Sequoias growing in California are among the tallest trees in the world. They reach a height of 110 meters. Some trees are 2000-3000 years old! It is difficult to convey the indelible impression that a walk among these giants leaves. The truth of creation is powerfully revealed here. The cells of a tree are organized to make up roots, trunk, bark, water columns, branches, and leaves. The tree resembles a giant chemical factory. Extremely complex chemical processes take place in it in perfect order.

The amazing thing is that this huge tree grows from a small seed weighing about 5 grams. Just think: all the information about the development and organization of these giants is embedded in their DNA, in a tiny round seed. The seed follows all the "instructions" that are in its DNA, and turns into a giant structure, incomparable in appearance and size, containing 2500 tons of wood. Amazing, isn't it?

Giant sequoia "General Sherman".
Its height is 83.8 m, and the perimeter of the trunk at the base is 34.9 m. The age of the tree is 2500 years. This tree is considered the largest living organism on Earth. Its weight, together with the root system, is 2,500 tons. The volume of a tree is 17,000 cubic meters, which is 10 times more than the volume of a blue whale.

Scripture says: “God is exalted in His might, and who is a teacher like Him? …Remember to exalt His works that people see. All people can see them; a man can see them from afar” (Job 36:22,24-25). Indeed, all people can see the works of God.

A sequoia produces up to 600 liters of water per day through its leaves, so it constantly raises water from roots to branches, overcoming the force of gravity. How is it possible for a tree that does not have mechanical pumps? 100 meters is a really impressive height, comparable to two 14-story buildings. It turns out that inside the trunk of a sequoia there is a special system of narrow interconnected tubules called xylem. This complex internal tissue of the tree serves to conduct water from the roots to the leaves. Xylem tubes form cells located one above the other. Together they form an incredibly long column, extending from the roots through the trunk to the leaves. To "pump" water, the sequoia must form a continuous column of water in this pipe.

A tree maintains water throughout its life. Remember how strong wind bends the tree and branches. However, due to the fact that the conductive tube is made up of millions of small pieces, butted together, the flow of water is constantly kept. One solid tube would not have done the job. Since water usually doesn't flow upwards, how does a tree manage to pump it to such a height? The roots "pull" the water up, and the action of capillarity (the ability of water to rise slightly along the walls of the tube) adds pressure. However, this force provides the tree with a rise in water only by 2-3 meters. The main driving force is evaporation and attraction between water molecules. Molecules have positively and negatively charged particles, due to which they adhere to each other with enormous force, which, according to experimental measurements, is 25-30 atmospheres (1 atmosphere is equal to normal atmospheric pressure at sea level). That's enough to push through a World War II submarine 350 meters underwater. Sequoia easily maintains a pressure of 14 atmospheres at the top of the water column. Water, evaporating from the leaves, generates suction power. The water molecule evaporates from the leaf and, due to the force of molecular attraction, pulls other molecules around it with it, which creates a slight suction in the water column and pulls water from neighboring cells of the leaf. These molecules, in turn, attract the surrounding molecules. The chain of motion continues all the way to the ground and moves the water from the roots to the top of the tree, much like a pump lifts water from a well to the surface.

We understand that the tree itself could not come up with such a complex system that wisely uses the physics of water and the energy of the Sun. We give all Glory to God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Giant trees testify to the historicity of the book of Genesis, which reveals to us their true origin: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, grass yielding seed, fruitful tree yielding fruit after its kind, in which is its seed, on the earth. And it was so” (Genesis 1:11).

D. Kurovsky

In ancient times and the Middle Ages, people often faced the task of raising water to a height. It was implemented in a variety of ways that any homeowner who has been left on a plot of land for long periods of time without electricity can remember. In the case of a large depth of the water intake source and an acute need for water, the use of ancient methods will bring certain benefits in broadening one's horizons, improving health and obtaining additional engineering and construction skills.

If you decide how to raise the water to a height, you can not do without a pump. Only for lifting you will have to use not electric, but manual homemade devices, for the operation of which the application of muscular strength or the energy of the current water flow is required.

Invention screw device to supply water to heights for the purpose of filling irrigation canals was made by Archimedes around 250 BC.

Fig.1 The principle of operation of the Archimedes screw pump

The device consists of a hollow cylinder, inside which the screw rotates, during operation it lowers into the water intake source at an angle. When the propeller blades rotate, they capture water and the propeller lifts it up the pipe, at the top point the pipe ends and the water is poured into a container or irrigation canal.

