Installing sliding doors is one of the ways to solve the issue of the rational and competent use of each meter in the apartment; you can do them yourself. Information on how to implement this and what is needed to make the structure will be useful for many owners of small housing.


In a specialized building supermarket, you can see a huge variety of models of sliding doors. They are divided into types and subspecies, taking into account various parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • forms;
  • material;
  • functionality: parallel-sliding and folding.

Depending on the design and material of the model, its price category also differs, and given how rich the choice is, everyone can find a door option that suits him.

Sliding doors

This type of sliding doors is the most common. It consists of one or two sections, which, when opened, move in one or different directions. Cloths of shutters in this case are suspended on a rail mechanism, which sets them in motion.


The principle of operation of the cassette system is similar to that of a compartment door, with the only difference being that when moving the sash is hidden in a special niche that is hidden in the wall. It is sold complete with doors, but when it comes to self-production, it is made mainly of drywall.


Cascading doors are a structure of several wings, one of which is fixed in a fixed position, and the rest move along a rail mechanism across the entire width of the opening when closing. When the structure is opened, all parts of its canvas are assembled on the side of the fixed sash.

"Book" and "accordion"

These types of doors are almost identical. Their designs consist of several sections connected by special hinges, with the help of which the sashes are compactly assembled on one of the sides of the opening. The “book” and “accordion” differ only in the number of sections involved in the design.

For reference! These mechanisms are not in vain called "book" and "accordion", as they resemble the principle of their movement. Their action can be compared to moving a screen.

Sliding door mechanism device

Regardless of the type of sliding interior doors, the principle of operation of their mechanisms is not significantly different. Rollers are mounted on the canvas, which, moving along the guides, ensure the movement of the valves.

The guides are usually attached to the wall, but in some cases they are also fixed to the floor. In the case of framed door options, a separate running element must be installed for each section.

Sliding door devices are divided into suspended and rail. In the case of a suspension mechanism, the running gear, one or more, is installed only on top of the structure, and an additional roller is fixed below to ensure easy movement.

The rail mechanism looks the same, but the running elements are mounted both above and below the door frame, that is, the lower roller does not move along the floor, but along the rail mounted in it. This design is more resistant to heavy loads, therefore it is suitable for door models with large dimensions.

In order for the device to work smoothly, it is necessary to carefully monitor that dirt does not accumulate on the lower rail and debris particles do not get into it.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a sliding structure

Before buying all the necessary components in order to make a solid sliding door, you should make sure that its installation is possible in a particular room. It must meet the following conditions:

  • the wall is strong enough to support the weight of the entire structure;
  • the doorway is even;
  • the width of the wall is enough to roll back the sash.

If the room is suitable for all of the above parameters, you can decide on the type of model and begin preparing for installation. To select the most suitable option for self-manufacturing, you can use photo or video catalogs that can be easily found on the Internet on popular platforms.

What is required to install a coupe?

One of the most simple models for do-it-yourself manufacturing, a single-leaf compartment door is considered.

For reference! To install a sliding sliding door with one section, you will need a minimum set of tools, such as a screwdriver with self-tapping screws, a building level and a tape measure.

The mechanism for the design can be purchased ready-made or assembled from parts:

  • running elements;
  • staples, clamps;
  • roller carriages;
  • platbands.

When choosing a canvas, it should be borne in mind that it optimal size one that slightly exceeds the perimeter of the opening is considered, and the length of the guide rail is twice the width of the door.

Construction mechanism installation

First you need to determine the height sufficient for the door to block the entire opening when closed. To do this, a canvas is applied to the wall of the proposed installation and to the side where the sash will move off and, given the height of the rollers, as well as an approximate distance of 2 cm, a place for attaching the guide is marked with a pencil. The result should be a flat horizontal line.

Next, a guide is installed on the drawn line, which can be fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or special brackets. At this stage, it is important to consider that there should be a small distance between the sections and the wall.

After fixing the guide, it is required to assemble the roller device. To do this, mount the carriages, insert a screw into them and place them in the running element. Their number directly depends on the weight of the sash, that is, the heavier the structure, the more they will be required.

Sash fixing

First of all, brackets are placed on the door leaf at a certain distance from each other, but in such a way that they can withstand the weight of the entire section. Then the sash must be lifted, thread the screw into the brackets, and then fixed at the desired level. To make the design even, the best solution would be to use someone else's help.

After the canvas is hung on the chassis, clamps are placed. They should be located in such a way that the sash completely covers the doorway when closing and moves to the side at a convenient distance when opened.

Handle assembly and trim

For the full use of self-made sliding doors, it is enough to install a mortise handle on them, a ready-made version of which is easy to find in a building supermarket.

Attention! If it is necessary to mount a locking device in the structure, then a vertical type lock should be selected.

The final stage in the manufacture of doors with their own hands is their final finishing. It includes hiding the slopes behind the platbands and decorating the guide with a suitable bar. After that, the installation of a single-leaf compartment door can be called complete.

If the budget does not allow, but it is still necessary to free up space in a small-sized room, you can make sliding interior doors yourself even from improvised means. To make them, you need any suitable canvas, for example, an old door, and as a guide rail, an ordinary steel cornice with hinges. However, the service life of such a design is short, and besides, no one guarantees its safety.


There is an opinion that do-it-yourself sliding doors at home is not realistic, but this is not so. Sliding door not so much tricky thing and then we will talk about what retractable doors are, go through the pros and cons of compartment doors, and most importantly, it will be given step-by-step instruction how to make a sliding door with your own hands, and in 2 versions.

Sliding structures in houses are not only beautiful, but also convenient.

The question of how to make sliding doors is just right to ask when you know what you want, so first let's figure out what they are like:

The harmonica looks original, but it is not very convenient to use.

