External decoration of the walls of the house requires a responsible approach, therefore great solution will be stone siding. This facing material creates a realistic imitation of the natural surface, which allows you to get an individual facade and successfully implement the intended design.

Although products with imitation masonry have appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, they have already gained popularity, which is constantly increasing. This is due to the following advantages:

These parameters make siding panels for exterior finish at home the best solution if there is a need to get a high-quality and beautiful coating at an affordable price.

Different types of stone siding can be combined

Types and characteristics of stone imitation panels

At the moment, there are several main varieties with different performance characteristics.

On a note! Finishing panels under the stone in most cases are classified as basement, because initially they were produced specifically for such work, but due to their attractiveness they began to be actively used for facing facade surfaces.

Basement siding can be used for both foundation cladding and wall cladding.


This material is made from PVC and special additives, additional components improve quality. Main characteristics of vinyl siding:

Working with vinyl parts is quite simple. There is a wide variety of coatings obtained (see photo), which allows you to combine the facade and plinth finishes.

Vinyl finish under stone or brick is distinguished by a wide variety of textures and colors.


Metal siding under the stone is made of galvanized steel, which is rolled and stamped. Due to this, it is possible to obtain a very expressive imitation.

Metal siding imitating stone cladding

Material features:

  • Strength. Even with a serious mechanical impact, the structure of the panels is not disturbed, and the pronounced texture significantly reduces the visibility of damage.
  • Fire safety. The material is not combustible and does not serve as a source of flame propagation.
  • Resistance to UV radiation. Finishing retains visual appeal for a long time and does not require special care.
  • Durability. Metal siding is immune to seasonal temperature fluctuations and is neutral to moisture, which ensures a service life of over 15 years.
  • Possibility of corrosion. Damaged areas in violation of the integrity of the protective layer begin to rust. Also, corrosion can occur on sections, so it is recommended to treat them with a protective compound.
  • Significant weight. The parts are much heavier than the polymer varieties, so their installation is carried out after a more thorough preparation of the base.

A budget option stone effect metal siding is limited to a pattern on smooth panels

Due to the small decorative range, metal siding is less popular than PVC products, but is an excellent option for finishing the basement.


This is a more modern type of vinyl material, in the production of which an acrylic copolymer is used, which is responsible for improved properties. Such siding products have the following characteristics:

  • UV resistant. The cladding will not fade.
  • Strength. The surface is able to withstand significant temperature differences (from - 60 to + 60 degrees).
  • Decorative. The front layer has a rich color.
  • Resistance to chemicals.

Acrylic siding is visually similar to vinyl siding, but the quality of the former is much higher.

This type of finishing products is not very common, since it appeared relatively recently and is quite expensive.

fiber cement

This variety is made mainly in the form of siding for the basement. The fact is that fiber cement parts have a significant weight, so it is not advisable to use them for sheathing the whole house. But they combine well with other options, creating a natural surface feel.

Fiber cement panels mimic natural masonry as much as possible

The demand for products remains low due to the cost, which is superior to other types.

Features of choice

Choosing the right material is not always easy. There are a number of parameters to consider before making a decision:

Manufacturers overview

The most popular manufacturers:

Due to the presence of fakes on sale, it is recommended to purchase products from authorized dealers or trusted hardware stores.

Siding installation

Installing panels outside includes several preliminary steps:

On a note! When it is required to sheathe the facade and the plinth at the same time, and the wall has an even profile, then two material options are used, the border between them is created using a docking (finish) profile. But if the base is a separate structure, then a low tide is installed.

Further work is carried out according to the scheme:

To finish the exterior walls or basement of the house with siding, it does not take much time, given the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions.

Facade panels imitate wooden sheathing materials, and basement panels imitate stone (or). Basement types of siding have significant differences from facade siding in terms of panel shape, thickness, etc.

Wherein, they are quite suitable for sheathing the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, and the stone-like siding we are considering is in many ways superior to conventional material in terms of the created appearance of the house.

Imitation of natural stone of a high level makes it possible to completely transform the house, give it solidity, special respectability, characteristic of ancient buildings.

Panels imitate masonry from large boulders, flat slabs, white rubble stone, etc.. Externally, the panels are shields of medium width, on the sides they are cut along the junction lines of the masonry fragments.

Compared to conventional facade panels, they are more convenient to use, fit perfectly, and have higher strength.

Photo of a house with stone siding:

There are various different types stone siding:

It is difficult to name any type of siding as the unambiguously best one.

