The construction of the house is carried out in several stages. The first stage is the construction of the box, the second is the construction of the roof, the third is the installation of windows and doors, then there is insulation (if required) and finishing of the facades of the building.

The interior decoration of the house is an independent and time-consuming stage in construction, which requires a lot of time and is divided into its stages: heating installation and wiring of communications, wall, floor and ceiling decoration.

Today we want to dwell in more detail on the stage of finishing the facades of the house. Let's talk about the types and methods of finishing houses from various materials. How to decorate the facade of a private house?

The modern market is saturated with various materials for finishing the exterior walls of the house, how not to get lost in this variety?

Modern facade decoration is a solution to many problems: correction of geometric deviations and irregularities, repair of dilapidated facades, insulation, decorative finishing of facades.

For exterior decoration of the house, various facing materials for facades are suitable. These materials include: clinker tiles or porcelain stoneware, natural or artificial stone, plastic panels, various siding, block house and much more.

But the traditional decoration of the facades of a residential building, perhaps, is considered to be plastering. followed by painting. This type of finish is suitable for houses built from various blocks (gas silicate, cinder blocks, foam blocks, etc.). Often the walls are plastered according to the insulation of the facades.

As a rule, plaster is applied on a pre-prepared base or with a reinforcing mesh (especially if the plaster layer exceeds 12 mm). Reinforcement will prevent cracking of the plaster layer during the operation of the building.

The plaster layer can be smooth or decorative. To decorate the plaster, various rollers and stamps are used. Speaking of plaster, it is necessary to mention the so-called "wet plaster compositions". Such compositions have various decorative inclusions, color pigments. The plastered surface is rough and does not require additional painting.

Plaster can be combined with other types of finishes, such as decorative stone(artificial or natural). The stone in this case is used fragmentarily - finishing the corners of the building, window openings along the perimeter, columns or ledges of the building. The use of stone is due to its presence in or the porch of the house.

Natural stone can become independent material in decorating your home. The stone is laid on cement mortar, this is a rather laborious and expensive type of finish. But the result will undoubtedly please your family for many years, as the material is durable. The seams must be filled with special jointing, which is often sold together with the purchased material and glue.

Carefully read the instructions for preparing the grout, do not knead the amount of mortar more than you are able to work out at the moment. The texture of the stone can be smooth or chipped, and both look great on the facade. The appearance of a house with such decoration resembles a medieval castle.

An alternative to natural stone is an artificial facing stone. Such material is produced in various colors that imitate many rocks. Artificial stone is sometimes difficult to distinguish from natural, so that your facades will look great.

This a budget option finishes compared to natural stone finishes, as its cost is much lower. The material is not combustible, does not rot, has a low weight. It is necessary to carry out work on tiling at an air temperature of +5 +25 ° C.

Clinker tiles imitating clinker bricks also suitable for facade cladding. Your facades will not be afraid of temperature changes and atmospheric influences. Clinker tiles are rich in color shades and texture, and consist of natural ingredients.

Today on sale you can find clinker thermal panels that will solve two problems at once: insulation and facade decoration. Suitable for warming and decorating a new house, as well as for repairing and warming the facades of an already operated building. The "clinker" facade is difficult to distinguish from natural brick walls, while construction costs are much lower.

When facing facades with any type of tile, it is necessary to carry out work to remove atmospheric precipitation from the roof (gutters), otherwise the tile may peel off.

Porcelain stoneware is an artificial granite, durable material that can withstand chemical and atmospheric influences. One of the types of facade cladding is a ventilated porcelain stoneware facade. Finishing can be done at any time of the year. Natural ventilation protects the walls from condensation, prevents mold and mildew from developing.

Ventilated facades in the cold season reduce the thermal conductivity of the building, and in the hot season they do not heat the walls of the building. Bearing profiles are made of metal resistant to corrosion and are fixed vertically and horizontally to the walls of the building. Insulation is mounted to the wall, and then porcelain stoneware slabs with visible seams or without seams are installed using the fastening system. Such a facade does not require any additional care.

The next type of finish is decorating the outer walls with a facade board or a block house.. This type of lining is more often used for wooden house, but you can also veneer a house made of foam blocks. And even facades dilapidated over the years of operation will be able to acquire a noble look.

Cladding made of sustainable wood species will extend the life of a residential building for many years. For lovers of natural wood, this is the most suitable cladding - eco-friendly, with a pronounced wood structure. A variety of impregnations can not only preserve the wood for a long time, but also give it the desired shade.

Imitation of timber will give the facades the appearance of a house made of glued laminated timber, and block house - of logs, while giving the house additional thermal insulation. A person uninitiated in the subtleties of finishing is unlikely to distinguish the lining from a real timber.

Before proceeding with the finishing of facades wooden materials, they must be kept in the air (protected from moisture) for several days. Acclimatization must be done so that the tree does not lead during further operation and cracks do not form. The heads of the self-tapping screws used for fastening can be hidden by filling them with glue, or by covering them with special wooden linings.

The tree must be treated with an antiseptic, coated with a primer and colorless varnish. Next, sand the wood, and then apply the desired shade of varnish or paint. A cheaper finishing material made of wood is lining. Clapboard can sheathe facades country house or baths, which will be perfectly combined with wooden gazebo and the surrounding nature.

You can inexpensively finish the facade with materials such as vinyl or metal siding and facade foam. Siding available on the market in a wide range of colors.

PVC panels imitate various materials. You can purchase siding "under the tree" or brick. The material is light in weight and not whimsical during installation.

You can install siding on top of a layer of insulation or without it. This material is often used for finishing residential country houses, or when repairing dilapidated facades, when it is easier to hide the old facade than to restore it. Siding is great waterproofing material able to protect the walls of the house.

Another inexpensive finishing material is reinforced foam panels and decorative elements. Front panels are at the same time both a heater and a decor. Styrofoam panels with a protective reinforced layer (plaster) are attached to the wall in one operation.

Panels can imitate various materials, such as brickwork. On top, it is enough to apply a layer of paint of the desired shade (if it is not provided by the manufacturer).

And for facades in classical style the need is the use of various decorative elements (moldings, cornices, balusters, pilasters, etc.).

Such decorative elements today are made of foam with a top protective coating. The elements are easy to mount using a special adhesive on a pre-prepared plastered surface.

What is the best way to finish the facade of the house? The question is not correct, since for each person the choice of finishing material is determined by various factors. This is the style of your home, and the material base. But let any material chosen last a long time and bring satisfaction to each of you.

Facing materials for the facade of the building perform a protective and decorative role. They allow you to make the building not only attractive and respectable, but also improve its performance. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of the most popular materials for exterior finish.

