Curtains not only decorate the interior of the room, but also help to adjust design features surrounding space. The frame construction of a small width reduces the light flux entering the room and visually narrows the room.

The specifics of narrow tall windows

Often high, but narrow openings represent some inconvenience for the owner of the house. For curtains, non-standard decoration of space is used so that the opening does not visually appear narrower.

For this, a number of methods are used:

When thinking about how to drape a high window of small width, make sure that the room does not turn out to be dark or gloomy. because of incorrectly chosen curtain style.

Italian style curtains are ideal for tall, but not wide frames, as they allow you to adjust the shape of the opening, giving it a shorter and wider configuration. To do this, you need to choose a fabric that will freely fall in soft waves in the upper part of the frame.

The drape should not be too tight. Curtains in the Italian style are decorated with soft folds in the shape of a semicircle.

The Italian curtain lets a sufficient amount of light into the room, as it does not block the opening, but only serves it. decorative frame. The smooth curves of the fabric will add sophistication and grace to the room.

Italian style is suitable for curtains on a narrow window in the kitchen, which does not have to be completely curtained.

Austrian style

When decorating rooms, curtains of various widths are used. Narrow curtains in the interior are appropriate to use for artistic framing of a window opening. Such curtains do not carry a functional load. They do not hide the room from prying eyes, but are used only for decorative design.

However, in a room with narrow frames, narrow curtains in the interior of the rooms are appropriate. They do not create vertical folds on the opening plane, which are able to visually stretch an already narrow space.


If a narrow frame harmoniously fits into the room and decorates the interior, choose curtains, the style of which emphasizes the geometry of the opening in the best possible way.

When, for one reason or another, the size of the opening does not fit into the style of the room, decorating with curtains should hide visible flaws, turning it into a room decoration.

A distinctive feature of many buildings created by architects of the 18th century can be considered window openings that are unusual in their parameters. Their proportions are stretched upward, as if they are stretching towards the sky. In modern buildings, the ideas of such an unusual execution are often borrowed. window openings.

Such narrow, but high window structures become an adornment of any interior, they can be beaten in any style and give them any image. But the happy owners of such dwellings often face the question of how to choose curtains for tall but narrow windows.

Design Features

Curtains on high bay windows

Designers almost unanimously argue that it is almost impossible to spoil such window structures with an unsuccessful design of curtains. But in order to choose the right frame for the window opening, you will have to study some information related to home decor ideas. In specialized periodicals and, of course, on the Internet, you can find a lot of advice on choosing the type and material of curtains, as well as photos of successful design solutions.

Luxury or minimalism

Tall windows in themselves look festive and solemn, so they do not need excessive decorations. In this case, carved cornices with many decorative details and luxurious curtains can look awkward and interfere with the perception of space and light. Do not forget that, first of all, the function of window openings is to let natural light into the room, so even such windows should not be cluttered with unnecessary elements and excess fabric. Such a window design will look most advantageous just next to strict but elegant curtains without fashionable frills. Such a noble minimalism will transform the whole room, make it discreet and aristocratic.

Otherwise, there are no special restrictions when choosing curtains for window structures that have a significant height:

  • they can have a classic look and consist of two canvases;
  • but they can represent one wide canvas, neatly assembled and directed diagonally across the window opening.

It all depends on the taste of the owner and the general style of the room.

An important role for the holistic perception of such tissue compositions can be played by correctly selected:

  • cornices;
  • lambrequins;
  • rods;
  • as well as rings and ribbons used to fasten curtains.

Visual equalization of proportions

  1. Sometimes, if the upper part of the window opening is too high, any curtains visually lengthen it even more, adding disharmony and even absurdity. In such cases, the cornice can be mounted a little lower, partially overlapping the upper edge window construction. This technique will help visually align the proportions and make the window opening more attractive.
  2. If the window opening has a small width and starts at a great distance from the floor, in no case should you use short curtains. They will bring even greater disharmony and make the window “torn off” from the rest of the room. In such a situation, you should choose curtains to the floor. Even better, if they are two-color with a smooth gradient transition from top to bottom from lighter to darker. Dark color will visually reduce the distance to the floor. To enhance the effect, the wall under the window opening can be painted in the same color as the dark section of the curtains.
  3. If there are several on one wall narrow windows, their decoration can be combined. For example, create one common lambrequin and put on one curtain on both sides of each window opening, as shown in the photo. Visually, such a composition will look more harmonious and attractive. The outer sides of the curtains can be beautifully gathered in folds and tied with a decorative cord, which will emphasize the completeness and integrity of the picture.

