It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a toilet in a country house in a house is much more convenient than one located on the street.

But is it possible to organize it in the absence of a centralized sewage system?

It turns out yes, and not only sewerage, but also plumbing is optional. This article tells about ways to solve this problem.

So, we want to arrange a toilet in a country house. This can be done in one of two ways:

Traditional Options

The idea is simple: put a toilet in the house and run a pipe from it into cesspool located 5 meters from the house. In order for waste to fall into the pit, it must be washed off with water. Hence the conclusions:

  1. This option is suitable for houses equipped with running water.
  2. Due to the large volume of drains, instead of a cesspool, which will fill up quickly, it is better to use a septic tank.

Traditional country toilet

In the latter case, most of the water can be filtered and made suitable for discharge into the ground.

Innovative Solutions

If there is no running water in the house or it is rarely visited, you can install one of the types of dry closets. Common to such designs is that waste accumulates in a sealed container located directly under the toilet bowl, where it is processed in a certain way.

Modern electric dry closet

As the container is filled, it is emptied, while the waste as a result of processing a pronounced bad smell usually don't have.

Depending on the method of processing feces, dry closets are divided into the following types:


There are two subtypes here:

  1. Powder closets. Every time after visiting the toilet, the waste is sprinkled (“powdered”) with a portion of peat, ash or sawdust. Such a powder, firstly, blocks the spread of an unpleasant odor, and secondly, it prevents oxygen from entering the feces. In an anoxic environment, specific biochemical processes, at the end of which the waste is converted into compost suitable for use as fertilizer.
  2. Drying toilets. Air is forced through the waste collection chamber by the compressor (it is thrown out through the exhaust pipe connected to it), as a result of which its contents are completely dry. It also causes faeces to be converted into fertilizer.

The simplest peat dry closet from a plywood box and a plastic bucket


Processing consists in separating the solid and liquid fractions, after which the liquid is filtered. The solid one is removed for composting when the storage tank is full.


Waste is burned by a powerful electric heater (from 5 kW) to the state of ash. The water then evaporates and is removed through the chimney.


The opposite solution: the waste is frozen, which leads to the death of microbes and neutralization of the smell.

Many people associate a country toilet with discomfort. However, making a comfortable option is quite simple. Consider the types of structures and their advantages.

You can see a comparison of different types of country dry closets.

Which dry closet for a summer residence to choose and where to buy it? Read the answers to these questions.

Toilet arrangement

Everything is clear with a dry closet - you just need to purchase and install it. You will have to tinker with a classic-type toilet. The creation process is divided into two stages:

  1. Choice of collection point.
  2. Bathroom equipment.

Cesspool made of monolithic concrete

Waste collection point

The easiest option is to build a cesspool. You can go this way if the cottage is visited relatively rarely, otherwise you will have to call the sewage machine too often to remove accumulated effluents.

Just digging a hole is not enough - you need to form an airtight container in it to prevent contamination of the soil with runoff.

Here's how the construction is done:

  1. On an area of ​​​​2 - 3 square meters. m digs a pit 2.5 m deep. Please note that it should be located in a lowland, at least 5 m from the house and at least 25 m from a well or well.
  2. The bottom is covered with 3 layers of polyethylene film.
  3. A layer of compacted clay 20 cm thick is laid on top of the film.
  4. Clay is poured with concrete 10 cm thick.
  5. The walls can be lined with boards, but such a sheathing will last only 10 years. A more durable option is to overlay the pit with ceramic bricks (silicate bricks cannot be used!), Which will last for about 20 - 25 years.
  6. The pit is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch or thick boards on which cut fertile soil can be laid.

More laborious, but also more practical solution- build a septic tank. This is a structure of 2 or 3 chambers, the last of which is drainage well(instead of a concrete bottom there is a gravel filter), and the rest are sealed. Overflow pipes are installed between the chambers at a certain height.

An example of a plastic septic tank

The idea is as follows: each of the sealed chambers plays the role of a sump: heavy fractions settle down, light fractions float, and relatively pure water flows through the overflow pipe (it starts with a knee turned downwards) into the next container.

If it is also airtight, the 2nd stage of settling occurs, after which even more clarified water again enters the 3rd chamber through the overflow pipe, from which it drains into the ground through a gravel filter. Thus, only the waste directly remains in the settling tanks, which is why they have to be pumped out much less frequently than a cesspool.

The walls of the chambers and the partitions between them can be laid out with ceramic bricks; it is also possible to assemble the chambers from concrete rings.

If funds allow, you can purchase a modern plastic septic tank, which, at the request of the customer, can be equipped with a disinfection system and other options.

Bathroom equipment

Under the bathroom in the house, you either need to allocate an area near outer wall from the side of the cesspool, or build an extension of the toilet and shower to the country house.

If there will be only a toilet bowl here, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be at least 1.5 square meters. m. If there is also a washbasin, that is, the bathroom will be combined, then the allotted area should be at least 3.8 square meters. m.

Attached toilet

If you are not yet ready to shell out for an extension, the room inside the house should be fenced off with partitions. Most affordable option- plasterboard partitions: a frame is erected from metal profiles, which is sheathed on both sides drywall sheets. Can be placed in the frame mineral wool, protecting it with a vapor barrier - due to the soft structure, it retains sound well.

If the owner is ready to spend money on a better option, the partition should be laid out of brick.

Brick partition walls

The finish applied inside the bathroom should be moisture resistant and have a smooth surface so that it can be washed . If ceramic tile not satisfied because of the high cost, you can use a very affordable alternative - plastic panels. They can be fixed directly on the frame, drywall is not needed.

The toilet bowl is installed so that the sewer bed between it and the descent into the underground has a length of no more than 1 m.

The bottom of the vertical section (descent) should reach the depth of soil freezing characteristic of the region.

If the foundation under the house is tape, it is necessary to drill an opening through which the pipe will go outside.

Of course, it is better to provide a toilet at the stage of building a house - then the opening can be easily made during the pouring of the foundation, having laid a pipe segment into the formwork before that.

The outer part of the pipe is laid in a trench with a slope of 3 cm/m.

A sand cushion is arranged under the pipe, and on top it is first covered with a small layer of expanded clay and only then with soil.

Related video

August 2, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

A warm toilet and sewerage in a village house is the dream of every summer resident. And this is quite understandable: if a person at least once in the rain ran out into a wooden structure standing near the fence, then he will definitely appreciate the benefits from the bathroom located in the house itself.

In principle, the arrangement of the toilet is not one of the most difficult tasks. Having studied the specialized literature and developed a suitable project, it is quite possible to implement it with your own hands. Of course, you will have to work hard, but in one season you will definitely cope.

Circuit diagrams: 2 options

At one time, thinking about how to build a warm toilet in a private house, I analyzed several projects of such structures. By and large, they all came down to the implementation of one of two options:

In terms of comfort - not the best solution

  1. We make a classic bathroom with water supply, toilet bowl and removal Wastewater through the pipeline to the drive - a cesspool or. A variation of this option is to connect the sewer circuit to a centralized sewerage system, but in the private sector, where my house was located, there was no such blessing of civilization.

  1. We equip a separate room in which we install a dry closet. In principle, for the operation of such a system, there is no need to lay a water pipe: it is enough to install a small washstand for hygiene procedures, and collect drains (there will be very few of them) in a container and pour them into a cesspool on the street.

By and large, the choice between these two options depends on the availability of water supply: if there is a water supply system, or we plan to do it, then we lay in the project a scheme with a toilet bowl and a drain through the sewer pipe. But for a small country house in which we do not spend much time, a dry closet would be a perfectly acceptable solution.

Since in my case the water supply was available, I chose the scheme with a septic tank. However, I also analyzed the options with a cesspool and dry closet in sufficient detail, so in the descriptions I will pay attention to the features of their implementation.

Place for drains


Before being done in wooden house a comfortable bathroom, care must be taken that we have where to dispose of drains. There are two solutions here - one is simpler, the second is more convenient to use.

A simple solution is to equip a cesspool - a reservoir in which effluents accumulate until they are pumped out by a sewage plant. Making a cesspool is worth it if country house you use relatively infrequently: the smaller the volume of drains, the less often you will have to pump out, therefore, the financial costs will be less.

