Water heated floor is a popular heating system that can be implemented in various ways. In this material, we will analyze 4 main schemes for connecting a water-heated floor.

A water heated floor is a low-temperature heating system where the coolant is supplied at a temperature of 35-45 ° C, according to the norms not higher than 55 ° C. In addition, a warm floor is a separate circulation circuit that requires a separate circulation pump.

The warm floor has restrictions on the temperature of the floor surface - 26-31 o C. The maximum temperature difference between the supply and return wiring of the warm water floor is allowed no more than 10 o C. Max speed the coolant flow is 0.6 m/s.

Scheme 1. Connection of a warm floor directly from the boiler

This scheme for connecting a water heated floor has a heat generator, safety fittings with a pump. The heat carrier directly from the boiler enters the floor heating distribution manifold and then diverges through the loops and reverses back to the boiler. The boiler must be set to the temperature of the warm floor.

In this case, two nuances arise:

  • It is advisable to use in the installation, because. low temperature mode is optimal for it. In this mode, the condensing boiler has maximum efficiency. In a conventional boiler, when operating in low-temperature mode, the heat exchanger will fail very quickly. If the boiler is solid fuel, then a buffer tank is needed to correct the temperature, since this boiler is difficult to regulate temperature.
  • A good option for a warm floor - this is when it is connected to a heat pump.

Scheme 2. Installation of a warm floor from a three-way valve

three-way thermostatic valve diagram

In most cases, with such a scheme for installing and connecting a water-heated floor, we have a combined heating system, here there are heating radiators with a temperature of 70-80 ° C and an underfloor heating circuit with a temperature of 40 ° C. The question arises how to make forty out of these eighty.

For this, it is applied. The valve is installed at the supply, after which a circulation pump must be installed. From the return of the warm floor, the cooled coolant is mixed with the coolant, which is obtained from the boiler circuit and which is subsequently reduced to the operating temperature using a three-way valve.

The disadvantage of such a scheme for distributing a warm floor is that it is impossible to dose the proportionality of the mixture of a cooled coolant with a hot one, and an underheated or overheated coolant can enter the warm floor. This reduces the comfort and efficiency of the system.

The advantage of such a scheme is ease of installation and low cost of equipment.

This scheme is more suitable for heating small areas and where there are no high customer requirements for comfort and efficiency, where there is a desire to save money.

IN real life the scheme is extremely rare due to the instability of the operation of radiators connected to a single pipe. When the three-way valve is slightly opened, the heating circuit is fed, and the pump pressure is transferred to the main line.

Implementation example:

Scheme 3. Distribution of a warm floor from a pumping and mixing unit

This is a mixed scheme for connecting a water heated floor, where there is a radiator heating zone, a warm floor and a pump-mixing unit is used. The cooled coolant is mixed from the return of the warm floor to the boiler.

All mixing units have balancing valve, with which you can dose the amount of cooled coolant when mixed with hot. This allows for a clear set temperature coolant at the outlet of the unit, i.e. at the entrance to the underfloor heating loops. This significantly increases consumer comfort and the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Depending on the node model, it may include other useful elements: bypass with bypass valve, balancing valve of the primary boiler circuit or Ball Valves on both sides of the circulation pump.

Scheme 4. Connecting a warm floor from a radiator

These are special kits designed to connect one underfloor heating loop to an area of ​​15-20 sq.m. They look like a plastic box, inside which, depending on the manufacturer and configuration, there may be coolant temperature limiters, room temperature limiters and an air vent.

The heat carrier enters the loop of the connected water-heated floor directly from the high-temperature circuit, i.e. with a temperature of 70-80 ° C, cools down in the loop to a predetermined value and a new batch of hot coolant enters. An additional pump is not required here, the boiler must cope.

The downside is low comfort. Overheating zones will be present.

The advantage of this scheme for connecting a water-heated floor is easy installation. Similar kits are used when there is a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bunderfloor heating, a small room with an infrequent stay of residents. Not recommended for bedrooms. Suitable for heating bathrooms, corridors, loggias, etc.

Let's summarize and summarize in a table:

Connection type



Installation and setup



Conventional gas, TT or diesel

Condensing boiler or heat pump

Three way thermostatic valve

Pumping and mixing unit

Thermal mounting kit

Master plumbers and experts in heat and gas supply recommend avoiding schemes for connecting a water-heated floor to working heating branches. It is better to feed the heating circuits of the underfloor heating directly to the boiler so that the floor heating can function independently of the batteries, especially in the summer.

