What is the significance of the setting of the story?

(The action of the story takes place in the bosom of nature, in the wilderness of Polissia, where fate threw the hero, a city man, “for six whole months.” The hero expects new experiences, acquaintances with strange customs, a peculiar language with poetic legends, traditions. And his expectations are justified The scene is also important for clarifying the author's idea.)

What role does landscape play in the story? Give examples.

(The winter forest landscape contributes to a special state of mind, solemn silence emphasizes detachment from the civilized world, the howling of the wind intensifies melancholy and boredom. Nature is not just the background of the story. Gradually it becomes a participant in events. First, the forces of nature are personified: “The wind outside the walls of the house raged like an old , a chilled, naked devil. In his roar, groans, squeals and wild laughter were heard ... Outside, someone furiously threw handfuls of fine dry snow at the windows. The nearby forest murmured and hummed with a continuous, hidden, dull threat. " Gradually, the sounds of the wind almost materialize, and the hero imagines some kind of “terrible guest” bursting into his an old house. Anxiety is added by Yarmol's servant, who mysteriously announces: "Che the witcher was born, chi the witcher is celebrating fun."

Descriptions of the landscape are often imbued with a lyrical warm mood: “The snow turned pink in the sun and turned blue in the shade. I was seized by the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I feel how time slowly and silently passes me by. Finally, nature, its strength, mystery, charm are embodied in the “sorceress” Olesya. The acquaintance of the heroes takes place in the spring: nature awakens - feelings awaken. In the last chapter - a sudden whirlwind, an unbearably stuffy day, a thunderstorm, hail - nature portends a break, separation, the collapse of love. A symbolic image of a mulberry tree stands out, which "stood completely naked, all the leaves were knocked off it by terrible blows of hail." The hero's dreary anxiety is justified - the "unexpected grief" that he foresaw happened: Olesya is lost to him forever.

Nature either echoes the feelings of the characters, promotes the awakening and development of their souls, or serves as a means of creating an image (Olesya), emphasizing the natural, natural charm of a person, or is the antithesis of the “civilized selfish world.)

How does Kuprin draw the image of the main character?

(The appearance of Olesya is foreshadowed by nature itself, Yarmola mentions the “witcher”, the hero hears Olesya’s fresh, sonorous and strong voice, and finally she herself appears - “a tall brunette about twenty or twenty-five years old” with a face that “could not be forgotten .. ... but it was difficult to describe it ": slyness, dominance and naivety" in the look of "large, shiny, dark eyes." Her face easily changes expression from severity to childish shyness (Chapter III). Olesya is compared with young Christmas trees that have grown up in the freedom of the old Bora (Chapter IV). The hero is also attracted by "the halo of mystery surrounding her, the superstitious reputation of a witch, life in the thicket in the middle of a swamp, and in particular - this proud self-confidence". everything that poisons the relationship of people in the civilized world, to which Ivan Timofeevich belongs, is alien to her.)

What is the peculiarity of the image of the hero-narrator?

(Olesya herself describes the hero: although you are a kind person, you are only weak ... your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word ... You will not love anyone with your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, but to those who love you, you will bring much grief.")

How is the plot of the story structured?

(Pictures of life and pictures of nature are connected in a single stream: for example, after the hero’s meeting with Olesya, a picture of a stormy spring, a declaration of love is accompanied by a description of the moonlit night. The plot is built on the opposition of the world of Olesya and the world of Ivan Timofeevich. He perceives relations with Olesya as “naive , a charming tale of love, "she also knows in advance that this love will bring grief, but that it is inevitable, that you cannot run away from fate. His love gradually decreases, he is almost afraid of her, tries to delay the explanation, propose to Olesya and tell her about his departure (Chapter XI) He thinks first of all about himself: “Well, good and learned people marry seamstresses, maids ... and live beautifully ... I won’t be more unhappy than others, really?” And Olesya’s love is gradually gaining strength, opens up, becomes selfless. The pagan Olesya comes to church and barely escapes from the brutalized crowd, ready to tear the "witch" apart. Olesya turns out to be much higher and stronger than the hero, these forces are in her naturalness.)

