Manufacturers building materials offer a wide range of paint and varnish products for plaster work. The quality and duration of operation of the painted surface depends on the competent choice of products.

How to choose the right paint for plaster and what characteristics of the material you should pay attention to will be discussed in this article.


The process of painting plaster is quite simple, but includes several important points that significantly affect the final result.

You need to understand that you should start painting only after completing all other procedures with plaster, as well as after the surface has completely dried.

The coating must be puttied with one mixture before painting. Traces that differ in shade when using different putty may not be painted over even after multiple coats of paint. Also, spots can appear after uneven puttying.

To begin with, it is important to take care of the convenience of the upcoming procedure by preparing the tools without which no specialist starts work. For convenience, it is best to use long pile rollers, as well as a tray with special spikes.


For finishing facades and painting walls inside the premises, paints of different composition are used, since the requirements for them are different.

Paint on plaster is divided into two types - for interior and exterior use. It is quite possible to apply each of them with your own hands, without resorting to the help of craftsmen, thereby significantly saving the budget.

For interior work

Paint on plaster for internal works is an important part of interior design. From right choice depends on the quality of the coating of ceilings and walls. Currently, there are a large number of compositions on the market, but it is not easy to navigate them. For materials used indoors, vapor permeability and granularity are important.

These paints and varnishes are considered durable due to the resin contained in the composition. The film that forms after drying protects the pigment.

It is very convenient to apply special non-drip paint on the plastered surface. For example, for painting the ceiling, it will be an ideal material. A special jelly has been added to the paint, due to which the composition is thicker and evenly distributed over the surface.

When choosing a material for interior work, it is important to take into account some factors, such as humidity in the room, differences temperature conditions, exposure to ultraviolet rays. For example, for walls in a garage or cellar, it is best to choose silicate or water-based compositions.

for facade

Not every paint is suitable for outdoor work. It must meet the following requirements:

  • High strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • Resistant to sunlight;
  • Waterproof;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Frost resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • Economic consumption of material.

The main purpose of the coating is to enhance the performance of the plaster.

High-quality paint has a thick consistency and gradually becomes liquid when shaken.. This is necessary for uniform application of the composition.

Before buying, you need to carefully study the information on the product packaging. Paints differ from each other in limiting indicators of temperature, humidity, degree of environmental friendliness and shelf life.

To date, the following facade paints for plaster for outdoor use are common:

  • silicate;
  • based on cement;
  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • Lime.

By the type of surface, facade materials are glossy and matte. Glossy have a bright and saturated color, matte are distinguished by restraint, but perfectly hide the flaws of the plaster.


As mentioned above, there are many types of paint on plaster. The compositions of the solutions cover the plastered surface with a protective layer, thereby giving strength to gypsum or cement plaster. Based on certain factors, paint is selected on one basis or another.

Water based paint

It is considered one of the most popular and has a number of important advantages:

  • Affordable price;
  • A variety of colors and shades makes it possible to choose perfect option for every interior. For example, you can purchase colorant and paint white color and make the composition of the desired shade with your own hands;
  • Ease of painting. All painting work can be done independently.

But this material also has some disadvantages:

  • Low moisture resistance. In conditions of high humidity, detachments form on the surface;
  • The cover must not be cleaned or washed.

Acrylic washable paint

It contains an acrylic composite that provides resistance to adverse external factors. The coating is durable and resists deformation. The solution is water-based, so it is easy to clean from hands and tools. It can be used in rooms with high humidity.

The painted surface is perfectly washable with a damp sponge, thanks to which the color and purity will remain for many years.

silicate paint

This type of solution has a number of features:

  • Rain resistance;
  • Does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so the facade remains bright for a long time;
  • Vapor permeability.

silicone paint

This type is known for its highest strength and best performance. The surface painted with silicone paint repels dust and moisture. The facade can be washed an unlimited number of times without worrying about the coating. The only drawback of such solutions is the high price.

Alkyd and oil paints

Dyes on this basis are distinguished by rich shades, a durable layer and durability, but with all the advantages, they also have their drawbacks. These include the high cost of the material, bad smell and high expense.

If there are metal parts on the walls, then special paints must be selected for them, such as electrically conductive and fire retardant.

