Traditionally, Scandinavia is considered to be three countries: Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The severity of the climate and the diversity of the natural world are also reflected in the Scandinavian interior - simple geometric shapes, natural materials and light, sometimes even cold tones make this style so different from others. Recently, he managed to fall in love with many and gained momentum in popularity, and not least due to the fact that it can be used in a kitchen of any size, and it will definitely fit perfectly into it! In addition, the Scandinavian design looks great on. If you are a fan of laconic design, but high-tech minimalism is too boring for you, and if for you the kitchen is primarily a place for eating, and you prefer to relax not only with your body and soul, but also with your eyes, then kitchen design is Scandinavian style for you!

Today we'll take a look at the key features of this style, reveal the secrets and techniques of Scandinavian decorating, and find out what needs to be done to make your kitchen a real Scandinavian oasis.

Well, let's outline the main features of Scandinavian-style cuisine:

  • Light colors with bright splashes;
  • Many sources of natural and artificial lighting;
  • natural materials;
  • The severity of forms, including in furniture;
  • Functionality and utility of each thing;
  • Minimum decor, maximum free space.

50 shades of white

Scandinavians compensate for the short daylight hours and the frequent lack of sunlight with light finishes and furniture. Of course, the main color in the Scandinavian interior is white and all its variations. White color will expand the space in a small kitchen, refresh the room and add airiness to the interior. And to avoid the “hospital” effect, it can be diluted or replaced with light blue, gray, any shades of beige, lavender or mint, and in details and accents - bright yellow, blue or green. Read more about white kitchen design.

If your kitchen is combined with the living room, then the zones can be delimited by different colors (at the same time, it’s better to let them be different shades one color), and combine them with common motifs in the decor, which will be discussed below. It is necessary to ensure that the color of the walls contrasts with the color of the furniture. Take a look at the combination of completely white walls and black furniture - it looks very impressive and fresh.

Floor and wall finishing

Eco-friendly design is best emphasized by a plank floor or light-colored laminate, reminiscent of massive boards.

A combination of light walls and a dark, even black floor will look spectacular.

Tiles are a good alternative wooden floor. Choose a tile of light cold shades.

In the decoration of the walls, you can stop at light gray, white or color paint. eggshell or baked milk.

Wallpaper is also suitable, and in choosing it is better to focus on traditional Swedish companies that know firsthand what Scandinavian design is. For example, on such as Boråstapeter and ECO wallpaper. Wallpaper can be either plain or contain a pattern - in this case, you can beat it with other details in the interior of the kitchen.

By the way, if you decide to glue wallpaper with a pattern, it is better to do it on one wall, and make the rest plain so that the interior does not turn out to be too active. You can borrow the idea of ​​​​brickwork from the Loft style, but only partially, so as not to make the interior too “industrial”. If you have a kitchen-living room, then their design can be combined just with the help of overlapping brickwork in different areas.

What about an apron? It is usually white and imitates brickwork, although it may be colored. Other suitable options for finishing the apron - this is, and of course wood panels. We have selected several options suitable for the kitchen, which you can see in the photo.

Let there be light

In a Scandinavian-style kitchen, you will always see large windows and light curtains made of light material. It would be most authentic not to hang curtains at all (as in the photo below), but if there is another house opposite with nosy neighbors or you just prefer privacy, then you can’t do without them.

Often the color of the windows echoes the color floor covering. Even if the windows in your kitchen are small, you can curtain them with light curtains to make the room even brighter.

The Scandinavian interior is characterized by another integral part - many sources of artificial lighting. Take care not only of the chandelier, but also of spotlights and floor lamps. Just the lamps can become that bright color accent, different from the white color of the walls and furniture. At the same time, chandeliers can be of the most futuristic forms, or, conversely, they can be inspired by retro style - be inspired by the photo!


Scandinavian cuisine is dominated by strictness and conciseness of forms. A minimum of furniture, and the one that is, is utilitarian in nature, even in large spaces. The kitchen set and the dining group here will be made of natural materials, most often made of wood, without any frills. What comes to mind first when you think of Scandinavian design? Of course, this is the Swedish company IKEA and their corporate identity, thanks to which the concept of Swedish-style cuisine has spread. It is worth relying on their catalogs when arranging such a kitchen. facades kitchen set they can be completely white, and they can be decorated with a countertop in a contrasting color, for example, black.

This is also necessary in order to avoid "merging" into one white spot. simple, metallic or absent altogether. It is noteworthy that the surface of furniture and appliances is often glossy and thus reflects light - you can try this technique in a small kitchen: glossy cabinets, chrome appliances and an abundance of metal surfaces will visually expand the space and look modern.

In the Scandinavian interior, tables and chairs are made of light wood, which has received minimal processing, or vice versa, in bright colors.

If simplicity is valued in the decoration and arrangement of the kitchen, then in decorating there is where to roam! It is the decor that breathes life into this Nordic design and gives it a mischievous look. For example, you can decorate the walls with colored posters, the floors with a bright carpet, and do not forget about eye-catching textiles: unusual towels, pillows and a window sill. In the kitchen-living room, textiles can overlap in different areas: the same pillows, rugs in a similar style, and much more. And don't forget about! Arrange pots with plants, even if you do not like to care for them, because you can choose something unpretentious.

Even if you are not fond of hunting, imitations of horns or animal heads, for example, made of cardboard, will look great.

Another cute piece of decor, due to the climate of the Scandinavian countries, is natural or artificial fur and skins.

A chalk board will also look great, on which you can write a menu for the week or reminders and notes to loved ones.

So why do we love Scandinavian design? For the fact that he manages to successfully balance between coldness, simplicity of style and at the same time remain a modern classic. We love it because it fits perfectly into small and open-plan kitchens thanks to its light colors and space ergonomics. It turns out that a Scandinavian-style kitchen is the choice of a modern person who loves space and is looking for tranquility with hints of mischief in the interior.