Schemes for laying a water-heated floor

Ways to lay out a pipe for underfloor heating

There are three main ones: a snake, a spiral (snail) and a combination of these options. Most often, a warm floor is mounted with a snail, in some places a snake is used.

Installation scheme "Snail"

Laying a warm snail allows you to more evenly distribute heat throughout the room. With such a wiring, the pipe is mounted in a circle to the center, then from the center it “unfolds” in a circle in the opposite direction.

When laying out a warm floor with a snail, it is necessary to lay an indent for laying the pipe in the opposite direction.

Laying a warm floor with a snake

With this laying, the underfloor heating pipe is mounted in one direction and, at the end of the layout of the circuit, it simply returns to the collector return. With such a device, at the beginning of the circuit, the temperature of the coolant is hot, at the end it is colder. Therefore, the snake layout is used quite rarely.

Calculation of a warm floor

Before connecting a warm floor according to the developed scheme, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation. You can do a rough calculation yourself in the following steps:

  1. Determine the location of the collector. Most often it is mounted in the center of the floor.
  2. Try to schematically depict the layout of underfloor heating pipes, observing the following information: with a step of 15 cm on square meter pipe is spent 6.5 meters of pipe, the length of the pipe should not exceed 100 meters, the contour should all be approximately the same.
  3. We determine the footage of all circuits and, in general, you can proceed with the installation.

Also do not forget to make thermal calculations of the building. There are many ready-made calculators on the Internet. If the heat loss in the room does not exceed 100 W per square meter, then the warm floor will not require additional heating devices.

Installation of a warm floor

How to decide on the scheme of laying and connecting the water floor, you need to proceed with the installation.

  1. Prepare the underfloor heating base. It should be flat with a minimum height difference.
  2. Install waterproofing if required by local regulations
  3. Lay polystyrene 10 cm thick on the first floor and 5 cm on the next.
  4. Lay polyethylene so that less screed comes into contact with the insulation
  5. If your method of fastening is a reinforcing mesh, then lay it on polyethylene
  6. Lay out the floor heating pipe according to the approved scheme
  7. Pressurize the system
  8. Pour the screed

A collector for a warm floor is a distribution unit that redirects the coolant from a heating boiler through several circuits. But depending on the configuration of the structure, other functional tasks may be assigned to it. For example, deaeration of the system, regulation of the supply of coolant volumes and control of its flow using manual or automated flow meters. This actually ensures the maintenance of the required temperature in the heating circuits of the warm floor (HP).

Among the installers of heating systems, due to the characteristic appearance collector, its other slang designation is widespread - “comb”.

Picture 1.

Functional foundations and basic varieties of collectors

The scheme of operation of the collector for a warm floor is quite simple. The heat carrier from the heating boiler enters the supply distributor. It is recommended to place it on top (above the return comb), however, depending on local installation features, as well as the type of connected mixing unit, it can also be installed below. The collector housing has two or more branches equipped with appropriate shut-off and control valves. For each of the branches, the coolant is redirected to certain TP pipelines. The outlet end of the pipe loop closes on the return manifold, which directs the collected total flow to the heating boiler.

Obviously, in the simplest case, a collector for a water-heated floor is a piece of pipe with a certain number of threaded outlets. However, depending on what final configuration it will receive, the complexity of its assembly, settings and cost can vary significantly. Let us first consider the most popular basic models of distributors for water TS.

With fittings for connecting circuits

One of the most budgetary, but completely ready-to-use, is a comb with inlet / outlet threads and fittings for connecting metal-plastic or XLPE pipes. One of these models is shown in the photo below.

Figure 2.

With integrated taps

In the minimum configuration, you can also find a collector for underfloor heating equipped with two-way ball valves (Fig. 3). Such devices do not provide for contour adjustment - they are designed only to turn on or off individual heating branches. Considering that the underfloor heating system is purchased and installed to increase the comfort of residents, which is ensured by fine tuning of the system, the expediency of using such combs is purely selective. The photo shows a similar manifold for three circuits with integrated two-way ball valves.