A cesspool is made very simply:

  1. We choose a place in the lowland, at a distance of at least 5 m from the wall of the house and at least 12 - 15 m from the water intake points (well or well).
  2. We remove the fertile soil layer to a depth of about 0.5 m and an area of ​​about 3-5 m2. The excavated earth can be used in the beds, or it can be returned to its place by covering the cover of the pit with turf.
  3. We dig a pit up to a depth of 2.5 m and an area of ​​2-3 m2.
  4. To avoid contamination of soil and groundwater with fecal masses, we seal the bottom of the pit. I would use a 20cm layer of clay laid over three layers of plastic sheeting.

If finances allow, or you want to achieve maximum reliability, then about 10 cm of concrete can be poured over the clay.

  1. The option with earthen walls is quite viable, but short-lived. To fix the structure, it is better to use a crate of tightly fitted boards (serves up to 10 years). Well, if possible, fold a box of old ceramic bricks: if you believe the experts, then such a pit will definitely serve for 20-25 years.
  2. From above, the structure is covered either with thick boards or concrete slabs. A hole must be made in the ceiling for a hatch through which pumping will be carried out.

septic tank

The obvious minus of the cesspool is its inevitable overflow. To avoid the need for frequent pumping, I equipped a two-chamber septic tank in my suburban area.

The instructions for making a septic tank may differ depending on its configuration, but since I had the task of implementing the most economical option, I did this:

  1. At first, at a distance from the house and from the well with installed pump a pit was dug 2.5 m deep, 3 m long and 1.5 m wide. Since the volume of excavated soil was impressive, I had to involve two assistants in the work, otherwise the work would have been delayed.
  2. Then two adjacent chambers of ceramic bricks were built inside the pit. At the same time, the first chamber was folded "solid", and holes were made in the lower part of the second chamber.

Under no circumstances should you use silicate brick, which does not withstand prolonged contact with a liquid, especially one as aggressive as sewage. An alternative to ceramic bricks can be monolithic concrete chambers, concrete rings for sewer wells and even tires from heavy vehicles.
The ideal option is generally to buy a plastic container for a septic tank, but here a rather high price stopped me.

  1. The bottom of the first chamber - a sump - was covered with clay with a layer of 15 cm, after which I concreted it for maximum tightness.
  2. In the bottom of the second chamber - the filtration well - I made about a dozen holes with a depth of 0.5 m using an old auger ice drill to improve drainage. Coarse gravel was poured into the holes, and the same gravel was laid on the bottom with a layer of about half a meter.

  1. An overflow pipe was installed between the chambers at a height of approximately 1.7 m from the bottom.
  2. In the sump at a distance of 50 cm from the ground level, I made a hole for a drain pipe.
  3. From above, the entire structure was covered with a concrete slab with holes for two hatches. Separately, I had to drill a groove in concrete to install a pipe 1.5 m high.

The advantage of this solution, despite its complexity, was a long time battery life: drains, falling into the sump, are divided into fractions, while the clarified liquid is poured into the second chamber, where it is gradually filtered into the ground.

Since I add special bacterial cultures to the septic tank and do not use the country sewerage so often, I have to pump out every three years. And then, to be honest, for prevention - according to my estimates, the system can work for a couple more years without compromising the quality of cleaning.

Pipe laying for the house

Installation in a private house of sewage in general and a toilet in particular involves the transportation of wastewater to a cesspool / septic tank / collector. To do this, we need to lay an underground pipe:

  1. From the house to the tank we dig a trench at least 70 cm deep. The deeper the pipe is located, the less risk that in winter time its contents will freeze.
  2. We make the bottom of the trench with a slope of about 2.5 - 3 cm per 1 m.
  3. Under the pipes we lay a bed of sand. The optimal bedding thickness is 10-15 cm.
  4. We lay pipes (we use only products for outdoor work) and carefully seal all joints.

In my case, the pipe went in a straight line, but if you need to make a turn or lay a pipeline with a length of 15 m or more, then it is mandatory to equip at least one revision well. I became convinced of the usefulness of such a structure when I had to help in cleaning the sewers in a neighboring area: it is much easier to remove the blockage if there is access to the problematic point of the pipe.

  1. We insulate the pipes with mineral wool or fiberglass, then fill them with soil and carefully ram it.

  1. We pass the pipe outlet into the hole that we left in the wall of the cesspool or septic tank.
  2. At the entrance to the house, we lead the pipe into the hole in the basement and attach it to the internal riser.

Toilet in a country house

Arrangement of the premises

Making a toilet in a wooden house with our own hands, we often encounter constant humidity in the selected room. You can solve the problem if you approach it as responsibly as possible:

  1. We choose the room itself in such a way that it is located at the outer wall of the house, as close as possible to the cesspool. So we will save on pipes, and we won’t have to pull communications through the rooms.
  2. If the bathroom was not originally laid out in the project of the country house, at the first stage we make a partition, separating it from other rooms with a frame wall with plywood or OSB sheathing. To make the toilet really warm, we lay heat-insulating material inside the frame.
  3. We install a door separating the bathroom with all its sounds and smells from other rooms. To ensure air flow between the lower edge of the door and the threshold, there must be a gap of at least 5 mm.
  4. We make holes in the walls and in the floor, through which we bring water pipes and a sewer pipe into the room. We fix adapters / taps on the walls to connect the toilet bowl and washstand.

  1. The floor is either left wooden, covering it with several layers of a waterproofing composition with an antiseptic, or we revet with ceramic tiles.

  1. We also protect walls from moisture by treating them with waterproofing or sheathing. plastic panels. In the second case, additional insulation can be carried out by laying foam plastic, mineral wool or a foil-coated polymer sheet under the sheathing frame.
  2. Under the ceiling, be sure to make a ventilation hole. You can get by with a simple air vent, but I preferred to install a simple electric fan, and brought its power to a separate switch - this made forced ventilation of the bathroom much more convenient.

Option with toilet

As I noted above, it is best to make an ordinary toilet in a private house with a classic toilet and sink. Installation of equipment in a room with communications connected is a fairly simple task:

  1. First fix the toilet. To do this, we fix a thick board impregnated with a moisture-proof compound with anchors to the floor (wooden or tiled). We put the base of the toilet bowl on the board and fasten it with the fasteners included in the kit.
  2. We attach the toilet drain to the outlet of the sewer pipe coming out of the floor or wall using a rubber cuff. To seal this node, we use sanitary silicone.
  3. We install a tank on the base of the toilet bowl, to which we attach a hose for supplying water from the water supply. Connect the other end of the hose to the faucet at the end of the water pipe.

  1. We hang the sink on the wall in the chosen place. We attach the drain elbow of the sink to the pipe, which is then brought into the general sewer circuit.
  2. Either on the sink or on the wall above it, we install a mixer. We fasten hoses with hot (from the boiler) and cold water to the mixer outlets.

The whole system we have created will only work effectively if both the toilet and the sink are above the level of the drain. Otherwise, and also if you plan to use the sewer very actively, I would recommend installing an additional sewer pump in the system, which will ensure the forced removal of drains.

Option with dry closet

It is also possible to make a comfortable toilet in the country without a cesspool and internal plumbing. Naturally, this will also have to equip the premises, but the direct disposal of waste will be carried out using biological treatment systems.

To date, there are several types of dry closets suitable for use in private homes:

Device type Description
compost Partial waste disposal systems operate either on peat or on a mixture of peat and sawdust. When interacting with fecal masses, the material is effectively composted, and the following portions are poured into the container using an autosampler.

Total recycling systems work on a similar principle, but composting is more efficient, and we additionally get a fairly effective fertilizer as a result.

Separation In the waste disposal process, wastewater is separated into a liquid and solid fraction: solid feces are then removed for composting, and the liquid is filtered in a special unit.
Thermal The system requires about 5 kW of power to operate, so you can install a toilet only in houses with a good power supply. During disposal, the waste is burned to ash, and the moisture evaporates through a special condenser.
cryogenic The fecal masses that enter the dry closet are frozen, which allows you to destroy almost all microorganisms and get rid of the unpleasant odor. The downside is the dependence of the system on the presence of voltage in the network, therefore, for a private house, I would not recommend such a device.