A Scandinavian-style kitchen is an island of coziness and comfort, where you want to quickly return from the frosty air in winter and catch your breath in the coolness of a hot summer. The incredibly fashionable direction of Scandi has already captured all Western design minds and continues to conquer our people.

Today, a Scandinavian-style kitchen can be implemented in an apartment and in a house, be small, corner, combined with a living room, or have impressive dimensions. But what distinguishes such spaces from others? Let's sort through all the mandatory characteristics inherent in the Nordic mood.

Main features

Appearing in the conditions of the cold northern winter, the Scandinavian style was designed to give the eye peace and tranquility, to distract from the grayness and darkness outside, to warm with warmth and comfort.

Without which the northern direction in the interior of the kitchen is impossible to imagine:

  • White color. It is associated with the first snow, which lies like a virgin blanket and instills in us childish joy.
  • natural motives. Naturalness in everything is a sign of healthy taste. Here you will not see plastic surfaces. Wooden floor, stone countertop, wood motifs in accessories and decor, flowers and plants.

  • Ergonomics. The thoughtfulness of all the details and their functionality must be on top. No extra shelves and unnecessary lockers, everything is just on business. By the way, it is not customary to display kitchen utensils in this style. Everything is hidden from the eyes as much as possible and smooth surfaces are left.

  • Minimalism. This is what distinguishes it from country cuisines. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary, let more air and light into the room.

  • Lighting. This is almost the key detail of the whole design. Since the northern countries are dominated by gray and gloomy weather, in contrast to this, they fill their homes with light and warmth. So, along with light surfaces in such kitchens, lighting is also well thought out. Moreover, most often this is not the central chandelier familiar to us. You can pay attention to zoning with the help of light, highlight the working area, dining.

With a Scandinavian-inspired kitchen design as your main idea, get ready to splurge. Here, a priori, there cannot be cheap components, since all the details are made of natural and expensive materials. Desire to save money individual elements will play a cruel joke and there may be nothing left of the Scandi style.

light elements

So to speak, white kitchen in Scandinavian style is a standard offer. If you want to stick current trends, but do not bother too much, this option will be the best for you.

Most often, furniture is made light, but for the walls you can use gray shades, cold blue, sometimes even black. In this case, the light will be reflected from the white surfaces and dilute the gloom of the walls.

However, not every white kitchen automatically becomes Scandinavian. Make sure to include things like soft wood tones, perfect lighting that leaves no chance for dark corners, and a contrasting hue that can set off the whiteness. Straight and clear lines, backed up by a thoughtful organization of space, create the very coveted Nordic mood.

color splash

If you have planned a Scandinavian-style kitchen-living room, you can not do without competent zoning. The easiest way to do this is with color. If your snow-white space has, for example, yellow accents, choose more yellow to decorate the guest area.

Luxurious in its simplicity, kitchen utensils with floral motifs, pastel colors that evoke memories of summer, bright yellows or greens that stand out perfectly against a neutral background - all this can fill your home with life and dilute whitish sterility.

Any colors that you associate with the warm season will be appropriate in this interior. However, stronger bright or dark variations will be harmonious, while maintaining restraint in the rest.

Remember one thing: whether it's a pattern or a color, moderation is an axiom from which you cannot deviate.

The best way to add bright accents is to use multi-colored matching furniture against a light kitchen set. An unexpected solution would be a light green refrigerator or a yellow coffee maker. Greenery from house plants will become an indispensable source of summer breath.

Unexpected elements of geometric shapes are also welcome, which will break the monotony. Add, for example, some wallpaper to the tile. They will bring a little comfort to a cold space.

wooden floors

This is a decoration for any kitchen. They are more practical than cheap materials and are also an essential element in creating coziness in a Scandi-style kitchen.

You can continue the theme of natural wood in a dining table with a massive tabletop that repeats the tones of the flooring. Open hanging shelves, doors and even ceiling lamps in shades of wood - this will all be your highlight.

If for some reason you want to find an alternative to wood flooring, look into ceramic tile or masonry. These materials also perfectly accompany the given topic.

Scandinavian-style wooden kitchens are also not uncommon. However, in pursuit of an abundance of wood, you can hit country style, which is no longer as relevant as the northern one. Stick to the principle of minimalism and do not forget to dilute with other textures.


We repeat once again and focus on this - there should be a lot of light. In the original version, the issue is resolved by huge floor-to-ceiling windows. And in the conditions of city apartments, natural light can be replenished by artificial sources.

There are so many different lighting options to suit any style, it's time to move away from the archaic central chandelier. You can choose low hanging cream lights that will give your corner a special character, and will also be much brighter than ordinary lighting. Or pick up a unique floor lamp that will find its place in the corner of the room.

And remember that everything should be functional, including lighting.

bold black

We talked so much about white obligatory condition. But what if you want creativity? To stand out from most templates, while remaining within a given style, use black elements. Of course, you should not aggravate and arrange a total black party, however, the competent use of dark will make your interior unique.

Choose black to define a space, highlight architectural features, anchor light, and create visual contrast. A kitchen cabinet, refrigerator, island in black on a neutral background will instantly attract the eye and become the centerpiece of the space.

If black seems too gloomy to you, consider variations with navy blue. A gray Scandinavian-style kitchen would also be a great idea.


The northern interior is considered a fashion trend on a par with contemporary art. Therefore, you can often find houses where these two phenomena coexist.

Whether it's paintings by contemporary artists, elaborate art objects or just black and white photographs, something must necessarily distract from routine tasks and remind you of the sublime.

