You ordered the installation of interior doors, but for some reason did not cut locks into them? Don't worry, you can do this work yourself. Next, we will step by step analyze how to embed a lock in interior door, but since locks are different, you will learn how to properly embed a lock in 2 versions, with your own hands and with a minimum set of available tools.

Inserting a lock into an interior door with your own hands is a very real task for a home master.

In specialized departments, the number of various kinds of locks and constipation dazzles in the eyes, however, specifically for interior doors, there are only 2 types of locks:

  1. An ordinary latch with a handle, which is designed to simply fix the door leaf in the opening. Often such mechanisms are installed in services or in the kitchen. They differ from competitors in that there are no keys here. A maximum of them can be a rotary lock;

Locks with latches are not intended for capital locking of doors.

  1. The second option can already be called a full-fledged lock with a set of keys. In apartments and houses, such locks are rarely inserted on interior doors. More often this type of door lock is used in offices where there is a need to lock the doors of departments.

Capital installation of the lock in the interior door provides for a set of keys.

Relatively recently, such a curiosity as a magnetic lock appeared on this market. It is inserted in the same way as a regular one, but it works a little differently. There are 2 magnets installed, one in the lock, the second in the reciprocal bar. When the canvas is closed, they are attracted and the doors snap into place.

To open such a mechanism, you need to turn the handle or key. The solution, of course, is interesting, but it is not in great demand among the people. Firstly, the price of a magnetic door lock is higher, and secondly, not everyone likes such automatic locking, plus various metallized debris is attracted to them.

Installation of magnetic locks in interior doors is not yet very popular.

Self-cutting locks in 2 versions

We decided with models of constipation, now let's talk about how to install them yourself in interior doors. But first, let's deal with the tool, since in both cases the set is the same.

Minimum set of tools

To install a lock on an interior door, you won’t need a lot of tools, plus the whole tool is relatively inexpensive, often every home master has such a set.

  • Electric drill;
  • Screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers;
  • A pair of chisels with a sting of 10 mm and 20 mm;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Hammer;
  • Fountain drill for wood 23 mm, and better set pen drills 10 - 25 mm;
  • A crown for wood with a diameter of 50 mm and an adapter for an electric drill for this crown.

Installing locks in interior doors does not require a lot of expensive tools.

Option number 1. Install a light latch

We start the installation, as usual, with the markup. According to the rules, the distance from the lower edge of the door leaf to the core of the lock is 950 mm. In office buildings, it is advisable to adhere to it so that the fireman does not get nervous, and at home you can put it at any height.

Often, on such latches, the distance from the side edge of the web to the center of the mechanism is 60 mm. But it is better to clarify this parameter in the instructions for the mechanism, because in different models cutting depth may vary.

Data on the depth of the lock insert is in the instructions for it.

Now, using a square or the same tape measure, we transfer the side mark to the center of the end of the door leaf and make a mark.

To drill a strictly horizontal, even hole on an already installed door, the canvas is desirable to be rigidly fixed. The easiest way is to insert a pair of wedges on both sides between the floor and the canvas. Then insert a feather drill (23 mm) into the drill and drill a horizontal hole along the length of the mechanism.

Be careful, the slightest skew to the right or left can cause the drill to come out from the side and permanently ruin the blade.

To cut a hole on the front of the canvas, we need a wood crown. Insert it into the drill and start drilling according to the markup. But at first, the hole is not drilled through, but only until the moment when the central drill of the crown comes out from the back. After that, pull out the crown and do the same on the reverse side.

The moment of drilling the blade with a bit on both sides is very important, if you try to go through the entire blade on one side, then the bit can seriously damage the reverse side of the blade when it exits.

Now you need to insert the lock into the end hole and outline the perimeter of the lock bar. Make sure that the bar is in a strictly vertical position.

The bed under the end plate of the lock is cut with a chisel. Be careful not to go too deep, often 1 - 1.5 mm is enough. If you accidentally chose a too deep groove, then you can put a piece of cardboard or paper under the bottom.

To rigidly fix the mechanism, it must be inserted into the hole and fixed with two self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws will go in much better if you first punch the entry points with an awl or drill holes with a thin drill.

Option number 2. We put a major lock

We will not retell the marking technique for this type of lock again, since any locks in interior doors are installed at the same height. But it is highly undesirable to embed capital locks on the hang, so you will need to remove the door leaf from the awnings, then put it and fix it upside down.

Unlike a simple latch, a capital lock has a fairly large mechanism. We will choose the groove for it using the same pen drill, for this you need to mark the center line at the end of the canvas. Then we select a pen drill according to the thickness of the lock and drill a series of holes to the depth of the lock.

When the hole is completely selected, we just have to choose a bed for the front plate of the lock. The sampling technology is identical and we have already talked about it above. Then you screw the lock, insert the handles into it and mount the decorative lining.

A few words about the installation of the reciprocal bar

The technique for installing a striker for a small latch and a capital lock is no different. If you have coped with the insertion of the lock into the canvas, then mounting the striker on the loot will not cause you any difficulties.

First, a hole for the lock tongue is marked and drilled on the loot. Then we apply the reciprocal bar to the loot and circle it around the perimeter. Now it remains only to cut the bed under the bar with a chisel and fasten it with self-tapping screws.

