In the decor of the window in the kitchen, it is very important to combine aesthetics and functionality, because in most apartments and houses the dining room and kitchen area usually located in the same room. Difficult task? It will be easier to solve it if you pay attention to the Austrian, or Viennese, curtains. According to the method of control, they belong to the lifting type, in length - to the family of short curtains, and their design can be both modest and refined.

Have you also decided to choose beautiful Austrian curtains for the kitchen? This selection of photographs contains fashionable and practical interior solutions in which kitchen windows are decorated with Viennese curtains.

Why Austrian curtains are good in the kitchen

Choosing the type of curtains for kitchen window, it makes sense to take a closer look at the Viennese curtains. They are a good compromise between elegant curtains and functional rolls. Austrian curtains are characterized by a number of advantages that make this type of curtain ideal solution for kitchen:

  • They have a short length, and short curtains are preferred for kitchens: the area of ​​​​contamination is smaller and does not take up space. If there is a kitchen sofa, table or other furniture next to the window, it is better to choose short Austrian curtains.

  • Viennese curtains are one of the few types of curtains that are suitable for windows located above the sink. This configuration of space is relatively new for domestic kitchens, although it is common in the west. But now, in our private cottages, this option is increasingly being used: many people like to do household chores, looking at the landscape outside the window. It is clear that long curtains you can’t place it above the sink, but the Austrian ones are easy.

  • From the point of view of fire safety, lifting Viennese curtains in the kitchen are also preferable to long curtains and even short fluttering curtains. Raising the Austrian curtains, you can safely cook even flambé dishes.

  • Short curtains are easier to remove and wash. This is also a big plus, because in the kitchen the curtains get dirty much faster than in the rooms.

  • However, Austrian curtains will be less polluted than sliding ones. After all, they rise with the help of a cord. You can install in the kitchen and automatic control of the curtains: press the button - and fix them in the desired position. Probably no one will be surprised by the use of a remote control for this purpose. In "smart homes" even voice control is possible!

  • In most cuisines, they not only cook, but also have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes even receive guests. Therefore, not all owners are satisfied with the same practical, but more modest options. short curtains: rolled and even Roman ones do not always create a sufficiently cozy mood. But the Austrian, in many ways reminiscent of the French, will give the dining area not only comfort, but also an element of sophistication.

What fabric do you prefer?

When choosing Austrian curtains for the kitchen, you should pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to practical considerations. Now there is a rich choice of fabrics with special dirt-repellent impregnations. You can also buy ready-made Viennese curtains from such a material.

As for color, the usual design rules apply here: what less space kitchens, the more preferable are light shades and discreet prints. Consider the decor of the walls: if the tiles or other finishes with expressive patterns, then the curtains should be chosen either with similar patterns, or plain. In small kitchens, the abundance of ornaments is best avoided, as the variegation will be tiring.

Don't forget about the location of the windows: the kitchen on the south side of the house requires more protection from the sun, which means thicker fabric shades.

Making the interior of the room in a strict classical style, you should take a closer look at the Austrian curtains. Their appearance and the manufacturing principle is somewhat similar to the French models. However, they look more modest and practical, so they will fit perfectly into almost any design solution.

Austrian curtains- This is a flat canvas with a slightly gathered edge. Some models may have lush drapery.

Combining Roman and French models, Austrian curtains have separate sections of fabrics that gather in flounces or thick gathers at the bottom. They will well decorate a room decorated in baroque or classicism style. Complemented by bright piping, tassels, cords, ruffles or fringes.

How curtains work based on a special mechanism by which the curtains rise and fall. To regulate the curtains, cords are provided, stretched through the rings and fixed on the eaves. Cords are responsible for both functional and decorative loading, as they help form the edge of the canvas and the density of the assembly.

In order to achieve splendor over the entire height, you need to drape the upper edge of the curtain. In this case, a special tightening tape is used or folds are made manually.

Similarities between Roman and Austrian curtains is in the lifting mechanism, however, unlike the first type, in the Viennese models there are no horizontal bars. This feature makes it easy to collect the fabric into folds. Curtains do not move apart along the eaves, but only rise.