Even if we limit ourselves to the simplest models that run on peat, you can provide yourself with a fairly high level of comfort. However, this system is unlikely to be compared with a full-fledged toilet bowl, therefore I would still advise considering the possibility of creating a full-fledged waste disposal system - albeit based on the simplest cesspool.

Reference materials for budgeting

Getting started, you need to draw up an estimate that takes into account all costs. Doing the basic operations with your own hands allows you to significantly optimize the budget, but you still have to buy materials. At this stage, a table containing indicative prices will help you.

Using the information given in it, you will be able to predict at least the order of the amount that you will need.

Material Unit/capacity Estimated cost, rubles
Sewer pipe for outdoor work 110 mm 1 m. 125 — 200
Sewer pipe for internal works 50 mm 1 m. 75 — 150
Metal-plastic water pipe 16 mm 1 m. 70 — 120
storage tank for septic tank 1 m3 18000
Septic tank TANK-1 1.2 m3 19500 — 22000
Impregnation waterproofing for wood 10 l 800 — 1500
Penetrating primer with antiseptic 5 l 250 — 500
Mastic waterproofing 5 kg 1200 — 1700
Tile adhesive CM 9 25 kg 220 — 400
Grout for tiles 5 kg 600 – 1200
Tile budget m2 45 — 90
Medium level tile m2 250 -500
PVC lining for wall cladding m2 150 -250
Wooden beam for the frame Panel 6 m 80 — 200
Galvanized steel profile Panel 3 m 150 — 350
Sink Rosa Standard PC. 850 — 950
Toilet-compact Santek PC. 3100 — 3500
Dry closet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 145 PC. 4000 — 4500
Dry toilet Biolan (separation) PC. 26500 and above.

Naturally, only some items of expenditure are taken into account here. To implement the project, you will need a lot more materials, including various mortars, sealants, fasteners, fittings, plumbing fittings, etc.


As practice shows, it is possible to make a warm toilet in a village house with your own hands. Of course, this is not a quick business, and it will require financial investments, but if you follow the advice I have given, and also carefully study the video in this article, then everything should work out.

In addition, questions that arise during the design process can be asked in the comments - I will answer you in the most detailed way.

Literally from the first days of use suburban area the question arises: “How to make a toilet in the country?”, because it is inconvenient to run to the neighbors, and you will have to build a latrine in any case. We will consider toilet designs acceptable for summer cottages, determine the most suitable location and tell you how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.

A toilet for a summer residence is necessary in any case.

Bathroom for a suburban area


The photo shows a properly mounted and installed closet.

We should immediately make a reservation: we are considering precisely country options toilets, so facilities with centralized or local sewerage, a flush system and other amenities familiar to citizens will not be listed here.

Of course, for permanent residence, the modern configuration of a closet connected to the water supply and sewerage, which may consist of a pipe and a septic tank, is more suitable. However, not all summer residents have the opportunity to build such an expensive structure, moreover, most owners of estates do not need it at all, since staying at the dacha is episodic and seasonal. (See also the article Country toilets with a septic tank: features.)

The street option is quite acceptable for summer holidays.

Based on the above arguments, we have chosen the 4 most acceptable options:

  1. Street closet with a cesspool. It is a house familiar to the rural landscape, under which a shallow hole was dug. Defecation products fall directly into this pit, where they undergo natural fermentation due to the vital activity of microorganisms, which is quite sufficient for the disposal of sewage in conditions of occasional use;
  2. Powder closet, or toilet with a bucket. Here we see the same house, but instead of a hole under the toilet seat there is a container (bucket, tank) into which feces fall. As the container is filled, it is taken out and emptied into the country house. compost pit or use the contents as fertilizer;
  3. Backlash-closet - the closest type of country toilet to the city. The toilet is located in the house near the outer wall, and the feces fall into the collector pit, which is located next to this wall. The collector is concreted and completely sealed, cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  4. Dry closet or chemical closet. This device needs no introduction - everyone has seen it in the city near metro stations and in crowded places. Sewage is processed by active bacteria or chemical reagents.

The street version with a cesspool, although it is quite widespread, especially in countryside, it is difficult to call it the most acceptable.

Firstly, a cesspool cannot be built in regions with high (less than 2.5 meters) groundwater levels. Secondly, the pit fills up sooner or later, and cleaning it without a sewer machine is not the best idea. Finally, it is quite difficult to install such a toilet on a plot of 8 acres without violating several points of sanitary norms and rules.

Next to the toilet is a container with peat.

Powder-closet got its name due to the fact that after the departure of the need, the container is powdered with dry peat, ash, sawdust or chemicals, which makes it possible to reduce the release of odors. Modern options peat toilets are quite suitable even for installation inside a residential building, subject to proper ventilation, which is also provided for in many models (country houses from block containers can be equipped with such devices).

The backlash-closet is designed for a fairly inhabited area with normal infrastructure, not very remote from settlements, since sewage of the collector is carried out by special equipment. The cost of building and maintaining such a toilet exceeds other options.

This device needs no introduction.

A dry closet is an option for the lazy, since all that needs to be done is to buy a product, deliver it to the site and install it at the chosen place. Maintenance will consist of the timely replacement of reagents and the periodic emptying of the collector tank, which makes it similar to a powder closet.

The choice of toilet design is a personal matter for each owner, however, we advise you to stop at peat powder closet, as this is the cheapest and easiest option to manufacture.

Location selection

It is important to remember about right choice bathroom locations.

After you have decided on the choice of design and type of bathroom, you need to decide where it will be located. This is enough important point, because sewage can poison the soil and groundwater in your and neighboring areas.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the relative position of buildings: the proximity of the house, well, summer kitchen or barbecue area to the toilet. The interests of neighbors should also be taken into account.

Consider the location of the bathroom on the site.

Important! For powder closets, the location principles are not as strict as for cesspool structures, for the reason that sewage does not enter the ground. However, they should still be considered.

The main minimum distances from the closet to the structure or object on the site:

Nine cottages - How to make a toilet in the country: varieties, choice of location and installation

How to make a toilet in the country: varieties, choice of location and installation Literally from the first days of using the summer cottage, the question arises: “How to make a toilet in the country?”

How to build a toilet in the country with your own hands

The toilet is the first building on the summer cottage. To independently build a bathroom, you need to choose its location, choose the optimal design. You can use ready-made toilet drawings in the country or develop them yourself. The construction of a toilet house on the street must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary norms and rules.

The simplest design of a toilet for a summer residence

Types of country toilets

The construction of a toilet in the country begins with the choice of design. There are several types:

The toilet with the arrangement of the cesspool is installed on the street.

The design of a street bathroom, supplemented by a cesspool

As a rule, the pit does not have time to be filled, as the waste human body decompose. If the dimensions of the pit do not allow the decomposition process to occur on its own, then you can:

  • clean the pit with special equipment or hands;
  • dig a new hole and move the toilet house.

The powder closet differs from the first design in that waste accumulates in a tank installed under the seat. To minimize the smell, the feces are covered with peat or sawdust, that is, they are “powdered”. Hence the name of the structure. When filling, a bucket or other container is simply cleaned. The contents can serve as fertilizer.

Type of toilet for suburban area using peat instead of water

Backlash closet is a type of toilet equipped with a fully sealed pit or septic tank. The pit is cleaned by a sewage machine as it is filled. This design can be installed near or inside the house. The main thing is to remove the smell with a fan pipe.

Type of toilet that can be installed inside a residential building

Almost all urban residents are familiar with the design of the dry closet. The decomposition of waste occurs due to the action of various microorganisms.

A distinctive feature of the dry closet is the possibility of acquiring a finished structure.

Finished toilet house

A peat toilet for a summer residence is a kind of powder closet. Such a device is installed inside the house, as the design provides fan pipe that removes unpleasant odors from the room. Finnish peat toilets for summer cottages are very popular.

The optimal design of the toilet for its location inside the house

Installing a toilet in the house

The toilet room, located inside the house, is a priority over the street structure, as it can be used at night and in bad weather. However, not all types of toilets can be located in the house.