Requirements and norms

Today, the construction market presents a variety of facade materials that differ in composition, properties, appearance.

In this regard, it is important to decide which material is suitable for a particular structure.

When choosing a material, the following criteria for its evaluation should be considered:

  • strength, reliability (the facade of the house is subject to heavy loads, including mechanical damage, so the coating must withstand them);
  • wet strength (on how the compositions for home decoration are able to withstand moisture, its performance, appearance and durability depend);
  • fire resistance (the ideal finishing material is non-combustible, although this is quite rare, so it is important to at least exclude self-ignition and the release of toxins during combustion);
  • weather resistance (that is, resistance to natural factors, primarily UV rays);
  • windproof properties of the material (an important criterion when choosing hinged panels and slabs mounted on modern buildings; the effect is achieved by a special lock fastening);

  • frost resistance (the ability of the coating to withstand freezing and thawing cycles without loss of material geometry and performance);
  • biostability (the ability to withstand the effects of insect pests, rodents, the absence of mold and fungus on the surface);
  • environmental friendliness (one of the most important criteria for finishing materials when facing country house or any premises involving the residence or long-term stay of people in it);
  • long service life (a rare owner dreams of changing the lining every 2-5 years, so modern facade materials are designed for 20-100 years of service);
  • ease of maintenance (most hinged materials do not require constant care and even have the ability to self-clean, others, such as wood, imply regular impregnation special formulations).

If we talk about aesthetic criteria, then this, of course, is an attractive appearance. Today's cladding compounds and slabs are distinguished by a variety of designs and textures (the following review of exterior examples is a convincing confirmation of this). Separately, it is necessary to highlight panels that imitate natural surfaces (stone, brick, wood, plaster). Modern technologies make it possible to produce them as close as possible in color and texture to natural materials.

Sometimes, imitation cannot be identified even upon closer examination.

Exterior design

The material used for finishing determines the methods of its installation, and therefore There are the following cladding options:

  • wet (building mixtures are used);
  • dry (finishing materials are fastened with bolts, dowels and other fasteners).

Depending on whether there is a small air space between the facade and the wall, facades are distinguished:

  • ventilated (assume a gap between the material and the wall or insulation, necessary for air circulation and removal of excess moisture);
  • non-ventilated (the material is attached directly to the wall).

The material for external processing, as well as the type of facade, is determined by the features of the structure. For example, for a house made of foam blocks, brick, stone or facade tiles, in other words, hinged systems, composite material and traditional cladding.

For frame country houses, it is better to use sheet cladding options. Galvanized profiled sheet will provide additional support for the structure, but it will not require additional strengthening of the foundation.

It is important to correctly combine insulating and facing materials. The main rule is that one of the components must be non-combustible. So, for fiber cement non-combustible slabs, you can use mineral wool insulation. It is not recommended to use them in combination with vinyl siding.

Wet and light plaster

Decorative plaster allows you to create an outwardly expensive, aesthetically attractive and original facade, which can be painted if desired. It is an eco-friendly material that allows the walls to "breathe". Suitable for ventilated facades, however, the building needs high-quality internal sound and heat insulation, since plaster does not provide insulation and noise protection. All types of plasters tolerate temperature extremes well, are not afraid of moisture and direct sun rays.

The disadvantages of the material are the complexity of application, the need for careful preparation of the walls (leveling, preliminary antiseptic treatment, application of primers). If the installation technology is not followed, cracking and peeling of the plastered layer is possible.

There are the following types of plaster.

  • Mineral. The type of plaster, which is the cheapest way to finish the walls, which leads to its wide distribution.

Of the obvious features - absolute incombustibility, which allows you to combine the material with flammable insulation.

Suitable for all types of surfaces, but has low elasticity. This causes cracking when the structure shrinks, which is why it is not suitable for newly built buildings. The average service life is 12-15 years.

  • Acrylic. It is characterized by high elasticity, and therefore is suitable for decorating walls even of newly built buildings. Possessing higher rates of strength and moisture resistance, it demonstrates a longer, up to 18 years, period of operation. The disadvantage of the acrylic mixture is its combustibility, so it should not be used in combination with combustible heaters, such as mineral wool. Usually it is combined with foam insulation materials. In addition, the surface attracts dust, and it is unacceptable to wash it. You either have to regularly clean and care for the facade, or be prepared for the fact that it will quickly lose its visual appeal.

  • silicate. Material with excellent performance properties, including high elasticity, ability to repel dust and dirt, the tendency to self-clean when it rains and a long service life. The latter reaches 30 years. Such characteristics are explained by the presence of potassium glass in the composition. A feature of the material is its rapid solidification, so plaster must be applied quickly, a team of specialists will be required. In addition, it requires a special primer, which also increases the cost of installation work. The price for the mixture is also rather big.

  • Silicone. The material, which has practically no flaws, like all types of plasters, the composition tolerates heat and frost, temperature "jumps", exposure to moisture and direct UV rays, is environmentally friendly and vapor permeable. At the same time, it is characterized by strength and increased wear resistance, non-flammable, combined with all types of surfaces and heaters. The disadvantage is the high cost, which, however, is offset by increased technical specifications mixtures.

Mounted structures

Hinged structures involve the use of crates, on which the finishing material is mounted. This method is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows you to create a ventilated facade, use a heater of the desired thickness.

Thanks to the crate, it is possible to hide irregularities and minor defects in the walls, and to carry out installation even at low temperatures.

The crate is usually made of wooden bars or metal profiles. The latter option is preferable, since it does not require pre-treatment of the crate elements with fire retardants and similar compounds for wood.

Variety hinged structures considered siding. It is a panel, similar in size to the size of the boards. At the same time, the material has special grooves and locking systems, thanks to which it is assembled like a children's designer. This type of installation allows you to make it simple and fast, it is possible to conduct installation work all year round. The material has improved performance properties, including hydrowind protection.

The sizes and design of the material are very diverse. These can be either color models (bright glossy or calmer, neutral matte panels), or an imitation of the texture of any natural material (brick, stone, wood). The material is easy to clean - most surfaces have a self-cleaning function. Wet cleaning of coverings is possible.

There are the following main types of siding panels.

  • Plastic. Based on PVC, as well as various modifiers and pigments. Such panels are strong enough, but with increased mechanical stress (shocks) they can crack. The material has moisture resistance, withstands high and low temperatures, their abrupt change, and is resistant to UV protection.

Light weight (up to 5 kg / sq. m) does not require strengthening the foundation. The disadvantage is the low rate of fire safety.

  • Metal. Metal siding is based on aluminum or galvanized steel profiles. Metal siding is characterized by a large margin of safety compared to PVC analogue. Features of the technologies used, including special impregnation, provide anti-corrosion protection of the material, and with it durability. It also demonstrates high weather resistance, but is used only on reinforced bases due to the increased weight of the material.

