After the door is mounted, you need to install the door handle. Despite the simplicity of the product, it is not so easy to install it. In order not to spoil the product and the door, it is necessary to follow the rules and assembly sequence, because each variety is assembled and installed in its own way.

Types of handles

Handles can be divided into 2 types:

  • stationary;
  • working together with a lock or latch.

Stationary - the simplest. They do not have complex mechanisms, the handle is motionless and moves or scrolls only when the thread is loosened or something is broken. Do-it-yourself installation of such a handle on an interior door is quite simple. Most of them are attached with screws. For a more aesthetic look, make a pot for the self-tapping caps and insert decorative buttons that hide the heads. The through type of connection provides for the presence of a threaded stud. You just need to drill a through hole at a height of 80-90 cm, screw the pin into one handle, put it through the hole and screw the other half of the handle.

Installing the latch handle interior doors the more difficult, the more complex the design of the locking mechanism. They can be divided into 2 types:

  • rotary;
  • pressure.

The first type includes ball-shaped handles with the simplest latch. They are also called knobs.

The material and coating of the handles can be any: plastic, metal, wood, glass. The most common are metal with sputtering, chromium plating, nickel plating, etc. The strength and durability will depend on the material. Everyone can choose accessories that meet their needs and desires.

In order to understand how to install a door handle, there is no need to delve into the details - it is enough to consider the installation process.

Installation order

As an example, the installation of door handles with a latch is chosen. Round and oblong are installed in the same way.

To install we need:

  • hand drill or screwdriver;
  • wood crown with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • drill for wood with a diameter of 22-25 mm;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • pencil.

The standard for the height of the handle is 80-90 cm from the floor. Usually it is installed at the level of the belt. It must be borne in mind that for all doors you need to choose the same height, otherwise it will look ugly.

The height must be marked on the door leaf at the end and side. At the end, mark the center in order to subsequently drill a hole for the latch latch. To correctly mark the drilling location on the side of the door, measure the distance from the edge of the latch to the middle of the hole into which the square is inserted. Transfer this length to side part doors.

After marking the centers, we proceed to drilling holes. To do this, you will need a drill, a thin drill (2-4 mm) and feather drills (22 and 25 mm). We need a thin drill in order to set the guide. When drilling with a pen drill through the exit side, chips are formed. To avoid this, it is enough to make a hole with a pen half the thickness of the door, and then start drilling from the back. To do this, we need to make a guide with a thin drill. The first hole is a side hole with a diameter of 25 mm, the second is made on the side with a diameter of 22 mm.

For those models that have 3 additional screws in the kit for attaching the base to the door leaf, it is not necessary to drill a large hole with a crown. It is enough to make a hole for the “square” with a pen drill with a diameter of about 12 mm and holes for the tightening bolts. This design will last longer.

Now mark and make a sweat under the latch. To do this, insert the latch into the end and circle the outline of the bar. Then you need to choose a groove for the bar. Make it better with a milling machine. If one is not available, you can get by with a chisel. It is enough to go deep into the thickness of the bar.

Now installing a handle on an interior door will not be a big deal. All that remains is to assemble the doorknob inside the door leaf. To do this, clean the hole from dust and chips, insert the latch and fix it with self-tapping screws. However, you should not be zealous and clamp it too tight, because otherwise it can jam.

Now thread the square through the latch hole. Then put on the handle. Both left and right handles are included, so make sure you insert them correctly before screwing them on. After installing the handle with a lock, screw the handle with three self-tapping screws to the door leaf.

Also mount the second handle. After assembly, check whether everything works correctly, whether the latch moves, whether it slides in to the end and whether it wedges. At the end, decorative caps are screwed on to hide the fasteners. On the bottom of the handle, there is usually a hidden hex screw to secure the caps.

If you have a round pen, insert a rod into the hole. It has grooves on both sides. There are also grooves on the handle that should match with each other. Put on and press until it clicks.