Base type

Paint manufacturers looking back at trends modern design, began to produce paint with various effects. Thus, it became possible to apply structural drawings to even walls and ceilings.

There is a unique type of finish - Venetian plaster. It is used exclusively indoors. It is made with imitation stone, for example, malachite or granite. There are two types of Venetian plaster - embossed and smooth.. Embossed contains small granules and therefore the surface becomes textured. Smooth allows you to achieve the original play of light. Thanks to this, it visually gives the impression that the wall is made of pure marble.

Venetian plaster can be painted any color. For best results, you can use a couple of shades at once. An indispensable condition for painting is a perfectly plastered surface.

On sale you can find plaster with a grain effect. It hides uneven surfaces. This type of plaster can also be colored. To obtain a beautiful effect, after applying one layer of paint to the surface, it is treated with a damp sponge.

Coloring textured plaster has some nuances. In the case when textured and smooth elements are combined on a plastered wall, they start working with textured. Smooth areas are painted over after the rest of the surface has dried.

If this fact is not taken into account, then when painting the entire coating, loose parts of the plaster will peel off and stick to smooth elements. When applying a second coat of paint, this rule is not necessary.

To add shine to the surface, beeswax can be applied to the painted plaster.

How to calculate the material?

One of the important points when choosing paint for plaster is the calculation of material consumption.

To calculate the consumption of facade paint per 1 sq. m, you need to perform simple mathematical calculations. Initially, you need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall of the house and multiply by their number. Then subtract the total area of ​​door and window openings from the resulting wall area. The final result is multiplied by the consumption indicated on the packaging with the material. In the case of applying several layers, the result is multiplied by their number.

How to apply?

If the base after applying the plaster turned out to be fragile, then it is important to strengthen it with a colorless primer. After that, start the process of painting the walls. Cans of paint are well stirred, adding color if necessary. On an inconspicuous area, test staining is carried out to determine whether the resulting color suits.

Plaster is one of the most popular finishing methods both indoors and outdoors, but often it needs finishing to give aesthetics and protect the leveling layer from the effects of an external aggressive environment.

In this article, we will review which is the best facade paint for plaster for outdoor use, and which composition should be used for interior decoration. We will analyze the main stages of the technology for painting plaster layers of different compositions, talk about the manual and mixed methods of coating surfaces and analyze the consumption of materials.

Paint on plaster for outdoor work - the main tasks

Here the question is relevant: why is facade paint on plaster for outdoor work allocated to a separate category? The answer lies in the plane of difficult operating conditions. So, the materials for painting the plaster of the facades of buildings must be resistant to the effects of external aggressive environments:

  • microorganisms, fungi, mold, paint must have antiseptic properties;
  • to UV rays, a resistant pigment is needed so that the outer walls do not lose their aesthetic appeal;
  • chemical resistant, including to alkalis;
  • refractory;
  • the layer of paint on the plaster must be elastic so that it does not crack during vibrations and shrinkage;
  • it is desirable that the finish has an antistatic effect in order to repel dust, this is especially important for buildings located near roads;
  • paint on plaster for outdoor work should have good hiding power, which will provide a reliable dense decorative layer, for painting twice.
  • For quality result well-prepared plaster walls for painting

    Types of paints for exterior plaster work

    Market finishing materials replete with offers of paints, it is important to understand here that they have a different base, and depending on the composition, they have their own characteristics. Let's deal with the components and on this basis we can conclude which of the paints for plaster for outdoor work most fully meets the requirements stated above.

    silicate based

    Silicate paint for the facade on plaster is a base of silicate glue (liquid glass), to which mineral pigments and fillers are added. The composition guarantees a durable and durable coating on the street, inert to ultraviolet and chemical impurities in precipitation, does not lose its attractiveness for about two decades. It has excellent vapor-permeable characteristics, the facade will breathe, ventilate, and as a result, it does not threaten to become damp. vapor-permeable: under the painted layer, the wall will not become damp. Disadvantages of paint on a silicate base on plaster - low resistance to mechanical stress, abrasion, it is not elastic, which leads to cracking.

