From personal experience, I have repeatedly been convinced and do not get tired of repeating that its efficiency, reliability and durability depend on the quality and correct arrangement of a well for water.

Below I will answer the most common questions, describe possible problems that may arise during the construction and operation of the well, I will tell you how best to deal with them.

That is why the cost of arranging a well cannot be cheaper than 39 thousand rubles - a detailed estimate (look and don't be fooled (

well construction - what is included in the work?

The drilling service implies direct access to the water, installation of a casing string and sometimes a complete pumping of the well. Everything else is arrangement.

In order for you to better understand what the cost of well construction consists of, below I will describe its individual stages and immediately give the average prices for these services in the Moscow region.


Ongoing work

Average cost for MO

Column sealing

Mounting a head or well cover with an adapter

8500-12000 rubles

Installation of the caisson

Earthworks, installation of a steel, plastic or concrete caisson with a lid, backfilling

22000-35000 rubles (depending on the type of caisson chosen)

Pump installation

Selection and supply of a suitable pump, mounting at the desired depth, arranging the supply

20000-25000 rubles

Bringing water to the house

Supply of supply pipes, excavation(depth of trenches up to 2 m), installation work

Up to 1500 rubles per linear meter

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator and a pump control unit

Selection and installation of a membrane tank, automation, adjustment

Up to 10000-12000 rubles

Additionally, the estimate may include installation materials, distribution manifolds, system for automatic draining of water from the system, valves, fittings.

Helpful advice!

I advise you to always make an estimate for the construction of a well together with specialists in order to be able to immediately refuse additional services, which in your case may be irrelevant, and save money.

What types of wells do we drill

Well arrangement options

I offer three main ways to equip a well, each of which is relevant in certain conditions:

  • Most cheap way arrangement. Based on personal experience, I can say that freezing of water in it is excluded if its mirror is at a depth of more than 2.5-3 meters. For the winter, the head can be additionally insulated, isolated from direct contact with snow, moisture.
  • Bringing water into the house through an adapter. I often find that people choose this method in order to save money, so as not to buy and install a caisson. And here one problem arises - if it is necessary to maintain the well, you have to pay extra for earthworks, since the adapter itself is installed at a depth of more than 2 meters from the surface. Therefore, this saving seems to me doubtful.


The choice of arrangement method depends on the type and depth of the well, the intensity of use. Heed the advice of a specialist to avoid additional costs and inconvenience during the operation of the well.

Drilling cost calculation
fine sand wells

Select your region: Solnechnogorsky District Istrinsky District Dmitrovsky District Odintsovsky District Krasnogorsky District Klinsky District Narofominsky District

If you are not in your area, please call us and we will make an individual calculation.

Casing pipe HDPE Pipe PVC-U 129 mm

Filter: For HDPE (stainless steel). For PVC-U (slotted with spraying).

Independent arrangement of a deep well

Doing a well on the site with your own hands will definitely not work. You will spend a lot of time, money and effort. Of course, you can try to drive in a pipe and make an Abyssinian well, but alas, this is not for long and does not work everywhere.

Without special equipment, tools, and most importantly - experience, you will not be able to avoid all the mistakes that you can make. I will list just a few of them:

During my practice, I often encountered such consequences as freezing of the pipeline in winter time, a decrease in the quality of water from a well due to dirt from the surface entering the bottomhole, flooding of the caisson and many other problems.

Helpful advice!

If you are determined to carry out the construction of the well yourself, I recommend that you find a company that provides installation supervision services. A specialist is sent to the facility, and already under his strict control and taking into account his recommendations, you independently carry out all the work.


  • Well type (sand/limestone), its depth, static water level
  • Purpose of the well - seasonal or permanent use, irrigation or domestic water supply
  • Weather features of the region and the depth of soil freezing, its type
  • Selected type pumping equipment, automation, its location (caisson, separate technical room)

I always take into account the geodetic features of the site, we know the geology then there are fewer problems.

Arrangement of a self-draining well

A self-draining well differs from the usual one by an excessively high static water level, which is above the ground level. This is the result high pressure in the aquifer.