In ancient times, the impeller was rotated by slaves or animals, in our time there may be problems with this and you will have to additionally build a wind wheel to set the screw in rotation or strengthen the muscles yourself.

Fig. 2 A variation of the wheel of Archimedes - a pump from a tube

The device is an analogue of modern screw pumps, it can have various modifications: the screw rotates together with the cylinder or has the form of a hollow tube wound on a rod.

The mechanic Montgolfier in 1797 came up with a device called a hydraulic ram. It uses the kinetic energy of water flowing from top to bottom.

Rice. 3 The principle of operation of the hydropercussion water pump

The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that in the event of a sharp shutdown of the water flow in a rigid pipe, water is forced out through a check valve under pressure into a hydraulic tank located at the top. In its lower part there is a fitting, on which the outlet water hose is put on, going to the consumer. The non-return valve does not allow water to flow back - thus there is a constant cyclic filling of the tank and a continuous rise and flow of water.

The shut-off valve of the device works automatically, so the presence of a person and the organization of his work, except for the installation of equipment, is not required.

Rice. 4 Appearance industrial hydropercussion pump

It should be noted that such devices do not need to be made independently; they are produced industrially in small volumes.

The ancestor of the method is the German mining engineer Karl Loscher, who invented the method in 1797.

Rice. 5 The principle of operation of the air lift pump and its varieties

Aerolift (airlift) - a type of jet pump, air is used to lift water. The device is a hollow vertical pipe lowered into the water, to the bottom of which a hose is connected. When pressurized air is supplied through the hose into the pipe, its bubbles mix with water, and the resulting foam rises up due to the light specific gravity.

Air can be supplied with a conventional hand pump through a nipple that prevents it from escaping back.

Rice. 6 Automatic water supply by airlift using a compressor

Such a device for supplying water in the absence of a pump is quite simple to do with your own hands and automate the process if there is an air supply compressor.

Rice. 7 The principle of operation of a homemade piston pump

You can make a device for supplying water to a height by suction using a piston. The device is a pipe with a system of check valves, inside the cylindrical surface of which a piston moves. During the return movement, water is sucked into the cylinder body, when the piston moves forward, the check valves close and the water is pushed out.

Rice. 8 Piston pump in the organization of manual water supply.

A piston pump with a long pipe for lifting water from great depths to hold and pump water is an occupation for trained bodybuilders, it is more convenient to adapt it to lift water from a narrow well, fixing it on an external column with a handle.

To quickly lift water from shallow depths from narrow crevices, you can use the simplest industrial device. To do this, a manual water pump is taken and a long plastic tube is put on its inlet valve. Homemade pump is lowered into the water by the long end of the tube and it is pumped by repeated pressing of the pump button.

Rice. 9 Hand pump for lifting water

Methods for lifting water without an electric pump are ineffective and require serious costs and efforts to manufacture a workable and convenient device that is incomparable not only with the cost of the cheapest electric pump, but also with expensive models. Their use is justified when living in areas with a complete lack of electricity, which can be attributed to extreme ways of survival.

It is known that, theoretically, a suction pump is not capable of lifting water from a depth of more than 8-9 meters. In practice, this distance is even less - 6-7 m, and to create sufficient pressure in the water supply system it will be better if the water mirror is at a distance of 5 m from the surface. There are several ways to solve the problem of lifting water for a pumping station. Let's consider one of them.

Increase in pressure inside the well

An increase in pressure inside the well will cause spontaneous rise of water through the pipe even in the absence of a pump. If you seal the mouth of the casing string with a head and supply air to the well with a compressor, the water will begin to rise up, experiencing the absence of pressure in the riser pipe. True, experts warn that with this method of extracting water from, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the depth of the water-saturated reservoir;
  • aquifer productivity;
  • well flow rate;
  • features of the geological structure of the site.

Otherwise, well operation can be disrupted, since excessive pressure in the casing string will not allow water from a water-saturated formation to flow into the well. That is, the air cushion between the tip and the water table will begin to push the water column down until it is completely forced out of the casing string back into the aquifer. It is best to use a compressor in tandem with a pumping station. Even a slight increase in pressure in the well will increase the suction power of the pump.

Among the disadvantages of this method of water delivery, the noisy operation of the compressor unit should be noted. Given that the pumping station itself is noisy, it will be necessary to place the equipment in a room with good sound insulation. One more feature of the operation of an automatic pumping station should be remembered: the engine turns on automatically as soon as the pressure in the accumulator drops below the set value.

