Autonomous sewage systems are a complex installation with a characteristic system of overflows, filtration and no less complex electronics. Only competent calculation and observance of norms and rules will ensure a long and quiet life for the “autonomy”. How to arrange an autonomous sewerage system for a private house with your own hands, using "biological weapons" for peaceful purposes?

From the cesspool to the biological wastewater treatment plant

Living in a private house is now becoming more comfortable, thanks to the successful and total implementation of engineering water purification systems. Autonomous sewerage is the most demanded part of engineering communications.

Starting with primitive and labor-intensive do-it-yourself "economy options" - cesspools and installation of septic tanks, modern autonomous sewage for a private house is fundamentally different from its predecessors. The organization of sewer installations is based on the principle of deep biological wastewater treatment.

What is the principle of autonomous sewerage for the house

The work of the autonomous sewage system of a private house is organized according to the wastewater treatment method, which involves the following steps:

Mechanical (cleaning of large fractions)

Biological (removal of organic compounds)


Waste water disinfection.

At the mechanical stage of treatment, the effluents pass into a state favorable for the release of suspended solids. The result of mechanical cleaning is the removal of up to 70 percent of contaminants and the creation of an even distribution of water in the drain.

The result of biological wastewater treatment is the degradation of water organic matter using microorganisms (aerobic and anaerobic).

An important step in wastewater treatment is sludge dehydration or change chemical composition water. To increase the efficiency of the mechanical process in the sewer system, a flocculant is used.

The final stage of wastewater treatment is based on its disinfection and subsequent salvo discharge.

A simplified diagram of an autonomous sewage device in a private house for waste disposal consists of the following elements:

Sewage and fecal waste storage

Tanks for purification and processing.

But of particular interest are stations for deep biological wastewater treatment, which include aerotanks and methanetanks.

Aerotank It is an open reinforced concrete structure. Waste water, which contains organic pollutants, is passed through the aerotank, air and recirculated sludge are supplied in an active state. In the aeration tank flow type water circulates continuously. During aeration, the liquid can be in the tank for up to several days.

What is deep biological wastewater treatment

The technology of wastewater treatment using deep biological treatment plants can be confidently attributed to complex processes in which microorganisms are involved. Technologically necessary:

Create conditions conducive to the formation of enzymes

Create conditions for aeration, oxidation and decomposition of substances

In the process of the created conditions for the life support of the biopurification cycle, the breakdown of products will be carried out

Perform technological discharge of cleaning products into a reservoir or onto a relief.

To date, there are many models of stations for deep biological wastewater treatment. Recall that ready-made stations from the manufacturer are designed for the disposal of sewage, but not for their storage.

The most popular autonomous sewers are:

Topol – Eco

and this list is updated annually with new models.

Autonomous sewerage, what could be easier! This video will tell you about it.

Stations for deep biological wastewater treatment have an impressive cost, however, performance characteristics provide a good degree of wastewater treatment. In addition, the advanced sewage treatment technology makes it possible to reuse the treated waste water for irrigation. How to install an autonomous sewer for a house with your own hands?

Installing an autonomous sewer yourself

Of course, it is preferable to entrust the installation of autonomous sewage to specialists. If you intend to install it yourself, then you first need to consult with specialists who will help in choosing a place for digging a pit for installation. It does not hurt to draw up a plan and installation scheme.

selection of installation model for autonomous sewage

When selecting a plant model, the following initial data are required:

Number of consumers and users of sewerage

Location of groundwater and its water pressure level

Geological composition of soil and soil

Working volume of the receiving chamber

Depth of insertion of the outlet pipe

Estimated place of volley discharge of sewage.

Based on the collected data, the selection, purchase and delivery of an autonomous sewage installation is carried out.

Helpful information

In the model of treatment facilities, the manufacturer indicates the depth of the tie-in of the sewer pipe into the system. This is a height of 1.05 - 1.45 mm from the soil level to the lower edge of the supply pipe.

what you have to do with your own hands for installation and installation

Installation activities for an autonomous wastewater treatment plant consist of the following steps:

Earthworks for excavation

Installation of the station structure into the pit (without concreting)

Insulation of the top and side parts of the station

Sand station design drainage

Gaskets for inlet and outlet pipes (inlet sewer pipe Ø110 mm with insulation and outlet pipe Ø110mm type DGT-PND)

gasket electric cable VVG 4x1.5 in protective tube PNDØ25

Installation of a conical filtration well Ø0.6m. at the top, Ø1m. at the bottom, up to 2 m high.

