Someone who recently installed metal plastic windows, I realized that now I need to repair the slopes, putty them and paint them. It will not work just to finish them with drywall or plaster the surface, you will have to additionally cover them with a layer paintwork material. You can hire a professional to level and paint damaged slopes, but you can save money by doing the job yourself. To do this, you need to buy a leveling compound, and you also need paint for slopes, which happens different types and has various characteristics.

Leveling agent

The choice of paint for a window opening is influenced by the type of material from which the base is made. To level the slopes from the inside of the room, you can choose one of the following materials:

  • drywall boards;
  • putty;
  • plaster.

Slopes on the street side can only be leveled with cement mortar, and drywall, putty and chipboard for external surfaces cannot be used, as they are vulnerable to precipitation and frost.

paint requirements

Paint for slopes must be selected, considering where it will be applied - from the outside or from the inside of the window. Here is a list of the basic requirements that must be presented to the paint:

  • aesthetics and attractive appearance, since one of the main purposes of the coloring agent is to create a beautiful frame for a new window;
  • a sufficient indicator of strength and resistance to abrasion. Once the window sill paint has dried, it must withstand washing with chemical detergents without damage;
  • the paintwork composition must correspond to the conditions in which it will be operated. For example, if a window opening in the bathroom is to be painted, the painting should have an increased moisture resistance index. And if the window is processed from the street side, then the paint must be able to withstand temperature extremes, heat, frost, ultraviolet rays, precipitation;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety. This requirement applies to situations where slope paint is used indoors, especially in living rooms and children's rooms.

Interior decoration

For painting slopes located indoors, experienced experts advise choosing the following types of paints and varnishes:

  • acrylic latex paints. This variety is great for painting drywall slopes. These compositions have almost the same characteristics as water-based mixtures, however, due to the presence of latex components, the paint has a higher strength and resistance to moisture. Latex additives make the dried coloring solution more attractive, glossy. They are made as glossy compositions that beautifully reflect Sun rays both color and matte, which effectively emphasize the beauty of the window;
  • acrylic water-based. These paints are very convenient and easy to use for painting slopes, they dry quickly enough, after which they create an attractive and durable protective layer. Even a beginner can handle their application, they have good water-repellent characteristics, therefore they are used not only for living rooms, but also for painting slopes inside kitchens or bathrooms. Acrylic water-based paint contains ordinary water as a solvent, so this mixture is absolutely non-toxic, does not harm human health, practically does not emit odor during application and drying.

External painting

To protect windows from the outside, street side, it is recommended to choose one of the following paints:

  • latex acrylic, which has excellent protection and good decorative qualities. However, it is important to keep in mind that latex coloring compositions that do not contain additional additives have poor resistance to temperature extremes, so they quickly become unusable. Therefore, when purchasing an acrylic latex mixture, it is important to carefully read the instructions and information on the package, where there should be an inscription: “for outdoor use”;
  • epoxy, which combines visual appeal and excellent strength. However, such formulations are expensive, and it is difficult for novice painters to apply such solutions. To paint windows and slopes, these materials are rarely used, since the market offers cheaper dyes that have good decorative properties and protective characteristics;
  • alkyd based on organic solvents. It is great for any kind building material, including plaster, brick, concrete, wood, and others. Alkyd paints and varnishes withstand temperature extremes without problems, their cost is low. Their only drawback is toxicity, they are harmful to health, therefore they are applied only in a respirator and rubber gloves, suitable for external work.

Of course, it is important to choose the right paint composition. But in order for the windows to look spectacular and attractive, you need to choose the right shade of paintwork.

Color matching

Manufacturers today offer a huge range of shades of paints and varnishes. You can choose the color to your taste, but it is important to consider that usually metal-plastic windows are produced in standard, white color. If you paint the surface next to them with too bright paint, then the interior or exterior of the house or apartment may suffer, an imbalance will be introduced into it.

Experienced designers advise using these shades for interior painting:

  • white shade, it should be a couple of tones different from the color of the window;
  • light wood color. This option will be suitable especially when there are wood panels in the room.

It is also important to choose the right shade for street coloring. The color is selected in such a way that it harmoniously fits into the facade decoration.

What tools are required

When the owner has decided on the type of paint and its color, you can proceed to the preparation necessary tools required for finishing. You will need the following set of tools:

  • if the surface is uneven, then tools will be required to level it;
  • masking tape;
  • a cuvette for pouring paint;
  • latex gloves;
  • suitable tools for applying the dye.

