Installing a toilet bowl with your own hands is a rather complicated task, and will require certain skills and tools. However, if you do it yourself, then, firstly, you can save on a specialist, and secondly, gain invaluable experience - after all, new skills are always useful.

Toilets, due to their diversity, differ in the method of installation. The most common type is outdoor.

Required Items

Before you install the toilet with your own hands, you need to make sure that you have the items that will be needed in this matter:

  • Perforator;
  • Adjustable and wrench;
  • Hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • sealant;
  • Transfer cuff for connection to a cast-iron socket;
  • A container where water will drain from the dismantled plumbing fixture, as well as rags to wipe.


Before you change the toilet with your own hands, you will need to preparations. First you need to determine how the new device will be connected to the sewer. There are three cuff options:

  • Corrugated - this connection method is the most cost-effective. However, with this method, installation cannot be carried out close to the sewer pipe.

Before connecting the toilet with a corrugated cuff, you should make sure that the room has the necessary space and will comfortably fit the equipment.

  • Direct - a universal way to connect, allows you to do it reliably. If you have any hesitation in choosing a method of connecting to the sewer, then this option is the best.
  • Eccentric - a method of connecting to the sewer, it is convenient if the centers of the drain and socket are displaced.
Connecting the toilet drain with a cuff

To properly install the toilet with your own hands, it is recommended to dismantle the old liner and install a new one. Its length should be equal to the distance from the connection of the water supply pipe to the toilet connection, plus 15-20 cm.


Before you change the toilet, you will need to dismantle the old one. For this you will need:

  • Turn off the water supply;
  • Disable eyeliner;
  • Drain the contents from the barrel;
  • Remove barrel. If the old toilet is not planned to be used anywhere, then this can be done with a hammer, otherwise you will have to act carefully;
  • Remove the fixing tools with which the bowl was mounted, remove it by pouring out the remaining water.

If it is decided to use brute force to dismantle the old toilet bowl and use a hammer or punch, then you should be careful not to allow various fragments to enter the sewer, which will cause a blockage.

If there is any support made of wood or other material under the old bowl, then it must be removed. The void that remains after this operation must be filled with cement and leveled with a spatula.

Toilet installation

  • Before you put the toilet on your own, it is necessary to clean the socket from rust and dirt. Then it is necessary to cover with sanitary sealant and connect the cuff.

When the toilet is removed, odors come out of the sewer. So that they do not distract from work, the sewer hole must be closed with something, for example, plugged with rags.

  • Do-it-yourself toilet installation continues with markings for dowels. To do this, the bowl is placed in the place where it should be installed, and the holes are marked. Drill holes according to this marking and insert dowels into the holes.

In some models, the holes are drilled at an angle. In this case, to install the toilet in the holes, it is necessary to drill at the same angle.

  • When the dowels are inserted, the bowl is put in place and connected to the cuff from the sewer socket. Then the screws are tightened, on which plastic washers are put on.

It is not right to immediately tighten the screws too much. First you need to lightly bait, and evaluate whether the installation is smooth. If not, then level it by substituting plastic linings under it. Only then can you tighten it.

The bowl is installed according to the markup
  • To install the toilet, you yourself need to assemble the barrel if it is delivered disassembled. Here everything is done according to the instructions that are attached by the manufacturer.

All moving parts must not come into contact with each other or the walls of the drain tank.

  • The next step is to install the drain tank on the bowl. Fasteners are usually made using bolts, which should be tightened evenly. When the installation is done, a cover is put on the tank and a drain button or lever is installed.
  • Final moment self mounting toilet bowl - connection of the eyeliner.

When the eyeliner is connected, do not rush to turn on the water. First you need to check for damage to all components of the structure visually. And only when you are sure that everything looks normal, you can open the water, fill the reservoir and try to flush. If there are leaks, they need to be fixed.

We all want this unpleasant moment to come as late as possible, or even completely bypass us - when you have to replace the toilet, because it becomes unusable. Oddly enough, but you can quite do the work yourself, though you will need minimal skills in working with a drill or puncher. Well, if you know how to lay tiles or fill the screed. But even if you have not had to do this, then with a strong desire, you can learn this from videos on the Internet. We will consider in detail how to change the toilet to a new one and what you have to pay attention to.