Installing the reciprocal bar is often not difficult.


Inserting a lock into an interior door is not a tricky business and any House master able to deal with it. The main thing is not to forget about those little things that we pointed out in the article.

Standard locks that are installed on interior doors are often subject to replacement for various reasons. In addition, the finished canvas can be sold without a locking mechanism. Installing a door lock is a rather difficult operation that requires an understanding of the design of the device and knowledge of the nuances of operation. The main factor determining the installation features is the type of locking mechanism.

Design features are the main factor by which all locking devices used in interior doors are classified. Consider the most popular devices installed in interior doors.

Requires precision, while the mechanism is reliable and durable

Latch (normal). This type of locking device is the most common. Ordinary latches are used in interior canvases everywhere. Installing a lock on an interior door in this case is not difficult, which often attracts buyers. The peculiarity of this device is that its design includes a cylinder and a locking tongue controlled by a special mechanism. Most often, such locks are sold complete with a handle. Thus, in order to avoid mistakes during the installation process, it is necessary to study the instructions that will allow you to answer the question of how to insert the handle into the interior door.

Latch with lock. The mechanisms that belong to this group are an improved modification of the previous type of locking devices. In their design there is another element - a latch. Its function is to keep the lock closed. For interior doors, such products are perfect.

Helpful information! Today you can find two types of latches equipped with a latch: push-button and lever. For home use, it is recommended to pay attention to the second option.

Mortise mechanism. It is the second most popular among interior door locks. Installation in the canvas requires precision and care. Mortise devices are reliable and have a long service life. They are most often used for doors in personal accounts and bedrooms. Unlike the previous type, these devices are opened with a key.

There are two types of mortise mechanisms. The first option provides for the possibility of unlocking the door from both sides (key-key). In the second case, a combination is used, which consists of a key and a turntable. In this situation, a separate insert of the handle into the interior door is required. How to perform this operation? For this, there is a special step-by-step instruction.

Overlay lock. From the point of view of installation, this option is the most acceptable. However, overhead devices do not meet modern safety standards. They can be easily disabled by mechanical action.

Magnetic lock. The cost of such devices is higher than the price of standard varieties of locking mechanisms. Their main advantage is their quiet operation. That is why they are most often mounted on interior doors, which are intended for bedrooms and children's rooms. It is quite difficult to insert a lock into an interior door on your own. The price of installing magnetic mechanisms depends on the features of their design and the type of door.

Lever device. Such devices are able to provide good protection for the premises. They open with a key and are used not only for interior, but also for entrance canvases.

Installing a lock on a door: flat and round devices

Most often, interior doors are equipped with locks that are most suitable for use in such conditions. These include flat and round mechanisms, which differ from each other in the shape of the case.

Flat interior locking devices are expensive. Their self-installation accompanied by certain difficulties due to the design. However, such devices have one major advantage: they provide a high degree of protection against intrusion by unauthorized persons.

It is worth noting one important feature flat mechanisms: their installation weakens the door and frame. Before embedding a lock in a wooden door, it is necessary to establish its compatibility with the canvas. Experts recommend mounting flat products in cash doors. Canvases made from MDF are not suitable for installing full-fledged flat mechanisms. As a rule, shortened versions of devices are cut into them.

Helpful information! When installing a flat mechanism in a door made of MDF, it must be taken into account that the thickness of the tongues should not be more than 15 mm. And also in this case, the restriction applies to the end plate of the locking device. Its width should not exceed 24 mm.

Round locking mechanisms are the best option for installation at home. Therefore, they are most often found in interior doors. You do not need to have special skills and abilities to install a lock on a wooden door. The main advantage of such devices is compatibility with canvases of any type. Most often, two types of handles are used for such mechanisms: fall and knobs. The second type of products is considered the most suitable. Knob knobs are recommended for installation at home, as they are reliable and convenient.

Installing a door lock in interior doors: the necessary tools

In order to independently carry out the installation of the locking mechanism, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools. The installation of such devices does not require a large number of devices and fixtures. The minimum set includes the following elements:

  • pencil (for marking);
  • measuring tape;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife;
  • chisels (10 and 20 mm);
  • set of drills;
  • masking tape.

Before starting installation, it is recommended to study step by step instructions, which will help you figure out how to install a lock on an interior door. It is worth noting that at present, special kits can be found on sale, with the help of which locking mechanisms are inserted into blades made of various materials.

Locking tool insertion kits typically include a 22mm spade bit. Such a part is not suitable for organizing a latch hole. In this case, it is recommended to use a chisel.

Inserting a lock into an interior door: a preparatory stage

Final result self-assembly locking mechanism depends on many factors. First of all, the type of door and the design of the lock itself influence the degree of complexity of the installation. Experts advise to draw up a preliminary drawing of the device. It should contain information about the location of future holes required for fixing elements, handles, etc.

Note! If the old mechanism is being replaced with a new one, then it is recommended to study the instructions, which will allow you to understand the interior door with a handle.

The more detailed the drawing was drawn up, the less likely it is to make certain installation errors. Before starting installation, it is necessary to prepare the door for installation. The preparatory stage includes the marking of the canvas. It is this method that will allow you to properly insert the lock into the interior door.