What color accompanies the image of Olesya?

(This is red, the color of love and anxiety: “Olesya’s red skirt stood out as a bright spot on the dazzling white, even background of snow (first meeting); red cashmere scarf (first date, in the same scene Olesya speaks blood), a string of cheap red beads , corals - the only thing that remained "in memory of Oles and her tender, generous love (last episode).

Why was the happiness of the heroes so short?

(Olesya, who has the gift of foresight, feels, realizes the inevitability of the tragic end of a short happiness. It is impossible to continue this happiness in a stuffy, cramped city. They are too different people. All the more valuable is her self-denial, an attempt to reconcile her independent way of life with what is deeply alien to her The theme of "magic" love is replaced by another, constantly sounding in Kuprin's work - the theme of the unattainability of happiness.)

What do you think is the idea behind the story?

(Kuprin shows that only in unity with nature, in preserving naturalness, a person is able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.)

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"

The wealth of the inner world of the heroine of the story "Olesya" and her tragic fate

  1. Why did the author title the story with the heroine's name?
  2. What is the significance of the setting of the story?
  3. What role does landscape play in the story? Give examples.
  4. How does Kuprin draw the image of the main character?
  5. Why for the majority of local residents, peasants - Olesya's neighbors, she is a sorceress, a "witcher"?

The word "witch" has many meanings. It means not only an evil witch, but also a magician, a good sorceress, an enchantress.

  1. For Kuprin, is Olesya a witch who seduced Ivan Timofeevich, or a sorceress who revealed to the hero the beauty of love? Prove your point.
  2. Does the name of the heroine correspond to her magical essence? Which meaning of the word "sorceress" does it best suit?
  3. Why do the neighbors hate and persecute Olesya? Who and why did the author choose to compare with Olesya?
  4. Why did the visiting "panych" become the object of comparison? What attracted the heroine in Ivan Timofeevich?
  5. The profession that Ivan Timofeevich strives for is a writer,- Was it accidentally given by the author to his hero?
  6. Is there anything in common between the skill of a writer and a sorcerer?
  7. What is the peculiarity of the image of the hero-narrator?
  8. Do you like Olesya? Why did the pampered gentleman Ivan Timofeevich fall in love with her, in fact, a savage, far from civilization?
  9. What did Olesya bring with her to the hut at the time of her first appearance? What human qualities does Olesya speak of in this scene?
  10. What quality did Olesya value most in a person? Do you agree with her assessment?
  11. Why does Olesya actually refuse Ivan Timofeevich's proposal? After all, the dream of any girl at all times was to hear recognition and marriage proposal from the person she loves?
  12. Will Olesya keep her love for Ivan Timofeevich for the rest of her life?
  13. Why does Olesya characterize Ivan Timofeevich so ruthlessly: “Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word. You love to take over people... Is your heart cold and lazy?” Do you agree with her conclusions?
  14. Is it correct to say that, without fighting for his happiness, Ivan Timofeevich simply betrayed his and Olesya's love?
  15. Read the episode of Olesya's visit to the church. Why did Ivan Timofeevich, who understood how this campaign might end for Olesya, not stop, save his beloved girl?
  16. Why does the author call the relationship of his characters "a naive charming fairy tale of love"? Fairy tales should have a happy ending. What is the end of this piece?
  17. What color accompanies the image of Olesya? Why do you think?
  18. Assess the role of the detail in the narrative using the example of red beads in the final piece. What do they represent?
  19. Why was the happiness of the heroes so short?
  20. What do you think is the idea behind the story?
  21. What is left of love for Olesya in the soul of Ivan Timofeevich?
  22. And in your soul after reading the whole story?

"Garnet bracelet"

The work is based on a real fact - the story of a modest official to a secular lady, the mother of the writer L. Lyubimov.