This toilet bowl adds style and sophistication to the bathroom.


Today there are a great many various models toilets that can satisfy the most sophisticated taste and needs of customers. Whichever one you buy, it will still not affect the final result of the installation. But what you will have to consider in order for the result to exceed all your expectations:


Let's say it is - it will not be easy to remove the old toilet with your own hands. There are rare cases where it is not too securely fixed in place and all you need to do is disconnect it from the water supply and sewerage. But if you have ordinary apartment c, then things are not so smooth, because, as a rule, the toilet bowl is immured in the floor, and it is not possible to pull it out of there. Then you will have to break the toilet with your own hands.

Use construction cloth gloves, because broken ceramic has sharp edges and you can cut yourself when you clean the pieces from the floor. Also, wear protective goggles to keep small pieces or dust from getting into your eyes.

When dismantling the cast iron tee, please note that it has one outlet with a diameter of 10 cm for the toilet and 7.5 cm for other sewer pipes. Since you will be changing the pipes to plastic, you will need a 5 cm outlet so that you do not have to install a reduction in the tee. You can replace such a tee because of its large dimensions - the plastic one will be more compact. It must be removed carefully by loosening it so as not to accidentally damage the intermediate tee standing on the sewer riser.

Toilet replacement process

Preparatory work

Of course, you remember that if you have on the floor ceramic tile then the floor must be level. If this detail is neglected, the toilet may crack or crack. But if you don’t have a tile, then be sure to make an even screed. After completing the work, leave the floor to dry for at least three days. This is due to the fact that the toilet will be mounted using toilet dowels, and in order to securely fix them, you will need a reliable base. So it's better not to rush than to redo it later.

Since you are replacing the toilet with your own hands, you can now proceed to prepare communications:


Work on fixing and installing the toilet is as follows:

That's all the subtleties of replacing the toilet. In conclusion, I would like to note the following: if you find out another way how to change the toilet with your own hands, this does not mean that it is wrong. It's just that there are always several methods for solving a particular issue.

Having understood the toilet installation technology, you can save on plumbing services and do the job as efficiently as possible. The toilet can be mounted in the traditional way or more modern method- with installation. In the second case, the drain tank will be hidden in the wall, which will favorably affect the interior of the room.

You are provided with instructions on how to complete each of the listed installation options.

With one-piece molded shelf, mm370 and 400320 and 350150 Not less than 605330 435 340 and 360260
Without one-piece molded shelf, mm370 and 400320 and 350150 460 330 435 340 and 360260
Baby335 285 130 405 280 380 290 210

Work set

  1. Perforator.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Wrench.
  4. Fan pipe.
  5. Flexible hose.
  6. FUM tape.
  7. Fasteners.
  8. Sealant.

In the case of installing a toilet bowl on the installation, the listed list will expand with the corresponding set. Everything you need is bought at any plumbing store.

Dismantling the old toilet

First step . Shut off the water supply and drain all the liquid.

Second step. We unscrew the hose through which the tank is connected to the water supply.

Third step. We unscrew the fasteners of the tank. If they are rusty, we arm ourselves with a screwdriver or open-end wrench. We press the bolt head with the selected tool and unscrew the nut with an adjustable wrench. If it doesn’t work, pre-soak the nut with kerosene. We remove the tank.

Fourth step. Dismantling the toilet bowl.

Fifth step. Disconnect the toilet drain from the sewer.

In old buildings, plums are usually fixed with cement plaster. To destroy it, use a hammer and a chisel. We need to prick the cement and gently shake the toilet to the sides. The drain should turn and loosen. We tilt the product, allowing the remaining water to drain into the sewer.

If the toilet had an outlet to the floor, you need to clean off the wax ring

Sixth step. We close the sewer hole with a wooden or other suitable plug.

Important! Sewer gases do not have the most pleasant smell. However, they are poisonous and highly flammable. Be sure to keep this in mind as you work.