Summing up

Curtains for tall but narrow windows are selected based on the preferences of the owner and the decorative design of the entire room. There are just some nuances, the knowledge of which will help to avoid stylistic and visual errors. If everything is done correctly, an unusual window will not only harmoniously fit into any interior, but will also become a real decoration of any room.

Narrow and high window frames - as a rule, they are installed in private houses with high ceilings. Such windows can turn any room into a majestic auditorium, or design creativity.

A narrow and long window opening brings some inconvenience to its owners:

Design options

So, what can be done with curtains for a narrow window, depending on the needs of the owners:

Ways to Change Proportions

It is known that large things in the room, located in vertical plane, not only take away by sensations free space, but at the same time give it a sense of scale. This is because everything larger is perceived as more significant. To give significance and expressiveness to a living room with a narrow window, you can only hang volumetric curtains, as for a regular window.

In our case, both curtains should hang on the sides of the strip of light that the window lets through. This will require a wider cornice (three window widths).

If you need to increase the width as much as possible, use 2 more tricks:

1) Cash out door frame- contrasting color with respect to the walls of the room

2) Curtains of the same color as the walls of the room. In the same way that beige shoes seem to continue the legs, so the curtains that match the walls of the room do not once again cut the space into pieces.

Proportion number 3.


Antique style is always associated with luxury. You can give the room a sense of pomposity and the chosenness of the guests entering it, if you turn to this style. Use Italian curtains for this, picked up with a brush or a tourniquet in the upper part (above the middle).

Among all models best curtains on narrow windows - these are those that have a vertical profile: the bishop's sleeve, Italian curtains, Roman, Austrian, roller blinds. Ordinary curtains are the least suitable. If they are placed inside the window opening, they will take a lot of light, and if you try to make them narrower in width, then the edge of the canvas will not hang evenly. Moreover, it will definitely look cheap.

Narrow curtains in the interior of the living room, on the wall of the flight of stairs in a private house, indoors classic design and creative direction will certainly attract attention. Extraordinary proportions and originality of performance are suitable for such windows, since ordinary curtains in this case, they are suitable only if the canvases are located on the sides of the window, and on a wide cornice.

Or they use a change in the decor of window openings to refresh the atmosphere. That is why, when choosing a window design, it is necessary to take into account a lot of criteria. First of all, you need to decide whether your curtains, curtains or tulle will perform an exclusively decorative function or protection from sunlight will be necessary. You will need to take into account the location of the room in relation to parts of the world, the level above the ground (ground floor apartment building needs window decoration much more seriously than windows country house, for example) and the purpose of the room, its functionality.

Then, you need to decide whether you want the window decor to become the focal point of your room or act as a general color scheme interior. Along the way, you can decide on the method of mounting the cornices. If the repair is already over or you are changing textiles in the finished interior, then all that remains is to choose the color and material of the cornice or string system for attaching curtains and curtains.

  • if the walls are decorated with wallpaper with a bright or colorful print, then it is better to give preference plain curtains and curtains of calm tones;
  • matte wallpapers look better with silk or synthetic curtain material and vice versa, embossed wallpapers look harmoniously with matte window drapery fabrics;
  • vertical stripes on the curtains visually increase the height of the room;
  • horizontal stripes as a print of curtains or curtains expand the space;
  • curtain rod located under the ceiling visually stretches the room in height;
  • curtains with lambrequins are best not used in rooms with low ceilings.

Let's take a look at specific examples of how window openings can be designed in modern interiors, what color and texture combinations to prefer, which model of curtains to choose.