Compressor connections

Polymer-sand manhole installations

Soil backfill.

If at the sight of this list of ongoing events your enthusiasm has not faded, then it's time to watch the proposed video.

How to independently install a wastewater treatment plant will help you video.

Everyone who builds Vacation home and conducts sewerage, is simply obliged to take care of how to treat wastewater, because many unscrupulous residents install cesspools even without producing any internal finishing works. Once in the soil, wastewater can move into the water supply systems of nearby structures, and this has a bad effect on human health. Waste water contains a large amount of harmful impurities and heavy metals.

Technological scheme of wastewater treatment by bio-membrane method with post-treatment by reverse osmosis.

In order to prevent all kinds of impurities from wastewater from entering drinking water, it is necessary to immediately think over and equip a biological treatment system during the construction of sewer systems. For wastewater treatment plant can be used different methods and designs. There are special cleaners for sale, but they are not at all cheap. It is easier and cheaper to build structures with your own hands. Installation will take about two weeks.

Types of cleaning

The following facilities can be used for biological wastewater treatment:

  • ordinary cesspool;
  • cesspool overflow pit using a concrete ring;
  • underground or surface septic tank.

Scheme of the installation for biological wastewater treatment: 1 - primary sedimentation tank; 2 - preaerator; 3 - aeration tank; 4 - activated sludge regenerator; 5 - secondary sump.

Water procedures of any person: washing, bathing, cooking - this is an integral and necessary part of life. The waters that form after all human hygiene procedures are called wastewater. This waste water is sent to the sewer with all the dirt, bacteria and chemical constituents of the powders and detergents. It is possible to drain all this into a nearby river, but then sooner or later all living things will die in it. That is why biological wastewater treatment is necessary.

Septic tanks provide it to the fullest. For them to work effectively, certain rules must be followed. If the structure is erected correctly, there will be no unpleasant odors during its use and the biological component of wastewater treatment will be provided. Septic tanks do not need to be constantly cleaned, like cesspools.

Building materials

It is worth noting that this type of biological treatment will last more than one year, both in winter and in summer. One operating condition is the addition of antiseptic and antibacterial powders to eliminate emerging odors. For the described type of septic tank, the following components are required:

  1. Scheme.
  2. Eurocubes (with a volume of 800 liters each). They will work better than concrete buildings because over time the concrete can break down. Cubes are kept up to 50 years.
  3. Tees.
  4. Pipes.
  5. Inlet and outlet pipes.
  6. Shovels for digging trenches.
  7. Lids and improvised means for closing a septic tank.
  8. Bricks for the base under the covers.
  9. Concrete solution.
  10. Formwork and reinforcing bars + wire.
  11. Plastic for warming cubes.
  12. Oilcloth for waterproofing.

Preparatory work

The operation of the septic tank will be correct only if incoming and outgoing pipes are installed on the containers (Eurocubes). Only after installing these nozzles can they be placed in the ditch. In order for the soil not to crush the containers, after digging the trench it is necessary to concrete it on four sides, because the cubes have a thin wall that can crack under pressure. To prevent freezing of wastewater, it is advisable to furnish the cubes with foam sheets.

Before installing the cubes, they must be filled with plain water. This is to prevent damage during installation. Biological treatment with installed tanks is the first stage in the sewerage. Considering the processes of wastewater treatment and further outflow to aeration fields, you should think about a ditch for a drainage system. This ditch should be about 30 m long, and the depth depends on the soil indicators, but not less than 70 cm.

trench preparation

Before you start digging a trench, you need to mark the place. The cleaning installation takes place only in good, sunny weather, because the concrete solution in the rain and snow will harden for a very long time. In addition, the earth is difficult to dig in winter. In order for the cubes to fit, you need to make a trench 40-60 cm wider than the size of the perimeter of the cubes. It is possible to avoid the penetration of moisture into the soil and isolate the concrete solution from moisture by overlaying the trench with oilcloth.