I can tell you with complete certainty that simple solutions in this situation, there is no point in waiting.

Self-draining wells for the Moscow region are not a frequent phenomenon, but sometimes I had to deal with such problematic hydraulic structures and eliminate the consequences.

I know of two scenarios:

  • Self-draining occurs only from the wellbore - this indicates that the drillers did their job well, and water does not enter the annulus. Here it will be a little easier to solve the problem
  • Self-draining occurs not only from the wellbore, but also from the annulus - this is the result of the unprofessional work of the drillers or the inattention of the chief engineer. A very serious problem with an expensive solution

Increasing the height of the column- is the most popular solution to the problem. Sometimes 2-3 meters of a pipe is enough to stop self-draining, around which a caisson is built with a depth of 2 meters, and the upper part is insulated.

If there is a body of water nearby- preferably a river, a stream, I propose such a solution - we dig ourselves 2 meters around the column and equip a full-fledged caisson on a good pillow. We muffle the trunk with a head, we mount pumping equipment in the caisson (you can use a self-priming installation), we equip a traditional autonomous water supply.

We make an additional outlet pipe with a valve designed for a certain pressure (depending on the water pressure in the reservoir), to which we connect a flexible hose and direct it into the reservoir.

Thus, we relieve excess pressure and eliminate the risk of water squeezing into the annulus, soil erosion. If there is no reservoir nearby, you need to look for an opportunity to divert water in a natural way to ownerless territories, into artificial drainage.

If the self-spill cannot be eliminated, and water drainage is impossible, I suggest only plugging the well - “plugging”. This is a very complicated and expensive process, and, as far as I know, only a few companies provide such services in the entire Moscow Region.

Water is pumped out of the well with powerful compressor units, a clay solution is fed to the bottom, and after the self-spout is jammed, a gravel pad is poured on top. You can also use a special spacer parker to keep water from rising to the surface.

I do not advise sealing a well with self-draining tightly, since there is always a risk that water will find its way, and this is a high probability of erosion of the site, washing away the foundation of finished buildings.

Technique at work

Drilling equipment

Well drilling

Arrangement of an artesian well - features

During my practice, I only a few times came across the fact that people order an artesian well for irrigation. Basically, this type of hydraulic structures is used for arranging year-round autonomous water supply. In this regard, I propose the capital arrangement of such wells:

  • Mandatory installation of a caisson or over a borehole house + cap
  • Installation of a diaphragm accumulator, centrifugal pump, automation
  • Laying pipelines in trenches at a depth of up to 2 meters
  • Installation of water treatment systems based on the results of laboratory water analysis
  • Installation of auxiliary systems - automatic draining of the system, drainage pump in a caisson

an example of arranging a well for sand and how much does it cost


A sand well most often has a lower flow rate compared to artesian wells, less stable water quality. Therefore, in my practice, in most cases they are ordered for seasonal use in summer cottages. In this regard, I propose an economical arrangement option:

  • head mounting, buried in a small caisson (1 concrete ring with a hatch) or protected small house on a surface

  • Downhole pump installation

  • Laying a pipeline to the house

Below I will compare the costs of arranging a deep well for limestone and a seasonal well for sand.

Type of work

borehole on limestone

Well on the sand

Installation of the caisson

22000-35000 rubles

from 13500 rubles

Installation of pumping equipment

20000-25000 rubles

4000-5000 rubles


15000-20000 rubles

1500-3000 rubles

Installation of a water treatment system

From 13000-15000 rubles

Not required

Installation of automation

Arrangement of a well for a permanent residence house

I recommend for houses under permanent residence wells with a debit of 2 cubic meters of water per hour. If a well on sand or a well provides such a resource, and the quality of the water in it is not bad, then it is not necessary to spend more and drill artesian.

I can advise you to get acquainted with the situation in your locality, talk with your neighbors, find out what happens to the flow rate in their wells and wells at different times of the year.

As for the arrangement itself, I repeat - it should be capital, since the main problems arise precisely in winter. The pipeline must be laid at a depth below the freezing of the soil. If there is “extra” money, I advise you to put a heating cable just in case - it won’t be worse. But if the installation of the pipeline is carried out at a depth of 2 meters, then the heating cable is superfluous.

