During repairs, it is often necessary to drill holes in stone or concrete partitions or walls, and sometimes it is necessary to remove part of the wall or cut a rather large hole in it.

In good concrete, it is quite difficult to drill even a small hole to the desired depth, so for this they use not an ordinary drill, but an impact one, and use special drill for concrete. If they are coming, then you will have to resort to the help of a perforator.

Some mistakenly believe that tools such as an impact drill and a hammer drill are one and the same. This is fundamentally wrong, since these tools have a completely different principle of operation.

The rotary hammer has its own impact mechanism, while the effectiveness of an impact drill depends entirely on the power of its engine and the force with which the user can press on the tool during operation.

Working with a hammer drill, you can apply three times less force than when working with a drill. Using a drill is possible:

  • drill holes in wood, metal, plastic;
  • drill a brick (in shock mode);
  • screw and self-tapping screws.

A hammer drill is a much more powerful tool, which also has a resource that is incomparable with the resource of the best impact drill. In addition to everything that a drill “can do”, a hammer drill can:

  • drilling stone and reinforced concrete;
  • chiseling with different chisels, with which you can make a hole in the wall or groove gutters for
  • drive a rod;
  • beat off tiles or concrete irregularities;
  • produce ramming.

Classification of perforators

To classify this type of instrument, you can. For example, according to the field of application, all punchers are divided into:

  1. Household.
  2. Professional.

According to the way the engine of the device is located relative to the shock axis, the units can be divided into two types:

  1. Horizontal - the axis of the electric motor is parallel to the shock axis of the device. Such perforators have an elongated shape and are convenient when working in narrow openings.
  2. Vertical - the axis of the engine is perpendicular to the impact axis of the tool, and its shape resembles the letter L. A feature of these devices is good engine cooling.

Additional tool features

In order to make work as convenient and safe as possible, manufacturers supply their:

  • Switch stopper - makes it possible not to keep your finger on the switch all the time, which facilitates work and relieves unnecessary stress from the hand.
  • Anti-vibration system - dampens vibrations. This function is equipped with expensive instrument models.
  • Depth gauge - allows you to determine when the hole reaches the required depth.
  • Soft start - reduces the oscillation of the hammer immediately after it is turned on.
  • Speed ​​mode switch - allows you to change the speed according to the task.
  • Reverse function - helps to release the stuck drill.
  • Drilling-chiseling switch - allows you to "on the go" change the operating mode of the tool.

Some models of rotary hammers are devoid of certain functions, so when buying, you need to pay special attention to this.

How to choose a tool when buying

When purchasing a device, be sure to check it “on the go”. Turn on the puncher and listen carefully - a good quality device works without amplifications and knocks.

Then the selected model must be connected to the network, and when it reaches maximum speed, turn it off. Pay attention to how the stop occurs - the speed should decrease smoothly, and not stop abruptly.
Ask the seller about the availability of service centers of the manufacturer in the city. Check the availability of warranties and the warranty period.

How to work with a perforator

In any instruction for the tool, it is enough to use it:

  • Before installing or changing attachments, the tool must be unplugged from the mains.
  • The shank of the nozzle must be lubricated with grease.
  • The nozzle is inserted into the cartridge.
  • The perforator is connected to the network, by pressing the trigger a start is made. The cartridge must rotate without impact.
  • Drilling is carried out without pressure on the working tool - this can lead to the destruction of the drill.
  • After each hole, the drill must be cleaned of dust and crumbs.
  • The equipment of the tool must correspond to the type of work performed.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the tool does not overheat - this will reduce its service life.
  • It is recommended to use when working with thick rubber gloves - this will additionally protect the worker from vibration.
  • Make sure the gearbox is always lubricated.

A master working in dwellings where the walls and ceilings are made of brick and concrete needs a perforator like air. How to choose a hammer drill for your home that meets exactly your needs, how different models differ, what to look for when buying - these and many other questions do not have a clear answer. We'll figure out.

A perforator is a specialized power tool whose main task is to make holes in concrete, brick and similar hard materials. Most models have a mode switch that disables spindle rotation and puts the tool in chiseling mode. In this mode, it works like an electric jackhammer.