When purchasing these budget options for distributors, it should be borne in mind that their use requires fundamental knowledge, as well as extensive experience in installing heating systems. In addition, the procurement savings are rather conditional, since all additional equipment will have to be purchased separately. Practically simplified collectors for a warm water floor without modification are only suitable for auxiliary systems for one or two small loops. They are also suitable for several circuits, but having identical thermal and hydraulic characteristics. After all, the design of such combs does not provide the technical possibility of installing control and regulation equipment directly on each branch.

Figure 3

with control valves

The next level, both in terms of cost and functionality, is a distribution manifold for underfloor heating with control valves. Such devices, operated in manual mode, can already provide adjustment of the intensity of the coolant supply for individual heating circuits. For them, in most cases, it is technically possible to install actuators with servo drives instead of manual valves. Actuators can be connected either directly to electronic temperature sensors installed in the premises, or to a central programmable control unit. Figure 4 shows an example of a manifold with control valves.

Figure 4

Assembly from supply and return manifolds

The economy version of the collector for a warm water floor also includes paired assemblies from the supply and return distributors (Fig. 5). They may already have additional mounting holes or Mayevsky cranes, safety groups, quick-release threaded "American" for easy connection to the primary heating circuits or the mixing unit.

Figure 5

IMPORTANT! It is strongly recommended to purchase combs not one at a time, but in a ready-made configuration - a pair with fasteners and technical holes for additional equipment. This will not only significantly speed up the installation process, but also help to avoid many installation errors.

From simple to complex

A fully equipped collector for underfloor heating can be assembled according to several working schemes. However, they all work in the same way. One of the typical assemblies (Fig. 6) consists of the following elements:

  1. The crane on a distributive comb.
  2. Flow meters (rotameters).
  3. (а/b) Valves for draining the coolant from the supply and return lines, respectively.
  4. Manual valves for adjusting the flow rate of the coolant.
  5. Pressure gauge.
  6. Crane for return.
  7. Three-way valve.
  8. Circulation pump.

Figure 6

Consider the most significant functional elements of the device, their main types and purpose.

Heating medium supply regulation

If the warm floor in the apartment has several circuits that differ in length or temperature conditions, the installation of a heating distribution manifold with flow meters (rotameters, Fig. 7) will help out. The fact is that the coolant follows the path of least hydraulic resistance, that is, first of all, it will be directed to short pipelines. In order for large loops to heat up with the same intensity, it is necessary to adjust the fluid supply, reducing it for short pipelines and increasing it for longer ones. Therefore, the comb of a water-heated floor is also equipped with a balancing rotameter for each loop.

On the scale of the flow meter, the intensity of the coolant flow in a single circuit is determined. And already in accordance with these indicators, the throughput of the flow valve is adjusted.

The purchase and use of adjustable rotameters is justified only in the case of manual adjustment of the amount of coolant for circulation through the branches. If each circuit is controlled by its own servomotor under the control of an electronic thermostat, then the use of such fittings is not required. In this case, in the collector block operating in automatic mode, for additional visualization, rotameters without a control function can be mounted. However, such devices are no longer installed on top of the comb body, but cut between its outlet for connecting the loop and the outlet of the underfloor heating pipeline.

Figure 7

Heat carrier temperature control

Adjusting the temperature of the warm floor should contain two main steps. The first one concerns the general preparation of the coolant during its selection from the high-temperature heating system of the primary circuit. It is carried out through the interaction of the elements of the pumping and mixing unit (NSU, Fig. 6, pos. 7 and 8) or the mixing and regulating unit. Usually, the main elements of the first stage of heat carrier preparation are a circulation heat pump and an automatic three-way valve or a three-way automatic valve without a pump. The task of mixing units is to bring the temperature of the primary coolant (70-90 0 C) to acceptable for water floor heating - 40-50 0 C.

However, it should be clarified here that the manifold configuration may include a mixing unit or If the floor heating consists of an extensive network of thermal circuits and contains several collector distributors, then the NSU (due to its high cost) is best placed in a common unit for the entire system. If there is only one collector, then it can be immediately combined with a mixer in a single installation cabinet.

Figure 8

The second stage of adjusting the temperature of the warm floor directly concerns the equipment of the comb, where the thermal parameters of the circulating liquid are already leveled in accordance with the requests for each branch. Individual temperature setting for each circuit is carried out by mechanically operated thermostatic valves or automatic valves with servomotors (Fig. 8).