The accordion sliding interior door consists of a certain number of sections connected by hinges, which are folded according to the accordion principle. It makes no sense to manually assemble this design, firstly, there is a lot of small and precise work, and secondly, the system is inconvenient to use, plus, a completely shifted package takes part of the doorway.

Cascade sliding structures.

A cascading sliding structure is called several door panels that slide and hide behind each other. The whole point is that the canvases, no matter how many there are, move apart synchronously, and you can’t do such a sliding door mechanism with your own hands, and installation there is far from the easiest.

Retractable radius design.

Retractable radius design is aerobatics in this niche. You should not even try to make such sliding doors with your own hands, because almost all the details radius doors will have to be ordered individually. Agree, it would be a shame to pay money for the order, and then break the doors, trying to install them yourself.

Making interior compartment doors with your own hands is quite realistic.

Sliding compartment doors best option for the home craftsman. Such a door can be single-leaf and double-leaf. The mechanism for sliding compartment doors is simple, but reliable, in short, guides are installed on the wall along which the doors move.

  1. Hidden doors that hide in the wall;
  2. A door that slides along the wall.

But this is not true in principle, because the drawings, diagrams and device of the structure itself are identical in both cases, the door slides in the same way, the roller mechanism is the same. The only difference is that a drywall box is mounted next to the door leaf, in which the canvas is hidden.

General scheme of hidden sliding doors.

Interior doors differ from similar structures in sliding wardrobes only in a more powerful mechanism, because the canvas is much heavier here. Therefore, it is not so important that you mount the sliding door with your own hands on a cabinet or on a doorway, the technology is almost the same.

We figured out the main differences and the choice of design, now let's talk specifically about how to make do-it-yourself compartment doors.

Two options for self-arrangement of sliding doors

Do-it-yourself sliding interior doors can be done in different ways, more precisely, for different rooms. Plus, the size of the budget plays a significant role, it is one thing to assemble doors for a small cottage with seasonal living and quite another to make sliding interior doors for a city apartment.

Option number 1. A solid door for an apartment

In this case, we will learn how to properly install sliding doors on rollers with our own hands.

ABOUT homemade mechanisms you need to forget right away, we are talking only about the installation of ready-made systems. Of course, such designs are sold with a description, but there are nuances that are not in the description.

To install sliding interior doors with your own hands, you need a tool:

  • Hammer drill or electric drill with impact function;
  • Hydraulic level;
  • bubble level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • A set of open-end wrenches (from No. 5 and above);
  • Manual frezer;
  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Pencil;
  • Hammer.

We proceed from the fact that the door is made from ready-made units, that is, we have a door leaf, guides, rollers, stops and other door fittings. The only thing you will need to buy additionally is a wooden block 50x50 or 50x70 mm.

Even before assembling a sliding door and even before going to the store for accessories, you need to make sure of fundamental things:

  • Check how smooth your opening is, if there is a skew, take a wide canvas (with a margin);
  • Make sure the wall can withstand the load. It is better for an amateur to work with brick or concrete wall, foam concrete and drywall false walls, leave to professionals;
  • Absolutely all finishing must be finished. Door assembly is done at the very end.

How to make a do-it-yourself compartment door:

There are many models of rollers, we are interested in mechanisms on a carrier platform with the ability to adjust the gap between the blade and the guide profile.

Wide platforms are mounted on the edge of the canvas, but if the canvas is more than 80 cm, then you can step back from the corner by 1/6 of the door width.

Using a tape measure, we calculate the center and, by attaching a roller platform to the end of the canvas, we mark the entry points of the self-tapping screws.

It’s not worth driving the self-tapping screws on the markup right away, you don’t know what quality the plate is, when screwing the self-tapping screw “on the live” it can crack. Therefore, first drill holes, the drill diameter is about 2 mm. Next, attach the bar and screw in the screws.

Now insert the carrier plate itself into the grooves of the roller bar, equipped with a rod for the roller. In this case, the plate is fixed on the bar by screwing the stem a couple of turns (open-end wrenches come in handy here).

As you can see in the photo, the stem is equipped with a thread, we need to wind the rollers onto this thread. Of course, there is the possibility of adjustment, but the thread must enter the roller by at least 3 - 4 turns. It is better to count the revolutions, so that they are approximately equal on all rollers.

In order not to work later on, it is better to embed handles and locks immediately, especially when it comes to hidden handles, as in the photo. All such grooves in the canvas are cut with a manual milling cutter.

With the rollers and fittings finished, now we move on to installing the guide bar. The guide bar itself is metal, we will mount it on a wooden block. It is important here how to calculate the cross section and length of the bar.

Don't worry, we only need a tape measure and a pencil to calculate. If your doorway is simply plastered, without platbands, then you can take a bar of 50x50 mm. The platbands will take at least 10 - 15 mm, so under them you need to take a bar of 50x70 mm.

As for the length of the bar, it is calculated as 2 widths door leaf, plus another 50 mm for the stoppers.

Now we lay the guide on the bar and fasten it with self-tapping screws in increments of about 200 mm. The holes in the guide are drilled in the bottom, that is, so that the head of the self-tapping screw does not protrude from above, otherwise the roller will begin to cling to it when moving.

Next, we hang the structure. It is enough for a professional to make a measurement once, after which the craftsmen fix the timber separately, and then hook the doors onto it. Lover better try on assembled doors, for this we start the rollers in the guide.

To make the measurement more accurate, you need to insert a wedge between the door and the guide bar, preferably not even one.

Above the bar you need to put a mark on the wall and already from this mark step back up at least 7 mm, plus the thickness of the carpets, if any are planned

Holes in the bar must be drilled immediately. The step depends on what exactly you will hang the structure on. For anchor bolts with a cross section of 6 - 8 mm, a pitch of 50 - 70 cm is sufficient, and for long self-tapping screws with plastic dowels, holes are drilled at a distance of no more than 25 cm.

