There are many requirements for modern sewer systems. Among them - efficiency, reliability, safety.

Topas is an autonomous sewer complex that meets all the above requirements. What is a septic tank and how does it work?

Characteristics of the sewer complex Topas

Topas is always popular with the consumer, thanks to the optimal combination of its most important characteristics:

Helpful information:

  • compact dimensions (the installation uses no more than one square meter);
  • a septic tank can be installed in any place convenient for arranging sewer drains;
  • ease of draining water, which can be used for irrigation or other needs;
  • simple maintenance of the septic tank, all work can be done on their own.

Advice! The sludge accumulated in the tank can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Septic Topas has several undeniable advantages that give it an advantage over competitors.

Organic pollution, along with sewage, enters the septic tank from the house through the pipeline. There, in the first tank, they are exposed to active bacteria. To speed up the decomposition process, the aeration tank provides a constant supply of oxygen to the tank. The presence of oxygen contributes to the rapid decomposition of feces, fat, food debris that enter the sewer. Such a system provides water purification by 99% in a short time. These figures best confirm the high environmental performance of the septic tank.

The level of wastewater treatment by the Topas septic tank fully complies with accepted international standards. This system organizes a complete cycle of wastewater treatment. Moreover, all stages of cleaning take place inside the installation without any contact with the surrounding space.

Features of autonomous sewerage Topas

Autonomous sewerage Topas successfully operates in various climatic zones. These septic tanks received such distribution due to high environmental characteristics, ease of use. Many people choose Topas because of its ability to quickly and efficiently clean drains.

Topas septic tanks have several options. Topas 5 and Topas 10 are common. Each of them has its own characteristics that allow the use of these installations in certain conditions. Topas 5 is installed in dachas, and Topas 10 is bought by the owners country houses. The range of these septic tanks also includes such installations that can serve hotels, cottage settlements.

Features of the septic tank Topas 5

This septic tank has the smallest capacity of all models of this series that are produced today. Topas 5 is taken to serve cottages and small country houses. Its capacity is 1 m³ of water without reagents.

This model can be installed for permanent work or for seasonal use. The main advantage of this septic tank is the ability to carry out high-quality water purification. Solid sediment accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank, this sludge is often used as fertilizer for growing plants in the garden. At the same time, a sufficiently high processing power is combined with a small amount of energy consumed. Topas 5 takes as much energy as a simple light bulb.

Advice! To ensure the operation of the septic tank in areas with unstable power supply, you can use an electric generator.

One of the advantages of the system is that it is not required to additionally pour new portions of bacteria into the system. They will reproduce themselves and exist in the tank, using human waste that enters the tank as a nutrient medium. The waters move by gravity, from the septic tank they pass into the gutter or into the drainage field.

Topas 5 is designed to service drains from a shower, toilet and two sinks. If Topaz 5 is installed in country house, it should not accommodate more than five people.

Basic principles of wastewater disposal

If it is not possible to bring sewage into a natural reservoir or ravine, it is necessary to equip a filtration site. For the competent arrangement of this element of the sewer system, it is necessary to analyze the following parameters:

  • depth of soil freezing;
  • surface water level;
  • ground water level.

Before installing a septic tank, it is necessary to consider the removal of treated water. If we talk about Topas 5, then you need to drain 1000 liters per day somewhere. If possible, divert water into a ditch. If this is not possible, a filtration well is equipped.

Option number 1 - Drainage into a ditch

Option number 2 - Drainage into the filtration well

  • prevent the entry of acids, alkalis, alcohol into the system, medicines, they can destroy bacteria;
  • do not dispose of rotten food through the sewer system, it may disrupt the operation of the installation;
  • in the event of a power outage, reduce water discharge as much as possible. Because from an overflowing container, contaminated water will enter the site;
  • reduce the ingress of sand, earth into drains, inorganic substances negatively affect the operation of the system;
  • it is necessary to provide regular service, which consists in changing filters and other elements.

Sewerage "Topaz" is a highly efficient modern way waste disposal. With this device, you can refuse the need for operation, since wastewater cleared by 98%. It is believed that at present there is no more efficient and effective system designed to treat wastewater for a country or private house. On sale you can find a wide range of systems that recycle and dispose of wastewater. If there is a need to install the system for complex houses or small cottage villages, then you should choose the models "Topaz-100", "Topaz-150". If we are talking about the need to operate an individual station to serve a family of 5 people who will live in the same house, then it will be possible to purchase the Topaz-5 model.