Servo drives receiving commands from a remote thermostat are actuating devices for controlling the operation of a water-heated floor collector. Although such automation is quite expensive, it provides the opportunity to organize more comfortable heating conditions.

The working parts of thermostatic shut-off and control valves, both mechanical and controlled by servo drives, are mounted on a return manifold instead of manual valves (see Fig. 6, item 4). As a result, the assembled collector for underfloor heating with flow meters, thermostatic mechanical heads and an automatic three-way valve can look like shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Security group

The safety group for the underfloor heating collector may have a somewhat truncated version. This is due to the fact that the heating system must be equipped with an appropriate device located near the boiler. The collector of underfloor heating can be equipped with an automatic air vent with a detachable valve, as well as a drain cock (preferably with a nozzle for a hose) to remove the coolant from the system. All this is attached from the end of the comb on a special adapter. It is recommended to install such a group both on the feed comb and on the return. The photo in figure 10 shows just a similar assembly option. It also includes American cut-off valves for the supply/removal of coolant from the main supply/return and thermometers for easy adjustment of the underfloor heating system.

Figure 10.

How to choose a collector for underfloor heating

The main parameter for choosing a collector for a warm floor is the number of circuits to be connected. Masters recommend purchasing a comb, with a margin for one outlet, in case it becomes necessary to split an overly extended circuit into two branches or connect additional monitoring equipment (thermometer, pressure gauge).

The second selection criterion is the material of manufacture of the comb body. Reliable products are manifolds made of brass or stainless steel, as well as bronze, produced according to domestic state standards or European quality standards. "Chinese" from dubious alloys can be purchased only after the seller demonstrates a certificate of conformity, and the comb itself will be comprehensively examined for cavities, cracks or signs of corrosion.

Although in fact most, if not all, modern products on the market are produced by Chinese enterprises, when choosing them, well-known brand names should be preferred. After all, reputable European firms carefully monitor the quality of their work, even those taken out to the Celestial Empire. First of all, pay attention to products under the brands: Rehau, Kermi, Valliant, Valtec, FIV, Rossini. A collector for underfloor heating from such companies is best purchased as a complete set. Purchase individual elements will cost more, and components from other manufacturers may be incompatible in terms of installation parameters.

The arrangement of high-quality water floor heating is a very expensive undertaking. To enjoy all the benefits of surface heating, the consumer will have to worry about buying numerous pipes, as well as preparing a special cement screed. Of course, you won’t be able to save money on these two points, but you can assemble a collector assembly yourself, which will help save some part of the budget.

    Show all

    a brief description of

    Experts often call the mixing unit a universal mixing module, which is fully consistent with its official name. The collector is designed for high-quality mixing of water that comes from the heating boiler and the return branch of the circuit in order to eventually obtain a coolant with the required temperature.

    In the vast majority of cases, the heating installation heats the water up to + 90˚С. Of course, for a heated floor, this figure is too high, which is why the coolant needs timely dilution. It is easiest to implement this idea with a reverse flow of water that has already cooled down. Specialists are used to installing a heating system with two or more working rings. This option is considered simply indispensable, as it is suitable for situations where underfloor heating is used as an additional method of space heating, as well as for combined operation with a conventional boiler.

    Two-way valves with powerful thermostats, as well as four-way valves and a circulation pump are the main components of the mixing unit. In the event that the installed boiler is already equipped with a pump, for the smooth operation of the underfloor heating, you will have to purchase an additional unit that will work independently. The charged coolant enters the radiators with a temperature of +85˚С, but this figure must be reduced to +38˚С.

    Do-it-yourself collector for a warm floor Installation of a warm floor mixing unit for a warm floor

    The manufacturers themselves claim that the collector performs the main function in the mixing process cooled treatment in a heating system with a three-way valve:

    The installed two-way valve is responsible for stopping the supply of a new batch of coolant to the circuit until all the circulating water has cooled down. All four-way fittings that are designed for underfloor heating are divided into two main categories:

    1. 1. X-shaped, which function on the principle of standard two-way valves.
    2. 2. Rotary. These units allow you to evenly mix the hot coolant with the cooled running in the most accurate proportions.

    In addition, the collector must be equipped with a special thermometer and pressure gauge, which is designed for continuous monitoring of the temperature and pressure in the system. In some models, taps are provided for draining excess air, as well as durable fastening elements to a special cabinet or wall. Most often, manufacturers sell already completed products, which provide for the presence of all the necessary elements.