We make markings on the wall through the bar. The photo below shows how the craftsmen drill the wall without removing the doors, we do not advise you to do this. We have the markup, now you can remove the door, attach the bar to the wall, set it on a level and mark the future holes with a drill. Then remove the bar and drill.

To prevent the rollers from popping out, you need to install stoppers along the edges of the guide, but they are installed after hanging the doors. The stopper is inserted into the groove and the clamping screw is tightened. The mounting point is empirically determined by the position of the rollers.

Our doors hang on a rail, but so that they do not dangle, they need to be somehow fixed from below. To do this, a groove is cut from the lower end along the entire length with a milling cutter, if the door is factory, then the groove should already be there.

The canvas will be controlled by a pinch roller, which is attached to the floor directly next to the door jamb.

In order for the door to rub against the roller less, it must be set strictly on a plumb line. The technology for setting the flag is shown in the photo below.

Control flag technology.

In principle, a do-it-yourself retractable door is installed, it will work, but you still need to bring beauty. To do this, buy a trim to match the door leaf and nail or screw it to the supporting wooden block. Such a bar will hide both the bar itself and the suspension mechanism.

Option number 2. Homemade to give

Sliding doors are a good thing and they have a lot of advantages, but all these advantages fade into the background when a person finds out the price of such fittings. Do not be upset with a creative approach, you can solve this problem. The design is not the most beautiful, but it is quite suitable for giving.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to make sliding doors for a summer residence yourself and not spend a lot of money.

The door leaf will cost the most. Although there are options here, for example, you can restore old door and hang it up.

Old doors can find new uses.

Then we go to the store with furniture fittings and buy the simplest furniture wheels there. Do not take swivel mechanisms on a hinge, it will only get worse with them. Such wheels are attached to the doors with a pair of self-tapping screws. There are 2 anchor points for each canvas.

From the upper end of the canvas, we fasten steel rings over the wheels. The thickness of the metal in such rings should be at least 3 - 4 mm, otherwise they will quickly fray.

As a guide, we will use a three-quarter-inch steel pipe, although this is not important, you can take any pipe, as long as the rings fit into it normally. We calculate the length in the same way as in the case of a wooden bar.

We install, as shown in the photo below, the knee and the fixing “penny” can be found on any construction market, however, like the pipe itself.

Fixing the pipe to the wall.


As you can see, it’s not so difficult to install sliding doors with your own hands, but for those readers who thought this information was not enough, there is also a video on this topic.

Option homemade design on the top hanger.

What drives you when you equip your cozy nest? The desire to stand out, to follow fashion trends or just a desire to make practical use of the space? If everything together matters to you, then installing sliding doors is the best option. design solution. By choosing the type of product that suits your interior, you will create a real oasis of home comfort, where you will want to return again and again.

Sliding door designs

Thanks to the ingenuity and ingenuity of manufacturers, the range of sliding products is so large that even the most picky buyer will find something for himself. suitable option. Products are not similar to each other in shape, design, dimensions and raw materials from which they are made.

When choosing a design, consumers pay special attention to the last distinguishing feature - material. For the production of products are used:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • mirror;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Products from natural wood- this is, as they say, a classic of the genre. They are able to give a sophisticated look even to the most simple interior . good wood From time immemorial, it has been a symbol of wealth and luxury. The high cost of goods is justified by durability, practicality, beauty.

Wooden sliding doors are durable and reliable in operation

Doors made of glass, mirrors are preferred for small areas. They visually enlarge the room, making it feel much more spacious. When choosing these types of products, you do not need to worry about their fragility. They are made of high-strength materials that are not subject to mechanical stress.

MDF products are a budget alternative to wood. Over the years, they do not lose their presentable appearance and captivate with their light weight and ease of installation. A significant drawback is their instability to moisture. Therefore, such products are not recommended for installation in the bathroom, toilet.

MDF door systems - an affordable analogue of wooden products

Plastic retractable structures are no less popular among consumers. They are resistant to deformation, temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet rays. Doors with a protective decorative coating will last for many years without requiring special care.

Sliding systems are also made of metal. Such devices can be found in pawnshops, banks, jewelry stores. However, the imagination of designers is limitless, so they have found ways to use such products in country houses and even apartments. At the request of customers, the metal can be decorated with patterns that give the product lightness and texture.

In private houses, you can install metal sliding doors

Installation methods

Sliding systems are divided into two large classes: sliding-folding and parallel-sliding. For folding structures, the sashes do not travel along the wall, but move to the side and fold in the form of an accordion or a book.

In parallel-sliding systems, the canvases move along a vertical surface. Installation methods are:

  • compartment doors;
  • cassette or built-in;
  • cascading.

Sliding doors can be single leaf or double leaf. The canvases move along a vertical surface along rails in one or different directions. Compartment designs are perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, balconies, wardrobes.

You can install sliding doors yourself

Installation of this type of product is quite simple and quite within the power of a novice master. You can put them on time repair work, and after. The main requirements are a smooth opening, the ability of the wall to withstand the expected load.

Along with a huge number of advantages, this system has negative points. Given that the canvases move tightly along the wall, it is impossible to place furniture near it.

In addition, compartment products do not protect the room from sounds and smells. This is due to the design features. To ensure that the sashes do not touch the vertical surface, small gaps are provided on both sides.

Cassette products, like compartments, can be of one or two wings. The peculiarity of this model is the presence of a niche in the wall, where the canvases are rolled up. The cassette design provides a high degree of sound insulation due to the fact that it is possible to install seals along the perimeter of the opening.