The next process will be the installation of reinforcing bars and formwork. The rods must be taken according to the size of the depth of the trench. They are connected with iron wire. Then installed wooden planks along the perimeter of the reinforcing bars. Next, a concrete solution is mixed (sand and cement in a ratio of 2: 6). After thorough mixing of the solution, it is poured between the soil and the connected reinforcing bars. Reinforcement is installed for the strength of concrete.

Drying of the solution occurs in warm weather for 10 days. After the solution dries, you need to remove the formwork. Those places where the solution has not hardened or has some shortcomings must be coated until a smooth surface is obtained. The trench is ready. Cubes need to be installed only after they have been built.

Drain design

To begin with, the tank drains are sealed. If the neck is too small to fit a tee, it will need to be cut slightly. On both sides of each cube, you need to make holes for the pipe that will enter. The distance from the top of the cube is 15-25 cm. For further installation of ventilation, cut holes are required on the horizontal "roof" of the cubes.

It is important that all pipe connecting processes are carried out using tees.

In order for wastewater treatment to take place in the right way, you need to connect the cubes together. For such a connection, you need to cut a round part from opposite sides of each cube. Its diameter must match the diameter of the pipes. This hole should be 30 cm below the hole in the sewer pipe. The containers are connected to each other with a pipe. Care must be taken to ensure that there is a very good connection. This is necessary in order to avoid drips and the penetration of sewage through the holes.

For connection, a metal whip is used, which is welded to the surrounding mesh of the container. In the second container, it is necessary to cut a hole in order to later install a pipe for drainage system. It is important to carefully treat each pipe joint with silicone sealants.

At the end of the installation and connecting work, the containers must be lowered into the trench and covered with foam sheets, then covered with earth. Only ventilation pipes should remain on the surface.

The next process that needs to be carried out is the removal of the drainage pipe from the tanks. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a perforated pipe with a diameter of 5 cm. This pipe must be connected to one of the tanks and led out through the aeration ditch. For the correct operation of the system and its non-freezing, it is necessary to lay out this ditch with gravel for 25 cm. After installing the pipe in the ditch, it is covered with gravel and then with earth.

If the groundwater level is high or unstable, has fluctuations that depend on weather conditions, it is necessary to create a bulk drainage field. In this case, all the above work should be done, but with the additional installation of another container. It will serve as an additional well. A pump is installed inside this tank, which is equipped with a pre-switching off float. This is done so that the wastewater, already treated, is pumped into the area of ​​​​the drainage field, which is filled up higher than the groundwater.

In no case should it be allowed to fill to the brim of the container in which the wastewater is located, especially in the cold season. When the liquid inside the container freezes, this liquid will expand, and the walls of the cubes may burst due to the internal pressure created. Good way, which will not allow such emergencies is the installation of a drain barrel. It must be installed below the freezing point. There is another option - the maximum insulation of the walls of the containers.

Ventilation systems must be installed. When installing sewer systems, ventilation risers or installations are installed that suck in air using the valve method. They do this so that there is no accumulation of rarefied air in the pipes, which prevents the sewage from draining into the tanks. Compartments for wastewater treatment are best divided into a clean compartment and a dirty one.

After all the work done and after the compartments are filled up, for interior beauty in the yard, you need to make a brick frame. This is also done in order to equip the tanks with lids. Yes, and extra insulation will not hurt. That is, you need to cover the top places of these tanks brickwork. Having made markings and a small foundation with formwork and reinforcing bars, you need to fill everything concrete mortar. What ratio of the components of the solution will be needed is described above.

After the foundation has hardened, you need to lay out the bricks around the perimeter and connect them with cement mortar. The structure should be insulated with covers. You can use hatches or make opening doors on a vertical surface brick house. This is also convenient because upon the arrival of the machine that will pump out the contents, you can simply open the lid to access the septic tank.

Work principles

The principle of biological treatment is to prevent wastewater from entering the soil and aquatic environment, because there are many water supply systems on the territory of private houses, for example, wells, rivers and lakes. Once in the soil, wastewater mixes with groundwater, and then enters the water supply system, so wastewater must be treated.

The principle of operation of the above-described septic tanks for wastewater treatment is the mechanical separation of solid components from the liquid. For wastewater treatment, the main thing is to prevent these solid components from entering the soil and water. After separating the solid parts from the liquid, the liquid part of the wastewater will be decomposed anaerobically. In the first stage of cleaning, thanks to the two-level device of the drain tank, the liquid passes from one section to another. Anaerobic digestion refers to the process of digestion by bacteria. For such biological treatment, it is necessary to add biological activators to the tanks.