What is the difference between a drill and a perforator

The drill is designed for drilling. Perforator - for drilling. The only thing common in these modes is the rotation of the working nozzle.

The photo shows a drill and a drill. The drill rotates and cuts off a layer of material with a sharp cutting edge. A characteristic spiral chip is formed.

A carbide nozzle with sharp triangular edges is fixed on the tip of the drill. The drill rotates and at the same time the special mechanism of the perforator strikes at it. The material crumbles, the resulting crushing products are removed from the hole by the spiral part of the drill.

The differences between a drill and a hammer drill are not only in the nozzles used. Internal design differences are much deeper. The impact drill is equipped with a ratchet. When the user presses on the tool during drilling, the ratchet, as it were, "crushes" the force of this pressing. In this case, "drilling with impact" is simulated.

Unlike a drill, a hammer drill has a special pneumatic piston, which is driven by an electric motor and strikes the back of the working nozzle.

The drill is firmly clamped in the drill chuck. The drill is fixed in special grooves that allow it to move along the longitudinal axis and simultaneously transmit the rotation of the spindle.

The video shows the basic device of the perforator.

Let's summarize the differences between a drill and a comparable hammer drill in the table:

Drill Perforator
Power (typical) 300-800W 550-1500W
Rotational speed up to 3000 rpm. Up to 1500 rpm.
impact energy No 2-3.5 J
Types of jobs drilling, screwdriving drilling, chiselling, drilling, screwdriving
rigging Drills, crowns, bits, etc. (clamped in a chuck) Drills, chisels, crowns with a special shank. Drills, crowns, etc. (using a special adapter chuck).
Price relatively small big

Specifications perforator

When choosing a perforator, the buyer focuses on its technical characteristics. Without understanding their significance for solving specific practical problems, it is impossible to answer the question of how to choose a rotary hammer.

Hammer power

The performance of any power tool depends on its power. The larger it is, the faster the tool performs its task. In the case of a perforator, a more powerful device makes holes faster.

The power of perforators starts from 550 watts. The most popular universal models have a power of 780-850 watts.

Hammer impact energy

This characteristic determines the force of impact of the piston on the working nozzle and is measured in joules. More impact energy - better perforator.

The impact energy depends on the power of the electric motor and on the design of the impact mechanism. Perforators the best manufacturers at a relatively low power they give a strong blow. The "second tier" models can be very powerful, but at the same time with a weak impact.

The impact energy of running models is in the range of 2.4-3.0 J.

Perforator weight

For this technical specification usually do not pay attention, but in vain. The influence of mass on the convenience of working with a puncher is very large and ambiguous.

On the one hand, the lighter the tool, the more convenient and less tiring it is to work with. If you need to drill a couple of holes, you can ignore the weight of the device. It's a different story if it's going to be a long job. The weight of the device becomes especially noticeable when working from an uncomfortable position: from a ladder, on the ceiling, in a cramped space.

The small weight of the device in some situations may be a disadvantage. When drilling large diameter holes in hard materials, recoil becomes noticeable. Nobody canceled Newton's third law. A light perforator does not dampen recoil badly, the tool bounces off the wall: the impact energy does not go into the wall, but into the operator's hand.

Hammer drill diameter

This is the most informative integral characteristic of the instrument. The larger the maximum drilling diameter in concrete, the more fully the power of the perforator is used. The possibilities of drilling without impact are characterized by the diameter of drilling in wood and metal.

In popular models of perforators, the maximum drilling diameter in concrete reaches 24-26 mm, in wood - 32 mm, in steel - 13 mm.

Options and functions

Speed ​​control

As a rule, the speed is regulated by pressing the start button. At low speeds, the nozzle rotates more slowly and the impact energy is low. Some models are equipped with a rev limiter.


This feature is very useful to release a jammed nozzle. Structurally, the reverse is implemented in two ways: the lever on the trigger (start button) or the rotation of the brush assembly.

Which method is better is debatable. Switching reverse on the trigger is more common, more familiar and more convenient to use. Therefore, if you intend to use the hammer as a powerful screwdriver or wrench, definitely choose a model with just such a switch in the direction of rotation of the spindle.

Safety clutch

It is supplied with almost all models of punchers, except for the simplest and cheapest. When the nozzle is jammed (and this happens often in work), the clutch disconnects the puncher spindle and the electric drive, protecting the tool from breakage, and the master from injury. It is worth noting that the drill does not have such a device.


