If the only source of water in your country house is a well, then it should be protected and protected from all kinds of pollution. Even if every effort is made to protect it, pollution cannot be completely avoided. But at the same time, there are many ways how the well is cleaned.

There are many reasons why it's time to clean your well. In order to achieve the best result when doing this work, it is important to know the cause and root of the problem. There are several signs:

  • bad smell;
  • color;
  • the presence of impurities, etc.

The most common problems:

Problem Consequences and causes
silting up As a result, the liquid becomes cloudy. Clay and sand deposits are observed at the bottom
Oil film Sign of oil products. The reason may be the depressurization of the mine
rusty water It is explained by the large amount of iron in the liquid.
bacteria When water from a source is rarely used, then bacteria start up in it. The reason may be household debris that got into the mine, such as animals / birds and the like.
Bad smell One of the reasons is the penetration of sewage
green water The reason may come down to algae. Grows when exposed to a lot of sunlight
muddy water In most cases, the reason for this is a failed bottom filter.

Cleaning is also required when you notice a drop in the fluid level. In almost all cases, this work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

How often is correct?

Ideally, once a year. Predominantly chosen spring time of the year.

Advice: even if you don’t have any of the symptoms listed above, preventive cleaning will get rid of possible problems.

Regardless of whether you are carrying out preventive maintenance or scheduled cleaning of the source, it should be done on time when the snow has completely melted. Otherwise, there is a risk that the drained liquid will again return to the source through the perch.

Methods for cleaning the mine in the country, from silt and dirt

There are two main methods:

  1. To go down.
  2. Don't go down.

In the first case, serious precautions should be taken to get the job done. But you can achieve a better result, because it is so real to see what is happening at the bottom of the source.

The second way is the safe method. To solve the problem, special pumping and other equipment is used.


Carelessness can end fatally for the worker. It is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Do not do the work yourself: at least three people.
  • When descending into the mine, be sure to use a safety rope attached to the belt.
  • Before starting, make sure that there are no gases.
  • In the event of a fall of tools from above, the worker below must press as tightly as possible against the wall. Moreover, work should be carried out in a protective helmet.
  • It is unacceptable to stand at the bottom of the well at one point for a long time.
  • You can not purge those who have heart problems.
  • The ladder used must have a platform at the bottom, and securely hook it with a rope from above.
  • Use reliable equipment, including a bucket, cable, etc.

Common Mistakes:

  • Before starting work, the strength of the cable was not checked; the bucket being lifted may break.
  • Unexplained causes of bottom silting. For example, if sand is present, the rings should be checked for integrity. Otherwise, sand can be pumped out indefinitely.
  • If the source is standing, then the rapid pumping of sand will lead to subsidence of the mine. There may be rupture and seal failure.

Manual cleaning: what needs to be prepared?

Prepare the following tools, materials and clothing in advance:

  1. Safety rope.
  2. Long staircase. Instead, you can use a swing on a rope with a board tied at the bottom.
  3. Durable bucket.
  4. Metal brush.
  5. Rope for lifting a bucket.
  6. Cable for lifting and holding the ladder.
  7. Slings.
  8. Drum for raising water.
  9. winch.
  10. Rubber boots.
  11. Kasku.
  12. Protective waterproof overalls.

A complete set of everything you need, will allow you to carry out work quickly and efficiently.

The process of cleaning the mine from concrete rings with your own hands

Let's consider in detail how to do it correctly, without using a pump. All work consists of several successive stages, such as:

  1. Pumping out.
  2. Inspection and cleaning of the bottom filter.
  3. Analysis and repair of joints between reinforced concrete rings.
  4. Mine cleaning.

The first step is to solve the pumping problem. The easiest way is to use a pump. If it is absent, then pumping is performed by buckets. A very long and laborious process. In the latter case, a winch and a drum for lifting buckets are installed.

Advice: this work should be done alternately, because a serious burden will be placed on one person. It is important to reach the conveyor so that the liquid is continuously pumped out.

You can pump out the liquid with a pump within a couple of tens of minutes, and the same work using buckets will take several hours.

The next step is to clean the walls of the mine. Drop into it and lock it. You need to start working from the top down.

For cleaning, a metal brush or some kind of scraper is used, some use a chopper. Very handy as they have a long handle.

Having cleaned the walls of the mine, it is necessary to start cleaning the bottom of the well. First, sand, silt, dirt and the like are scooped out with the help of buckets. Filling it, give a signal for extraction. Gradually, the bottom will be cleared of silt and other contaminants. The status must be checked. If necessary, it can be replaced or flushed with the existing one.

The condition of each seam between the reinforced concrete ring should be examined. If cracks are observed or the existing mortar peels off, then the old putty should be completely removed, a new mortar should be prepared and the joints should be sealed. Everything is also covered waterproofing material, which is allowed in direct contact with clean water.

At the end of the work, the entire mine is disinfected. You can use ten percent bleach and a bucket of water. Mixing them, simply coat the walls with this composition. Thus, disinfection occurs, and all existing microorganisms simply die out.

How to clean from clay without going down into it?