When wastewater treatment takes place, those wastes that remain undissolved, and this is approximately 1%, settle at the bottom of the septic tank. Purified water will enter the ground, but will not harm the environment, although it is not sterile.

To clean such a structure, it is necessary to call a special sewage machine. But this will need to be done, if we count from the moment of construction, almost after 1.5 years. Installation work of septic tanks experts recommend to carry out in the fall. It is not so debilitating for a person, since there is no summer heat, and there will not be much microbial activity, which is also important.

Environmental pollution today is in the first place, the solution of this issue concerns absolutely all spheres of human life. One serious step towards solving the sanitary and hygienic problem has already been taken - numerous treatment facilities have been developed for private use. Since it is the private use of water resources that causes most of the trouble, special standards have been adopted, thanks to which the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

The standards for various treatment facilities are in the SNiP collections, on the basis of which the design part of the sewer systems is compiled, based on the characteristics of the territory where the construction work will be carried out.

Types used and their characteristics

The tanks used have a mass distinguishing features, which may be indispensable in certain natural conditions, but may be unnecessarily demanding in care, or the initial cost will only increase over time. Consider existing species used capacities for today:

  • cesspools and storage tanks, very old view reservoir, is gradually losing its popularity due to the increase in cost, each call of a vacuum cleaner increases the primary cost of the product;
  • septic tanks - relatively the new kind treatment design, allows you to dispose of clean water into the ground, subject to reaching a certain percentage, described in state standards;
  • biological treatment plants - a new engineering structure, a fully automated process, the degree of purification reaches stunning results.

Three main types can be purchased from the manufacturer or made independently. Individual production requires serious preparation, collection of information, and a detailed detailed project.

Factory biological treatment stations are designed at the level of local urban wastewater treatment systems, have certain sensors and a special remote control, which can be used to receive and send signals.

Effluent entering the station is cleaned by several types of procedures, we are talking about mechanical and biological cleaning. The degree of purity reaches 97-100%, which makes it possible to reuse the resource for technical purposes.

Progress goes forward without looking back, gradually improving the existing developments, factory models of stations can disinfect water with ultrasound and other devices, the price accordingly becomes higher. There is a mass different options, but most of the cleaning is carried out by microorganisms, thanks to which this level of cleanliness is achieved.

Stations are divided into two types:

  • simple stations;
  • stations for deep wastewater treatment.

Products consist of the following parts:

  • several cleaning chambers, often common number three, maybe more, each chamber has its own purpose;
  • filters for final cleaning;
  • special ventilation devices, air ducts or compressor;
  • emergency sensors and other types of special equipment.

Cleaning with biological preparations

The biological treatment plant takes its name from the bacteria used as a processing agent, organic waste is completely decomposed into a harmless sludge, which can then be used to create compost.

Stations are divided into types based on the selected bacteria, which in turn can be:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic representatives.

Each species has its own characteristics, for example, anaerobic microbes can only live in an environment where oxygen is present, for this the station needs devices that exchange gases within the section where the microorganisms are located. Anaerobic species of bacteria are used in pressurized sections, do well without oxygen.

Different sections can have different equipment, which will allow you to use both types of biological mixtures to get the best result.

Organization of a place for mounting the station

You need to choose a place in accordance with the regulated norms. The station is located in a place that meets the following standards:

  • after analyzing the terrain and relief, inclusive, a place is selected in the lowland of the site, which helps to facilitate land work to comply with the angle of inclination, thus ensuring the gravity flow of effluents through the pipeline;
  • the treatment plant is removed from sources of drinking water at least 30 meters;
  • from the main building on the site, a distance of 15-20 meters;
  • secondary buildings are located within 10-15 meters;
  • natural water bodies must be removed at least 35 meters.

Having picked up the right place, they proceed to the design of the self-assembly structure.

The first thing to do is to calculate the volume of the future station. Daily rate consumption per person is 200 liters of water, you can resort to savings and consume 150 liters per person. We multiply the number of liters by the number of people permanently residing in the house. The resulting figure is increased by the amount of water consumed. household appliances. The average number of days in which cleaning takes place is 3 days, we multiply by the figure obtained for the consumed water resource.