Most rotary hammer models that use SDS+ standard bits have a horizontal layout like a traditional drill. The axis of rotation of the electric motor is parallel to the axis of rotation of the spindle.

Some models of light rock drills and almost all powerful heavy models of the SDS-max standard have a design in which the axis of rotation of the electric motor and the drill are perpendicular. The case of the device is L-shaped. This decision is due to some design considerations. Among other things, this makes it easier to work with the tool: the center of gravity shifts forward - less effort is required to hold the hammer.

Tool Mounting Standard: SDS-Plus and SDS-Max

There are many varieties of tails. But there are only two running gears that are used in the vast majority of models of rotary hammers.

Fundamentally, these two standards differ only in size. The SDS-Plus shank diameter is 10 mm and is used for small diameter drills up to 30 mm. nozzles bigger size are already available with an SDS-Max shank with a diameter of 18 mm.

Shanks of different standards differ in configuration. But the function is the same: to transfer torque to the working nozzle, while allowing it to move along the axis during operation.

Each perforator model is produced under a specific standard. There are adapters, but this is exotic. They are rarely found on sale.

Cordless Hammers

They appeared on the market quite recently. This was facilitated by progress in the development of batteries of sufficient capacity.

The undoubted advantage of these models is the ability to work in places where there is no way to connect to the mains or it is inconvenient to carry a power cable.

If we compare battery models with network counterparts, then they: weigh a little more, are much more expensive and, in addition, their batteries are short-lived.


Properly choosing a hammer drill is only half the battle. Without the proper equipment, the hammer drill is unsuitable for work.

The choice of equipment is the topic of a separate article, but it cannot be completely bypassed. To get a general idea, watch the video:

Now you know that a variety of nozzles are available for rotary hammers. Not all of them are equally represented in the sale. Therefore, you need to decide in advance which nozzles will be used in the work and take care of their purchase.

The quality of the perforator nozzles directly determines their durability and cost. A rational approach is also needed here. For drilling two or three holes, the cheapest drill will be enough. To perform bulk work, it is more profitable to purchase expensive, but durable consumables.

Professional or household?

The division of power tools into "professional" and "household" is very conditional. There are manufacturers who classify their products themselves, but there are very few of them.

The main requirement for tools for "professional" use is a large resource and high reliability. Unfortunately, no manufacturer indicates these parameters in the specifications.

How to choose the right hammer drill

To buy the best hammer drill, you need to decide for what purposes you need it. This will help to highlight the critical parameters of the future tool and build on them in your choice.

For home master, which needs to occasionally make several holes for hanging shelves or a lamp, an inexpensive amateur model with low power is suitable. It is unlikely that the chiseling mode will be required and large diameter holes will need to be made.

Accessories (additional handle, drill stop, drill chuck) and storage case will be useful.

For professional use, you need a reliable lightweight tool. Working attachments are optional. Their list is very large and the masters buy them as needed.

It is important that the rotary hammer is designed for long continuous operation.

An overview of several popular hammer drill models for the home


The audience of this manufacturer is home craftsmen. Inexpensive beautiful tools have all the necessary functions: three operating modes, speed control, reverse.

The impact energy is low - only 1.8 J, but for household needs this is quite enough. The 710 W motor is capable of drilling holes in concrete up to 22 mm in diameter.

Bosch PBH 3000-2 FRE

Popular model of the German manufacturer for a wide range of tasks. The power consumption of 750 W and the impact energy of 2.8 J make it possible to drill holes in concrete up to 26 mm. Tool weight 3.3 kg.

A feature of this model is the speed switch.

Makita HR2450

This model of the Japanese manufacturer has gained immense popularity among professional craftsmen due to its exceptionally low weight. With a mass of only 2.4 kg, the tool has a power of 780 W and develops an impact energy of 2.7 J.

Three modes of operation, speed control by pressing the trigger, reverse. The tool is supplied in a case.

Use the tool for its intended purpose, do not overload it. Take breaks during long periods of work. They are needed not only to allow the instrument to cool. The operator is affected by vibrations from the perforator. They interfere with circulation. Breaks are needed for it to recover.