The power supply is controlled by a pressure switch, on which the pressure level for turning the pump on and off is set. When the engine is off, water is consumed from the storage tank of the hydraulic tank, and when the pressure decreases, the relay turns on the pump again. Hence it follows that pumping station And air compressor must be combined into one electrical circuit so that, at the command of the pressure switch, power is simultaneously supplied to both the pump and the compressor.

On your own piece of land, first of all, you need to take care of providing it with water for irrigation, drinking and other needs. To do this, it is enough that a well is built, and from it it will always be possible to extract the required amount of necessary moisture at any time of the year. But to lift the liquid, as you know, you need a pump that runs on electricity. But what if the site is far from civilization, and there is no electricity on it? In this case, you can do without a pump, using other methods. These methods will now be discussed.

Well types

Drilling wells can be of two types: sand and artesian. The first type has another name - a filter well. It is drilled to the nearest aquifer in sandy ground. The depth can reach 30 meters, and the width of the casing can be about 13 cm. The peculiarity of the structure of such a source is that a strainer is made on the walls of the pipe. To extract water from it, a deep or surface unit is required. It can last up to 15 years. But the service life primarily depends on the depth of the aquifer and on how intensively it is used.

The second type is artesian well. The water in it is extracted from a great depth, it can reach a 200-meter mark. It has increased productivity and high quality water. It serves much longer than the first type - more than 50 years. Accordingly, a more powerful apparatus should be used to raise moisture to the surface. To drill such a hole, a permit from the local government is required.

Is it possible to get water from these wells without using an electric pump? Yes, it is quite possible, and from mines of both types. But it is important to take into account several nuances. A lot depends on handheld devices, which will be applied in this case. Usually they do not give enough pressure at a depth of more than 30 meters. Therefore, such a system is relevant mainly for a sandy well. But first, let's figure out how it is possible to raise liquid from such a structure without a pump, and what is needed for this.

Extraction of water by air pressure

This unusual way perfect for extracting water from a mine without a pump. That is, you can use any manual hose pump that works without electricity. Making such a system is quite simple. First you need to completely seal the top of the well. 2 holes are made in it: a hose from the pump is inserted into one, a pipe for water supply is inserted into the second. When working with such a device, pressure is created in the mine, which pushes the liquid out.

If the air pressure entering the mine is powerful, then it is quite possible to do without an electric pump. But it should be taken into account that such pressure will push water not only up, but also down into the aquifer. What this is fraught with will be described below. This method can be used in conjunction with standard approaches. It is especially relevant if the pressure in the pit is not strong enough, even for an electric pump.

Extraction of water by hydraulic ramming

This is another non-standard way of extracting water without a pump: in this case, a hydraulic ram is used - a device designed to mechanically lift fluid from any well, even an artesian one.

Such a device works on energy obtained from the flow of water. By raising the water to a great height and lowering it down, the liquid is pushed up. This design consists of the following components:

    baffle valve;

    return valve;

    supply pipe;

    outlet pipe;

    air cap.

By opening and closing the valves in a certain sequence, the fluid circulates. It accelerates along the supply pipe and a water hammer is created, displacing the liquid out into the outlet pipe. Such a device is difficult to make on your own, but it is easy to purchase. And this will be the most correct solution for areas where there is no electricity.

Important Points

When extracting water by increasing the pressure inside the mine, several important factors must be taken into account. First, the geological structure of the area where the well is located is taken into account.

Also important is the debit of the mine for the extraction of liquid from the earth and the productivity of the aquifer.

And, of course, the depth of the aquifer is taken into account.

If all this is not taken into account, then due to excess pressure, the well may fail. Simply put, the liquid from the aquifer will stop flowing into the mine. This is due to the fact that the air formed inside will push almost all the water down, pressing it into the ground. Therefore, the air supply must be optimal. It should only be enough to push the water out and not create excess pressure.

Your own piece of land can provide you not only with a building site, growing a vegetable garden and a garden, but also with free clean water in any quantity. To do this, you just need competent drilling and arrangement of a well on it.

In this article, we will cover all the necessary steps for this.


Drilling wells - it is from this stage that you should provide your home with water. It is the finished mine that is subsequently equipped with everything necessary equipment and a stable plumbing system is being created.

Drilling wells under water can be carried out in two ways: on sand and on clay. Let's analyze their features.