Getting ready to install

The base for the installation of the toilet must be level. There are several options for the development of events, namely:

  • if the floor is tiled and does not have level differences, we do not carry out any preliminary measures to level the base;
  • if the floor is tiled and not even, install the toilet with chopsticks. To do this, holes are drilled in the floor, chopsticks are hammered into them according to the level, and after that the toilet bowl is attached to the chopsticks with screws;
  • if it is planned to replace the tiles, we will dismantle old cladding and fill in a new screed if the old one has level differences;
  • if the toilet is installed in a new house or apartment without any finishing, we fill in the screed and lay the tiles.

We pay attention to pipes. Sewer from debris and various deposits, we install a tap on the water supply (if it was absent before) to shut off the water supply to the tank.

How to install a conventional toilet

As a rule, when selling, the toilet bowl and the tank are disconnected. The internal fittings of the barrel are most often already assembled, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

First step. We put the toilet bowl in its place and make marks at the attachment points.

Marks on the floor for fasteners

Second step. We remove the toilet bowl and drill mounting holes in the marked places.

Third step. We drive the dowels into the mounting holes.

Fourth step. Installing the bowl. We insert fasteners through special sealing gaskets. Tighten fasteners. You should not pull too hard - you can damage either the fasteners or even the toilet itself. We pull until the sanitary ware is firmly attached to the surface. From above we close the fasteners with plugs.

Fifth step. We mount the cover and seat. The manual for their assembly usually comes with the toilet, so we will not dwell on this event separately.

Sixth step. We connect the toilet to the sewer. The procedure depends on how the toilet outlet is connected.

Video - Installing a Compact toilet with wall outlet

Prices for accessories for toilets and urinals

Accessories for toilet bowls and urinals

If the release is done into the wall, we work like this:

If the release to the floor is being arranged, we do the following:

Helpful advice! If the toilet bowl is connected to the drain pipe using a corrugation, sealing can be abandoned in most cases, because. the design of such an adapter hose is itself capable of providing a sufficiently tight fit.

Seventh step. We carry out the installation of the tank. Drain mechanisms, as a rule, are sold already assembled. If the mechanism is disassembled, reassemble it according to the manufacturer's instructions (assembly order for different models may vary slightly).

We take the gasket from the kit and install it in the water hole in our toilet. Install the tank on the gasket and tighten the bolts.

Fasteners are most conveniently installed like this:

Eighth step. We connect the tank to the water supply using a flexible hose. We turn on the water supply and check the quality of the system. If it digs somewhere, tighten the nuts a little. The level of filling the tank with water is adjustable by moving the float lower or higher.

We let the tank fill several times and drain the water. If everything is fine, we take the toilet into permanent operation.

Modern version installation. A special wall installation is used, in which the mechanism of the tank is hidden. As a result, only the toilet bowl and the drain button remain visible.

We mount a wall-mounted toilet for installation

Video - How to install a wall-mounted toilet on a Geberit Doufix installation

The first stage is the installation of the frame

We carry out the installation of a metal frame with fasteners. We attach the tank to the frame. The position of the frame is adjustable with brackets at the top and screws at the bottom. Frames are sold separately, have the same structure and are suitable for use in combination with any toilet.

The assembled structure will have a height of about 1.3-1.4 m. The width should exceed the width of the tank.

The second stage - we hang the tank

We perform the installation in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • we place the drain button at about a meter distance from the floor;
  • between the attachment points we maintain a step equal to the distance between the eyes of our toilet bowl;
  • the drain pipe should be located at a height of about 220-230 mm;
  • we hang the wall-mounted toilet at a distance of 400-430 mm from the floor. These are average values. In general, focus on the growth of future users;
  • between the drain tank and the wall we maintain no more than 15 mm distance.

The third stage - we mount the finished installation

We first check the evenness of the wall with a plumb line. When deviations are found, do the following:

The fourth stage - install the tank

First we connect the tank. The drain may have top and side outlets. Almost all modern models receptacles allow you to choose between these two options.