    Structure of silicone paint formed by different tools


    The basis of lime-based paint is slaked lime. This is the most a budget option finishing on the plaster outside and when choosing this plays an important role. But having saved on the purchase, significant financial injections will be required in the future, the fact is that the paint gets dirty, washed off by rain, you will have to renew the walls once a year. Although this material cannot be called practical, it has bactericidal properties and a high degree of vapor permeability, with the right facade finishing technology, mold and fungus will not form on it. The color scheme is limited to white shades and pastel tones, of course, you can add bright pigments, but such a paint for the facade of a house on plaster will quickly fade in the sun, the finish will lose its visual appeal.

    cement base

    Painting the facade on plaster with cement paint has the same features as lime material. The mineral base is white Portland cement; for the palette, different colors are added to it. In relation to lime competitors, cement paint for exterior plaster work is weatherproof, but does not have bactericidal qualities. Despite the very low price of the material, it is used very rarely in individual construction.

    Acrylic facade paints for plaster

    Acrylic paints for plaster are at the peak of popularity, today this is the best combination of high quality and a pleasant price. But here, too, pitfalls lie, the acrylic composition has poor vapor permeability, but this disadvantage is more than offset by low hygroscopicity, resistance to mechanical damage. Acrylic paints are divided into two types: on water and on an organic solvent, the latter - great solution for complex work, including painting exterior walls on heavily worn plaster. Consumption 0.5-0.7 l per m 2.

    Acrylic lays down smoothly, without pronounced texture


    At the moment, silicone-based paints are recognized as the best of the entire range of proposals. The plaster layer acquires hydrophobicity, does not absorb precipitation and dew, but at the same time high vapor permeability rates remain, the walls breathe and do not become damp. Silicone paint for plaster has good adhesion and hiding power, it does not fade with UV rays, is not afraid of frost and heat, and does not attract dust. Usually, these are water-based compositions, they are somewhat inferior to acrylic in terms of abrasion resistance and elasticity. Consumption of facade paint per 1 m 2 for plaster 0.1-0.15 liters.

    There are also structured latex paints, in which plasticizers are added, thick, after being applied in appearance - this is a textured finish, a good alternative to decorative plasters, according to the method of application such as a fur coat.

    The technology of painting plaster on facades

    Large areas are better to paint mechanically, I use an airbrush, you can get by with a roller on a long stick, but the work will take much more time. You will also need:

    • forests;
    • a brush to rub influxes and paint over hard-to-reach places;
    • tray for paint with corrugated surface for squeezing brushes and rollers.


    If the surfaces were previously painted, peel off weak layers, putty potholes. It is also necessary to check the compatibility of the existing layer and the new material.

    Compatibility table

    The next stage is to treat the surfaces with an impregnating, antiseptic primer, then covering it, this will increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface. The walls should be smooth, even, swipe your hand, there should be no grains and dust in the palm of your hand.

    Good to know: Opaque gray primer is suitable for all types of paint. For white and pastel colors - light, for bright colors - dark.

    Painting exterior walls on lime-cement plaster requires additional putty. It is recommended to make a putty layer with fiberglass reinforcement, nylon mesh. After drying, the layer is sanded, cleaned of dust, primed and you can start painting.

    We paint the plastered facade with our own hands

    We mix the paint, it is better to do this with a mixer. To save material, you can mix the paint for the first layer with a priming gel. If the plaster is smooth, the paint is applied in even strokes, it is well rubbed along the edges slightly diagonally, the next strokes are performed with a call to the previous ones, which will avoid more saturated stripes at the joints. The second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried. It is recommended to use thick paint, for greater hiding power. Almost all paints, except water-dispersion, are designed for 2 layers of application. But if you are not satisfied with the result, dilute the paint to a liquid consistency and apply a 3rd layer.

    Painting decorative plaster with a pronounced texture, such as rain, begins with the study of all the notches with a brush. And only after that the main layer is applied. If the relief plaster is started to be painted in a continuous layer, repainting cannot be avoided, and additional strokes in the protrusions will noticeably differ in color.

    Interior plaster paint

    Acrylic, silicate, silicone, water-dispersion, lime and even oil paints are used to finish indoor plaster - the whole range of bases, as well as for outdoor work, but other additives are added to them. But such painting of decorative plaster with your own hands is good if the texture does not require additional touches. The rating is headed by materials based on acrylic, then water-based, in bathrooms - silicate and silicone. Often, it looks simple, without chic, the interior seems faceless.