For small rooms

Surely you think that 20 sq. m is easy to turn around and bring to life any creative ideas with stylistic directions. However, a small Scandinavian style kitchen is the best solution when space is limited.

Compared to many other styles, Scandi cleverly manages space and fits perfectly into even the tiniest kitchens. Minimalism, frugality, ergonomics - remember these fundamental principles? So thanks to them, you will not have problems with the placement of everything you need. Modular wall cabinets, sleek floating shelves, thoughtful shelving effectively fill every centimeter. You can skillfully beat the corner kitchen and it will not be inferior to large counterparts.


The color of the Scandinavian style kitchen is a blank canvas on which everyone can create their own work.

The charms of minimalism, functionality and luxurious simplicity conquer more and more hearts. Often, having implemented Scandi in the kitchen, the rest of the apartment gradually acquires notes inherent in the dwellings of the northern peoples.

The features that make it stand out are dictated by the climate, the Scandinavian environment and their cheerful attitude to life.

Main features

  • Naturalness. Everything should be filled with the beauty of northern nature. That is why in this style, preference is given to light woods, emphasizing naturalness and giving home comfort.
  • Good lighting. In Scandinavia, the day is short and there is little light, so they try to capture it as much as possible in the interior. For this, large windows for natural light and a large number of chandeliers and lamps for artificial light are used.
  • Versatility. In the Scandinavian direction, everything is done to obtain maximum functionality in everything - from furniture to decorations. Retractable systems are often used, there are many shelves, and there are also modern bins and closers.

Let's move from the general to the specific and consider the details of the Scandinavian-style kitchen interior.

Color palette

In a relationship color palette this interior is quite interesting.

The main color is white, and all its shades allow you to play with the design, setting the right mood with warm and cold tones.

The most commonly used shades are:

  • Snow
  • Lactic
  • Cream
  • baked milk
  • white sand
  • Ivory
  • Lotus
  • Creamy
  • Camellia
  • egg shell

Those kitchen interiors are interesting, where the designer with the main color was able to skillfully combine bleached shades of beige, green, gray and blue.

Place accents contrasting colors (asphalt, black, graphite) and rich tones (yellow, turquoise, blue, green) will help.

Reference: a white ceiling, smooth light surfaces, a snow-white or bright backsplash and a bleached wood or tile floor. Functional furniture and an abundance of lighting - this is what gives the kitchen a special coziness and warmth.

Floor and walls

The following photos will help us evaluate the design of a Scandinavian-style kitchen, especially with regard to choosing a color scheme for wall and floor decoration. They clearly show the desire for light colors and eco-friendly materials in the decoration.

Scandinavians prefer light wood floor. The wood of cold shades makes the kitchen lighter, and the warm ones fill it with comfort and give a certain trail of country style.

They also prefer to make the same floors throughout the home or throughout the kitchen-studio. This visually expands the room.

For the floor, parquet, engineered boards, laminate or solid board are preferably used. Moisture-resistant laminate is in the greatest demand.

A Scandinavian-style kitchen, the photo of which is worth a good study, may also have a floor covered with ceramic tiles. Also use porcelain stoneware.

Floor tiles should only be placed near the headset. The dining area should still have a wooden floor.

In terms of color, the tile can be white, dark gray, light gray, beige-brown (this option is the most practical). The plinth is matched to the color of the walls, while it has a large height.

Wall decoration is always light. For her, paint is most often used in such a palette:

  • snow white
  • light gray
  • egg shell
  • baked milk

The variety of Scandinavian style in the interior of the kitchen is well confirmed various options wall decorations, such as wallpaper.

It is possible to use an interesting combination with brickwork borrowed from the loft style. It can be placed only partially so as not to disturb the overall design.

Brickwork will help unite the kitchen and the hall, but it should be used with caution and in moderation.

Scandinavian kitchen furniture

Scandinavians are trying to order furniture made from natural materials, that is, wood. But examples are not rare when the facades are made of MDF.

In general, they adhere to the following rules when ordering furniture for their kitchen:

  • Front color. The most popular is white. Also often used facades under a light tree, in honey-golden and cognac shades. A contrasting countertop is allowed (usually made of solid wood).
  • Accessories. Mostly simple metal handles are used. Some manufacturers produce furniture without handles with a special opening system.
  • Texture. Smooth and smooth surfaces, more often glossy or chrome-plated, less often matte. Gloss reflects light and gives an additional effect to expand the space.
  • Functionality. The headset has everything you need and nothing more. There are tall upper cabinets and an abundance of open shelves (lined with dishes, they give the room more comfort).

The structure of Scandinavian cuisine has one feature - often about does not consist only of the lower sections or it has an upper row of drawers, but not the entire length of the headset. Instead, shelves are attached for spices, decorations and other kitchen utensils.

This technique allows you to make the working area spacious, free and illuminate it with the help of pendant lights.

In Scandinavian cuisine, as mentioned earlier, all elements should be practical and versatile. Smart storage systems, a retractable hood, built-in appliances are all essential attributes of this style.

The dining area is usually small, and in some cases even very small. The table can be small sizes, sliding, retractable or folding, or even replaced by a bar counter.

The ideal option would be. It can have a round or rectangular tabletop, be of a folding or sliding type.

Chairs are divided into two groups: wooden and deliberately modern. The former have a retro design, a curved back and multi-colored pillows, the latter are made of plastic and chrome-plated metal.

The discreet design of the chairs gives a slight charm and perfectly emphasizes such an interior. The main thing is that they are not massive.

Accessories choose the most diverse: chrome or brushed metal, translucent plastic or black forged handles. Some designers offer projects in which there are no fittings at all - lockers open or move out due to only a slight pressure on the facade.