    Collector for underfloor heating and heating. Overview, assembly and installation of the manifold block from STOUT

    The principle of the device collectors

    The mixing unit consists of a system of pipes that are pre-assembled in a certain order. This approach allows you to combine several water flows into one at once. Experienced craftsmen use several options for connecting pipes:

    • Sequential.
    • Parallel.
    • Mixed.

    If during construction works was chosen parallel circuit connecting a floor heating collector, then there is a high probability of losing some much-needed heat. The huge advantage of this option is that the master can install a universal two-way valve, which acts as an additional adjustment element. Despite this, the serial scheme of the underfloor heating collector is considered the most popular, as it has the highest performance.

    But the mixed type of pipe connection perfectly combines all the advantages of the two previous options. In addition, the installation of equipment is quite fast and simple.

    Main advantages

    The use of a mixing unit has a number of positive characteristics. Due to this, many users opt for this particular option for heating residential premises. The collector provides not only safe, but also efficient operation of the underfloor heating:

    Assembly of the factory unit

    Development modern technologies influenced the fact that each master can independently make a high-quality collector assembly that will have all the necessary performance characteristics. But, before embarking on the implementation of such a responsible idea, you need to understand what parts the factory model consists of. The basic kit includes the following items:

    Connecting the underfloor heating to the heating system. 4 ways to connect.

    Separately, it is worth considering that innovative collectors with rotameters on the return line are on sale. Valves are used as thermostats that regulate the water supply. A slight change in the layout does not affect the efficiency of the heating circuits at all.

    After purchasing a ready-made mixing unit, you can independently change the configuration of the unit (depending on the scheme of the collector of a warm water floor). For example, you can buy the most common distributor without any rotameters, and only then install one thermometer by placing the unit in a control cabinet.

    Each factory model is produced in such a way that the mixing unit for underfloor heating can be easily assembled and disassembled even by a novice master. The thing is that the distribution units are assembled, they only need to be connected to the heating circuits by installing all the additional elements. In addition, instead of steel and brass products, you can purchase those units that are made of high-strength plastic sections. The principle of their installation is almost the same as standard manifolds, it is only important to observe some caution when tightening.

    Self-made polypropylene comb

    For work, you need to prepare two small polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 32 mm, as well as tees by the number of branches. A quality product cannot do without threaded couplings, ball valves and straight radiator valves. Then you can proceed to the manufacturing process itself, all actions must comply with the instructions:

    The main manipulations have been completed, it remains only to screw on the radiator valves and taps, and install the automatic air bleeder in place.

    The collector, which is made of polypropylene fittings, is the most a budget option for arranging a warm water floor. Of course, this device has its drawbacks:

    • It is not possible to install flow meters.
    • The design has quite large sizes, which negatively affects the choice of protective box. To solve this problem, it is better to install the collector on the wall in the boiler room.
    • The master must have excellent skills in the field of soldering polypropylene blanks. Otherwise, he may make mistakes during the creation of numerous joints.

    That is why we can make a small conclusion that it is advisable to make a collector from such a material if it is installed in a boiler room, and the number of outlets does not exceed 5 circuits.


    In order for the warm floor to warm the room well, and also not cause any difficulties during operation, you need to follow some rules. The main nuances relate to the implementation of installation work. That is why every master should adhere to the following recommendations:

    Despite the nuance that initially the collector assembly seems to be a rather complicated product, it can be made by hand. When buying such an element of the heating system, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, thanks to which all installation work will run much faster and without errors.

If you decide to deal with the underfloor heating device yourself, then you will inevitably face the question of how to connect it correctly so that it is efficient and heats the floor and the entire room. If you imagine this whole process, you can be sure that the key to the efficiency of the system is the correct connection of the underfloor heating collector, which is responsible for temperature control.

The collector looks like an ordinary piece of pipe with several holes on one side that serve as outlets. A couple of such simple structures are actually responsible for controlling the water-heated floor. Let's see what these outputs are for and how to connect the underfloor heating collector.

How the Collector Works

Water floors are laid in various ways, for example, concrete or flooring, but regardless of the chosen technology, it is necessary to purchase and install a manifold cabinet.

In the future, two pipes will be brought into it:

  • supply, which leaves the boiler and supplies hot coolant to the system;
  • returnable, which performs an absolutely opposite role: it serves to collect water that has already been used and has had time to cool down. It is returned back to , and the process is repeated again.

