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How to restore old wooden windows yourself so as not to buy new ones

Hello. In this article I will talk about how to update old wooden windows with your own hands. I understand that there are fewer and fewer such windows and topics related to plastic double-glazed windows are more relevant. But, since glazing comes from the Soviet past by some thrifty owners to this day, it would be wrong not to say anything about the restoration of such structures.

A few words about the goals and results of the restoration

When we talk about old wooden windows, we imagine a standard construction of one solid piece and a hinged sash with a window. But, in fact, glazing half a century ago was produced in various configurations, and therefore the repair of old windows requires individual approach to the window in accordance with its design features.

What elements window structures restored during the restoration?

Let's take a closer look at each of the stages. restoration work listed in the table.

Glass replacement

So, let's imagine the following situation, the glass in your window is broken and you don't know how to replace it. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

To do the job, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Glass corresponding in size to the piece that needs to be replaced;
  • Bead of suitable thickness or window putty;
  • Nails 10 mm long;
  • Narrow pliers;
  • A small hammer weighing no more than 300 grams;
  • Masking tape or electrical tape;
  • glass cutter;
  • Square and a long metal ruler;
  • Black marker.

The instructions for replacing old glass with new glass are as follows:

  • We dismantle the old glazing bead or take out a layer of old putty, depending on the type of glazing;
  • Carefully, to avoid injury, take out the old glass;
  • We clear the seat around the perimeter of the frame from old paint or putty;
  • We check the correspondence of the corners by applying a right angle to each corner of the sash;

If the corners around the perimeter of the seat are not straight, you will have to align the sash or cut the glass, taking into account the angle that is.

  • We take the exact dimensions of the seat and transfer them to the glass using a square and a ruler;
  • Next, we apply a metal ruler along the marks and guide the glass cutter along the ruler;
  • We apply a thin strip of acrylic or silicone sealant to the pre-cleaned perimeter of the seat;
  • We put glass in the prepared opening and press it evenly around the perimeter of the seat in order to evenly spread the sealant;

  • We also apply a thin layer of sealant along the perimeter of the junction of glass to the frame and at the same time try to fill the gap between glass and wood;
  • We cut the ends of the glazing bead at an angle of 45 degrees;

  • We press a glazing bead to each of the four sides and nail it with carnations in increments of 10-15 cm;

Without experience, you can easily scratch the glass with a hammer. To prevent this from happening, I recommend wrapping the impact part of the hammer with electrical tape or masking tape.

  • Along the perimeter, we wipe off excess sealant from the glass that protruded from under the glazing bead;
  • Putty on wood fill the gap between the frame and the glazing bead;
  • After the sealant and putty have dried, you can start sanding and painting.

How to cut glass

Today in every city there are organizations where you can buy glass of the desired and desired colors. Of course, in the same organizations, the glass you ordered can be cut to the dimensions you specified.

By the way, the price of glass already includes cutting service. But, despite this, I still believe that a glass cutter should be at home and you need to be able to use it.

Suppose you purchased a glass cutter, how to use it for its intended purpose?

Glass cutting instructions are simple. We draw a line along which we will cut. You can draw on glass only with a permanent marker, that is, with a marker that does not erase.

Next, we apply an even long ruler to the line. We lead the glass cutter along the ruler with a slight pressure from one end of the ruler to the other. The correct pressing force can be understood by a specific creaking sound.

Bead or putty

What is better for installing glass glazing bead or putty?

I believe that a glazing bead placed on a sealant is much better than a putty, as the putty will dry out and crack over time. But, if there is no glazing bead of the required thickness, you can apply putty by laying it out with a tourniquet around the perimeter of the glazing and smoothing it, imitating a glazing bead.

The question is, if glass holds a glazing bead nailed, then what will hold it if putty is applied?

In this case, we proceed as follows. We lay the glass on the seat and drive in carnations around the entire perimeter so that they lie flat on the surface of the glass.

If the nails do not fit snugly against the glass, the window will rattle at loud noises from outside.

If you are interested in the topic of using window putty, write about it in the comments and in one of the following articles I will definitely talk about several ways to make putty with your own hands.

Restoration and replacement of fittings

Conventionally, all fittings on wooden windows are divided into:

  • loops- hinged mechanisms that are simultaneously attached along the inner perimeter of the frame and along the outer perimeter of the sash;
  • Locking systems- most often these are latches and a latch handle with a striker mounted on the frame.

What problems can be with fittings?

Three problems:

  • Firstly, metal moving parts, sooner or later, rust, which negatively affects their operation;
  • Secondly, with poor-quality painting of old windows, the fittings are also stained, which negatively affects its functionality;
  • Thirdly, the hinges sag under the weight of the wings, which negatively affects the quality of the vestibule.