Work area (tabletop, apron, household appliances)

The working area should be as comfortable and functional as possible. At the same time, it serves as a framework for decoration, filling it with the power of northern design.

Usually solid wood or artificial stone and contrasts with the color of the kitchen facades.

An apron is a place for creativity. It can be classic: white, stylized as brickwork, or have an interesting color scheme.

An apron in a Scandinavian-style kitchen is usually laid out in one of two options:

1) White lined with ceramics. In this case, boar tiles, mosaics, bleached bricks, and a panel block made of plexiglass are preferred.
2) Colored, catchy. It will be a strong accent, so an interesting pattern, bright mosaic, photo printing is allowed here. Preferred gamut: shades of gray, red, shades of blue.

Household appliances in the interior of this type should be ultra-modern. Steel facade on the refrigerator, elegant hood and stylish induction cooker would be very useful here.

Some designers suggest placing a small hanging TV in a slim body. It will not take up space, will not overload the space and will take attention during cooking and dinner.


Light is something without which it is impossible to imagine Scandinavian interior design. The maximum amount of light is the main criterion for this style.

Most attention is paid to windows. Often they are not curtained with anything, they are made as large as possible - sometimes along the entire wall or from floor to ceiling.

The more light sources, the better.

Instead of one chandelier, it is better to use several miniature pendant and wall lamps.

In Scandinavia, lamps are considered an important element of the interior, so much attention is paid to their design. So, the advantage is given:

  • Chandelier with chrome, copper, wood or painted wire elements.
  • Crystal chandeliers. They are especially appropriate in large studio kitchens that combine the functions of a workspace, dining room and living room.
  • An ordinary incandescent lamp without a cover. They are hung on a black or colored wire.
  • An ordinary lamp equipped with a simple metal lampshade.

Massive lamps with colorful and intricate lampshades and plafonds are taboo among the Scandinavians. The best solution is simple and numerous fixtures.


As mentioned earlier, in northern countries they prefer open windows, without any draperies familiar to us in the form of curtains, curtains and curtains. The only thing that is allowed is a white plain roller blind without patterns or other accessories.

But our housewives love comfort, beauty and good mood in everything, so decoration with light curtains or is allowed. They are made of translucent fabric. The use of openwork-lace curtains or Roman blinds is also allowed.

For a space that also functions as a living room or dining room, it is best to use neutral linen curtains. Here, curtains of any pastel color and curtains with a characteristic print will also be in place.

A sample of a similar curtain for a Scandinavian-style kitchen can be seen in the photo, reflecting the Scandinavian style. They are the most typical window drapery option.

The next important "textile" issue is the drapery of the dining table. The tablecloth is used in light colors - white, blue and other pastel colors. On the floor, as an additional decor, you can place a small multi-colored rug in a cage, rhombus or stripe.

Decor and accessories

When decorating Scandinavian cuisine, you should follow the basic rules for this style.

According to the northern mistress, items should be primarily useful, be in a convenient place for her and laid out strictly on the shelves. They consider it the most important piece of decor. Wall Clock- both beautiful and useful for a scrupulous northern hostess.

The walls can be decorated with a variety of paintings in a passe-partout or old photographs in a beautiful frame. Free space on the shelves can be occupied by flowerpots with flower arrangements, cookbooks, decorative or enameled dishes with a beautiful pattern.

They will be a wonderful decoration of the kitchen window sill, dining table and even the work area. A flowerpot with curly parsley, a small decorative pepper or a small lemon tree will be especially successful for the desktop.

It should not be considered that this design is distinguished by the absence of bright colors: its austerity is combined with a mischievous and colorful decor. It can look like multi-colored posters or towels with unusual prints, complemented by bright chair covers.

It is desirable that the decorative elements called to each other. For example, a rug on the floor can be made in the same design as the cushions on the chairs.

Another element that can be used as decoration for a Nordic kitchen design is the horns or heads of animals traditionally hunted by Scandinavians. An excellent option would be their imitation of paper or textiles.

A great addition to them will be artificial or natural fur skins on the floor, chairs or armchairs in the kitchen-living room. We should not forget about such a useful thing as a chalk board with a menu, which can also become an excellent design element.

Books, flowers in flowerpots, postcards, enameled or decorative dishes are displayed on free shelves. Houseplants can be placed on a windowsill, a table, or even a countertop.

A Scandinavian-style kitchen is not only a convenient and practical place for cooking. It will become a place where all members of any family will spend time with pleasure.

Its functionality, minimalism and unusual national decor will make the time spent at the dining table enjoyable. The slowness and restraint of the design will bring to your life the opportunity to relax and unwind after a busy day at work.

The choice of Scandinavian style for the kitchen is not a tribute to fashion and not following fleeting trends. Simplicity, minimalism, functionality are the basic principles of Scandinavian aesthetics, which from year to year allow it to remain in demand and popular.

But the very concept of the Scandinavian interior is not conveyed only by laconic forms and natural materials. This is, first of all, the atmosphere of a special northern comfort. It is the promise of happiness and well-being behind the popular Danish word 'hygge'.

The harsh climate and the amazing beauty of nature serve as inspiration, determine the interior chips and most optimal solutions. The landscapes of Denmark, Sweden, Norway are snow-covered mountain peaks, winding fjords and rivers hidden in a haze of fog. The sun is a rare guest in these parts, which is why all light frosty shades are so popular. They fill the house with light and freshness.

The lack of natural lighting is compensated by an abundance of glass, mirrors, glossy and chrome parts. These surfaces reflect natural light, as well as the glare of numerous lamps and spotlights. And yet the main hearth of the house is the kitchen!