A special self-priming pump is used. When performing work, difficulties may arise, since layers of gravel, sand, crushed stone are formed at the bottom. If you do not carry out timely cleaning of the well, then these layers will compact with each other. A pump with high power is required, which can quickly pump out liquid.

Important: if you use a weak pump, you can provoke even more pollution of the well. Moreover, the device itself under serious load will simply burn out.

Work begins with the following:

  1. Lower the pump to the bottom for cleaning.
  2. It dives to a distance from the bottom to one meter, and half a meter is possible.
  3. Then the pump turns on and the dirt is pumped out.
  4. After that, the liquid from the pump should be sent back to the mine. The jet will break up all deposits on the bottom.

It is extremely important to lift the device from time to time to the surface in order to clean the filters. The process is repeated until a clear liquid flows or until no large inclusions remain.

Before disinfecting the water in the well, you can take it to the laboratory for samples.

Advice: a clamshell bucket can be used to automate the process.

Features of using a clamshell bucket

A grab is a design consisting of two buckets. In the center they are connected by elongated levers-hinges. A chain or cable is attached to the edges of the buckets, which will pull to close the clamshell bucket. Well, if it will have a small weight.

The use of a clamshell bucket makes it possible to completely eliminate the need to go down into the mine yourself. Its use will allow you to raise silt, sand and other dirt from the bottom of the source. You can actually do the work alone, but it will be easier with assistants.

Before using it, you must completely pump out the liquid. Then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The clamshell bucket is suspended on a cable.
  • During the descent, silt is captured (due to its fall under its own weight).
  • Then you should pull the cable, and the buckets will close. A locking ring is installed so that they do not open when raised.
  • Next, the grab is lifted by a cable to the surface.
  • Buckets open up. All trapped silt, sand and the like are removed from them.

This tool is considered optimal for cleaning the well bottom.

Disinfection, cleaning products

There are several disinfection methods that can be used to disinfect well water.


The amount of whiteness should be calculated based on one can per ring. Having treated all the walls of the mine with this solution, you should leave it for a day. The head must be covered with plastic wrap.

Advice: when disinfecting a home well using whiteness or chlorine, be sure to buy protective gloves and a respiratory respirator.

After a day, all the accumulated liquid should be pumped out. If necessary, it can be pumped out several times during the week.

Potassium permanganate

Simple potassium permanganate will allow high-quality disinfection of country wells with drinking water. One bucket needs one tablespoon of potassium permanganate. Dilute it by mixing thoroughly. Pour all the product into the source to clean it from bacteria. After that, you need to wait about two hours, closing the head. After the time has elapsed, pump out the water. You can drain into the garden, such a composition will be useful for the soil.

Bleaching powder

If the liquid in the source was contaminated with bacteria or contaminated with organic matter, then a bleach solution is used. One liter of water requires 20 milligrams of bleach.

After adding this chemistry to the source, leave it for six hours. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is pumped out twice. After one week, it is recommended to boil the water. Now you know how to disinfect the water in your well if it has been attacked by bacteria or organic matter.


Before you start cleaning the source with an iodine solution, you need to weigh the pros and cons. A number of researchers claim that this remedy has an excellent antibacterial effect. It destroys a large number of microorganisms and does not allow them to multiply. On the other hand, there is an opinion that iodine will make the liquid undrinkable.

If it is not possible to do a complete disinfection, then this tool is used to delay the completion of this work. So, for one liter of water you need three drops. The entire composition is poured into the source. Iodine should increase.


There are a lot of tableted products, mostly they contain chlorine, for example, Ecobreeze, Septolit and others. Their use is permissible only after preliminary cleaning of the source from all kinds of deposits on the bottom and walls of the mine. How to use them is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. By adhering to it exactly, you will be able to clean your source yourself and understand how often this procedure is necessary.


The use of ultrasound and ultraviolet refers to an alternative method. We immediately note the high cost of this purification option. But the advantage is that it is less labor intensive. Ultrasonic disinfection is carried out only after the preliminary cleaning of the shaft.

The disinfection process is carried out by a special unit, inside which there is an ultraviolet lamp. It should be noted that this technology does not change chemical composition liquids.

Preventive work

Potassium permanganate, iodine, or another drug described above can be used as prophylactic agents. Some tablets may also be used. But for this you need to read the instructions for their use.

What is the price?

If you are unable to cope with the task, you can contact specialized companies. Approximate prices in rubles:

  • cleaning of a mine up to five rings deep - about 5 thousand;
  • repair and sealing of one seam - about 300;
  • waterproofing one seam - about 300;
  • source pumping - about 2.5 thousand;
  • disinfection with manganese - about 3 thousand rubles;

In any case, the cost will be formed individually, because each case is unique (region, distance from the city, etc.). You can focus on these prices before contacting specialists. With regard to the guarantee for work, it is approximately one year. This is true if the source is not used so intensively. If it is the main source of water, then you will have to clean it twice a year.


So we have considered all the features of how you need to learn, all the ways for this, what tools are used and how to make the work safe. By following all the tips and recommendations, you will be able to cope on your own. From time to time, carry out preventive cleaning so that at one moment it simply does not stop giving you clean water.