Lever handles can be mounted on both left and right doors. To change, you need to remove the cylinder mechanism and the locking mechanism from the handle body and swap them in accordance with the side of the door opening.

Strike plate and recess for the lock

Installation door handle on the interior door is finished. It remains to make only the final touch, namely, to cut the mating part of the latch into the hole. The first step is to mark the center of the latch. To do this, close the doors not too tightly and draw a pencil on required level. You can also close the door tightly and open and close the latch several times to leave marks. Now in the middle of the loot, select the groove. It shouldn't be deep. Measure the length of the latch at the largest point and choose 1-2 mm less.

Under the lock, the groove is selected deeper and larger. It all depends on the castle itself. Sometimes the kit may include a plastic overlay in the groove - it must be inserted before the bar is fixed.

A decorative strip is attached over the groove. There is no need to cut it flush. It is enough to fasten with self-tapping screws or nail with carnations. It remains only to check if everything works correctly. This completes the installation of handles on interior doors.

Handles with a lock are installed according to the same principle. The difference will be only in the diameter of the end hole.

Mounting on sliding doors

When installing handles for sliding doors, you need to have a drill, feather drills, simple drills and a milling machine with a cutter in the form of a cylinder. The handle is an oblong tab that goes deep into the door. As in the previous case, you need to decide on the height of the location. Then circle the plastic liner with a pencil on the door leaf.

Using a drill with a 25 mm spade bit, drill holes to a depth of 13 mm very close together inside the contour. Then select everything with a chisel or chisel. In the presence of milling machine make it a cutter. So the hole will be neater. Now insert a plastic insert into the hole and fix it with self-tapping screws or screws. Put a pad on it and press until it clicks.

If you have a round handle for sliding doors, then your task is greatly simplified. You only need to make a hole with a drill of the required diameter. Further, everything is the same as with an oblong handle. On sliding doors you can also install a lock or end grip.

Despite the apparent simplicity, installing a handle on an interior door can be tricky. And if you are not sure about anything, it is better to contact specialists or someone who has experience in such matters. After all, a mistake can ruin your door or handle.

Very often, when changing doors between rooms, the question arises before us - how to properly install a door handle with a lock? With the help of this article, you will be able to install a lock on an interior door quickly, and most importantly, correctly, avoiding the mistakes made by many inexperienced people. In fact, this is not a complicated process at all, it takes up to half an hour for an experienced master, but an inexperienced person in this matter can suffer for several hours.

In this article, we will consider the installation of the most common lock in design today. Such a castle consists of the following parts:

Lock mortising tools

For installation interior lock a minimum set of tools is required, most likely you already have some of them, but if you have to buy something, you will not incur large financial costs.

  1. Roulette and pencil;
  2. Screwdriver or drill;
  3. Stationery knife;
  4. Chisels 10 and 20 mm;
  5. Fountain drill or 23 mm forstner drill;
  6. Drill 2 mm;
  7. Crown for wood at 54 or 50 mm, depending on the thickness of the door;
  8. Masking tape.

This is a list of the most optimal tools that you will need. Special kits for tie-in locks are sold, they are relatively inexpensive, but it will be even cheaper to buy everything separately. Often, such sets include a 22 mm spade drill, it also fits, but then you will have to expand the latch hole with a chisel.

Selection of holes for the handle mechanism of the lock

Like any installation process, the installation of a lock begins with markings. But before that, we will secure the door leaf from accidental damage. To do this, we seal the end and the plane of the door with masking tape at the intended location for the installation of the lock, this is a distance of approximately 90 to 110 cm from the floor. The glued masking tape will not only protect our door from damage, but it will also be much more convenient to mark it.

First of all, mark the height of the door handle with the lock. Most often, the handle is placed at a height of 1 m from the floor level. We measure this distance with a tape measure and put a mark on the plane of the door with a pencil.