By personal experience I know that the depth of soil freezing in Moscow Region does not exceed 1.8 meters even in the coldest winters, and the average freezing depth is 1.3-1.6 meters. But do not spare money for a caisson - it will allow you to service the hydraulic structure and equipment without any extra costs.

Is it possible to use a cellar for arranging a well?

Theoretically and even practically - it is possible, but I strongly do not recommend doing this. If you have the problem described above with self-draining, then you run the risk of being completely left without a residential or utility building. In addition, I am sure that the well construction will be associated with a number of problems (the inability to use long casing pipes, the difficulty of removing soil, mud), and it will be impossible to use a full-fledged drilling rig.

I advise drilling a well, taking into account the standards for SNiP - 5 meters from residential buildings, 10 meters from neighboring plots, 25 meters from septic tanks.

Summing up, based on my own knowledge and experience, I recommend that you do not save on well construction, so that later it does not result in additional costs for you. By doing it yourself, you will lose more than you save. Trust real professionals, then you will not face the possible negative consequences described above.


The water well is optimal solution for a private house or cottage, which allows you not to use water from a centralized pipeline, but to provide yourself with a reliable source of clean artesian water.

One of the main structural devices is the caisson. For the arrangement of a water well, it is necessary to select the right specialized equipment, which includes a pump, a head for the well and a hydraulic accumulator (its main function is to change and support required level fluid pressure in the main well system).

The main guarantee of the efficiency of a water well will be its tightness. At the same time, the caisson is mounted with a neck, which fits the lid as tightly as possible. The submersible pump will perform the main function. A stable working pressure for this type of well is 1.8-3 atmospheres.

The caisson is integral part the whole structure. His appearance resembles a standard sealed side of various capacities, which performs a protective function in the water intake system. The caisson aims to neutralize the risk of water freezing or mixing with contaminated groundwater. It is also possible to install filtration equipment, a pressure switch, a membrane tank and other structural elements there. At the top of the device, a cap is mounted on the neck. During the drilling process, all physical parameters that relate to the diameter, depth of the well, as well as soil parameters (its density, composition, layers and groundwater level) are taken into account.

The installation of the caisson takes place in a dug hole. A casing pipe is mounted in this pit - it is welded to the caisson by electric welding. Next comes the connection electric cable, which is carried out from the pump, as well as a pipe for water outlet. Caisson after installation and connection of all structural elements it is covered with soil (only its cover remains in the open air). Its use in a well allows it to be exploited all year round.

Additionally, the well includes the following elements:

  • Caisson;
  • Pump;
  • Hydraulic accumulator (is an equally important element of the entire well design, providing comprehensive protection of all systems from water hammer and a sharp pressure drop);
  • Connection cable;
  • A pipe system for connecting a well to a house or watering units;
  • Pressure switch;
  • Distributor.

During the installation process, a complex of works is carried out, which eliminates the risk of mechanical damage or disruption of the work cycle. At the same time, the organization of the well operation allows not to take up much useful space in the territory of a private yard or garden (most of the systems are installed in the well itself).

Under the caisson, a concrete cushion is formed, which excludes its rollback or violation of the position as a result of the impact of the movement of soil or groundwater.

The main stages of well construction

A well can be drilled in any desired location. However, the optimal distance will be as close as possible to your home. This will eliminate the need for a long pipeline. Consider the fact that the main device - the caisson, will take a total of at least four square meters area.

This is financially beneficial by reducing the amount of consumables and reducing the list of required earthworks. Reducing the length of the pipeline will require less pump power. Drilling is carried out automatically, which eliminates the violation of the level of the well or its backfilling after this work. Anti-corrosion pipes will eliminate the risk of corrosion even after five or ten years of operation.

Caisson installation

The main requirements for the installation of a caisson is the preparation of a pit, the average depth of which reaches two meters. The exact parameters of the dimensions are determined by the size of the container, however, the width must be at least one meter.