To apply the paintwork material, you can use a brush or roller. Not every roller and brush is suitable, painters-specialists advise to be guided by the following tips:

  • do not buy too large a roller, the best option would be a medium and small size;
  • the pile of the roller should not be long, it is advisable to choose natural fur or a sponge. Long hairy rollers will splatter the ink solution, as a result of which the splatter will stain plastic and glass;
  • The brush is best used for coloring only. hard-to-reach places and joints, it is desirable to paint over all other areas with a roller. Thanks to this, the painted layer will be even, the consumption of paintwork material will be minimal.

Preparation for staining

The preparation must be taken carefully and responsibly, since after staining all the defects and shortcomings of the base will be clearly visible. In order for the surface to be as smooth and even as possible, it must be carefully prepared before painting, the following steps are performed:

  • the base is inspected with a lamp, any dent, defect and unevenness is leveled with putty. Most often, irregularities are found on a plastered, puttied surface and on chipboard. When the base is leveled, you need to re-inspect;
  • after leveling the base, cleaning is carried out. Any contaminants are removed, for example, dirt, dust, grease stains, and so on;
  • the slope must be primed, this can be done using a special primer and roller. After the soil has dried, an inspection is again carried out, and if uneven areas of the applied primer are found, then this procedure is repeated.


When the primer dries, you can start painting. Experts recommend that you first paint the joints and all hard-to-reach places with a brush, after which you can start painting the remaining areas with a roller. It is advisable to paint in two layers, the second layer is applied only when the first one dries. Moreover, the first coating is applied in a horizontal direction, from the wall to the window, and the second layer must be applied vertically, from top to bottom.

If you choose the right paint, taking into account all the requirements and recommendations, and paint in accordance with the above tips from experts, then the window opening will be very attractive.

If you think that, having made or plastered, the windows are finished, then you are very mistaken. It will also be necessary to figure out how and with what to paint the slopes themselves. Let's find out!

So, for starters, the primary finish can be different, which is why you will need to consider how to paint the plasterboard slopes, and how they are simply plastered.


List of tools

  • Big brush
  • Small brush for hard to reach places
  • Container for paint
  • Ditch
  • Roller
  • clean rag
  • masking tape
  • Carrying
  • Primer
  • fine abrasive mesh
  • liquid acrylic
  • construction gun
  • painting knife

Drywall slopes

The best option for finishing the slope is drywall. This option, however, has both pros and cons, but now we have another goal, namely, to figure out how to paint from drywall.

In this case, it would be optimal to opt for water-based paint, which not only applies well, but can also be wiped during operation.

So, however, before figuring out what paint to paint the plasterboard window slopes, you need to do some preparatory work.

Slope preparation

If you recently installed drywall with your own hands, then you can’t immediately start painting. Have you puttyed the slope? If so, then skip the next few paragraphs, as the information will be offered to those who have not yet produced these works.

Surface putty

So, you need to take putty and carefully putty the joints of the slopes and the perforated corner, as well as those holes that remained after fastening with self-tapping screws.

Important! Before puttying holes for self-tapping screws, you need to embroider them. To do this, draw crosswise through the hole, protruding 3 mm in different directions. Now - you can putty.

After you putty, give the mixture time to seize. Then - pick up an abrasive mesh and carefully walk through the puttied areas, removing bumps. You can use the carrier, with its help it will be easier to see the bumps.

Very often, after painting, cracks appear at the joints of the slope with the frame, in order to avoid them, you need to do the following:

  • With a paint knife, in which it is better to replace the blade so that it is sharp, a small chamfer is made around the entire perimeter of the joint, which goes to a depth of about 1-3 millimeters, at an angle of 45 degrees in the frame.
  • Prime the slot immediately, but put masking tape on the frame and slope, having previously retreated 1 mm from the slope and frame.
  • Next, insert the tube with acrylic into the construction gun and fill in the chamfer. After filling, you need to “embroider” - walk along the seam with your finger to remove excess acrylic, as well as to level the junction.

Important! You need to use acrylic, not silicone! Silicone is not painted, but acrylic is quite calm, moreover, it initially has a white color.

After you apply acrylic, you can start painting only after 12 hours.

But while the surface dries up, you can use adhesive tape and paste over the entire frame so as not to stain it with paint.