The formula looks like this:

V \u003d 200 l * 3 people + 300 l ( Appliances) * 3 days/1000

We get 2.7 m³, this volume is quite enough for a family of 3 people, but as experts advise, you need to make some reserve in case of receiving guests, growing family size.

The resulting figure is divided by the number of sections, the first section or receiver has the largest volume, the remaining capacities can be equal to each other.

Choosing material for sections

Independent production of a biological treatment station, as a rule, from the following materials:

  • concrete rings;
  • polymer tanks;
  • stainless steel tanks.

The cheapest option is polymer products, they are resistant to aggressive environments, light weight, no special transport is required, no need for additional waterproofing, high service life.

The other two options are more expensive, concrete rings need to be treated with waterproofing agents, heavy products need special devices for moving in space, lifting mechanisms during installation.

Each material has advantages and disadvantages, you need to choose the most suitable for the natural conditions of the site.

Design considers everything possible options, including placement of additional equipment (air compressor, other). Dependence on electricity may not be appropriate in an area with frequent interruptions, you need to provide additional source, or use mechanical way air exchange.

Works of installation of external communications

Work begins with marking the territory, digging a foundation pit, trenches. It is very important to observe the slope of the trenches, the angle of inclination depends on the diameter of the pipe. The pit is prepared in this way:

  • depth of occurrence below the freezing line of the soil;
  • the bottom is made stepped, each next tank is lowered 20 cm below the previous one, ensuring the flow between the compartments of the station;
  • the bottom is cemented, if necessary, clamps are made for the container;
  • walls are leveled.

After drying the bottom, cement base lower concrete rings fixing cement mortar, other containers used to create a biological station.

While the concrete is curing, they make a preliminary layout of the pipes. An embankment is made in the trenches of sand and gravel, on which building insulating fabric is laid. Pipes are laid, the docking point is treated with sealed plumbing mastic.

Concrete rings are treated with a bituminous waterproofing solution inside and out, three layers are applied, each next only after the previous one has completely dried.

The pipeline is brought to the receiving tank, connected, sealed.

The second tank is equipped with an air duct, for this a pipe is cut in that rises 70 cm above the ground cover, an umbrella is installed on top as a protection against atmospheric moisture entering the system.

Connecting pipes are installed between the sections, the gaps between the tank wall and the pipe are sealed. The last reservoir also has a pipe for liquid disposal. It is directed at an angle into the post-treatment well, another device with a special embankment in layers (sand, sand and gravel, clean gravel).

A test run is carried out with clean water, in the absence of a leak, a quarter is poured into the tanks warm water, after which biological agents for processing are poured, the containers are covered with lids. Conduct reverse winding of pipes and backfill.

The biological wastewater treatment plant is ready for use.

There are several ways to clean the sewerage generated when people live in a private house. Some are cheaper to install, others are easier to operate. But if the most efficient treatment system is required, then one option is an aerobic septic tank, also called an active septic tank or a biological treatment plant. Impurities in it are processed by microorganisms by 98–99%. Although it is large, it is quite easy to arrange with your own hands.

The task of any sanitary sewage treatment system is to process them and drain them into the ground. First, the effluents are clarified in the sump, during which large suspensions settle. The purified water is then drained or used in household needs, and the sediment in the form of sludge is pumped out.

Septic tank with post-treatment of wastewater with aerobes

However, a wide variety of disinfection and filtration elements are often added to this scheme. Getting into the local treatment system (VOC), which is standard in design, sewage flows go through three stages of utilization:

  1. Primary filtration, clarification of water with sedimentation of heavy fractions to the bottom of the tank.
  2. Fermentation with partial decomposition of organic matter.
  3. Drainage into the ground or pumping out with sewage equipment.

In the cesspool, all these processes take place in one container. However, this option is acceptable only for small volumes of wastewater, otherwise, due to overflow with waste, the “cesspool” ceases to fulfill its functions.

Numerous types of typical septic tanks subject waste to partial processing up to 60-70% of the volume. They are assisted by anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen. They are present in the same cesspool, providing continuous fermentation and decay of organic waste in it. However, they are “slow”, in order to speed up their work, a bioactivator has to be constantly added to the septic tank.