Viennese models are actively used as an independent element for window opening or hung together with lambrequins, curtain curtains.

Austrian curtain in the interior

Not so long ago, Austrian curtains could only be seen on indoor windows. classical style. However, their use has expanded somewhat and today these models are increasingly decorating dining rooms, kitchens and bedrooms of various design ideas. Because it's not only beautiful, but also a comfortable canvas in which you can easily adjust the height.

Australian curtains will decorate the window opening and ennoble it.

They look the most impressive. in large living rooms, as they remind of ballrooms, celebrations, thereby creating a festive atmosphere.

Often, the Austrian curtain in the interior of the living room is complemented by other types of curtains to create a luxurious and unique interior.

When designing a children's room, you need to remember that housing for a child should be as light and comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang children's plastic blinds or heavy curtains on the windows.

The Austrian must:

Thanks to the lifting mechanism, the canvas can be lowered to the window sill or a little higher, then the baby will not be able to get it and cut it off. In addition, these curtains are resistant to dust and get dirty less.

Austrian curtains- leaders in kitchen window decoration. Their popularity is explained by the fact that Viennese curtains in the kitchen:

  • can be easily adjusted and fixed at the desired height;
  • small, take up little space, leaving additional space for using window space;
  • give a festive mood;
  • They are sewn from simple synthetic materials that are resistant to moisture, odors and are easy to clean.

Decorating the window space of the kitchen, choose the traditional classic model. If the room is made in country style, then Austrian curtains are selected from stripes, cages or delicate floral patterns.

Fabric choice

To sew an Austrian curtain, you need to choose a fabric that drapes well. Dense and heavy fabrics do not hold folds well and can form creases. It is best to pay attention to light, delicate and translucent fabrics that do not wrinkle.

Preference is given to the following fabrics:

  • atlas;
  • microveil;
  • polyester;
  • organza;
  • chintz;
  • taffeta;
  • silk.

Bulk materials should not be chosen, as they are difficult to process. The color of Austrian curtains should harmoniously fit in and complement color solution the general interior of the room.

Quite popular today there was a trend to sew curtains and other textile decorative elements from one fabric.

However, when choosing a fabric, you need to take into account the illumination of the room. For example, in a room with windows facing north, it is not recommended to hang curtains of very dark shades.

Viennese style for the interior the children's window is suitable for both toddlers and teenagers. The main thing is to choose the right fabric. A light translucent fabric or matter with bright spring patterns is suitable for a preschooler's room. For children school age the choice of curtains is divided depending on gender: a girl can hang curtains with a floral print, and a boy can choose more saturated shades of the canvas.

Having settled on Austrian curtains, you should give preference to plain fabrics or fabrics with small, discreet patterns. Drapery on curtains partially covers large ornaments, so they may lose their attractiveness. In order to create an interesting effect, you can choose matter with vertical stripes.

A lush Austrian curtain can perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen. We picked interesting photos with curtains from different fabrics - simple and textured. Consider how to sew such an accessory with your own hands. The material is presented in the form of detailed step-by-step instructions.

Choice of fabric and design

More recently, Austrian curtains were used exclusively in rooms of a restrained classical style. However, now their use has expanded significantly: more and more often they decorate kitchen windows. They are not only beautiful, but also comfortable, because their height can be adjusted. Of course, you can order tailoring of curtains in the workshop, but it is much more pleasant to do it yourself. What's more, it's easy.

Austrian blinds, in fact, are a kind of Roman curtains, consisting of separate parts and having a lush lower edge with scallops. Such curtains make out:

  • ruffles;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • fringe;

  • braid;
  • lace;
  • brushes and other elements.

The height is adjustable with cords threaded into the rings. It is convenient to use a special curtain band for Roman curtains. The fabric from which you plan to sew must necessarily drape well. Heavy, dense materials do not hold beautiful folds, often form creases. Therefore, light, translucent, non-wrinkling, soft fabrics will be most suitable. Classic recommendations:

  1. Organza.
  2. Polyester.
  3. Taffeta.
  4. Atlas.
  5. Chintz.
  6. Microveil.
  7. Silk.

Do not choose fabrics, the edge of which is heavily frayed. They will be very difficult to handle. The shade of the curtains must support color scheme interior as a whole. fashion trend the last time, when the curtains are made of the same fabric that was used for other textile decorative elements.