To consolidate the whole theory, we suggest watching the prepared video material at the end of the article. And if you have personal experience in this area, then share it by leaving comments at the end of the article. Your experience will help beginners.

Useful video

The quality of drinking water is essential to health. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the points of its fence. In the last article we talked about, now let's talk about cleaning. Cleaning a well or well is a simple matter, but you should know all the subtleties of this work and the sequence of its stages.

How to understand that the well needs cleaning

Regardless of what material the mine is made of, deposits of organic matter and silt inevitably accumulate on its walls. They are a source of an unpleasant smell of water and steadily destroy the walls of the well. If the mine is extremely deep (more than 25 m), it is recommended to contact specialists to restore its full functioning. Smaller wells can be cleaned with your own hands using different tools.

Signs of silting and contamination of the well:

  • a significant decrease in the water level;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the mine (animals, birds, garbage, etc.);
  • lack of transparency of drinking water and change in its color;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor, which can increase when the liquid is heated;
  • change in the taste of water;
  • visible destruction of the walls of the mine.
If the points of water intake and discharge of wastewater are located close to each other (closer than 15 m), the condition of the water must be carefully monitored and regularly sanitized. Special meaning has a spring season. During the melting of snow, particles of organic matter from the surface of the earth inevitably enter the groundwater. In addition, there is a high risk of sewage entering the mine.

Sanitizing the deck

Work on the disinfection of drinking water is carried out with their own hands using disinfectants. The easiest and most accessible way for everyone is as follows:
  1. In a 10-12 l bucket, dissolve 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate or an Aquatabs tablet.
  2. Poured into a well.
  3. Expect 30-40 minutes.
  4. They pump out dirty water and wait for the well to be filled with new and clean water.
It is extremely important to perform the pumping process correctly. During the sanitation period, water should not be completely removed. It is necessary to leave a layer 50-60 cm high from the bottom. Otherwise, silt will rise and additional cleaning of the mine will be required. Water purification from the well is carried out 1-2 times a year.

Which pump to use

If cleaning of wells for the spring period is not planned, you should not use vibration pumps to pump water. They will inevitably raise silt and will contribute to the shedding of organic matter and clay deposits from its walls into the mine. That's why the best choice- centrifugal pumps. Most summer residents use "Baby" or "Brook" to provide water supply. These pumps are classified as vibration-type devices, so they are not suitable for sanitizing the well.

If not centrifugal pump, water is pumped out by buckets. This The best way, providing a long service life of the water intake point.

Self-cleaning the well: instructions

The owner of the dacha is not always able to invite specialists to his place. Therefore, it is important for every gardener to know how to clean the well with their own hands.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Visual inspection of the well and development of an action plan.
  2. Preparation necessary materials, fixtures and disinfectants.
  3. Organization of providing free access to the mine.
  4. Water pumping.
  5. Cleaning the walls of the mine.
  6. Carrying out repair work.
  7. Bottom washing.
  8. Disinfection.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of the well provides for strict adherence to safety measures. This is the first thing you need to familiarize yourself with before starting work. It is important to follow these guidelines:
  1. It is desirable to clean the well with a team of three people (the first one goes down, the other passes buckets and tools to him, the third ensures safety).
  2. If work is carried out at the bottom, you need to periodically change your location, since the suction process inevitably occurs.
  3. Before descending into the mine, they check for the absence of hazardous gases. For this purpose, a burning candle is carefully lowered into the well. If it goes out, work cannot be carried out. To remove gases from the mine, a fabric cloth with ropes tied to its corners is used. Two people evenly lower and raise it until the full release of gases. If there is a powerful fan, the process will be faster.
  4. With the person who is in the mine, it is necessary to constantly maintain a conversation, trying not to miss the moment of a possible deterioration in his well-being.
  5. Work is carried out using a safety belt.

Preparatory stage

How to clean a well without endangering yourself? Having prepared and checked all the tools necessary for this work. You can refer to the following list:
  • stairs for descending into a shallow mine;
  • strong rope;
  • a tripod, which will be required to facilitate the process of lowering and raising the buckets;
  • a metal brush firmly fixed on a long wooden or metal handle;
  • scrapers, rags;
  • waders;
  • buckets with a capacity of 5-8 liters (larger ones are difficult to work with);
  • cement-sand mortar for sealing destroyed joints (if the well is made of concrete rings);
  • vibration or drainage pump;
  • gravel or crushed stone of medium fraction (diameter of stones 20-40 mm) for filter installation at the bottom of the mine.
Since it is not difficult to clean the well yourself, many do not pay due attention to the preparation of tools and fixtures. This is a serious mistake that could lead to an accident. So, if you do not check for strength and do not strengthen the bows of the buckets, when lifting the filled container to the surface, it can break and cripple the person inside the well.

Pay special attention to the strength of ropes and ladders. Check them out ahead of time.

Cleaning the well in the country with a drainage pump

The drainage pump is rational to use in spring or rainy summer period. At this time, the top water, saturated with garbage and organic matter, penetrates into the well. The pump must be very powerful and able to work continuously for 3-5 hours. Even a short break is undesirable. Do-it-yourself well cleaning is done in the same way.