The toilet in the country house can be of the following types:

  • backlash closet. The toilet in the country with a backlash-closet toilet is located in a separate room, and the sealed cesspool is taken out of the residential building, as it requires periodic cleaning with special equipment;
  • dry closet with cleaning of the collection tank by microorganisms or chemicals;
  • peat toilet.

Consider how to make a toilet in the country in the house. For this you need:

  1. prepare a separate, well-ventilated room. The dimensions of the toilet in the country depend on the size of the house, but the toilet room should not be too crowded;
  2. purchase a finished design of the selected type;
  3. install a toilet.

If it is supposed independent construction toilet, you need:

  1. purchase all the components of the system (toilet, prefabricated container, and so on);
  2. install a collection container;
  3. install a toilet
  4. to form a flushing fluid flow (the exception is a peat toilet).

Preparations for the construction of an outdoor toilet

Before you build a toilet in the country with your own hands and where to place the street structure, you will need to complete the preparatory steps:

  • prepare all the necessary tools;
  • choose a place for future installation;
  • prepare a drawing;
  • build a toilet. To optimally build a toilet in the country with your own hands: the dimensions of the structure must be carefully considered.

The most suitable dimensions of the toilet

Instrument preparation

In order to build a toilet and shower in the country with your own hands, you will need:

  • wooden beam for the manufacture of the frame;
  • boards for sheathing;
  • fasteners: nails, self-tapping screws;
  • insulation;
  • roofing material or slate for roofing;
  • toilet seat;
  • measuring instruments: tape measure, level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer.

It is advisable to take care of the preparation of all components and tools before the start of construction.

Location selection

The construction of a toilet in the country, especially a structure that provides for the arrangement of a cesspool, must be carried out in accordance with all sanitary standards:

  • distance from the future toilet house to the reservoir natural origin, water well or artificial well must be at least 25 m;
  • to a residential building a minimum distance of 3 m, as well as to tall trees;
  • fruit bushes should be located at least 1 m away from the toilet;
  • if the site is sloping, then the toilet is installed below the well or other source of water supply;
  • during construction, the priority direction of the wind should be taken into account so that the smell does not spread towards the house or neighbors. Also take into account the location front door, which is better to turn to the fence;
  • there must be an entrance to the cesspool for special equipment.

Basic rules to consider when choosing a place for a toilet

Drawing development

The next stage of construction is the development of a drawing. You can find it at the end of the article or develop it yourself. When developing a drawing, you need to determine:

  • room height;
  • the length and width of the building;
  • the location of the front door and its dimensions;
  • seat dimensions.

How to make a toilet in the country: building drawing

How to build a toilet in the country: the dimensions of the structure must satisfy both the largest and smallest family member. The main thing is that it is convenient for any person to use the room.


Now let's look at how to directly make a toilet for a summer residence with your own hands - step-by-step instruction construction looks like this:

  1. arrangement of a cesspool;
  2. foundation pouring;
  3. frame assembly;
  4. sheathing;
  5. door installation;
  6. seat installation.

Construction of a cesspool

The pit for the pit is dug with a shovel or other equipment. The dimensions of the pit depend on the size of the toilet and the number of users. For a family consisting of 3-4 people, it is enough:

  • make a square 1 * 1 m wide;
  • deepen by 1.5 - 2 m.

It is desirable to strengthen the walls of the pit with boards, bricks or concrete. The bottom of the pit is covered with crushed stone of a fine fraction.

Do-it-yourself construction of a cesspool

A wooden toilet does not require a solid foundation. It is enough to fill at the corners of the structure. For this:

  • the locations of point supports are marked;
  • pits are dug with a size of 50 * 50 cm and a similar depth;
  • a substrate is laid at the bottom of the pits;
  • pits are reinforced with wire or other metal components;
  • the rest of the pit is filled with concrete.

Pouring the foundation for the toilet house

To gradually build a toilet in the country, you need to make a frame.

The frame can be made:

  • from wooden bars, 50 * 50 mm in size;
  • from metal corners of the same size.

The frame of the toilet consists of the following elements:

  • four bars located at the corners of the room;
  • bases for flooring;
  • bars that make up the base of the roof. The length of the roof should be longer than the side of the toilet, as it is necessary to protect the building from precipitation;
  • bindings of the future seat. The arrangement of the seat at a height of 40 cm from the floor is considered optimal;
  • bars that give the structure strength. Such jibs are installed on the walls of the future toilet room;
  • door bases.

Toilet base

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands next? It is necessary to make a sheathing of the constructed frame. Sheathing can be done:

  • wooden planks;
  • colored corrugated board;
  • the simplest slate;
  • any material suitable for the overall design of the garden plot.

The final stage

The last stage of the construction of an outdoor toilet:

  • door installation. The door can be bought or made independently. The finished product is hung on the door hinges;
  • installation of the seat in a prepared place;
  • decoration.

Below are the drawings from this video.

To build an outdoor toilet on garden plot, you will need a minimum number of skills, a drawing, materials and a set of tools. Construction must be carried out in compliance with safety standards and regulations.

Drawings of a toilet in the country: do-it-yourself installation of a building

Building a toilet is the first problem that the owner of a garden plot faces. What are the toilets and how to build the simplest structure yourself, read on.

Do-it-yourself warm toilet in the country

The construction of any residential facility begins with the construction of a toilet, and the summer cottage is no exception. The construction of a country toilet is available for do-it-yourself implementation. It is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for this type of structures, and take into account the recommendations of specialists.

Choosing the location of the country toilet

When organizing a street toilet in the country, one should adhere to the rules governing construction. More stringent requirements apply to structures with a cesspool. According to sanitary standards, the place reserved for the toilet must meet the conditions described below.

Its location is removed at a distance of more than 25 m from any source of water.

It is important to choose the right place for the toilet

If there is a slope of the relief on the site, the installation site of the toilet should be lower than the source of water intake. Thus, the penetration of effluents into the source is excluded.

The close location of the building to the neighbor's garden can cause discomfort, so it must be installed at a distance of at least one meter from the border of the plots, and the door should not open in the direction of the neighbors.

The toilet is located in a remote place from all objects located on the site. This applies not only to residential buildings, but also to a barn, a summer shower, a cellar, as well as trees and buildings where pets are kept.

It is necessary to take into account the prevailing wind direction so that the unfortunate location of the toilet does not cause inconvenience to others.

The choice of the type of toilet construction is decisively influenced by the depth at which groundwater occurs. There are no restrictions if they are located on the horizon, the depth of which exceeds 2.5 m. Otherwise, it is not allowed to install a toilet equipped with a cesspool.

If it is planned to install a structure that provides for the isolation of soil from drains, then some of the restrictions are removed.

Types of toilet designs

Before starting the construction of a warm toilet in the country, you need to decide on its type. In doing so, consider the requirements described above. The types of this sanitary and hygienic can be as follows.

Equipped with a cesspool. The most common and simple construction. The cesspool has a depth of no more than one and a half meters. A toilet house is being built on top of it. In the course of use, the accumulation and gradual decomposition of sewage occurs.

If the pit has insufficient depth and does not cope with the task, then there are two options for solving the problem. The first of them is to demolish the structure and bury the pit. The second involves cleaning the pit with the assistance of sewers or independently.

Powder closet. Use is convenient in areas with nearby water sources. In this case, there is no need for a cesspool, and it is replaced by a specially equipped container, which is placed directly under the toilet seat. The use of various powders allows you to remove unpleasant odors. Apply dry peat, sawdust or ash. This event is similar to powdering, which gave the name to the design.

Powder closet

When filling the container with sewage, its contents are removed to a place adapted for this. Over time, compost turns into a wonderful fertilizer.

Backlash closet. The design of such a structure assumes the presence of a sealed cesspool. The removal of accumulated sewage is carried out using special equipment. Most often, such a bathroom is located in the house near the outer wall, and the cesspool is located on the outside of the same wall. Effluent enters it through a pipe. The pit is built with a slope from the house, which simplifies the cleanup activities.

