Hair coloring is based on a scientific basis - knowledge of color and chemical laws, the skill of a hairdresser-colorist.

Coloring is divided into several varieties, the main of which are:

  • booking;
  • highlighting;
  • balayage;
  • ombre.

When blonding, the master carefully distributes various shades of light tones over the entire length of the hair of each strand. This look looks beautiful on blond hair.

Bronding on light brown straight hair. Results before and after staining

Performing hair highlighting, the hairdresser discolors the selected strands. The number of light strands depends on the wishes of the client and can range from 10% to more than 50%.

Highlights on dark hair

Sometimes for colored strands, the shades obtained during dyeing are additionally neutralized by applying the rules of color.

When carrying out the ombre technique, the master achieves a smooth transition, starting from a very dark root zone to the most lightened ends of the hair.

Long straight hair dyed with ombre

Features of coloring by color types of appearance

To obtain the desired tone, the paint is diluted with certain pigments:

1 pack of paint (60 ml) corrects the color with 4 grams of pigment. When you get an ugly or not the one that is desirable, experts do not recommend lightening the hair color, you get a dirty, unattractive color.

In this case, it is better to correct staining with professional craftsmen who have rich experience and the necessary funds.

Why is it important to know color theory, about color combinations, how to apply it in coloring

It is important to know! For hair coloring, mixing paints and colors, it is important to select matching tones, to combine them in exact proportions. Professionals mix paints that are similar in tone, meeting the rules for proper combination:

  • copper shade with brown;
  • eggplant with dark purple;
  • caramel with golden brown.

It is not allowed to mix more than 3 colors of different tone. The hairstyle will gain contrast if white strands are applied to dark hair.

Note! Proper mixing of paints and colors in coloring can visually change the shape of the face, correct parts of the hairstyle with certain color shades.

Rules for mixing paints of different shades

Experienced professionals who know how to evaluate:

  • hair - condition, structure;
  • scalp - sensitive, dry, irritated.

Experts note 4 color types: cold - summer and winter, warm - autumn and spring.

it is undesirable to change the natural color type to the opposite.

For fair-haired women belonging to the “summer” color type, it is better to color with wheat, ashy and platinum tones. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex belonging to this color type will suit various brown tones.

Blond hair of the “spring” color type is dyed with colors that match the natural color, golden and honey tones. For dark hair of this color type, caramel and walnut are chosen.

Bright representatives of the "autumn" are especially suited for rich tones of colors - red, golden, copper.

Experienced stylists determine the color scheme of hair dyes by the eyes.

Owners of gray-blue eyes are most suitable for light hair tones.

Green-eyed women are offered warm shades. If yellowish blotches are present in the iris, an orange and red palette paint is recommended. If the eyes differ in a malachite shade, a chestnut, dark blond tone is in harmony.

Light tones look beautiful with blue eyes. Brownish blotches on the iris of blue-eyed individuals suggest staining with caramel or red hues. Bright blue eyes - brown tones work well. Gray-blue is best painted in light colors.

For dark brown eyes with dark skin- chestnut or chocolate tones. If you have light skin with dark brown eyes, you should paint with red shades. For light brown eyes, golden tones are recommended.

Gray-eyed women fit all tones, but it is better not to use too dark shades.

Hair colors are mixed with palette colors similar in tone, accurate selection is carried out using the attached color shade tables.

Do not mix paints produced by different companies.

Manufacturers have their own palette, different from others. The desired result is obtained with the correct calculation of the proportion and amount of paint.

Experts recommend unevenly dyed and gray hair - first dye it in a natural color, and then select and mix shades. On hair of different types and textures, the same shades look different, and time exposure affects color saturation.

It is forbidden to dilute paint in metal dishes, suitable for glass, ceramics, plastic.

In what proportions to mix paints

Different amounts of dye are used on hair of different lengths:

  • short hair - 1 pack (60 ml);
  • medium hair - 2 packs (120 ml);
  • long hair - 3 packs (180 ml).

To obtain the shade indicated on the package, 3% oxidizing agent is added when diluting the paint. When mixing paints for hair coloring, take them in equal proportions or add more paint, the color you want to get.

For example, when mixing caramel and golden blond, adding more golden blond, you get a richer golden hue.

Important to remember! The palettes of colors developed by the manufacturers are paints of complex tonality, containing different quantitative content of pigments: gray-green, blue, red and yellow.