When choosing a fabric, you need to pay attention to the illumination: in a room with northern windows, it is better to avoid very dark shades. In the case of Austrian curtains, one should give preference to plain fabrics or material with a small pattern. Since a large ornament on such curtains will be partially hidden by drapery and will lose its attractiveness. An interesting effect can create vertical stripes.

Materials, tools, pattern preparation

Before you get started, you need to prepare a simple set of tools and materials for sewing. Required:

  • Main fabric.
  • Curtain braid (preferably special for Roman and Austrian curtains).

  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needles, pins.
  • Iron.
  • Additional elements (cords, ribbons, brushes, etc.).

  • Weighting agents (if necessary).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Ruler, measuring tape.

The width of the curtain web should be equal to the size of the cornice plus an allowance for side folds. The length can be different, depending on the desired result. The standard recommendation for Austrian curtains is to multiply the height of the window opening by two. However, for the kitchen, it is better not to make many lush folds due to the complexity of care and the need for frequent washing.

It is enough to increase the height of the window by 0.5 - 1 m, and you will get the optimal length of the canvas for the curtains. When calculating, it is important not to forget the increase for the formation of the pommel and for the hem of the bottom.

Advice. It is better to leave a lower allowance for bending about 12-15 cm. This will create a small margin of fabric necessary so that even when unfolded, the curtains remain slightly gathered at the bottom. In addition, such an allowance will allow leveling the possible mistakes of an inexperienced seamstress.

The product pattern is a rectangle divided into strips for laying curtain tape. Between them, they usually leave 30-50 cm, as shown in the photo. The easiest way is to buy lace for Roman blinds in a specialized store. It is a ribbon with rings already threaded through it. But if necessary, it can be replaced with a narrow curtain braid with sewn rings of a suitable diameter.

Sewing steps

Consider creating simple option Austrian curtains, without a second layer of purl, darts and other complicating details.

  • We cut off a piece of fabric of the required size, be sure to steam it first. This is necessary so that possible shrinkage after the first wash does not spoil the look of the curtain.
  • Next, you need to mark with chalk the places for laying the curtain tape to get folds. For this we use a pattern made in advance or, if there is some sewing experience, we apply markings immediately to the canvas.

  • Then we cut off the side fold. Its value depends on the type of fabric chosen. As a rule, 3 cm is left on a dense material, 2 cm is enough on a thin and weightless material.
  • With a basting seam, manually sew the ribbons of the ribbon into place. Those of them that are located at the edges are sewn as close as possible to the hem.
  • We iron everything with an iron and only then attach the braid to the curtains.

Important! The upper part of the Austrian curtain is flat, it does not drape or fold. Therefore, it is not always necessary to sew on the assembly tape along the entire length. This is necessary if you plan to frequently change the position of the curtain or purchase a special lifting mechanism or clamps.

  • The next step is to make the top of the product. To do this, fold 5 cm on the wrong side of the fabric and lay a seam on sewing machine threads exactly to match the fabric.
  • We sew the curtain tape for the top (the width of the standard tape is 6 cm) on the front side along the seam made earlier.
  • Turning the tape inside out, attach it again. After the manipulations, only one even and neat seam will be visible from the front side.
  • After each line laid on a typewriter, be sure to iron it well with an iron. Only after such a heat treatment will the product have a neat appearance, without twisting or gathering with unnecessary folds.

It remains only to draw the bottom edge at your discretion. Depending on the idea, you can sew any decorative elements. Then the curtain braid is carefully tightened, achieving the desired density of folds, and the cords are fixed. Curtains with weights hang more evenly, look aesthetically pleasing. Such weights are sewn at the bottom of each assembly tape.