The cycle of the process is provided by another built-in component of the system - a circulation pump. One way or another, during the operation of a warm floor, say when repair work, you have to turn off the system. To do this, each of the pipes is equipped with shut-off valves. A plastic pipe and a metal shut-off valve are connected to each other through a compression fitting. Then a comb is connected to the valve, mounting an air vent from one end, and a drain valve from the other. After assembling the cabinet, proceed directly to the installation. And only with a comb installed on the wall, you can cut the pipes of the circuit along the length.

On a note

To ensure the tightness of the connection, the pipes are cut strictly at right angles.

Simplified diagram of a floor heating collector

The simplest comb circuit consists of two circuits. For the manufacture of the distribution system, brass or stainless steel are used - two materials with high resistance to the aggressive effects of hot water. The comb must be located strictly vertically on the wall in order to ensure the efficiency of all components and allow the coolant to be evenly distributed.

Shut-off valves installed in each circuit may have a manual or automatic opening system using electromechanical actuators. In the system we are considering, as a rule, manual ones are used.

With the help of these valves, one of which is installed at the inlet and the other at the outlet, they regulate the supply of hot water. To regulate the flow of liquid between circuits located, say, in neighboring rooms, so-called balancing valves are installed in the return comb.

Often, the locking mechanism is supplemented with flow meters that serve as an indicator of the coolant flow. Thanks to them, it is possible to correct each circuit of the system, since the flow meters adjust and measure the volume of the coolant for each of them separately. This is especially important for circuits with different pipe lengths. Thermal sensors are installed on the return ridge, which are necessary for complete or partial shutdown of the system. This is done automatically using electric servo drives or manually.

As a rule, when installing a simplified system with your own hands, there are no problems. When installing double-circuit heating, for example, to heat a bathroom and toilet, there is even no need for expensive equipment. Comb layouts become more complex depending on which mixing valves are used.

Mixing valves

When connecting the manifold, two types of mixing valves are used: two and three-way. They are designed to mix liquids: hot, which comes from the boiler and cooled, respectively, from the heating circuit. They are controlled in manual or automatic mode - it requires additional installation of a servo drive or a control device.

Three-way ones are used, as a rule, for collectors intended for heating large rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 200 square meters. m. Such schemes also include weather-dependent sensors that are programmed to determine the required floor temperature based on external conditions.

Two-way is used for rooms with a smaller area - less than 200 m 2. In a similar scheme, the floor temperature is regulated by a valve. If necessary, he himself adds hot liquid coming from the boiler or, conversely, water from the treatment. If the collector is configured correctly, then overheating of the floor is completely excluded. 2-way valve circuits provide smooth and stable adjustment.

There are many other collector schemes and installation types.

Control elements

Setting up a floor heating collector is impossible without special devices. With their help, the optimal heating mode of the system is set, the water flows in the pipelines are regulated. Each of them performs a specific function.

  1. Water temperature sensor

They are installed on the inlet and outlet pipes of the device. These devices do not affect the operation of the system, but indicate the current heating rate. The difference in values ​​can be useful in calculating the efficiency of work. They also serve as an indicator of violation of the heating regime.

  1. Central thermostat with servomechanism and sensor.

It is mounted on the intake pipe of the inlet manifold and connected to the return pipe with the cooled coolant. The temperature sensor is placed in the comb housing. There is a rotary knob on the body of the thermostat, with which the required temperature level is set. From the sensor, the device receives indications of the degree of water heating. Depending on this, the flows of cold and hot coolant are regulated.

  1. Servo drives on inlet manifold nozzles

According to the principle of operation, they are completely similar to the thermostat, but with minor additions. With their help, the volume of water flow for each contour of the water floor is regulated. Depending on the model, this can be done manually or automatically. For the latter, servo drives with built-in temperature sensors are used, which can be connected to a common remote thermostat.

  1. flowmeters

Optional devices for installation, which, however, can become effective elements for manually controlling the operation of a water-heated floor. They are installed on the pipes of the return manifold and are locking mechanisms with a glass bulb.

When the head is turned on the body, the rod in the device changes its position. This affects the volume of liquid passing through it. For clarity, a measurement scale is applied on the surface of the flowmeter, indicating the rate of passage of water l/min.