The molecules of these dyes vary in size:

  1. The smallest molecule belongs to the gray-green pigment, coloring the hair, it is distributed in it first.
  2. Next in size is blue, which will be the next to take place in the structure of the hair.
  3. Red is larger than the first two, it has little opportunity to take place in dyed hair.
  4. Most of all, the yellow pigment, it has no place at all in the inner part of the hair, it envelops its outer side. Shampoo removes yellow pigment quickly.

The composition of dyes - what is important to know?

Undyed natural hair contains 3 primary colors. Their different combination determines the natural color of the hair.

Three primary natural colors: blue, red and yellow

In hair coloring, when mixing paints and colors, the gamut of colors is distributed over levels from 1 to 10: starting from 1 - very black and ending at 10 - the lightest. In hair from level 8-10 there is 1 yellow pigment, from level 4-7 there is red and yellow, brown shades are obtained.

The highest levels 1-3 have the presence of blue pigment in conjunction with red, yellow is completely absent.

Hair dyes of all manufacturers are indicated by numbers, they determine its tone:

  • the first - belonging to the degree of lordship;
  • the second - to the main color (up to 75% of the paint composition);
  • the third is the nuance of color.

secondary colors

Mixing bordering colors acquire secondary:

  • orange - yellow and red;
  • purple - red and blue;
  • green - blue and yellow.

Each of the 3 primary colors has an opposite color (opposite color), contributing to the neutralization of various shades:

Each of the 3 primary colors has a counter color
  • red is extinguished by green;
  • blue - orange;
  • yellow - purple.

Professionals calculate and remove unsuccessful shades according to this principle.

Tertiary colors

By connecting the primary and secondary color borders, they acquire tertiary shades.

When coloring hair, mixing paints and colors, you get beautiful shades, for example, combining a beige shade with a cold violet - exquisite platinum. A blonde with gray-green hair is corrected by adding red, redness is neutralized with a tobacco tint.

Important to remember! On completely bleached hair, the desired shades are not obtained, they become lighter, for example, a purple tint on white hair turns into lilac. With a slight content of yellow pigment in the hair, it comes out:

  1. Pink color takes on a reddish tint.
  2. Lilac neutralizes yellowness, platinum remains.

Darker shades come out on natural uncolored hair.

Harmonious colors

The harmony of nearby colors is the presence of one primary color. Harmonious colors are taken from the intervals of one main color to the next main color. They have 4 subspecies.

The harmony of these colors leads to balance, changing their lightness and saturation when coloring hair, mixing colors and colors. When white or black colors are added to them, the harmony of the combination occurs with the selection of one rich color.

The Oswald circle is the basis of coloristics, which determines the laws of the formation of shades. Mixing dyes and colors to change hair color is carried out in accordance with his recommendations.

monochrome colors

With a monochrome combination, a combination of colors of one colors, with light and saturated shades. In hairdressing, a similar calm combination is often used.

achromatic colors

The achromatic combination of colors is essentially close to the monochromatic combination; in some sources it is not singled out separately. It is based on two or more achromatic colors.

The classic combination of this harmonic series is considered to be a gradual transition from white to black. Hairstyles made in this style emphasize dignity and stability.

Achromatic color combination

Each manufacturer produces complex color shades using different proportions, which gives the product its own shade.

Some companies add a neutralizing pigment, but not always. The complexity of staining to obtain the desired effect is to carefully study the composition of the paints.

Ash shades

Ash shades are popular in hair coloring in salons, especially with ombre.

The results of staining with ashy shades may differ from those expected. Therefore, a number of nuances should be taken into account :

  • ashy shade on bleached hair looks excessively gray or dirty;
  • it gives darkening to the hair;
  • in the presence of yellowness creates a green tint;
  • suits young girls, other women look older.

Ash shade is most suitable for young girls

Skillful hands of a professional will avoid side effects and get the desired result when taking into account the following features of ashy paint:

  • there is a lot of blue pigment in the ashy shade;
  • a feature of the paint is the presence of different shades from different manufacturers;
  • ashy shades of different firms differ in pigment density;
  • this paint removes the orange tint when lightening.

Before proceeding with the coloring of hair, you should determine a few points:

  • correctly set the depth of the tone in the hair;
  • understand what hair color the client wants to receive;
  • make a decision about additional hair lightening;
  • understand whether after the procedures an unnecessary shade to be neutralized is obtained, and determine the color.