Description of the sewer system

Sewerage "Topaz" is not just a septic tank, but a whole local system designed for biological treatment. It can be used for a country cottage, a summer residence or a private house. This design includes the following elements: a receiving chamber, a sludge stabilizer, a coarse fraction filter, an airlift, a recirculation airlift, a stabilized sludge airlift, a device for collecting and processing water. It should be noted that the aeration tank, the input of wastewater, the aerator of the receiving chamber, compressors, the cover of the aeration station, the outlet of purified water, as well as the sludge pumping hose.

Operating principle

Sewerage "Topaz" receives effluent, which merges through the sewer system. They are processed in three stages, at the first stage the elements are cleaned of coarse particles. Effluent flows through the pipeline into the receiving chamber of the treatment plant. After they pass through, they trap elements that cannot be cleaned. If they get into the device, they can contribute to the destruction of it. The rest of the liquid enters the aerotank, which is the next chamber. Sewerage "Topaz" at the next stage cleans organic compounds. This stage is considered the most important in wastewater treatment. Passing through the small holes of this compartment, wastewater is saturated with oxygen, which is necessary for the vital activity of aerobic bacteria. Organic compounds are decomposed into inorganic simple ones. After the processed sludge enters the third chamber, which is called a sump. The accumulation of sludge must be pumped out periodically. If we compare with a simple septic tank, then in the case of Topaz, this procedure is performed using a standard pump.

On final stage clarification of purified water occurs, this process is carried out in a secondary source, from where water is discharged into the soil.

Main advantages of the system

If you decide to choose the Topaz manufacturer, the autonomous sewage system of this company has many advantages. This system has a unique design that allows you to separate wastewater and purified water, stabilize sludge, which consists of inorganic compounds, namely nitrates and carbon dioxide. These compounds can later be used to fertilize the area. Among the advantages of "Topaz" can be identified the highest possible level of cleaning, which reaches 99%, as well as ease of operation. It should be noted that a one-time wastewater intake in the amount of 220 liters. Among the positive advantages: compact size, low power consumption, optimal cost, silent operation, environmental friendliness, tightness of the system, as well as the absence of emissions unpleasant odors. The Topaz sewerage system is a biological treatment plant, it acts as an affordable and modern solution to the problem of waste water disposal.

Main disadvantages

What should be remembered if you are interested in the Topaz manufacturer? An autonomous sewer, the price of which can be equal to 80,000 rubles, also has some disadvantages that you must consider before purchasing. The main and significant disadvantage is the need for maintenance. If you violate the rules of operation or do not expose the station to timely maintenance, then Topaz may fail. Many consumers consider the fact that the system is dependent on power sources a disadvantage.

Description of the system in terms of possible malfunctions in operation

If you need a Topaz sewer, you need to consider its analogues, pros and cons even before purchasing the system. As for analogues, consumers most often single out the "Tank" system. Before proceeding with the installation work, you should familiarize yourself with the possible malfunctions that may occur during operation. Among them possible appearance odor or the release of water that has non-standard qualities. This may occur due to the fact that the filling sensor is out of order. If you notice that the protective shutdown of the device is activated quite often, then this may be due to defects in the wiring, among other things, equipment failure may occur. If the septic tank is flooded, this may cause the pump to fail to work, among other things, the outlet pipe may freeze. During operation, the body of the system may be damaged, for this reason water will flow out even when the structure is inoperative.

What should be avoided when operating "Topaz"

For wastewater treatment, you can purchase Topaz products - an autonomous sewage system, the principle of operation of which was described above. In addition, you must certainly know what rules should be followed when using this device, because some violations of the rules of operation, namely, the discharge of gasoline, funds into the sewer household chemicals, solvents, acids, disinfectants can damage the system. These actions can lead to the death of a colony of bacteria. It is important to exclude the discharge of non-decomposing substances such as rubber and plastic into the system.

System failure prevention

"Topaz" - sewage, reviews of which are recommended to read before going to the store - has many advantages. However, to ensure the normal operation of the system for many years, you must follow the rules of operation, performing Maintenance. The latter involves cleaning the filter from large fractions once a month. The owners must clean the sludge 3 times a year, once a year it will be necessary to replace the membranes on the compressors.

Description of popular models

If you need to serve a family of 5 people, then you should choose the Topaz-5 system. Bathroom installation is acceptable if the discharge flow is not exceeded. The outlet pipe must be installed in the system to a depth of eighty centimeters. This model occupies an area equal to one square meter. The power supply is 1.5 kilowatts, which has almost no effect on Technical features provide functionality under any conditions. If it's about standard version, then adjoining with a polyethylene sewer pipe is permissible. In order to forcibly lead to the surface, it is recommended to use the 5 Long station. The average cost varies from 76,000 to 102,000 rubles. "Topaz-8" is considered to be in demand for a family of 8 people. If we compare the power with the previous type, then it exceeds the emissions twice and amounts to 440 liters. The system will be able to service two toilets, the same number of showers, domestic machine drains and three sinks. The cost of this model is 98,700 rubles.