First of all, you need to determine the height of the castle above the floor. The standard value on which the locking mechanisms of interior doors are located is 1 m. If desired, you can reduce or increase the distance from the floor by 10 cm. The price of installing a lock in an interior door ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles. The final cost depends on the type of lock and the nature of the work. Repair of locking mechanisms can cost about 1,500 rubles.

After determining the desired height of the device, it is necessary to seal the place where the installation will be carried out with masking tape. Most often, a ready-made template is sold complete with locking mechanisms, which allows you to perform accurate marking for a specific model. It must be applied to the end and flat surface of the door.

How to insert a lock into an interior door: marking without a stencil

You can mark all the necessary points where holes for installing fasteners will be made without using a template. For this, there is an instruction that you need to pay attention to. Marking is done with a pencil or chalk.

First of all, it is required to measure a distance of 1 m from the floor. A horizontal mark is made at the desired point. Next, you need to draw a vertical line. The point of intersection of the two lines is the center of the mounting of the locking mechanism. The preparatory stage of inserting a lock into an interior door with your own hands requires special care. After marking the place where the locking device will be located, the points corresponding to the holes of the latch (on the end surface) and the door handle are determined.

Then you need to attach the body of the locking mechanism to the lines and mark the lower edge of the device. Next, you need to separate the slats. The distance in this case corresponds to the thickness of the lock. After wiring, two parallel lines are marked, which should be perpendicular to the horizontal lines at a distance of 5 cm.

Note! The accuracy of the measurements affects the correct installation of the lock and handle in the interior door. Errors in the markup lead to various problems that prevent the normal operation of the locking device. The lock is installed on the end side of the door leaf. In this case, it is necessary to clearly outline the central point.

How to embed a lock in a wooden door: organizing holes for the handle and the lock mechanism

The next step, which follows the marking of the door leaf, involves making holes for the handle and the locking mechanism. This process is also divided into several stages.

First you need to prepare a tool that will be used to arrange holes. The easiest way to do this work is with a screwdriver and a special nozzle (wood crown). The hole for the locking device mechanism is made on the flat surface of the door leaf. And first you should make a recess on the outside, and then on the inside. This procedure will avoid damage to the electronic screwdriver.

The crown is used to organize holes for the core and handle. The locking mechanism is installed on the door using another nozzle - a pen drill. It is used to make a latch hole on the end side of the web. It is important to remember that the drill must be immersed in the wood at a right angle.

Then you need to remove the tool and use a construction knife to remove the outer layer of wood in accordance with the marked lines. After that, using a chisel, you need to organize a groove for the crossbar. Its depth should not exceed the width of the crossbar frame. At the end, the latch is installed and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Inserting a lock into an interior door: a cutter for installation

The easiest way to install the locking mechanism involves the use of a milling device. Fraser is vertical machine, which has small dimensions and is quite easy to handle. In order to install the lock in interior canvas using a milling device, you must first remove the door from the hinges and put it perpendicular to the floor (on its side).

Next, you will need to take measurements and set marks corresponding to the location of the mechanism tongue. The next step in installing a lock on an interior door with your own hands is to transfer the parameters of the device to the canvas. To do this, you need to attach the lock to the surface of the door and circle its body with a pencil.

Note! In order to eliminate the possibility of making mistakes, it is recommended to study video materials that will help answer the question of how to embed a lock in an interior door. Videos and photos allow you to study in more detail all the nuances of the process.

Then, straight lines must be drawn on the side of the canvas. After that, using the machine, you need to make a recess for the lock. The next step involves changing the nozzle to milling machine and making a socket for the lock case. The exact implementation of this instruction helps to correctly organize the opening for the locking mechanism. To check the correct operation, you need to check the device with the place prepared for it.

Related article:

Varieties of devices for interior doors. Latch locks, magnetic, electronic. Mortise and hinged devices. Councils for selection and installation.

How to install a lock in an interior door without using a cutter? The seat for the locking mechanism can be prepared without the use of special electrical equipment. For this work, ordinary hand tools. It is important to remember that this method is not suitable in all cases. For example, mounting a lock with a latch is impossible without the use of milling equipment.

Installing a locking mechanism with a larva: step by step instructions

Mechanisms that include a core (larva) are used in cases where the leaf is already equipped with a door handle. Such locking devices have a rectangular shape. The design features of these devices affect the degree of complexity of their installation. A person who does not have special skills in this area is recommended to study the installation instructions very carefully.

Installing a door handle on an interior door in this case is not required. This simplifies the workflow somewhat. First of all, for the installation of a locking mechanism with a larva, it is necessary to choose the location of the device. It can be positioned above or below the handle.

After you have chosen a place for installation, you must strictly follow the installation instructions. First you need to markup, for this you should draw a center line on the end of the canvas. Next, a standard procedure is carried out, which consists in transferring outlines. After that, you need to make holes on the center line, having a small distance from each other. With the help of a drill, excess web material is removed (between the holes). The result should be a socket for the locking mechanism.

The most suitable area for mounting the appliance is under the door handle. Installation on the interior door can be done using hand tools. The next stage of installation is the insertion of the mechanism with the larva into the opening, which was completed earlier. The device is fixed using self-tapping screws.