It is important to correctly determine the level of depth of hair tone

Hair coloring, mixing several colors of different colors in a hairstyle contributes to the creation of a unique individual image. This type of coloring is suitable for hair of different lengths: from short creative haircuts to beautiful curls.

Experts insist on maintaining a sense of proportion so that there are no overflows of tasteless bright spots. The theory of color, an invaluable practice that brings experience, helps the masters to maintain balance.

Qualified hairdressers warn - you can not rashly experiment without a clear knowledge of the laws of obtaining color combinations.

Hair Color Mixing Chart

How to properly dye your hair using the color technique

Before coloring hair, mixing paints and colors, follow the advice of experts:

  1. It is not recommended to use masks for a week before dyeing, as the special substances in their composition envelop the hair and can change the expected coloring result.
  2. The head is not washed before staining: the skin on the head will not be affected by the oxidizing agent, due to the released fat.
  3. Paint is applied to dry hair, wet dilute it, the color will lose saturation.
  4. To facilitate the distribution of the dye, the hair is divided into strands and the dye is applied evenly and quickly.
  5. The paint is applied again, first on the root zone, after 20 minutes, spread over the entire length.
  6. Perform the procedure with gloves that protect your hands.
  7. Wash off the paint gradually, moisten, lather. Then wash your hair with shampoo and apply balm.

Paints must be for professional use and belong to the same manufacturer .

Mixing paints and colors in hair coloring should be carried out step by step:

  1. Read the instructions carefully. Mix colors separately.
  2. Mix paints together in the chosen proportion.
  3. Mix composition thoroughly and distribute the mixture through the hair. The paint is applied immediately after preparation, because. the shelf life of the diluted coloring composition is short.
  4. keep hair dye according to the instructions, then wash your hair.

Note! Diluted and mixed paints must not be stored. After 30 minutes, a reaction with air masses will occur and the paint will deteriorate. A multi-colored mixture should be used in one go.

The records determine:

  • the color you like, no need to remember - what shades were used when mixing;
  • duration - how long the staining is not washed off;
  • unsuitable shade - which colors should not be mixed.

Professionals warnit is difficult to get rid of some tones of colors. First you need to remove the color you don’t like, and then dye your hair again. These actions will affect the condition of the skin on the head and hair.

After consulting with experts, you can understand which colors are more suitable for skin type and face shape and find a special individual hair color that emphasizes a unique female image. Be healthy and beautiful!

Useful video materials on the topic: Hair coloring. Mixing paints and colors

How to mix hair dyes correctly:

A short course on the basics of color:

You can see how to choose a shade for your hair here:

Even the widest range of colors will not please a creative person - there will definitely be a shade that the manufacturer has overlooked, a kind of “delicate cream with an orange tint”. Only do-it-yourself paint tinting can save the situation!

Colors and colors are the same?

Perhaps you need to start with the meaning of the word "color", because in different areas this word has different meanings. For example, in colloquial language, color refers to color, color, shade, while painting professionals use this term to refer to a paint composition ready for use. In our case, speaking about getting the right shade with our own hands, we will become professionals while reading the article, and we will express ourselves accordingly!

With the advent of technology, such a thing as computer tinting of paints arose. A person only selects the desired color from the catalog, while the computer itself calculates the proportions to obtain the desired color and gives out the finished mixture. The advantage of this method is clear - even if there is not enough paint of the desired shade, we can always repeat the mixing process, which is almost impossible to do with manual mixing of paints.

However, when choosing the right color in a hardware store that offers such a service, you need to take into account some points that can turn into a significant drawback of the method and cause your fair dissatisfaction. First, you need to consider what kind of lighting is in the room where you choose the shade. In different lighting, the same marker will give completely different shades. IN artificial lighting many yellow rays, and against its background the daylight will seem blue. You can imagine how easy it is to confuse our perception of colors.

Under artificial lighting, cool colors (blues, purples, greens) become darker, while warm reds and oranges lighten.

Electric lighting changes the yellow-blue palette to yellow or greenish, in orange-violet paint, violet may disappear altogether, and red will begin to give off slightly purple. Very bright light can visually discolor the shades, the same can happen at dusk - the blue tones will become lighter, while the red ones will darken. The farther the distance, the lighter the surface will appear, except that the blue and purple will darken.

The second nuance is that in a small area the shade looks different than in a large area, especially in vertical plane. It is difficult to take into account all these points without experiments on the spot. In addition, even computer catalogs are not always able to repeat one or another shade we need, for example, if we decide to “dance” from a certain detail or piece of furniture in interior design.