You can eliminate all the problems listed earlier by replacing the fittings from the old one with the new one. Moreover, butterfly hinges and a set of locking handles and latches can still be purchased at most hardware stores.

However, if the purchase price of accessories seems high to you, we proceed as follows:

  • We remove the sash from the hinges - for this, the hinge is unscrewed or squeezed out of the hinges, and then the rotary pin is pulled out;

The pin inside the loops will most likely be sour, so before pulling it out, I recommend spraying VD-40 into the gap. You can start dismantling the sash in a minute, since during this time the lubricant will have time to act.

  • Next, unscrew the screws that hold the hinges and remove both halves;
  • Remove handles and other elements of the locking system;
  • We process the accessories with a paint remover, after which we clean the paintwork;

Get ready for what old paint applied in several layers, and therefore the wash will not help immediately and it will also need to be applied in several layers. In addition, try to use a cleaner with an anti-corrosion effect.

  • The cleaned fittings are washed from the remnants of the wash and covered with a rust converter;
  • The fittings are painted with modern coatings for metal;
  • After drying, the fittings are installed in their original place, and the moving elements in the rubbing areas are lubricated.

Another point - when replacing or restoring fittings, it will certainly turn out that the original holes for the screws are broken. What to do in this case?

Someone tries to move the hinges and locking mechanisms, but I believe that this is not a solution, since sometimes these parts have nowhere to move. Someone uses longer screws than originally. But such a solution is also short-lived, as long screws will quickly swing in broken holes.

You can strengthen the holes for the screws by cutting out small pegs and driving them into the broken holes. The rest of the peg is cut flush with the surface. After that, you can confidently screw in the screws and not be afraid that they will come out over time.

Windows insulation according to Swedish technology

In the photo - processing the sash with an electric planer

Instructions for the restoration of an old wooden window would be incomplete without their insulation according to Swedish technology.

This is done as follows:

  • The sashes are removed from the frame;
  • The planer aligns the perimeter of the sash;
  • A groove is cut along the perimeter of the sash with a milling cutter;
  • The rolling roller presses the sealing bundle into the groove;
  • The ends of the bundle are inserted one into the other and also rolled into the groove.

On this, the insulation of windows using Swedish technology can be considered finished. However, in addition to installing the sealant, fittings are adjusted and the tightness of the glazing around the perimeter of the glazing bead is checked.

Self painting

In order to update old windows made of wood, they first need to be painted with high quality.

Painting is done in two ways:

  1. The old paintwork is matted and new paint is applied over it - a budget option which is done in haste;
  2. The old coating is completely removed, the wood is puttied, sanded, primed and only then painted.

Of course, the second option will allow you to achieve a better painting result, but the price of such restoration will be high. The fact is that you first have to dismantle the sashes from the frame, dismantle all the fittings from them, remove the glass, and only after that proceed with the preparation of the wood.

Old paint can be removed with a blowtorch, but this method requires special experience, otherwise the wood can be burned. As an alternative solution, you can apply chemistry, namely, paint washes. It is not customary to use chemistry to clean lumber, but such processing will not damage frames and sashes.

After cleaning the old coating, you will most likely see a relief surface. In order for the paint to lay flat, the relief must be puttied with special putties, dried, and then sanded with sandpaper with a variable degree of graininess.

Both inside and outside the windows can be painted with pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 and PF-116, and as a primer, I recommend covering the wood with a continuous layer of drying oil. The use of a primer in this case is necessary not in order to provide better adhesion, but in order to reduce absorbency and reduce paint consumption.

The second life of unnecessary windows

So, we have considered the main points related to the restoration of old window structures. Now I propose to learn how to use old window frames that are no longer needed.

Let's say you ordered new double-glazed windows in a PVC profile, which means that the old windows will be dismantled and you will need to do something with them. The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting it in a landfill, since such a whopper simply does not fit in ordinary garbage bins.

On the other hand, if there is Vacation home you can use the lumber that has become unnecessary with more useful. So, I will give a couple of tips on where to put a bulky structure, if there is a country house or cottage:

  • Firstly, if you remove the glass, the tree can be sawn and put into a woodpile. Agree that in winter dry firewood for kindling the stove will be useful;
  • Secondly, you can dismantle the sashes and the remnants of fittings, and make a sandbox for children out of the frame. Everything is very simple, you just need to lay the frame on a flat ground, paint it, and then pour dry seeded sand inside;
  • Thirdly, from several unnecessary windows, if desired, you can assemble a greenhouse or greenhouse. Agree that your greenhouse is almost free - this is a serious argument in favor of not throwing out supposedly unnecessary windows;

Old double glazing not only retains heat well, but also perfectly transmits sunlight. As a result, the air temperature in the greenhouse during the daytime will be several degrees above zero;

  • Fourthly, old windows can be installed in an old log house, where they will serve faithfully for many years. For these purposes, an opening of the appropriate size is cut out in the log wall. A pigtail is installed in the opening using the technology of a floating beam, and a frame dismantled from a city apartment is already installed in this pigtail;

The only problem with re-installing old windows is the need for careful installation. That is, when dismantling, we do not saw the frame into pieces, but carefully break it out in order to subsequently assemble it again.