You can limit the range of materials under consideration to the two most common - metal and vinyl, but the final choice should, nevertheless, be based on the specific conditions of the area, the size and material of the building, the design concept and other considerations, the totality of which will help make the final choice.

Metal siding is strength, reliability and durability, while vinyl siding is lightweight, a high level of imitation stone walls, ease of installation .

One way or another, the final choice of the most suitable material is dictated by its own conditions and financial capabilities, therefore, without accurate data, nothing concrete can be advised.

If the house is high, with a large wall area, then it is wiser to turn to vinyl samples, since the total load from metal panels may be close to critical.

for walls small size, made of durable materials - concrete, brick, reinforced concrete slabs - you can use any sheathing material up to fiber cement panels.

Installation nuances

under the stone is similar to the installation of other types of material and includes all the same operations:

  1. Wall preparation. Inspection and assessment of the condition of the wall. Detected problem areas (cracks, dents) are subject to sealing with putty, in especially severe cases, leveling plaster saves.
  2. . One or two layers of lathing are installed on the prepared wall surface, depending on the presence of insulation. In any case, the carrier layer is vertical, and the layer under the insulation = - horizontal. As a material, wooden blocks or metal guides for gypsum boards can be used.
  3. , waterproofing. The insulation is installed between the planks of the first layer of the crate. There should be no gaps or gaps, if they do appear, they should be filled immediately mounting foam. The installed insulation must be waterproofed from the penetration of water from the outside, for which a layer of waterproof membrane is installed, acting in one direction - releasing steam from the wall cake, but not letting in moisture. The film should be overlapped in layers, glue the joints with adhesive tape.
  4. Installing the counter grille. On top of the waterproofing, a supporting system of slats is installed - a counter-lattice. It has a vertical orientation of the slats, provides a ventilation gap and is used to install siding panels.
  5. Setting the starting bar, angles and. The first step in installing siding. The starting bar is mounted in the lower selected line, always horizontally. Immediately after this, corner strips are installed and window openings are made.. The installation of H-planks is not needed; in this, basement types of siding are superior to facade ones.
  6. Panel mounting. After all the preparatory operations, you can install the panels. Installation is carried out from the corner, for which the edge panel is cut in a straight vertical line and installed in the corner profile. Then the next panel is attached along the mounting line, and so on in order. The next row of panels can be installed side by side so that the connection lines of the panels in the rows are in different places, for which it is necessary to cut off about half from the first panel of the row.


At installation work it is impossible to screw the self-tapping screws all the way and tightly install the siding parts end-to-end or into the nests of additional elements. The temperature gap must be taken into account, all parts must have some mobility. This point is especially important when installing vinyl types of siding.


Using stone siding is a simple and relatively inexpensive way of exterior wall cladding, protecting the wall cake from atmospheric manifestations.

Ease of installation, no need to hire a large team of workers with sophisticated equipment, makes it possible to finish in a refined environment. adjoining territory. The quality of work practically does not depend on the presence of experience or skills, the main condition for success is accuracy and compliance with the basic installation requirements.

In contact with

Siding is not a novelty for a long time, but manufacturers, trying to make it more attractive to the consumer, constantly offer new designs. Exterior decoration of the house with stone siding is one of such novelties.

It is believed that siding appeared in the United States, when the first settlers used the skin of the ships on which they sailed to cover log houses. One can argue with this statement - the entire wooden Russian North was sheathed with boards much earlier than the Mayflower arrived on the shores of America. However, the first to produce siding - long slats of a special design made of metal and artificial materials became in the USA and Canada.

Siding is an excellent material for facing both an old house and a new one, it is easy to work with, has a large range of colors with many textures. Until recently, the material imitated mainly precious woods, but giving the panels the color and texture of raw or processed stone has greatly expanded the ability of architects and private homeowners to create unique homes on budget.

A natural stone beautiful, durable, resistant to adverse weather factors, most chemical compositions, but its cost does not allow most fellow citizens to use it when facing their cottages. Inexpensive, beautiful siding from a variety of materials comes to the rescue.

Stone panels are made from the following materials:

  1. Vinyl.
  2. acrylic.
  3. Fiber cement.
  4. Steel galvanized sheet.
  5. aluminum sheet.
  6. Composite.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of the cheapest vinyl siding are low resistance to mechanical damage and sunlight, metal siding can hardly be classified as budget materials: although it is cheaper than natural stone, it is more expensive than vinyl and acrylic. Composite materials are also not cheap.