Making Austrian curtains with your own hands may require effort, patience and accuracy. But as a result, the craftswoman will receive a completely exclusive product, made exclusively to her taste and needs. A room with such curtains will reflect the features of the bright personality of its hostess.

Austrian curtains: video

Austrian curtains in the interior: photo

Austrian curtains in the interior of the kitchen are very relevant for any design trends. After all, they combine both lush French and lifting Roman curtains, which is very important for modern people who love comfort and simplicity.

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains are fabric hanging on a special cornice with a lifting mechanism. In the lowered and raised form, lush folds are formed along the lower edge of the Austrian, or as they are also called scallops. These curtains adopted this motif from elegant French curtains, only slightly simplified it. A modern lifting cornice allows you to adjust the level of curtains using cords threaded into rings on the canvas. Often the upper or lower part of the Austrian is decorated with fringe, lace, ruffles.

We select Austrian curtains for your kitchen

Austrian curtains are very relevant and easy to use in any interior, and they can also be combined with elongated classic curtains. When making a choice in favor of elegant curtains, their advantages should be taken into account.

  • Firstly, they take up little space, which means they are suitable even for the smallest kitchenette.
  • Secondly, the consumption of fabric for sewing Austrians is much less than for classic ones.
  • Thirdly, when the window in the kitchen is located near the table or hob, the Viennese curtains will not interfere, as they are easy to raise and then lower.
  • Fourthly, such elegant curtains will transform your kitchen and give it a presentable look.

What fabric to choose

For kitchen Austrians, it is very important that the fabric drapes easily, does not get very dirty and is just as easy to wash. For the most Viennese blinds the best materials there will be a veil, cotton, linen, chintz. These fabrics are best able to convey all the charm and tenderness of the Austrian image.

It is better to be careful about choosing a color for curtains, because the overall perception of the kitchen will depend on it. If the window is near the cooking area, then too light shades are best left for another occasion, although the curtains have a lifting mechanism, splashes from a boiling pot can get on the snow-white curtain.

For Austrian kitchen curtains, it is better to give preference to plain fabrics; for small kitchens, you should not choose too bright colors, as they will fill the entire space. Large patterns are also not appropriate for compact Viennese curtains, but a small floral pattern, polka dot, stripe or cage will come in handy.

Austrians for different styles

Although we have already said that Austrian curtains are universal and suitable for almost all styles, but for the most part this is a privilege for romantic decorations such as classic, Provence, sea coast style.

Provence is light natural fabrics of light colors. A small floral pattern, a narrow strip and a check will all be in the theme of a romantic French style. And frills, lace and ribbons will add even more charm to Austrian blinds.

Classic Austrian curtains will look elegant if they are sewn from a light silk fabric, you can put an elegant fringe or ruffle along the bottom edge, and then the severity of the classic kitchen decoration will look more mundane and mysterious.

Sea style
To bring notes to your urban cuisine marine style and imagine yourself on vacation, just hang stylish Austrian curtains with maritime theme. For this direction, the characters of the color are white, blue, turquoise, brown. A classic option is white Austrians with blue stripes.

Austrian curtains belong to the type of lifting. Canvases with wavy folds are used to give the room elegance, solemnity and sublimity.

What it is?

In appearance, they combine Roman and French curtains. Assembly mechanism: when lifted, they are pulled together by cords, due to which body waves and lush folds, called scallops, appear on the canvas.

Features of use in the interior

There are some features of the use of Austrian curtains indoors.

  • Such curtains will reveal themselves in all their glory, in more spacious rooms with large windows.
  • Particularly suitable for decorating arched window openings. Such an abundant number of folds harmoniously looks under a single arc.
  • For a greater decorative effect, the length of the canvas should be almost to the floor so that when it is raised, the window sill does not open.
  • In order to decorate a window of any shape, it is better to use profile cornices for lifting curtains, with manual or automatic control. The Austrian curtain is attached to the cornice itself with Velcro tape.


The fabrics that are used for sewing Austrians also have their own characteristics.


It drapes well and lets in a lot of light. Curtains made of such translucent fabrics are complemented with a lambrequin or thick classic curtains.