  1. Two pumps are simultaneously lowered into the mine: drainage and vibration. The first will raise silt and sand from the bottom. The second is necessary for pumping out dirty water to the surface.
  2. The drainage pump is suspended at a distance of 40-50 cm from the bottom and fixed in this position.
  3. The vibration pump is periodically raised to the surface and the filters are cleaned.
If you work in this mode for 2 hours, at least 10 cm of bottom sediment is removed. Then they begin to clean the walls of the well without going down into it. For this purpose, scrapers are used, mounted on a pole or wire of large cross section. When the shaft is filled with water again, it is pumped out using a vibration pump.

For information on how to clean the wells with your own hands, you can watch the video.

It shows the process of performing work, the materials and devices used, the sequence of actions. The video provides tips on how to prevent accidents.

Read more about cleaning wells -.

The traditional way to clean a shallow well

Cleaning a well with your own hands is a laborious process. Such work is classified as capital and is performed in case of severe contamination of the mine. The method can be used for any wells: wooden and concrete rings. Work is carried out in the country with their own hands, but with the involvement of assistants.

Prepare tools and fixtures in advance, provide a place for water drainage. The first stage is pumping out. To complete the task, any type of pump is suitable: vibration and centrifugal. Automation of the process allows you to pump out water as quickly as possible: in 10-20 minutes.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of the well is carried out as the water decreases. Deposits from the upper part of the mine walls are removed with a long-handled brush. Then they install a solid ladder and go down into the well. As the water level drops, inspection and sealing of seams are carried out.

Having reached the bottom, they take out the filtration layer with buckets. On the surface, it is washed and reloaded into the well. If necessary, a new sand and gravel filter is installed. For small-capacity wells, a layer 15-20 cm thick is sufficient. Small stones are placed in the lower part of the filter, and larger ones in the upper part. To disinfect the walls of the mine, disinfectant solutions are used using potassium permanganate and bleach (20 g per 10 l bucket).

When the work on cleaning the walls of the mine is completed, it is necessary to wait for the water to rise and pump it out. This is done several times. Periodically check the quality of water, examining its transparency, taste and smell. It should be noted that in the presence of a viscous loose bottom and the absence of a filtration layer, the mine will be stably filled with muddy water. It is necessary to wait for the sedimentation of particles of sand and silt.

Purification of water from a well with a strong odor is carried out in this way: disinfectant solution and cover it with dense polyethylene, “seal”. After 12 hours, the water is pumped out and the walls are washed with a hose stream. The process is repeated several times.

The complexity of cleaning the well depends on the degree of contamination and the design of the well itself. Of course, the availability of tools and equipment for such a procedure plays a role. Therefore, think through all the steps and only then proceed to clean the well, and also do not forget to do the right one so that dirt and debris get into it less.

The well is the main source of water for personal plot.

Even if the yard is equipped with centralized water supply, the owners are in no hurry to get rid of the well, which is indispensable in spring and summer.

For watering gardens, it is much more profitable to use free water from your own source than to pay for it by the meter: at current prices, this is very expensive.

An important condition is to maintain the ideal state of drinking water in the well: it must always remain not only tasty, transparent and clean, but also absolutely safe for health.

Periodically, underground streams, from which water is drawn into the well, become polluted and need to be cleaned. You can make it with the help of specialists or on your own.

In this article, we will tell you why the well needs cleaning, when it needs to be done, and in what ways to do it.

Causes of Well Pollution

There comes a time when pollution of underground sources the level of water in the well drops, its taste becomes unpleasant, the color becomes cloudy, the smell is repulsive, or an unusual sediment appears.

Each of these phenomena indicates that the reservoir needs to be urgent cleaning, because such a liquid cannot be drunk, since its use can cause serious poisoning.

The main causes of pollution are the following:

  • Too much falls into the well sunlight. Because of this, microorganisms develop in the water, and it turns green. In this case, it is enough to cover the well with an opaque canopy that will protect from the sun;
  • Pollution of the well with clay, sand, silt, lime leads to cloudy water;
  • Depressurization(when gaps appear between the rings) the structure allows soil particles to enter the well. This usually happens after heavy rains or snowmelt;
  • Getting into the water leaves, branches, sometimes even an animal whose corpse may begin to decompose;
  • The bottom rises, drags on with silt. This often happens with wells placed on quicksand (layers of soil saturated with water, which liquefy from any mechanical impact);
  • Incorrect installation of the vibration pump. This leads to oil leakage, and also raises silt from the bottom of the well;
  • Intermittent use of the well. Water stagnates, various microorganisms begin to multiply. The water is cloudy.

When to Clean a Well

Once the condition well water noticeably worsens or its level falls, you should proceed to well cleaning.

Even if there are no listed signs, the tank must be cleaned for prevention. once every 4 years. If you use well water daily, it is better to carry out prevention every 1.5-2 years.

In the spring, after snowmelt or floods, it is necessary to sanitize (disinfect) the well. You need to take a bucket of water, dissolve in it 1 tablespoon of potassium permanganate and pour it into the well.