When buying this type of lock, it always comes with a template for accurately marking the location of the holes. The cylinder mechanism of the lock from different manufacturers may differ in diameter, so purchase a wood crown after buying a lock. If there is no template in your lock kit, you can print them from this article as pictures and use them when installing the lock.

Gently bend the template along the line of the door ledge and attach it to the end of the door. Depending on the thickness of the door leaf, with a sharp object (self-tapping screw or the tip of a pen drill), mark the centers of the holes according to the template from the end and on the plane of the door.

Using a screwdriver and a wood crown, drill a hole in the plane of the door.

Advice: when drilling, be careful not to drill through the entire door at once. When the pilot drill appears from the back of the door during drilling, stop and start drilling with a crown from the other side, so you will definitely avoid chips on the plane of the door leaf.

The next step is to drill a hole for the lock latch. According to the previously applied mark with a template on the end of the door, with a 23 mm pen drill, we drill a through hole to the previous one.

Keep the drill strictly perpendicular to the door, otherwise in the future the latch may become oblique and it will stick during operation.

The next step is to insert the latch into the end hole, align it with the edge of the door and trace with a pencil along the contour of the decorative frame. After that, we take out the latch and with the help of a clerical knife, along the drawn line, we make an incision of the upper layer of the door leaf. And only then with a chisel we choose a potai for the latch of the lock. The depth of sweat should be slightly less than the thickness of the latch frame, later, when you pull the latch with self-tapping screws, it will be pressed into the tree and become flush with the plane of the door.

Advice: Many beginners immediately start choosing a chisel under the latch, this is wrong, since the door leaf is covered with a film that can be damaged beyond the cut line with a chisel, so cut off the film first.

After selecting the groove, we insert the latch into place and first, with a 2 mm drill, having drilled holes for the screws, we pull the latch into place. If the latch enters the hole tightly, then with a chisel we cut the points of contact between the latch and the hole.

Let's move on to installing the handle. The assembly of the handle is made according to the instructions attached to it. When installing, pay attention to the location of the closing tongue on the handle, if any, it should be located inside the room.

On one of the cylinder mechanisms there is a swivel pin and taps for mounting screws. Remove the decorative rosette from the mechanism using the pin wrench from the kit and mount it in place, screw the second cylinder mechanism on the reverse side with screws.

When tightening the screws, do not overdo it - pinched cylinder mechanisms will not work as they should.

Install all parts of the handle in place according to the attached instructions, on which the work on mounting the handle is completed. In fact, this is done much easier than it seems, you can watch a video clip in which you will clearly see the whole process of installing the lock with your own hands.

Installing the counterpart of the lock

The last step in installing a door lock in an interior door will be the installation of a counterpart on the doorway.

Close the door and make two marks on doorway focusing on the width of the lock latch.

Measure the distance from the corner of the door to the beginning of the latch.

You should have the same distance from the edge of the doorway to the beginning of the deepening of the counterpart. It is necessary to maintain this distance so that in the future the closed door does not go back and forth from the movement of air in the apartment and does not knock.

If the answer is required to be drowned in the door jamb, then we apply it in place and outline its outer and inner contour with a pencil. If it is not necessary to recess, then we outline only the inner contour. It all depends on the gap between the door and the jamb.

With a drill of a suitable diameter (it can also be a feather one, if the hole then does not protrude beyond the answer), we drill a hole for the lock tongue and fix the answer in place, having previously drilled holes for the screws with a 2 mm drill.

Do not forget to expand the holes for the screws to a depth of 2-3 mm, since there are protruding parts on the back of the answer in this place.

We install the answer in place by pulling it with self-tapping screws and try to close the door, if there is an extra backlash, we eliminate it by bending the tongue on the answer.

All the insertion of the lock into the interior door is fully completed, it remains only to clean up the accumulated debris and enjoy the new handles in the doors.

Inset lock with a larva

Very often a situation arises when it is required to install a lock on a door where there is already a handle. For this, any locks with a larva are suitable.