  1. aquifer are characterized as follows:
    • Shallow depth, about 10-20 m.

    • Weak performance.
    • Pollution sewage due to the lack of reliable protection.

Tip: to prevent impurities from entering the well, it is recommended to initial stage choose a place for its creation, which is the most remote from possible sources of pollution.

    • With a long idle time of the well, siltation occurs.

Advice: you should not drill a mine to sandstone in the country, where you visit only during the season.
Because during the winter it will come into a deplorable state and will require major repairs.

    • Short service life, about ten years.
    • Low selling price.
    • The possibility of drilling with your own hands. Which allows you to save even more.

  1. An artesian well has a large number of positive characteristics:
    • Great depth, reaching in some regions 300 m.

    • Reliable protection from the clay layer from external pollution.
    • Low water temperature in the well.
    • High performance, sufficient to provide multiple points of water intake.
    • No silting process.
    • Long service life up to fifty years.
    • High complexity and labor intensity of the drilling process.
    • High implementation cost. You will need a lot of pipes and powerful equipment.


When arranging a mine, one should first of all understand what a water mirror in a well is. Since you will come across such a term more than once in communication with drillers or sellers of plumbing equipment. And everything is really simple, this is the surface of groundwater. This is where we will lower the submersible pump.

For high-quality well operation, the following components will be required:


How to raise water from a well without electricity? In the country where there is no wiring, you can use a manual rod pump. Typically, pumping liquid in this way is used in oil production, but a household sample may well help out in the wild.

If there is wiring, it is better to use automated pumps:

  1. Spiral. The pumping of water from the well is carried out using the turns of the screw rotor. Such devices differ in low productivity and the ability to pump liquid mixed with debris.

  1. Centrifugal. Water is taken from the well along the inner surface of the body, which has spiral paths, by means of propeller blades. Such a unit has a very high performance with small dimensions, but is very sensitive to the presence of sand in the water.

Tip: if using centrifugal pump water from the well comes in jerks, which means that its surface does not reach the inlet pipe.
In this case, you must either lower the device below, or add liquid through the outlet.

  1. Vibrating. They work by creating a magnetic field, which leads to the opening and closing of the inlet membrane, followed by internal pressure. It throws H 2 O to the point of consumption. Low cost and low power consumption make it budget option. The downside is the danger of destruction of the mine by vibration.

Tip: to protect the shaft from the negative impact of the vibration pump, its diameter should be made obviously larger.

Installation instructions:

  1. We connect a metal-plastic pipe to the selected device. We seal the spiral connection with flax and silicone.
  2. We connect the power cable, hiding it in a heat shrink tube.
  3. We attach a steel cable to a special eyelet on the body.
  4. We connect all three elements with clamps into a single route.
  5. Gently immerse the device so that it is below the water level, but a meter above the bottom. This will minimize the ingress of bottom sand inside.
  6. We attach the cable from above to the head.


This facility is designed to accommodate and protect the equipment associated with the operation of the well and the entrance to it.

It may be from the following materials:

  • concrete;
  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic.

For its installation, a pit is dug one and a half meters deep and wide according to the dimensions of the container around the mine. Immersed inward and buried to the outlet.

Tip: if you have a heated basement, you can put all the necessary equipment in it.
This will save the family budget.

Hydraulic accumulator

This tank allows you to control the level of pressure throughout the plumbing system, protects against water hammer and guarantees the presence of a minimum amount of water in the event of a power outage. Located in a caisson.


This unpretentious element seals the mine and protects it from precipitation and all kinds of debris. Also, the upper end of the steel cable that holds the pump is fastened to it.


Once a year or as needed, it is necessary to clean the bottom filter, as it gradually becomes clogged with sand and other bottom debris, reducing the debit of the mine.

Methods for increasing well productivity:

  • pumping out dirty water another submersible pump.
  • bailer.

  • Filling with reagents.


The extraction of water on your own site is a very capacious and scrupulous business. But it's totally worth it. Having overcome all the difficulties, you will have at your disposal a constant, free and clean source of much-needed moisture for a person.

The main work consists in choosing an aquifer, drilling to it. Among the equipment, the most important is the submersible pump. Various Models have their own sets of negative and positive qualities, so you should carefully study specifications your mine and machine capabilities before making a final selection.

Timely preventive maintenance of the well will significantly prolong its functioning and protect you from drinking low-quality water.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials. Be attentive at all stages of well construction, and the reward will not be long in coming!