Cassette sliding door provides high sound insulation

If we talk about the disadvantages of cassette doors, then the most significant of them is the installation of the structure only during the repair. The second disadvantage of the model is the installation of a false wall under the pencil case to the detriment of additional centimeters of area.

Cascading structures consist of one or more wings and are considered a type of compartment doors. The number of guides corresponds to the number of sheets that, when opened, are assembled on one side of the vertical surface.

Cascade door - a kind of compartment doors

Installing this model is not easy. It includes many parts that require high-precision assembly. This work can only be done experienced craftsmen, because there is practically no room for error.

Classification by mechanism type

There are two large groups of devices.

suspension system

A suspension device is called a carrier beam, to which a U-shaped guide is fixed.. It is along it that the canvas moves on rollers or, in technical terms, a hanging door.

The installation of such a door assumes that the flooring remains intact. Only on the right or left side of the opening, a roller is mounted from below. He rides along the groove made in the lower end of the blade. The main function of the roller is to prevent the product from deflecting vertically during movement.

Suspension system device

Install suspension system won't be a big deal. Installation is carried out in several steps:

  1. fixing the top guide;
  2. installation of the roller device from above in the end part of the door;
  3. installation of the sash in the guide;
  4. fixing the limiters designed to ensure that the canvas does not derail.
  5. making a groove in the lower end of the product, fixing the roller.

Suspended structures play a purely symbolic role interior partition. They do not protect the room from odors and do not provide adequate insulation from noise.

Rail sliding system

Rail structures are used in wardrobes, dressing rooms, bedrooms, living rooms. This type of mechanism is represented by two rails located above and below.

The rail system is characterized by high strength

This design is characterized by durability. The door is firmly fixed in vertical plane and keeps out odors and noises. The imperfection of the system lies in the difficult cleaning, as the bottom rail periodically becomes clogged.

After weighing all the pros and cons of each of the systems, choose the most suitable one for yourself and start the process of step-by-step installation.

Necessary tools and materials

Starting assembly sliding structures, make sure you have the required tools and materials. To work, you will need a whole set:

  • electric drill or screwdriver;
  • puncher, if necessary, extracting the inner layer of the wall;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • overhead strips - 2 pcs. One of them is mounted at the top, and the other is opposite the side in which the doors open.
  • anchors;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • handles on canvases - 2 units;
  • finishing nails;
  • two extras;
  • a rack to which the sashes adjoin, being in the closed position;
  • fittings: rollers, components of fasteners, aluminum rails;
  • canvas. To determine its size, measure the height and width of the opening and add 70 mm to them from above;
  • wooden beam with a section of 50x70 mm. The length of the beam is equal to the sash width increased by 2 times plus 5 centimeters.

Armed with everything you need, move on to the next block of work.

Sliding door installation instructions

Set up a multi-panel structure mirror doors or large by weight products can only be a true professional. A novice master, taking on such responsibility, is able to do a lot of rash actions, which will later cost a lot.

Therefore, if this is the first time you are faced with retractable structures, start with the simplest option - assembling compartment doors. If you purchase a ready-made kit, you will save a lot of time and effort. The kit contains all the components for installing a sliding system, including fittings.

When you get to work, you should be extremely careful and accurate. The whole process begins with the preparation of the opening. The quality of the installation depends on how accurately its measurements are made.

The height of the opening is determined in several places: measure the right, middle and left sides. In the same way, measure its width. Then they check how perpendicular and straight all sides are. In the case of installing platbands, the thickness of the vertical surface is measured in several places and at the corners of the opening.

The height of the opening is measured in several places

To avoid mistakes when installing compartment doors with your own hands, follow these instructions exactly. Break the whole process into blocks and gradually move from one to another.

Dismantling the old door

Free the box from cashing out, remove the old canvas and door hinges, and then dismantle the box itself. However, it can be left untouched if it holds well and does not prevent the doors from moving freely along the rails.

At the first stage, the old door frame is dismantled.

Opening preparation

If necessary, eliminate the curvature of the walls, fill cracks and cracks with putty.

The contours of the opening should be even, so make sure that no bricks or drywall stick out anywhere.

Check how parallel and horizontal the part of the opening is from above to the flooring. The maximum limit deviation is admissible up to 5 mm. This is also mandatory for the sides of the opening. Here the tolerance is a maximum of 0.5 cm per 2 m.

After dismantling the old box, a new one is installed. It is leveled with small wedges. Adjust the angle of the structure to the floor and vertical surface by moving or pushing in the wedges.

Wooden wedges are used to level the door frame.

Fix the box with screws. When working with a screwdriver, you must be extremely careful not to damage the product.

Mounting the top rails

After placing the box, attach the door to the opening and mark its upper border. Repeat this action again, placing the product in the opening. This is only necessary if the floor is not very even.

Top rail installation

If the line turned out to be horizontal, measure 0.7 cm from it and draw another line. A wooden beam will subsequently be installed on it. To fix the beam, take such a number of self-tapping screws that it fits snugly against a vertical surface.

The rail is fixed to the bottom end of the beam. At first, it is slightly screwed on one side. To accurately determine the location of the self-tapping screw, the thickness of the web is divided by two and added from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, which are needed for the smooth movement of the valves. Proceed in the same manner on the other side.

Before fixing the guide, make sure it is straight.

Before the rail is permanently fixed, make sure that the gap between the canvas and the wall is sufficient. Also pay attention to the straightness of the guide. Kinks and curvature must not be allowed, otherwise the structure will not work properly.

Assembly of carriages and installation of limiters

Moving on to installing the sliding door rollers, insert the bolts into the carriages so that they protrude slightly from the hole. Run the carriages into the rails prepared for them and make sure they move freely.