    Blurring is a great way to visually change the geometry of a room.

    Manufacturers have responded to the needs of modern design, and today you can buy decorative paint with various effects - this is a great opportunity to apply a structural pattern to smooth, even walls and ceilings.

    Let's talk about the most popular:

    • Multi-effect - various plastic, color additives are added to white paint, the compositions are applied alternately, through masking tape.
    • Antique walls (aging) - first the base is applied, then the patina is rubbed.

    Coating plaster with the effect of aging - relevant for modern interiors

    • Craquelure - two-component mixtures, the first layer is the background, the second is decorative, cracking is achieved due to hardeners.

    • Metallized coatings - perfect solution For modern styles: gold, bronze, flat, silver, etc., used for accents in combination with ordinary paints, applied with a semi-dry sponge.

    Various metallic effects on smooth plaster

    • Natural, natural surfaces - painting walls after plastering with compositions with small inclusions: sand, stone dust, fragments of shells, fibers.
    • The effects of northern lights, mother-of-pearl, pearls, chameleon are achieved by applying a protective layer of varnish with special components to the paint.

    Important: The consumption of material depends on the degree of coverage and color, as well as on the thoroughness of the surface preparation, for example, consumption oil paint on 1m 2 on plaster it can fluctuate significantly: 1 kg of white is enough for 7-10 m 2, and black or bright for 15 m 2. Specify the data in the instructions on the package.

    Technique for applying paint to plaster indoors

    We clean surfaces from dust, grease stains, dirt. If necessary, putty, grease. Apply a deep penetration primer, let dry. Paint for decorative plaster is usually applied in 2, sometimes 3 layers. First, you need to paint over all the relief places with a long-haired roller or brush, then you can apply the main covering layer.

    If you apply a few tones darker paint on the protruding parts of the relief using a dry brush technique, the wall will visually become more voluminous. To reduce contrasts and smooth out the borders, the upper dark layer should be rubbed with a rubber roller or a regular glove.

    Decorative, textured paint with the effect of Venetian plaster

    Metallic effects are best applied with a sponge. A roller with a short, hard pile achieves the effect of a bark beetle over a thick layer of paint. To get the blur effect, you must first apply a light tone, then a darker one, wait for it to dry and, as it were, rub it with a damp cloth.

    Paint for outdoor work on plaster should be selected according to the environment. After all, this coating can be in any room and on the street as well. So its parameters are important here, for this there is an instruction on the package and it must be studied. Dyes are also selected according to their composition, the compatibility of surfaces and the durability of the coating will depend on this.

    These are the questions we will consider today. Also on the video in this article and the photo you can find out a lot of additional and necessary information.

    Paint for plaster is divided into two types. This is a paint on plaster for interior work and for internal surfaces. For exterior finish It can be used for interior work as well. And in turn, the interior can only be used for interior surfaces (see Paint for interior wall decoration: how to choose).

    Any of them is completely applied with your own hands, then the final price of the finish is significantly reduced, though you first need to choose the right dye, this will be discussed further.

    Attention: If you have a large finishing area, then it is better to use a spray gun for plaster, in this case you will significantly reduce the painting time and apply a layer of dye as evenly as possible.

    Facade paints

    A direct indicator of the quality of facade paint is its resistance to fading, contamination and flaking. Choice good product and the preparation of the foundation is the key to the longevity and beauty of our home.


    • Even after a few years, the painted facade should be pleasing to the eye. If the walls get dirty, then there should be no problem returning to their original appearance, as well as fading of the paint, no matter how dark it is.
    • Being in a jar, branded paint should have a thick consistency, and when loosened, it should gradually become more liquid. This helps it to be applied evenly, which, however, should not mean that the paint runs off the roller.
    • All these advantages of high-quality paint, of course, have a direct opponent - a high price, but this is also a guarantee of the desired result. In addition, the process of painting the facade itself (see How to paint a house outside with your own hands) is not the easiest thing, which means calling painters, using scaffolding, and also indicates that you should not save on paint.

    Attention: Use quality product from the very beginning, it will help to save the facade from re-painting much better than its cheap counterpart, due to resistance to various adverse factors.