Based on the price-quality ratio for cladding the basement of the house, it is better to choose fiber cement siding on metal frame, it has strength, durability, is resistant to temperature changes, or the so-called "plinth siding" made of PVC. Acrylic, more resistant than vinyl to UV radiation, is suitable for wall cladding, and the frame can also be wooden.

If we are talking about the insulation of the house, then stone-like panels for a hinged facade will make it possible to give any building an impressive and individuality.

Stone effect panel manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of high-quality panels - RF - Alfa-Profil, Germany - Docke, Canada - NOVIK, USA - Nailite, jointly RF - Germany produce siding under the stone brand Wandstein. We must not forget that any product that is in high demand immediately begins to be faked or covered up. famous brands poor quality production.

In order not to throw money away, when buying, require a certificate of conformity and a material passport. It is better to make a purchase from the manufacturer directly or in a large specialized retail chain.

As a rule, in the assortment of products there are designs:

  • Wild stone.
  • Broken stone.
  • Hewn stone.
  • Granite.
  • Marble.

Also, when buying, you need to remember about the purchase of additional products:

  • Starting bar.
  • Cornice plank.
  • corner panels.
  • connecting elements.
  • Soffits.
  • Nashchelnikov.
  • low tides.
  • Drainage system.

It is desirable that the color of these elements match or harmonize with the color of the main cladding.

Execution of cladding

Before facing, it is necessary to prepare the surface: clean, level if necessary. Wooden houses and all parts of the wood frame must additionally be treated with a flame retardant, fungicide and antiseptic or complex impregnation.

Under the stone is performed in the sequence:

  1. Marking in kind guides.
  2. Fastening of the initial (basement) bar.
  3. Frame installation.
  4. Installation of the corner block.
  5. Installation of the first row of blocks.

Further, the installation of the cladding is carried out from the bottom up in rows, last of all, additional elements, flashings and platbands are mounted. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening, without tightening them all the way, each panel is fastened at least at 5 points.

Facing, made of high-quality material and carefully, with timely care, will last no less than the period guaranteed by the manufacturer.


Facing a house with stone siding is best done in combination with other materials - plaster or wood veneer. The range of manufactured panels offers a variety of designs, textures and color solutions, with the help of panels it is easy to independently update the facade of the house, giving it individuality and adding status.

Properly selected finishing material can not only significantly decorate the structure and landscape design but also to create the most comfortable, warm atmosphere in any home. Stone decoration gives a special charm, originality and respectable appearance to private buildings. But the high cost and bulkiness inherent in natural stone often become the reason for the rejection of this decorative material. A worthy replacement for him will be siding that imitates natural stone, which has recently become widespread. It has a lot of positive characteristics, including a variety of structures. In our article, we will review the main advantages of siding imitating stone, its varieties and methods of application.

What is siding and its benefits

Siding is a material for wall decoration, which is able not only to qualitatively protect the building from climatic vagaries and create a pleasant atmosphere inside the house, but also to perfectly decorate the facade. Plunging into history, we note that for the first time siding was used in construction back in the 19th century, when the Americans began to use wooden planks as a lining. Moreover, they laid them with an overlap, in such a way that the horizontal canvases hung over each other. A little later, in the middle of the last century, Canada and the USA launched the production of PVC siding panels, which were distinguished by their durability. Over time, other types of this facing material appeared. Why is siding so popular all over the world? The answer to this question follows from the list of advantages of the material, namely:

- Easy to install - the material is easy to install even for a beginner who does not have much experience with this material;
- No need for preliminary leveling of the surface, since the primary crate hides all the flaws of the walls;
- Unpretentiousness in maintenance - street dirt is easily washed off with water pressure;
– Resistance to any weather conditions, which ensures the durability of the material (warranty period is about 50 years);
- Affordable cost.

It is also worth noting that modern views siding have a wide variety of designs that can easily imitate any kind of natural stone. With the help of stone-effect siding, you can create absolutely masterpiece facades by combining textures, as well as apply it in interior design. Another plus is the universal compatibility of stone siding with any other types. facing materials(tree, decorative plaster, glass, etc.).

Types of stone siding

To date, stone siding has various interpretations. It can be classified according to the materials that serve as raw materials for manufacturing. Also an important role is played by the range of surfaces that imitate one or another natural material.