  • Fifthly, unnecessary glazing from a city apartment can be useful for arranging an open veranda in your country house or for arranging an open balcony.

Do not know how to glaze a balcony from old windows yourself? Yes, actually there is nothing complicated in this. It is enough to assemble from a bar of the appropriate size wooden frame and you can already mount frames in it. But, it is important to understand that the crate and fastening of the frame to the beam must be as strong as possible.

By the way, if the heat-saving qualities when glazing a balcony are not fundamentally important, you can refuse double doors. The use of single sashes for balcony glazing allows to reduce the weight of the structure and reduce the load on the carrier. As a result, the operation of installed windows will be safer.


Now you know what can be done from old window frames so that they are not thrown away in vain. However, before using wooden windows for other than their intended purpose, I recommend thinking about restoring them, especially since it is so simple.

So, what could I say, if you forgot something, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer. Also, don't forget to watch the video in this article.

Do-it-yourself gazebo from window frames. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Master class "Arbor from old window frames with your own hands"

Master class on the construction of a gazebo. feng shui gazebo

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the material can be useful to everyone who is fond of creativity, gardening and landscape design, to all those who love their garden and are engaged in its improvement.
Purpose: the gazebo will serve as a wonderful place for the whole family to create its own unique design and great mood.
Target: creating a gazebo from old window frames.
Tasks: build a gazebo from improvised materials, create a resting place for the whole family protected from wind and bad weather from old frames.

Hello dear guests! The veneration of nature and the perception of it as part of man himself was previously manifested in pagan religions. But in the Slavic countries, pre-Christian religions have long since died out. But the Chinese still believe that any tree, blade of grass and brook can influence the fate of a person, giving him positive energy or, conversely, taking away part life force. The harmony between people and nature is called geomancy, and Tibetan monks live by its laws. In the West, only one branch of geomancy is known - feng shui. This direction is engaged in the arrangement of a person's personal space - his house, plot and even wardrobe. It is believed that a Feng Shui garden helps a person to live in happiness, attracts the necessary energies (love, fame, etc.). And the more carefully you arrange every corner of the space, the faster you will achieve your goals.

Today we will talk about such an important element that must be in your yard or in the country, and to be more precise, this work will be devoted to an ordinary, but such a necessary gazebo.
A beautiful gazebo in a summer cottage can become its main decoration and main highlight. Since ancient times, people built small cozy houses in the gardens, which allowed them to admire the beauties of nature. At correct location in the backyard, a gazebo can attract positive energy.

Arbors can perform various functions. It can be a small cozy building in the depths of the garden, conducive to contemplation and reflection alone. And there are others, those who are able to gather the whole family on a day off under their roof. There you can easily drink fragrant tea and have fun talking with loved ones.
Depending on which sector the gazebo will be in, its form is selected:
-North-round and octagonal arbors;
-Northeast-square, rectangular, round;
-East - square, rectangular;
-Southeast-square, rectangular, octagonal gazebos;
-South - octagonal, square;
-Southwest-square, rectangular;
-West-square and round;
-Northwest-square and round arbors;
-In the center of the site - octagonal.
Each direction of the world is responsible for a certain aspect of life: prosperity, longevity, love, creativity, career, family and children.

Dimensions, shape and methods decorative design gazebos depend solely on the imagination and wishes of the owner of the site. Optimal location to accommodate the gazebo is a space closed from the noise and dust of the street, from which a view of any decorative element or a composition pleasing to the eye opens. If the site has an artificial reservoir or natural origin, then it is better to place this structure on its shore.
It is desirable that the gazebo be protected from the wind by a hedge of shrubs or a group of trees. It would also be useful to place flower beds near it, alpine slides, suitable garden sculptures and everything that will make this corner of the garden attractive to all family members. At the same time, do not forget that all the details must be combined with each other and create a complete picture.

When arranging a gazebo, its lighting should be taken into account. It should be selected in accordance with its purpose and future functions. If it is planned to gather in the gazebo in the evenings for any classes - board games, needlework or reading, then the lighting should be bright enough, but not blinding. If you want to give this corner of the garden a romantic look, you should illuminate the path to the gazebo and place sconces with subdued light on its walls.

According to an ancient Chinese proverb, a person has three main things: destiny, chance and feng shui. Fate gives us a chance to get acquainted with feng shui in order to improve our health and our lives. Everyone has their own destiny. We cannot change our origin, gender, nationality, or date of birth. But each person has a chance to get acquainted with feng shui in order to change and improve not only health, but also his whole life. Feng Shui is a unique folk wisdom that has collected centuries-old observations of nature, its changes and signs.