You will have to pay 121,000 rubles for Topaz-10. This model will be able to process even more wastewater. As for Topas-15, 20 and 30, these systems are intended for collective use.


The Topaz system will be able to perform its functions if you choose the right model. It is important to correctly calculate the volumes of wastewater, only then the device will not be overloaded during operation. Otherwise, you may overpay for the system.

Modern life is hard to imagine without the use of the latest technologies. One of the innovations is the autonomous sewage system Topas, designed for private country houses. The unit is produced by the Russian group of companies Topol-Eco, which specializes in modern treatment systems.

Existing modifications of the autonomous system Topas

The Topas septic tank is a complex for the treatment of any wastewater on a biological basis. Autonomous sewer meets all the necessary requirements. It performs three main functions:

  • collects sewage;
  • cleanses;
  • recycles.

Manufacturers have developed numerous modifications of local stations that are able to solve the most complex tasks of site owners. Many factors were taken into account in engineering projects, including the needs of people, the properties of the soil, temperature regime. The Topas septic tank is represented by several modifications.


The treatment plant serves not only private houses and cottages, but also entire hotel complexes or a group of buildings, without. Depending on the number of people living, products are classified as Topas 4, Topas 5, Topas 6 and so on.

The operating potential of the system is designed for simultaneous service from 100 to 150 people. The septic tank Topas 100 and 150 is technically different from the basic models. It is equipped with a reinforced body, large tanks, powerful aeration equipment with forced drainage.

Ground water level

For a high rate, Topas models have been developed with an additional pump for pumping liquid into a special container or. Stations are marked "PR". When installing them, you need to take into account the supply of electrical networks.

Depth of laying sewer communications

Products "Standard" are designed for a depth of 0.4 to 0.8 m from the surface of the earth.

A variety of Topas "Long" with an elongated body is suitable for laying pipes at a depth of 0.9 to 1.5 m.

Topas "Long US" are intended for pipes buried at a mark of 1.5 to 2.4 m.

As well as the design of the sewer system. Single-hull and double-hull options are available.

Characteristics of autonomous sewerage Topas

Autonomous sewerage Topas can improve the quality of life outside the city. The station has proven itself from the best side, so it is widely used by the owners of summer cottages. has the following individual features:

  • Complex small size. Under the sewer it is easy to find the right area, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 1m2.
  • Sewerage can be mounted in any place suitable for drains.
  • Simplified water drainage system, its use for other purposes, for example, for watering plants.
  • Non-volatile septic tanks bring water to a certain state with irrevocable discharge into the ground.
  • Easy installation and maintenance of the plant. If unforeseen circumstances arise, then you can fix the problem yourself.
  • Operation in all weather conditions. The cold season does not affect the activity of aerobic bacteria located inside.
  • The system excludes swamping of the territory. It is designed for any type of soil: clay, sandy, loamy, with quicksand.

The device and principle of operation of the sewer

Autonomous sewerage Topas is a complex device. The installation design consists of four working chambers, each of which has an individual cleaning technique. The filtration cycle eliminates the contact of sewage with the surrounding space. The process of waste decomposition is multistage.

Camera #1

Wastewater with organic contaminants enters the receiving compartment and is subjected to pre-treatment. The coarse filters installed in the first chamber decompose sewage into small particles. At the first stage of processing, the liquid is purified by 50%.

Camera #2

From the receiving tank, the pump pumps the waste into a pyramidal chamber, which is called the aeration tank. Insoluble compounds settle to the bottom, oily compounds float to the surface. There is a mechanical cleaning of the fractions. The second sector is the main element of the sewer system. The aerobic bacteria in it absorb the remains of the waste that did not disappear in the first stage.

The incoming oxygen contributes to the activation of their activity. An important role is played by filters that transport sludge and other heavy impurities into a special container - a stabilizer.

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The third and fourth working chambers are similar to the second compartment. In them, the final purification of effluents takes place, which are brought out.

The biological filtration system produces an environmentally friendly liquid at the outlet, which can enter the ground or be reused. If it is not possible to discharge purified liquids into the ground, the complex is additionally equipped with a compartment drainage pump, which provides a cycle of wastewater treatment.

The viability of microorganisms depends on two factors:

  • The presence of oxygen, which is supplied by the power supply.
  • Positive temperature inside the tank.