After follows deflate water from it, which is recommended to be poured onto the beds to disinfect the soil. You can drink from the well after the water is collected again. This usually happens within 2-4 days.

How to clean a well

If the water from the well is used to satisfy daily needs, this does not mean that it is pure and can be consumed.

The simplest device that will purify water and make it suitable for drinking and cooking is filters.

  • Bottom filter. It is a pebble with sand tightly packed at the bottom of the well
  • Carbon filters. There are membranes that retain solid particles (sand, silt, clay) and multi-stage ones for thorough water purification from fertilizers, pesticides, salts, sewage that enters the water from the soil
  • Lime water filters. Eliminate water hardness.

A more complex tool used to clean the well is a grab. It's a jaw-shaped bucket with springs that fire when it hits the ground.

The principle of operation of the grab in that it is lowered with a strong rope to the bottom, where the “jaws” close from hitting the ground, after which the device is removed, silt is thrown out of it, and lowered into the well again.

The procedure is repeated until the expected result is achieved.

Grabs are three kinds:

  • manual– for cleaning small and shallow wells. Consists of a bucket and one rope;
  • unit with winch. Its performance is higher, it can have several ropes (from 2 to 4);
  • large hole cleaning grapple, whose maximum carrying capacity is 16 Tons. Such a device is expensive, it is used mainly for cleaning multi-user wells.

Manual well cleaning

This method involves cleaning the well after completely pumping out all the water. For manual cleaning should be available:

  • fishing boots;
  • special clothing(you can wear something old, preferably waterproof, because the work is very dirty);
  • bucket;
  • ladder;
  • large brushes and sponges.

If the depth of the well is very large and it is not possible to use a ladder, then you can build swing: it is good to tie a board to the rope, the rope to the winch of the well, and on this swing gradually sink to the bottom, cleaning meter by meter.

After part of the water has already been pumped out, you need to use a sponge wash away all deposits from the walls of the well. Debris should also be removed from the bottom, drainage stones should be washed or replaced with new ones, put in place.

Do not use detergents. You can clean the inside of the well only clean water.

If cracks were found between the rings of the shaft, they must be fill with cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass.

After that, pump out the water completely 2-3 times. Do not use the water for cooking or drinking until the smell of chlorine has disappeared.

Attention! Such disinfection should be carried out only with the use of a respirator, so as not to damage Airways chlorine vapor.

Cleaning the well with a drainage pump

This well cleaning system is the least labor intensive and relatively fast.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that during operation drainage pump the water swirls, a strong whirlpool washes away dirt from the walls, raises silt from the bottom, and all this is pumped out.

Principle of operation:

  • plunge the pump into the well to such a depth that no more than 1 meter remains between the apparatus and the bottom. Turn on the pump;
  • purified water returns to the well, there is water circulation, raising dirt from the bottom;
  • periodically, the pump must be removed from the well and its filters cleaned. Repeat until no more debris settles on it.

It is necessary to disinfect the well after drainage in the same way as after manual cleaning or sanitation. How to do it - read above.

Important! A gross violation of the safety rules for working in a well can lead to death. Never work alone.

Pollution Prevention

To ensure that water is always clean and drinkable, you need to regularly check well condition.

If this happens, you need to remove all the water and disinfect well.

By following all the above rules for caring for a well, you can be sure that the water from it is safe for health.

Cost of well cleaning services

The cost of services for cleaning the well depends on what actions are required to be performed by a team of specialists.

Each stage of work has its price. If the depth of the well is no more than 5 rings, then the average prices for cleaning and / or deepening range from 10,000 to
13 000 rub

If the mine is 16-18 concrete rings, then the price rises to 13-17 thousand rubles.

It should be borne in mind that not every well can be cleaned and deepened, so the final cost is reported by the master on the spot, after inspecting and assessing the scope of work.

Details of cleaning the well with a drainage pump can be viewed in this video instruction.

Very often, over time, the well becomes clogged, the flow of water becomes difficult, and the taste and smell itself can become unpleasant. To correct the situation, it is necessary to clean the well. You will learn about the causes of water pollution, how to clean the well and properly treat mechanical damage to the well, what tools are needed and the basic algorithm of work, you will learn in the article.

How to clean the water in the well with your own hands

Over time, any well with the cleanest and most pleasant-tasting water becomes clogged with silt, quicksand or sand. To correct this situation, you need to know how to clean the water in the well with your own hands. Understanding that it is necessary to perform this procedure is not difficult. The following indicators indicate the need to clean the well shaft:

  • the water becomes cloudy and changes its taste, becoming unpleasant;
  • a repulsive smell appears from a well or from a collected container of water;
  • a film is visible on the surface of the water;
  • the water level drops and becomes normal after rain.

If you notice several options or all at once, you need to clean the well without delay! Polluted water is a direct threat to health. It is not always possible to find a master, in which case you should clean the well yourself. How to clean a well in a country house or a personal plot is told a lot.

Well water purification

There are three types of pollution that you can deal with yourself:

  • mechanical pollution;
  • biological pollution;
  • the presence of microorganisms and algae in the water.