So, we analyze what paint to paint the slopes of drywall windows with. It's better to use, as already mentioned, water-based paint, you can - acrylic, less often - oil or enamel.

Moreover, it is advisable to choose not cheap analogues, since in more expensive options, fewer layers will be needed to cover, and their operating time is one level higher.

So, the painting process will look like:

  • With a small brush, paint over the corners and other hard-to-reach places for a large brush and roller;
  • Next - using a velor roller or brush, apply paint to the main surface.

It is preferable, of course, to use a roller - here the consumption is less (since excess paint is removed right there in the cuvette with the material), and the layer lies more evenly, more accurately.

Important! In order for the paint to lay down evenly, the pile on the roller must be very small, such rollers are usually called "velor".

However, if you are used to and know how to work with a brush, then no one argues.

The painting process is simple - drive carefully over the entire surface, but you don’t often need to paint over the same place, for this you can apply paint after drying with a second layer along the drywall slope. And if you immediately paint it like that, then the imposition of sloppy "scars" is possible.

Dismantling adhesive tape

So, here is how and with what you can paint plasterboard slopes on the windows, now we are dealing with plastered analogues.

plastered surface

Plastering slopes is a finishing method that is now not as common as, say, drywall, but let's look at how to paint such slopes.

Preparatory work

As with every job, the plastered surface needs preparation.

To do this, with a paint knife, excess paint foam is cut off, significant protruding irregularities are removed, putty into several layers. After puttying, you will need to go through an additional fine abrasive to remove already minor defects.

Important! Plastering of external slopes should be done only with cement mortar, and the use of putty is possible only in the same way, on a cement basis.

Otherwise, the painting of the exterior will not differ from similarly finished interior counterparts.

Taking masking tape in hand, carefully close the frame, and on the windows themselves, you can attach either plastic wrap or wet newspaper to protect them.

And now - boldly prime the surface of the slope with a primer. After waiting for the time allotted for the mixture to dry, we proceed directly to figuring out how and with what to paint the plastered slopes on the windows.

Slope painting

For interior work, the same paints are used as those indicated above for drywall (water-based, acrylic, oil, etc.), but for exterior surfaces, only facade versions of water-based or acrylic mixtures should be used.

The principle of operation is the same: the corners are painted with a small brush, and the main surface with a roller or a large brush.

Window slopes need to be painted over at least two layers, moreover, you need to make sure that the room has a constant temperature, there are no drafts. Do not use any heating devices to dry the first layer - this method will only cause the paint to peel off much faster later.

Paint over the next layer only when the previous one is completely dry!

But for outdoor work, you will have to choose so that the weather is dry and calm. However, if there are still small defects on the surface in the form of lumps, specks, blades of grass, and even the pile of a brush or roller, then when the layer dries, you can easily remove them with fine abrasive paper. And then apply the next layer.

Once finished, carefully remove the tape that protects the frame. If this is not done immediately, and after the finish layer dries, then pieces of paint can also be removed from the slope with adhesive tape, but why do you need this?

The finished look of the finish is true, the doorway

So, how and with what to paint plasterboard and plastered slopes on the windows, you now know what we are extremely happy about!

Happy repair!

To start slopes should have a white, clean, dust-free appearance. You need to achieve this with finishing putty and its stripping with abrasive sandpaper. On outside corners slopes, perforated aluminum corners should be installed, read about how to do this here.

After stripping the putty, the slopes should be covered with a deep penetration primer. Attention: if during the process the primer gets on the plastic frame of the window or on the glass, then immediately remove it with a damp cloth. The window sill should also be protected from getting a primer on it (for example, polyethylene, fixed with masking tape).

As soon as the primer is completely dry, proceed to the next step - paste over the window frame with masking tape. This work is important to do carefully and correctly. Use wide masking tape. It should be glued around the entire perimeter, including the adjoining slope to the window sill.

The strip of adhesive tape should run smoothly without bends, and be pressed as tightly as possible to the supporting frame of the window. Glue the adhesive tape along the entire length of the junction of the slopes to the frame with your hands, and then press it as hard as possible with a plastic spatula, this is necessary so that the paint does not flow under it during the main work, this is especially important in the corners of the window opening.