From the memoirs of L. Lyubimov:

“In the period between her first and second marriages, my mother becamereceive letters, the author of which, without naming himself and emphasizing that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed his love for her. These letters were kept in my family for a long time, and I read them in my youth. An anonymous lover, as it turned out later - Yellow (in Zheltkov's story), wrote that he served on the telegraph (at Kuprin, Prince Shein jokingly decides that only some telegraph operator could write like that), in one letter he reported that under the guise floor polisher entered my mother’s apartment and described the situation (in Kuprin, Shein again jokingly tells how Zheltkov, disguised as a chimney sweep and smeared with soot, enters the boudoir of Princess Vera. The tone of the messages was either pompous, then grouchy. , then thanked her, although she did not react in any way to his explanations.

At first, these letters amused everyone, but then (they came almost every day for two or three years) my mother even stopped reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening the next message from the telegraph operator in love.

And then there was a denouement: an anonymous correspondent sent a garnet bracelet to her mother. My uncle<...>and my father, then my mother's former fiancé, went to Yellow. All this happened not in the Black Sea city, like Kuprin, but in St. Petersburg. But Yellow, like Zheltkov, did indeed live on the sixth floor. “The spit on the stairs,” writes Kuprin, “smelled of mice, cats, kerosene and laundry” - all this corresponds to what I heard from my father. Yellow huddled in a shabby attic. He was caught writing another message. As well as Kuprin's Shein: the father was more silent during the explanation, looking "with bewilderment and greedy serious curiosity into the face of this strange man." My father told me that he felt in Yellow some kind of secret, a flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle, again like Kuprin's Nikolai Nikolaevich, got excited, was unnecessarily harsh. Yellow accepted the bracelet and grimly promised not to write to my mother again. This is how it all ended. In any case, we do not know anything about his further fate.

L. Favorite. In a foreign land, 1963

  1. How artistically Kuprin transformed the real story he heard inthe family of a high-ranking official Lyubimov?
  2. What social barriers (and are they the only ones?) push back the hero's love inthe realm of an inaccessible dream?
  3. Is it possible to say that the dream of Kuprin himself about an ideal, unearthly feeling was expressed in the "Garnet Bracelet"?
  4. How does Kuprin draw the main character of the story, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina?
  5. What technique does the author use to highlight the appearance in Zheltkov's story more clearly?
  6. What gifts did Vera receive? What is their meaning?
  7. What does Zheltkov's gift look like against this background? What is its value?
  8. How does the theme of love develop in the story?
  9. How is Zheltkov and his love portrayed by the author? What theme, traditional for Russian literature, is developed by Kuprin?
  10. What is the meaning of the image of the hero after his death?
  11. What is the mood of the finale of the story?
  12. What role does music play in creating this mood?
  13. Compare the understanding of love in the works of Kuprin and Bunin (on the material of Kuprin's "Olesya", "Duel", "Garnet Bracelet" and Bunin's stories " Sunstroke"and Pure Monday").
  14. What brings together and how do two writers of the same age sharply differ in other components of creativity - the processing of life material, the degree of metaphorical prose, "plot construction", the nature of conflicts?

“Barbos and Zhulka Kuprin” - Well done for the sheep, and for the good fellow and the sheep himself. Explain the meaning of the proverbs. You will not be afraid of any misfortune. Who has not experienced friendship, to death. Why has Barbos's behavior changed? The heart of a falcon, and the courage of a crow. Be true, it's hard to be apart. Homework. Friendship, loyalty. Lesson topic: Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

"Kuprin Olesya" - How is the plot of the story built? What color accompanies the image of Olesya? The winter landscape emphasizes detachment from civilization. Beaten and ridiculed, Olesya is forced to flee from the forest nest. Olesya does not know calculation, selfishness. Teacher Feoktistova O.V. MOU "Secondary School No. 8". The hero is waiting for new experiences. What is the significance of the setting of the story?

"Biography of Kuprin" - short biography. Even then he dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist." The seventeen years that the writer spent in exile were an unproductive period. Comes to Lenin in 1918 with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true.

"Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich" - In the 90s. meets Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. Publishes an essay "Moscow dear". In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland. The story "Duel" (1905). In 1901 The writer spent seventeen years in exile. In the spring of 1897 the writer was in Polissya. Kuprin emigrates abroad.