1. Don't sit on the corner.
"Seven years without reciprocity," you say? If only this! According to Feng Shui, a protruding angle aimed at a person, whether it is the corner of a table, closet or any other, sends "poison arrows" to the poor fellow, which will leave him not only without reciprocity, but also without money, health and good luck.
2. Don't say goodbye across the threshold.
"Fight," they say. That's right: the threshold is an energy barrier separating two worlds. On one side - "one's own", on the other - "alien". An invisible border prevents contact, and things and energy transferred "from world to world" are lost for both worlds. So it turns out that the connection between the "participants of the contact" is destroyed.
3. Don't cook in a bad mood.
This is how mothers and grandmothers teach beginner housewives. The older generation is absolutely right: food absorbs the surrounding energy, and by eating this same food, we get the corresponding energy charge along with calories and vitamins. Borscht and cutlets, "charged" with a quarrel, news of another terrorist attack or emotions generated by a television "horror movie", are quite capable of poisoning a family.
4. Don't stand behind your back.
- we say, shivering shiveringly, even if someone quite dear and close was behind us. And the point is not in an ancient instinct that makes you fear a sneaking enemy, but in the fact that the unprotected rear itself carries a threat. Feng Shui considers the lack of support and support from behind to be the weakest energy position. Moreover, this is equally important for a person and for a home. You should always have a wall behind you, or at least a screen, and the rear of your house must be protected by a high hill, or at least a neighbor's house.
5. Don't back yourself into a corner.
Another extremely unfavorable, according to Feng Shui, position. The corner is considered a place that can draw energy out of a person - a kind of domestic vampire. It is not for nothing that a child who has long been naughty is put with his nose in a corner - so that he loses an excess of hooligan energy (the main thing is not to overexpose his beloved child there ...).
6. Don't look in a cracked mirror.
According to Feng Shui, not only cracked mirrors are harmful, but also mirrors with a pattern, mirror tiles, and other surfaces that break, crush the reflection. All this crushes, destroys energy, which will affect, first of all, health.
7. A mirror in your pocket will save you from the enemy.
We still believe that when meeting with an ill-wisher, a mirror placed in a pocket helps - of course, with the reflective side out. It reflects all bad thoughts and intentions. And also all negative energy directed against you, comments on feng shui. And he advises to protect the house from adverse influences by hanging a mirror over a door or window.
8. Don't show off on yourself.
we warn a person who talks about someone's ailments. According to Feng Shui, the mechanism of the evil eye in this case is as follows: by pointing a finger, we send an energy charge. At the same time, naming the disease, we give this charge the appropriate "color": we fill it with accurate information about the diagnosis.
9. Don't come back half way.
- "there will be no way." Still, says Feng Shui! Remember what we said about the threshold? All these jumps "from world to world" are quite energy-intensive - this is probably known to avid travelers who often cross the borders of states. If you really had to return - restore your strength: sit down (take your strength from the house), take a look in the mirror (reflecting, the energy doubles).
10. Run under the rainbow - you will be happy.
Of course, for those who remember physics, it is clear: it is basically impossible to do this. But even seeing a rainbow - a symbol of the Heavenly Gates - is considered a good sign. And Feng Shui recommends "taming" the rainbow and settling it in own house. That is why arched openings are so favorable - passing under them, each time we "step under the rainbow" and receive the protection of Heaven.

Materials and tools:
-old window frames
- wooden beam 50:50 (6 meters 13 pieces)
-hammer, nails 3, 2*50, 3.5*80
- screwdriver, wood screws 3.8*32
- impact drill (drill for metal)
- water-based stain (lemon), water emulsion, brush
- red enamel (terracotta) 6 kg, white spirit (solvent), brush
-cement, building sand, river sand
- a bucket for a cement solution, 2 buckets of mayonnaise, a trowel
- perforated fasteners and corners
- stapler, fabric paintings (painting on fabric)
The cement mortar is made in a ratio of 1:4. That is, for 1 bucket (from under mayonnaise) of cement, 4 buckets of sand will be needed. The sand should be sifted, or just by hand, which is exactly what I did, remove the large stones, sift the sand through your fingers. The construction bucket takes 2 buckets of cement, 8 buckets of sand and 2.5 buckets of water. When all the ingredients are poured into the container, they must be mixed using a perforator with a concrete mixer screwed into it, literally 7-10 minutes, until a homogeneous mass.

Master class progress:

We start with the preparation of materials. The beam needs to be cut in half by three meters, one beam is left unsawn. Then the beams must be covered with stain, to preserve the wood and their longer operation.