A few more tricks:

  • Lubricate the working attachment shank regularly. Use any grease for this.
  • Drilling in concrete and similar materials quickly wears out the bit. The sharp edges of the pobedit tip are rounded off. The spiral part also wears out, becomes thinner and removes drilling products from the hole worse. Together, this reduces work efficiency. Replace worn nozzles promptly.
  • A large diameter hole in concrete is easier to drill in two passes: first use a smaller drill, and then the one you need.
  • Ceramic tiles are drilled without impact. After the drill passes through it, the hammer drilling mode is activated and the base under the tile is drilled in the usual way.


A huge selection of models on sale makes it difficult to answer the question of how to choose a rotary hammer. There are many conflicting considerations to be taken into account. If all of the above information did not bring clarity, try using the elimination method according to this algorithm:

  1. Determine your budget for the purchase of a rotary hammer. Models that do not fit into it, do not consider.
  2. Read reviews and select three or four popular models that have most reviews.
  3. Pay special attention to negative feedback. And among them, those that mention specific shortcomings. Consider how critical these shortcomings are for you. Stop the choice on two models.
  4. Go to the store and look at these two models, hold them in your hands and evaluate "by eye".
  5. If you haven't chosen yet, flip a coin!

Good luck and successful work!

From mining to construction. Made such a path perforator. For repair it began to be used in the 20th century. The first perforator was invented a century earlier for drilling hard rock.

Jordan's model was percussive, it worked mechanically. In 1849, Zhdonaton Kouch designed a perforator that works with the help of water power.

Then came the steam models. The pneumatic device was created in 1857. Tried a Frenchman by the name of Sommelier. But the merit of creating an electric tool belongs to the engineers of the Bosch company.

Choose a perforator powered by the mains, they offered in 1932 at a trade fair in Leipzig. In the Bosch model, the impact force was combined with the rotational moment. Modern hammer drills work on the same principle.

Types and characteristics of perforators

Types of perforators that appeared before the electric one have sunk into oblivion. Network-powered tools were out of competition. However, there was a division within the group of electrical models.

In particular, there are concepts "Puncher for home" and "professional". The first performs household tasks, is low-powered and small. The first such device was released by the same Bosch company in 1981. The weight of the tool was only 2 kilos.

Professional tool vs. perforator for homework tend to be powerful and heavy. In general, the mass of tools divides them into 3 classes:

  • Easy. The category includes perforators up to 4 kilograms. Their power is enough, mainly for making holes in various surfaces. The impact force does not exceed 2 joules.
  • Average. It includes models weighing from 5 to 8 kilos. Their strength is enough not only for holes, but also for cleaning concrete irregularities, cutting steel gratings. Impact force increases to 7 joules
  • Heavy. The class includes hammers weighing more than 8 kilograms. Nothing like that. However, in handling a heavy class instrument requires skill. Among the models of the category there are no household ones. Perforators of the class strike with a force of about 10-15 joules. There are downsides to this kind of power. The first is high power consumption, and the second is the rapid wear of parts operating at the limit.

Perforators are also divided according to the type of connection. The first electric models worked from the network, that is, they were supplied with cords.

Such tools still exist today. Group models limit movement and make work dependent on the presence of nearby current.

More often to work puncher choose with battery. The first model with it was designed in 1984. Even lighter and more convenient perforators powered by lithium-ion batteries.

However, they do have limitations. The composition of the batteries excludes operation in the cold. Among the cordless tools, there are those that can withstand extreme conditions.

In question, how to choose a perforator It also helps to classify functions according to a set of functions. There are basic and additional. The first ones include:

Drill Speed ​​Adjustment

Impact function

Drilling function

The list of additional functions of rotary hammers is wider. In particular, the shock mute function is useful. You can use the tool as a drill.

By the way, there is also a limitation top speed perforator. The function ensures uninterrupted operation. In this case, a special button stops the switch in a certain mode.

There are also hammer drills with vibration damping. The add-on “entered” easily into heavy models, but for the first time it entered into light devices only in 2005.