The next step is to install the carriages

At both ends of the guides, limiters should be installed that will not allow the canvas to derail. When doing this, pay attention that the rubber shock absorbers are directed inward.

We make a groove at the bottom of the door leaf

To make a recess in the lower end of the sash, step back from its edge 1.5 cm on both sides and drill one hole with a radius of 3.5 mm and a depth of 2 cm. Between them, select a groove for the guide in the center.

A groove for the guide is selected in the center of the sash

The depth of the recess should be 1.8 cm, and the width is 0.3 cm more than the width of the guide, which is a flag or a knife. Taking into account that it is not easy to make a perfectly even groove, it is recommended to mount two rails or a profile in the shape of the letter "U".

Fasteners for carriages

Moving away from the side borders of the sash by two millimeters, fix the fasteners to the carriages exactly in the middle. Important point: The notches on the brackets in the form of a semicircle must be directed towards the wall.

We hang the door leaf

Putting the door alone will not work, so call someone to help. Once you've found someone to help you, start doing the following:

  1. Attach the product to the rail and connect the carriage bolt on the right with the cutout on the bracket, while lifting the canvas.
  2. Insert the end of the bolt into the hole of the adjusting nut with washer.
  3. Fasten the brackets lightly on the carriage bolts.
  4. We proceed to the installation of the lower rail in the recess. To do this, move the lower part from the vertical surface, set the canvas horizontally and move it to the open position.
  5. Measure maximum length opening and mark with a simple pencil.
  6. Set the gap between the leaves and the vertical surface. To do this, move the lower part of the blade and put a mark at the location of the knife. The distance should be no more than 0.5 cm.
  7. Remove the canvas and tighten the bottom guide to the floor covering with two self-tapping screws.
  8. Align the notch at the end of the blade with the rail and hang the products without screwing the nuts all the way.
  9. Set the gap between flooring and the product by tightening or loosening the adjustment bolts on the carriages.
  10. Lock the nuts without turning the bolts.

decorative design

To hide the rails at the top of the opening, platbands are used for decorative purposes. The lock and handle are installed at the end.

Features of installing cassette doors

The above instructions can be used as a guide for the installation of guide sheets. When installing this model, there is no need for decorative trim. Instead, they additionally put a false wall.

When installing cassette doors, a false wall is mounted

The distance between the false wall and the vertical surface is approximately 10 cm. It is calculated based on the thickness of the sash, the gaps on both sides and the size of the profile.

The profile frame does not require reinforcement, since most of the load falls on the wall. But if you want to give rigidity to the structure, then install wooden bars inside and fix them with self-tapping screws..

Installation of sliding doors is not a very complicated process, but it requires certain skills in the construction business. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite better than the master. So you can avoid double work in case of an error or save an extra penny.

Initially, doors carried only the function of keeping heat in the house, so people cared more about this component than about them. appearance. Modern technologies allow you to harmoniously fit interior doors into the interior of any style and direction, not forgetting about their functionality.

Sliding structures have gained the greatest popularity in the door market. Installation of sliding doors allows you to bring uniqueness and originality to the design of the room. They make it possible to significantly expand the space of the room without requiring additional space for opening the doors, as well as arrange the area around them in accordance with the general style.

The first generation of sliding doors were very thin partitions that got stuck in the runners and caused only irritation. It is for this reason that many still do not dare to change the more familiar swing structures. Also, consumers are very strongly discouraged by the myth about the complexity of such a procedure as installing a sliding door with your own hands. Still, most of the population of our country tries to avoid calling a specialist at home or additional expenses caused by paying for his work.

Modern sliding systems

The design of sliding doors is improved with each new model, and modern systems already have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • saving space required for deployment hinged door;
  • such a door cannot be opened with a draft;
  • the choice of size and material;
  • the absence of loops, which eventually begin to creak;
  • absolute security - it is impossible to pinch a finger with such a door;
  • the possibility of implementing any design idea;
  • harmonious combination with the environment;
  • the possibility of combining adjacent rooms.

One of the disadvantages of sliding systems is poor sound insulation.

Of course, there are a number of disadvantages of coupe systems:

  1. The device of sliding doors is such that gaps between the box and the canvas cannot be avoided. Therefore, such structures have much lower sound and heat insulation properties. They practically do not isolate the room from the noises heard in the neighboring room.
  2. Such doors have a slightly higher price.
  3. As a result of improper installation or due to the poor quality of the mechanism, the sashes can move unevenly along the runners, which can lead to jamming.
  4. It is necessary to take care of the availability of free space on the side of the door into which the door leaf moves. Putting a cabinet or some other large object near this wall is possible only if the door enters a special pocket. Otherwise, the cabinet can only be placed at a distance of at least 100-150 mm. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in usable area, for which the installation of sliding doors is most often started. The disadvantage of a wall with a pocket for the door leaf is that it cannot be used to mount wall lighting fixtures, paintings, decorative elements, as well as for installing switches and sockets.
  5. A large amount of dust will accumulate in the pocket, which is extremely problematic to remove.
  6. Quite often, in the niche in which the sash is hidden, the sliding door leaf is jammed due to the misalignment of the rollers.

Tip: it is better to provide for the possibility of removing one side of the niche under the sliding door leaf. This will help avoid the problems described in points 5 and 6.

Therefore, before deciding to replace conventional swing structures on sliding doors, you should carefully think through everything, weigh the pros and cons, and only then decide whether this is really necessary.

Classification by installation and type of mechanism

Installing sliding interior doors is not as difficult as it is usually imagined. The maximum reliability and high quality of the design depends entirely on the accuracy of the installation work and the utmost accuracy in carrying out all the necessary dimensions and calculations. First you need to decide which sliding door you would like to see in your house.