5 Principles in Scandinavian Kitchen Design

If I were asked to identify 5 signs of Scandi cuisine, I would note the following:

Functionality. In the Scandinavian interior there are no ill-conceived trifles, decor for the sake of decor. Ergonomic storage systems hidden from view are popular. Such solutions help to adapt the Scandinavian style to the smallest areas, successfully cope with the task of organizing a small space.

Scandi cuisine- the realm of light. Diverse light sources help zone the room, add volume and a sense of comfort to it.

The motto of the Scandinavian interior is perfectly conveyed by the words of the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto: “The task of the designer is to make life more convenient.” The idea of ​​such a philosophy is that the interior of the kitchen should be practical. Therefore, the Scandinavians prefer simple things that make life easier, concise solutions.

Layout options

The question that worries many when choosing a style direction is whether the Scandi style is suitable for a very compact room or, conversely, a kitchen combined with a living room. My answer is unequivocal - perfect! It's true universal option.It emphasizes the size and volume of a large space, visually reveals small rooms.

Small kitchen

The reality is that in most apartments there is no huge kitchen with a chic dining area. In this case, the Scandinavian style becomes a true ally, offering a lot of non-standard solutions:

  • White on white

A peculiar business card of the Scandi interior - White color . It is the love of light, the abundance of white that helps to create additional volume due to different textures, glare surfaces and illuminated details.

  • Accentuated window openings

Freedom is one of the main values ​​of such an interior. Often in small Scandinavian kitchens there are no curtains and curtains. And the space under the window is continued by a small countertop or a well-located work area, in the brightest place in the room.

When you need to hide from prying neighbors' eyes, linen or cotton will be appropriate. roller blinds in the color of the walls.

  • Light as decoration

Kitchen-living room

How about Scandinavian style when combined small kitchen from the living room? The seamless transition from one room to another is a simple technique that helps Scandinavian designers create interactive, life-filled spaces.

Often, a kitchen combined with a living room is delimited by different shades of the same color. The commonality of the room is created due to common motifs in decor and textiles. The dining area is accented with a lint-free jute or natural sisal rug. Its color or geometric print is repeated in ceramics and other kitchen utensils.

In large areas, you can get away from a single color, play on the contrast of shades of walls and furniture. Take a look at the spectacular combination of white walls with black facades. Convincing proof that monochrome can look fresh and very bright.

The contrast sets the dynamics in the room. A common solution in the spirit of Scandinavian minimalism, when the wooden table top and floor stand out against the white furniture. Preference in this case is given to light wood species - larch, ash, maple.


The corner layout of the kitchen helps to use the limited area with the greatest benefit. This technique largely corresponds to the spirit of Scandinavian interiors - everything is very compact, functional.

Accents help separate the work and kitchen areas. A light lampshade above the table attracts attention with its color, unusual shape or material. Wood, metal and geometric motifs are in the lead here.

A popular technique is also different chairs, combining them with small sofas or armchairs, if the area allows.

The corner decision of the kitchen is often dictated by the need to make the most of the space. So the top drawers kitchen furniture often reach the ceiling. This visually stretches a small room, helps to find places to store kitchen trifles.

The layout of the kitchen is the basic point, but still it does not determine the style. The mood is set by the main color of the room, correctly selected materials.

Inspiration from nature: the color of the kitchen

If you associate Nordic design exclusively with white walls and the same furniture, then a pleasant discovery awaits you ahead. Scandinavia can be colorful! Experiments with color are not alien to this direction, and a neutral base shade serves as an excellent background.

This style is very natural, close to nature. Therefore, the palette of colors and textures of the Northern European landscape looks especially harmonious in the interior:

  • shades of coniferous forest;
  • marble patterns of stones;
  • the mysterious blue of the lakes;
  • golden glare of the warm rays of the sun at sunset.

“Complex” tones look great, which change during the day depending on the lighting. So play many shades of beige, soft gray, the color of baked milk.


Wood: the color of home comfort

Wooden texture is the trend of recent seasons in interior decoration and the most traditional northern material. Clarified wood does not set a contrast, makes the kitchen interior more comfortable and homely..

In the color of oak, pine and spruce, you can decorate the facades of the headset, countertop, parquet floor, door leaf, window frames or even ceiling beams.

White - a tribute to tradition

And yet the main color of Scandinavian interiors is white in all its diversity. This is a gentle creamy, milky, cold snowy shade Ivory, baked milk, white sand or eggshells.

White color is certainly present in the decoration of the ceiling. There are completely white interiors that are interesting for their depth and play of textures: matte, mirror-smooth, slightly rough and fluffy.

White interior becomes more alive when filled interesting detailsindoor plants, posters with clear geometric motifs, textiles and beautiful ceramics.

A bright kitchen has only one drawback - high claims to the quality of materials. Savings on the quality of facades or wall cladding material will lead to rapid wear, quick re-repair. It is unlikely that this is included in your plans.


Creating a cozy living space and aesthetic design does not tolerate trifles. In traditional northern interiors, texture and quality of finishing materials are of paramount importance.


Despite the diversity modern materials, the choice of the Scandinavians is obvious - natural wood. Most often, this material covers the floor throughout the house. Shades of wood are always light, bleached. A cold undertone makes the room wider, fills it with light.

Wide engineered board and parquet are common but expensive options. In relation to our conditions, the restored wooden floor in the old "Khrushchev" looks even better than a good laminate.

However, waterproof laminate convenient in the kitchen-studio. In order to expand and combine spaces, they make the same floor in the dining room and kitchen areas. The Scandinavian style is characterized by a high plinth (12-15 cm) in the color of the wall.

When practicality is a priority, a board, parquet or laminate is replaced with porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles. The color of the tile can be anything: from cold shades of gray and beige to contrasting black, dark brown.

Patterned looks interesting floor tiles, which stands out against the background of white walls and the same furniture. For a small Scandinavian kitchen, patchwork tiles or bright black and white checkerboards are suitable. The same options will be appropriate when finishing the apron.