"Creativity of Kuprin" - The story "Olesya" (1898). Born on September 8, 1870 in the town of Narovchatov, Penza province. Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, serves in the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment. In the era of revolutions. Crossword. 3. 7. The first aptitude for literature appeared in the cadet corps. Father died of cholera. Biography of Alexander Ivanovich KUPRIN.

"A.I. Kuprin" - Dictionary work. A taper is a musician who plays in small restaurants, at dance parties. RUBINSTEIN, ANTON GRIGORYEVICH (1829-1894), Russian composer and pianist. Green house in Gatchina.

There are 39 presentations in total in the topic

A.I. Kuprin is a master of the symbolic image. The writer creates in his works color and sound images that have a special emotional meaning. When using them inner world characters reveals deeper, helps to more broadly comprehend the ideological depth of the work as a whole.

Color and sound writing are common artistic means expressiveness of the language, carrying a colossal semantic load. Color, symbolism of color and sound in the stories "Garnet Bracelet", "Olesya", "Shulamith" organically penetrate the lines of literary texts. According to E. Farino, “color in a literary text must certainly get its verbal expression, must be named ... Therefore, not being mandatory and always being a choice, the color designation introduced into the text of a literary work is always significant».

In some cases, the color mentioned by the writer is the carrier of a certain meaning that has developed in a given culture. For example, red refers to the traditional association with love and passion, on the one hand, and sadness and danger, on the other. He becomes a real symbol of love, devotion, passion and death in the story "Garnet Bracelet".The use of color painting technique is observed when the mood of the princess changes: faith cover a snela … with cover a withered from tears

Portrait of G.S. Zheltkova is rich colors, but the red color is used in its image only once:I cr a snow

We can observe the repeated repetition of a given color in the rest of the context:case cr a snowy plush a , five perfect a sleepy gr a n a tov-k a bochons … On a detailed examination of the bracelet, it turned out that in bright light it has a peculiar shade:... deep-cr a dreamy living lights . Such a gift did not bring joy to the princess, but, on the contrary, when she saw it, the princess experienced a strange excitement:"Just like blood!"

No less stable association is conveyed with love in the story in green : This is a very rare variety. a n a T a - green gr a n a T .

Vasily Lvovich shows guests a portrait,well done with colored pencils . Bright colors are not inherent in Zheltkov.

The surname Zheltkov is also symbolic. “The symbolism of yellow is determined by the two poles of its shades. On the one hand, it is a warm red-gold yellow life. On the other hand, it is a cold and harsh, or a faded and dirty yellow of illness and death.” This color characteristic also reflects the attitude of the hero who committed suicide for the well-being of his beloved.

In the guise of the hero, insecurity is felt, it is clear that he is tormented by doubts:... the fingers of the Yolks a ran along the board of the brown short pidge a chk a . In the portrait of the hero, the writer points to the brown jacket not as a sign of commonness, complete inexpressiveness, but, on the contrary, modesty and restraint of the outfit.

In the image of the hero, faded colors should be noted, characterizing the depth of the soul and human impulse of the hero. They accompany the image of love, affection, sympathy, while dooming the hero to misunderstanding of others and death.

The author uses pale colors to convey complexion. For an official of the Treasury, this is a constant phenomenon, and not a reaction to any phenomenon: ...very pale, ... his lips were white and did not move a fox like dead .

Even such a color as red is not used by the author in full coloristic volume. It brightens this color, turning it from bright to dull:... blond redheads a mustache

Nature in yellow shades, as if anticipating something bad, accompanies the princess:... on their prickly yellow stubble a glittered a mica brilliance autumn p a duck. … Trees<…>dropping yellow leaves .

In the story, the writer uses a large number of flower names: fadingm a carnations, levkoy, rose bushes…. W a then bloomed magnificently with their cold, arrogant cr a hundredth of dahlias, peonies and a stry . Flowers symbolize the withering of the soul of the princess, who spends her life routinely and monotonously. For example, a carnation is a symbol of burning feelingsthat the princess once experienced for her husband. Zheltkov's unearthly love helps Vera to wake up from spiritual indifference, to look at the world differently. This is evidenced by a large red rose left by the princess to the deceased official:…and now a with the same took out a <…>big cr a sleeping rose ... This is the only gift from the princess to the hopelessly in love Zheltkov.The red color of a rose is the color of misfortune and love that faded away and flared up again in the heart of the heroine.