All sliding systems can be divided into two groups:

  • built into the wall;
  • visible structures moving along the wall.

Sliding systems in which the doors go into the wall

According to the type of mechanism, such doors can be divided into three types:

  • the canvas rests on the upper suspension - non-threshold systems;
  • the canvas is held on the lower suspension. The disadvantage is the presence of a small threshold on the floor that can be drowned, but such designs are considered the easiest to install and also the cheapest;
  • the system uses both of the above mounting options. This type of door is the most reliable and convenient in use.

Tip: It should be noted that the price of a door mainly depends not only on its type, but more on the quality of materials and the type of fittings. That is, replacing expensive platbands, door handles, locks and rollers for cheaper analogues, you can significantly save.

Sliding doors, in which the leaf rests only on the upper suspension, are called non-threshold

Of course, the entry of the door into a special pocket allows you to save some space in the room, but it requires additional work and destruction of part of the wall near the doorway.

Tip: you can mount the canvas not only by breaking the wall, but also by installing an overhead plasterboard structure. As a result, the length of the room will decrease by about 100 mm, and you will be able to avoid a rather complicated procedure.

Sliding door design

Sliding systems consist of several components:

  • frame with glass or solid filling;
  • a mechanism consisting of a guide, clamps, roller carriages, etc.;
  • platbands and dobors;
  • decorative strips designed to mask the driving mechanism;
  • fittings (special locks and handles).

There are several options for door frames:

  1. MDF frames with various toning.
  2. Aluminum profile frames. They are distinguished by lightness and durability of the structure, they are absolutely not afraid of moisture, they allow the absence of decorative elements, as they can be painted in any color or anodized.
  3. Tempered glass doors (frameless designs). Suitable mainly for high-tech style, ideal for highlighting meeting areas and for wet rooms.

Glass sliding doors

Of course, wooden-framed doors are a bit more expensive, but they offer better thermal insulation.

The mechanism used to move the sliding door consists of one or more guides with roller carriages that serve as fastening of the door leaf. An aluminum profile is usually used as a guide.

The rollers are made from special polymer material extremely resistant to damage and abrasion. Rotation is carried out by rolling bearings, which ensures ease of movement of the carriage.

Interesting: fittings for sliding systems have a number of distinctive features. Handles must be recessed, otherwise they will interfere with the operation of the door. An ordinary straight lock will not be able to close such a structure, its bolt must be hook-shaped.

A large selection of door panels allows for many options for interior design. You should not use a solid wood canvas, since the severity of this material leads to distortions of the entire structure, leading to a decrease in smoothness.

Important: The sliding door should be made as light as possible by using lighter materials such as aluminium. If the sash weight exceeds 70-75 kg, then it is better to install it on every four or more rollers.

What you need to install sliding interior doors

Before proceeding with the assembly of interior sliding systems, you need to prepare all the materials and tools that you may need during the installation process.

When installing interior sliding doors, you can’t do without a screwdriver or drill

So, we will need:

  • screwdriver or electric drill;
  • perforator (if you need to sample the inside of the wall);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • two cashiers. One is installed on top of the door, and the second on the opposite side of the one into which the door opens;
  • anchors;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • door handles - 2 pcs;
  • finishing nails;
  • extensions - 2 pcs;
  • rack for adjoining the door in the closed state;
  • necessary fittings, such as rollers, fasteners, metal (preferably aluminum) guide bar;
  • door leaf;
  • dry wooden beam 50x50, the width of which is twice the same size of the door.

Tip: in order for the door leaf to fit perfectly, carefully measure the doorway and increase linear dimensions(width and height) by seventy millimeters.

Installation of a sliding structure

To perform any complex options(installation of multi-leaf doors, glass doors that are very heavy or pocket equipment in the wall) it is better to invite real specialists, since any mistakes during the installation process can hit your pocket very hard. A person who has never dealt with sliding structures will be able to install only simple compartment doors.

With the installation of sliding sliding doors, you can easily cope on your own

If you purchased a ready-made kit, then the installation will not take you much effort or time, since it will already have all the necessary accessories provided by the manufacturer. But if you decide to create a sliding system in accordance with your desires and preferences, then you will have to select the equipment yourself and it is very difficult to avoid mistakes when doing this work for the first time.

Let's try to compile such instructions for installing sliding doors, which will allow a beginner to quickly and efficiently carry out everything necessary work. Get ready, you will need the utmost care and accuracy.

Installation should start from the opening. We measure the height of the opening in three places: on the left, in the middle and on the right, and the width in three places: at the top, on the center line of the wall and at the bottom. Next, we check the verticality, perpendicularity and straightness of the corresponding sides. If the design provides for framing, then you should measure the minimum and maximum wall thicknesses, be sure to measure at the corners of the opening, and not just on the sides.

For ease of understanding, we divide the entire further process into simple steps.

Dismantling the old door

First you need to remove the old door, door hinges, carefully remove the trim on both sides, then dismantle the door frame. If it is well fixed and will not interfere with the free movement of the valves, then you can leave it, it will be a continuation of the wall.

Tidying up the walls

Now you need to carefully align the walls, filling all the cracks and cracks. The opening should have clear dimensions (height, width and thickness), parts of brick or foam concrete should not protrude anywhere, drywall should be cut off.

We check the upper part of the opening and the floor for parallelism to each other (tolerance no more than 5 mm) and for horizontalness. Using a plumb line, we check the sides of the opening, here a deviation of no more than 5 mm per 2000 mm is allowed. The more even the walls you manage to achieve, the more tightly the door leaf will fit to them.

Installing the box is a responsible job

If the old box is dismantled, then install a new one. It is very difficult to cope here alone, so it is better to invite a partner. Installing the box doorway and level it with small wedges. We adjust the angle of the structure relative to the floor and walls by moving or sinking the wedges.