Important! When installing the toilet on the installation, it is better to refrain from connecting the tank with a flexible hose. will last much longer than a hose. Would you like to destroy the frame skin in the near future for the sake of a five-minute replacement of such a hose? That's it!

For connection, it is best to use plastic pipes. All necessary fasteners usually come with the tank. Separately, you have to buy only a panel for the drain buttons, and even then not always.

We connect the release of our toilet bowl with the sewer. The most convenient way to do this is with a corrugation. We check the tightness of the structure. If everything is fine, turn off the water, temporarily turn off the toilet from the drain and remove the bowl to the side.

Important! The procedure for connecting the cistern to the toilet and plumbing may vary depending on the model of the product. We clarify these points in separately and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Fifth stage - we sheathe the installation

To do this, we use moisture-resistant drywall with a thickness of 10 mm. It is recommended to fix it with a double layer. First we do the following:

  • we screw the pins for hanging the toilet into the frame (they are included in the kit);
  • close the drain holes with plugs (also from the kit) so that they are not clogged with dust and debris;
  • we make holes in drywall for pins, pipes and a drain button.

We fasten the sheathing sheets to the frame with the help of special self-tapping screws. Keep the fastening step at the level of 30-40 cm. The design will have small size and weight, so there are no strict recommendations regarding the distance between fasteners.

We tile drywall with tiles or finish it in another way at our discretion.

Helpful advice! Before starting to tile the box with tiles, we install a plug and a cuff in the place of the future location of the drain button. They are usually included in the package.

Video - Installing a hanging toilet

Stage six - install the toilet

To do this, we connect the outlet of the bowl to the sewer hole and hang the product on the pins (we installed them in the previous stages of work). You can follow these steps in reverse order, whichever is more convenient for you. Tighten the fixing nuts.

Important! Previously, the tile that will come into contact with must be covered with a layer of silicone sealant (you can install a gasket instead).

You can turn on the water supply and use the toilet for its intended purpose.

The assembly instructions for the installation remain the same. Only the order of installation of the toilet bowl changes. Work in the following order.

First step. Lock your knee firmly. Metal fasteners will help you with this.

Second step. Treat the toilet outlet with technical ointment.

Third step. Install the toilet in the place intended for it. Circle the outline of the sanitary ware and mark the holes for the fasteners.

Fourth step. Remove the toilet and install the mounting brackets from the kit according to the marking.

Fifth step. Install the bowl, press its outlet into fan pipe and fix the sanitary ware with bolts or other fasteners included in the kit.

Sixth step. Connect the tank to the drain. Installation and connection of this element is carried out in the same way as in the case of mounting a wall-mounted toilet model.

Seventh step. We bring the drain button into a pre-prepared hole in the casing, turn on the water supply and check the operation of the toilet bowl. If everything is fine, we accept the product for permanent operation.

Read our new article- and also find out what varieties there are, how to choose and install.

Video - Installing an attached toilet with a hidden cistern

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself toilet installation

Any plumbing equipment has its own life, and at some point it may fail. This also applies to toilets. One way or another, during the repair in the bathroom, you will have to think about replacing such a device. As a rule, the call of the master associated with the dismantling and installation of plumbing can be an expensive pleasure. But this work can be done independently.

  • Nuances of preparation
  • Materials and tools
  • How to remove an old toilet
    • Fixation with dowels
    • Mounting on a hard base
    • gluing

Nuances of preparation

Before you change the toilet with your own hands, you should plan its future location in the bathroom. In addition, you need to decide on the model of the plumbing device. Old equipment often has an unattractive appearance, and does not correspond to the overall interior design in the case when the repair is carried out and the tiles are updated. This product can look rather unpresentable, even if it performs its function properly.

The main difference between such models is related to their connection to the sewerage system. This various shape and direction of the toilet outlet. There are the following varieties:

  • devices with oblique release;
  • appliances with direct release 90 degrees;
  • products with vertical release going to the floor.

Each of these types of sanitary containers has its advantages and disadvantages, but modern latrines, as a rule, are equipped with the units of the first two types.