Such locks are rectangular in shape and therefore the tie-in process may seem complicated without the use of special tools. In fact, such locks crash quite easily and with a minimum set of tools. You can place them at your discretion - above or below the already installed handle.

Lock installation sequence:

Installing the counter part of the lock:

  • On open door we put forward the regel (retractable part of the lock) of the lock, that is, we close the lock with the key and leaning it against the doorway, we note what height we will have the counterpart, focusing on the edges of the crossbars;
  • With a tape measure or square, we measure the distance from the edge of the door to the middle of the lock and transfer this distance to the jamb of the doorway;
  • With a pen drill, we drill a series of holes according to the marking and then combine the resulting holes with a wood drill;
  • Having previously fixed the counterpart on the jamb, we cut it along the contour with a clerical knife, and then with a chisel we select the sweat under the response;
  • We install the counterpart in place and check the operation of the lock again.

Just as often, such locks come with handles, the sequence of inserting such a lock does not change, only the operation of drilling a hole for the handle is added.

Well, that's all, the lock is embedded!

Be sure to watch the video on the inset of the castle with the larva, perhaps in it you will notice some subtleties that you did not understand from the article.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Good luck with the repair!

When buying interior doors, you need to be prepared for the fact that the accessories for them may not be included in the kit. You get a canvas and racks from which doors are made. And in this canvas, a hole for the handle will not even be drilled. The thing is that the product can be very different, have a peculiar design and size. And the handle, which will be installed in advance, may not please the residents. In this case, you need to install a door handle on the interior door. This work can be done by hand. You just need to buy a suitable handle and install it.

What types of pens are there? What is the difference? How to install a handle on an interior door? You will learn all this by reading our article.

Interior door handle

To begin with, let's consider what a similar pen is in general. We are all familiar with them, but it is unlikely that the majority thought about it. design features. It is important for us that she helps to open the door. However, during installation it would be nice to get acquainted with its design. Here's what's in a standard doorknob:

  1. Handle for opening doors (2 pcs.).
  2. Decorative rings that cover the bolts and fasteners of the handle.
  3. One rod or bar of metal that connects one and the other handle of the handle.
  4. The socket is the body of the mechanical part of the structure, in which locks, springs and a tongue cannot be dispensed with.
  5. Stoppers that limit the movement of the tongue and handle.

But, in addition to the standard configuration, all handles for interior doors differ in the installation method, their shape, principle of operation, material and the presence of a lock. If we talk about the installation method, then there are two types of door handles:

  • overhead or stationary;
  • mortise.

Overhead - fairly simple products that are enough to attach to the door leaf. The work is easy and fast. But the mortise door handles are installed in the canvas in the mortise holes. Here you will have to work hard.

As for the way the door handles work, they are divided into the following types:

If we talk about the materials from which they are made, then there is plenty to choose from. Some are made of wood, others are made of metal (aluminum, brass), there are even glass, plastic and stone interior handles. The most popular are metal products coated with chromium, nickel, etc. The material guarantees the wear resistance and service life of the handle.

Note! Products can be equipped with a lock or sold without it. This is chosen according to the needs of the user. When the doors often have to be closed as needed, it is better to stop at models with a latch and put it on.

Nuances before installing the handle

Have you ever wondered how high the handle is? This is very important, because if placed incorrectly, it will be inconvenient for users to use it. If it is high, it will be difficult to reach, and if it is low, you will bend down. In fact, there is no single standard that is used to guide the installation of a handle with or without a latch. However, there are some recommendations.

During operation, it was noticed that the best option for placing a handle for interior doors regarding height is a distance of 1 m from the floor. But, each owner can raise or lower this value, based on their own preferences and the growth of family members. It is important to remember one more thing - focus on the height of the handles that you already have in your home. Then it will be easier to choose best option. Having all the knobs at the same level will make them easier to use.