Dry closet. In fact, such a bathroom is a modern modernized powder closet. The difference between these structures is the replacement of peat or sawdust by microorganisms. When installing a dry closet, there is no need to build any structure, as it is a ready-to-use device. There is a wide choice of dry closets in sizes and shapes, which makes it possible to operate the device in the house. For the functioning of this toilet, it becomes necessary to acquire microorganisms. The advantage is the receipt of valuable fertilizer as a result of the decomposition of sewage in a biological way.

dry closet

Chemical toilet. Its difference with a dry closet lies in the tool that processes wastewater. The use of chemicals makes the contents of the toilet unsuitable for further use.

Peat toilet. According to the principle of action, it is similar to powder closet, but somewhat modernized. This bathroom resembles a traditional toilet, the tank of which is filled with dry peat. When using the device, dusting of sewage occurs. Often, such a design is installed in the house, having previously organized high-quality ventilation.

Arrangement of a warm toilet


The cesspool is built depending on the type of toilet chosen, so you should consider possible options her devices.

The simplest design is the arrangement of an ordinary pit, if the depth of the groundwater is at a sufficient level. In this case, it is recommended to make the surface of the walls as even as possible. When choosing the volume of the pit, they are guided by the number of people living in the country. It is about 1-2 cubic meters, which will serve the average family.

When choosing an option that uses a container, the pit is made one meter deep. This size makes it possible to conveniently remove the container when filling it for periodic removal of sewage.

There is a hatch inside the toilet room. If desired, instead of the hatch, you can leave several boards on the floor loose. The hatch can be taken out of the house.

Cesspool device

If the groundwater level requires a sealed pit, then additional measures are required to achieve this. To isolate the soil from the penetration of sewage, a roofing material is laid on the walls and bottom of the pit and a brickwork or create a cement screed. It can be equipped with a container or be of a cesspool type. In this case, labor intensity increases and the need for building materials increases.

Less expensive and less labor-intensive toilet without a pit latrine. When arranging a powder closet, a container is installed under the toilet seat, where compost is formed from sewage. Nearby is a container in which peat or sawdust is stored for powdering fecal matter.

Regardless of the type of toilet, ventilation is an essential element of the structure. For this, a plastic pipe is used, which is led out above the level of the roof of the building or above the ground from the back of the toilet. Additional air flow is created by ventilation windows.

After finishing earthworks proceed to the construction of the base of the toilet. The main criteria for this element of the structure are reliability and stability.

If the construction site is located in a calm area, then it is allowed to install the frame directly on the ground. In the presence of a wind load, steel pipes serve as the basis of the frame, which are buried in the soil at the corners of the cesspool, and bars are installed inside, which serve to fasten the entire structure.

To create a toilet frame, use wooden bars. As the bearing elements of the structure, a bar with a section of 100x100 mm is selected, and for stiffeners - 50x50 mm. The frame is built in the following sequence.

On initial stage form the basis of the structure by connecting the bars with nails. To facilitate the work, they are pre-fastened with thin strips.

toilet frame

Then the base is reinforced with stiffeners, lumber with a smaller section. It is recommended to mount in such a way that the main frame and stiffeners form a single plane. It will later serve as wall cladding from the outside.

To create a doorway, a bar with a section of 100x100 mm is used.

The crate is attached to the top of the frame. It is necessary for laying the roof of slate. The dimensions of the toilet are small, so one sheet is enough. To fix it, one plank is stuffed from the facade of the building, and the second, of a smaller section, from the back, which will provide the required slope angle and the removal of precipitation in the right direction.

To create floors at the bottom of the building, bars are attached. Also from the same material arrange the frame of the toilet seat.

The frame is mounted to pipes dug into the ground, or by slightly deepening.

The formation of the surface of the walls occurs during the sheathing of the frame facing material. For this, boards, chipboard or plywood can be used. Fastening boards is recommended to be done with nails, sheet material- using self-tapping screws.

The basis for assembling the door is a frame, which is knocked down from the bars in the form of a rectangular frame. Door leaf form boards or plywood fixed on it. After attaching the canopies, the door is installed in the opening.

Roof and floor

For the installation of the roof, slate nails are used, which have caps of a special design. If it is necessary to use several sheets of slate, they are overlapped.

creative toilet

Most optimal material for the floor - boards. When it is installed, some of them are made removable, or a hatch is being built to service the septic tank.

Ventilation and insulation

The construction of a toilet in the country must necessarily provide for the organization of ventilation. To do this, holes, or windows, are made.

The design of the walls should not have gaps or leaks, which will prevent the occurrence of drafts. If it is impossible to tightly fit the material of the walls or frame, the structure should be insulated. To do this, use tow or another available material which can be used to plug gaps. You can also cut linoleum into strips and fill it, thereby blocking the access of air from the street.

Internal organization

To create comfort when using a country toilet, the toilet seat is installed on a certain elevation in the form of a pedestal. Other little things are provided for convenience.

The material for the toilet seat can be boards or moisture-resistant plywood. The last option is less desirable. The frame of this design is mounted in the process of creating a common base, so it remains to sew the boards and cover them with paint.

In the middle part of the toilet seat, a hole of the required configuration and dimensions is made. Before this, it is necessary to carefully take measurements so that the use of the device is as convenient as possible.

To increase the service life of the building and give it an attractive appearance, the walls are painted or coated with drying oil.

The last step is to attach the paper holder.

Do-it-yourself warm toilet in the country - Your dream home

Do-it-yourself warm toilet in the country house The construction of any residential facility begins with the construction of a toilet, and the summer cottage is no exception. The construction of a country toilet is available for

How to make the right toilet in the country with your own hands: drawings, dimensions, construction stages

Often the first thing a person thinks about after buying a plot: how to make a simple outdoor toilet in the country with your own hands and ready-made drawings will come in handy here, as well as detailed description all stages of construction, advice and nuances.

One of the most important and vital buildings in a summer cottage or garden plot is the toilet. The need for a simple construction arises within a few hours after arrival. And even if the owners already have a bathroom in a cozy house, outdoor amenities will never be superfluous.

The simplicity of the design allows even a person without much building experience to equip a toilet for a summer residence with their own hands. And if you connect fantasy, then a house for thinking about

fit perfectly into the design of the site and, perhaps, even become its decoration.

Which toilet to build: types and features

Actually, there are only two options here: with or without a cesspool.

  • A pit toilet is a simple, time-tested structure that consists of an equipped cesspool and a toilet house above it. As the pit is filled with sewage, they clean it manually or order a sewage machine.

And sometimes they just move the house to another place. The old pit is buried, and after 6-7 years its contents will completely rot and you can put the toilet back again.

  • Backlash closet - a kind of street toilet with a sewage pit, but with the difference that it must be airtight. Such a toilet has to be built if it is located close to the house, a water source, or when groundwater is high.

  • A toilet without a cesspool or a powder closet is equipped if the groundwater is very high or if the toilet is not used much. In this case, anything can be a container for collecting sewage, except for a pit (bucket, barrel, plastic tank). The required volume determines the intensity of using the bathroom.

After each trip to such a toilet, sewage is sprinkled with dry peat, sometimes sawdust or ash is used, so a box for “masking powder” should be provided in the house. After filling, the container is removed manually, and the contents are evacuated to the compost pit. If sewage was sprinkled with peat, then after a while they become a wonderful fertilizer.

Important! If the groundwater lies below 2.5 meters, any type of toilet can be built, but if they are located higher, then the cesspool will have to be abandoned.

Where to build a toilet

For pit latrines, there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions on which their location on the site depends.

Minimum distances from the toilet to other objects:

  • To water sources (wells, wells, lakes, rivers) - 25 m;
  • To houses, cellars - 12 m;
  • To a summer shower or bath - 8 m;
  • To the nearest tree - 4 m, and to shrubs - 1 m;
  • To the fences - at least 1 m.

So that summer evenings on the terrace are not spoiled by amber, the place is chosen taking into account the wind rose. If the site is located on a slope, it is better to put the toilet at the lowest point.

Construction of a cesspool

After selecting and preparing the site, they begin to dig a cesspool. As a rule, she square shape, at least 2 meters deep.