  • Wooden. A wooden profile is dried and treated with antiseptic boards or a profile. The material is completely environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable, has high thermal insulation performance, and is resistant to high temperatures.

Finishing natural wood looks elegant and noble.

However, despite the processing of wooden panels with special compounds, their service life is short. During operation, siding requires regular maintenance.

  • Fiber cement. Panels are made from cement mortar and dried cellulose, resulting in a durable, wear-resistant material with improved sound and heat insulation characteristics. Among the advantages are impact resistance, weather resistance, preservation of the shade of the panels even under the influence of direct sunlight, thanks to ceramic spraying, high levels of wet strength. The composition of the material determines its high weight (up to 25 kg / sq. M), which makes it possible to use it only on reinforced foundations.

Separately, it should be noted basement siding designed for cladding the lower part of the building. It has a greater thickness of profiles, better indicators of weather resistance and moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical damage. This is due to the fact that the basement of the house is more often than others exposed to impacts and other damage, freezing, exposure to moisture and other negative environmental factors.

Basement siding is rather rectangular panels. Their width is usually equal to the height of the base and starts from 60 cm. This makes installation easy.

Facade panels have some similarities, in terms of fastening and possible materials used for manufacturing, with siding. They can have a square or rectangular shape, various dimensions. Some boards include insulation. Multi-layer panels provide their high performance properties.

Another popular hinged type material is sandwich panels. They are a "sandwich", in which a "middle" of insulation is laid between 2 layers of rigid material (usually metal). The strength and durability of the structure is ensured by using the hot pressing method. The front side of the "sandwich" can be painted in any shade, be smooth or have a relief.

Sandwich panels are highly resistant to fire and moisture, demonstrate excellent thermal insulation properties with low weight. The material is easy to install, and if a separate section is damaged, only it can be replaced without going through the entire facade.

Ventilated facades can also be created using facade cassettes.

If earlier they were used for facing administrative buildings, now private buildings are also trimmed with them. This is due to the durability and reliability of the material, its weather resistance. Externally, the cassettes are squares and rectangles of aluminum, steel, less often copper, coated with a protective polymer layer. Cassette sizes and designs may vary.

Cladding materials: pros and cons

Each of the presented materials has characteristic advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, even within the same type, materials can have polar characteristics according to a certain criterion. For example, fiber cement and metal siding are non-combustible, while plastic siding is not highly fire resistant.

When choosing a material, one should focus not only on the pros and cons of the material, but also on the structural features. So, for a wooden and timber house, it is better to choose ventilated facades. In this regard, even the highest quality and most expensive plaster will be inferior in its characteristics to siding or cladding panels.

But brick or stone buildings (which are environmentally friendly in themselves) are preferably decorated with decorative plaster on the outside. Being completely natural, it helps to remove moisture from the building, maintain heat in the cold season and create a pleasant coolness in the heat.

It is also important to take into account the climatic conditions. For example, wood trim, which has a number of advantages, will quickly become unusable in coastal areas. It is better to sheathe the house with panels or slabs. This hydro-windproof material will withstand squally gusts of wind and will literally repel moisture.

Modern facing material must necessarily be moisture resistant. Some surfaces (plaster, siding and panels, clinker tiles) have low moisture absorption, while others (most types of bricks) cannot boast of similar characteristics.

The wet strength of the material directly affects how the facade withstands frost. With high moisture absorption, moisture accumulates in the pores of the coating, which freezes and expands at low temperatures.

As a result, the surface becomes covered with cracks, the operational properties of the cladding are lost, and its appearance suffers.

Clinker tiles

Visually, the material is a regular-shaped brick. The basis of the material is shale clay, which is subjected to high-temperature firing. In the process of the latter, the clay changes its yellowish hue to terracotta, brown, beige (depending on the initial state of the clay and the features of the technologies used).

The main feature of clinker is its increased strength, frost and seismic resistance. The advantages of the material are also high rates of wet strength, resistance to temperature extremes, environmental friendliness, and a variety of choices. It is suitable for the design of ventilated facades of buildings and has a fairly high cost. However, the price range is quite wide: from premium models to economy versions.

In addition to clinker, there are ceramic and concrete tiles. They are characterized by strength, wear resistance and low moisture absorption. Concrete tiles do not tolerate temperature extremes, may have broken geometry, and have considerable weight. Ceramic tile Suitable for both dry and wet mounting.

Natural and artificial stone

Stone cladding belongs to the category of strong and durable. When choosing a natural stone, this should be done taking into account climatic conditions. So, marble is unsuitable for regions with high humidity, while limestone is not used in areas with a harsh climate.

Natural stone undergoes complex processing, including its purification, elimination of the radiation background, giving the desired shape. Naturally, all this affects the cost of the finished product, which is very high. A large weight of the material necessarily requires strengthening the foundation. It is worth noting that buildings finished with natural stone look respectable, and such a facade can last up to 100 years. Yes, with regular maintenance.

Today, those who want to decorate their homes with marble stone are increasingly using an artificial analogue. In terms of its strength and wear resistance, this material is not much inferior to a natural mineral, but at the same time it has a lower cost and lighter weight, easier installation. The artificial stone is based on polyester resins, modifiers and pigments, as well as fine-grained stone chips.

The latter provides the strength and attractive appearance of the material, and resins - its increased wet strength, high antibacterial properties, and the ability to self-clean.

As for the appearance, the material imitates any stone surface. At the same time, it is not always possible to detect a “substitution” even upon closer examination - the color and texture are so close to the shade and structure of natural stone. Under the finish, cellular concrete or a brick wall is usually hidden, less often - wooden surfaces.


It contains only natural ingredients, so you can confidently declare its environmental friendliness. Moreover, the presence of micropores in the material allows the walls to "breathe", which contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the building. In addition, the material is not afraid of frost, for quite a long time it remains resistant to UV exposure.

Using different types brick and its masonry, it is possible to create original and unique facades. A big plus: if a fragment of the facade is damaged, spot repairs can be made. Brick laying is a rather laborious process that requires a professional approach. It is also important to use it only on a reinforced foundation and after thorough waterproofing of the plinth. Of the significant disadvantages - low heat capacity.

Brick may differ in composition and production methods, and therefore it is customary to distinguish the following types of it.