    What are the colors

    In the highest degree, the properties that the paint will have depend on what it is made of. The most important component of not only paint, but I of any paintwork material: primer (see Primer for walls for painting - types and tasks), putty, varnish - is a binder, which determines the quality of the future coating.

    It is also called a film former due to its interaction with solid surfaces, namely, the formation of a film (this occurs after evaporation or drying), which differs in the degree of adhesion to the substrate.

    According to possible types paint solvents are divided into:

    • Paints based on organic extractants (such as white spirit) form a distinctively compacted film, which has a low level of water vapor transmission (this does not apply to paints based on plyolitic resins). Among their disadvantages are toxicity and unsafety when used in a fire room. In contrast to this, weather resistance and the possibility of application without loss of quality at sub-zero temperatures can be attributed.
    • A well-known advantage of water-soluble paints is environmental friendliness., which is achieved by replacing flammable (and often poisonous) solvents with ordinary water.
    • This type of paint, in turn, is divided into paints based on water dispersion (there are a large number of different polymers here). They are also called latex (see Latex paint: how to work with it) and emulsion. And the second subtype is paints in which mineralite, lime or liquid glass plays the role of a binder, and they are mineral.

    Water-dispersion paints

    Water-based paints for outdoor use in their structure keep adhesive substances as if "suspended" in the form of micro-particles in H2O.

    Attention: The main basis on which such specialized facade paints are produced is synthetic polymers and various silicone resin emulsions. Their pleasant feature is absolute non-toxicity, the ability to dilute in water to the desired density and quick drying.

    • The film former in vinyl paints is a dispersion of polyvinyl acetal or other vinyl acetate copolymers, which are not very expensive, but also resistant to water.
    • Acrylic (acrylate) paints, in which the role of the film former is occupied by a dispersion of acrylate copolymers, are very well connected to the foundation. Among their other characteristics: reduced vapor permeability, which leads to their use, for the most part, for concrete and cement-fiber surfaces. On the other hand: they cannot be used for application on silicate or lime coatings.
    • Based on the dispersion of silicone resins, silicone paints (siloxane, silane, organosilicon) are made. They are distinguished by resistance to moisture levels and "magic" self-cleaning features. Compared to other polymers used in the industry, the binder of these paints does not become softer in the heat and the galvanic charge in it is always neutral.

    Attention: Paints based on acrylic and vinyl, as well as silicone resins, are not only water-soluble, but also solvent-based.

    mineral paints

    Mineral paints according to their binder are divided into:

    • Lime paints based on slaked lime. They owe the reliability of the lining to the process of lime carbonization taking place in the air space. Therefore, these paints are stored either as pigmented mixtures or as pastes to which pigments are added immediately before application. Pigments need to be alkali resistant in order to work well with paint, and this narrows down the range of available colors somewhat.

    Lime paints among their counterparts seem attractively cheap, but also do not differ in durability and safety. Every year they are used less and less, but when it comes to the restoration of architectural monuments, other paints cannot be used.

    • silicate paints, in which liquid glass plays the role of a film former. This fact significantly limits the possible palette of colors. In addition, the application of such paint should be left to an experienced painter.

    Attention: It must be taken into account that it cannot be applied over silicone paint, no matter how good it is. The same goes for acrylic. But if before that there was lime or silicate paint on the surface, then you can safely apply layers again and again.

    • In cement paints the connecting agent is Portland cement (situational: white or colored), which in itself already requires the use of alkali-resistant pigments. Since such paints themselves do not retain water very well, they add up to 15% slaked lime to increase this parameter, and 1% water-repellent substances due to low weather resistance.

    The result is weather-resistant and vapor-permeable paints, the scope of which is the same as that of lime paints. However, in terms of fragility, cement paints surpass even them, so they do not peel off for so long.

    Criterias of choice

    House owners, mostly residents of busy streets or industrial districts, often confirm that after a few months their facade is already losing its color. For this reason, they are looking for paints that provide maximum dirt resistance.

    Attention: Paints have not yet been invented on which dirt could not settle, but there are those that prevent it from soaking into the surface.