Then you need to mark the perimeter of the lock plate. A construction knife is suitable for this work. With the help of a chisel, excess material is removed. The well under the plate must exactly match its dimensions.

Note! If you plan not only to install a locking device, but also to install a door handle, you must read the instructions for replacing it.

After marking and selecting the lock plate, attach the locking device to the surface of the leaf and transfer the contours of the larva to the door. It is important to remember that this operation is performed both on the outside and on the inside of the door. Using a drill, you need to make a hole for the secret (larva). For a free arrangement of the mechanism inside the recess, it is recommended to make it somewhat wider than the dimensions of the lock.

At the last stage, the mechanism is mounted in a nest prepared in advance for it. The locking device is fixed by means of self-tapping screws. After installation, you need to check the correct operation of the device. At the end, you can decorate the surface of the door at the place where the lock is installed with special overlays, which are fixed with self-tapping screws.

How to embed a lock in an interior door: installation of a counterpart

In order for the door to be locked, it is necessary to install a striker with a hole for the lock tongue on the door frame. The installation of this element is quite simple.

The price of inserting a lock into an interior door depends on the type of mechanism. In any case, self-installation saves money. The first step is to mark the area in which the reciprocal bar will be located. This section must correspond to the parameters of the latch of the locking device. To do this, it is necessary to close the door leaf and put two lines on the boat, indicating the boundaries of the latch. It is also recommended to measure the distance between the upper border of the latch and the corner of the door leaf. The obtained parameters should be transferred to the doorway.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the accuracy of the installation of a door handle with a latch or other type of locking mechanism. The device must be level. Otherwise, there may be problems with the opening and closing of the door leaf.

Helpful information! As an alternative to mechanisms that have a standard latch, you can purchase a magnetic lock. It differs in operational reliability and noiselessness. Installing a magnetic lock in an interior door has its own characteristics, however, subject to the instructions, it can be performed by a beginner.

After marking the zone corresponding to the latch, it is necessary to attach the striker to the door frame. There is one important rule, which will help to carry out a competent installation of the response element. If the part will be recessed into the material of the boat, then in this case it is necessary to outline its contour both on the inside and on the outside. In turn, if the reciprocal bar is located directly on the surface, then it should be limited to marking the internal contour.

After marking the striker, you need to make holes for the tongue and fixing products (self-tapping screws). After that, you can proceed to install the reciprocal bar. At the end of the work, it is required to close the door and check the size of the gap. If necessary, excess play is eliminated very simply. All that is needed for this is to bend the tongue of the lock on the striker.

How to disassemble the door handle of a round-type interior door

The method of dismantling round door handles for interior panels may differ depending on the design features of the fittings. The most convenient are products that have two tightening screws. In this case, self-dismantling is easiest. To do this, unscrew the fixing elements and remove the mechanism.

However, there are situations that require more effort. Mechanisms that are more complex from a structural point of view are dismantled in several stages. On modern interior doors, round parts equipped with a button and various decorative elements are quite common. The function of such pads is to hide the mounting screws. How to remove the handle from the interior door in this case?

In order to dismantle the handle with a button and decorative overlays, first of all, it is necessary to remove the outer part of the mechanism, which is attached with a special button. Next, you need to eliminate the overlays that hide the fixing elements.

Note! It is important to know that the buttons that help fasten the outer part of the mechanism can also have a different design.

If the handle is broken, it can be repaired. How to repair interior door handle? First of all, you need to know the nature of the damage. Based on this information, the necessary instruction is selected and the mechanism is rehabilitated. Recommended before dismantling old pen determine its type and study the design features. To eliminate the mechanism of the round handle, experts advise you to read more detailed instructions.

How to disassemble the push-type interior door handle

Lever handles for interior fabrics are the most common fitting option. They are found everywhere and are easy to install and operate. The design of pressure products includes two main elements (external and internal), which are attached to the central rod.

The principle of operation of push handles is based on simple mechanism. Such fittings have a latch, which is located in the recess of the striker when the door is closed. To open the door leaf, press the lever on either side of the door. The dismantling of such mechanisms also includes several stages, as is the case with round counterparts. How to disassemble the door handle of a push-type interior door?

In order to remove such an element of fittings, you must follow the instructions. Such work is within the power of any person who does not have special knowledge. First of all, you need to unscrew the screws, the function of which is to fix the decorative trim. This will allow access to the axis element. In such fittings, it has four faces. On the Internet, you can find a lot of materials that allow you to answer the question of how to remove the handle from the interior door. Video and photographic materials allow for quick and competent dismantling of this piece of furniture.

The next step is to remove the rest of the handle. After that, you can proceed to dismantle the lining on the other side of the door leaf. The second fragment must be removed in the same way as the first. This is how dismantling lever handle used in interior doors.

How to remove the door handle of an interior door (round with a button): detailed instructions

To dismantle such a round door handle, you first need to find the button. It is located on the inside. In some cases, the button is below the level of the hole. It is worth noting that in order to access this element, sometimes you need to twist the fittings. How to remove the round door handle of an interior door? The main thing to do in initial stage, is to access the button. After that, press it with any suitable object, for example, a screwdriver. Then you can proceed directly to the removal of the door handle mechanism.