The beam has dried up and we begin the construction of the walls of the gazebo. We connect two large frames together with a beam. We nail with large nails (80 *) the timber to the frame from the lower and upper sides. My plot is very small, so I immediately place the finished wall at the intended location.

I'm not a builder, but I really like to do something useful out of unnecessary things. Therefore, I do not have a specific construction scheme, everything is in the process of work. As they say, appetite comes with eating! I paint the frames from the inside with the remnants water-based paint diluted with yellow gouache. In order for the background to have an even character, the color is applied by a kind of slapping of the brush on the glass.
In the art of Feng Shui, yellow indicates cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and brilliance. It symbolizes a hot and shining sun, a warm sunny day, gold, longevity. Light yellow is the best color to create an atmosphere of friendship and creativity. Yellow and gold are the colors of the earth. They can give a sense of a stable existence, hope and happiness.

Next, I determine the place where the corner of the gazebo will be, from which we will begin construction. I’ll run ahead a little, I will fix each pillar with fragments of brick and subsequently fill it with cement.

We wet the ground with water and pour cement, the pillar must be left stationary for about a day.

Then you need to assemble the second wall of the gazebo, it is assembled in the same way as the first, we knock down the frames with a beam.

This side will consist of three frames, smaller in size, but the same height.

Then two finished walls must be installed at the first pillar in the shape of the letter "L". And fasten them to the base of the pillar with the help of large nails hammered from the edge of the frames. First, we nail one frame to the post, then the second, do not forget to follow the level of the walls so that their edges are at the same height (1).
Near the end of the second unpainted wall, we dig a hole for the second pillar, place the pillar there right next to the frame and hammer it together with large nails (2). For greater strength of the connection, we use perforated fasteners for timber. We attach them with wood screws and a Phillips screwdriver.
That part of the gazebo where there are painted in yellow the frame will be lower, the opposite side will be higher. This is necessary for the roof, so that there is a good slope of water. For the lower part, we need three beams, you need to immediately measure the length that suits you, and saw off the excess beam with a saw.

Now we move to the other side of the gazebo. We also dig a hole, install a beam, fasten it to the frame with nails.
Next, continue the wall with a frame from interior door. At the right distance, we dig a hole for the fourth pillar.

First, we knock down the outer beam with the door with nails, then put it in place.

We fasten the frames together with the help of perforated fasteners (an iron plate with holes), wood screws and a screwdriver, in several places on the inside and outside of the gazebo.

With the help of a beam, we measure out the third side of our building. The line can be marked with a shovel, draw a guide line on the ground.

This is how the frame turned out. The top bar is fixed with nails and fasteners.
The gazebo has an L-shape, a sofa is located near the sides protected from the wind, and in the middle there is a large family hearth. Since fire is very fond of in our family, and a large fire is an integral part of our family evening, two walls must be left open.
The fireplace was laid out with stones and cement a year ago, but has not yet been fully completed.

Now I want to give the gazebo a look, we will paint.

The color I chose is terracotta - according to Feng Shui, it is the color of the earth, confidence and stability, it is considered a very pleasant person to perceive.
Terracotta color will suit people who cannot imagine their life without vivid emotions and impressions, who are passionate and adventurous, adventurous. Let's break it down into tonal components! The red shade is considered aggressive and ardent, but becoming clayey, it calms down a bit. If the scarlet color can be compared with the beauty of a young girl, then terracotta is a mature femininity. From orange he got energy, unabashed joy, the ability to cheer up with one look. And from brown - a certain balance, regularity, depth. With all this, terracotta is a natural color associated with nature, rocky mountains, sunsets. For those who cannot afford frequent rest, this shade can become a kind of pill from a routine lifestyle. There are so many emotions hidden in it that it is possible to comprehend this color for a long time. But don't forget one simple thing- to love some color and feel comfortable in its environment, these are completely different things. Terracotta color in details fit for a romantic and sublime interior, terracotta color almost never goes well with cool tones.
It is believed that this color is pleasant to perceive and is able to enhance the feeling of security and safety and is ideally combined with white and its shades (roof-white metal). Feng Shui recommends using terracotta color in paintings placed at the entrance to the room if you are afraid of theft in the house or at work.

Since there was no construction plan, the material for the roof had not yet been purchased. Now we need to measure the size of the gazebo, I got the size of the gazebo 3 by 4 meters. We calculate this footage for the size of corrugated sheets (1.5 by 1.2) - in total, we need 6 sheets.

While we are waiting for the delivery of corrugated board, we continue to build the walls of the gazebo. Let's make the area near the sofa more closed from the wind. We will work on the same principle as with other walls. First, we fill the beam on the bottom and top of the frame, then we connect the frame with the corner beam.

We dig a hole under the timber on the other side of the frame, fasten the parts with nails.