  • Clinker. The basis of the brick is plastic clay, which is fired and pressed. If we talk about the technical properties of the material, then it is the best among other types of bricks. The clinker modification is distinguished by high mechanical strength, heat resistance and resistance to direct sunlight. The frost resistance of the material is 300 cycles. Clinker brick is resistant to aggressive environments, has a low water absorption coefficient. Undoubted advantages are also environmental friendliness and ease of maintenance - it is enough to wash the facade. The disadvantages are high cost and heavy weight. alternative this species bricks can become thinner, and therefore lighter, clinker tiles.

  • Ceramic. A widespread type of brick, which has a variety of colors and is characterized by durability, resistance to temperature changes, fire resistance and low cost. Unfortunately, the water absorption of ceramic bricks can reach 10%, which also affects its frost resistance. If limestone is present in the composition, this will cause even more increased moisture absorption.

In this case, limestone will be indicated in the finished product by darker blotches.

It is among the batches of ceramic bricks that materials with broken corners and not the most perfect, in terms of geometry, shapes are often found.

  • Hyperpressed. The basis of such a brick is cement, special additives and shell rock, which are subjected to semi-dry pressing. Visually, the material is difficult to distinguish from ceramic, but it is characterized by lower moisture absorption (it is at an average level and is 5-6%) and, accordingly, better frost resistance, more accurate brick geometry. This durable and strong material is easy to install, but the bricks are heavy and tend to change color during operation.

  • Silicate. The silicate brick contains a cement-sand mixture, the production method used is autoclaving. This ensures the affordability of the material. In addition to low cost, it is distinguished by the correct geometry of forms, good soundproofing properties, and durability. Moisture absorption is up to 15%, which causes the instability of silicate brick to frost. The high weight, combined with high thermal conductivity and less attractive aesthetic qualities, is the reason why buyers rarely choose silicate brick for facade cladding.


House cladding, unlike cladding, performs 2 functions - decorative and load-bearing. The latter manifests itself primarily in frameless buildings. The outer skin has a large load, so the materials used in this case are based on metal (more often steel), which necessarily has anti-corrosion protection. House cladding is usually done using special metal sheets or thermal panels.

Thermal panels

They are a material consisting of a foil layer with a fastening system, insulation and a decorative layer. As a heater, expanded polystyrene and its extruded version, as well as polyurethane foam, are used. Preference should be given to polyurethane foam products. The insulation in them contains the smallest air bubbles, which provides excellent thermal insulation performance with a low weight of the product.

Clinker tiles are usually used as a decorative layer.

As a result of the skin, an imitation is obtained brickwork, the choice of shades and textures is diverse.

The material is durable, 1.7 times warmer than many of the considered materials. It is quite simple to mount it, but it is important to follow the mounting technology. The material should be fixed directly to the wall, avoiding the formation of air space between the panels and the facade. This is due to the vapor impermeability of thermal panels.

The walls must first be leveled, otherwise the sheathing cannot be skewed, which will lead to the loss of its operational properties. The service life of the cladding is up to 30 years.


Steel is usually the basis for sheets for external cladding. It is covered with a layer of zinc, which allows you to achieve decent anti-corrosion performance. Additional protection against environmental influences (primarily UV influence), as well as the decorative effect of the material, is provided by applying a polymer coating.

The strength of the material and its wind resistance is ensured by the peculiarities of the form: a profiled galvanized sheet is used to create a ventilated cladding. Similar sheets are also used as roofing sheets for roof decoration.

A similar finishing method is applicable not only for residential buildings, but also for household buildings, garages. Profiled sheets are strong and durable, and new fastening systems guarantee ease of installation and durability. By choosing one or another shade or the direction of the "furrows", you can create unique exteriors.

Installation is carried out on a prepared frame. For insulation, you can choose polystyrene, mineral wool materials or purchase a profiled sheet, thermally insulated at the factory. Latest Models are 2 profiled sheets, between which a layer of insulation is laid.

Combined Solutions

Increasingly, owners of private houses are resorting to combined cladding of cottages. This method involves a combination of several textures within the boundaries of one facade. It is noteworthy that the difference in textures is achieved both by using different materials, and by using the same material with imitation of different surfaces.

The latter method is more convenient in terms of installation and preparatory work, as well as maintenance. In most cases, the basement of the building, corners, small architectural elements, door and window openings are distinguished with other material. Combined facade decoration allows emphasizing the complexity and sophistication of buildings of complex configuration and adding zest to buildings that are simple in shape.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Properly executed facade decoration of a private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects the walls from external influences, insulates the house, and is a great decorative decoration. In today's material, we will present the most common options for exterior decoration of the house, photos that allow you to evaluate decorative features different materials, And comparative analysis the cost of various coatings.

A harmonious selection of finishes ennobles the appearance of the house

The basic requirements for the finishing of facade surfaces are regulated by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed for fixing facing boards requiring an adhesive layer to use materials in the form of mastic or glue of class C1 (on the lower floors) and C2 (above the first floor).

If the house is finished outside with natural stone, then the slabs are first washed and dried. For artificial materials, additional moisture is not required. When area board material over 900 cm², the adhesive solution must be applied both to the wall and to the wrong side of the material. When using artificial slabs or natural stone with a thickness of more than 12 mm, fasteners are installed.

Related article:

wood siding

Being the predecessor of all other types of similar finishes, wood siding has not lost its popularity. For the manufacture of modern products, the wood pulp mixture is pressed when heated, which makes the panels durable. Additives are added to improve performance. Raw materials are preliminarily cleaned of harmful impurities and resins, which makes wood siding an environmentally friendly material. The coating from it, thanks to the natural structure, looks cozy and natural.

Among the shortcomings, the need for periodic treatment with compounds that protect against fire, mold and repel insects is noted. Also wood cladding requires painting, as it periodically fades in the sun. It is not recommended to sheathe wooden siding walls of private houses made of foam or fiberglass.

metal siding

If we compare metal siding with analogues, then it is the most resistant to natural influences, has a service life of 30 years or more. The material is durable, withstands shock loads well, does not become brittle when heated and cooled. All dirt is easily washed off with a jet of water from a hose. metal siding resistant to decay, rodents and insects cannot damage it. This material is fire resistant, does not melt in the presence of an open flame nearby. Under the influence of sunlight does not fade.

The disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to exposure to moisture, higher cost. Cutting requires a special knife, and installation cannot be carried out without professional skills. When fixing the cladding, installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Due to the three-layer structure, which includes a metal or polymer shell located on both sides, and a heater between them, sandwich panels have excellent thermal insulation qualities. In the role of insulation, or polyurethane foam is used.

This is a worthy material for finishing the facades of private houses, the positive characteristics of which are quick installation, low weight, good sound insulation, and environmental safety. Affordable cost is an important factor. After correct installation on a frame (wooden or metal), sandwich panels serve flawlessly for a long time.

The downside may be the possibility of freezing of the joints if the installation was performed with violations.