Note! In some cases, it takes a lot of effort to press the button.

Then the decorative element should be dismantled. For this task, any metal element that has a small thickness, such as a knife or a construction ruler, is suitable. With the help of such an object, you need to pry the lining and remove it. It is worth noting that some decorative elements have a special recess, which is used for quick removal.

In order to answer the question of how to disassemble the round handle of an interior door, it is recommended to study video materials on this topic. After removing the lining, access to the fixing elements opens. They need to be unscrewed. This is how the round handle with the button is dismantled.

How to install a handle on an interior door: push model

First of all, before starting the installation of the lever handle on the interior door, you need to determine the size of the inner hole. To do this, you need to lean the locking mechanism against the end surface of the canvas. It is very important that the decorative strip and the side surface of the door are in the same plane. Next, you need to transfer the contour of the product to the surface with a pencil. After that, it remains only to connect the lines at the end with a building corner.

When installing a handle on an interior door with your own hands, do not forget that the hole is made special drill, which is called chisel. The recess is sampled using a chisel and a conventional hammer. In turn, the area in which the front plate will be located is organized through the use of a chisel.

In order to answer the question of how to install a handle in an interior door, you need to carefully watch the videos on this topic. It is important to understand that installation features depend on the material of the door, as well as the type of handle and tool kit.

At the next stage of the installation of the pressure product, the zone is marked, in which a square will be installed for the door handles and the locking mechanism well. Next, you need to use a drill and make holes for the fixing elements. Recesses are organized on both sides of the canvas.

After making the holes, it is necessary to clean them from sawdust and dust. Then the locking device is installed in the canvas. The mechanism is fixed with a lining and self-tapping screws. Next, handles are installed on the squares, for fixing which screws are used.

After that, for an interior door with a latch, it is required to mount a decorative ring. There are special flange holes for this.

The final stage of installation, as in previous cases, involves mounting the striker on door frame. It is worth remembering that it is installed only after making a hole for the tongue and self-tapping screws.

Installing a handle on an interior door: features of mounting round devices

The installation technology of round door handles (knobs) differs from the process of installing pressure products. It's connected with design features similar fittings. The handle can be mounted both on the removed and on the hinged canvas. The second option is more acceptable, as it simplifies the marking of the striker on the door frame.

Note! Most often, the installation of handles is necessary in case of failure of the old mechanism. It is worth noting that some problems are quite easy to fix on your own. The method of repairing the door handle of an interior door depends on the nature of the breakdown. If the device cannot be repaired, it is replaced.

The height of the round handle is selected depending on the individual preferences of the owners. The standard distance from the floor to the device is 90-110 cm. It is also important to remember that the installation of a new mechanism must be done as carefully as possible if the canvas is of a frame type. This is due to the fact that it is quite easy to damage it.

How to put a handle on an interior door? To install this type of door handle, you must first correctly markup. After that, you need to organize two holes. The first is drilled at the end (for the latch), and the second - on the canvas (for the rotary handle). The organization of holes on the canvas for the handle is carried out in several stages. The first step is to make a through hole. For this, a special nozzle is used - a crown. In turn, for the subsequent installation of the latch, a pen-type drill is used.

After organizing all the necessary holes, you can proceed to install the handle in the interior door. However, first you need to fix the latch with self-tapping screws. To attach a round product, you need to disassemble its upper part and remove the decorative ring.

Both parts of the handle have special screw holes. These elements are applied to the outer and inner side of the door and are fixed to each other. Next, you need to install a decorative ring, after which you need to press the handle until a characteristic click appears, which signals the end of the installation.

Thus, installing a handle on an interior canvas is not a very difficult undertaking. It is required to remember that the installation process is influenced by factors such as door material, type of lock, type of handles. If necessary, you can always use the services qualified specialist who will install correctly and in the shortest possible time.

After the purchase and installation of interior doors, the question arises of installing fittings. This problem is solved by calling the wizard or studying the technology of cutting the locking device and performing the procedure on their own.

Experts recommend buying and installing interior doors with a built-in lock. In this case, the need for its installation is eliminated. But they cost a lot more. In order to minimize financial resources some craftsmen try to attach the locks themselves.

This instruction will help to embed the lock in the interior door. Beginners who have not yet encountered such a process will be able to figure out all the nuances and perform the procedure for installing the mechanism with their own hands.

Before choosing a castle, you need to familiarize yourself with its types. When buying a mechanism, special attention is paid to color and design. Accessories should be in harmony with the interior and be combined with furniture.

Some craftsmen choose a ready-made door handle with a lock, others choose a lock without a handle with its further installation from the inside and outside.

Mortise locking mechanisms are divided into the following types:

  • with latch;
  • with lock;
  • with a key;
  • electromagnetic.

Accessories before buying carefully inspect and study for the presence of marriage.

Preparatory stage

After the door handles and locks are selected, before installation, they study their features, work procedure, prepare necessary tools to cut the lock, make markings.

On preparatory stage take into account the following points:

  1. Experts recommend not to insert a locking device into a pre-installed interior door. First, a lock is inserted, then the canvas is mounted in a box.
  2. The thickness of the vertical bar of the leaf must correspond to the width of the locking device and be at least 40 mm.
  3. The handle is at a comfortable height.
  4. Fittings are most often cut in at a distance of 1 m from the floor.