Forms spectacular, voluminous, brittle folds. Thanks to organza canvases, the room can be given a special charm and a unique image.


Eco-friendly and luxurious material is used to decorate rooms in a variety of interior styles. Stylish linen curtains look elegant and most importantly are very practical.

The photo shows linen Austrian curtains in the interior of the bathroom.


Translucent material with a matte finish. Drapes easily. Creates exquisite, airy, beautifully flowing waves. Thanks to these advantages, this fabric is ideal for sewing Austrians.


Pleasant to the touch, wear-resistant material that retains heat and does not lose shape. When light is reflected from the surface of the fabric, mysterious halftones and glare are formed.


Bright, elegant lace fabric. It is made from thin cotton, silk threads or polyester.


The length and width of the Austrian curtains can be very different.


In order for the curtain to cover the window and retain lush scallops, choose curtains that are long below the window sill and the width of the entire wall.


Such curtains are practical. They look stylish and charming, adding some zest to the interior of the room. This length is optimal for both modern and classic style.

Photo in the interior of the rooms

If the interior lacks a bright accent, then Austrian curtains can give a luxurious look to any living room.


Good option for the kitchen. If the window is located near the stove or sink, such curtains save space, since the canvas can be lifted up as much as possible.

In the photo there is a kitchen and windows with Austrian curtains.


Curtains will look more attractive if they are decorated with a variety of accessories. Bows, ribbons and frills will do. By color for children's rooms, bright and juicy shades or a variety of patterned canvases are often chosen.

Living room

Decorating the living room with Austrian curtains, do not forget about lighting. Properly incident light will add even more charm to the curtain composition, emphasize amazing patterns and fill the room with comfort.


They will create an atmosphere of romance and add mystery to the room. For decoration, beige or white colors are used to make the room look even more elegant and gentle.

The photo shows a bedroom interior in beige tones and a window decorated with Austrian curtains.

To the loggia (balcony)

Look good on long balconies. Austrians are suitable for an elongated space and do not seem boring and monotonous.


They will give some solemnity to the entire working room. Such curtains are sometimes combined with long curtains to create a complete window decoration.

Color solutions

The chosen color of the curtains allows you to create volumes, play with other shades and place accents.


Romantic and sophisticated, luxurious and refined. Austrian curtains of this color speak of the extraordinary personality of the owner of the apartment.


Make the room brighter. White curtains visually increase the width of the window and harmonize well with pastel-colored walls.


A suitable option for creative individuals who like to experiment and want to radically change the interior. After all, with the right combination, the Austrians yellow color able to transform any style.


Curtains of this color play an important role in the interior. They serve bright accent, visually enlarge objects and improve the shade of furniture that is in the room.


They do not focus on themselves, but at the same time they look very gentle and stylish, softening the artsy interior. Sunlight passing through the beige fabric brings warmth and comfort to the room.


These chocolate curtains make the room fresher, add a touch of novelty and allow you to experiment with color.


Reminds me of a summer breeze. Turquoise Austrian curtains are associated with depth and purity, they exude coolness and freshness.


Create a balanced and harmonious interior. Their shades have many variations and are perfectly combined with almost the entire palette, causing a feeling of genuine admiration.


They bring ceremoniality and theatricality to the interior. Curtains of this color are able to warm the room, and make it more comfortable and hospitable.

Ideas in different styles

Austrian curtains, which are combined in style with the rest of the decoration of the room, give it a complete and thoughtful look.


This style is characterized by curtains made of natural fabrics with a slight rustic negligence. canvases with floral ornament, striped or plaid patterns visibly refresh the atmosphere of the room.


In this style, Austrian curtains are sometimes complemented with a set with a classic lambrequin. Austrians with loosely hanging edges will look elegant and sophisticated.


Similar curtains add modern interior special notes of chic, emphasize good taste and indicate prestige and solidity.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in modern style with Austrian curtains on the windows.


For this style, curtains are chosen from natural fabrics, plain cut with a small pattern or strict geometry.