Ventilated facades

Multi-component ventilated facades protect the walls when the temperature drops and extend their service life. They are a system with the presence of special gaps that provide ventilation of the insulation. It is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles for the frame.

The advantages of ventilated facades are a long service life of at least 50 years. In winter, they save heat well, are non-flammable and environmentally friendly. With temperature differences, cracks do not form on the surface. Simple installation methods are attractive, which can be carried out at any time. If necessary, the lining can be easily dismantled.

The disadvantage of a ventilated facade is the possibility of condensation between the wall and the insulation if the installation was carried out illiterately. From this, the walls begin to freeze through, and moisture forms on them, which reduces the service life.

Modern cladding of the facade of the house, which material is better - comparison of options

Variety of options for finishing the facades of houses modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to pre-analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Material nameKey BenefitsFlaws





Aesthetic appearance

breathable coating

Potential for mechanical damage




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

The need for installation skills

Facing brick:







With high decorative qualities

Need a solid foundation

Careful docking

Porcelain stonewareExcellent durability

Resistant to any weather conditions


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tilesGood decorative qualities, durability

low price

The need for careful ground preparation

Must have styling skills

Brittleness of the material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Easy installation

low price

Nice decor

Some species have a short lifespan.

Poor UV resistance

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Quick installation

Good sound insulation


Joints can freeze
Ventilated facadeLong service life

High thermal insulation performance

Available mounting

Condensation may form in gaps

Even a brief overview analysis allows us to draw certain conclusions. More detailed information can be found in the article in the descriptions on specific types of facing varieties.

Harmonious combined facade decoration

If there are difficulties with what material to finish all parts of the building, you can choose different types of finishes, harmoniously combining them. How such an exclusive facade of private houses will look like, the photos below will demonstrate from various angles.

Additional decor can be inserts from another type of material. This technique is more common in order to ensure reliable protection foundation and basement.

You can choose different materials for a combined finish. It is important not to create variegation by performing a harmonious arrangement individual elements. The result is an exclusive design style that draws attention with originality and demonstrates the artistic ability and taste of the owners.

Overview of prices for facade materials for exterior decoration of the house

When deciding how to sheathe a house outside cheaply and beautifully, you should analyze the prices for the most popular facing materials.

Material namePrice per m², rub.The cost of turnkey work, taking into account insulation per m², rub.
Mineral350−750 ˃850
Acrylic1600−1905 ˃2100
silicate2600-2615 ˃3100
Silicone2406−3900 ˃3500
Natural1400−2750 ˃7340
Artificial550-2350 ˃4550
Facing brick
Clinker1250−2650 ˃2600
Ceramic400-800 ˃1400
hyperpressed665-1250 ˃1700
Silicate280-350 ˃1000
Porcelain stoneware630-1850 ˃3680
Ceramic facade tiles958-2350 ˃1700
decorative siding
Vinyl185 ˃750
Wooden (larch)590-1950 ˃2000
Metal450-600 ˃1550
Sandwich panels600-1800 ˃3100
Ventilated facade1150-1500 ˃650

Among the improved varieties of new generation cladding, it should be noted Russian-made facade thermal panels, the price of which varies from 2050 to 7000 rubles. per m2. Such material is a gas-filled plastic with a decorative surface made of mineral chips or tiles of various colors and textures.

Choosing the right type of finish for your home is a serious job that requires a comprehensive analysis of many factors. We will be interested in your experience, express your opinion, share tips and recommendations, ask questions in the comments.


After large-scale construction phases are completed, it is necessary to think about what materials will be used for finishing the exterior surfaces of the building. The construction market is teeming with diverse offerings offering a huge selection decorative design. Therefore, the decoration of the facades of houses with modern materials, the photos of which are collected in the selection, can be done in a completely different style and direction.

Types of facade decoration with modern materials

More recently, the main conditions were the reliability, durability of the facade of the house. Today, there is a significant increase in the requirements for materials, the main task of which is the decoration of the facades of the house, the photos of which are presented in the selection.

Basic operating conditions:

  • strength - outside the design is not subject to destruction even during the strongest gust of wind;
  • frost resistance - high-quality finishing materials for the facades of private houses do not crack as a result of external influences;
  • water permeability - the outer layer should not interfere with the removal of excess moisture;
  • presentable appearance - decorative finishing of facades is able to decorate any residential building.

Modern materials for finishing the facade of private houses have the ability to counteract any negative factors and at the same time perform a decorative function. How to finish the facade of the house? Consider the most popular options for finishing the facade of a private house.

It is used as decorative finishing of a facade of the house. Qualified specialists, using a finishing material, create unique relief planes that imitate natural raw materials.

Finishing the facade of the house with plaster is carried out using a cement-sand mortar, it contains special additives that provide excellent surface protection. To finish the facade, it is necessary to arrange heat and waterproofing, which will require a heater.

Facade decoration with bark beetle has recently gained great popularity. latest technology finishing allows you to achieve excellent results in the shortest period of time. To do this, manufacturers offer to choose already ready solution in buckets, dry mix in bags. Finishing the facade of a private house with a bark beetle is carried out in conjunction with the insulation of the outer walls. Recently, the decoration of the facades of a private house of bark beetles is becoming increasingly popular.

For decorative treatment of the updated surface, apply different kinds acrylic-based paints - this helps to provide maximum protection for the facade of the building, creates a durable outer coating. Finishing the facades of private houses, photo selection contains the most popular types of plaster.

Clinker tiles and bricks

A new element of decoration, created from refractory types of earthen clay. During the production process, clay is subjected to heat treatment at the highest temperatures. Thanks to this, the facing brick for the facade becomes strong and durable.

Decorative brick has a number of positive qualities: heat resistance, environmental friendliness, variety of shapes and easy care. The surface can be matte, glossy, rough or antiqued.

A variety of colors allows the use of clinker bricks for decorative finishes facades, plinths country houses, combine frames around interior or entrance doors, arched openings. The photo clearly demonstrates the brickwork of the house.

Clinker tiles - small clay plates. Building materials have a similar shape, size range and colors, similarity allows you to decorate the house with clinker tiles. With clinker tiles, the photo of which is presented below, you can decorate the facade of any house.

Unique decorative elements will help create a beautiful pattern on the corners of the walls. Facades look the most attractive one-story houses lined with clinker tiles, a photo selection is presented below.

Porcelain stoneware

durable construction material It is made of artificial materials by pressing powder from a slip, followed by firing at an increase in temperature. Finishing the facade with porcelain stoneware has gained particular popularity due to the presence of a certain number of positive properties in the finishing material.

Porcelain stoneware has a large margin of safety and reacts poorly to external mechanical influences.