Without access to oxygen, bacteria live for several hours, then die. In this case, the Topas septic tank is equipped with new living producers.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous sewerage Topas

The cleaning station with stable operation gives a good result. Compared to other sewer systems, it has many advantages:

  • Compact, handy design. The closing cover gives access to the internal space of the unit.
  • A wide variety of models.
  • Robust housing with thermal insulation properties.
  • Absence of adverse factors: noise, smell.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Independent removal of the purified liquid without the use of a pump.
  • There is no need for the operation of sewage equipment.

Despite the large number of positive factors, autonomous sewage is not without drawbacks:

  • Energy dependence.
  • Regular maintenance - up to four times a year.
  • Limited drain: each unit model is designed for a specific volume. This must be taken into account when receiving guests.
  • Waste limitation: large and insoluble components, disinfectants must not enter the filters.
  • The need to preserve the complex for the winter, subject to seasonal residence outside the city. This set of measures will help preserve beneficial bacteria.
  • High cost due to production costs.

Sewer installation Topas

Before installation work sewer system, it is important to consider the following circumstances:

  • Terrain conditions: nearby trees and bushes are unacceptable.
  • Optimal location: the treatment plant should be located within a radius of at least 5 m from a residential building.
  • Installation features: the absence of pipeline turns or the presence of a pipe with a bend of more than 300.

Installation of the complex involves the implementation of several sequential actions.

Dig a pit with the help of equipment or manually:

  • The width must exceed the dimensions of the body of the product by 50 cm.
  • The depth is calculated so that the manhole cover of the septic tank remains on the surface.
  • A 15-centimeter sand layer is made: the material is poured five centimeters each, moistened with water, leveled with a beam and a building level.
  • For ease of maintenance and to prevent flooding during the spring flood, the local station should rise above the ground.
  • If there is an additional concrete base the height of the pit is calculated from its depth.
  • The walls of the pit are reinforced with an auxiliary wooden structure- formwork.

A trench with a width of 25 cm is stretched from the building to the excavation. Its depth is determined by the level of the sewer. The sewer pipe should have a slope of 5-10 mm per meter:

  • The bottom is covered with a 10 cm layer of sand, compacted, leveled, and a slope is formed.
  • Stacked polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 110 mm for external networks, the joints are sealed.
  • If the depth of the pipeline is below the zero mark of the soil, the pipe is insulated.
  • The angle of inclination is checked with a building level.
  • The pipe is covered with sand.
  • Lay along the laid drainage system electrical cable in a protective sheath.

Final steps

A septic tank is installed in the prepared pit. This can be done manually or using special equipment:

  • When lowering the device around the perimeter of the body, slings are used.
  • The distance between the recess and the septic tank is covered with sand in a circle.
  • At the same time, the septic tank is filled with water.
  • The level of liquid and sand should be equal.

Commissioning of autonomous sewerage involves:

  • Connecting the power cable.
  • Commissioning of house sewerage.
  • Installation of pumps.
  • Starting the Topas system. It is better to entrust such actions to qualified specialists.

Topas septic tank care

Autonomous sewerage Topas works for a long time and efficiently, but subject to the rules of operation:

  • The entry of chemicals into the station is prohibited: medicines, acids, alkalis. They can destroy beneficial microorganisms.
  • Disposal of food waste is not allowed. This will cause the septic tank to fail.
  • In the absence of electricity, the amount of liquid discharged must be minimized.
  • Effluent must not contain inorganic substances such as sand.

Regular maintenance of the system is required:

  • Once every three years, the compressor membranes are cleaned by a hydrodynamic method.
  • Once every twelve years, aeration devices are updated.
  • If the complex works all year round, the accumulated sludge is removed from the stabilizer once every four months.
  • Periodically, substances that cannot be processed by bacteria are removed from the receiving chamber.

Every two years, a comprehensive service is carried out, which involves pumping out sludge, washing containers, cleaning coarse filters, revision of the pump and other elements of the system.

After the procedures for cleaning the equipment, the septic tank is filled with two-thirds of clean water and put into operation.

Septic tanks are one of the most effective options for organizing autonomous wastewater treatment. These devices are not too cheap, but they are convenient and reliable.

To understand why it is worth or not worth installing such a device on the site, you should study the principles of its operation. That is what we will talk about in this article. As a current example, we will use a septic tank for giving Topas.

And also we will consider in detail the device of such a system, highlight the main pros and cons, give recommendations for the operation and maintenance of the septic tank.

A septic tank is a type of sewer device specially designed for complete or almost complete processing, clarification and disinfection of sewage waste masses.

The operation of the device is based on the principle of biological treatment. Active oxygen and special bacteria are used as an active component, which decompose wastewater into water and neutral sludge.