Descent and installation of the pump

The key requirement for the installation of the pump is a comprehensive cleaning of the well before it is lowered. After that, the head is fixed, which is aimed at sealing the wellhead.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

The hydraulic accumulator provides uninterrupted water supply. A filled container with a pump will guarantee access to clean water without delay.

Systems installation

This is the final stage, after which the water well is ready for operation. The systems include all additional elements that are used for the final connection, including a summer tap and a relay.

Turnkey water supply

Construction of water wells on a turnkey basis in the Moscow region

Many residents of modern megacities dream of moving closer to nature, away from the bustle of the city, polluted air emissions and traffic noise. But life in the village without the usual amenities turns into a real torment. Do not deny yourself basic amenities - take care of building a well for water. Order from our company modern system water supply for country house and enjoy the comfort!

The arrangement of a well for water can be carried out in two versions - summer and winter. The first is generally applicable to summer cottages. The resulting liquid in this case is consumed in more for irrigation and household purposes. Summer arrangement of a well for water does not imply the use of a caisson. In this case, you will have to enable and disable the installation manually each time.

Winter arrangement of a water well implies the possibility of its constant operation, regardless of the time of year. In such structures, the liquid does not freeze and is supplied without interruption.

The device of an artesian well for water is implemented in several stages

What kind of arrangement for permanent residence You have not chosen the scheme of work will be approximately the same. The main differences are in the installation of a caisson or adapter and the installation work inherent in this equipment. You will need to decide where to place the equipment to control the water supply system: in the house or in the caisson. The location of the equipment in the caisson allows you to avoid unnecessary noise in the living room and save space. The service life of modern steel caissons reaches 30 years, and plastic ones reach 50 years.

1. Installation of a caisson or adapter.

A caisson is a watertight container of a square or cylindrical shape, which provides:

  • Reliable protection of equipment from groundwater.
  • The possibility of using the well at any time of the year.
  • Silent operation of the installation (the caisson absorbs almost all the sound that occurs during the operation of the equipment).

In the process of constructing a well under water, the installation of the caisson should be carried out to the depth of freezing of the soil. This will completely eliminate the possibility of freezing of the liquid. The walls of the equipment have a thickness of at least 4 mm, the outside surface is treated with a primer.

Important: when installing the caisson, it is necessary to provide for the laying of heating cables.

2. Installation of the pump and lifting pipe in the well.

At this stage of the water well installation, it is important to correctly install the pump and mounting fittings. They provide a quality transition to the riser pipe. If the check valve is not built into the pump, it will need to be installed. This part retains water and prevents it from draining back into the well during the period when the pumping equipment is turned off. The check valve is mounted directly on the pump or on the wellhead.

To ensure the fixation of pumping equipment in the event of an emergency, a safety cable is used. It is attached to the loop, which is located on the inner or outer surface of the well head.

For reference: If the liquid level in the well does not exceed seven meters, pumping equipment of not submersible, but surface type will do its job perfectly. Its installation requires much less labor.

4. Installation of the accumulator.

A hydraulic accumulator is a metal container filled with air or nitrogen, inside of which there is a rubber membrane. The device maintains pressure at an optimal level for operation, reduces the load on pumping equipment, thereby increasing the life of the equipment.

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator can be carried out in the basement of the cottage or directly inside the caisson in order to save space.

5. Installation of the automation system.

A properly installed automation system ensures the smooth operation of the entire well. It includes a control panel and a hydraulic accumulator pressure switch.

The remote control ensures the full operation of the pumping equipment and prevents it from overheating. Its installation is usually carried out in a residential area. The relay optimizes the pressure both in the accumulator and in the system as a whole. It provides information about the need to turn on the pumping equipment when the pressure drops and turn it off after reaching normal values. The relay is adjusted using a pressure gauge.

6. Laying a pipeline from a well to a residential building.

In order for residents of a country house to receive water from a well in a timely manner, it is important to lay a special highway in the process of installing such equipment. Pipe installation is carried out inside a pre-prepared trench. Its depth should be at least one and a half meters (the data are relevant for all areas of the Moscow region), i.e. below the depth of soil freezing.