As part of the Scandinavian style, there are two main trends when choosing a kitchen apron:

  • traditional white;
  • color option.


I think you no longer doubt that the classic color of the apron in the Scandinavian kitchen is white. This solution helps in creating the effect of "light cuisine". The shades of the walls and tiles in this case must match.. The feeling of volume is achieved by the difference in the texture of the materials.

A fashionable solution for a kitchen apron is subway ceramic tiles or masonry imitating bleached brick. More modern version– wall cladding with tempered white glass.

Absolutely white interior looks advantageous on small squares, where elements of kitchen decor and traditional textiles bring the spirit of Scandinavia.

A white apron serves as a great backdrop for a bright or darker kitchen set. Dark blue facades and snow-white walls are a popular natural motif in the interior.

On the wave of contrast

An alternative to white is a contrasting, eye-catching apron. Handmade tiles with unique patterns will be appropriate. More affordable option- ceramic tiles in the spirit of patchwork or bright mosaics.

Often found on Scandinavian cuisines tiles "boar" with or without a chamfer, as well as tiles of unusual geometric shapes. These materials are becoming mainstream, the main trend of not only Nordic but also world design.

Wood, tempered glass, various facing panels are also relevant. They are interesting in that they create an integral smooth surface and are easy to use.

Contrasting color does not imply a riot of colors. Often found in gray, anthracite, dark green, deep shades of blue.

practical and nice solution when the apron is matched to match the countertop or a couple of tones lighter than it. When the same shade is repeated in the color of the floor and decorative details, a feeling of integrity, harmony of space is created.


Scandinavian design does not welcome frills. The simplest design of the walls creates an excellent base. The neutral background favorably emphasizes designer decor and other interior items.

Neutral smooth walls will be diluted with brick or real tiles brickwork. In the studio kitchen, it is worth putting such tiles in several zones to form a single space.

A very popular wall covering is paint. In new buildings, it is more practical to stick wallpaper for painting on non-woven base. They will hide small cracks from shrinkage of the house. Convenient in this case, and cullet, additionally reinforcing the walls.

Another suitable wall material is stucco. To emphasize its original texture, designers choose complex shades of beige and light gray.

IN Scandinavian interiors popular is the technique of highlighting one wall with accent wallpaper with an interesting ornament or a beautiful deep color. Such a design move gives the room a more informal look, dilutes the monotony of the room.

Of course, Scandinavian manufacturers such as ECO wallpaper or Borastapeter are the leaders in the production of such wallpapers. Colored wallpaper can replace a real wall art or a textured photo wallpaper with an authentic Swedish design.

Most often, the dining area becomes an accent, bright wallpapers are located near the table that unites the whole family.


The interior in the spirit of traditional Scandinavian houses does not imply a complex ceiling. Unless open beams remain noticeable. In this case, you should carefully choose the color of the wood so as not to add a touch of country style to the room.

And yet the most topical solution the ceiling is painted white. A more modern option is a matte stretch film.


In northern latitudes, there is always a lack of natural light. Therefore, multifaceted additional lighting is an important element of any Scandinavian interior. The chandelier in the geometric center of the room is not as important as the thoughtful lighting above the dining table, additional spotlights and floor lamps.

The design of the fixtures is extremely important. Often it is lighting that becomes the accent that helps bring the entire interior to a single concept. Chandeliers with wood elements support the idea of ​​environmental friendliness, perfectly complement the wooden countertop.

Chrome or copper wire lampshades are a tribute to modern designers, the desire to fill the kitchen with air and light.

In the interior of the studio apartment, you can see a crystal chandelier above the dining table area. Overflows of expensive glass play beautifully in the light, create additional glare. Such a chandelier will fit into the Scandinavian interior with a touch of classics.

The simplest retro version of the lamp is a decorative incandescent lamp with a simple black wire. Such lamps are often combined into groups: linear above the table or located in a room in a chaotic manner.

Diverse lighting is one of the hallmarks of a Scandinavian interior. LED strips and spot LEDs are mounted in the kitchen set - an economical and beautiful solution for additional illumination of the workplace.

Furniture and appliances

In the design of the kitchen, the Scandinavian style is recognizable by the small amount of furniture. Even in spacious rooms, only the essentials remain to add airiness, fill the house with light, create a feeling of freedom.

The main principles of the Scandinavian interior - simplicity and functionality, can be traced in the choice of furniture.. Everything should be as concise as possible:

  • comfortable roomy wardrobes;
  • predominantly built-in appliances;
  • smooth plain facades.

Thinking about Scandinavian furniture, the first thing that comes to mind is the Swedish company IKEA. The corporate identity of this company spread the idea of ​​scandi interiors all over the world. Their catalogs are a source of ideas and inspiration in the arrangement of the kitchen.

Kitchen set

Color. I won’t surprise anyone by saying that the most popular color for a kitchen set is white. At the same time, the room looks voluminous and interesting. This is achieved through a soft contrast with the chrome-plated worktop. household appliances or a voluminous textured apron.

facades. A smooth facade is more common than others. Especially if the kitchen gravitates towards a modern interpretation of the Scandinavian style. In this case, the handles should support the idea of ​​simplicity. Brackets, roof rails or push-to-open mechanisms are ideal.

Scandinavian interior can be with a touch of classics. Then frame facades with minimal milling and handles with buttons become relevant.

The proportion of rustic romance will be brought in by Hitarp facades from IKEA. Shell handles, a couple of braided embellishments and Scandinavian style take on a country vibe.


The choice of countertop determines, as a rule, the budget.