Materials for the manufacture of siding

Having decided to decorate the facade of the house or the interior with stone-like siding, it is important to choose the right material from which it is made, because in the future the aesthetics, as well as the service life, will depend on this. Modern market offers the following types of siding:

1. Vinyl siding. Inexpensive panels made from PVC. Its advantages include a variety of types of surfaces - they can be smooth or have an interesting texture. Light weight makes it easy to transport and install. Vinyl is not affected by natural disasters, fungi and mold, and has low thermal conductivity. Under the influence of fire, it does not burn, but only melts, without releasing into the atmosphere harmful substances. Its advantage also affects the low thermal conductivity, which provides a favorable microclimate in the room. As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting the low resistance to mechanical stress, strong shocks.

2. Acrylic siding. A more expensive material made from the latest polymers, due to which it stands out with increased strength, resistance to deformation. It is distinguished by a beautiful glossy sheen, a variety of textures and shades. The material most reliably imitates masonry and has a long service life - up to half a century. When choosing acrylic siding for stone, it is important to pay attention to the uniformity of color on the outer and inner sides of the panels - if they differ in color, then this is not quality material, which was re-processed to mask imperfections.

3. Metal siding. Made of aluminum and galvanized steel, the material has the highest strength and durability, and an additional polymer coating protects it from corrosion. Finishing with metal siding has an attractive appearance, truly repeating any type of stone, whether it be shell rock, stone layers or brick. When choosing it for finishing facades, it is worth considering that the sheets are quite heavy and will create an additional load on the wall and foundation. You will also need an additional layer of insulation, as the material has poor thermal insulation.

4. Fiber cement siding. A special type that is made from cement, sand, water, cellulose fibers and reinforcing panels. The material is not inferior in strength to concrete, reliably imitates the relief of natural components, and is resistant to climatic and mechanical influences. In the manufacture of fiber cement siding under the stone, marble chips, quartz, mica are added to the composition, which makes it more similar to natural material. It is often used to decorate basements, gazebos, fences.

In addition to choosing the main material - stone-like siding - it is important to select additional elements (starting, finishing strips, corners, details for decorating window and doorways), which during installation will make the joints of panels and openings more accurate.

Thanks to the improvement of production technologies, today you can find a wide variety of textures and patterns of siding surfaces. Moreover, the variety boasts the constant emergence of new solutions that can plausibly imitate natural rubble stone, rocky, granite blocks, shell rock, etc. The siding that imitates brick looks great - it is quite relevant today not only for exteriors, but also for residential interiors .

Based on the type of stone depicted and the size of the pattern, siding is represented by an extensive colors, which makes it possible to choose the most appropriate design.

Stone siding application

Although the material itself looks quite beautiful, it is important to choose the right pattern for the aesthetic design of external or internal walls building.

Exterior siding

Finishing the facades of the building with siding must be provided at the construction stage. If the decision is made to clothe all the walls with this decorative material, it is better to give preference to vinyl panels, which are light in weight and will not create additional pressure on the box. For powerful concrete and brick buildings, the choice of material can be anything. When choosing a material pattern, it is worth considering that large masonry looks great on large buildings, and for small house it is better to choose a material that imitates a small stone.

In buildings on several floors, in most cases, separate architectural elements are decorated with stone-like siding: partially walls, a plinth, a bay window, etc. The exterior finish looks beautiful with the delineation of the surfaces of the plinth and walls using different siding textures and its shades. If there are several buildings on the site (arbor, bath, etc.), they can be decorated in the same style as the house, using the same texture of the material - this option will look very stylish, emphasizing the excellent taste of the owner and the beauty of the stone surrounded by greenery.

The stone is perfectly combined with other types of finishes, for example, with decorative plaster, wood, blockhouse. In the photo you can see a magnificent tandem of stone-like siding, which marks the central part of the building, with smoothly plastered walls and entrance columns. A striking example would be modern houses in the style of a chalet, where the lower part of the building is decorated with basement siding, and the top is made of wood or materials imitating it.

Stone siding in the interior

In modern interior decoration interiors, the most relevant recently is siding, imitating brickwork. It can become a worthy decoration of a cozy living room, sometimes the material is used to decorate the kitchen, but it is better to be careful not to place it near the fire. In the corridor, imitation of natural stone is used, as a rule, sporadically - corner territories, niches, doorways are decorated with siding. You can find this type of finish on balconies, which even in cold winter period will look warm and cozy.