Directly before the place where the main line is connected to the cottage, it is wrapped with a special heat-insulating material or a heating cable.

Mining clean and tasty water- almost the cherished dream of any owner of a personal plot.
If the water well is already ready, it's time to make it a full-fledged source for the "veins" of your home, garden and vegetable garden. In this article we will consider the arrangement of a well necessary equipment. Below is a step-by-step work plan.

Installation of the caisson

This device is designed to seal the wellhead from the penetration of sewage and groundwater, and in winter period serves as protection against freezing. Outwardly, the caisson looks like a barrel about 2 m high and 1 m in diameter with an upper hatch insulated with foam. Inside this container, equipment, a membrane tank, pressure gauges, and a pressure switch are usually placed to free the premises of the house from unnecessary appliances.

  • To equip a well with a caisson, around it you need to dig a hole as wide as the caisson and up to 2 m deep. Part of the casing pipe is freed from the soil.
  • Then, a hole is cut out along its diameter in the center of the bottom of the caisson. The prepared apparatus can be installed in the pit through the wellbore. After it correct installation according to the level, the casing pipe is cut off and welded to the bottom of the caisson.
  • Now you need to connect the pump cable and the water outlet pipe to the finished structure. Then the caisson is filled up to the very cover with soil. The result is a semblance of a closed manhole.

Water pump installation

To equip a well in a country house with such a device, when choosing its parameters, it is necessary to take into account the depth and diameter of drilling, the length of the common water supply and the maximum water flow from connection points.

The water supply system will work stably at an operating pressure of 1.5 - 3 atm. The water pressure column of this range is 30m.

Performance and maximum water pressure are decisive indicators for choosing a pump. The most popular are its models from European companies: Water Technics Inc, Grundfos.

  • Before installation, an electrical cable is connected to the submersible pump, plastic pipe and safety rope. The cable is attached to the electric motor, a pipe with a diameter of 25 or 40 mm serves to supply water to the top of the tank.
  • The safety rope is made of stainless steel in a waterproof sheath. It is designed for emergency lifting of the pump in the event of a pipe break.
  • After preparing the pump, it is necessary to clean the well by pumping with water until any sediment disappears in it. Inside the well, the pump is placed with full immersion in the water source up to 1 m from its bottom.
  • Then the system start-up device and the check valve are mounted. The working pressure in the tank is regulated within 0.9 of the pressure at the start of the pump.

Well head device

This element of the well arrangement serves the following purposes:
. protection of the wellhead from melt water and floods
. protection of the system from groundwater and the ingress of foreign objects into it
. protection against theft of the well well and its equipment
. preventing freezing of the well part in winter
. increase the reliability of the cable fastening of the pump
. facilitating the operation of the well well
. implementation of the possibility of convenient immersion of the pump by the cover bolts using a winch.

The head consists of a flange, a carabiner, a rubber ring, fasteners and a protective cover. There are 2 eyebolts on the outside of the cover and one on the inside.

The plastic material of the product can withstand a suspended load weighing up to 200 kg, and metal - up to 500 kg.

  • When installing the well head, the casing pipe is cut off, cleaned along with its edge and painted with an anti-corrosion compound. Then, a plastic water pipe and an electric cable are passed through the head cover.
  • The pump is connected to the pipe, and the free end of its cable is attached to the carabiner through the inner eyebolt of the protective cover. The rubber ring and flange can now be seated on the casing.
  • After the pump is placed in the well, the sealer cover is installed. To do this, the rubber ring and flange are raised to the head cover. Then these three elements are compressed together by bolts. The headline is ready.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

This is a metal tank separated by a membrane. The main function of the accumulator is the uninterrupted supply of water from the well to the water supply. It accumulates water, and this reduces the operating time. submersible pump and eliminates water hammer during its start-up. The accumulator can be installed in the basement of the house or directly in the caisson.

The principle of operation of the assembled system is quite simple. The pump turns on and the tank fills with water. If a tap is open in the house, water does not enter it directly from the well, but through a hydraulic accumulator.