  • Most good option- Solid wood table top. The color of natural wood fits perfectly into the overall light tone of the interior, making it warmer and more comfortable.
  • When a brighter contrast is needed, a solid black or gray stone countertop will do.
  • A budget analogue for inexpensive headsets is a countertop made of waterproof chipboard. Natural veneer can easily replace an array, and a special film imitates metal or stone.

Dinner Zone

An important difference between Scandinavian furniture is regular and simple lines. Here you can find traditional wooden furniture and lightweight structures made of modern materials. The thin legs of such tables set the dynamics with their unusual geometry.

In a small kitchen, a book table or a compact Scandinavian-style breakfast table and a couple of bright chairs will be appropriate. Often the table is replaced by a small bar counter along the wall.

An alternative option is a transforming table. It is suitable for very modest rooms, when a folding or retractable tabletop is the only way to dine at a full table.

The arrangement of a comfortable dining area is unthinkable without high-quality chairs and compact sofas in a neutral or bright color. Decorative pillows on them will unite all kitchen textiles and complete the composition.

Chairs in the Scandinavian kitchen are always a source of pride. They can be wooden with a curved back in the spirit of retro or emphasized modern plastic and metal. Often the chairs are the only color accent in the kitchen, it looks very fresh.

Not uncommon and legendary designer chairs. The compact "Ant" chair by Arne Jacobsen or the bright, conceptual chairs of the Eames spouses.


The imprint of the harsh northern climate is clearly visible in the restrained Scandinavian interior. However, due to the unusual decor, the calm Nordic design acquires a special warmth and bright wayward character.

One of the most popular design styles of 2017 is Scandinavian. It originated and began to develop in the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland. The climate and traditions of this region are also reflected in the interior design options. Designs are concise, functional, but not without aesthetics. The main design differences between these countries are light, sometimes even cool palettes, wood textures and natural lighting.
Scandinavian-style cuisine strives for naturalness. This style of decoration is preferred by people who value coziness and comfort. The design of the Scandinavian-style kitchen allows you to combine natural materials with strict forms, while creating a very bright and homely warm interior.

And so, how to properly design a Scandinavian-style kitchen, make repairs and choose furniture:

Design options for a Scandinavian-style kitchen also attract with their versatility. This style solution is suitable for rooms of different sizes and layouts. Small rooms visually seem larger and more ergonomic due to the abundance of light and simple geometric shapes. In addition, creating a Scandinavian-style kitchen design is much easier than it might seem, and it will suit not only separate rooms, but also kitchens connected to living rooms.

According to the designers of the DesignMe studio, a Scandinavian-style kitchen is a kind of balance between modernity and tradition. The trends of 2017 call us to get rid of clutter, combine light shades and natural colors. In such an interior, practicality and naturalness are embodied, not interfering with comfort and a cozy home environment.


Scandinavian style kitchen interior

Scandinavian style kitchen interior design has its own distinctive features. Among them:

  1. No plastic and artificial materials, only natural textures. Wood - as the main element that decorates the interior.
  2. Light, cold shades. Small bright blotches are acceptable to create accents;
  3. Functional furniture of simple geometric shapes;
  4. Only the necessary storage systems in a concise design;
  5. Lots of natural color, minimal decor.

The interior of a Scandinavian-style kitchen should be, first of all, practical. Fanciful designs and an abundance of unnecessary things will not work here. There is not much decor in northern kitchens. Scandinavians prefer simple and functional things. Decor ideas that will add coziness to the Scandinavian-style kitchen interior are presented in the photo below.


Small bright blotches in the form of textile decor will help to revive the Scandinavian-style kitchen design. These can be shaggy fleecy carpets, small thin rugs with a floral or striped pattern, napkins, handmade tablecloths, towels, decorative pillows or chair covers. They can be either plain or decorated with traditional ornaments.


Interior design of the kitchen in the Scandinavian style will help create mirrors, porcelain, clay objects, candles, minimalist clocks on the walls and ceramics. Window sills are a great addition to potted flowers or plates of colorful fruit.
Making an apron in the interior of the kitchen allows you to not only beautifully, but also practically equip the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. An apron for a Scandinavian-style kitchen is preferable to white, but other light shades are also acceptable. Most fashion options registration in 2017- white brick, subway tile or mirrored white glass wall panel.


If you want to focus on working area and highlight the apron, choose a bright patterned tile or mosaic. Interesting and beautiful color solutions- gray, wet asphalt, different shades of blue and red.


An important feature of this style is the abundance of light. If there is a large window - great, if not - create this effect with artificial lighting. Here, lamps and lamps of interesting shapes will play perfectly.


As a decor, you can use small chalk boards on which you can leave cute messages for loved ones, write down important things or grocery lists. Do not forget that the Scandinavians are a harsh people, so dummies of horns or animal heads will look very stylish in the interior. For example, artificial deer antlers.


small kitchen design in scandinavian style

Born in conditions of light deficiency, the Scandinavian style tries to make up for the problem of insufficient lighting in interior design. Such stylistic solutions are perfect for small spaces.

It looks advantageous in the Scandinavian style precisely due to the love of this style for light. The abundance of white, artificial or natural lighting, the absence of heavy curtains visually expands the space of the kitchen and makes it bigger.



The interior of a small Scandinavian-style kitchen often focuses on decoration. window openings. Ideally, there should be no curtains and curtains. Openness and freedom from unnecessary details are one of the key characteristics of the style. It is better to refuse them for the reason that any curtains will visually cut and “eat up” the space of an already small kitchen. But living on the lower floors or next to curious neighbors, it is not always possible to follow this.

In this case the best option- light, translucent curtains or thin, light-colored curtains. Use lace, roller blinds or Roman blinds made of plain fabric to match the color of the walls. It is preferable from linen or cotton, which transmit sunlight as much as possible. And for narrow window a narrow lambrequin will be enough. If you want to use curtains as bright accent of the entire interior - give preference to colorful Scandinavian design with characteristic prints.