The innovators were the engineers of the same Bosch company. They also introduced many of the following additions to rotary hammers:

The reverse function, that is, the reverse movement, makes it easy to unscrew the drill

Soft release mechanism eliminates jerks when turning on the device

Protection against jamming in working condition protects the master and the tool itself from injury

The work plane task is called vario-lock

There are also details in the perforator. They should pay special attention when choosing a tool. This will help save not only when buying, but also when using the device.

What to look out for

Additional brushes may be included with the tool. Their price, together with a perforator, is lower than when purchased separately. Therefore, considering 2 competing devices with and without brushes, it is logical to choose the first one.

The set with the hero of the article can include not only spare brushes, but also drills. In the package with the tool, they are also cheaper than in a separate sale.

The choice of a puncher with an adapter is also justified. This part allows you to install a drill from a conventional drill on the device. The addition makes the puncher a versatile tool that will come in handy someday.

It is worth paying attention not only to the equipment and functionality of the tool, but also to its origin. It is no secret that the factories of most companies are scattered around the world.

Along with Japanese enterprises, there are Chinese, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese ones. Manufacturers claim that build quality and parts are identical in different states. In fact, this is not so.

Hammer drills assembled in Japan give odds to others. Professional builders know this and ask for a tool from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Stores are tricky. The first batch is ordered in Japan, and then the goods are shipped from China, showing customers an invoice for the debut purchase. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to the document itself, but also to the dates affixed to it.

It is even better to have a friendly conversation with store managers, leave a number, ask to queue for an instrument from Japan. Such devices are worth the wait. The price tag is higher than on the batch from China, but it's worth it.

How to choose the right hammer drill

Deciding which drill to choose must take into account personal needs. If the device is needed for domestic needs, rare use, why overpay for power first in the store, and then to the electricity supplier?

This is justified, only if necessary to make wide holes in the walls. Lightweight perforators are capable of drilling with a diameter of up to 2 centimeters. The tool of the middle class is capable of 3-4, and heavy devices give holes 5-6 centimeters wide.

If you are going to buy a heavy-weight option, look through the DeWALT catalogs. American brand. Due to the professional orientation of the brand's punchers, they cost from 18,000. For a home master, the costs are hardly justified.

As an alternative to the DeWALT tool, you can choose puncher "Makita". If you are looking for an inexpensive and high-quality middle-class device, you should turn to Sparky.

Bulgarian company. She became famous for the BP 400E rotary hammer. The tool is available, at the same time, it is reliable and equipped with bit fixation in any position, speed adjustment.

Pay attention to the simplicity of the design of the perforator, the possibility of its analysis. Damage is not ruled out. It may occur after the warranty period. The convenient structure of the tool will allow you to independently disassemble and repair it. Start parsing from the top node:

Remove the rubber tip

Remove the lock washer

Remove spring and ball

Unscrew the fixing screws

Remove the pad from the handle of the perforator

Disconnect stator wires

Remove brush holder

Disconnect the gearbox from the housing

The switch is removed from the gap between the gearbox and the housing.

Place the body vertically and clamp it with a vise

Remove and clean the internal parts of the perforator

Independent analysis and repair of the hero of the article will allow you to better get acquainted with his device, personally answer for the quality of work and, of course, save money.

Prices for perforators

The cost of a puncher depends on the name of the manufacturer, the place of assembly, the class of the tool and the set of its functions. The minimum price tag is about 7,000 rubles.

The maximum cost for running models reaches 50,000 rubles. It is profitable to purchase professional equipment from your hands.

However, the acquisition of a used tool carries certain risks, because the condition of the hammer is difficult to predict.

However, experienced builders diagnose problems with the device on a trial run and check modes.

– this means operating the power tool as efficiently as possible on the construction site. Ultimately, it depends on this knowledge how accurately in its parameters it will correspond to certain operating conditions, how long and reliably it will serve its owner.

But before moving on to the design features, consider the principle of operation and the range practical application perforator as one of the most popular tools of the builder today.

Perforator and its purpose

Specified electric construction tool is a fairly powerful drilling device, different from the traditional electric drill and the more modern impact drill.

The rotary hammer differs from the first, except for the function of rotating the drill, by the presence of a longitudinal-axial movement of the nozzle. Reciprocating motion is also present in the operation of an impact drill. But in the scheme of its work, this possibility is achieved by the interaction of two toothed ratchets, while the impact action of the perforator is ensured by the use of a special pneumatic or electromagnetic mechanism.