Tools to get the job done

Before you start installing handles on the door, it is important to make sure that you have all the necessary tools for the job. They are simple and can be found in everyone in the house. Here is the list:

  • chisel;
  • pencil or marker, square and tape measure;
  • drill;
  • drill, crown;
  • screwdriver

With this set of tools, the job will be much easier. It is clear that you can embed the handle fittings without a crown with a screwdriver, but this will take more time and effort. A crown is an attachment for a drill, thanks to which a perfectly even hole can be made in the canvas in just a few moments.

It is more convenient to work when the door is removed from the hinges. This makes it much more convenient to work. Therefore, do not rush to install it in its place immediately after purchase. When it is impossible to remove it, then you need to properly fix it so that the canvas does not move during operation. This is how you can clearly and correctly mark up and embed the lock.

Another important point- Familiarize yourself with the instructions for the pen. We are accustomed to resorting to it only after wrong actions. However, to avoid them, you just need to read the instructions first. It will indicate all the dimensions, thanks to which it will be possible, ideally, to choose the diameter of the pen and the crown.

Now you can consider the installation instructions, which will help you cope with the task quickly, easily and without errors. And for those who take up such work for the first time, a visual video will be provided.

What's to be done

Consider the list of steps after which the door handle will be installed in its place. All work consists in performing 6 steps. Here they are:

  1. Marking the canvas.
  2. Creating a hole for the lock.
  3. Lock installation.
  4. Handle notch.
  5. Applying markings on the loot.
  6. Creating a groove in the loot.

This is how the handle is installed on the interior door. In order not to miss important details, let's look at each step separately.

Stage 1 - marking the door leaf

Have you already decided on the height of the handle fixation? If not, then it's time to do it. After all, the markup will be performed based on this indicator. To properly markup, you will need a square, tape measure and pencil. With their help, you need to mark on the canvas the places for the holes for the handle. You should measure the distance from the floor and draw a horizontal line with a marker. They are already moving further from it, transferring the markup to the end of the canvas and to the opposite part.

Now you need to mark the place on the end where exactly the hole for the lock tongue will be placed. Along the same line, on each side of the door at an equal distance from the beginning (approximately 60 mm), a place is marked for installing the handle itself.

Stage 2 - creating a hole for the lock and handle

Using a drill and crown, a hole is created for the handle. You will need to drill the canvas on each side, deepening exactly half the thickness of the door. To make work easier, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to make a mark on the crown with a marker. Why not just drill a hole on one side? So the crown can go to the side and the hole will be uneven. In addition, on the opposite side, the door trim can be damaged and damaged. The drill is held strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. It is important to avoid deviations in any direction. And with a chisel after work, you can remove and smooth out all the bumps.

As for the hole for the lock, it is made with a drill with a pen desired diameter The work is done carefully, because the distance between the corner of the butt and the pen itself is not very large. There is an opinion that it is better to make a hole for the latch first, and then deal with the handle. But, in what sequence to carry out the process is everyone's business.

Stage 3 - installation of the door lock

This is a simple task when the lock hole is completely ready. It remains only to insert the lock into it. The lock pad is applied on top and circled around the edges with a pencil. Next comes the chisel. With its help, a layer of wood equal to the width of the lining is removed from the marks. Then it can be drowned in the end of the door. To simplify the task, chisels of different widths are used.

The overlay is fixed in the prepared place with screws. it is recommended to make holes for them in advance using a thin drill. It is enough to attach the overlay to its place and mark the attachment points with a pencil.

Stage 4 - handle insert

It's time to get on with the pen. They come with screws on the outside. It is not necessary to disassemble this type of handle. It is only necessary to stop one part in place, falling into the latch hole with its two guides. They have screw threads. After that, the second half is attached and the two parts are pulled together with each other by means of bolts. Twisting is done evenly so that the handle works without problems, and the latch has a simple move.

If the handle has a hidden screw, then it will need to be disassembled. How to disassemble the door handle of an interior door? Often, such handles come with assembly and disassembly instructions, as well as keys for this. Based on it, we disassemble the structure, fasten the collapsible part with bolts and install the handle in its place. You should not use brute force, if everything is done correctly, then the assembly will be easy.