Slope painting

As for the quality of the paint, you choose. What paint to paint hardboard doors? Everyone has different financial capabilities, but still I recommend not to take cheap paint. When choosing, rely on the following three criteria:

  1. The paint over time, as it gets dirty, should be easily washed off with a foam rubber sponge without much difficulty.
  2. Use acrylic, its service life is longer than that of conventional water-based. When purchasing paint, pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on the can. Some types of paints have a purely individual composition.
  3. If you order via the Internet, it will be much cheaper, and if you buy it using cashback, you will get 2 times! The same goes for shopping. household appliances or new furniture!

Open the can of paint and mix thoroughly. Pour a small amount of paint into the bath. Painting should start from the top slope, moving to the sides.

In hard-to-reach places of contiguity, we use a flute brush.

List of tools needed for painting:

  • Paint roller
  • Flute brush
  • Tray for paint
  • Pliers or screwdriver (for opening a can of paint)

Try to roll the paint evenly with a roller without strong pressure on the tool, otherwise greasy streaks and stains will appear. Before applying the paint to the slope, first roll it out with a roller in the paint tray. What paint is better to paint a plastic surface? Attention: the work is done in one breath, in no case should you take a break, leaving one of the sides of the window slopes partially painted.

If you do this, the paint will dry out and, continuing to work, you will put an extra layer on top of the already painted one. Thus, in this place at a certain angle and lighting, an inhomogeneous spot will stand out. If there is no desire to paint the slopes in two approaches, then apply the paint as fat as possible.

But again, I remind you, keep an eye on the uniformity of applying paint with a roller.

Once you've painted, peel off the masking tape right away! Do this carefully without haste, trying not to touch the fresh paint with your hands. Why do you need to remove the tape immediately? I answer: the fact is that as soon as the paint dries, it forms a single film, including the paint that got on the masking tape. And when you tear off the tape from the window frame, you will pull the dried paint behind it.

This results in an uneven border of painting, the appearance of such work, to put it mildly, is not very good! If, for some reason, you did not remove the adhesive tape from the window frame, and the paint dried up, then do the following; standard paint knife replaceable blades cut the paint along the entire border of the paint. After that, you can safely tear off the tape.

In no case do not try to dry the paint with any electrical appliances (heater, hair dryer). The paint must dry naturally, otherwise it will be covered with small cracks, or even completely move away from the base with large “flakes”.

If the slopes are not cleaned very well and have large scratches, then use a roller with a large pile. Such a roller will easily hide all the flaws of both putty and its stripping.

For those who would like to make drywall slopes with their own hands, see a fairly simple way to do this.

Additional Information:

If the space near the windows is kept dry, then you can use a water emulsion. Even the most expensive composition will not be able to live up to expectations if it is applied in violation of technology. It involves careful surface preparation. The slopes are treated with an antiseptic, and then a layer of moisture-proof primer is applied to them.

In this case, you can get a guarantee that the paint will not peel off in the first winter and will please the eye until the overhaul.

It is immediately worth noting that oil coatings for interior work are not the best option. The thing is that these coloring mixtures evaporate toxic compounds into the air. If the smell and health impact on the street is minimal, then you need to choose another option for the room.

Window slope paint must be safe and not harmful to health.

Budget repairs can be done using oil paint, which, as you know, has good moisture resistance. The resulting protective layer has a good gloss and is well washed from dirt. Unfortunately, the choice of such material is still that lottery.

Often, after several years of operation, a smooth surface becomes covered with cracks, and the coating itself begins to peel off, so it’s better not to save money and choose oil paint from well-known manufacturers.

How to paint the slopes on the windows? To begin with, it is worth deciding what kind of work needs to be carried out - internal or external. The choice of paint depends on this. For outdoor work, in most cases, paint on drying oil is used, and for internal work, water-based paint can also be used.

Paint for window slopes must be resistant to external negative factors, including ultraviolet radiation.

Probably, everyone who installed plastic windows is familiar with the situation when a beautiful freshly installed double-glazed window is framed by uneven slopes designed for old frame. Of course, you can, together with a double-glazed window, for an additional fee, perform window decoration, or you can save a little. To do this, you just need to purchase material for leveling the surface and paint for slopes.

Finishing the slopes on the outside should also be done so that dust and moisture cannot seep into the room. With an excess of moisture on the slopes, fungus and mold can appear. At what temperature can a metal fence be painted outside?

Let's look at what and how to paint window slopes inside and outside the room.

Slopes - window decoration elements. They perform a decorative, protective function, because they do not allow ultraviolet radiation to destroy mounting foam, which has heat-insulating, sound-proofing properties, widely used in construction work.