The cesspool is of two types:

  • Sealed. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before pouring, and so that the reinforcement does not drown in concrete, it is placed on pegs. The walls are also sealed, puttied with a mortar or the seams are covered with bitumen.

  • Absorbing. It is better to dig such a hole to the sand, then the liquid fraction of sewage will quickly go into the ground. The bottom is covered with a layer of large rubble or pebbles.

There are several ways to strengthen the walls of a cesspool:

  • Brickwork;
  • concrete structure;
  • Ready reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic tank.

From above, the pit is covered, with bars, slate or concreted, leaving only the area under the toilet seat open, and proceed to the assembly of the toilet house.

Construction of a toilet house

The optimal dimensions of a country toilet are 1 × 1.5 m, height - 2.2-2.5 m. Otherwise, it will simply be inconvenient, especially for people with large shapes. It is not necessary to make toilet drawings on your own, if there are no special requirements and ideas, you can use ready-made ones.

First of all, the scheme is convenient in that it allows you to correctly calculate the amount of building materials and the preliminary cost of a yard bathroom.

The stability of the building can provide a shallow foundation. Waterproofing is laid between it and the frame, 1-2 layers of roofing material. But for a light wooden building, it is not at all necessary. The base is enough to install on concrete blocks.

You can also put four supporting pillars. To do this, four pits about 60 cm deep are dug in the corners of the future structure, up to 1 meter in soft soils, and asbestos pipes are lowered into them. The hole is filled by a third cement mortar. After that, a support beam is installed in the pipe, and the pit is completely filled with concrete.

Frame assembly

For the construction of the frame, it will be enough bars with a section of 50 × 50 or 80 × 80 mm, it is not advisable to take a larger material.

  • First, a rectangular support with a jumper is assembled, from which the front wall of the toilet seat will rise, and screwed to the foundation or support posts. A board is laid on top. The thickness of the floor board must be at least 3 cm.

  • The frame of the front, rear and side walls is assembled from the timber. In this case, the front wall should be at least 10 cm higher than the back wall, this will provide the necessary slope of the roof.
  • For greater structural strength on the side and rear walls, it is recommended to make diagonal jibs.
  • On the front wall, it is necessary to make a reinforcement for the door of the appropriate size and make a hole for the window.
  • The wall frames are fixed on the base with metal corners, a strapping is made on top and at the level of the toilet seat.

  • The next step will be to assemble the frame of the toilet seat and trim it, if not provided alternative options e.g. floor standing toilet.

Frame sheathing

Sheathe the frame with wooden boards. The vertical arrangement allows you to significantly save material, and the horizontal one imitates a log house and looks more interesting. The boards are tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base. Instead of wood, they also use corrugated sheets, slate, or any other material that matches the construction budget.

Advice! It is desirable to treat all wooden structural elements with a special antibacterial impregnation, which will protect the material from moisture and pests, and then varnish or paint

The roof should not protrude beyond the walls by more than 30 cm. Installation begins with fixing parallel boards at a short distance. After that, the visor is sewn from below, the boards are attached from the outside around the perimeter. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the prepared base, usually it is roofing material, after which the structure is covered with any roofing material(slate, metal profile, shingles).

Summer residents who are not satisfied with the standard scheme of the house can find drawings more interesting options, make it yourself or purchase ready-made toilet houses, they are assembled according to the type of designer, and for convenience, instructions and all accompanying drawings must be attached to them.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in the country toilet - is a pipe that removes odors from the cesspool. Its lower edge is led into the pit, and the upper one should rise above the roof by at least 20 cm.

Suitable for ventilation plastic pipe 100 mm in diameter. It is attracted to the back wall from the inside or outside of the building and fixed with iron clamps. To increase traction, a deflector nozzle is installed on the head.

Toilet door installation

Doors are installed with ordinary wooden, ready-made plastic or home-made ones, from the material with which the frame was sheathed. Hang the door on 2 hinges. The method of closing, in principle, can be any, traditionally it is a latch, latch or hook, outside and inside. It is better to refuse from more tricky locking systems, for example, with latches, since their mechanism will be exposed to moisture and quickly rust.

For a more comfortable operation of amenities, it is better to take care of their lighting in advance. It can be a wall flashlight that runs on battery power. Alternatively, you can bring the wiring and connect a small lighting device.

And during the day, a small window will illuminate the interior. It is usually cut out above the doors or at the top of the door, but there are actually more options, from figured windows on the walls to a transparent roof.

Advice! The latrine will last longer if you do not throw toilet paper and other hygiene or household items into it, so be sure to have a bucket in the toilet. If dimensions allow, it is convenient to install an ordinary washbasin with a hanging spout here, especially since the rowing pit is already ready.

Powder closet: features of the building

The absence of a cesspool is the main difference in construction. But there are some differences in the design of the house. You will have to think about a way to extract the container in which sewage is collected.

The door is usually equipped with the back wall of the house or the front wall of the toilet seat. Inside the booth, a special box is installed for peat (ash, sawdust). Ventilation is also indispensable here, only the pipe does not fall into the pit, but directly under the toilet seat.

Comfortable country toilet: how to build with your own hands (22 photos)

On any land plot, there are other buildings besides the house. One of these buildings is the toilet. It refers to the main buildings, especially in suburban areas. You can’t do without it at the first time of construction, and after the construction of the main house, it will help to unload the home toilet, especially in the summer. When building a toilet, the question arises of how to equip a country toilet bowl, because the convenience and comfort of construction depend on it.

Features of the device and operation

In relation to the desires and possibilities, the owner of the dacha can choose the toilet bowl that suits him for the dacha. You can purchase a ready-made version or make it yourself by equipping an outdoor toilet.

Popular varieties include a straight toilet. It can be located on a specific site or transferred if necessary. The basis of its work is the process of waste processing under the influence of a chemical or peat component.

A subtype of the direct device is a dry closet. It is often used in the absence of sewerage. Peat, acting on the waste, turns it into fertilizer, which can later be poured onto the beds. The design of such a toilet bowl contains the following parts:

  • Toilet seat - located at the top;
  • Tank - located at the bottom, represents the container where the waste enters and where they are processed.

Another option is a toilet fixed above the cesspool. In this case, the toilet bowl can be made of different materials.

Requirements for a country toilet

When arranging a toilet for an outdoor toilet, the following requirements are put forward:

  • Simple and easy installation to do the installation work yourself.
  • A convenient design that will be installed on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and on an unfortified base.
  • The country toilet bowl should differ in low cost as for the winter it is necessary to leave the site unattended.
  • Comfort for all family members, because not only adults, but also children will use it. It is worth providing a baby nozzle.
  • Resistant to different weather conditions, namely temperature, wind, humidity.

Of course, many do not equip the toilet with a toilet, but simply make a hole in the floor of the building. At the same time, personal hygiene is not respected. However, if you place a convenient floor structure, then personal hygiene will be observed and the comfort of staying in the country will increase.

Advantages and disadvantages

A garden toilet has several advantages:

  • The ability to regularly receive free compost, which can be used to fertilize the garden plot.
  • IN summer season with frequent work in the garden and when receiving guests, you do not need to go into the house, but it is better to visit the toilet built on the site.
  • Unloading the house toilet, which affects the reduction of the load on the septic tank or other type of sewage tank.
  • Can be diversified landscape design site, having designed the building in an unusual way.

With regard to various types of country toilet bowls, there are certain disadvantages. So plastic devices do not withstand low temperatures and may crack. Metal products and wooden structures with a seat are inconvenient when used in winter period. Ceramic and porcelain constructions require the investment of a certain amount of money.

In what version can a country toilet be?

A toilet bowl for a summer residence, which is purchased in a store, can be made of various materials: ceramics, porcelain and plastic. Porcelain and ceramic products are beautiful in appearance and easy to clean, but the ceramic toilet bowl cannot be installed on a simple wooden structure. For its location, it is necessary to make a concrete platform that will withstand the weight of the structure. Another disadvantage of this type is the cost. A toilet in the country with a ceramic toilet bowl will cost the owner of the cottage more. Sometimes even the building itself will require less funds.