In the story, Vera's spiritual revival is conveyed through the technique of sound recording:... rustled the leaves . All this is accompanied by wonderful music, which Zheltkov bequeathed to listen to:… amazing a I am music a <…>continued a ... The story "is the most striking and revealing work, where music, sound permeate every word, where Beethoven's sonata reflects the multi-valued semantic structure of the story and, passing through the whole work as a leitmotif, reaches its climax in the finale".

The next work of Kuprin, rich in color images, is the story "Olesya". For each case, the author uses a specific color palette. In portraits of peasants, the writer uses only dark colors. Note the color of their skin:... and for a second I see her brown skin . In the image of the lazy and careless Yarmola, the same detail can be traced:... his swarthy thin face with vp a bare black eyes a h a mi, all gone in a tough black beard He<…>slipped between his black<…>P a feather pen

The environment in which these characters live is also given in dark colors:... in the dark hallways

Thanks to dark colors, the author tries to reflect the rude morals and ignorance of the peasants. The writer falls into an atmosphere of poverty, lack of spirituality, misunderstanding, so he describes everything around him in dull and gloomy colors.

Olesya is the complete opposite of the Polissian peasants.Her whole image is created from conflicting colorful sketches, where in each portrait detail the author notes the features of the character of the heroine:…tall brunette…;…white a i rub a X a free; ...in those big, shiny, dark eyes a h a X…; in rosy skin tone ….

G.S. Murygina notes that "with the advent of Olesya, the poetic tone of the work begins to change, longing gives way to joy, the beautiful triumphs over the ugly".

The next meeting of the heroes takes place with a multi-color spring palette that reflects the harmony in nature. The love of the main characters of the story develops against the background of nature, which has sounds that change their tone depending on the events taking place:... seething, brown, sparkling a flowing streams ...; in huge puddles a x water neg a the blue sky shone with<…>white region a To a mi . … with last year's brown leaves..., .. m e I vomit e flatness,<…>purple heads …. WITH further development relations, nature is animated even more:…loud e st a n o V u s a d o rny kr u to to o R o b e V…; sticky brown poplar buds smelled stronger . At the very end, the sounds grow, take on an ominous expression: o t r a sk a T o in gr o m a others o and a whether and sound e n e l u st e class a

Kuprin uses the technique of sound writing so that the reader can not only see, but also hear the song of joyful feeling that overwhelmed the characters, and together with them experience their grief.

The joy of life, Olesya's quick and easy movements are conveyed by bright and rich shades:But O l e already n a To u zero a n a G o l o V y kr a sleepy to a shem u ditch board o To

When depicting a young witch, Kuprin uses a contrast technique:Cr a sn a i skirt a <…>, ex e shining bright u m spot o m n a o sl e P u T e flax o -b e l o m, r o ext o m f o n e sn e G a . Two huge blue spots<…>stood out sharply against the white delicate skin .

On the face of the girl, one cannot fail to notice the excitement described with the help of a red tint:... she suddenly blushed ..., ... and blushed even more ; ... flashed a thick blush .

In this case, the red color expresses the symbolic meaning of strong and burning love, a passionate love feeling. References to the red color are observed during the incantation of blood by a girl. Here the color of blood symbolizes aggression, trouble:The blood immediately came out

It is impossible not to note the blue color, also used by the author to describe the heroine:... a thin blue vein at her temple ... According to Obukhov, " the blue color sets melancholy", Therefore, it is logical to assume that grief and longing await the heroine.

At the end of the story, we again see dark tones that warn of an approaching disaster. We see the struggle between dark and light:Half the sky was covered by a black cloud<…>but the sun was still shining<…>, and there was something ominous in this mixture of light and the approaching darkness .

The story ends with an interesting color scheme:It was a string of cheap red beads, known in Polissya as "coral … Red beads will always remind the hero of Olesya's passionate and generous love, as well as pain and separation.

In the story "Shulamith" the earthly world is bright, colorful, picturesque. The writer uses saturated, intense, bright and contrasting colors, he draws the reader's attention to bright objects.