Mechanical pollution arises as a result of violation of the integrity of the walls of the well, depressurization of the seams, ingress of pollution through the hatch of the well. Understand that water is polluted mechanically can be understood visually.

Signs of biological contamination are an unpleasant sewer-like odor.

Turbidity of the water, coating of the walls with a slippery coating, indicate the presence of microorganisms in the water.

In order to start cleaning the well, you should responsibly and carefully approach the preparation process. There are a number of rules that must be followed strictly and strictly:

  • a safety cable is required, regardless of the depth of the well;
  • it is forbidden to work without a partner;
  • it is necessary to check the absence of harmful gases in the well shaft (with a lit match);
  • check the quality of ladders, ropes, cables.

For cleaning, it is necessary to prepare tools and think over a work plan. For the procedure you need:

  • rope-ladder;
  • "swing" - a strong board with a rope;
  • buckets;
  • metal brush and sponges (for cleaning walls);
  • slings;
  • mechanisms for blocking and lowering;
  • winch;
  • means for disinfection;
  • · solution for repair of mechanical damages of walls.

Well cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • prophylactic.

Ways to clean water in a well

Automatic cleaning is carried out in early spring or late summer, during the minimum groundwater level. Before starting the procedure, water should be removed from the well, drainage pumps will handle this. Debris, sludge must be removed manually. To do this, one worker collects sludge in buckets, the second, using a special device, takes out excess components up. If there is mechanical damage to the well body, the cracks should be covered with a pre-prepared mortar from a mixture of cement and sand.

If there are springs with unclean water at the bottom of the well, the intervention of a floater is assumed. To solve the problem, a special shield and a bottom filter are being prepared.

Biological cleaning follows the end of the mechanical cleaning step. Concrete rings are disinfected with a chlorine solution using a sprayer or special washcloths, wait about three hours and rinse thoroughly with water. The well filled with water is not yet usable. Following the first stage proceed to the next stage of biological treatment. To disinfect water, pour a liter of specially prepared bleach.

A day later, water is pumped out again. Wait for its natural filling and conduct a water analysis. If there is a smell of chlorine, pumping water is repeated several times. Usually, biological treatment effective and kill harmful organisms. For cleaning wells, it is strictly forbidden to use detergents, powder, aggressive chemicals.

Even though the water looks very clean on the outside, it can be dangerous to drink. In order to make sure the quality of the water, you should take the liquid for analysis to the sanitary epidemiological service.

Preventive cleaning of the well is necessary for any well, even in the absence of visible problems. Potassium permanganate will help maintain the "health" of the well. Twenty grams of the substance is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into a well. After a few hours, the disinfected water is pumped out. After filling the well, the water is ready for use. It is recommended to carry out prevention twice a year - after the flood and before the winter season.

Well water quality

The water level in the well depends on the inflow of groundwater. In soils dominated by sandstone, the influx of water is quite large, and in soil dominated by clay or in loamy areas, it is small. The flow of water is very important. The quality of water in wells is determined by two parameters:

  • the content of Escherichia coli per liter of water;
  • concentration of grown colonies in undiluted water.

The quality of water used for drinking is established by official quality standards and is determined by the following indicators:

  • turbidity;
  • chromaticity;
  • smell;
  • taste qualities;
  • reaction after clarification;
  • general hardness;
  • sulfates;
  • chlorides;
  • dry residue;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • residual aluminum;
  • hexametophosphate;
  • tripolyphosphate;
  • polyacrylamide;
  • beryllium;
  • molybdenum;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • radium;
  • nitrates;
  • the total number of bacteria.

TO process water there are no special uniform standards, quality requirements are individual.

Physical properties of water to which close attention is paid:

  • color - depends on the mechanical impurities of the soil;
  • taste - evaluated in points according to the table, depends on the dominant chemical element;
  • smell - ideally, there is no smell;
  • density - depends on the ratio of the mass of water to its volume;
  • viscosity;
  • transparency - depends on the amount dissolved in water organic matter, impurities, minerals;
  • temperature - depends on tectonic and lithological features;
  • compressibility;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • radioactivity - depends on the presence and quantity of radon and radium in it.

For analysis, a container is used, at least two liters, the bottle must be clean, from under mineral water. Beverage containers may change readings. The basic rules are as follows:

  • fill the water intake bottle to the brim, air should not remain;
  • give water for analysis should be within a short time, no more than two hours;
  • water must be delivered in a dark bag.

Well water filters

Installing the filter at the bottom of the well is quite difficult. The apparent ease of the device, in fact, requires knowledge and consistency in the installation. There are two filter options:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

The filter is necessary to improve water quality or to initial stage while digging a new well. To decide whether to install filters, you need to analyze some points:

  • if the bottom of the future well is solid, has spouting springs, water flows quickly and of good quality, then installing a bottom filter is not practical;
  • if the bottom is loose, the water is muddy, there is a threat of floating water filter necessary.