How to embed the lock correctly is described in the instructions for installing the lock, which is included in the hardware package.

Tools and materials

Door handles with a locking device, you can assemble and install it in the door yourself using this set of tools:

  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • pencil or chalk;
  • ruler;
  • joiner's square;
  • flat and Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • wood drills or crown;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • file;
  • cutter;
  • self-tapping screws and fasteners;
  • carpentry knife, awl.


Inserting the lock of interior doors with your own hands must be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations for installation. At the preparatory stage, the marking of the canvas is always carried out, which consists of the following:

  1. Marking is done with a pencil or chalk, applying a locking device to the door.
  2. Measure 1 m from the floor, put a horizontal mark.
  3. Draw a vertical line. The intersection point is the center of the lock installation.
  4. At the end of the door mark a place for a hole for the latch, on the surface of the canvas - for the handle.
  5. Attach the body of the mechanism to the lines and mark the bottom edge.
  6. The strips are bred to the thickness of the locking device, measure 5 cm with a tape measure, draw 2 parallel lines perpendicular to 2 horizontal ones.
  7. It is necessary to put the locking mechanism in the center of the web from its end side. Find and mark this point. With the tip of an awl at the end of the door, the hole is slightly deepened for further installation of the self-tapping screw.
  8. On the device, measure the distance from the central recess to the latch striker. Using a square, measurements are transferred to the surface of the canvas from both sides. Mark the location of the latch.
  9. To mark the location of the handle, using drill bits, make a hole for the fixture. To do this, choose a circle of the required diameter and deepen it a little in the center of the markup.

The installation of the locking mechanism depends on the accuracy of the markup.

How to embed locks in interior doors

Installing the lock in the interior door is as follows:

  1. We take a drill, install a pen drill. Its diameter should correspond to the thickness of the locking device, the depth of the drilled hole should correspond to its length.
  2. Using a pen drill, we drill, focusing on the lines at the end of the door, a hole for the lock.
  3. We mark the parameters of the base plate and select a flat area.
  4. Use a drill to make a hole for the handle. Drilling is done carefully. It is carried out so that it does not drill wooden canvas through. Then work continues on the other side. Drilling through the door completely can damage the door.
  5. Now you need to insert the device into the prepared place and mark the holes for the screws. If the markup is suitable, the lock is installed and attached with self-tapping screws.

To complete the work, you can insert a round or L-shaped door handle into the holes and mount the leaf into the hinges.

Mechanism with handle

The handle with a lock for interior doors is attached after marking and drilling holes for the latch at the end of the leaf and the handle on the surface.

The progress of work on the insertion of a lock with a handle is as follows:

  1. With the help of a chisel and a hammer, a recess is made under the front plate at the end of the door leaf. It must fit completely into the door.
  2. Fix the latch mechanism with screws.
  3. To install the handle, its inner halves are partially disassembled in order to gain access under the fixing and coupling screws.
  4. Install the handle. The pin and withdrawal sleeves must fit exactly into the grooves of the latch mechanism. The operation is performed according to the scheme of the lock with a handle.
  5. On the reverse side, attach the inner plate of the handle lining and fix it with screws.
  6. Insert a decorative bar, fix it on the rod.
  7. The groove on the handle should line up with the groove on the stem. It is put on the gutter until it clicks.
  8. The strike plate of the rotary handle is mounted in the same way as latch locks.

When mounting, make sure that the latch tongue remains recessed into its body.


Electromagnetic mortise lock for wooden door is set as follows:

  1. Prepare the necessary components of the mechanism.
  2. Mounting sticker is included with the lock. Insert it at a 90° angle, stick it in the corner of the box, attach it to the door.
  3. In the process of installing the lock, the interior door must be closed.
  4. Using a drill, drill holes for the handles and the lock according to the sticker marks. First, work is carried out on the box, then on the canvas for attaching the striker.
  5. Remove the sticker.
  6. Disconnect the protective cover from the electromagnetic lock.
  7. Unscrew the mounting plate, adjust its position relative to door block.
  8. Fix the bar with self-tapping screws.
  9. Connect the power cable through the service hole.
  10. Connect the power to the lock, fix it to the mounting plate with a hexagon.
  11. Install the protective cover.
  12. The locking pins must be inserted into the striker.
  13. Outside the interior door, tighten the bolt with a semicircular or smooth head, inside - make a substrate with a rubber gasket, put a counter element, fix the nut. Do not tighten the nut too much, it should spring a little thanks to the rubber gasket for free magnetization to the locking device.

When working, follow all the steps of inserting the lock and the installation manual.

Requires a minimum set of tools:

  • Drill
  • Chisel 19 mm
  • Crown diameter 50 mm
  • 23 mm spade drill
  • Drill for wood or metal 4 mm
  • Hammer
  • crosshead screwdriver
  • And a pencil

So, let's start embedding the lock.

Drill a hole in the center with a 4mm drill

We put the lock flush with the door and make a mark in fact

We drill through the hole with the same drill, observing a right angle.

With a 50 mm crown, we make a tie-in on one side of the door.


Your specific case may require a different size crown.