The good appearance of the material is ideal for exterior wall decoration. The plinth can have bright colors, iridescent stains, or imitate natural stone, various tree species.
Finishing the facades of buildings with porcelain stoneware is carried out in two ways:

  • ventilated - plates are securely attached to a frame made of galvanized or aluminum guides;
  • "wet laying" - porcelain stoneware is attached to the surface of the walls with special glue.

Which way to choose, everyone decides for himself.

These materials belong to the group of facing materials, thanks to which you can easily transform apartment house, office building or small trade pavilion. Various materials are suitable for finishing the facades of private houses.

Composite cassettes are complete designs with curved edges. When installing the walls, a continuous coating is obtained. Durable and reliable material successfully resists various mechanical influences and negative environmental conditions. Fastening of cassettes with a facade can occur in various ways. First of all, it depends on which profile will be used. There are two options for connecting elements: hidden and open.

With a hidden type of fastener, the profile of the upper element is securely fixed to the profile of the lower one. This type of assembly allows you to create a fairly strong cladding in a short period of time.

During the open fastening, each finishing tiles for the facade is fixed at the corners on the supporting frame. This method provides a perfectly even continuous coating. Finishing the facades of houses with modern materials, photo gallery of the best design solutions presented below.


A variety of type-setting panels is made of vinyl-polymer materials. The advantages of the material are:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of assembly;
  • low cost.

Before finishing the basement or walls of the house with siding, the photo of which is presented below, you do not need to spend long preparatory work. Finishing the facade with siding allows you to successfully hide all the bumps and roughness of the surface.

High-quality material during operation is not subjected to deformation, swelling or peeling. Mold does not form on its surface, insects do not start. Thanks to these positive qualities of the material, finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding is considered the most profitable solution. The most original versions of the design of the house with siding, photos are presented below.

Natural and artificial stone

Stone is rightfully considered the most reliable type of finishing of external surfaces. Both natural and artificial stone are equally used for cladding. Decorative tiles for facade decoration made of natural material create a durable protective coating, which in terms of service life is comparable to the period of use of the building itself. An artificial stone facade differs from its natural counterpart only in a relatively low price and a rich selection of textures and colors. Before choosing a stone as the main finishing material, it should be noted that it has a lot of weight, so it cannot be used to finish a house with a weak foundation.

If the laying technology is not followed, some stones may fall off during operation, so you will have to regularly restore the original appearance of the surface. Finishing the facade with stone is a complex and time-consuming process, so you should strictly follow the entire installation technology and do not violate the stages of finishing the facade. The original decoration of the facade of the house, a photo of unique residential buildings.


The range of panels is simply amazing in its diversity. Some types of decorators use to decorate home interior. Each type of facade panels has its own design, dimensions and installation method.

What is the best way to finish the facade of the house? To answer this question, you should show options for the most popular panels:

  • metal - are made from galvanized metal sheets, on which a polymer coating is applied with a thin layer. The polymer layer has a different relief and bright color, which allows using the profile to create a unique combined version;
  • fiber cement - textured surface allows you to perfectly imitate a variety of materials, for example, decorative plaster, brick and stone masonry or tiled lining. The panels are made from cement with the addition of loose cellulose and synthetic fibers. Practically do not burn out and possess special durability;
  • wooden - modern panels are created from wood fiber, pressed under high pressure, the composition of the material includes polymer compounds. The selected material has a low weight and a beautiful surface, decorated with natural veneer. The service life is less than similar models, but at the same time they are much cheaper; this allows you to periodically change the profile and panels;
  • OSB boards - waterproof OSB panels include molten paraffin or ceresin. The material is produced in large sheets, so it is possible to cut OSB panels of suitable size right on the spot;
  • SIP panels - a material unique in its properties is a multilayer insulating panel. SIP incorporates insulation, surrounded on both sides by OSB sheets. The layers are interconnected with a special polyurethane adhesive. Expanded polystyrene is used as a heater.
OSB boards
SIP panels
Fiber cement

SIP panels are distinguished by the highest degree of thermal insulation, excellent sound insulation. The light weight of the structure allows the use of SIP panels for various bases, in some cases a shallowly recessed tape one is sufficient. Thanks to the use of SIP panels, a classic "Canadian" house can be built in a few weeks. SIP panels react poorly to the effects of an external aggressive environment.

Wet facade

The design of the "wet facade" consists of a certain number of layers. Interlayers are called adhesive, heat-insulating, reinforced and protective and decorative, each layer has its own purpose.

Facades of this type have a wide range of applications due to the fact that all components are ideally combined with each other and are able to show excellent results, high frost resistance, water resistance, vapor permeability.

Finishing a house of the “wet facade” type requires certain skills, so you should not carry out laborious work on your own, it is better to turn to specialists, only in this case you can achieve excellent results and extend the life of the material for a long time.

Wet facade system


Recently, wood facade decoration is gaining more and more popularity. The external surface of the building, finished with a board or timber, has a lot of positive qualities and advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • unique design.

A house finished with natural boards or timber will last much longer if you choose the right kind of wood. Experts advise giving preference only to those trees that grow in your area. This is necessary because they are better adapted to weather conditions and are much cheaper than foreign models.

Reduce exposure of the natural material to weather conditions and aggressive external environment possible by appropriate surface treatment and preliminary preparation of the material.

What is better to choose and how will the construction of a residential building go? The choice always remains with the owner. Here it is necessary to take into account many nuances, starting from the economic side of the issue and ending with the technical capabilities of the building. Only when all the above conditions are taken into account, you can be sure that the facade decoration of private houses, the photos of which are presented below, will be of high quality and durable.


The video shows the most popular ways of finishing the facade parts of the building using modern materials.

Photos of the facades of houses finished with modern materials

The selection of photos contains the most successful projects for finishing the facades of buildings.

The question of how to decorate the facade of the house cannot be approached irresponsibly. The fact is that this part of the design solves many important tasks:

  • Protects walls from negative impact atmospheric precipitation;
  • Provides protection for the house from the heat in the summer;
  • In winter, the façade provides comfort;
  • In addition, it is this part of the design that provides protection to residents from street noise.

Whether your facade decoration will cope with all these functions - a lot here depends on what technologies and materials are used.

Finishing the facade of a stone house

If your house is made of stone, it's time to figure out how best to finish the facade. What should be used here:

  • Brick;
  • plaster;
  • Maybe a stone?

If you know peculiarities each of the above materials, it will be easier to make a choice.

  1. Decorative brick;
  2. Vinyl siding;
  3. Stone.

Wooden facades also do not lose their popularity, such options as are in demand here:

  • Burnt facade board;
  • Fachwerk;
  • "American".