There are many artificial water filters, they differ in device, functions and appearance. Considering the results of water tests, you should decide which filter is appropriate to purchase and install. Based on how water is purified, the following water filters are distinguished:

  • filters for mechanical cleaning from silt, sand, rust;
  • filters for antibacterial cleaning;
  • filters for softening hard water thanks to ion exchange technology;
  • filters to reduce the amount of iron in water;
  • complex filters for complex impact on water quality.

When choosing a filter, it is necessary to analyze many factors and listen to the advice of a specialist. Key points when choosing and buying a filter:

  • water analysis results;
  • filter quality;
  • the reputation of the manufacturer;
  • service period.

Recently, the flow filter has become very popular. It qualitatively purifies water from bacteria, chemical compounds, unpleasant odors, but for the high-quality operation of this filter, a submersible pump with high pressure power is required.

You can abandon the filters in favor of a water purification system. This system is more reliable than filters and allows you to comprehensively influence the water. The reverse osmosis system allows you to purify drinking water from metals, impurities, unpleasant odors, salts qualitatively. After such filtration, the water is completely allowed for consumption.

The following stages of filtration of purification systems are distinguished:

  • the first - mechanical cleaning from silt, clay through mesh filters;
  • the second - purification by oxidation - iron, manganese, impurities;
  • the third - clarification under the influence of catalysts;
  • fourth (final) - cleaning with carbon-based filters - getting rid of unpleasant odors, tastes, turbidity.

Watch a video on how to properly clean water can be found at the end of the article. It is devoted to the problem of drinking water purification in wells.

Ways to assess water quality at home

While it is not possible to analyze the water from the well, you can assess the condition of the liquid with folk recipes:

  • assessment with tea - brew tea from unfiltered well water and bottled, if there is a difference in color, taste, smell - cleaning is necessary;
  • settling of water in a dark place for two days - if a precipitate or film appears on the surface of the liquid, cleaning is necessary;
  • testing with a mirror - drip on the mirror and let dry, if the dried spots are cloudy, white or brown - cleaning the well is necessary;
  • quality assessment with a manganese solution - if the pink solution quickly turns brown, water treatment is required.

Old methods will help determine water pollution:

  • the smell of rotten eggs indicates an excess of hydrogen sulfide;
  • the presence of silt is the result of the vital activity of sulfur bacteria in the water;
  • the presence of turbidity in the water indicates the content of clay and sand in the liquid;
  • taste of metal - oversaturation with iron;
  • bright color - oversaturation with organic substances.

well water disinfection

Methods for disinfecting water in a well are diverse and depend on various factors. Preparation for disinfection requires preparatory work:

  • pump out water;
  • restore the integrity of concrete rings and joints;
  • clean the walls.

For disinfection of wells, special preparations with disinfecting and antibacterial properties should be used. They must be able to:

  • destroy pathogenic organisms;
  • not be toxic;
  • do not harm the materials of the well;
  • easy to wash;
  • be safe for health.

The most popular disinfectants:

  • bleaching powder;
  • white;
  • manganese solution;
  • iodine solution;
  • tablets "Aquatabs";
  • tablets "Ecobreeze";
  • tablets "Septolite".

Currently, ultrasonic and ultraviolet cleaning is gaining popularity. They are effective, safe, but require expensive equipment. Recommendations for water purification in the well are directed to the inheritance of a specific algorithm during disinfection.

Prevention of keeping the well clean

  • clay castle - will help prevent sewage from entering the well;
  • cover, canopy over the well - will protect from debris, precipitation, direct sunlight;
  • carry out preventive cleaning of the well with a solution of manganese;
  • with severe contamination, an ion filter will help;
  • clean the bottom of silt and plants;
  • install complex filters.

Water is a necessary component for human life, the state of health depends on the quality of water. Clean water is something that should always be available. It is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the water used, clean the well in time and not save on filters.

A well is a classic source of clean water in any household plot. Well construction technology has been developed for centuries and they are still the cheapest and most effective sources water for domestic use. However, like any technical structure, wells gradually fall into decay. In order for your well to serve for a long time, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance work to clean it. One of the most effective ways its implementation is cleaning the well with a drainage pump.

How to tell when it's time to clean up

It is impossible to determine any specific time frame after which you must clean your existing well. Maintenance intervals may depend on many factors, including the hydrobiological characteristics of your site, as well as the quality of the materials used in its construction.

In some cases, the water supply from the well is carried out through submersible pump. It is worth noting that the purity of the water may vary depending on the proximity to the bottom of the well. The closer the pump is to the bottom of the equipment, the more cloudy the water will be. Thus, to correct the situation when muddy water enters from a submersible well pump, it is sometimes enough to simply raise the suction pipe closer to the surface of the water.

How is the well arranged?

In order to understand how the procedure for cleaning wells takes place, you first need to familiarize yourself with their device. Perhaps this knowledge will reduce the time for technical maintenance.

First of all, we note that despite the rapid development of engineering technology, in many ways it still remains simple and hard manual work. This is due to the complexity of the engineering solution for creating a vertical pit with a wide cross section, although the upper part of the well can well be dug by an excavator, and checking the presence of water in the area is quite simply done using drilling mechanisms.