A plastic toilet bowl for a country toilet is considered economical and functional option execution. This species has many advantages:

  • Diversity color solutions. You can choose a brown toilet for a country toilet, which will be combined with wood or other finishing material.
  • Lightweight design that does not require a solid foundation.
  • Comfort in use.
  • Durability and hygiene.
  • Low cost.

The plastic construction allows you to equip a convenient and practical toilet without spending a lot of money. You can choose a stationary type or a portable design. The latter is a bucket with a seat.

Home-made versions involve the arrangement of a country toilet for an outdoor toilet using improvised materials. A common design is a wooden counter that has a plastic seat. This option is characterized by quick installation and low cost.

Another option that can be made by hand is metal structure. Usually an iron toilet is used, located in the toilet. It is cheap and durable. For the manufacture, you can use materials that can be found at any summer cottage. Appearance such devices are not distinguished by beauty, but you do not need to spend money on the purchase of materials.

Installation process

How to make a toilet in the country is a question of interest to many cottage owners. Different variants structures have their own installation principles.

ceramic toilet

If you want to install a ceramic toilet bowl, then it should be borne in mind that in most cases there is no plumbing, so you can pour water into the tank yourself or place a bucket (tank) of water next to the device. Then prepare the hose and connect it to the drain tank.

For the installation of the structure itself, it is required to make a hole in a previously prepared solid base. The diameter of the hole corresponds to the diameter of the outlet pipe. After the hole is made, it is necessary to mark the attachment points and apply sealant. After that, you can fasten the plumbing.

plastic toilet

Plastic toilet for giving portable does not require any manipulation. It is simply installed in the desired location. If a stationary view is acquired, then it must be taken into account that difficulties may arise when connecting to a drain barrel. It's connected with different form holes. Installation steps:

  1. Make a cone from a prepared sheet of metal.
  2. The lower part of the cone is inserted into the barrel, and the upper part is installed at floor level.
  3. Apply a layer of mastic to the joints.
  4. Having removed some often of the floor at the location of the future location of the toilet bowl, we mark out the installation site of the structure.
  5. Make a galvanized blank for the site where the device will be located.
  6. Fix the workpiece and install the toilet.
  7. Apply mastic on the inside of the bonding areas.
  8. Arrange the final floor covering.

Instead of mastic, you can use ordinary silicone.

metal chair

For manufacturing, a galvanized pipe, a sheet of metal or a bucket is used. Usually the height is 40 cm, and the diameter is 30-35 cm. A seat should be provided in the upper part of the structure. To do this, cut strips in the form of chamomile with metal scissors, and install a seat made of plywood on the resulting platform. Further, the design is located above the drain. This toilet almost never fails.

wooden shelf

How to build simple design toilet without spending a lot of money? The answer to this question will be the location of the wooden shelf. This type of country toilet can be called a non-freezing design. It looks like a step. It is usually made from boards. Arrangement scheme:

  1. Lay half the floor in the building.
  2. Install the cross beam in the center at a height of 40 cm.
  3. Cover the resulting distance between the beam and the floor with boards.
  4. Lay boards on top as well.
  5. Cut a hole where to put the seat.

If such a structure will be located above the cesspool, then you need to do ventilation pipe to eliminate odor. The height of the pipe must be at least three meters.

If there is an equipped bathroom in the house, an outdoor toilet with a toilet will not be superfluous, because in the summer it is faster to visit it than to run into the house. And he will also be an assistant if a functioning sewer is not made. You can choose options for your desires and available funds, and everyone can equip a convenient outdoor toilet without making much effort.

Comfortable country toilet: how to build with my own hands(22 photos)

Comfortable country toilet: how to build with your own hands (22 photos) There are other buildings on any land plot except for the house. One of these buildings is the toilet. It refers to

Each summer resident wants to provide the most comfortable conditions of stay on his site. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it build the very first on an empty garden plot.

The easiest option- this is an ordinary pit with a cubicle installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant drawbacks: strong smell And the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet.

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for giving an odorless and pumping sewage.

Ordinary closet

A typical country toilet with a cesspool

A standard rustic pit latrine cannot eliminate bad odors and needs to be cleaned periodically or relocated to a new location. But with the right setup, you can reduce these negative factors to a minimum.

  • First, it is desirable to a bigger hole. Many dig a hole up to 2 meters deep or even more. 🙂 This noticeably delays the moment when cleaning the pit is necessary. Some toilets with a large pit during seasonal living in the country, and even more so when they drive over, only on weekends without a large number of people work right up to 20 years! And so that the pit does not sprinkle, some summer residents put concrete rings there.
  • Secondly, the pit should be located, as it were, behind the toilet. That is, the booth is not placed directly in the center of the pit, but, as it were, in front of it with a small entry. The seat with the hole is located at the rear of the toilet cubicle.
  • And thirdly, you must good extract from the pit. If there is a constant draft in the exhaust pipe, there will be no smell in the booth due to proper ventilation of the toilet. The exhaust pipe is located behind the booth and runs from the top of the pit to a level above the booth by about half a meter. The air is drawn out through the hood, and enters the pit through the hole in the toilet. At the same time, in the booth there is always clean supply air from the street, and there is almost no smell.

Now they often sell ready-made toilets for summer cottages - wooden cabins. Which only need to be installed on the pit and the toilet is ready for use. The installation of the toilet itself does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to put the booth evenly and securely fasten it.

Powder closet

Homemade powder closet for giving

This is an outdoor toilet in the country without a cesspool.

Works by analogy with a peat dry closet.

A waste container (usually a bucket) is placed under the seat, and after a bowel movement sprinkle waste with sawdust, ash, peat or tyrsa from a special container using a scoop.

The waste container itself is periodically taken out and used as fertilizer.

Plastic toilet for giving

Standard portable plastic toilet

This option is often used in various street cafes and at various events with a massive gathering of people in the open air. It is a plastic cabin with a waste container, where a special container is filled with chemicals for processing and disinfection of sewage.

Requires periodic cleaning. There are companies that are engaged in the replacement of such booths.

This option has the right to life within the suburban area, but is not very popular.

Toilet inside the house

bucket toilet

Plastic bucket-toilet

Perhaps this is the easiest version of the toilet in the country. Different from normal baby potty the presence of a full-fledged seat with a cover.

Inside it is desirable to put a disposable bag, which must then be thrown away. But many do not do this and just wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be strong and not leak.

This bucket is often used as night toilet. During the day, a street closet is used, and at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, and such a bucket is brought into the house. It is popular with the older generation of gardeners.

Dry closet based on microorganisms

Dry closet-bucket

This is a bucket-toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Also can be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling of special biomass with bacteria that recycle waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

Peat dry closet

Peat toilet for a summer residence

One of the types of dry closet, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore, there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

To the toilet it is desirable to connect ventilation.

The principle of operation of a peat toilet is as follows: waste is sprinkled with peat, then liquid waste is poured into a special container, or into a drain pit, and solid waste with peat must be periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Finnish peat toilets have recently been very popular with summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic (Ekomatic), Piteko (Piteco), Biolan (Biolan).

Portable toilet based on chemicals

portable toilet

Another option for a toilet bucket. But in this case waste recycles a special mixture of chemicals that falls asleep inside. As well as a dry closet with bacteria, it does not have a bad smell, but unlike it, in this case do not pour recycled waste into the beds because they are not harmless.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet

Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

The principle of operation is that solid waste is separated from liquid, dried and moved to a special container.

The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drain pit is enough without a full-fledged septic tank).

In addition, ventilation is required to eliminate odors.

At its core is almost a normal toilet, but is used in cases where there is no possibility of arranging a full-fledged sewerage system.

Full bathroom

Country bathroom in the house

Perhaps this most the best option For country house , but also dearest.

It requires a separate room in the house and utilities. In the bathroom there is a toilet bowl, to which water supply is supplied. The drain from the toilet is done either in a drain pit or in a septic tank.

  • drain hole will require periodic pumping of waste using a sewage truck.
  • septic tank does not require pumping, or requires it much less frequently, since in it the waste is processed in several containers.

In addition to the complexity of arranging a separate bathroom, it should also be remembered that a house with a bathroom needs heating in winter, otherwise, at sub-zero temperatures, you can defrost the water supply and the toilet.