Such a variety of finishes is due not only to the fact that wall structures need decoration is also an important task: protection of the wall material from negative external influences.

The most popular materials for facade work

Let's talk about what facade decoration is usually made of not fulfilled:

  1. Here you can note the cinder block;
  2. Ordinary brick;
  3. Gypsum blocks and foam blocks;
  4. Aerated concrete.
The above materials are not often chosen, as they have or low decorative characteristics, or have poor resistance against wind, temperature changes, precipitation.

Even a reliable and high-quality silicate brick, which has a spectacular, attractive appearance, is not often used for arranging a facade, as it is inferior in many respects to its facing counterpart.

So, what materials are used more often, to decorate the façade in the field of suburban construction?

Block house

Block house - one of the varieties of lining, the front surface of the material very naturally imitates a rounded log. The blockhouse is environmentally friendly and beneficial in terms of economy.

Decorate the facade of the house with a blockhouse(or an imitation of a bar) is better like this:

  • A wooden double crate is being carried out;
  • The first is needed in order to be able to lay a heater;
  • The second creates the necessary ventilated gap and serves as the main cladding installation;
  • Ventilation is needed not only for wood, but also for mineral wool;
  • Moreover, each panel is usually processed from the inside;
  • This is necessary to protect against harmful insects and from decay;
  • It is also customary to process outside the blockhouse panels;
  • This provides protection from the rain.

Wet facade - what is special

Due to a fairly moderate cost, excellent decorative and performance indicators, wet facades today are a fairly popular finishing method.

A wet facade is often used today in order to finish walls that have low vapor permeability.

  1. Amplifier boards (such as extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene) are usually fixed with a special adhesive solution.
  2. In addition, they are necessarily fixed with dowels.
  3. Reinforcing mesh is mounted from fiberglass
  4. She is thrown with a solution
This is done in order to prevent the appearance of joints in those places where the insulation plates are interconnected.
  • The top layer is overwritten;
  • When it dries completely, a special facade plaster is placed on it;
  • After this material is primed, painted with paints that are intended for outdoor use.

This method has one drawback - you have to perform "wet" work. That is, if you are thinking about how to finish the facade of the house and settled on this option, consider seasonal restrictions.

Facade siding

The term "siding" came to us from in English. It is as if it can be translated into Russian as “outer skin”. This material today occupies a leading position in housing construction.

How to finish the facade of the house, if not siding? This material is mounted very easily, the work is done quickly. In other words, it is difficult to find something more beneficial for facade cladding.

How is the installation:

  1. To start need crate(that is, a supporting frame);
  2. It can be arranged from different materials: someone will choose a wooden beam;
  3. Another person will stop at a metal profile;
  4. Styrofoam, the thickness of which is not less than 20 mm, is ideal as a heater;
  5. If you are going to use mineral wool for insulation, be sure to provide the necessary air gap;
  6. This is due to the fact that mineral wool is able to absorb atmospheric moisture.

Vinyl siding for facade decoration

What is good vinyl siding for facade cladding? Everything is simple here: this material will give your building an aesthetic, finished look.

Vinyl siding is not very expensive material, while it is very elastic and durable. Before using - weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account fire and environmental considerations.

In addition, before buying the material, find out everything about the operational parameters of the products of the manufacturer whose products you are going to purchase.

Why is it needed:

  • There have been cases of warping, swelling on vinyl siding
  • Cracks appear
  • If the product is not of high quality, it may have increased fragility in the winter.
  • There are uneven spots of burnout in the summer season.

Thus, you need to make sure that the vinyl siding you choose for your facade will actually do the job. After all, this is not, the result of the work will be noticeable to everyone around.

In addition, it is known that the siding of the Polish brand ROYAL(as well as the joint venture of Belgium and the Russian Federation - Tecos) for two years of use slightly burns out on the south side. In general, this is not critical at all, but it is worth paying attention to. If we talk about mechanical characteristics, then there are no complaints at all.

fiber cement siding

Not so long ago, not many people knew about such material - because of the huge popularity of vinyl siding. But consumers in the Russian Federation still decided to pay attention to the facade finish, which is based on cement.

This finishing material is time-tested, it was first used in European countries a hundred years ago. It is durable, safe in terms of fire safety, fiber cement siding is not afraid of biological corrosion and moisture.

If you find information somewhere that fiber cement siding is not in demand today in private construction and is unsafe for human health, you should know that this information is outdated. Indeed, once upon a time, asbestos was used to make such a material - a substance harmful to people, but today such a situation is completely excluded.

Instead of asbestos in the production of fiber cement siding, only environmentally friendly cellulose is used in our time.

cement siding it looks great, moreover, after installation it can be painted - thanks to this opportunity, the owner of a country house can get any shade. Also characteristically, certain material manufacturers issue a solid guarantee for cement siding - in some cases, the declared service life is 50 years.

Steel siding for facades

Steel material is relatively expensive, and often you have to spend money on various anti-corrosion agents - therefore, steel siding for the facade is not often used, especially if you need to finish a private building.

At the same time, many owners choose the metal material, as it is more solid.

In principle, a house can be finished with steel siding - this is welcome from the point of view of fire safety, so fire hazardous objects will only benefit from such a finish.

Canadian "wooden" siding

If we talk about how you can finish the facade of the house, you can not ignore the Canadian siding. This material is wooden, that is, it is environmentally friendly, aesthetic, it does not need a special introduction.

And now in more detail:

  1. Despite all their positive properties, such an excellent coating inherits all the disadvantages of wood;
  2. Consequently, the service life of such siding is relatively short;
  3. It is expensive, less elastic (unlike analogues);
  4. During installation, precision is required from the builder;
  5. During the operation of Canadian siding, the owners should take care of such a susceptible and “capricious” material in a timely manner.

Thermal panels (heat-insulating facade panels)

This material is quite young, but has already managed to gain confidence:

  • It is used both for insulation and for decorative finishing of the facade.
  • Widely used in Europe and Russia
  • This became possible thanks to the latest, strict requirements of SNiP dated February 23, 2003 - the section "Thermal protection of buildings".

What are thermal panels:

  1. This is a lightweight but very durable material;
  2. Based on polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam or foam, which provides an impressive heat capacity;
  3. The technology assumes the possibility of creating a monolithic single layer that will perform the function of a thermos (coolness will remain in summer, heat in winter);
  4. Thermal panels for facade finishing can be mounted on various surfaces (foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, wood, concrete, glass-magnesite sheets, bricks).