    • Such paints form hydrophobic shells with self-cleaning properties. As a result, the dirt is simply blocked on the surface, after which it is easy to wash it off, which often happens during precipitation.
    • Hydrophobic properties fully come into force approximately one month after staining. Silicone paints have the best "repulsive" attributes, silicate and acrylic paints, as well as paints modified with silicone polymers, have good ones. Alas, when buying, you can’t find out what the resin content is in the paint (this is what has greatest influence for its effectiveness). For this reason, it is worth using a product that has already been tested by someone you know.
    • If after a few years the facade does not lose its original color and remains without blots, this is a significant argument in favor of the brand. Next time you should buy their own product.

    Attention: When choosing a paint, special attention should be paid to the degree of gloss: the higher it is, the higher the resistance to dirt, i.e. dirt will be washed off better. And one more little hint: on dark paint, compared to light paint, dust is not so easy to notice.

    • On the packaging of most paints, you can find information confirming its vapor permeability. This is a conscious step of the manufacturer, because every person wants his house to “breathe” and be “healthy”.
    • Another reason why the importance of this is not diminished: depending on the density of the outer part of the facade, there is a transition of water into liquid from the gas that escapes in the direction from the room to the street. It is possible that subsequently the paint will peel off not from the outer surface, but from the inner one. The likelihood of this is greatly increased if the paint was applied to an unprimed surface.

    Any developer, choosing how the facade of his house will look like, where what color should be used, encounters problems: how to combine each element of the facade succinctly and not easily; how to make buildings individual among others, but not create a confrontation?

    In cases where contacting an architect is not available, it is recommended to follow some simple but effective rules that will help achieve a positive result when using home decoration:

    • For the facade, it would be wiser to take light paint from a palette of pastel colors. A façade painted in this way will blend in more easily with the surroundings and in this case it will be easier to choose the color of the roof.
    • If you are afraid that your house will look monotonous, then use two shades of the same color, for example, emphasize window openings and other individual elements with the lighter one.
    • Obviously, the color of the roof should be darker than the color of the walls. Of course, you can do the opposite, but in order to end up with a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, will require the intervention of specialists in this case.
    • If the facade after painting should be multi-colored, then when considering various options all paints and materials must have one common “parent”, so that in the end the selected combination is harmonious and orderly.
    • Even the most serious and gloomy facade can be made more alive by color highlighting it. individual elements: door and window wells, bars, railings, chimneys, feet, etc. If possible, this technique should definitely be used, not forgetting, of course, about the general style of the building.
    • When using several tones of paint, the horizontal division of the facade can be highlighted, completely changing the feel of the architectural object. For example, if the lower part of the house is darker than the upper part, then the building will seem to “stretch up” and look more sophisticated.
    • If, on the contrary, the roof and the attic are darker, then the whole house will acquire depth and solidity. It is wrong to forget that the impression of a building also depends on the external background, the environment in which it is located, therefore it is extremely important that the appearance of the room is not opposed to the local surroundings.

    Wall paint on plaster is quite different in its characteristics and its price can be high, but the main thing in this matter is the durability and quality of the coating. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to proven European manufacturers, it is not worth saving on this.

    facade paint- a universal design solution that allows you to give the external walls of the house an attractive look. However, it is also very practical cover, capable of protecting walls from atmospheric influences, hiding flaws when plastering walls. The durability of the plaster depends on how correctly the material for painting the facade is chosen. In this article, we will talk about what types of facade paints are, give recommendations for choosing and consider the technology of painting on plaster.

    Requirements for exterior paint

    When choosing a paint for plastered external walls, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: operational, technological and decorative.

    Operational properties:

    Technological requirements include:

    Decorative qualities include:

    • Possibilities for tinting;
    • Reflectivity (matte, semi-gloss and gloss);

    Types of facade paints and their features

    The choice does not depend on personal preferences or desires, but on the material of the surface to be painted. A plastered wall, for example, has an alkaline nature, so it will not be combined with all types of facade paints. By the way, they have several types, depending on the binders used in them. Consider those that are best suited for outdoor plastering work.

    Acrylic and latex

    Although they have different names, acrylate material acts as a binder for both. Marble and chalk are used as white filler. Suitable for many surfaces, including concrete, brick and mineral plaster. You can add color with universal water colors and pastes. Due to their low viscosity, acrylates cover the texture of decorative plasters well, such as, for example, bark beetle, fur coat, etc. Consider the advantages of acrylic and latex paints:

    • ease of application, diluted with water;
    • resistance to alkaline corrosion makes it suitable for plaster coating;
    • bright colors;
    • non-aggressive in use;
    • water-repellent film, while allowing air to pass through;
    • weatherproof and wear-resistant.