A small Scandinavian-style kitchen loves not only natural light, but also all kinds of sources of artificial lighting - floor lamps, sconces, chandeliers. Their design is extremely important, as lamps often serve as accents in a Scandinavian interior. For lovers of simplicity and conciseness, an ordinary incandescent lamp without a lampshade on a black or colored cord will suffice. A barn lamp with a metal shade is also suitable. Such openness and conciseness will perfectly fit into the overall style of the kitchen.




An interesting accent will be chandeliers with wooden elements, details made of copper, chrome or wire. Decor lighting fixtures very important in the Scandinavian style, because it is the abundance of light that makes this style so open and spacious.


Scandinavian style kitchen renovation

The Scandinavian style kitchen is demanding on materials. She will not tolerate plastic and unnaturalness, at the same time she will be happy with natural textures: wood, stone, less often glass.

Wall decoration in the design of the Scandinavian-style kitchen occupies a special place. If you choose paint, then white is better, and beige and other light shades look best for plaster. But design options are not limited to wallpaper or decorative plaster. On the contrary, the most fashionable ideas of Scandinavian interiors show an abundance of textures and possibilities.


Scandinavian style kitchen tiles

One of the most popular wall cladding options. Scandinavian-style kitchen tiles will perfectly dilute smooth surfaces and help to avoid the effect of "impersonality" of the room. Most often, Scandinavian-style tiles are stylized as stone or brick.

For a studio apartment, where the kitchen is combined with the living room, wall tiles will not only be an excellent design move, but also a common element that will unite the space and create an effect of integrity. Such an impression will help to create floor tiles in typical Scandinavian style tones. The color of the flooring is most often dark or light gray or beige with brown streaks.


Scandinavian style kitchen wallpaper

Today, wallpaper is one of the most common and budget options for wall decoration. The Scandinavian-style kitchen prefers light colors in the cladding of the room. This design option will create an excellent canvas and will favorably set off other elements of the interior.

In Scandinavian interiors, the popular technique of creating an accent is widely used with the help of one wall, pasted over with bright wallpaper with a beautiful print. This design move will dilute the monotony of the room and give it a mischievous night.


Scandinavian style laminate flooring

Finishing the floor in the Scandinavian style is possible in several variations. One of them is laminate. This is a great budget way to simulate a tree, which will create the effect of completeness and integrity of the entire style solution. If the entire design of the room is made in light colors, the use of a dark laminate is allowed. In the case when this option darkens the room too much, you can use a dark coating as accents.

But most of all, Scandinavians love wood flooring in cold tones, which brighten up the room, while warm tones warm up the space, but also visually simplify the whole design.


Linoleum for Scandinavian style kitchen

If you want to put linoleum on the floor, give preference to light shades or a stylized wood flooring. It is very practical and a budget option, which will help to bring zest to the interior of the entire room. Scandinavian-style kitchen designs usually feature tall baseboards in light colors, but choose based on the color of the flooring.


The ceiling is most often done in white. The best option there will be the use of paint, but if you wish, you can make it matte stretch ceiling or suspended from drywall. And the ceiling decoration with white painted clapboard will give the room a light shade of Scandinavian country.

Furniture in the interior of Scandinavian cuisine

Scandinavian style can be recognized by the minimum number of pieces of furniture. There is always only everything you need and nothing superfluous, the whole set is very simple and concise.

Scandinavian-style kitchen furniture is most often made of light wood (beech, pine) with metal, wicker or glass decor elements. At the same time, these details only emphasize the whole style and are perceived only as an addition. All elements have a strict geometric shape.


The upper modules of the kitchen set are often missing or have open shelves. This visually lightens the space and adds light to the room. Furniture finishes are often matte, but it is also appropriate to use gloss, especially for a small kitchen. Such mirror surfaces will display objects and visually expand the space. Facades that open by pressing or have hidden milled handles will fit perfectly. In the corners of the kitchen, they usually put high closed cabinets in the ceiling and pencil cases with smooth facades and almost imperceptible handles.



The dining table is usually natural wood and covered translucent varnish or white paint. In the case of a stone countertop, it is better to give preference to gray or plain with small grains. If the kitchen is small, a wide bar counter and a pair of matching chairs are perfect. It is better to choose bar stools from white plastic with chrome legs, and classic dining chair Scandinavian style is wooden structure with a curved back and sometimes colored pillows.


Photo: thosepatternedwalls.wordpress


Scandinavian style kitchen colors

The color palette of bright kitchens in 2017 involves the use of white, beige and light gray. This palette fits perfectly in the Scandinavian style. This is due to the specifics of Scandinavia as a region and the peculiarities Everyday life of people. Short and predominantly cold days, lack of light in large quantities and gave rise to such characteristics scandinavian interior.

The most popular color in all styles is white. It is used in almost everything, from interior decoration to small decorative elements. At the same time, if the Scandinavian style used only white, the interior would look very dull, faded and more like a hospital ward. For this reason, other light shades are also used in the design of the premises, including beige, sand and grey colour A.


The design of the Scandinavian-style kitchen actively uses gray, dividing the white even lighter and creating interesting accents in the interior. Perfectly play "complex tones", which change color depending on the lighting. For example, the color of baked milk or champagne. These shades are great for creating accents on different surfaces like countertops or facades of a furniture set.


In addition, textile elements, paintings and family photographs, which often adorn the walls of a Scandinavian-style kitchen, bring bright notes. Use blue, green, red or pink colors. They are in perfect harmony with the whole style and bring mischievous notes to the interior. The main thing here is not to overdo it, but only to add a few expressive and interesting details.