Unfinished construction

What are slopes

Made from various materials(plastic, metal, wood).

If we compare the availability, gypsum board, plaster slopes stand out. However, unlike metal, plastic, and other more technologically advanced ones, it is necessary to paint.

Drywall Paint

How to paint drywall?

Drywall is available, easy to process, non-toxic. The disadvantage is low moisture resistance. Plasterboard panels can only be installed indoors. As a last resort, drywall is used to finish windows facing a glazed loggia or balcony.

What paint to choose for painting drywall? It is difficult for a person who is not professionally involved in construction and repair to make a choice. Trade offers many compositions for painting material.

When choosing, it should be taken into account that slopes, especially on kitchen windows, tend to be contaminated with fumes from cooking, soot formed during the combustion of natural gas, splashes of grease. They should be easy to wash. The paint must be resistant to detergents.

Experts do not advise using bitumen-epoxy, bitumen-vinyl paint, bituminous enamel.

Acrylic water emulsion is considered the best option. You can choose oil with drying oil. In ordinary oil paint, you need to add drying oil yourself.

The advantage of acrylic dyes, compared to oil ones, is that they dry faster and do not smell so sharp. When decorating a room from the inside, factors matter. Acrylic gives the surface a matte sheen, oil paints - glossy.

To paint window sills, frames, window slopes, white dye is often used. You can change it with a coloring pigment. The only rule: the pigment must be added to the full volume of the dye. If gradually, in parts, it is difficult to achieve the same shade.

How to prepare drywall slopes

After the installation of window slopes is completed, preparations for painting begin.

  1. It is necessary to putty joints, cracks, holes formed by the heads of self-tapping screws.
  2. The putty must dry. After drying, puttied places are polished with an abrasive mesh.
  3. Masking tape is glued onto the window frames, the windows are covered with plastic wrap or paper to protect the structure from accidental splashes.
  4. Some people forget to prime the surface before painting. The result of staining is far from what was intended. The stores sell a variety of primers for drywall products. If it is difficult to choose on your own, you should consult with a sales assistant. He will tell you the best brand of primer, taking into account the circumstances.

Seams at the joints are treated with a brush

How to paint plasterboard slopes

For quality painting You will need a brush and roller. It is necessary to start painting after the primer has completely dried. Depending on the type of primer material, the process lasts from two to twelve hours.

The brush is used for painting hard-to-reach places, corners. You have to start with them. After processing, you can use the roller.

To qualitatively paint drywall, you need to apply three layers of paint. The first layer is applied vertically, the second - horizontally, the third - vertically. It is not recommended to take breaks during work.


When applying paint on a roller, it should evenly lay down on the surface. Masters recommend first trying out the roller on cardboard or paper. If a uniform trace remains, you can get to work.

How to paint plaster

A common way to treat slopes after window replacement is plastering. Popularity is based on the cost-effectiveness of the method. However, the work will take a long time. The plaster must be applied in several layers, before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry.

When plastering, you have to constantly use the building level in order to remove the resulting surface deviations vertically or horizontally.

The disadvantage of plaster is poor thermal insulation characteristics. Additives will not improve the situation. Slopes and windows are supercooled, condensation forms. As experts say, the windows are crying.

Plaster does not adhere well to window profiles, cracks gradually form. To increase adhesion, stick a tape.

It is necessary to plaster outside in the warm season (the optimum temperature is 10-25 degrees). Internal work can be held in any season, if the room is warm.

  • To paint the external plastered slopes, apply facade paint on acrylic, silicate, silicone base.

Surfaces coated with acrylic paint products do not burn out and are not prone to cracking.

Silicate has higher adhesion, resistance to weather conditions. Silicone have high water-repellent properties.

  • If you want to paint plastered slopes inside the house, choosing a paint is not difficult, since there are fewer requirements than for outdoor use.

Two-component polyurethane, epoxy dyes have proven themselves well. Can be used indoors and outdoors. Before use, the components must be combined, mixed well. After mixing, the composition must be used within 4-6 hours.

The paint dries quickly, but it will take about a week to completely set to the surface. It cannot be attributed to completely safe compositions. You need to work carefully, with goggles, a gauze bandage.

Coloring compositions cling well to plaster, are distinguished by mechanical strength, water resistance. They are not taken by chemistry - slopes can be cleaned with solvents, gasoline, any detergents.