As water is used in the household, the pump automatically turns on and refills the tank. On the water supply line in the direction of water movement, it is mandatory to install a check valve and two drain drain valves - in front of the tank and after it.

Water volume various models hydraulic accumulators from 10 to 1000 l.

  • To ensure the normal operation of the water supply system, an electric autonomous control system is installed. It includes a remote control and a pressure switch to control the accumulator and the entire system.
  • Water pipes 32 - 50 mm, made of galvanized metal or polyethylene, are laid in the ground to a depth of at least 1.2 m. This is a recommendation.
  • On final stage a bacteriological analysis of the water is done. If necessary, filters are installed to remove bacteria, odors or iron impurities.

For aesthetic reasons, you can decoration wells.
This is done, for example, using multi-colored elements and cement mortar. An original decision would be to decorate the source with pebbles or granite stone. You can make a wooden frame on the above-ground part of the well or plant it near a willow.

That's all wisdom. Now, knowing how to equip a well with your own hands, you can use clean water all year round, and your family will always be healthy. Good luck to you!

Order the construction of a water well in the company "MOSAKVASERVIS", and you will receive comprehensive service, warranty support and low prices. We provide this turnkey service in the Moscow region on favorable terms. Arrangement of a well for water is a complex of installation and adjustment operations for organizing an autonomous water supply and sewerage system. We carry out these works with high quality and strictly within the agreed time frame due to many years of experience in this field and a powerful material base. We provide turnkey well construction services. This means that all activities, from the design and selection of installations to commissioning, are carried out by our specialists. At the same time, we will completely take care of all the worries.

Well construction cost calculation

Estimates for turnkey well construction

Construction of the well "Summer option"
Price from 20 000 rubles
Materials and equipment
Borehole pump 1 to choose from to choose from
Borehole head 1 4200 rub. 4200 rub.
30 75 rub. 2250 rub.
30 64 rub. 1920 rub.
1 1500 rub. 1500 rub.
9870 rub.
Installation work
Installation of water lifting equipment 1 9500 rub. 9500 rub.
Total installation work: 9500 rub.
1 1500 rub. 1500 rub.
1500 rub.
Total: 20870 rub.
Construction of a well with a caisson
Price from 80 000 rubles
Materials and equipment
Borehole pump 1 to choose from to choose from
1 6800 rub. 6800 rub.
1 950 rub. 950 rub.
Caisson metal cylindrical (wall 4 mm, Ø 1 m., height 2 m., treated with Kuzbass varnish. There is a ladder, a hinged lid, a cover made of insulation, a sleeve for a casing pipe) 1 17000 rub. 17000 rub.
Borehole head 1 4200 rub. 4200 rub.
Safety cable (stainless steel) 4 mm. 30 75 rub. 2250 rub.
Pipe plastic HDPE Ø32 mm. Wall thickness 3 mm. 30 64 rub. 1920 rub.
Set of fittings and valves 1 4500 rub. 4500 rub.
Summer watering kit for the caisson 1 2700 rub. 2700 rub.
Total materials and equipment: 40320 rub.
Installation work
Installation of water-lifting equipment (installation of a caisson, assembly of a pump, installation of a borehole head, installation of a hydropneumatic accumulator, installation of a pressure switch, commissioning) 1 28000 rub. 28000 rub.
Pipe laying from the caisson 0 250 rub. 0
Tying an additional exit from the caisson (on the 2nd house, bath) 0 500 rub. 0
0 2500 rub. 0
0 3000 rub. 0
Total installation work: 28000 rub.
Development of a pit for a caisson Ø 1.15 m with backfill 1 7500 rub. 7500 rub.
0 800 rub. 0
Total earthworks: 7500 rub.
Departure of the brigade, delivery of equipment 1 1500 rub. 1500 rub.
Delivery of the caisson 1 3000 rub. 3000 rub.
Total transport costs: 4500 rub.
Total: 80320 rub.
Well construction with borehole adapter
Price from 50 000 rubles
Materials and equipment
Borehole pump 1 to choose from to choose from
Membrane tank (hydraulic accumulator) for 100 liters 1 6800 rub. 6800 rub.
Pressure switch PM5 + pressure gauge 1 950 rub. 950 rub.
Downhole adapter 1 8500 rub. 8500 rub.
Safety cable (stainless steel) 4 mm. 30 75 rub. 2250 rub.
Pipe plastic HDPE Ø32 mm. Wall thickness 3 mm. 30 64 rub. 1920 rub.
Set of fittings and valves 1 4500 rub. 4500 rub.
Total materials and equipment: 24920 rub.
Installation work
Installation of water-lifting equipment (installation of a downhole adapter, pump assembly, installation of a hydropneumatic accumulator, installation of a pressure switch, commissioning) 1 24000 rub. 24000 rub.
Pipe laying from a downhole adapter 0 250 rub. 0
Tapping into the customer's water supply system 0 2500 rub. 0
Hole passage in concrete up to 90 mm. 0 3000 rub. 0
Total installation work: 24000 rub.
Development of a pit for an adapter with backfill 1 2500 rub. 2500 rub.
Laying a trench 1.6-1.7 m deep with backfill 0 800 rub. 0
Total earthworks: 2500 rub.
Departure of the brigade, delivery of equipment 1 1500 rub. 1500 rub.
Total transport costs: 1500 rub.
Total: 52920 rub.