General scheme septic tank with aerobic bacteria

Aerobes are more productive - microorganisms that require constant oxygen supply for life. Therefore, in order to provide them with the necessary oxygen, aerobic septic tanks are supplied with aerators and air compressors.

It is important to know! Only with continuous pumping of air will the septic tank with aerobes function effectively.

Scheme of VOC deep biological treatment

An active septic tank of an aerobic type consists of several chambers:

  1. Settler for lighting.
  2. Tank with aerator (there may be several).
  3. Prefabricated well with water purified to technical quality.

For the operation of such a treatment system, not only microorganisms are needed, but also electricity. If bacteria feed on waste, then pumps and compressors need electricity.

Advice! An aerobic septic tank is a volatile installation. If a private house is regularly de-energized due to power outages, it is better to find another cleaning option or take care of an emergency generator.

How bacteria work in an “oxygen” septic tank

Anaerobic bacteria are always present in the VOC primary clarifier. Fermentation of wastewater in it takes place in two stages: acidic and alkaline. The first occurs at the very beginning after launch, when the septic tank only receives the first volume of sewage. In its course, a large volume of gases with unpleasant odors is formed, which displace oxygen from the tank.

Due to oxygen starvation in the cleaning tank, a rapid increase in the number of anaerobic microorganisms begins - this is already alkaline fermentation. The silt at the bottom acquires a dark color and no longer emits fetid odors. But it is in it that anaerobes “live”.

Advice! It is not necessary to completely clean the sump from alkaline sludge. Its small mass at the bottom of the treatment tank is a guarantee of the absence of sewer stench and the correct operation of VOCs.

Scheme of the wastewater treatment process

Further, the water clarified in the sump enters the aerobic chamber of the septic tank for post-treatment. Aerobic bacteria are already starting to act here. And the more oxygen they receive, the better and faster they decompose and oxidize organic matter.

The post-treatment of wastewater in an aerobic septic tank is carried out not by natural aerobic microorganisms, but by bacteria specially bred and attached to the filters. They purify wastewater by 99%, which makes it possible to reuse purified water for technical needs.

In order for the aerobes to work efficiently, the water in the tank is blown with air - it is aerated. Compressors are used for this. The settled effluents, when they enter the post-treatment chamber, are mixed with activated sludge, which rises from the bottom due to the action of compressed air.

Aerobic bacteria begin to process organic matter and multiply. As a result, additional silt is formed in a small amount, settling at the bottom. The volume of the septic tank is calculated so that the sediment from it has to be unloaded no more than 1 time per year.

Advantages of using aerobes in wastewater treatment

Aerobic septic tanks have four undeniable advantages:

  1. No unpleasant odors.
  2. The minimum number of cleanings - vacuum trucks will need to be called only once a year.
  3. Maximum biosecurity - pollution of the earth and groundwater is practically excluded.
  4. Opportunity reuse purified water for irrigation or technical needs.

The device of a two-chamber anaerobic-aerobic septic tank with a drainage field

The only drawback is the sensitivity of the microflora of the aerobic septic tank to certain chemical compounds that lead to the death of aerobes.

Important! Aerobic bacteria and household chemicals with a high content of formaldehyde and chlorine compounds are incompatible. These substances simply kill aerobic microorganisms.

Installing an aerobic septic tank with your own hands

The easiest way is to install an aerobic type factory septic tank. This is a ready-made system that only needs to be buried in the ground and sewerage connected to it. It is supplied in the form of plastic or metal containers with a set of compressor and pumping equipment.

The size of the sump is determined at the rate of 600 liters of wastewater for every living person in the house. This is 200 daily liters multiplied by three days. These are the recommendations of SNiP for private cottages.

Overflow septic tank from two reinforced concrete wells

With your own hands, an aerobic septic tank can be made from several tanks, for the arrangement of which it will fit:

  1. Brick.
  2. Reinforced concrete rings.
  3. Plastic containers.
  4. iron barrels.
  5. Tires.

You will have to tinker with brick wells, reinforced concrete is heavy and will require lifting equipment. Barrels and tanks made of iron are subject to corrosive processes. The best option- plastic. But the choice of material largely depends on its availability and cost in a particular region.

Do-it-yourself aerobic VOC device option

For the functioning of an aerobic septic tank, you will need equipment:

  • external compressor for pumping air;
  • aerator for saturating the tank with aerobes with oxygen;
  • a pump for pumping sludge from the end tank into a container with bacteria;
  • submersible pump for pumping purified water.