Do-it-yourself paint tinting - where to start?

As already mentioned above, the disadvantage of manual tinting of paints is that you are unlikely to succeed in repeating the desired shade a second time. Therefore, before tinting, carry out a careful calculation in order to find out the exact amount of paint. Each paint has its own consumption, fortunately, manufacturers must indicate this data on the packaging without fail. Our task is to find out the staining area and multiply the resulting figure by the average paint consumption. Then we add another 10% to the obtained value - in case we exceed the average consumption. It's better to have spare paint left than to have to guess with a hint.

It is important to do tinting in one container. Even if you accurately calculated the amount of color, there is a possibility that in two different containers you will get a different shade. Therefore, do not take risks, and if the volume is very large, and you do not have the necessary vessel, it is better to contact specialists.

How to mix paint colors - choosing a base and color

So, for tinting, you will need a white base and the color itself - a dye that can give a different shade in different proportions with paint. It is important that the manufacturer of both components is the same - each has its own secrets of production, and the technologies are different. But you don’t even need to reach fanaticism - if you like the dye of a certain company, it is not necessary to change the white paint you bought earlier.

If the inscription on the container with a white base says that it is paint, then it should be used exclusively for the ceiling, if the paint is intended for walls, only vertical surfaces need to be painted with it. And it's not about the tricks of marketers - manufacturers are counting on different surfaces parameters such as wear resistance, soiling, elasticity. Will they play the same meaning on the ceiling as on the walls, which will be dirty ten times a day by indefatigable children or animals?

Usually, along with the color scheme comes a small catalog of possible shades with detailed instructions- how much dye to add to obtain the desired shade. To be sure of the result, use a mixer or drill at low speed with a special nozzle to mix the components. With due diligence, manual mixing can also give the desired result, but this is an additional risk.

If you're looking to create the right hue for your living space, consider the color guidelines. It is possible that at first you will like bright colors and shades, but they will quickly tire you out and become annoying. For try to choose non-intense, calm light colors of yellow, green, orange. You can’t get hung up on one shade - so that the room is not boring, different walls can be decorated with different colors.

Tinting in practice - slowly and with arrangement!

For tinting, you will need a mixer (drill with a nozzle), a small container for a sampler (100-200 ml) and a container for a large volume, a white base and color.

How to mix paint colors - step by step

Step 1: Making a probe

Before mixing paint colors for the main volume, we will experiment with a small amount of material - we will make a probe. Otherwise, there is a chance to spoil the entire volume! Pour 100 ml of paint into a small container and add a few drops of pigment. In such cases, it is convenient to use jars with a narrow neck, but if the color is packaged in uncomfortable dishes, use a regular syringe - draw the pigment into it and gently squeeze it out to make drops. To start, add 2-3 drops, mix thoroughly, and bring to the desired shade, dripping one drop into the base. When the desired shade is obtained, fix the number of drops on paper.

You can’t rush in this matter - you will compensate for the loss of time with an excellent result. If you are not satisfied with some parameters in the main solution, you can either slightly dilute the paint by adding a white base, or increase the amount of dye by a few drops.

Carry out tinting water-based paint On its own at first glance it seems the process is not complicated. But, in order to choose the right shade, you need to take into account some subtleties. Ready-made for sale paints and varnishes, which do not always meet the main task - this is harmony with the interior. Self-tinting will help organically fit the coloring matter into the existing environment. To do this, you need to choose the right color for water-based paint. But why is this not easy to do?

Subtleties of choice

There is a wide range of colors on the market that are suitable for many types of dyes. Dyes for paintwork materials can be used independently. Some of the pigmenting compounds are universal, because they are used not only for paint, but also for plaster and putty mixture.

When choosing a color, it must be remembered that in a jar or bottle, the color looks brighter than after drying.

The range of pigmenting substances presented on the construction market is large. They are classified according to their purpose:

  • liquid color and pigment paste, used for primers, various impregnations, as well as varnishes applied to wood and other lumber;
  • liquid consistency concentrates intended for water-based emulsions and dispersion paints;
  • pastes are used for oil, alkyd enamels and most of the various whitewash mixtures.
  • universal coloring pastes for polyurethane, nitrocellulose, epoxy enamels;
  • color with a metallic sheen or mother of pearl - this class has a wide range of different compositions, which can be selected for any option that suits most modern paints and varnishes.