Heraldry indicates that the flowers chosen by the author to describe the king have the following meaning: red represents strength, courage; purple - dignity, power; gold - wealth; silver - wisdom; black - constancy, peace; white - purity, innocence:The king's hands were tender, white ... ... Solomon wore a gem from a blood-red asterix, spewing out six pearl-colored rays . ... with pillars of silver, with golden elbows in the form of reclining lions, with a tent of purple Tyrian cloth

The portrait of the king deserves special attention:pale<…>face, lips<…>scarlet ribbon; blue-black hair,<…>gray hair shone like silver threads of mountain streams ...; gray hair sparkled in his black beard ... Eyes<…>dark, like the darkest agate, like the sky in a moonless midsummer night and eyelashes<…>were like black rays around black stars .

The portrait of a girl has an original color scheme. When describing her image, not only red is often used, but also its shades, for example, scarlet, red. Red is the color of fire and the sun; according to Obukhov, it is associated with blood. Scarlet represents blood, strength, power, love to the point of sacrifice: ... dark red hair in which she stuck two scarlet poppy flowers<…>and blaze<…>like golden purple. Homemade necklace from some red dry berries Your lips are scarlet ... ... from the light of dawn and from the dust it seems as red and as wavy as your curls .

Also, to create an image, a metaphorical technique is used:Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate under your curls. Your eyes are deep, like two lakes of Esevon at the gates of Batrabbim .

Tragically ends the love of heroes. The death of a girl is accompanied by a scarlet color:... he stood on<…>not noticing that his knees are bathed in her blood and that his hands are stained with scarlet blood .

The green color used in sketches of landscapes and in the statements of heroes symbolizes freedom, joy, jubilation, hope, health:silver green olive leaves . Dark green malachite steps .

Colors such as blue and pink colors evoke associations with the beautiful, strong and sublime love of heroes:... Sulamith's body seemed foamy pink, and love fatigue surrounded her beautiful eyes with blue shadows

The effect of liveliness and brightness of the world that accompanies the heroes of the story "Shulamith" is accompanied by a frequent description of colors: "like a daffodil flower », « fair is the king, like the lily of the valley of Sharon », « aroma of blossoming grapes - delicate aroma of mignonette », « like a blooming pomegranate " and many others.

The flowers that are mentioned in the story also have a symbolic meaning. Narcissus is a symbol of spring and youthful death. Lily is a symbol of purity and innocence. Grapes are a symbol of fertility.

The life of the heroes of the story "Shulamith" is not only picturesque, but also full of sounds that people enjoy. Sound examples such as:loved to listen to the roar of wild animals », « a simple and gentle motif flows to itself like a sonorous stream in the mountains », « a sharp brassy sound suddenly swept over Jerusalem. He trembled mournfully for a long time and wavered in the air. "used by Kuprin to show the joy of life,

The author's range of colors and sounds is unique and varied. Color and sound solutions make up the uniqueness of the landscape, reveal the characters and images of the characters, give readers the right to penetrate the author's world to the extent that they can comprehend it through the eyes of the artist. Thus, the reader perceives the symbolic world of works, created by the imagination of the writer, exactly as the author wanted it to be.

List of used literature:

    Zolotnitsky N.F. Flowers in legends and traditions. - M .: Printing house A.A. Kartseva, 1913. - 272 p.;

    Kuprin A.I. Favorites. - Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1984. - 368 p.;

    Murygina G.S. Psychological function of color layers in A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" // Proceedings of PSPU: Sector of young scientists. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 155 - 160;

    Obukhov Ya.L. Color symbolism. - Access mode: ;

    Farino E. Introduction to literary criticism: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 639 p.;

    Shigapova G.F. Sound symbolism in A.I. Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" // Bulletin of Tyumen state university. - 2013. - No. 1. – S. 192 – 199