Important! All this equipment requires connection to the mains, a septic tank with aerobes is volatile. This should be taken into account when choosing a local treatment plant for country house where there are electrical problems.

Video: odorless aerobic two-chamber septic tank

If you wish, you can install an aerobic septic tank yourself. It is enough to assemble the factory set of the cleaning system according to the instructions. But when arranging wells or sedimentation tanks made of reinforced concrete or brick, you will have to work. But everything is possible. It is also important to correctly connect the electrical equipment and load the aerobes into the cleaning chamber. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the power and size of the septic tank.


The main purpose of sewerage in the country is the collection, purification and further disposal of effluents generated when water is used for household and hygienic purposes. Also, suburban sewage for a summer residence is able to cope with the processing of feces. In any country house where people sometimes live, it is necessary to equip a sewer system that will create normal living conditions.

An important component of civilized life is the availability of sewerage and water supply. Residents of apartment buildings do not think about how the sewer systems function, since all the drains enter the sewer serviced by city utilities.

Effluent is waste water from sinks, bathtubs, kitchen sinks and faeces from the toilet. They are brought out with the help of an internal pipeline outside the house, and then into the street sewer network.

If there is no centralized drain, then you have to independently lay a sewer for the disposal and treatment of wastewater.

In such cases, you can create:

  • all-alloy structure (at the same time, melt and rain water enters the treatment plant along with domestic wastewater);
  • a separate system (in this case, separate drains for melt and rainwater are created).
The best solution is to create a separate system in which drains are cleaned.

The simplest do-it-yourself sewer for a summer residence is created from the following elements:

  • courtyard outdoor network;
  • treatment facilities;
  • house internal network with plumbing fixtures.

Sewerage scheme in the country

Before proceeding with the creation of a sewer, be sure to make a diagram of the location of its main elements. It also indicates the house and serviced plumbing equipment. It is recommended to “tie” all plumbing to one collector, which will direct drains to the same place. See also: "".

In the event that sewage will come from different parts of the site, then sometimes it is necessary to create more points for the discharged waste. When laying pipes, it is imperative to find out the depth of soil freezing, as well as the level of groundwater. See also: "".

Choosing a place for a sewer system near a country house

When choosing a place for a sewer pit, the soil and terrain are examined, taking into account:
  • remoteness from buildings, fences and water supply elements;
  • plot slope;
  • the possibility of access of special equipment for cleaning the pit.
Since the buildings in the country are intended for temporary operation, it is not necessary to create volumetric sedimentation tanks. Thanks to this, there is no need to invest a lot of time and money in the country sewerage.
According to construction and sanitary standards, the sewer pit must be removed from residential buildings at a distance of at least 5 meters. It is better to equip the sump at the lowest point of the site in order to facilitate the flow of effluents into it.
A properly drawn up project allows you to avoid overspending pipes and observe all the nuances (when creating a sewer, you must take into account the location of the telephone cable, gas mains and other communications). It is important that water supply and sewerage systems do not intersect.

Construction of a sewerage system

Currently, a biological treatment station for summer cottages is popular. In modern sites, septic tanks are common, as they are more efficient than traditional pit latrines. These devices are able to purify wastewater and bring it to the ground. Of course, sometimes it will be required to call a sewage machine, but such a need will arise much less frequently than when creating a conventional pit.

In order to build an effective sewer system with a septic tank, you need to follow the instructions exactly.

In progress:

