a specialty related to astronautics, astronomy or astrophysics.
I had to choose between RUDN and MAI. Unfortunately, I chose the greater of two evils. I entered the Aerospace Faculty at the MAI on a budget, although I also entered the Physics Department of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. I preferred MAI because of its location (it was convenient geographically)
All my misadventures began when I got to know the MAI administration better. In anticipation of the start of the school year, I needed to find out where and when the freshman meeting would be held. Since the very inconvenient site of the institute does not work periodically, I had to call the admissions committee, which was extremely easy. I was answered not quite adequate secretary. From her, I heard a sea of ​​unreasonable claims against me, but still got my way. True, this dialogue made me doubt the correctness of my decision. Place ambitions are somewhat blunted.
The freshman meeting also made an indelible impression on me. Almost immediately, it was announced that a meager, miserable scholarship of 1,500 rubles without a commission can be obtained, therefore, only in a commercial (!) SDM-Bank. We can say that we were immediately forbidden to look for any work. At the same time, the question of how it is possible to exist on a scholarship that is unrealistic to receive remained unanswered. At the meeting, I also learned that every year students undergo medical examinations and not only where, but precisely in the institute's polyclinic. The fact that it is inconvenient for you to go there every time when it is wildly busy, no one cares.
Of all the subjects, physical education is given a higher priority here (2-3 pairs of one physical education per week).
Immediately after the meeting, we were expected to communicate with the curators. They, like experienced people, warned us that it was not worth complaining about teachers who like to skip classes - "it can cost you more." Also, the curators told us that in the process of reducing the size of the group, by the last year, the remaining students will most likely be transferred to another, as a result of which they will receive a diploma not in the specialty that they originally wanted. We learned that already at the very beginning of training, the money issue is acute. For each book borrowed from the institute's library, you must make a deposit of 100 rubles. Maybe this is a small amount, but given the fact that under the constant pressure of teachers, "who also want to eat," you will have to buy their essentially unnecessary training manuals more than once, for the entire time of study you will have to fork out quite a bit.
Perhaps the conversation with the curators was the last straw. I firmly decided to pick up the documents. But I didn't manage to do it without adventures. Again, I managed to get through to the selection committee with a drumbeat. I was told where and on what day I should come for my documents. The guards at the checkpoint did not want to let me and my mother through. When we got to the dean's office, we faced absolute, total devastation reigning within its walls. You will not be able to find the markup of floor numbers and audiences here. Having spent a lot of effort and wasting more than one hour of time, I found out the treasured information where my documents are actually located. As it turned out, I also had to write a letter of resignation. When everything was ready, the administration needed to make sure that my parents knew about my decision. Simply put, they had to give their consent. The fact that they didn’t tell me over the phone that one of my parents should be with me, once again proves the carelessness and indifference to the people of this institute. As a result, the attitude of the administration towards applicants can be safely called boorish, unresponsive, disregarding. The level of hypocrisy in all employees just rolls over. Their sky-high self-esteem prevents them from seeing the obvious.
Do not repeat my mistake, before entering, carefully study the reviews of applicants and students regarding the university of your dreams!