We install the door frame, aligning it with wedges

Fasten the box to the wall with screws. We work with a screwdriver very carefully, since any, even minor, damage can lead to sad consequences.

Fixing the top rails

After door frame is ready, we put the door leaf to the opening and mark its upper level on the wall with a pencil. Now we perform the same procedure, but having already installed the canvas directly in the doorway. This must be done in case the floor plane is not flat enough.

If the resulting line is horizontal, we measure 70 mm upwards from it and draw another line. This is where the guide rail will be installed. We attach a pre-prepared wooden beam to the marked line and fix it with self-tapping screws as tightly as possible, regardless of the evenness of the wall. To do this, use as many screws as you need.

Attach the rail to the bottom of the beam

Now to the bottom wooden beam attach the rail. First loosely fasten the guide on one side. To accurately determine the location of the self-tapping screw, it is necessary to divide the thickness of the door in half and add 3-5 mm, necessary to ensure the free movement of the sash (distance from the wall). We carry out the same operation on the other side of the bar. Always make sure that there is sufficient distance between the door leaf and the wall before the final fastening of the rail.

Important: the guide rail must be strictly straight, not the slightest bend is allowed, regardless of the curvature of the wall and timber.

Now you can finally fix the guide.

Assembly of carriages and installation of limiters

Before final assembly carriages, you need to make sure that they move freely

Tip: no need to lubricate the inside of the guide with anything.

We install travel stops along the edges of the guide rail, making sure that the rubber shock absorbers look inward.

Groove at the bottom of the door leaf

We proceed to the design of the groove of the lower end of the door. To do this, we retreat 15 mm from the edge of the sash and drill two holes on each side with a diameter of 7 mm and a depth of 20 mm, between which we cut a groove for the lower guide strictly in the middle.

A perfectly even groove is difficult to make even with a milling cutter. Beginners can be advised to install rails or a U-shaped profile.

The depth of the groove must be at least 18 mm, and the width is 2-3 mm greater than the width of the lower guide, usually a flag or knife. Since it is very problematic to make a perfectly even recess on your own even with the help of an electric drill or a milling cutter, it is preferable to install a U-shaped profile or two rails.

Fasteners for carriages - an important detail

Fastenings to the carriages should be attached exactly in the middle at a distance of at least two millimeters from the side edges of the sash. In this case, the semicircular cutouts on the brackets should be turned towards the wall.

Door leaf installation

Two people are required to install the door leaf. After attaching the canvas to the rail, we combine the bolt of the right carriage with the cutout on the bracket located on the same side. To do this, you need to slightly raise the door. We put the end of the bolt into the mounting hole of the adjusting nut with the washer, which should remain outside the bracket. We fix the brackets on the bolts of the carriages, but not completely.

Now we install the lower guide into the cutout of the lower end. This is easy to do by slightly shifting the lower part from the wall. We return the canvas to a horizontal position and move it to the open state. Use a pencil to mark the longest opening. To adjust the gap between the wall and the leaves, you need to reject the lower part of the door leaf until it is reached and mark the position of the knife on the floor.

Important: the gap between the wall and the door leaf should not exceed 5 mm.

After removing the carriage nuts, remove the canvas and attach the bottom rail to the floor with two self-tapping screws.

We combine the groove with the guide and hang the door leaf again, also not fully tightening the nuts. After setting the required gap between the floor and the door leaf, by tightening or loosening the adjustment bolts on the carriages, we fix the nuts while holding the adjustment bolts from turning.

Decorative design of the sliding system

We install a decorative folding trim over the top rail and mask it in accordance with the general style of the room (you can paste over it with the same wallpaper, or paint it with the paint that the walls of the room are painted with). Attach handles and lock.

How to install a sliding door - video instruction

In order to better understand how to install a sliding door, the video will demonstrate in detail some of the nuances of installing a system with a false wall.

After reviewing the record, you will be able to assemble the first sliding structure in just 3-5 hours.

Of course, you can install a sliding interior door yourself, but in this case you cannot vouch for the quality. After all, only a specialist will be able to take into account all the nuances of each specific case and equip your home with a sliding system that will delight you with its excellent and, most importantly, uninterrupted operation for many years to come.

Sections of the article:

The huge popularity of these designs is due to the ability to save such valuable living space. The market offers many various models such doors. However, having certain skills and using familiar elements, you can make sliding doors with your own hands.

Pros and cons of a sliding door

Before using such an interior solution, you should familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of sliding structures. Unfortunately, these products do not always guarantee the solution of all interior problems. But making a sliding door with your own hands allows you to solve many problems.

Advantages of sliding doors:

  • Space saving;
  • The sliding door will never close against drafts;
  • The shutters open with the slightest effort;
  • Possibility of automation;
  • No thresholds.

While there are many positives, there are significant downsides as well. If you make sliding interior doors with your own hands, and then install them and use them, this will immediately affect the heat and sound insulation.

In addition, such structures are not suitable as entrance doors. It is not suitable for balconies or loggias. But if there is a wall of suitable length, then glass structures can be used. How to make such a sliding door with your own hands, you can watch the video.

Another disadvantage is the cost of accessories. Prices for fittings are much higher than the cost of the same goods for conventional doors. Cloths are also more expensive. In the finished version from a factory or a well-known brand, such a design can cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is very important to make a sliding interior door with your own hands.

Types of sliding systems

With all the variety of doors, the mechanism used in them is the same, and the doors themselves can differ only in appearance.

There are several popular designs:

  • Compartment doors;
  • Cascading models;
  • Harmonic;
  • Multi-leaf systems;
  • radius systems.


