DIY colored sand bottle + Photo

Bottle with colored sand. Photo

Recently, it has been considered fashionable to use various bottles and jars with different fillers in interior decor: colored sand, cereals, grains, beads, glass balls, etc. As for colored sand, the masters are able to make whole pictures out of it in a bottle. Today we decided to show you a master class on how to create a rainbow in bottles!

To create a bottle of colored sand, we need:

Sand or salt

Suitable jar

colored crayons

piece of paper

colored sand bottle step by step:

First of all, you need to pour a small amount of salt or sand on a clean piece of paper (in the approximate ratio of 1/8 of the total volume of the jar) (Figure 2).

Take a certain color of chalk and rub salt (sand) with it (Figure 3).

Salt will acquire colored granules (Figure 4).

The resulting colored salt(sand) must be carefully poured into a glass vessel (Fig. 5).

Then you should take a new sheet of paper and repeat this procedure with crayons of other colors.

The container must be completely filled with layers of multi-colored sand. In order to make the glass vessel look more interesting, it is necessary to pour colored salt into the container at different angles, while turning the vessel. Just do it very carefully so that the layers of sand do not mix.

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Sand bottles - an unusual DIY accessory

Sand bottles captivate with their simplicity and elegance. Sand reminds us of the passage of time, of distant countries and travels, of the sea surf and the mysterious water surface, which beckons and attracts the eye. Still, sand is a symbol of calmness, and at the same time of change, a symbol of an ever-changing universe that maintains divine equanimity.

You can fill the bottle with sand brought from travels, pebbles, shells, unusual nuts and cereals. The most important thing is to rinse and dry the bottle well before pouring sand into it. If you want to fill the bottle with organic ingredients such as colored rice, mung bean, pasta, dry them, and add a little salt. The salt will absorb excess moisture, preventing mold from covering the food.

If you are an active, bright person and you are not attracted to still lifes in natural colors, you can make a colored sand bottle. The role of sand in it will be performed by salt. You can take a big sea ​​salt, you can small "Extra", or you can alternate layers of salt. But before filling the bottle, the salt needs to be colored. There are two ways to color salt. Both are easy to perform and require nothing but patience.

Method one.
You will need salt, gouache, a few mixing bowls, an oven or microwave, and a sieve. We take a drop of gouache, dilute it with a small amount of water, about one tablespoon, mix it with salt. About half a glass of salt to one tablespoon of diluted gouache. Add water, salt or gouache until the salt resembles sticky snow. We paint the salt different colors, lay out in pre-prepared bowls.

The next thing to do is to dry the gouache-colored salt. When all the containers with colored salt are ready, we put them in the oven, along with our clean bottle, at a temperature of 100 degrees. The purpose of this step is to evaporate all the moisture from the salt so that it becomes dry again, BUT already colored. And the bottle in the oven will also dry well inside. Because if inside the bottle it turns out at least one, even the smallest drop of water, you simply will not succeed! After about an hour, we take everything out of the oven and wait until it cools down.

After drying, multi-colored salt comes out solid. To make it loose, you need to knead the salt and sift through a sieve. To knead it, we need a bag and a rolling pin. It is better to take a thicker bag, and woven is best, because salt easily tears polyethylene. We spread the salt from the jar into the bag. Grind the salt with a rolling pin (well, or with something heavy that is at hand). The second option is to grind hard colored salt in a mortar. Next, sift the salt through a sieve. Large non-sifting grains can be ground again with a rolling pin.

Method two.
Only salt is suitable for this method. "Extra" She is the smallest. We need colored crayons, salt, a strainer, several cups. Grind the colored chalk into dust, for this, use a mortar or just a rolling pin. Mix it with salt. In order to get a different color, mix the powder from several crayons. Sift the resulting mixture through a sieve. The bottle filler is ready!

Now let's talk about design. Salt can be poured in thin or thick layers, straight or obliquely. You can add other decorative elements to the main filler, beads, beads, shells, pebbles, glass pebbles for aquariums, even lace if you want.

Pour salt (or sand) into a jar using a watering can, or a funnel twisted from a thick sheet of paper. Sand can be poured at different angles, this will make the pattern more intricate. In general, in this process, you can fully show your imagination. So don't be afraid to experiment color combinations, as well as in methods.

For some, it is not possible to immediately make the filler inside the bottle lie at an angle. The secret is simple - tilt the bottle in the direction where the filler is skewed. It is convenient to pour sand into a bottle using a funnel made of paper.

After we have filled the bottle, we need to close it tightly and decorate it just as beautifully. by the most simple option is a decoration with a dense braid or rope. Close the bottle with a cork and tightly wrap the rope, braid or tape around the neck and the lid itself. From above it can be fixed with transparent glue, for example "Titan

The bottles can also be filled with cereals. It also turns out very even nothing

A bottle with a sand painting is impressive and surprising - how mysteriously could the chaos of sand grains fit into such amazing and complex patterns, color structures and even full-fledged drawings? Now it's not a secret! Our master class will open the veil of secrecy.