Near the door frame, we will also make a small continuation of the wall according to the same principle. Then we will completely paint the gazebo and pillars for the roof frame.

In some places there are no glasses in the frames, I will mask these voids with the help of fabric paintings (painting on fabric) and a stapler.

Here's an art gallery. Moreover, all the paintings are placed in accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui.
Feng shui painting rules.

With the remaining canvases, we create a tablecloth for the table in the gazebo area.

It's time for the roof. We lay out a sheet of corrugated board and beams on the ground, we need to evenly distribute them over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet.

Then you need to fasten the beam with sheets of corrugated board. This can be done using self-tapping screws, this method is more expensive (self-tapping screws are sold individually). First, a hole is drilled with a drill (a drill for metal), then a self-tapping screw is screwed.

Wooden windows become unusable over time, and many replace them with plastic ones. After such a replacement, old window frames are usually sent to a landfill. However, do not rush to throw them away. Here are 7 ideas for using old window frames in the country, which will not only eliminate the need to dispose of them, but also help to give the summer cottage a personality.

Homemade greenhouses and greenhouses

Old window and door frames with glazing can be used to build shelters when growing various horticultural crops that need more comfortable conditions than open ground. Of these, you can do the following:

  • greenhouse. Having a sufficient number of old frames of the same shape and size, it is quite possible to assemble a small greenhouse using self-tapping screws. It is great for growing heat-loving cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers. Such a greenhouse can be not only stationary, but also mobile. In the fall, it can be disassembled and put away for storage, and assembled in a new place in the spring.
  • Greenhouse. For growing seedlings, not only large greenhouses are used. glazed old frame will be an excellent roof for a low greenhouse with blank walls. With the help of ordinary door hinges and self-tapping screws it can be made opening.
  • House for indoor flowers. From the former windows it is easy to assemble an excellent house on the plot, in which to place pots and flowerpots with indoor plants. In the warm season, such a structure will not only decorate the garden, but also improve the health of home flowers.

Making a summer cottage: 7 reasons not to throw away old tires

Interior and garden items

Old window frames can be used for more than just practical purposes. They are great for decorating your home and garden.

If there are no glasses in the frame - it does not matter.

In this case, it is used as an element of furniture, architecture or design solution..

  • Basis for climbing plants. A row of old lattice doors or windows could well be used as a frame to create a living wall or hedge of ivy, loach, wisteria, or clematis.
  • A table, wardrobe or chest of drawers is also easy to assemble, taking as a basis those that have served their time. wooden structures. And empty openings can be filled with wooden boxes.
  • Vintage chandelier. A small square frame, painted with bronze paint and suspended on chains from the ceiling, will look great if you fix a few spotlights on it, and insert mirrors into empty openings. Such a chandelier will create the atmosphere of an old tavern in the room.
  • Window to another world. It is enough to hang the frame on the wall and place behind it a large color photograph of a beautiful place on earth. It can be a tropical island, polar ice or even a starry sky. And if it is a children's photograph of the owner of the house, then not a single guest will remain indifferent to such a “window to childhood”.

Of course, this is far from the only use for obsolete old windows. They can be used as the basis for a wall mirror, replacing the transparent glass with mirror glass.

After installing new structures, it is recommended not to rush to throw away old plastic windows, since in some cases they can last for a long time. Since products from PVC profiles have been actively installed and operated for only about 15 years, their resource has not yet been exhausted. After all, even double-glazed windows can last 20 years, and window frame designs can last twice as long. In addition, today quite often completely new windows are changed in new buildings, which are extremely irrational to write off as scrap. All of these products can always be used, and this applies to people with different income levels.

Where can I use used plastic windows

The scope of old windows is quite large. There are not so many conditions for their reuse - you need the product to be intact, and the dimensions of the frames and openings in the new place to match. Today, used plastic windows are actively used at such facilities as:
  • country cottages;
  • workshops and small production shops;
  • change houses and gatehouses.

Also, old plastic windows may be suitable for installation in another apartment, since the dimensions of the openings in many typical multi-storey buildings may be the same. However, in this case, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist who will conduct it in those premises where the installation of used structures is planned.

In what cases it is impossible to reuse old plastic windows

If the profile structures are damaged, then the windows cannot be reused. This applies to all components, including imposts and sashes. Violation of the integrity of the profile most often provokes depressurization, and can also lead to deformations. Non-critical failures include the following:
  • violation of the integrity of the clamping beads - they can be replaced at any time;
  • unbalance of fittings - eliminated by adjusting, cleaning, lubricating and replacing failed elements;
  • problems with the seal - solved by installing new circuits.
In addition, used windows made of PVC profiles cannot be used in case of a significant discrepancy between the dimensions of the frames and the dimensions of the openings.