Plasters that are used for finishing facades

Pay attention to the following options - they are often chosen, to decorate the facade of the house :

Ordinary plaster

This solution can be called traditional, so the popularity of plaster is well-deserved. Due to the fact that there are many modern technologies for finishing the facade, the owner of a private house always has a choice - how to achieve high-quality relief on the walls.

What can be said about plaster?

  • The main limitation here is laboriousness;
  • Applying plaster to an amateur is not at all easy - skilled labor is needed here;
  • There were attempts to mechanize the process, but they did not give much success;
  • Thus, the plaster on the facade is applied in "old-fashioned" ways - with only minor additions.

Polymer (acrylic) plaster

This material goes on sale in the form of a completely finished mixture. It has a water-dispersion base (kneading is not required, that is, you can not be afraid of erroneous dosages during cooking).

  1. The mixture is easily tinted - that is, the choice of color is not limited in any way.
  2. Available strength;
  3. Elasticity;
  4. The plaster is highly resistant to various vagaries of nature.


  • Vapor permeability is low;
  • It is not recommended to use on those facades where cotton wool insulation was used.


  • The cost is moderate (when compared with silicate and silicone plasters), but higher than that of mineral;
  • Durability is 50 years;
  • Frost resistance index: 50 cycles.

Lime-cement (mineral plaster)

This material can be called very durable, while it is the cheapest. Over the years, the hardness of the coating will only increase - this is also highly appreciated. Mineral plaster has a high pH, ​​is resistant against the occurrence of biological corrosion.

The choice of colors from manufacturers is not very large if you want to use a wide color scheme- it is better to look at another finishing material. Usually they do this: they apply white mineral plaster, and then additionally - silicate facade paint.


  1. Elasticity is low;
  2. Adhesion to the base is low;


  • Durability is more than thirty years;
  • The cost is acceptable for any family;
  • The frost resistance index is 75 cycles.

silicone plaster

If you are thinking about how to finish the facade of the house, and came to the conclusion that it is worth using silicone plaster, here is what you should know about this material:

  1. Its base is silicone modified resin;
  2. An acrylate organic binder is also added to the composition;
  3. Also included are pigments and mineral fillers;
  4. If the budget allows - such plaster can be called the most good choice for facade decoration.
Silicone plaster - the most expensive among all existing. The durability of the material is more than sixty years. The frost resistance index is 60 cycles.

By the way, facade paints also classified into different types(as well as plaster):

  • There are acrylic paints for facades;
  • silicate;
  • Silicone.

silicate plaster

Thanks to this material, a durable, durable coating is obtained..

  1. Silicate plaster based on liquid glass is made;
  2. Due to this, high vapor permeability is ensured;
  3. This figure is much higher than that of acrylic and mineral plasters;
  4. In addition, resistance to biological corrosion is available.

You can safely apply silicate plaster on any mineral base. It is characterized by neutral electrostaticity - dirt and dust are not attracted.
  • Among the shortcomings: a small range of colors.

Other finishing materials

If you still have not decided for yourself how to finish the facade of the house, we bring to your attention a number of suitable and available today materials.

Porcelain tile (tile)

This material for finishing facades (and not only) is artificial, but at the same time it has high performance. Once upon a time, tiles were used mainly for arranging floors - today the situation has changed - porcelain stoneware is actively used for wall cladding of various architectural structures.

Many experts believe that porcelain stoneware is an ideal material for cladding ventilated facades.

Facing brick

Facing ceramic brick has different advantages:

  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistance against wind, water, ultraviolet;
  • Excellent response to temperature changes.

However, certain disadvantages even this material has:

  1. The level of thermal insulation is low;
  2. Sufficiently large mass;
  3. High price.
It is because of the above shortcomings that facing brick has recently lost its position as a material for facade decoration.

To the thickness of your brick wall complied with SNiP - including the requirements for protection against heat loss, it should be 800-900 mm! And this is quite expensive, in addition, in this case, the building will need a serious foundation. However, if we are talking about a low-rise building, such a wall will have slightly excessive strength.

As a last resort, apply well masonry:

  • Between facing material and with an ordinary brick create a gap;
  • Fill it with a heat insulator;
  • This approach to business helps to reduce the total thickness of the wall by one and a half times;
  • This figure is halved if warm facade systems are used.

Ventilated suspended facade

This method can be called the most common for those walls that have high vapor permeability.

The bottom line here is this: they form a supporting frame, which provides the gap necessary for air circulation - between the lining and the insulation.

Works great as a heater mineral wool - for this it is often used.

That is, the process of arranging a ventilated suspended facade looks like this:

  1. A system of brackets is installed on the wall;
  2. They must be made of a metal profile;
  3. The height of the brackets must be such that it is possible to place heat-insulating material without problems;
  4. In addition, a vapor-permeable membrane is placed here;
  5. Do not forget also about the arrangement of the gap of the appropriate thickness.

Mineral wool mats should be reinforced!

  • This is done with glue;
  • Sometimes umbrella plastic dowels are used for extra strength;
  • The membrane is laid on top - it is she who prevents the destruction of the material;
  • But thanks to such a system, water vapor is easily vented;
  • Metal profiles are mounted on brackets;
  • They act as a support for the subsequent installation of the ventilated facade cladding.

The cladding itself can be anything - any rack or sheet material- though composite panels, at least corrugated board, even porcelain stoneware is installed this way.

Use one or the other option - it's up to you. The main thing to remember: the use of any of the materials implies its own characteristics.:

  1. In terms of step;
  2. According to the method of fastening;
  3. According to the material of the crate;
  4. Composite panels, for example, should only be mounted on aluminum profiles.

We offer you an informative video: how to install a suspended ventilated facade with your own hands. This lesson will surely answer many pressing questions about how to decorate the facade.

Fake diamond

This type of finish is chosen because the surface becomes more decorative look. The thing is that the artificial stone outwardly fully corresponds to its natural counterpart.

But the material created by man weighs much less (about one and a half times), Finishing work it is easier to perform with it - any collection offers customers various additional elements for cladding. You can do just about anything, including:

  1. joints;
  2. corners;
  3. doorways;
  4. Window openings.

That is, installation work is simplified as much as possible..

In processing, artificial stone is very malleable, in addition, it is durable, environmentally friendly (which is also highly valued recently).

Installation without problems is made on any basis.

But remember: this finish is afraid of moisture. So, in those places where there is a lot of natural moisture, the surface finished artificial stone, should be further processed - for this there are various hydrophobic solutions.

Conclusion: how to finish the facade of the house is a very important question. After all, finishing is needed not only in order to further strengthen the external walls of your home. High-quality installation of finishing material prolongs the life of the entire structure, significantly decorates the site - something really beautiful, original is being created. A casual passer-by can easily draw a conclusion about the tenants of a particular house - just look at the facade decoration.