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin 1870 -1938 Teacher Feoktistova O.V. MOU "Secondary School No. 8" August 26 (September 7), 1870 - was born in the city of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of an official. 1890 - after graduating from the cadet school, he enters the army. 1894 - leaves military service, works as a loader, actor, organizes a circus, manages an estate, collaborates in local newspapers as a reporter and feuilletonist. Kuprin contrasts modern civilization with natural life in communion with nature (“Olesya” 1898 and “Black Fog” 1905). In the stories "Gambrinus" (1907), "Garnet Bracelet" (1911), incorruptibility, nobility of feelings contrasts with vulgarity, hypocrisy of bourgeois morality. He is fond of exotic, biblical motifs (Shulamith, 1908). These and his other works (“Dreams”, “Wedding”, “River of Life”, “Killer”, “Delirium”, “Resentment”) were a response to the events of the first Russian revolution in 1919 - he was forced to emigrate to Paris. 1937 - return to the USSR. August 25, 1938 - died in Moscow The story "Olesya" Before us is the poetic image of the girl Olesya, who grew up in the hut of an old "sorceress", outside the usual norms of a peasant family. Olesya's love for the intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, who accidentally drove into a remote forest village, is a free, simple and strong feeling, without looking back and obligations, among tall pines, painted with a crimson reflection of the dying dawn. The story of the girl gets a tragic end, here Olesya's free life is invaded by the selfish calculations of village officials, and the superstitions of dark peasants. Beaten and ridiculed, Olesya is forced to flee from the forest nest. What is the significance of the setting of the story? The action of the story takes place in the bosom of nature in the remote places of Polissya, where fate threw the hero, a city man, for a whole 6 months. The hero is waiting for new experiences. What role does the landscape play? The winter landscape emphasizes detachment from civilization. Nature gradually becomes a participant in events: “The wind raged like an old, chilled, naked devil. Moans, squeals and wild laughter were heard in his roar ... " Gradually, the sounds of the wind almost materialize, and the hero imagines some kind of "terrible guest breaking into his house" Descriptions of nature are often imbued with a lyrical warm mood: "The snow turned pink in the sun and turned blue in the shade . I was seized by the quiet charm of this solemn silence ... ”Nature, its power are embodied in the“ sorceress ”Olesya. The acquaintance of the characters takes place in the spring: nature awakens, feelings awaken In the last chapter - a sudden whirlwind, thunderstorm, hail - harbingers of separation and the collapse of love How does Kuprin draw the image of the main character? A tall brunette about 20-25 years old with a face that “could not be forgotten, but difficult to describe”: “cunning, authority and naivety” in the look of “large, shiny, dark eyes” What does Kuprin compare the heroine with? With young fir-trees that grew up in the free space of the old forest, the Hero is attracted by “the halo of mystery surrounding her, the reputation of a witch, life in the forest thicket among the swamp”, but most of all - proud self-confidence. There is a special attraction in its unsolvedness. Olesya does not know calculation, selfishness. Everything that poisons the relations of people in the civilized world, to which Ivan Timofeevich belongs, is alien to her. What is the peculiarity of the image of the hero-narrator? Olesya herself describes the hero: “Although you are a kind person, you are only weak ... Your kindness is not good. Not hearty. You are not the master of your word ... You will not love anyone with your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and you will bring a lot of grief to those who love you. How is the plot of the story structured? The pictures of life and nature are connected in a single stream: after the meeting of the hero with Olesya - a picture of a stormy spring, a declaration of love is accompanied by a description of the moonlit night. it is known that this love will bring grief ... His love gradually decreases ... He thinks first of all about himself: “Good and learned people marry seamstresses, maids ... and live beautifully ... Will I not be more unhappy than others?” How is Olesya changing? Her love becomes selfless. The pagan Olesya comes to the church and barely escapes from the brutal crowd, ready to tear the witch apart. What color accompanies the image of Olesya? “Olesya’s red skirt stood out as a bright spot on the dazzling white, even background of snow” (in the first meeting); Red cashmere handkerchief; A string of cheap red beads is the only thing left "in memory of Oles and her tender, generous love" (in the last episode) Why did the heroes' happiness turn out to be so short? Olesya, who has the gift of foresight, realizes the inevitability of the end of a short happiness. They are too different people. All the more valuable is her self-denial. The theme of "magical love" is replaced by the theme of the unattainability of happiness.