Before starting work, you need to figure out what exactly needs to be done. Sometimes you need to replace the device completely. If only part of it has become unusable, for example, the toilet bowl has cracked, you can limit yourself to partial restoration.

First of all, you should decide on the choice of the model of the new equipment. For the most comfortable operation, the plumbing fixture must meet certain criteria. Before purchasing a new product, it is recommended to take measurements in the bathroom where the installation of the unit is planned. Given the dimensions obtained, you can choose a modification of plumbing that is ideal for your room.

When installing equipment, you need to consider some parameters. For example, the toilet must be mounted no closer than 60 cm to front door. There must be a gap of at least 20 cm between the product and the side walls. This will help to easily install, for example, a toilet seat for the disabled.

It should be remembered that in the case when a complete dismantling of plumbing equipment, The location of the new device may change due to the misalignment of the new and old mounting holes and will have to be positioned by slightly moving the device forward or to the side.

If the bowl of the product does not need to be replaced, it would be advisable to think about buying individual parts and mechanisms, rather than a complete set of equipment. In any case, in stores and markets, you can pick up sanitary tanks of any configuration.

This can be a plastic toilet bowl built into the wall or a compact sanitary ware container that is mounted on the shelf of the appliance bowl. However, in some cases, you will have to look for a different tank model. The interior design in the loft style provides for a wall-hung toilet cistern installed at a low height or under the ceiling. The external decor of the device will depend only on your taste preferences and design ideas.

Materials and tools

Do-it-yourself toilet replacement in an apartment is quite a feasible event for home master. To carry it out, spending a minimum of effort and material resources, while doing the work efficiently, you can, guided by a simple instruction.You only need to have some simple skills.

Of course, in order to cope with such a task, you will need to acquire some tools necessary for the dismantling and subsequent installation of plumbing. For work on changing plumbing, the following are useful:

  • hammer drill or impact drill with reliable concrete drill bits;
  • kit wrenches for connecting water hoses and assembling locking valves;
  • adjustable wrenches - pipe and "Swedish";
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers - straight and cross;
  • bottle of silicone sealant;
  • adhesive cement.

When a suitable sample of plumbing equipment is purchased, the issue of choosing water pipes for connecting water to the drain tank should be resolved. In the past, only metal communications were used for this purpose. Today, products made of polypropylene or metal-plastic are increasingly used. They are not as durable as steel counterparts, but the installation process is simplified several times. This distinguishes them favorably from old-style systems - neither special knowledge nor a specific tool is required to assemble a plumbing structure from innovative materials.

Previously, the repair of communications required the use of welding, cutting metal manually with a hacksaw, and threading. In this regard, the work was difficult, long and tiring. Metal-plastic pipes are a completely different matter - they are assembled using standard fittings, and even a person with minimal manual labor can cope with this task.

How to remove an old toilet

To perform such work as replacing a toilet bowl with your own hands, it would be useful to draw up a clear algorithm of actions. This will help reduce the time of the process by eliminating unnecessary intermediate operations and avoid possible missteps.Now we will talk about the actual change of old plumbing equipment. Of particular difficulty is the dismantling of the old model.

In the process of removing such a device, certain difficulties may be revealed. For example, the dismantling of a drain tank may be hindered by fasteners that have come into a substandard state. From constant contact with water for a long period, the mounting screws are covered with a layer of corrosion, which can greatly complicate their unscrewing.

When removing the toilet bowl, there are also usually difficulties of this kind with the removal of fasteners. In addition, it can be problematic to disconnect the outlet from the cast iron pipe sewer. Such connections were previously assembled for winding and smeared cement mortar. It is clear that it is almost impossible to disassemble such a unit without damaging the parts.

If it is not necessary to maintain the integrity of the old device during dismantling, then the bowl of the device can simply be broken into several pieces. If there is a need to save an old product, it would be appropriate to resort to the help of a qualified specialist.