Connection rules

In most cases, a ready-made collector is purchased, in which all elements are selected according to technical specifications. If you have experience in assembling such structures, you can independently assemble the device. How to properly connect a warm floor, take into account the parameters of the general heating system and the technical properties of the combs? To do this, you must follow certain installation rules.


First, it is drawn up, which indicates the dimensions of the pipes, the places where they are laid and connected to the heating. Be sure to calculate the throughput of each of the combs, select their diameter and material of manufacture. Most often, stainless steel or copper products are used.

The location of the device is selected based on the following rules:

  • The lines should be approximately equal in length.
  • The section of the wall where the collector cabinet for underfloor heating will be installed must have free access. Furniture or other parts of the interior do not interfere with a full inspection of the device, carrying out preventive or repair work.
  • The connection point of the device must be higher than the rest of the system.

A security system must be installed. It consists of an air valve and a bypass. With a sharp increase in water temperature, it expands. The air valve releases excess air, normalizing the pressure in the pipes. A bypass is required to quickly shut off water in case of emergency.

Upon completion of the installation of the collector, pipelines of a warm floor are connected to it. Be sure to check the quality of the joints, their tightness and reliability. The system is started before the installation of the main cover. By changing the temperature regimes with the help of the control device, the quality of heating of each line is checked, the pipes are inspected for leaks. After that, you can start installing floor covering.

Nastya royka

As a rule, a special balancing table is attached to the circuit, on the basis of which a comb can be made according to two parameters: the length of the circuit and the heating load.

The table relates the circuit number and the number of revolutions from the position of the balancing valve - "closed". Set up the comb like this:

  • remove the cap from the valve, which serves to protect it;
  • close the valve to failure - for this use a hex key;
  • determine the number of revolutions for this circuit;
  • turn off the valve to this number;
  • similarly adjust the rest of the circuits.

Proper configuration and connection of the collector is essential for long-term operation and efficient operation of the system.


The floor heating collector circuit is relatively simple. But during its operation, it is necessary to periodically check the performance of individual elements and the entire system as a whole. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a schedule for checking equipment and carrying out preventive work of the following nature:

  1. Monitoring the performance of device elements.
  2. Checking the parameters of the coolant in each of the lines - speed, temperature. To do this, it is necessary to periodically take readings of control devices.
  3. Monitoring the integrity of the connection of pipelines to the combs, the absence of leaks and depressurization.
  4. Compliance temperature regime system operation by taking data from thermometers.

By carrying out these simple procedures, you can maintain the smooth operation of the entire system and its individual parts. But the main condition is the professional connection of the underfloor heating collector. The performance of the device and its performance depends on the correctness of this stage of installation.

When water heating of the floor covering is installed, it will be necessary to lay a large number of circuits consisting of pipe sections. All of them must be brought to the device - a collector for a warm floor. It is intended for the distribution of hot and collection of already cooled coolant.

Types of distribution manifolds and their purpose

The creation of water heating for the floor is distinguished by a large number of circuits and not too high temperature(35 -40°C) coolant that circulates through the pipes. The only heating boilers capable of operating in such conditions are gas condensing appliances, but they are rarely installed.

All other units at the outlet give hotter water, but it cannot be launched into the system with a high temperature, since the floor will become so hot that it will be impossible to move on its surface. To lower the temperature, you need a collector unit for heating.

In it, in a certain proportion, the heated coolant from the supply and the cooled coolant coming from the return pipeline are mixed. Then, through a collector for heating for underfloor heating, it is fed to the circuit.

In order for the coolant supplied to the system to have the same temperature in all circuits, it first enters the comb, which is a device with one input and several outputs. This device collects cooled water from the circuits and supplies it to the boiler inlet and partially to the mixing unit.

There are different types collectors for underfloor heating. They can either have a mixing unit or be without additional loads.

Materials for the manufacture of a collector for underfloor heating

Produce distribution manifolds for underfloor heating from different materials:

  1. Of stainless steel. They are the most durable, but the most expensive.
  2. Brass. They belong to the middle price category. If a quality alloy was used, they last a long time.
  3. polypropylene. They are the cheapest. When the operation of the underfloor heating collector occurs at low temperatures, then this choice can be called a good economical solution.

Complete set of the collector group

When laying a water-heated floor, the length of all circuits should be the same. This is necessary so that the heat transfer of all loops does not differ. But this option is rare. More often in the length of the contours there is a difference, and rather big.