Stone siding - photo

In conclusion, we suggest visiting the photo gallery, where you can see many ways to use stone siding. You will see how great this material is able to decorate the facades of buildings, small buildings, fences and house adjoining areas. The photo also shows options for using stone siding in stylish interiors. Enjoy watching!

The facade is the visiting card of the house, and the main task of the owners is to preserve it for many years. The proposed article contains useful information about stone effect siding, prices and main features various kinds material. You will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of vinyl, acrylic, metal and fiber cement panels and the rules for choosing them.

Strict compliance with the natural original

About using siding

Among the various materials used in exterior decoration, natural stone siding is considered one of the most popular. It is customary to call siding panels that imitate natural masonry; the height of the relief in some models can reach 16-18 mm.

There are two types of siding on the market - facade and basement. The latter is a kind of facade panels and has improved characteristics. This difference is explained by the peculiarities of operation: the basement of the building must cope with greater loads than the facade, and basement materials are designed to protect the base from rain and melt water, snow and freezing. Both types can be used for facade cladding; while finishing plinth panels will require more investment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Finishing a house with stone-like siding solves not only decorative, but also practical tasks, which include the following advantages:

    Strength. The finish is designed for long-term operation without changing the original characteristics.

Beautiful and practical

    Home longevity. During the installation of panels, technological ventilation gaps are formed, thanks to which the facade of the house is protected from moisture.

    unpretentiousness. Products are resistant to fluctuations in temperature and high humidity, do not rot and are not attractive to mold.

    Ease of installation. The lightness of the material makes the work easy and fast; the involvement of highly qualified personnel is not required.

    Practicality. Finishing is carried out using a hinged ventilated facade. This makes it possible to hide construction defects and visually change the proportions of the building. The surface does not require regular maintenance.

    Accurate simulation. A house lined with stone-like siding looks like a building made of natural material; not every specialist will notice the difference from a few steps.

    Design possibilities. Due to the variety of colors and textures, you can choose the material for any architectural project or style.

    Affordable price . Natural stone is expensive to buy, heavy, difficult to process and install. "Stone" siding walls will significantly save the budget, which is a significant plus.

Stone clad house

Types of siding

To pick up best option, you need to understand that there are several types of siding for natural stone, with different characteristics. Knowing the features of certain products, you can make an informed choice.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl panels are made from polyvinyl chloride, which determines most of the advantages of finishing:

    Durability. Guarantee period different models is 20-30 years or more.

    Versatility. Vinyl siding is suitable for cladding foundations and facades. Lightweight flexible material does not weigh down the structure, it can be used on any building, from wood to concrete.

    energy efficiency. Facing facades and plinths with siding, together with an insulating layer, improves the thermal insulation of the house. The cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature in housing will decrease both in winter and in summer (heating or air conditioning).

    Incombustibility. Vinyl products do not support combustion, so they can also be used for interior decoration.

Vinyl siding trim

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Safety. Vinyl panels are environmentally friendly and biodegradable - you can forget about mold and insects.

    Budget price. Panels and siding are available to a wide range of consumers.

The disadvantages of materials include low mechanical strength - a strong blow can leave a crack on the surface or completely split it. A serious disadvantage of vinyl cladding is its instability to ultraviolet light, which is especially noticeable on the sunny side of the house; over time, the color of the surface loses saturation, and this cannot be corrected.

The average price of products in Moscow and the region looks like:

    Vinyl siding 645x525 mm: 150-180 rubles / piece or 570-610 rubles / m 2.

    Vinyl siding 1407x327 mm: 300-330 rubles / piece or 770-840 rubles / m 2.

    Vinyl siding 2000x215 mm: 270-310 rubles / piece or 620-640 rubles / m 2.

    Facade panels (basement). Size 0.47-0.85 m 2 , from 350-430 rubles / piece.

Video description

About the benefits of finishing a house with siding in the following video:

Acrylic siding

You can buy stone-like siding for house cladding, the price and parameters of which differ from those of vinyl material. Acrylic siding is made from acrylic polymers, so some of its properties differ from those of the vinyl counterpart, and look like this:

    Fortitude. The material is resistant to high temperatures and to chemical influences (acids, fat, alkalis and salts). The casing does not change its properties, heating up to + 75-80 ° С.

    UV resistance. Burns out in the sun 8-10 times slower than vinyl panels.