The most difficult thing in this work is to disconnect the outlet and the sewer pipe. As a rule, over the years of use, a cast-iron pipe is heavily overgrown with rust from the inside, which seals the connection with the toilet to such an extent that it is not possible to simply separate them. In order to solve this issue, we suggest using a grinder. With its help, you simply cut off the cast-iron flange from the outlet of the plumbing fixture.

Methods for installing new plumbing

When planning such work as the dismantling and installation of a toilet bowl, it would be useful to study the device and the principles of installation of plumbing equipment of the main varieties.

Usually, the procedure for installing these devices is described in the instruction manual that comes with the product. Let us consider in more detail only the main points in which you may encounter some difficulties.

First you need to clean the outlet of the sewer pipe and connect it to a corrugated hose. Next, install a new product and outline its contour on the floor. You should also mark the points of fixation of the equipment to the horizontal plane. After, the corrugation is connected to the release of a new model.

As for the installation of the tank, you should start by assembling its internal fittings, and then connect the container to the bowl. At the same time, do not forget to lay the special rubber seals that come with the purchase. After the complete assembly of the device, it is imperative to conduct a test run of the water supply and check the quality of the drain tank. Today, experts distinguish three main ways to install a toilet bowl. Each of them deserves special attention.

Fixation with dowels

The most popular and reliable way to fix the toilet bowl. Holes for fasteners are made in the floor at pre-marked points. After installing the equipment and fix it with dowels. The seam between the floor and the product is sealed with silicone.

This work will not take much time and is not particularly difficult even for a beginner. In addition, the method allows you to firmly install the system, which guarantees its long and successful operation.

Mounting on a hard base

This method has been known for quite a long time. Its essence is that the toilet bowl, the photo of which is presented in the website gallery, is installed on a wood base, fixed in a special niche. Taffeta is laid flush with the floor or so that it rises slightly above it, and poured with a concrete solution. The new model is fixed to the board with screws laid with rubber washers. Of course, before fixing the product, you need to connect it to sewer communications.

This mounting option is rarely used today. This is a very laborious and long process, which does not guarantee special reliability.


Another almost forgotten method. It consists in applying an epoxy adhesive to the floor and the lower plane of the toilet bowl. To do this, acquire the desired substance and prepare both surfaces. They need to be treated with an abrasive and thoroughly degreased. Next, a thin layer of glue is applied to both planes and the device is installed, pressing it to the floor. It must be said that the complete curing of the composition occurs after 12 hours of exposure. Of course, this method is inefficient and is associated with some difficulties.

I must say that the replacement of plumbing is not as difficult an event as we used to think about it. Such work is within the power of every owner. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions during the installation of a new product and listen to the advice of experienced professionals.

If it is not possible to remove the tank due to corrosion of the fasteners, you can simply break it with a hammer

Plastic plumbing will be a smart alternative to old metal pipes

You should stock up on a set of tools for such work.

Today, compact designs are very popular.

Products with an oblique outlet - optimal solution for an apartment

An old toilet often has an unpresentable appearance, although it functions properly

Disconnecting the product from the cast iron drain is the most difficult part of the work

Marking the exact installation site and mounting holes is one of the important steps

Fixing the toilet with dowels to the floor is the most reliable way of fixing

Do-it-yourself toilet replacement is not as difficult an undertaking as people usually think about it.

Mounting the toilet bowl on taffeta is one of the options for fixing the product

All attachment points between the toilet bowl and the cistern must be sealed with silicone

The new tank is installed on a special sealing ring and fixed with screws

Connecting the drain corrugation to the toilet outlet

After installing the product, seal the joint of the toilet bowl with the floor with silicone

First you need to put a new product on its permanent place of attachment

Dismantling the toilet is not the most pleasant experience. However, this procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Any person can reinstall it, it is enough to know how the whole structure is attached to the floor and pipes. Particular attention should be paid to the tank. In this article we will tell you how to replace the toilet in the apartment.


Before work, it is important to protect yourself. After all, self-replacement of the toilet bowl can lead to various infections. For example, if there are unhealed scratches on the hands, then bacteria can get there.

During dismantling, fragments fly off from the old unit, which can injure the master.