Mixing ratio

As you can see, pigment additives have different purposes and are presented in the form of colorants or pastes. The composition of the color does not contain binders; instead, dispersant resins are used to increase solubility and reduce the viscosity of the paste. Base paints are mixed with pigment substances in the following proportions:

  • for water emulsion - no more than 20%;
  • for oil - 1.5 or 2%;
  • for other compositions no more than 5%.

This amount is sufficient to optimally impart saturation without harm to the treated coating. There are two types of pigments: organic and inorganic.

The first option has a rich and bright shade. But, the prepared compositions on this basis are characterized by insignificant light resistance, a low level of resistance to alkalis, which are released from mineral plaster. These include: soot, manganese, ocher, as well as umber and lapis lazuli.

The second option has high light fastness, but the choice of color collections is limited - these are lutein, rhodopsin and carotene.

If tinting pastes and other pigmenting agents have a high percentage of saturation, then this will limit their addition and mixing with water-based paint. Do not forget that a large concentration of a pigmenting substance reduces the properties of the coloring material itself.

The color scheme of water-based paint is combined with the paintwork itself immediately before application to the required surface so that the pigment does not settle to the bottom. The finished product is used both inside the building and outside. Concrete, wooden, brick, as well as puttied surfaces are painted.

Benefits of using

chief positive quality tinting is the fact that using it you can achieve the desired shade. Finished colors are limited and hard to find. suitable option. Other pluses include:

  • affordable price;
  • use independently without the involvement of masters;
  • no need to use special equipment;
  • does not lose its original color when exposed to direct UV rays;
  • good mixing with water-based paint.

After applying to various coatings, the base is smooth.

Features of coloring

The most popular type is the color of water-based paint. This is due to the wide distribution of this type of coloring matter when performing repairs both in a city apartment and a country house.

The shades that can be made for water-based paint are very diverse. This helps them to use the right combination and achieve absolutely any shade. Specialized types of colors can be used to pigment the following types of paints:

  • latex;
  • adhesive;
  • water-dispersion.

If there is a package on the counter of a hardware store that has the inscription “pigment for acrylic”, there is no doubt that it is suitable for all the above categories of paints and varnishes.

It is important to remember that the color of water-based paint has an average consumption of 20% of the volume of the base substance.

Preparation of dye

To give water-based coatings the desired shade, you should follow some tips:

  • accurately calculate required amount tinting agent for a given volume of paint;
  • when buying a color scheme, you should be guided by the catalog provided by the manufacturer in order to see what shade will be in the final result;
  • if you plan to create a complex tint collection, you must use special tables that show the final result of mixing paint with different shades;
  • using an unfamiliar pigment, it is not necessary to mix the entire volume of paintwork materials at once, first you need to try it in a small container (the dishes should preferably be white);
  • if the shade of the already dried paint does not satisfy, you will have to change the proportion of the dye;
  • after a suitable shade is selected, it will be possible to knead the whole bucket;
  • it is necessary to mix the pigment with the base material very carefully, because the final result of the painting work depends on it;
  • to stir the substance, to obtain the optimal consistency, you can use a drill with speed control and a nozzle for kneading plaster;
  • set the speed to a minimum so that the paint does not scatter in different directions;
  • if it still splashes, you should switch the adjustment to the "reverse" mode;
  • Immediately before applying the paint to the surface, mix it thoroughly again.

Pigmented coatings in the store

As noted, it is not so difficult to make your own coloring if you follow all the recommendations. But, there is a simpler and more qualitative method - this is a computer selection of pigment for water-based paint.

Large building supermarkets have departments where tinting is carried out using professional equipment. A container with a base (usually white) is placed in a special machine. A program is set with the introduction of information about which shade is selected. The dispenser pours the appropriate pigment or combination of several dyes into the bucket.

The bucket with paint and additional tint components is hermetically sealed and installed on a platform that constantly vibrates. Because of this, the mixture mixes well, a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The price of a specialized tinting process will be significantly higher than self-preparation. But, with automatic mixing, the result will exceed all expectations.

Aspiring painters and designers often wonder how to mix paints to get the right color. There are basic shades, when combined, a new one can come out. original version. In some situations, such a challenge arises when one paint runs out and can be replaced by mixing several options. Two or more can be used for this purpose.

How to mix paints to get different shades?

I would like to note that such a task is difficult, since some paints, after combining with each other, provoke reactions, which ultimately negatively affects the result, for example, the color may become dark or even lose its tone and become gray.