In extreme cases, it is possible to drain the entire system for the winter and fill the toilet with non-freezing liquid.

But All difficulties are compensated by ease of use., therefore, this option has become increasingly common in dachas, even in small houses.

Warm toilet in the country

Many summer residents are increasingly going to the country in the winter. This is due to the fact that country roads began to be cleaned more often in winter, and the accessibility of the site has improved. Not a small role in this belongs to those who have chosen for themselves year-round living in the country. It is not uncommon to see full-fledged residential buildings in the country.

Heated outdoor toilet

It is cold in winter, and the question arises how to equip warm toilet in the country.

If the toilet is inside the house, then the issue is resolved by itself - it will be warm in the bathroom.

And what about the outdoor toilet? But this issue is also solvable.

  • First, winter toilet in the country can be insulated. For example, use extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). It is inexpensive, holds heat well and is not afraid of moisture. In an insulated toilet, the temperature is always higher than outside. Yes, and elementary wind protection will already create more comfortable conditions in an outdoor toilet in winter.
  • Secondly, you can warm up the toilet. Yes, don't laugh. Many people do just that. Any heat source is placed in the outdoor toilet. It could be electric heater and a heater on any fuel. As a result, the cabin becomes warm and cozy on long winter evenings. 🙂

Which option to choose?

What should be considered when choosing one or another option? Consider the following factors:

Waste volume

Try to estimate how often you will use the toilet? How many people going to the restroom? The amount of waste depends on this, and, accordingly, the method of their disposal. This is perhaps the main factor influencing the choice of toilet.

Groundwater depth

With a high level of groundwater, pit toilets, and in some cases septic tanks, are excluded.

Check the groundwater level in spring.


How much are you willing to spend for a toilet? There are options from the cheapest to super expensive septic tanks. It all depends on your wallet and wishes.


Any toilets require waste disposal Sooner or later. Think about all this in advance, choosing one or another version of the toilet. You must understand how to clean your toilet option, how difficult and expensive it is.


A place to perform hygiene procedures is necessary in every residential building. The times when a bathroom in a wooden house was located in the yard are far in the past. A person should feel comfortable, so today almost every residential building in the village is equipped not only with a toilet, but also with a bathroom.

From this article you will learn how to properly design a bathroom in a mansion, decide on and. A photo of a bathroom in a wooden house will be demonstrated by our gallery.

The basics of designing a bathroom in a country house

When building a wooden mansion from scratch, a toilet and a bathroom are already included in its project. But installing a bathroom in a private house after its construction is also possible, although this will require a change in the building plan, financial investments and labor costs. The fact is that a sewer system is needed to equip the toilet, and not all areas have it.

Please note: if there is no sewerage system in the area where your house is located, it is necessary to provide an alternative method for arranging wastewater - a cesspool, or a local treatment plant.

Choosing the location of the bathroom in a village house

In order for a bathroom in a wooden house to be beautiful and functional, it is important to choose its location correctly. Since for the normal functioning of the bathroom and toilet it is necessary to supply and drain water, the bathroom in a wooden house should be located close to the water source, and also have access to the sewer system.

Important: according to SNIP, the minimum distance from the house and the cellar to the outer restroom should be at least 12 m, from the well to the sewer, or composting device - at least 8 m.

Approximate layout of a mansion on a suburban area

Choosing the best type of bathroom

The method of arranging the sewerage and toilet is determined by how much time per year it is planned to live in the cottage (permanently or seasonally). There are several types of toilets country houses, or dachas:

  • dry closet - a compact portable device, consisting of a toilet seat and a reservoir under it. The tank contains a special liquid that exposes human waste products to chemical or organic attack, turning them into water, powder, or compost.
Advice: The main disadvantage of dry closets is the rapid filling and the need to dispose of the contents of the tank.

Compact dry closet - a bathroom in the country, photo

  • backlash-closet - a waste disposal system, which is an insulated restroom at the house, when the toilet is connected to a cesspool using a pipe system;
On a note: important design feature backlash closet is a ventilation system that prevents the accumulation of unpleasant odors in the room.

The design of the backlash closet - a bathroom in the country, photo

  • powder closet - a dry method of waste disposal, in which the toilet in the house is directly connected to a box-type cesspool. A periodic layer of waste is covered with peat to neutralize them. In this case, the tank box should be cleaned regularly.

The device powder-closet in a country house

Advice: at permanent residence V country house most convenient and practical way arrangement of the toilet will be a backlash closet. The rest of the options are more suitable for occasional or seasonal use.

Determining the size of the bathroom

A bathroom in a private house can be organized in several ways:

  • as a full-fledged bathroom (with a shower, a tank-bath and a toilet);
  • like a toilet (only a toilet and a sink).
Recommendation: for the convenience of all the inhabitants of the house, each floor should have one bathroom.

In a private house, it directly depends on what kind of plumbing and household appliances it is planned to install there. If the hygienic room will include only a toilet bowl and a washbasin, then its area may be 2-3 square meters.

The layout of a small toilet in a private house

If it is planned to install a shower cabin in the bathroom, its optimal area should be 3-4 square meters. Corner plumbing will save space, but all appliances must be placed at a certain distance from each other so that they are convenient to use.

Planning options for a combined bathroom in a wooden house

If a bath, a washing machine, cabinets for storing various bath accessories are installed in the room, then the dimensions of the bathroom should be from 5 sq. m.

Options for how to rationally plan a bathroom in a private house, photo

Features of arranging a hygienic room in a wooden building

The device of a bathroom in a wooden house has some features. Linear dimensions wooden structures are constantly changing during shrinkage, this should be taken into account when building a bathroom and toilet. How to make a bathroom in a house from a bar?

For this, a sliding frame is used. The technology of erecting the base of a bathroom in a log house consists in installing metal or wooden profiles in vertical grooves of logs, which will allow you to rigidly fix the base of the bathroom structure. Overlappings are strengthened with the help of wide logs located at a minimum distance from each other. Then flexible water and sewer pipes are laid, electrical cables are routed, and at the end all communications are sewn up with plasterboard sheets, or clapboard.

On a note: the use of a sliding frame in the construction of a bathroom allows the room to withstand the shrinkage of the house without damaging the plumbing.

Arrangement of a bathroom on a sliding frame - a bathroom in a log house

Design and arrangement of a bathroom in a wooden mansion

Thinking over in a country wooden house, it is worth giving preference to country style, Provence. They perfectly emphasize the natural texture of the tree, preserve its special energy.

furniture, washing machine in the bathroom it is better to decide in advance, even at the stage of drawing up a design project. This will help you choose plumbing and household appliances of the required size and compactly place them in the room.

An example of how to arrange a bathroom in a frame house

Interesting projects of bathrooms for private houses will be clearly demonstrated by our selection of photos.

Types of wall, floor and ceiling decoration of a bathroom in a country house

Give the room a finished look. It is first necessary to hide all communications - hide the cables in special boxes, and fill the pipes in the floor with a movable cement-sand screed. A layer of waterproofing should be laid on top of the screed, and then you can start laying floor covering and wall and ceiling cladding.

To finish the bathroom in a wooden house, you can use various materials. So for wall cladding is used:

  • drywall;
  • tile;
  • wooden lining;
  • PVC panels.
Attention: so that the finish does not suffer from moisture, it must first be treated with antiseptic and protective preparations for thorough waterproofing.

Nice and spacious bathroom country house, trimmed with wooden clapboard

To finish the ceiling of the bathroom, you can use the same materials as for the walls. Various decorative effects can be achieved by using suspended and tension structures.

Ways to decorate the ceiling when arranging a bathroom in a wooden house

Finishing the bathroom floor can be made of the following materials:

  • ceramic tiles (preferably with anti-slip coating);
  • linoleum;
  • wood (decking board);
  • waterproof laminate.
Advice: when laying the floor with wood or laminate, it is better to lay tiles in places of greatest contact with water.

High-quality floor sets the mood for the whole room


To make your vacation, or living in a country house comfortable, you should equip a bathroom there. It must be properly planned, sewer and ensure high-quality waterproofing and surface finishing.