What do we do:

Create patterns and drawings with colored sand in various bottles.

From what we will do it:

Transparent glass bottle;
- multi-colored sand;
- funnel.

How we will do it:

The sand itself (which can be painted in absolutely any color) is poured into a bottle using a funnel and carefully compacted. After that, everyone can try to create an additional pattern in the packed sand. At the end of the master class, after the drawing is fully formed and the bottle is filled, fill the top layer with glue. This will add durability to the resulting sandy image.

What will we get as a result:

A bottle with an intricate sand pattern or pattern will become unusual and original decoration any interior.

What age is suitable for:

It is important for the organizers to know

  • The master class will be interesting for both children and adults.
  • The average passability of the master class depends on the format:

for the teacher - a group of 7-10 people is formed for a lesson, duration 1-2 hours;
for entertainment - up to 30 people per hour with one master, time is not limited.

  • Our masters can be dressed in both a standard uniform and the theme of your event.
  • Your logo can be used in the interactive process, we will always tell you how and where
  • We bring materials with a margin of 13%, prudence is our middle name
  • Getting the perfect interactive is easy - just provide reliable information on your request: what, where, when and for how long, how many participants and what age / gender / status, do you need cats
  • The workshop can take place both outdoors and indoors.
  • For the event, you will need free space to set up tables and chairs for the number of simultaneously participating guests (usually tables and chairs for 10 people).
  • At your request, we can rent and bring furniture for organizing the site.
  • We provide participants with all necessary materials and tools, so that the customer and guests will only have to enjoy the process.
  • The master class is held only experienced craftsmen using only proven techniques.
  • The master class program has been tested in advance and absolutely safe.
  • We can develop individual program a master class that will easily continue the idea of ​​​​your event. For each client we have individual approach!
  • We getting ready in advance to the master class and adapt the whole process for a specific event.

The business idea of ​​creating sand paintings in a bottle came to us from a country where there are mountains of sand and bottles left after tourists, this country is Egypt. It is unique and at the same time quite simple technique for creativity.

To create paintings in a bottle, special tools and materials are not required. All you need is clear bottles, colorful sand and sticks.

You will need to take a few days to learn the "Sand" technique - creating pictures in a bottle. To do this, there are many videos and photographs on the Internet. And with a little practice, you can independently repeat any masterpiece, and eventually create independent paintings.

Picture bottles.
Bottles should be transparent, that's understandable. The most difficult thing is to find suitable bottles, because they must be of unusual shapes, usually flat, like a flask. In flat bottles initial stage pictures will be much easier to create. It is not difficult to get bottles like a flask, because cognac is sold in such bottles, there should not be any problems. It is much more difficult to get bottles of other unique shapes, you need to do the search yourself in your region. Or order online.

Sand for paintings.
Sand for paintings is used multi-colored. You can make such sand yourself by adding dyes. Initially, light clean sand is used. For this, river sand is washed in water until it is completely clean. Next, the sand is sifted through a fine sieve.

Coloring river sand.
The technology of coloring river sand is very simple. To do this, add a spoonful of table vinegar to boiled water and pour the dye desired color. The color saturation of the sand will depend on the concentration of the dye. In continuation, clean sand is poured in, and boiled for a while. That's the whole technology. Then the colored sand is sieved and dried.

The creation of the paintings themselves.
Paintings in a bottle are created by stacking layers of colored sand on top of each other. The flag of Russia can be your first picture, it is very easy to make it. The sticks are used to edit, level and draw elements of a painting through layers of sand. To create an average painting, you will need sand from about eight to ten colors and shades.

The technique of creating sand paintings in a bottle is quite simple and uncomplicated, from preparation to the creation of masterpieces. Everything, as always, depends entirely on you and your desire.

With the sale of such products, things are not quite difficult. Due to the fact that at the moment the sale of sand paintings is not so common, you, creating your own paintings that are different from competitors, can easily offer them for sale in retail stores in your city. The price of sand paintings in a bottle starts from 500 rubles. The costs are minimal. Yes, and time, with a minimum skill, to make one picture, it takes, not more than an hour. Good luck!

Read also:

Colored sand bottle- a favorite souvenir of tourists who have been on vacation in the Arab countries. When you look at such crafts, you wonder: how, using ordinary sand and a thin stick, masters manage to draw bactrian camels, marine life, etc. Grain after grain of sand - oriental masters create masterpieces of decorative art.

It takes about 5 minutes for a professional to create one sand bottle.

Using a funnel, sand is poured into the bottle.

A picture is formed with a metal steel wire.

It is important to follow the correct overlay of layers of sand.

The sand is carefully compacted with thicker metal wire. And this bottle is clogged with glue.

A variety of sand colors will allow you to create unique works.

How to get colored sand. The paint is mixed with water and sand. Then the sand is dried and material for creativity is obtained. You can use regular color printer ink.

As easy as pie. Sleight of hand, imagination and colored sand. When the bottle is full, it should be corked with a knotted cloth, previously soaked in glue.

Video on the creation of these wonderful bottles.