    Facade latex or acrylic paint can also be used for interior plaster work. The coating is perfect for rooms with high humidity. After drying, the surface becomes matte. Application method: roller, brush or spray.


    The basis is also acrylic resin, but modified copolymer silicone dispersions are added to it. Due to the content of silicone, the paint is more resistant to moisture and atmospheric influences, and can be used for painting basements and basements of a building. In general, it is a good choice for outdoor stucco work. Peculiarities:

    • high rates of vapor permeability;
    • blocks the development of fungi and mold;
    • water resistance;
    • high elasticity;
    • optimal decorative and operational characteristics;
    • applied within two days after plastering;
    • high price;
    • not tinted in bright, acidic tones.


    Produced by mixing liquid silicate glass and organic additives. It has more strength and wear resistance than others. In terms of performance, this is the best facade paint for plaster. Pros and cons of silicate compounds:

    • excellent performance;
    • high vapor permeability;
    • mold resistance;
    • easy application on concrete, brick, cement, lime or gypsum plaster;
    • penetrates deep into the surface;
    • low elasticity;
    • does not give bright toning, tinted in pastel colors;
    • not applicable on acrylic plasters and other non-mineral substrates.

    oil enamel

    Not the most popular paint, with drying oils in the role link. It almost does not let air through and has low elasticity. Therefore, it is used in most cases for working with hard surfaces: wood, metal. Concrete and cement plaster are also painted with oil enamel, but the durability of such coatings is low, prone to cracking and peeling. For external plastering work, this is far from the most the best choice. Features of oil painting:

    • resistance to temperature changes and precipitation;
    • poor vapor permeability;
    • susceptibility to corrosion, due to which the color changes and collapses;
    • toxicity of solvents for oil paints.


    lime. These include, first of all, diluted slaked lime, which is used to paint the walls. Simply put, it's whitewash. Due to its low cost, it has gained wide popularity. Its bactericidal effect also belongs to the advantages. Disadvantages of whitewash: washed off with water, washed and dirty. It is not difficult to prepare lime dye (whitewash) for plaster. . But there are also ready-made paints for sale, for example, Finngard Tikkurila

    Cement and cement-lime. Another similar cheap painting option is to use white Portland cement. Although cement paint can be tinted, bright tones cannot be obtained. To prepare, you just need to dilute the cement with water to a liquid consistency. The advantages include water resistance and quick setting. The disadvantages of this composition are fragility.

    What to paint?

    Summarizing all that has been said, we note that for a beautiful facade of decorative plaster, the choice should be made on one of the water-dispersion (water-based) paints: acrylic, latex, silicone or silicate.

    It's hard to rank any here. Firstly, manufacturers have different color catalogs, and it’s a matter of taste which paint will be the best for you. Secondly, the characteristics of the materials differ depending on the additives. Accordingly, the price will also vary.

    The cost starts from 180 rubles per 1 liter and up to 600-700 rubles / liter. By the way, paints and varnishes can have a high price not only because of their good quality, but also because they were brought from another country. For example, the popular Tikkurila is made in Finland. Therefore, to save money, you can choose good paints Russian manufacturers, such as Tex, Lacra, etc.

    Choosing how to paint the facade of the house, consider how to do it

    Wall preparation

    Half the battle depends on preparation. A few important steps will allow you to make high-quality staining of the plaster.

    Checking the reliability of the base. The plastered wall is inspected and tapped, chips and potholes are cleaned with a brush. If the plaster has already been painted before, then the adhesion quality of the previous layer is checked. If necessary, it is completely removed. About, how to remove old paint from the facade, you can read by clicking on the link.

    Strong defects are covered with a plaster mixture of the same composition as the entire wall. After drying, the surface is rubbed and primed.

    Small irregularities are covered with facade putty.

    The finishing putty is rubbed with fine sandpaper until smooth, after which it is primed.

    Dry each layer of plastered coating before applying the next. Before painting, the entire surface of the outer walls is primed for better adhesion of materials.