What if there is a slight difference in the size of openings and frames

Ideally, when the dimensions match completely, but this either requires a lot of luck, or it is necessary to build walls taking into account the dimensions of the window structures. Such situations are rare. More often you have to deal with a non-critical mismatch in size. If the opening is a little smaller, you can try to expand it. This is best done when the walls are built of foam blocks or bricks. The situation is more complicated with reinforced concrete structures, but in this case the problem can be solved with a good tool.

If the opening is slightly larger than the windows, then it is recommended to try to build up the frame using. These elements are also called expanders, as they increase the dimensions of the window sash. Thanks to them, it is possible not to lay the opening to the required width and height, which is far from always feasible. The expanders create the visual effect of a one-piece wide frame and have excellent thermal insulation.

Additional elements coincide with the frame profile and ensure the strength of the joints at the joints - thanks to special hooks, a lock is formed, which is distinguished by reliability and tightness. Also, these elements will compensate for the thickness of the insulation boards, which are recommended for finishing slopes. Today, a lot of expanders with different dimensions are on sale, so you can easily adapt the dimensions.

If a decision is made to expand the opening, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the external walls are load-bearing, so a violation of their integrity can lead to serious trouble. It is always necessary to consult with experienced builders before performing such work.

Dismantling with preservation

Old windows are suitable for reuse if dismantled and preserved. On OknaTrade it is described for old carpentry. The procedure for dismantling with the preservation of PVC profile structures has much in common with the basic technology. When extracting plastic windows from the opening it is recommended:
  • first remove all active sashes;
  • take out double-glazed windows;
  • find the location of fasteners.
The fixing anchors are usually unscrewed after the removal of the mounting seam, which also holds the entire structure. To get to it, it is necessary to dismantle the window sills with ebbs and remove the slopes.

Greenhouses from old plastic windows

Some gardeners find original application products from profile systems - they build greenhouses on their own using them summer cottages. At the same time, it must be understood that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a structure will be small. A compact greenhouse made of windows is usually erected as a small extension on the south side. country house. For reliable tight joining of individual frames, it is recommended to use a special connecting profile. front door one of the active shutters serves in such an original structure. In order for plants to feel comfortable in such a greenhouse, it is necessary to equip the structure with microventilation valves.

Fresh and organic vegetables are always welcome "guests" on our table. Owners of summer cottages make a lot of efforts to grow "their" cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. However, hard work alone is not enough. Indeed, in order to obtain high yields, it is necessary to create seedlings suitable conditions for growth and development. Therefore, a greenhouse is an excellent way out - with your own hands you can build a structure from inexpensive and affordable materials.

Today, many people in their homes are removing old window frames, replacing them with convenient and practical double-glazed windows. But such frames can be given a "second life" by using them for the construction of a greenhouse or greenhouse. So, today we will figure out in detail how to build a "house for vegetables" without significant costs.

Greenhouse from old frames: pros and cons

Before starting the construction of a greenhouse, both the advantages and disadvantages of such a project should be taken into account. First about the benefits:

  • Affordable project cost. It is enough to collect the required amount of unnecessary window frames left after the repair, and you are provided with the main material. This is much cheaper than using new blocks to build a greenhouse.
  • Quick installation. After pouring and drying the foundation, it remains only to assemble the frames into one whole - and the greenhouse built by oneself is ready. This stage will take only a few days, but you should carefully prepare for it.
  • A set of available tools. A hammer and nails is all you need.

Useful advice: if possible, it is better to use a power tool - a jigsaw and a screwdriver. If the farm does not have these useful things, then they can easily be rented.

"Cons" of greenhouses from old window frames:

  • Ongoing structural maintenance. Old wood dries out, and cracks form through which moisture and other adverse factors from the environment can penetrate.
  • Limited service life. If old window blocks, their service life is rather short. True, for 5-7 years such a “house” for vegetables and seedlings will definitely serve.

Note! Old window frames suitable material for the construction of a greenhouse for "home" personal plot. However, for growing, for example, cucumbers, on an "industrial" scale, it is better to choose a metal profile or steel pipes. Of course, this will cost much more, but the design will turn out to be more reliable.

Greenhouse from window frames for teapots

Before proceeding with the construction, you should consider important details. For example, do you need to make a wooden frame or can you skip this step? This will depend on the thickness and configuration of the assembled window units. With a significant thickness of the frames, it will be possible to completely do without a frame.

Stocking up on materials:

  • Rubble and sand- for the foundation of the future structure. Of course, it is possible to build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, but the reliability will be questionable.
  • Boards and timber of different sections- on wall posts 50 x 100 mm, on corner posts - 100 x 100 mm.
  • fittings- nails, door and window hinges, locks and handles on the door, steel cornice, antiseptic for wooden surfaces. When constructing a roof from a sheet of steel, this material will also have to be purchased.
  • Old frames.