Previously, the walls of wells were strengthened mainly with a wooden frame. Recently, however, pre-formed reinforced concrete rings have been widely used to form strong walls of a well shaft. A standard concrete ring has a height of 0.9 meters and a cross section of 1 meter. Alternatively, the walls of the well can be reinforced with brick, stone, or innovative materials such as plastic rings.

With the use of reinforced concrete rings, the procedure for digging a well is as follows: the ring is installed on the selected area, after which soil is sampled throughout the entire section inside it. Under the influence of gravity, the concrete ring falls down. Then a second ring is placed on it and so on until the well shaft reaches the aquifer .

Joints between concrete rings are filled with cement-sand mortar or clay and waterproofed. A filter pad is laid at the bottom of the well, consisting of gravel and quartz river sand. Actually, because of this pillow, the groundwater entering the well is cleaned. The bottom of the well with a filter pad should remain the only source of water in the well, as a result of which the walls of the shaft must be carefully waterproofed.

In addition, the space between the reinforcing walls of the well and the well shaft itself is also subject to backfilling. An important point, responsible for the purity of the water in the well is the creation of the so-called "castle", which prevents the penetration of melt and rain water from the surface of the earth. "Castle" is a layer of clay, which is located around the well shaft. On top of the clay, the well can be strengthened with blind areas, which can be made of a cement-sand mixture. The blind area protects the space around the well from water falling from above.

It is this design of the well that leads to the fact that groundwater enters its charge exclusively through the filter pad, and you use clean water.

Well construction process

After determining the location for the construction of the well, several stages must go through before obtaining clean water:

  • At the initial stage, a reservoir is being dug,
  • Then a water-resistant soil is formed,
  • After that, an aquifer is reached,
  • A clay castle is being built around the mine,
  • A blind area is created around the head of the well shaft,
  • If necessary, a ventilation pipe is dug and installed and a well head is created.

Particular attention is paid to the creation of the head - that is, that part of the well that rises above the ground. To prevent adverse effects of the atmosphere, the height of the head must be at least a meter, and the well shaft itself must be covered with a lid. All further improvements are more of an aesthetic appearance, so the creation of a roof or an arbor serves mainly to decorate the well. But on the other hand, the roof, in addition to the decorative function, perfectly protects the mouth of the well shaft from dust, wind and precipitation.

We clean the well

Over time, after several years of operation, wells can become clogged. This may be due to many factors: the infiltration of soil particles through the filter pad, the ingress of dirt through microcracks in the reinforcing walls or through the mouth of a well shaft.

There are two main ways to clean wells: manual and mechanized. Let's consider them in more detail.

We clean the well in the river way

Actually, the process of manual cleaning of wells consists in its gradual and phased mechanical cleaning. In order to gain access to the walls of the well shaft, the water from the well must be pumped out so that its level drops by about half a meter.

Pumping water from a well with a pump

After that on suspension system a worker descends into the well and begins to clean the walls of the well shaft. To do this, you can use such common tools as a metal brush with a not very hard pile or a simple washing sponge. You need to use tools that will not damage the waterproofing at the joints of concrete rings.

Do not worry if dirt from the walls gets into the water - subsequently, all clogged water will be pumped out.

Do not use to clean the walls of a well shaft chemicals- it will be very difficult to get rid of their presence in well water later.

After complete cleaning of the walls, the water from the well is pumped out and the cleaning of the walls of the shaft continues up to the bottom of the well. In parallel, you can audit the condition of the filter pad at the bottom of the well. It may also be contaminated and will need to be replaced.

If the walls of the well shaft are very dirty, you can use a bleach solution for disinfection at a concentration of no more than 10 percent. The disinfectant solution must be used to coat the walls of the shaft that have already been mechanically cleaned. The same solution can be used to disinfect the filter pad. So that the vapors of bleach do not evaporate, the mouth of the well shaft can be wrapped with a dense cloth, for example, a tarpaulin. For complete disinfection of the well in this state, it must remain for two days.

After chemical disinfection, the well must be cleaned. To do this, the first two volumes of water that fill the well must be completely pumped out.

Cleaning the well with a drainage pump

In order to clean the water with a drainage pump, it is necessary not only to pump out the water, but to create turbulences in the water that will knock down blockages from the walls of the well and raise the sludge that has settled in the thickness of the filter pad.

In order to organize the cleaning of the well with the help of a drainage pump, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

Perhaps you will choose a different technology for cleaning your well, cleaning not from time to time, but using a drainage pump all the time. Usually, for a one-time major cleaning of the well with a drainage pump, the next time you will have to carry out this operation no more than once a year. Depending on the characteristics of the soil in your area, the period between regular maintenance cleaning can be increased or decreased.

The use of a classic well in a summer cottage or household plot is an excellent permanent renewable source of clean water. It can be safely used for domestic purposes, such as watering or washing. And after checking the quality of water in a sanitary laboratory - and for drinking. But in order for the well on your site to constantly delight you with clean water, it must be built in compliance with all mandatory rules, and after construction, it must be regularly cleaned and, if necessary, repaired.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a training video on the topic of cleaning wells.

Cleaning wells with a drainage pump: video