Curtains with labrequins

Labrequin is part of the design of the window opening, which is located in the upper horizontal part and hides part of the curtains. Lambrequin can be both hard and soft. It may be a strict geometric figure or gently tumble in waves. Previously, labrequins in our country were used mainly in cases where it was necessary to hide some defects in the repair, installation window frame or other shortcomings of the reconstruction. Currently, lambrequin is increasingly acting exclusively as a decorative element.

The monochromatic fabric of the curtains with a figured lambrequin repeats the colors used in the textiles of the pillows and furniture upholstery, which allows you to link the entire environment of the room into a harmonious balanced space.

Curtains with a lambrequin, decorated with a pattern, braid or embroidery look original, while the fabric itself remains plain. For rooms with high ceilings, this window design can be ideal.

A bright pattern of curtains with a labrequin will look luxurious against the background of a plain light wall finish, repeating some of the tones of furniture upholstery or carpeting.

Lambrequin is not always made from the same fabric as the curtains. The window design option looks original with the help of printed lambrequins and plain light curtains. This decoration option can be suitable for both the bedroom and the living room.

And this is already a variant of a soft lambrequin with falling folds, which can be made both from curtain fabric and differ in color and texture from the main textile. Such window decoration will harmoniously look in classic interior rooms, possibly with the use of baroque or rococo elements.

This is a solid rectangular canvas, corresponding to the size of the window opening, which is assembled into horizontal folds using a cord or chain. Due to its rigor and geometricity, captivating simplicity and functionality, this type of window design will look appropriate in almost any interior. Roman blinds are a great option for draping windows in bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms and even kitchen spaces.

Roman blinds can be made from translucent or dense fabrics, with or without a pattern. In addition to the main function - protection from the sun, Roman blinds act as a decorative element of the interior, capable of creating an accent in space.

Often, Roman blinds are used as a translucent window screen, complete with thick curtains or curtains. A similar model of window decoration is used in rooms where thick curtains rarely cover the entire window, leaving the opportunity to see the first row of window decor.

Here is an example of window decoration using Roman curtains with a lambrequin. With such an intense wallpaper print, the curtains should have been presented with a more neutral ornament or without it at all.

The name speaks for itself - in the manufacture of such curtains, natural raw materials are used - specially processed bamboo, as a rule, in the form of thin sticks that are sewn together by hand. Obviously, such a canvas will be very resistant to moisture, sun rays and other climatic manifestations.

Bamboo curtains are used both independently and in combination with other types of textile window decoration. They are often used to decorate window openings in kitchens and dining rooms, on verandas and attic rooms, where there is an abundance of sunlight.

These are curtains that are made of corrugated fabric. The basis of this type of window design is the design of blinds. The fabric of pleated curtains can have a different density, texture, appear both in a monophonic version and with a printed pattern. For modern interiors, as a rule, this type of curtain is made of dense or translucent fabric without ornament.

Pleated curtains are very convenient for draping complex window openings, non-standard designs and shapes. It is thanks to the organic combination of warmth and comfort of fabric products and the functionality and practicality of blinds that this type of window opening decor is very popular for decorating both home and office premises.

The main feature of this type of window drapery is the roundness of the lower edge of the canvas. Sometimes these curtains are called scalloped because of the characteristic assemblies. If the window is not very wide, then a couple of scallops will be enough; for large window openings, for example, in a living room or a spacious bedroom, several assemblies can be used. Scallops can be decorated with fringes or tassels, but modern interiors tending to minimalism leave decor far behind, preferring options without excessive embellishment.

Austrian curtains will look great in country-style bedrooms or living rooms.

Austrian curtains made of dense taffeta in noble shades can become a decoration for a truly royal interior of a bedroom or living room. If the head of the bed is in a niche decorated similarly to the design of window openings, the interior can be safely called luxurious, delightful, royal.

Eyelets are one of the most practical and reliable ways of attaching curtains to a baguette - these are steel or plastic rings integrated into the upper part of the curtain, a cornice is threaded through them. Such decor for windows can be made from almost any type of fabric, with or without coloring.