In order to equalize the degree of heat transfer in all areas of the heated floor, flow meters are installed on the supply comb, and control valves are mounted on the return comb. The flowmeter has the appearance of a device with a transparent plastic cover, on which graduation is applied. A float is placed in the plastic case, showing the speed of the coolant in a particular loop.

Of course, the less hot water passes, the lower the temperature in the room will be. To correct the heating mode, you need to measure the flow rate on each circuit.

With this configuration of the collector, the adjustment is done manually, using the valves located on the return comb. The flow rate is adjusted by turning the knob located on the regulator. In order to make it easier to navigate when a collector assembly for a warm floor is mounted with your own hands, each circuit must be signed.

Design features of the mixing unit

Assembly with three-way valve and pump

Three-way valve - a device designed to mix two coolant flows - heated and more cold water coming from the return pipeline. Inside it there is a movable element that regulates the intensity of the flow of the cooled coolant. It can be controlled from a thermal relay, or from a thermostat operating in electronic or manual mode.

Schematically, the mixing unit on a three-way valve looks like this: hot water and a return pipe are connected to its outlets, and an outlet leading to the supply comb. A pump is mounted behind the valve, which directs the coolant to the supply comb. A little further is the temperature probe from the thermal head located on the three-way element.

Such a mixing manifold unit for underfloor heating with a pump functions as follows:

  1. Hot water comes from a heating boiler. Initially, it passes through the valve without admixture.
  2. The temperature sensor informs the valve that the water temperature is above the set temperature. The three-way element opens the coolant admixture from the return pipeline.
  3. Further, the system in this state works until the water temperature meets the specified parameters.
  4. The valve stops supplying cold water.
  5. After that, the system operates until the coolant becomes too hot. Then the mixing starts again.

This scheme has a major drawback. There is a possibility that a failure may occur in the underfloor heating circuits and hot water will begin to flow without admixture. Since pipes made of polymers are usually laid in the screed, they will begin to collapse with prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures. But this shortcoming in the scheme cannot be eliminated.

In the diagram, which describes the principle of operation of the underfloor heating collector, equipped with a three-way valve, you can see a jumper - a bypass. It is intended to exclude the operation of the boiler without a coolant. Similar situations occur when the shut-off valves on the manifold are closed.

Without a bypass, the unit may overheat and become completely unusable. If it is present, the water coming from the supply is directed through a jumper to the entrance to the boiler. As a result, overheating will not occur, and the system will function in the desired mode.

Diagram with a two-way valve

Install it on the supply from the heating device. A balancing adjustable valve is mounted at the jumper between the supply pipeline and the return line. It is adjusted in accordance with the required supply water temperature, usually with a hex key. It is needed to adjust the amount of cold coolant.

The temperature sensor is placed after the pump, which in turn moves the water in the direction of the comb. Only now the intensity of movement of the heated coolant from the boiler changes. In this way, the supply water temperature changes at the pump inlet, while the cold flow is adjusted and stable.

Mixing always takes place and water from the boiler does not enter the circuits directly, since this is impossible. Such a scheme can be considered more reliable. But it should be noted that a mixing group equipped with a two-way element is capable of heating 150 - 200 "squares" of the area, since there are no valves of greater productivity.

Valve selection according to parameters

The valve, both two-way and three-way, is characterized by its capacity (capacity). This value means the volume of coolant that the device is capable of passing per unit of time, expressed in liters per minute or in cubic meters per hour.

In the process of designing a heating system, it is necessary to make appropriate calculations of the main parameters. But when you assemble a collector for a warm floor with your own hands, such calculations are rarely performed.

Typically, experience is taken as a basis:

  • valves with a capacity of up to 2 cubic meters per hour are able to provide heating of 50-100 "squares" of area;
  • if the throughput is from 2 to 4 cubic meters per hour, such valves are mounted on systems with floor heating up to 200 "squares";
  • with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, 2 mixing units are often installed.

If there is a desire to assemble a collector for a warm floor with your own hands, for greater reliability, you need to take only branded and proven elements. This is important because the operation of the entire structure depends on it.

When thinking about which collector to choose for a warm floor, you must also pay attention to the limits for adjusting the heating temperature of the coolant. The manufacturer's instructions usually indicate the minimum and maximum temperatures.