Understanding what paints can be mixed, it is worth saying that yellow, red and Blue colour it is impossible to obtain by combining other paints, but they are actively used in various combinations.

Learn how to mix paints to get some colors:

  1. Pink. To get this color, you need to mix red and White color. By varying the proportion of white paint, you can get shades of different saturation.
  2. Green. To get this color, mix blue, cyan and yellow in equal proportions. If you want to create an olive shade, then combine green, yellow and add a small amount of brown. A light shade is obtained by mixing yellow, green and white.
  3. Orange. This beautiful colour obtained by combining red and yellow. The more red in the end, the brighter the final shade will turn out.
  4. Violet. In this case, you need to mix the following paint colors: and blue, and in equal proportions. If you change the proportions and add white, you can get different shades.
  5. Grey. There are a huge number of options, so for getting different shades, you should mix black and white in different proportions.
  6. Beige. This color is often used, for example, when painting portraits. To obtain it, you must brown add white and then use some yellow to improve brightness.

It is worth noting that the closer the colors are to each other on the color wheel, the similar their tone, which means that the result will be more pure and saturated.

If you want to create a space with colors that perfectly match the setting, you need to buy colors. It is a concentrated pigment, the source of color. It can be added to paint, plaster or putty. The result will exceed expectations, the color will turn out to be as rich and deep, multidimensional as possible.

The main varieties of colors

All colors can be divided into two large groups: with organic pigments and inorganic. What color is better to choose? Of course, you always want to use environmentally friendly materials when creating a design in a room, so colors with organic pigments immediately cause great sympathy.

However, there is a catch - the colors created with their help fade faster, burn out under the influence of sun rays. It is necessary to pay attention to this.

If non-natural substances are used as a pigment, this does not mean that they are dangerous. Is it possible to get poisoned by eating a piece of the wall, painted with paint with a color scheme based on non-natural substances? Perhaps there are more chances than when the wall is painted with paint with the addition of a color scheme made on the basis of natural ingredients. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't.

A photo of a color scheme for paint, a palette will help make the final decision. If the base is natural, more saturated and vibrant colors can be created by adding it in a smaller amount.

Kohler is a small jar, there is relatively little of it in it. The color palette for synthetic-based paints is a little more modest. Tinting can be too expensive at first glance. Is it really? Repairs will not need to be done after three years, for example, if you choose them. Of course, this is a plus. The design will surprise, delight, delight, give pleasant emotions for five years, no matter what.

Different consistency

How to breed a color for paint? It all depends on its consistency. There are colors in the form of powder, paste and liquid. They can be designed for acrylic paint exclusively, for oil, water-based or suitable for different types simultaneously. You also need to pay attention to this, study the label, figure out which variety you liked.

Colors in the form of a paste can be dissolved in the paint faster than powdered ones. Liquids should be handled with care as it is easy to add more or less than you should.

Powder must be mixed well - more thoroughly than others. All colors are diluted first in a small amount of paint, then added to the main volume. The paint is mixed and a preliminary test is made. It is advisable to test the color on a material similar to that being dyed so that its absorbency is taken into account.

Sometimes it is proposed to mix color and paint using a computer, special program right at the point of sale. This is convenient in that you can accurately select a shade - the computer determines how much color is needed. But you need to know in advance how much paint is required to complete the entire amount of work, so as not to confuse anything later.

Paint base and color features

Color for acrylic paint is added to acrylic paint and only to it. This is important to remember. If the manufacturer indicates that the dye is universal, then it can be added to another type of paint. It is advisable to use paint and color from the same company - they are fully consistent with each other. This simplifies the color creation process.

Kohler for facade paint characterized by greater resistance of the pigment to environmental factors. It should be added to the facade paint accordingly. Can it be used for interior decorating?

If it contains harmful substances, even added to non-toxic facade paint, will provide Negative influence on health, and hence the degree of toxicity should be indicated on its packaging.

Color for water-based paint is ideally soluble in water. It cannot be added to oil. It is useless, the result is unpredictable - stripes, spots may remain, aesthetics will be lost, it will not simply mix with it.

A universal color scheme, even if not all of it is used up, will come in handy on the farm, for sure - in the country or for finishing another room. Therefore, sometimes they try to acquire it. On the other hand, it may turn out to be superfluous, you will want to choose a different color, you will like to spend money, the result will make a good impression, it will become clear: these expenses are rational.

Photo color for paint