For curtains in vintage style, soft, flowing materials are used in the spirit of the old days. Imitations of fabrics such as brocade, velvet, taffeta, heavy silk or gabardine with a worn effect are also used.

The photo shows Austrian curtains on the windows in the bedroom in vintage style.

Design and drawings

Curtains decorated with a pattern look original and quite expressive.

With flowers

Floral curtains make the interior soft and gentle. Such patterns associated with summer and holidays will bring joy and a feeling of warmth to the room.

Floral patterns

These trendy patterns are at the peak of popularity. On Austrian canvases there are various leaves, curls, flowers, creepers and other natural elements.

In the photo there is a dining room and a window decorated with Austrian curtains with a floral pattern.


The print transforms any room, fills it with brightness, creativity and dynamics. A well-chosen pattern can give the curtains elegance, authenticity and incredible charm.


A product created from several harmoniously combined canvases. They also use a combination of dense and light fabric, complemented by drapery and lambrequin.

The photo shows a children's room with double Austrian curtains on the window.

On bows

In this interpretation, the fabric sags freely on the sides, due to which the scallops shimmer with light. Bows create folds that give the window opening a prestigious and glamorous look.


Gives the room warmth and airiness. Sometimes openwork curtains are combined with thicker types of curtains. Such a combination will always look advantageous on the window.

Geometry (stripe, cage)

Geometric prints look great in any room, no matter the style. The checks and stripes on the Austrian curtains attract attention and become a unique feature of the entire room.

With glass beads

Jewelry made of glass is often used as a treatment for curtains, because they allow you to give the curtains lightness and airiness. This type fittings are in perfect harmony with the crystal elements of decor.

The photo shows white Austrians with glass beads in the interior of the bathroom.

From threads

These are truly air curtains. They look beautiful and romantic. They allow you to create interesting decorative solutions, are appropriate in any room and in any style.


Austrian curtains are versatile, so they have many combination options.

With ribbons

Choose a light fabric similar to a weightless cloud. In combination with ribbons, it emphasizes the tenderness of the entire interior.

With other types of curtains (blinds, tulle, roller blinds)

Austrian curtains also successfully harmonize with other curtains. Properly chosen fabric and well-designed decor will allow this combination to fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

The photo shows a children's room and a combination of Austrian curtains with blinds on the windows.

For non-standard windows

Such non-standard windows are an unusual element of the exterior of the house, so they require a special approach in design.

Bay window

It's quite difficult to set up. It is better to choose curtains from weightless fabric. Great solution for the bay window there will be multilayer options with a combination of light and dense canvases.

Pictured is a living room with a bay window decorated with Austrian curtains.

Window with balcony door

In this case, different canvases are used for windows and doors. The design itself is made in accordance with the dimensions of the balcony opening.

At the arched window

Austrians are also suitable for decorating an arched window. The main thing is to install them correctly and not disturb the harmony with other elements of interior design.

On the windows along the stairs

Windows located along the stairs can be distinguished using asymmetric compositions. Austrian curtains made of light, flowing fabric will look really elegant. Such curtains have a rather elegant and pompous look.

Mounting options for eaves

There are several options for mounting on the eaves.


With the help of fastening with Velcro, it turns out to darken the room as much as possible, since the gap between the curtain and the wall is completely absent. This type of fastening is often used in the bedroom or children's room.

On strings

Ties are both functional and decorative at the same time. They are tied with an original knot, bow or intertwined. Such curtains create an atmosphere of softness, warmth and comfort in the room.

Rules for care and washing

Proper care allows curtains not only to serve for a long time, but also to please with their appearance.

  • Products from lightweight fabrics, wash in washing machine, using delicate temperature conditions.
  • When caring for dense fabrics, you definitely cannot do without the services of specialists. Such fabrics are recommended to be dry-cleaned.
  • After washing, it is better to use a steam generator instead of an iron. He gently smoothes the curtains even when they are already tied up.

Photo gallery

Austrian curtains are an original way of decorating. They emphasize the respectability and solidity of the premises. The graceful look of Austrians brings classic charm to the interior and turns an ordinary window reception into a real work of art.