Thanks to the eyelets, curtains or curtains can move freely horizontally without losing their shape. Eyelets allow you to create perfect vertical pleats that visually increase the height of your room.

The simplest, most practical, common and versatile way to design windows, which is suitable for any room of any style - sliding curtains. Two strips of fabric suspended from the cornice on clothespins, rings or grommets can be used for window decoration both independently and as a set with curtains. They are made from any fabric, in a plain version or with a pattern. They can be assembled with clips or interceptions, decorated with fringe, tassels.

Bright print on the curtains

A colorful, bright pattern of curtains can radically change appearance rooms. If your room is decorated in light neutral tones with plain wallpaper or an unobtrusive pattern, then bright printed curtains can become an accent and a focal point.

A large floral pattern on the curtains has become an adornment of the living room-study. The color of the window design echoes the textiles of the pillows and decorative elements, and the steel sheen of the cornices repeats the material of the base. table lamp, forming a harmonious interior.

If not for the bright pattern on the curtains, the interior of this office with a small home library would be very modest in the manifestation of color.

For an eclectic living room with snow-white walls, a bright print of curtains looks like an accent, giving the room a feeling of spring freshness and fullness of color.

A bright pattern can be applied not only to curtains, but also to translucent curtains. Bedroom in scandinavian style co discreet interior, needed an element of brightness and surprise.

Often cornices, in addition to their main function of supporting curtains. They also perform a decorative purpose, acting as an accent, connecting or original element of the interior.

Curtains with horizontal stripes not only bring variety to color palette rooms, act as an accent or link between the contrasting color spots of the environment, but also visually expand the space when the window is curtained.

The original way to attach curtains to cornices is to throw the fabric through the tube of the device, in which case you do not need rings or clothespins. To remove the curtains for washing, it is enough to detach the eaves knobs and pull off the fabric. The whole composition looks original and fresh.

We hide the eaves for curtains

A cornice or strings that are attached to the ceiling or in a niche between layers of drywall allow you to create a curtain mount, in which the room will appear higher.

Clamps, interceptions and more

In some interiors, curtains are intercepted with special devices exclusively with a decorative purpose, in others - I pursue the functional loading of the decor of window openings. But the important thing is that in both cases, the windows look well-designed, attractive.

Jacquard curtains always look luxurious, expensive and representative. Jacquard is a high-tech material, in the manufacture of which a detailed study of the ornament is used. The result is an imitation of embroidery, appliqué. The density of the fabric depends on the method of production, the pattern can also be varied. classic curtains, baroque or empire are great for making from this type of fabric. If you want to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room, then the elegance and aristocracy of jacquard curtains will help you with this.

Transparent tulle for window decoration

Often in modern design projects you can find rooms whose windows are decorated only with translucent tulle. Most often, such rooms are bedrooms, for adults or children.

In this children's bedroom, not only the window, but also part of the walls, the sloping ceiling of the attic room are decorated with translucent white tulle.

For the loft style, in principle, window decoration is not typical, but there are exceptions. For huge windows, which used to be in industrial premises, to soften the brutality of industrial decoration and bedroom furnishings, you can safely use snow-white tulle with many vertical folds.

Combinations of different models of curtains in one room

Often there are rooms in which there are several windows. various sizes and configurations, especially for corner rooms. In such spaces, it is logical to allow the use various kinds window openings. As a rule, curtains different types are made from one fabric in order to maintain the harmony of the decor and the entire interior as a whole.

A combination of Roman blinds for narrow windows and sliding blinds for window openings large sizes is the most popular and often found in modern interiors of bedrooms and living rooms.

Another option is a combination of sliding curtains on one side and a lambrequin with frills on the other. In this case, we see the use of combinatorics not only in curtain models, but also in the fabrics from which they are made. In combination with furniture upholstery, the whole space of the country-style dining room looks harmonious and attractive.

In this luxurious dining room, the windows are decorated, it seems, by all possible ways- pelmets, pleated blinds, French pleats, fringes. And at the same time. window and door openings do not look loaded, thanks to the lightness of the fabric and the neutrality of the color palette.