Stage 5 - marking on the loot

At this point, the door handle is ready. It remains only to complete some details regarding the loot. It will need to cut a hole for the tongue and lock (if any). If you want the door to open and close easily, you will have to make high-quality markings.

To do this, you will need to close the interior door and mark the location of the tongue and lock on the loot from the front, marking their top and bottom. The exact middle of the castle is determined for the squares and the marking is transferred to the end of the loot. Now everything is ready for the final step.

Stage 6 - creating a groove in the loot

Focusing on the markup, using a drill and a pen, a hole is made for the tongue and lock. All excess is removed with a chisel. Next, the overlay is installed. But, before installing it, it is important to check the performance of the handle for interior doors. You will have to close the door and check if the tongue from the handle and the lock enter. Do not be surprised if the closed door will play a little or stagger. The thing is that the groove is not yet equipped with an overlay.

Now it's time to fix the bar. It is fixed flush so as not to interfere with the smooth running of the door. In fact, the work is no different from fixing the lining on the back side. Everything superfluous is removed with a chisel, holes are drilled, and the overlay is fixed with the bolts included in the kit.

To help the inexperienced cope with the task, we have prepared a visual video that will show how to install door handles on interior doors.


Do not be upset when the door you bought does not have handles. On the contrary, this is good, since you can choose a product that will be convenient in your case. And since there are so many options, there will be plenty to choose from. With the installation of the handle on the interior door should not be a problem. Thanks to the step-by-step instructions, it will stand in a few hours.

Installing a handle on an interior door is an activity that does not require special skills and secret knowledge. Any man can cope with this task, if at least once in his life he held tools in his hands. Difficulties can arise only if a person has never been involved in any repair and construction work and has not been interested. But even in this case, there is nothing to worry about: from our article you will learn how to correctly, quickly and efficiently install the handle on an interior door. We will also talk about how to decide on the model of the handle, and how to correctly calculate the required height of its placement on the door leaf.

What does it consist of

To make it easier to cope with the installation of door fittings, we will find out what parts and elements are included in the handle.

  • Lever. This is the main decorative part of the product.
  • Each handle has a special ring that is attached to the door.
  • Rod and rosette- also two integral parts of the door handle.
  • Stroke limiter. This element prevents the sash from hitting the wall when opened.
  • Stoppers.

And here is how the handle is repaired plastic windows, can be read in this

In addition to the above, the following elements are also sometimes included in the "composition" of the door handle:

  • lock mechanism;
  • tongue;
  • metal box overlay; (so be sure to know)
  • screw for tightening the structure. This detail is necessary when the handle is installed on a hollow interior door.

It happens that the “composition” of the handle also includes a latch. In order to install such a model, you will need to insert an additional rotary screw. Keep this in mind.

How to choose

Let's find out what types of handles for interior doors are now on the market, what are their features and advantages.

On outlet

This type of handle is the easiest to install. A large hole is not required here, it is only necessary that the rod of the product freely passes into the prepared round opening.

On outlet

Outside, the hole is closed with a convex rosette handle, most often round and decorative.


This is the name of a handle with a rotary system that has a latch or provides a keyhole. This is a convenient option for those interior doors that must be locked: to the bathroom, toilet.

However, the choice of such a model should be approached especially carefully: a noba made of low-quality material with active use will quickly become unusable. You should also pay attention to how it looks and how it can be installed.


In order to use this handle to open the door, you need to press it and move the handle down.

push model

Everyone came across these types of structures when they visited the offices of officials in some government agencies: it is in such offices that these laconic and practical models. But they are also installed at home, especially if the style of the home is also concise and minimalistic. But how to choose a lock for the entrance metal door, can see


This type of handle consists of two parts, each of which requires a separate mortise. This type of door hardware can be made with or without a latch. If the product is not equipped with a lock, the door will not lock from the inside. The latch allows you to both lock yourself in the room from the inside, and close the room from the outside with a key.

handle latch

In addition to choosing the principle of operation of the handle mechanism, it is necessary to take into account the external design of the product, its shape, and the material from which the product is made. And here is what a multi-point lock looks like on aluminum door, and how you can install it yourself, this will help you understand

Most often, handles for interior doors are made of wood or metal.