Stages of work on the arrangement of wells for water

The technological algorithm for well construction involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the pit and installation of the caisson (or adapter). The devices are firmly and hermetically connected to the casing.
  2. Organization of a trench (in accordance with regulatory requirements - in the Moscow region its depth is at least 1.6 meters) for laying pipes from the caisson (adapter) to the building.
  3. Installation of water pipes below the freezing depth of the soil.
  4. Cable laying to the building. For these purposes, you can use water pipes.
  5. Cutting the casing pipe and mounting the head (necessary for sealing the wellhead during construction).
  6. Installation of the pump with insurance using a cable made of stainless steel.
  7. Installation of automation, distribution comb and tank.
  8. Sealing of inputs to the caisson.
  9. Launching and pressure testing of the water supply system.
  10. Pumping a well for water. Pipeline arrangement.

After that, a complex of commissioning works is carried out. The equipment connects to the system and starts up. The system is tested in various conditions. The final stage of arranging a well for water is backfilling the pit with sand, and then with soil.

It is very important to choose the right equipment. It is necessary to calculate the distance between the building and the well, calculate the static and dynamic water levels, well productivity and many others. specifications. In addition, when installing equipment, it is important to comply with the technology, correctly connect and configure its operation. Therefore, well construction activities should be trusted only to professionals.

The advantages of arranging a well for water by the forces of the company "MOSAKVASERVICE"

  • installation of the caisson;
  • pump installation;
  • placement and desoldering inside the hydroaccumulator caisson;
  • connection of the control system;
  • laying the communication system;
  • commissioning.

Summer well construction option:

We employ well-trained and experienced personnel for well construction. The use of high-performance tools and original equipment helps us to ensure high quality of work. An important role in this is played by constant monitoring of the operations performed, as well as compliance with current regulatory and technical documents. We carefully study the features of the water supply facility and carefully select the main and auxiliary equipment. This approach helps to increase the period of non-repair operation of the well. We carry out the purchase of equipment, taking into account the opinion of the customer. Competent planning, thoughtful organization of work and the use of advanced installation technologies allow us to save the client's time.

What determines the cost of well construction?

Pricing for well construction is economically justified and is carried out on the basis of objective factors. These include the complexity of the work, the type and productivity of the equipment used, as well as the geodetic features of the site - the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, the level of freezing and groundwater, the landscape, and much more. In addition, the price of arranging a well for water depends on the type and required technical characteristics of an autonomous source of water supply. The final figure also includes other factors, including equipment costs (caisson, well head, pump, Consumables and accessories) and the cost of performing the necessary work.

We believe that cooperation should be beneficial for both parties, so we implement a balanced marketing strategy. A well-thought-out organization of labor, as well as direct partnership with manufacturers of the equipment and components used, makes it possible for us to form reasonable prices for the work performed.