Paint for work inside the apartment

With a tendency to allergies or concerns about environmental safety, it is better to use water-based formulations. They are inferior in terms of strength characteristics. They penetrate well into the pores of the plaster, dry faster, do not emit harmful fumes, are easily washed off the skin, window decoration will be cheaper.

How to properly prepare plastered slopes

The preparation is not difficult. It is necessary to carefully check the surfaces around the windows for bumps, cracks. If loose pieces are found, they must be pulled out. Identified defects to be eliminated with putty or cement mortar. Check the level of deviation along the horizontal and vertical plane. Close the frames with masking tape, the glass surfaces of the windows with paper or polyethylene.

The plaster needs to be primed twice. The second layer is applied after the first has dried. Do not paint until the primer is completely dry.


How to properly paint plastered slopes

With a brush, paint over the joints and places where it is inconvenient to work with a roller. Painted in two layers. The finish is applied after the initial has dried. Layers should dry naturally. Do not speed up the process with a hair dryer or other heating devices. Paint may crack or blister.

Painting technology is simple. Professional skills are not required. You need to carefully consider the choice of paint, preparatory work, precautions so as not to stain the windowsill or window. Then freshly painted slopes will perfectly complement the interior.

Additional information on the topic of the article is contained in the video.

The video will help you understand different primers, the intricacies of use.

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After installing the windows, it is imperative to process the slopes, as they suffer during replacement window frames and window sills most of all. For this, work is being carried out on plastering and puttying, which we will not dwell on. And let's start with the fact that before painting, you should set the angle and treat the slope with a primer, and only after that, the painting process begins.

Work before painting slopes

For more even and high-quality processing of oblique corners, use plastic corners, which are fixed with glue at the corners. On the slopes, work is again carried out to level the level in relation to the glued corner, then the surface is plastered, puttied and rubbed, in general, work is underway to prepare for painting.

What paint is used to paint window slopes

If you are faced with the question of how to paint window slopes, you should know what types of paint are suitable for this. Like all other elements of furniture and interior, slopes can be painted in any color. But for some reason, no one is in a hurry to do this, and in the old fashioned way, as expected, they are painted white.

What kind of paint is needed for painting slopes

Often use acrylic water-based paint or oil paint containing drying oil.

Water-based paint is used more often and diluted with water. This mainly applies to the first layer. But the second, I make it more saturated. For a more sustainable effect, you can use this type of paint, designed for outdoor use. You should not look at the fact that it should be used only on the street, just its properties are much better than that of the one that is provided for indoor work.

Oil paint containing drying oil is used a little less often, since its service life is shorter. You can also use ordinary oil paint diluted with drying oil, but for this it is gentle to know the right proportions.

In no case is it recommended to use epoxy paints, they are very poisonous and poisonous to the body. Before choosing a paint for painting slopes, you should know that water-based paint has no smell, but oil-based paint has a stable bad smell. Water-based acrylic paint has the ability to dry quickly, but Oil paint dries much longer. By appearance acrylic paint has a matte finish, while oil paint, on the contrary, looks shiny and glossy. The cost of acrylic paints is a little less, but how to paint the window slopes in your apartment is up to you.

Slope painting with water-based paint

If you thought about how to paint the window slopes and decided to do it with water-based paint, then after buying it and opening the can, its contents are thoroughly mixed. Pour some of the paint into a separate bowl and dilute it with the right amount of water.

All places where the roller cannot pass are painted over with a brush. After that, they begin to act with a roller, distributing the paint on the wall with it as evenly as possible. The wall after painting should be smooth, no drips and accumulation of paint should be allowed. The corner that we installed is also painted. After the paint on the slopes has dried, a surface inspection should be made to determine whether a second coat should be applied. Most often, one coat of paint is not enough and you have to cover the surface with two or three layers.

How to paint slopes with high quality

The dyeing process itself is not difficult. To do this, you need to know a few rules and stick to them. If the surface of the slopes is already prepared for painting, then it should be impregnated with a primer. Most builders recommend using acrylic paint as it has a best performance before oil paint.

Before choosing a paint, carefully examine the expiration date indicated on the bank. The fresher the paint, the better it will lay down and last longer on the wall. If you decide to radically change color scheme slopes, it should be remembered that the paint is diluted with constant stirring. And after it dries, the color can become much lighter, it is worth considering this. And check the color beforehand, on a trial version.