  1. A pit is dug with a depth of about 3 meters, after completion of work, the bottom is compacted with a layer of clay.
  2. In the case of concrete, wall formwork is performed. This will require: wooden beam, OSB sheets, plastic pipe trimmings (read also: "").
  3. After formwork, its sheets are fixed in the pit. For this purpose, a wooden beam is used - they wedged the formwork sheets in the pit. After securely fastening and wedging the structure, the pipe cuts are inserted into pre-created holes. Pipes are driven into the ground by at least 50 mm so that they do not turn out under the influence of concrete, which can then fall into the pit.
  4. Metal rods are used to reinforce the walls - this design will be much stronger. A special hole is required for the entry of pipes.
    It is desirable that the septic tank is no more than 15-20 meters from the foundation of the house, but no closer than 5 meters. To calculate the required capacity of the device, you need to multiply the daily flow rate per person by the number of residents.
  5. The bottom of the septic tank is filled with concrete. As for the walls, the concrete or brick used in their construction is plastered. After pouring one part of the pit, the solution is allowed to dry for 2-3 days, then the formwork is moved to the other two walls, and concrete is poured again.
  6. Depending on the depth of groundwater and the type of soil, filtering devices are selected. One of the most reliable options is a well made of reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1500 millimeters.
If a filter well is being equipped, then the sewerage system for country house is created like this:
  1. A shaft is dug, its size should exceed the diameter of the rings by 80 centimeters.
  2. Runs around the perimeter concrete screed, and the center must remain free so that wastewater can seep into the ground.
  3. 3 rings are placed in the pit with a crane.
  4. In the lowest of them, holes with a diameter of 5 centimeters are drilled using a perforator, the distance between them should be approximately 10 centimeters.
  5. The well is filled with filter material to a height of about 1 meter. Soil, gravel, broken bricks and other small materials are used as backfill.
  6. The same backfilling is done between the walls of the well outside and the rings. The inlet pipe is installed 500 mm above the backfill level so that it enters the well through a side hole in the reinforced concrete ring.
  7. A hatch is equipped with two holes: under the cover and the exhaust riser (respectively 500 and 100 millimeters).

In addition to a septic tank on unstable soil, it is recommended to create a filter well.

Laying sewer pipes

When installing sewerage in the country, not only a septic tank is equipped, but pipes are also laid, and in compliance with all building codes. The system must have a sufficient slope so that the movement of drains is spontaneous.
The farther from the house there is a sewer pit, the deeper the entrance of the pipes should be. If this rule is not observed, then the drains will not drain on their own, respectively, you will have to use a pump to pump them out. This will lead to unnecessary costs and hassle.
Sewerage systems for summer cottages are made of cast iron or plastic pipes. Plastic products they must be sealed with a rubber gasket, and cast iron ones are sealed with a tarred cable and smeared with cement mortar.

To lay the pipeline, a trench is dug at least 1 meter deep, otherwise they will have to be insulated. Typically, the depth at which the pipes are laid depends on the average winter temperature. For example, in regions with a warm climate, the depth of trenches can be up to 70 centimeters, and in areas with severe winters, it must be increased to 180 centimeters.

In unstable soil, the bottom of the excavated trench is reinforced with a layer of sand about 15 centimeters thick. Then the ditch is covered with soil and compacted.

It is better to lay pipes without turns, since it is in these areas that blockages are most often formed. If this is not possible, then a manhole is equipped in this place, which is sealed with concrete, and in some situations with hot bitumen.

Internal sewer network

After the construction of the septic tank and the laying of pipes, the internal sewer network is equipped. The house network provides for the collection of wastewater and its delivery to the street sewer.

Self-creation internal system as follows:

  1. Sinks, bathtub, washbasin and other plumbing fixtures are connected to a riser with a diameter of 50 millimeters. The devices are connected using a pipe of the same diameter with a slope that does not exceed 25 millimeters per linear meter.
  2. At the outlet of any plumbing device, water seals are installed that do not unpleasant odors get into the house.
  3. The toilet requires a riser with a diameter of 100 millimeters, and the pipes are laid at an angle not exceeding 12 millimeters. According to SNiP, a large slope should not be created, since in this case the sewer system will often become clogged.
  4. All risers are connected to a prefabricated sewer line that carries wastewater out of the house. Its diameter should be 100 millimeters.
  5. A small window measuring 300x300 millimeters is created in the basement wall or in the foundation of the house to bring the sewer network out of the building to the street (read also: "").
  6. A pipe is placed in the hole made. Be sure to leave a gap of at least 150 millimeters. Otherwise, the pipe may be damaged when the building shrinks.
When creating an internal sewer network, plastic or cast iron pipes are used. Plastic products are connected with special fittings, and cast iron - by welding.

Sewerage on suburban area it is quite possible to do it yourself, you just need to have some skills. There are several options for autonomous sewers, and each site owner can choose the type of system that meets his requirements and capabilities. by the most modern look sewerage is a design with a septic tank, in which the effluents are cleaned and then disposed of into the ground without harming the environment. In order for the sewer system to be effective, it is important to comply with all building codes and regulations.