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The principle of operation of septic tanks "Topas"

Through the sewer pipe, effluents enter the first receiving chamber. Here, sewage masses are fermented with the active participation of anaerobic bacteria.

When the level of effluents in the receiver reaches a predetermined level, the waste is pumped into the second chamber using an airlift.

When laying all types of sewer pipelines, including the drain system, one should take into account the level of soil freezing in winter period so that the wastewater does not freeze and create plugs in the channel intended for their flow.

It is not recommended to pour substances that contain antibiotics, as well as chlorine or manganese compounds into the sewer, since this creates an environment hostile to bacterial cultures, they can simply die.

If the number of bacteria in the septic tank decreases markedly, waste processing will slow down, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the septic tank.

For the same reasons, it is not allowed to use a septic tank for the disposal of large quantities of alcohol-containing liquids, technical oils, antifreeze, high concentration acids or alkalis, for example, household cleaners.

Do not flush wool down the drain. Although this is organic matter, it cannot be recycled in the septic tank quickly enough, but it can clog the device.

Regular removal of neutral sludge accumulated at the bottom of the Topas septic tank is an important part of maintaining the device, ensuring its smooth operation.

Problems can also arise as a result of a power outage. If the septic tank does not work, and the waste continues to flow, this will lead to an overflow of the tank, as a result, the untreated mass will enter the soil.

It should be understood that this is not a heating system, the complete pumping of fluid from the septic tank will have a detrimental effect on the bacteria inhabited in the device. Before conservation, the device is cleaned and left partially filled with water.

Topas septic tanks are reliable and useful devices. They are quite diverse both in terms of functionality and price, which allows you to choose suitable option septic tank for any site.

It is very important not only to choose the right septic tank for your home or summer cottage, but also to carry out its competent installation and regular maintenance. In this case, the device will work properly for a long time.

Do you have a compact septic tank from the Topas family installed in your country house? Tell us, did you install it yourself or did you call the master? How often do you clean it and are you satisfied with the overall system? Leave your comments and add a photo of your septic tank in the block under this article - your feedback will be useful to many cottage owners.

Autonomous sewerage for a summer residence and a private house is, first of all, the convenience of city apartments in any, even the most remote, area.

Topas is a modern septic tank for a private house, which is a local treatment plant for a full cycle of cleaning contaminated domestic water. This station of deep biological treatment without the use of any chemical reagents and additives, therefore 100% e ecologically safe for humans and nature. Sewerage in the country will help to dispose of even water after a washing machine or dishwasher contaminated with chemical reagents without harm. Water after filtering is used to water the garden, and sludge (settled as a result of cleaning by aerobic microorganisms) becomes a wonderful fertilizer.

Autonomous sewerage for country house Topas is completely safe and environmentally friendly!

You can buy a Topas septic tank from us at the lowest price, there are also turnkey Septic Topas promotions that allow you to save up to 20% of the family budget. The sewerage system in a private house will give you comfort, and our experts will help you choose the optimal system and install a septic tank in 1 day!

How to choose the best septic tank for a summer residence?

When choosing a septic tank for a summer residence, several factors must be considered:

  1. Terrain and soil features
  2. Number of residents
  3. Groundwater deepening at the site
  4. Quantity household appliances discharging contaminated water (dishwashers and washing machines)
  5. Where to place a septic tank in the country?

To choose best septic tank to give, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of the sewer system itself, and then correctly mount it on the site and connect it. To approximately choose a septic tank for your home use the calculator located on the site. But don't forget that Only a specialist can choose the right septic tank for your home!

Be sure to take advantage of the free consultation By answering a few questions, you will avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary expenses. To select a septic tank for a summer residence, a cottage or a complex of residential buildings, call by phone or use the form feedback in the corner of the screen.

So how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence and not let yourself be deceived?

  1. No matter how trite it may sound, you need to start choosing a sewer for a country house by familiarizing yourself with the documents of the organization in which you are going to buy a septic tank. Ask for documents, dealer agreements and certificates. Give preference to firms with "experience" that have long been engaged in the sale of septic tanks and give guarantees. And of course read the reviews.
  2. When you finally decide where to buy, you need to choose what to buy, namely, to choose the right septic tank for your home. Sewerage in a private house should meet your needs as much as possible, for this you need to roughly represent the volumes of water used by all residents of the house. To do this, use the calculator and listen to the experts.
  3. Compare prices, view promotions. The law price = quality does not always work, for example, for a Topas septic tank, the price varies within 30% from different sellers. Installation with installation and delivery It will save you both time and a decent amount.