    Price. Improved performance determines the higher cost of acrylic panels. Prices for acrylic siding in Moscow start from 260-280 rubles per piece. (domestic), from 300-380 rubles / piece. (German, Canadian).

facade in acrylic

metal siding

Metal siding panels are made of high quality galvanized steel (thickness 0.4–0.5 mm). A polymer layer is applied on top, which improves the quality of the product. Metal siding offered by manufacturers can imitate the surface of wood, stone or brickwork, indistinguishable from the real thing. Product characteristics can be represented as follows:

    Operational properties. Metal siding is stronger than plastic counterparts. The material is quite durable and non-combustible, well resists temperature changes and mechanical deformations.

    Weight. The panels are heavier than polymer varieties of siding, which makes the cladding process more laborious.

    Usage. The facade of metal siding under the stone looks like a monolithic stone surface. Finishing allows repainting - over time, you can change the annoying shade of the brick facade.

    Flaws. There are two of them - a more complex installation of panels and possible corrosion in places of damage.

    Price starts from about 420-540 rubles / piece. (depending on size and thickness).

Metal siding in the decoration of a country house

fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding panels for the exterior of a house under a stone can transform any building. These facade products consist of cement, cellulose fibers, sand and water (sometimes synthetic fibers and lime are included). Thanks to special technologies, cladding can be given any appearance and shade (for which resistant acrylic paint is used). Fiber cement siding is good for many reasons:

    Physical properties. The cement base of the material makes it non-combustible. Fiber cement siding enhances the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties of facade walls.

    Operational properties. Due to the strength and ductility of fiber cement panels, they are distinguished by a long service life in any climatic conditions. The material retains its color throughout the warranty period.

    Environmental friendliness. The composition includes only natural materials that are not hazardous to health.

fiber cement siding

    Choice. Panels are stylized under different types of natural stone and brick; the surface of the panels conveys the texture and color of the original with maximum reliability.

    Practicality. The installation of the sheathing is carried out according to the principle of the designer, which cannot be compared with the complex process of masonry. The finished skin is unpretentious in care - in case of contamination, it is simply washed with water.

The disadvantages include:

    The need for a strong frame(the weight of one siding panel ranges from 5 to 9 kg).

    High requirements for crate erection accuracy.

    Price. In Moscow: From 700-780 rubles / piece. (Eastern European manufacturers), from 1600 rubles / piece. (Belgian), from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / piece. (Japanese).

Video description

About brick siding in the following video:

About selection rules

When choosing siding, pay attention not only to the price, but also to some additional conditions:

    Place of purchase. It is better to purchase materials in specialized departments, where you can see the goods in person and chat with a sales assistant. Pay attention to the manufacturer, check the availability of certificates, specify the terms of the guarantee.

    Choosing the type of siding. The choice depends on the place of use of the skin. For example, if vinyl siding with its frost resistance ideal for areas with harsh winters, UV-resistant acrylic panels are beneficial in sunny areas.

    Durability. Every owner wants to buy quality material. So that the siding does not peel off, does not swell, does not exfoliate and retains its color, purchase products with a quality guarantee. The seller must present all the necessary certificates (compliance, hygienic and fire safety); documents must indicate technical specifications and manufacturer's address.

    The presence of an anti-hurricane lock. The connection is a sign of quality products, thanks to it the skin will not suffer from strong gusts of wind.

Plinth side panel

    Appearance. Inspection allows you to weed out products with damage and discrepancies in the pattern on different panels. Assessing the appearance, pay attention to the thickness (it should be the same throughout the panel) and color uniformity.

    Design possibilities. Stone-look siding houses have an elegant look and fit into any landscape. Various collections of siding panels differ in the level of elaboration - the texture can be applied in the form of a pattern or be embossed; imitate granite, brick, marble, small and large natural stone, tuff and slate.

    Accessories. Many collections include trims and accessories. Such additions must be identical to the main panels in color and texture, otherwise the structure will look sloppy.

    Style. It is better to think over the design of the facade in advance. You can use one type of panel for the entire façade, or you can visually separate the plinth and walls with panels different color and/or invoices. The same materials can be used to decorate a barn, a bathhouse, a gazebo or a well.

Siding trim will decorate any home


Using other materials for facade cladding, you will be forced to think about repair or replacement in 5-7 years. The average service life of siding is 20-25 years, for facade panels it reaches 40-50 years. The choice of these materials is based on a reasonable, economic approach - without subsequent maintenance and periodic processing, the safety of the facade can be forgotten for a quarter of a century.