Due to this, the specified power tool with its working body acts on the surface to be treated with greater force than an impact drill. In addition, drill ratchets clinging to each other cannot impart a sufficiently large amplitude of longitudinal movement to the drill, which, for its part, distinguishes a standard hammer drill.

This feature determines the scope of its practical application.

The hammer drill is designed for drilling holes in especially hard materials (brick, natural stone, concrete).

And he does it much more efficiently, better and faster than the same impact drill.

Modern models are distinguished by their versatility. This is facilitated by the presence in them of the ability to work in 3 modes. A jackhammer mode is added to the normal drilling mode (like a drill) and drilling with simultaneous impacts. The presence of this mode allows you to use the device for grooving grooves in plaster, in lightweight concrete and other relatively soft building materials.

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The main types of punchers

All known today power tools are divided into household and professional.

The second most important division of perforators is according to the type of drive applied to their design:

  1. Network power drills. They work only from the local electrical network. For this reason, their operation is limited by the presence of a stationary outlet in the immediate vicinity of the place of work.
  2. Cordless power drills. They can be powered both from the local power supply and from the built-in battery. This feature makes them convenient for facade and other work away from the fixed network. However, they can be equipped with lithium-ion, nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries.
  3. Pneumatic perforators. They are used in cases where work is carried out in difficult conditions, in particular, at the risk of an explosion, electric shock to a person, short circuit due to an abundance of water, etc.
  4. Petrol hammers. Such systems are used in conditions of large and continuous loads away from sources of electricity (for example, during large-scale road works).

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Features of the design of the perforator

The impact impulse of a power tool directed at the surface to be treated is created by either an electromagnetic or pneumatic unit. When using an electromagnetic mechanism, the longitudinal movement of the core is provided by two induction coils.

If we are talking about a tool with pneumatics, then in this case the impact is made by a piston moving inside the cylinder due to the sufficient compression created in it. As a result, the striker hits the end face of the working nozzle, which, simultaneously with drilling, gradually destroys the structure of the material being processed.

Currently, rotary hammers with two types of electric motor arrangement are in operation: horizontal and vertical. The first type is mainly used in light household appliances, the second - in medium and heavy (professional) tools.

Devices with a horizontal engine due to this scheme, as a rule, are more compact, more convenient when drilling in hard-to-reach places. However, this arrangement has a number of significant drawbacks. In particular, longitudinally mounted motors experience an increased shock load during operation, and also cool somewhat worse and slower than vertical motors.

Accordingly, these shortcomings are deprived of rotary hammers with a vertical layout of the electric motor. At the same time, such a scheme provides a sufficiently large amplitude of movement of the “piston-firing” pair. This happens due to the use of a special crank mechanism in the tool, which increases the piston stroke. As a result, rotary hammers with a vertical electric motor endure intensive use better than models with a horizontal motor.

The shock pulse mechanism is the most important unit of any rotary hammer. The effectiveness and reliability of the entire perforating device ultimately depends on its efficiency and reliability.

As mentioned above, perforators, according to the principle of shock impulse formation, are divided into electromechanical and electropneumatic. At the same time, pneumatic tools make up the vast majority of products in use today.

Electro-pneumatic tools have gained such popularity by the fact that they develop significant energy of the shock impulse at the minimum rated power of the electric motor. Pneumatic impact is provided either by a “drunk” (oscillating) bearing scheme (light and partially medium perforators), or a crank mechanism (medium and heavy devices).

Two types of anti-vibration system are used in modern rotary hammers: active and passive. The first option is used exclusively in models with a powerful power unit, the second - in "weaker" models. The basis of this system is a counterweight with a shock-absorbing spring, which takes on the recoil energy.

The transmission of rotation from the electric motor to the working cartridge is provided by a gearbox. At the same time, it activates the impact mechanism. The gearbox is an interconnected system of gears of various configurations and is characterized by a certain gear ratio. This number is changed by the electronic regulator.

The case of the device can be either metal or plastic. But most often, in its manufacture, metal is combined with impact-resistant plastic.

Thus, the perforator is a rather complex device, the scheme of which is optimally “tailored” to specific functional tasks for processing especially hard building materials.