Required tools:

  • hammer
  • screwdriver - can be electric
  • a circular saw
  • chisel
  • drill bits for wood
  • level
  • square
  • roulette
  • piece of string
  • polyurethane foam
  • screws

DIY greenhouse - drawings

Any construction begins with the design of the future structure. However, in our case, you just need to assemble the structure from ready-made modules. We carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. We lay out the window frames on a flat piece of land, choosing details for the side and end sides. We achieve the most ideal compatibility of "puzzles".
  2. We measure and record the results of the layout.
  3. Doing detailed drawing on paper indicating all the parameters and dimensions of the parts.
  4. We are preparing three more drawings - the foundation, the frame and the roofing part of the future greenhouse from window frames.

How to build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands - a step-by-step guide (with photos and videos)

So, after acquiring and preparing all necessary tools you can start work.

Step #1. Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The site for the building should be chosen taking into account the fact that the plants will need the maximum availability of sunlight. Therefore, there should not be capital buildings or tall trees nearby that obscure the sunlight.

If you plan to build a greenhouse from film frames, then you should choose a site that is not blown through strong winds. Otherwise, the microclimate of the structure may be disturbed, which will adversely affect the plants inside. However, even a glazed greenhouse is not recommended to be placed in a windy area - in order to avoid stress.

The soil must be dry and dense, since subsidence and subsequent deformation of a wooden structure are possible in a humid and swampy environment.

Step #2. Foundation for greenhouse

The selected area needs to be cleared - remove debris, uproot roots, weeds and stumps.

We transfer the dimensions of the future greenhouse to the site and drive in small stakes around the perimeter, between which we stretch a cord or rope. Now in each corner and near the sides you need to dig small holes up to 0.5 meters deep - at the level of soil freezing. Pour crushed stone (soy about 10 cm) into the pits and tamp.

Now the formwork is next in line - we insert an asbestos-cement pipe (diameter 10 - 15 cm) into each pit, level it, insert the reinforcement. The structure should be reinforced in position with bricks and then poured with concrete. We assemble the lower crown of timber on the foundation and fasten it with iron plates.

If it is planned to build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, then it is enough to simply make a strapping from a bar and lay it on the ground. For the purpose of waterproofing, you can use roofing material, in which the bars are wrapped (pictured).

As a rule, the concrete dries completely after a couple of weeks. After that, the plane under the greenhouse around the entire perimeter of the foundation can be laid out with bricks. Thus, a flat area is obtained, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Step number 3. We assemble the frame of the greenhouse from window frames

The assembly of the structure is carried out in the following sequence: installation of pillars and a frame made of timber, to which we attach window frames.

Important! If you plan to use timber for the frame, and not boards, be sure to consider their thickness. After all, a too thin beam simply cannot withstand the weight of the entire structure and at any moment can fall apart like a house of cards.

First, we measure the width of the window frames. Along the perimeter of the foundation, we measure the segments, the length of which exceeds the width of the frames by 5 - 7 cm and mark these places. At these points, we fix the standing ones from a bar of the same height. Then, over the pillars, we stretch the thread along the level in order to correct the tops. If there are protruding parts, you need to cut them down.

We take a bar and lay it horizontally on the "tops". Thus, "cells" for window frames are obtained. Now you need to install the frames, not forgetting the door and the window, and securely strengthen all the details.

By using polyurethane foam we close up the gaps between the modules and the standing ones. Professionals advise dry foam to be puttied or painted, which will avoid drying out.

Step number 4. Making a roof

The roof can be shed or gable - let's focus on the first option. To begin with, we lay the boards on the wall trim under the support of the rafters. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mark the slots for installing the inclined roof beams of the greenhouse from the frames.

We put racks in each corner of the side wall - this is how a slope is created. Between the racks we lay a bar on which we fix the front roof board. We put the side boards into the roof and attach to the front board with screws. Under the rafter boards, we make grooves in the extreme board, for which we use a template (the letter “P”, cut out taking into account the width and height of the nest).

Now we stretch the cord and check that all the beams of the rafters are in the same plane. We place a roofing on top - it is desirable to make it from cellular polycarbonate, glass or film.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you build a greenhouse from frames under the film, then such a structure will not exert an excessive load on the foundation. True, polyethylene is required to be periodically watered with water to knock down dust and dirt. As a coating, many prefer polycarbonate. It remains to attach the door and the ventilation window and the design is ready.

Greenhouses from window frames: photo

There are many different greenhouses - small, large, single-sided, double-sided, arched. The photo shows different variants designs.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself greenhouse from window frames is not such a difficult construction (even for "dummies"). It is important to carefully study all the details and carefully take measurements. And, of course, stock up on patience and tools - and things will definitely work out! After all, such a greenhouse can be equipped with a heating system, water supply, light and other amenities. Good luck with your work!