    Painting a plastered facade

    Painting a house is not difficult if you take into account the recommendations of the paint manufacturers. Plaster on exterior walls must be completely dry. The air temperature is not lower than 5°C. External work is not carried out in strong wind, rain or fog. Direct Sun rays should not fall on the painted walls, otherwise their drying will be uneven and this will affect the quality of the coating.

    Now consider the sequence in which they work.

    Photos of houses: plaster + paint

    Finally, we offer you a few photos beautiful houses with painted stucco on the outer walls. On them you will see what bright colors of facade paints and calm pastel colors are.

    Facade paint on plaster for outdoor use perfect solution for home decoration. The variety of types, colors and textures allows you to realize any design idea.

    About types of facade paints

    The modern market of materials for construction and repair is replete with an assortment. The choice of facade paints is no exception. The most common types are:

    1. Acrylic, the main advantage of which is to create a sufficiently strong protective film after drying. The film protects the facade from negative environmental influences.
    2. Latex, used both for facade exterior work, and for interior. Thanks to the water base, they have excellent adhesion. Latex paints are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions.
    3. Silicate, used for painting surfaces containing lime. Equally well suited for work with brick, concrete and facades. The advantage of this material, resistant to wear and hostile environment, is durability.
    4. Textured, with the help of which all kinds of decorative coatings are created not only on the facades of buildings, but also on other structural elements. Textured paints cannot withstand serious loads, but they do not require a carefully prepared surface for application - chips at the corners and cracks in the walls will be an equally good base.

    It is worth noting that when choosing facade paints for plaster, it is important to take into account the type of plaster: if it is supposed to be silicate, then silicate paint should also be chosen. Mineral facade paint is suitable for mineral plaster.

    The best facade paints for plaster are acrylic and acrylate.

    They form a unique vapor-permeable coating, which is also resistant to moisture. But due to expensive components, the price of such materials is high. Therefore, the most common type is latex facade paint. These are practically the same acrylic compositions, but with the addition of a dispersion containing latex. Cheaper components of such paints lead to frequent facade repairs due to low durability and not the highest performance properties - the coating begins to fade in the sun, crack and peel off.

    As for the division of facade paints for plaster according to structure, textured and smooth paints are distinguished. Of these two types best coverage, the most durable and resistant, form textured. They will also help hide cracks and chips (small defects on the plaster of walls and facades).

    Facade preparation and subsequent painting

    Painting facades is not so easy. First you need to prepare the base. Preparing the facade for finishing is a more difficult task than painting internal walls premises. The essence of preparation is to protect surfaces that cannot be painted: dismantling removable parts and covering non-removable ones with a protective film. Before starting work, it is worth checking the weather forecast: strong wind, heat or rain can interfere with the painting process.

    Before starting work, the paint must be thoroughly mixed, and the painting of plasters containing cement should be abandoned for at least 2 weeks. The alkaline environment of cement may not have the best effect on the color of facade paint.

    The surface of the plaster for painting must be even, i.e. without visible defects in the form of dents, bumps or cracks. If the surface is affected by mold or fungus, then it is necessary to use a brush or spatula to clean it. The cleaned facade is washed with water and allowed to dry.

    The facade is painted with a spray gun, brush or roller. The shorter the pile on the roller, the smoother the surface will be. If using a gun, check the thickness of the paint and compare it with the instructions for the gun.

    When working with a roller or brush, it is necessary to alternate vertical and horizontal movements to obtain the maximum uniform coating. After the time specified by the manufacturer, it is necessary to apply a second layer of facade paint. A break in work can be done only after the layer is completely ready.

    It is not allowed to get moisture and dust on the freshly painted surface.

    Care of painted surfaces is simple and consists in wiping them with a damp sponge or cloth at least once a year.

    Conclusion on the topic

    Facade paint applied to plaster not only preserves, but also improves its operational properties. The protective layer formed by the material allows the plaster to breathe and remove moisture, because it does not close its pores.

    All types of modern facade paints are created taking into account the materials on which they will be applied. When developing new types of finishing materials, difficult weather conditions are also taken into account, in which structures with this type of surface coating will be used.

    After processing, the surface of the facade acquires an attractive appearance.

    It is worth noting: most facade paints are water-based, which almost completely eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors in the process of application, facilitates the work. Layers of facade paints not only provide long-term protection of the coating, but also hide its minor defects.