But there are specimens made of glass, plastic, and even stone. A lot of people choose metal models with different types external coating: chrome, nickel, brass, etc. In addition, pay attention to the fact that some types of handles are designed to be installed on the right side of the door, and some on the left. Check this point with the seller.

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What arsenal of tools will be needed to professionally and efficiently install a door handle.

  • A drill and a screwdriver are indispensable tools for drilling holes and tightening self-tapping screws.
  • Various drills. Necessarily - a pen, as well as crowns of different sizes.
  • A hammer is a tool that is in every home.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • A pencil and a square will help position the handle on the door leaf perfectly even.
  • Stationery knife, as well as an awl.
  • A tape measure will help determine the height of the handle to be installed.
  • The conductor is also useful - a kind of template used to install handles. It will make it easier to take measurements and drill holes.

Here's what it looks like and how you can install it

Determination of the desired height

We will find out what tips will help you correctly calculate the required height for installing the handle.

But it should be noted that if we start from GOSTs, then these standards clearly indicate the height of the handle - this is one meter from the floor. Of course, we are not at all obliged to follow such recommendations in our apartments and houses, since in this case they are intended rather for professional builders.

It is best to observe the same height of the handles throughout the apartment, especially if the doors are located nearby. And in general, this approach is much more convenient, because, having got used to it, you will already be “on the machine” to open the doors throughout the house.

If you install the handle in the nursery, and the child is still small, it will not be superfluous to take into account this nuance and provide the door to the baby's room with fittings located within its reach.

How to install

We will find out what steps you need to take to install the handle on the interior door yourself.

Before starting work, it is necessary to mark up so that the product is located correctly, evenly and at the required height. For measuring work, you need a simple pencil and a square. First, measure the desired height from the floor. As already mentioned, this height varies from 90 to 100 cm. Consider your height and arm length - select this parameter individually, focusing on your feelings: the main thing is to be comfortable.

In order to properly markup with your own hands, draw a horizontal line at the desired height using a square. The handle usually cuts 6 cm from the end of the door. Mark on received horizontal line this point. Do all the same actions on the other side of the door, having precisely determined the area where the product will be installed. It is possible at the same stage to mark a place for inserting a recess under the tongue, if it is provided by the model.

Having decided on the height and exact location of the handle, attach the jig from the end of the door in this place. It will facilitate further drilling work. Take a drill and make a through hole in the door leaf with it: it is clear that in the place where you intend to place the fittings.

With a pen drill or a crown of a smaller diameter, make another hole in the same place, but from the end. Inside the resulting “tunnel”, insert the tongue of the product with a lock, and immediately check on the spot how it works. And here is how to install an electronic combination lock on front door, and how to do all the work with your own hands, this will help to understand

On the video, how to install a handle on an interior door:

Circle with a simple pencil lining contours, and then remove a small layer of material so that the part is installed aesthetically. Screw on the cover with self-tapping screws.

Place the core of the product inside the lining, and put the handle itself on top of it, equipped with a ring and a decorative rosette. In the event that the ring fits too tightly against the door and rubs against it, it is necessary to grind off a little of the door covering with a chisel so that the ring turns out to be recessed in the door array.

Screw the mechanism with self-tapping screws (usually three are enough), or secure with special pins. Fasten the overlay with the decor on top of the structure. This most often requires a hex wrench of a suitable size.

Latch Installation

Sometimes for doors in a house it is very convenient to use a model with a latch, which will allow, if necessary, to close the door tightly and securely, providing a person with private room peace and solitude. Let's find out how to install a handle on an interior door with a latch lock.