We finish on the other side.

We take a self-tapping screw of a suitable length, close the door when the box slams and through a 50 mm hole we insert a self-tapping screw into the remaining 4 mm hole and by pressing we make a mark in the door frame.

According to the mark with a 23mm drill bit, we cut a hole to a depth sufficient for the lock latch to enter.

With the same drill at the mark, we drill a hole for the lock.

We insert the lock and make a mark with a sharp pencil to drown it in the door leaf.

With a chisel we make notches strictly according to the marks and make a selection so that the lock sits in a pot, then we fasten it with self-tapping screws.

We begin to assemble the lock, insert the outer part into the grooves (it usually does not require disassembly).

Then carefully remove the decorative "cup" sitting in the grooves, then press the latch and remove the handle.

We connect the two sides with screws.

We insert the handle so that the latch works.

We snap the decorative "cup".

We attach the reciprocal bar, make a mark, select the excess with a chisel and fasten it.

Done!))) Properly embedded lock is freely closed by pressing the door leaf until it clicks.

Video explanation for installing the lock

Instructions for installing a door lock (knob)

1. Door marking

On door leaf apply markings to install the knob (lock) according to the template. The recommended distance from the floor is 965 mm.

2. Hole marking

After you have marked out, drill two holes: 50 mm in diameter for the knob (lock) handle and 23 mm in diameter for the latch mechanism.

H. Mounting the striker

Install the keep at the same height as the latch in such a way that the additional tongue of the latch remains recessed into the body of the latch when closing, which is an obstacle when wringing out.

4 Dismantling the knob (lock)

To disassemble the knob (lock), press the spring-loaded latch at the handle attachment point with a special key and remove it.

5. Latch length adjustment

6. Latch installation

Install the latch in the groove of the door (make sure that the bevel of the latch is directed towards the closing of the door). Install the cover plate with the rod so that the rod and withdrawal sleeves exactly fit into the grooves on the latch body.

7. Installing the knob cover(of the castle)

First, put the inner plate of the jujube overlay on the rod and fix it with screws (or screws). Then screw on the outer part of the lining.

8. Installing the handle

Install the handle in such a way that the groove on the rod coincides with the groove on the knob handle, press the handle until it “clicks”.

9. Rearrangement of the mechanism in the file handle

Latch models with a square handle (options 01 and 03) can also be installed on both left and right doors. To do this, it is necessary to remove the cylinder mechanism and the locking mechanism from the handle body and swap them (according to the figure), in accordance with the side of the door opening.

Installation order.

1.Determine the location of the knob and apply the markup, guided by the template and installation instructions.

2. Based on the installed latch body, mark the installation location of the striker on the door jamb and select the groove for the striker.

3.Install the keep and fix it with screws.

4. Alternately check the functionality of the knob outside and inside the room.

5. For models of latches with a square handle (options 01.03), installation on left and right doors is also provided. To do this, it is necessary to interchange the locking mechanism and the cylinder mechanism from the handle body.

As you can see, inserting a lock into a door is not such a difficult task, the main thing is not to rush.

Photographer: Vladislav Mazitov

After the repair of the apartment, new doors are often installed. However, canvases are often brought that are not equipped with handles and locks. In this case, you can install the hardware yourself. In addition, the owner of the apartment has the opportunity to choose the lock that will be most suitable and convenient.

Interior door design.

And well-chosen handles will complement the interior well and make it complete. appearance interior door. In some cases, it is impossible to pick up a canvas with ready-made fittings, and a separate installation of the lock becomes the only way out.

Why do we need locks in interior doors

Many are perplexed why lock the door to the room. However, there are situations when it is simply necessary.

Diagram of a lock for an interior door.

  1. If the apartment has Small child, it may accidentally damage, smash, or break valuables, expensive electronics, or documents. The locked door will become an insurmountable obstacle for the "destroyer".
  2. The need to close the door may arise in the presence of pets, which are not always neat.
  3. If the room is used as an office, then the door lock will exclude accidental visits by uninvited guests. No one puts a person to concentrate on work.
  4. A locked door will allow you to retire to a crowded apartment. In this case, no one puts to do their own thing.
  5. Locks and latches are important at the entrance to the hygiene rooms: bathroom and toilet. Then the possibility of a sudden invasion will be excluded.
  6. When using interior doors in offices, locks will prevent the loss of valuable property and important papers.

Necessary materials and tools

In order not to be distracted from work, you need to prepare everything you need in advance:

Tools for mounting the lock for interior doors.

  1. Lock on interior door.
  2. Pencil for marking. It is advisable to use furniture, as it is designed to work with wood.
  3. Drill.
  4. Drill. The diameter must be selected depending on the size of the lock.
  5. Feather drill.
  6. Drill bits.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Square.
  9. Screwdriver. Can be used slotted or cross, depending on the type of self-tapping screws.
  10. Chisel. It should correspond to the size of the planned recesses, different widths and shapes may be needed: flat and semicircular.
  11. Hammer or mallet.
  12. Self-tapping screws (usually supplied with a lock).
  13. File with a large and small notch.

When everything is ready, you can get to work.