An unusual design suggests such unusual fittings. If you are going to make sliding doors with your own hands, you need special locks, handles and other details. Handles and locks for these designs look unusual - the handles are recessed into the canvas. This is done so that nothing interferes with the closing of the canvas.

By purchasing or making a sliding door with your own hands, the canvas can be equipped with all the necessary fittings, or everything will have to be purchased separately. In the second case, it becomes necessary to self-assembly. When choosing, you need to carefully examine the accessories.

How the mechanism works

These doors are called so due to a different way of opening and closing, which is not typical for city apartments. The systems work by means of rollers that move along special guide profiles. If you are going to make a sliding door with your own hands, you need to take the time to choose a mechanism that will fit the canvas. Also, the choice depends on the number of wings, the type of door.

The fact is that the systems differ significantly in weight. Therefore, a different weight means a different load on the entire system.

Telescopic (cascade) sliding doors.

When installing some types of doors, it is necessary to take into account the number of rollers in order to then correctly select the guides for them. For example, if you plan to make cascading sliding doors with your own hands, then you will need to prepare two mechanisms for each leaf. The guide profile must have 2 grooves. It is also very important that for cascading structures one groove is required in the guide profile for each leaf.

Here's how to make sliding doors with your own hands. In the video you can see what mechanisms and fittings are used.

Mounting options

Unique characteristics, high functionality, excellent ergonomic characteristics make it possible to embody the most interesting design ideas. This is very important in a very limited space. And the manufacture and installation of sliding doors with your own hands can be optimal solution and in large areas.

A popular solution is installation sliding system in the same room, but between two zones.

For example, a double-leaf door helps not only to divide the room into different zones, but at the same time leave the room intact. See how sliding doors change the room. They are all handmade. These photos show how the space is zoned.

Another way to use structures is a partition that separates the living part of the room and a balcony or terrace. But this is true only for country cottages. But here right decision there will be a creation of sliding doors with your own hands. Through the transparent glass, sunlight will enter the room, and in summer it will also be warm. If you open the doors, the room expands to infinity.

Often such designs are used in technical rooms. Utility rooms or pantries will be closed and valuable space will be saved. This technique is often used in cramped city apartments.

The most difficult do-it-yourself sliding door to create is a radius model. Here the difficulty is not only in the production of guides, but also in the creation of the web.

Manufacturing process

For starters, here's how do-it-yourself sliding interior doors are made. Watch the video - this video shows the whole process from start to finish.

The first step is to go to the store for accessories and everything you need. But first you need to take measurements. It is very important to know exactly the width, as well as the height of the doorway and the canvas. Knowing these parameters, you can not only acquire everything you need to create sliding doors with your own hands without difficulty and confusion.

Sliding mechanism.

In a hardware store, the first step is to purchase a mechanism. According to the size of door receptions and canvas, consultants will be able to choose the right option. It is worth considering that the length of the guides should be 2 times longer than the canvas. If the system is a little longer, it doesn't matter. You can always cut off the excess.

It is also worth thinking about a new door frame.

It may be necessary to purchase an additional rail for it. Also, before you make sliding doors with your own hands, they usually also purchase decorative strips, as well as thrust rails. If the task is to do beautiful door, then you should choose a suitable one tightly.

Web preparation

For preparatory work, a milling cutter or grinder, drill, hammer and chisel are required. Which tool to choose is a matter of taste, but with the help of a power tool preparatory work can be performed more accurately and much faster.

On the lower end of the canvas, a groove is cut in the center. Its width should be 3 mm. It is needed for the installation and operation of the guide. A more accurate groove is made using a milling cutter. In general, creating beautiful sliding doors with your own hands using only hand tool- impossible.

Next, it's time to unpack the mechanism and find the rollers and staples in the package. First, the rollers are connected to the brackets. On the latter, special holes are provided for this.
The resulting nodes are attached to the upper end of the canvas and outline the contours of the parts. Further - on the same end part, grooves are selected equal to the thickness of the fastening part of the bracket. Then, the part is screwed to the canvas body. In the very simple version without a lock, you can consider a do-it-yourself sliding interior door finished.

At the next stage of work, a lock is installed. The same is used for work. manual frezer. The place of installation is marked. 900 mm are measured from the bottom of the canvas. There will be a pen here. The lock is cut into the center of the canvas. The length of the castle is divided in half. The length of the lock is set aside from the place where the handle will be. This is done in two directions from the center. Further - at this point they make a niche for the castle. Then the lock is inserted and secured with self-tapping screws.

Professionals recommend that before you make a sliding door with your own hands, carefully mark the canvas. If the markup is incorrect, the door can be irreversibly damaged. If door handles are needed, then grooves or a through hole are also cut out for them. Making a hole is much easier and cheaper.

Mounting the mechanism, installing the door

Installation of the sliding system is simple. If you do not know how to make a sliding door with your own hands, then even in this case, installation is not difficult. All that is needed is the installation of a guide profile strictly along the horizon.

The edge of the guide profile must protrude 50 mm from the edge of the opening. On the other hand, the profile must go to the width of the door leaf. The installation height of the mechanism must be calculated. This size is the sum of the height of the canvas and rollers, as well as the gap under the door.

The distance of the profile from the wall depends on the wall itself. If the wall is even, then everything is very simple. If not too flat, then perhaps the process of manufacturing and installing a sliding interior door Doing it yourself can be a little tricky.

The canvas is installed on the guides on the side. After the door sits, a stop is attached from below. Now it remains only to equip the opening. Now you know how to make sliding doors with your own hands. It is not difficult, original and ergonomic.

Such doors are a new trend. Many designers use these solutions in creating unique interiors. Such designs are also popular in Japan. You can decorate your home and expand the space. In addition, how a sliding door is made with your own hands is a very exciting activity.