Drill a hole in the door leaf - it must necessarily coincide with the area where the latch mechanism itself will be located.

If the latch has a tongue, then you need to cut another hole on the door frame for it. But in the case when the lock works by fixing the so-called latch tongue, there is no need to cut an additional hole.

We examined the features of installing a handle on an interior door leaf. And, as mentioned at the beginning, there is nothing complicated here. Therefore, having chosen the right product, armed with simple tools and our recommendations, you can easily equip the doors in your house with stylish and necessary fittings.

In this material, we will consider with you how to disassemble the knob knob, which have received an unusual distribution on interior doors. And also along the way we learn how these handles are installed. Below you can find not only instructions in pictures, but also watch a video.

To install the handle-knob, it is necessary to mark on the door and make two main holes, according to the template, which, as a rule, is included with the handle with installation instructions. So, let's start installing the handle, disassembling it along the way.

Given interior door:

We make a sample hole from the end of the door leaf under the latch. Hole diameter from 23 to 25 mm: It is convenient to make a hole with a so-called spade drill for wood.

With a crown on a tree with a diameter of 50 mm, a through hole is made for the main fastening of the handle. The distance from the end of the leaf to the center of the hole is 60 or 70 mm, depending on the latch that is included in the kit.

You can find a template for installing a knob-knob from some manufacturers in the form of a stencil on the inside of the box or in the attached instructions. It is very convenient to use ready-made kits for installation, which are called “installation kit interior handles". It is not scary (and often useful on the contrary) if the holes are made with a diameter of 1-2 mm larger than recommended. The latch mechanism is two-position: provides for the possibility of installing a knob on the door, with different widths of the first bar of the door. The removal of the center of the handle-knob from the edge of the door leaf in the standard is 60mm:

but by moving the sleeve under the square, you can set the distance to 70 mm:

The standard height of the handle on the door is approximately 950 mm from the floor level. Next, to install the knob-knob, we partially disassemble the inner half of the handle in order to gain access to the holes for the mounting tie-down screws. To do this, we will use a special “key” from the handle kit or any suitable item, for example, a knitting needle. There is a special hole on the handle, through which the door knob should be disassembled. In the photo shown it is round, but it may be various shapes. This hole is located at the bottom of the handle:

Through the hole we press the spring-loaded latch, while simultaneously pulling out the handle of the interior knob.

We take out the handle and completely remove it:

Then you need to pry off the outer decorative flange of the handle with any sharp object. Take a closer look, as a rule, the flange has a corresponding groove for this:

well, the knob-knob is disassembled and we got access to the mounting screws

Further assembly of the handle-knob occurs on the door in the reverse order.
First, install the latch in the door and secure with two screws from the end. It will look like this:

Rectangular latch mechanism faceplate, flush mounted with door leaf. To do this, marking under it, with a chisel, the required depth is selected at the end of the door leaf. The same applies to the striker of the knob, which is installed according to the markup, on door frame. Also, under it, the required depth is sampled with a chisel.

Further, it is already possible to assemble the knob-knob on the door leaf, pulling together the disassembled halves with fixing screws. The square of the handle and bushings for the mounting screws will, during installation, pass through the previously installed latch, through its technological holes

Handles-knobs are universal and are not divided into left / right-handed. The design provides for the installation and adjustment of the knob for any door with a thickness of at least 35mm.

If the shape of the knob-knob has an asymmetrical shape of a ball, etc., then after installing the knob on the door, using the method described above, remove the knob handle, and change the outer and inner handles in places, having achieved their correct location, relative to the location of the door leaf ( left or right side). The mechanism of the latch or lock, if any, is also given in correct location, and if required, also swap the outer and outer sides.

The handle, assembled and without distortions, installed on the door, should work easily in both directions and independently, under the action of a return spring, return to its original position. If this does not happen, then you need to check the evenness of the installation, as well as tighten or loosen the fixing screws, achieving their equal tightening and soft stroke of the knob.