Choosing a location for the castle

First of all, you need to look at what material the door is made of. If this is a solid wooden canvas, then you can install the lock in any convenient location. The recommended height is 90-100 cm from the floor. But someone may be comfortable at 80 cm or 110 cm. To determine the optimal location, you can simulate the opening of the door. It is advisable to ask family members about this. The correct height should be marked on the door.

Door handle replacement.

If another material is used, then you need to determine where the additional beam is located, since the fittings will be embedded into it. At MDF doors, it is located at a height of 1 m from the floor.

Before buying a lock, you need to measure the thickness of the door.

If the lock does not fit in size, then it will not be possible to install it. The minimum thickness of the door under the lock is 4 cm.

It is necessary to check whether the box can withstand the load, whether there is any damage on it at the place where the lock is supposed to be installed.

Marking the door and preparing the key hole

Installing a lock on interior doors begins with markings. The canvas is removed from the loops and placed on its side. On the end part, the place of the tie-in of the latch is marked. A lock is applied to the sides and outlined along the contour. Where the key will be inserted, a special mark is made: here you will have to drill through the door. On the end side, the height of the lock and the mounting plate is marked.

To make a smooth round recess in the canvas, you need a drill with a crown. It is necessary to select the diameter of the drill depending on the locking mechanism: it must fit freely in the recess. But you also need to take into account the size of the decorative overlays: the hole must be completely hidden by them. The reserve of space should provide for the possibility of fastening the fittings to the door using the self-tapping screws included in the kit.

According to the previously made markings, we drill a hole for the bar connecting the handles. This must be done on both sides so as not to damage the canvas when the crown exits from the back.

Drilling holes for the lock mechanism

Layout scheme for installing a lock in an interior door.

First, a place is prepared for the locking mechanism. To do this, using a pen drill, a hole with a diameter slightly larger than it is made. As a result, the whole castle should easily enter there, fit freely, but at the same time not hang out. In order not to make a mistake with the depth, you need to measure the length of the locking mechanism on the drill and make a mark.

Insulating tape is suitable for these purposes: it is wound in several layers in the right place. When the drill sinks into the door, the tape will rest against the edges and will not allow you to make a hole deeper than necessary.

Depending on the size of the lock mechanism, it may be necessary to drill 2, 3 or more of these holes. When they are all ready, they need to be connected. With the help of a chisel, you need to remove the partitions between the recesses. You can use a file. Then you need to align the notch under the lock. For these purposes, a file with a large notch is suitable. Finishing is done with a tool with a finer notch. After carrying out the work, you need to clean the recess from sawdust.

Preparing a place for the plank, the final stage and checking

When the hole is ready, the front plate of the lock is applied to it so that the holes for the lock on the door and on the bar coincide. Its outer contour is outlined. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, a recess is made equal to the thickness of the lining. This is where the bar will be inserted. It should not stick out of the door leaf. If necessary, deepen the recess, otherwise the door will not close.

The scheme of drilling holes for the locking mechanism.

Now the control installation of the locking mechanism is being carried out. It should be inserted without distortions, fit freely in the recess, and the bar should overlap without interference and not protrude from the door.

A lock mechanism with a tongue is installed in the prepared holes. The bar is fixed with two self-tapping screws. According to the attached scheme, the entire lock is assembled on the interior door, handles and all decorative elements are attached. The mechanism is ready.

There is one detail left. In order for the door to close, the jamb must have a recess for the lock tongue. First you need to determine its location. To do this, mark the place where the latch touches the jamb, its lower and upper boundaries. A recess is made in the center where the tongue will enter. The recess should be 2-3 mm longer than the latch. Then a fixing bar is applied and outlined along the contour. A chisel makes a recess for the thickness of the lining. If there is a plastic pocket, it is installed first. A decorative overlay is attached on top with the help of self-tapping screws. If the bar sticks out and interferes with the closing of the door, the notch needs to be deepened a little.

Scheme of an interior door with a lock.

The most important moment. To check how the lock mechanism works, you need to see it in action. Tests must be carried out with open door. To do this, first just move the handle, follow the ease of movement of the tongue: it should not jam. Then check the closing and opening with the key. These actions must be performed freely. Only if these manipulations did not cause difficulties, you can try to close and open the door.

If any problems arise during the check, it is necessary to disassemble the lock, find out the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

What to do if something went wrong

Main problems:

  • jamming of the tongue;
  • tight turn of the handles;
  • key seizure.
  • the tongue will stick if the lock mechanism is installed too tightly or skewed;
  • the free movement of the latch may be hindered by the chips remaining in the recess;
  • due to the skew of the lock, the handles can turn tightly, and the key cannot be closed;
  • due to incorrect assembly of the handle mechanism, the tongue will not move;
  • the key will not close the door if the lock itself is not assembled correctly, tightened with excessive or insufficient force.

Depending on the identified problem, you can:

  • disassemble the lock and expand the recess;
  • clean the recess from chips and sawdust;
  • install the lock so as to eliminate the distortion;
  • reassemble the handles, following the instructions;
  • reassemble the lock mechanism.

Embedding a lock in the door with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is not necessary to be a master cabinetmaker. With the ability to hold a hammer and a chisel, there will be no significant difficulties in how to install a lock on an interior door. General scheme is always the same, details may differ depending on the type of mechanism used.