In addition to hands, you should also protect your eyes, where infection can also easily get.

  1. You must wear gloves on your hands.
  2. The eyes are protected by goggles.
  3. The dismantled device must be treated with an antiseptic to minimize the number of dangerous bacteria. You can use bleach or bleach.

What are the types of device

Toilet bowls can be almost new and Soviet. The difference between them lies in the nature of the attachment.

  1. New products are usually mounted using plastic fasteners. When dismantling, such fasteners are cut off. The tubes in the new products are also plastic or metal-plastic, and it is easy to disconnect them.
  2. Soviet products of this type are mounted directly into the floor. As a rule, the place of attachment is filled with cement. To dismantle such a unit, you have to break it. However, these devices are quite old, and you should not feel sorry for them. Using a hand tool, you can easily remove them. The pipes with which the old Soviet toilets are connected to communications are sometimes steel. These pipes will have to be unscrewed or cut down.

Preliminary work


Having determined the type of fastening, you can get to work.

  1. With the old Soviet method of fastening, you must first rip off the bolts. They can be unscrewed or simply broken. Most often, they are no longer amenable to the influence of the tool, so it is easier to break off the heads. Then you have to break out the toilet itself. It is very firmly built into the sewer pipe, because in those days they did it for centuries. Having finished dismantling, it is necessary to clean the place of work for the installation of a new unit.
  2. If the model is relatively new, then nothing will have to be broken. It is necessary to unscrew the bolts, which, most likely, have not yet rusted too much. Next, you need to disconnect plastic pipe from the sewer system.

Before installation

After the dismantling of the toilet is completed, you can proceed to prepare the site for a new unit.

  1. The place must be cleaned of construction debris, fragments of old materials and dust.
  2. The sewer hole must be covered. plastic bottle so nothing gets in there. The release is also closed.
  3. At the place of dismantling, it is necessary to make markings for a new toilet bowl. On the floor, marks are first made for the bolts. Then holes should be drilled with a diamond drill.
  4. You can mount a new product on the prepared place; for this, you should purchase a special mounting kit. The kit usually includes:
  • 2 plastic dowels;
  • 2 long screws;
  • washers and gaskets;
  • screw caps.


Choosing a toilet is a very important undertaking. After all, he will stand in place for more than one year. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the kit that best meets all the requirements.

Complex structures in the event of a breakdown, most likely, cannot be repaired on their own.

Most often, people do not consider the choice of this device a difficult matter. The list of requirements for it is limited to convenience, lightness and, sometimes, color. Beyond this, most buyers do not go. But in addition to external characteristics, each model has its own technical indicators. Leading companies in the plumbing market regularly update their product range, releasing more and more interesting new products. Focusing only on the appearance and convenience of the toilet, you can soon encounter problems that will not be easy to solve. Before you make a replacement, you need to think about some characteristics.

  1. When choosing a device, you must consider the size of the bathroom or toilet. For large spacious rooms, it is recommended to purchase designs with a bidet and a tank. If the dimensions of the bathroom are very small, then you can organically fit a toilet without a tank into the space. Such models have a special built-in flush system. They are very convenient and will save space in the room.
  2. The material of manufacture of the unit is very important. By purchasing cheap products, the consumer runs the risk of getting low-quality ceramics, which will very soon ruin all the pleasure of buying. Of all the proposals for the home, it is better to choose models made of porcelain and faience in the middle price segment.
  3. Of great importance is the internal shape of the bowl. Some of the models have a special splash guard.
  4. The design of the flushing device is also important. It is selected taking into account the features of the communication system in the house. There are three types of such structures: vertical, oblique and horizontal. To do right choice, you need to look at the features of the flush device in your system.
  5. Today there are many models of drain tanks. It is necessary to take into account the noise level of the tank, its capacity and other indicators. You should also pay attention to the location of the tank relative to the toilet itself.

It is known that it is easiest to install the most simple models. Usually they also do not cause any special problems during operation. Choosing too complex a design, the consumer may later regret his choice. In the simplest models, most of the problems are associated with a drain tank, which is not difficult to fix.

