Give your doors a "fresh breath" and you'll be surprised at the amazing impact they have on a room.

Set yourself up for success

Are you planning to paint an interior door? You will have to decide whether to take the door off its hinges or leave it in place, there are pros and cons to both. Regardless of which path you end up taking, advice from professional painters and interior designers will make your job easier, from choosing colors and tools to installing hardware.

Read also: 5 important steps when painting furniture

1. Determine the previous type of paint

Before applying a fresh coat, find out what type of paint is currently on the door. Dampen a rag with alcohol and wipe its door. If the paint transfers to the fabric, it has been painted with latex paint and no primer will be needed. If nothing remains on the rag, you are dealing with oil paint. If you are hoping to use the newer latex, you will need to first sand and then prime the surface.

Another reason for identifying an old type of paint is health concerns. Until recently, when painting, paints were often used that contain lead, which can be absorbed by the body, which negatively affects internal organs and brain. This type of paint must be removed from the surface of the door without fail.

2. Get quality tools and materials

For professional results, you need top-notch tools. If you prefer to use a roller instead of a brush, then consider the microfiber option, which holds more paint and provides a smooth surface when you apply the paint. Don't skimp on sticky wipes, paint trays, and sandpaper.

Read also: 18 tricks that will make the painting process much easier

3. Consider amazing colors

Traditionally, doors are made in monochrome colors, but designers are now using interior doors to bring in the unexpected. color accents adding zest. This works especially well when the door itself has interesting paneling and moldings that can be updated with bright colors.

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4. Choose the best paint

Fingerprints and dirt are to be expected on the door surface in areas of heavy use. So choose a paint that creates a glossy or semi-gloss finish that is much easier to wipe down. Glossy paint also makes interior doors stand out from the walls.

5. Choose the perfect shade for your slopes

Here's a rule of thumb that designers use: if your door is painted white or another neutral color, make sure to trim it in the same color. If you choose a darker shade, complement it with an off-white or neutral color slopes.

If you want to paint the door a darker color, paint the sills first, let them dry completely for at least 24 hours, protect them with masking tape, then paint the door.

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6. Dismantle correctly

You can, of course, protect the floor under and around the door and paint without removing the hinges, but professionals know that for best results, you'd be better off taking the time to remove the door. In a horizontal position, it is easier to sand and prepare for painting. In addition, in an upright position, there is a high chance that gravity will lead to the formation of streaks.

7. Remove the door handle

Splashes of paint on a doorknob are signs of sloppy work. More importantly, moisture in the paint can adversely affect the hardware, potentially clogging the mechanism; grinding and cleaning products can also damage internal mechanisms.

To avoid such problems, remove the handle. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws. If you can't see the screws, look for a small metal slot on the side of the handle. Then use a pin or paper clip with which you can loosen door handle. You can then unscrew the plate that holds the handle in place.

8. Fill holes and cracks

Painting a door, especially an old one with wood veneers and moldings, usually requires some effort to prepare the surface. Fill all small holes and crevices with putty. Place a small amount of putty or wood filler on the spatula, fill in the gaps with it, and let it dry for about two hours.

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9. Treat the surface

After all imperfections are filled, cured and finished, sand the entire surface of the door with 120 grit sandpaper. Wipe the door with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits or use sticky wipes to remove dust from the surface. Apply a primer if you will be painting with an oil based paint. When the primer is completely dry (preferably overnight), gently sand the surface again, this time using 220 grit sandpaper.

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10. Paint non-stop

Now that you're ready to start painting, do it all at once without stopping. If you stop even for a few minutes within a coat, the paint may dry unevenly and cause spots to appear. Latex paints can dry and be ready for a second coat in about four hours. Oil paints must dry 24 hours before applying the second coat. After the first coat has dried, professionals often recommend sanding again using 320 grit sandpaper. Remove any remaining paint dust with a clean cloth and apply a second coat.

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11. Painting panel doors

The main method for painting a flat door is with long, smooth strokes or vertical strokes of the roller. But often panel doors are installed, which must be painted in the following order:

  1. First paint over the ends of the door;
  2. Next, paint the inner rectangular panels;
  3. Then paint over vertical stripe between panels;
  4. Moving on to horizontal stripes;
  5. Move on to paint the edges of the door.

Photography - make-self

12. Save time with a sprayer

If you're short on time, a sprayer can transform a door in half the time of traditional methods. Make sure it can work with latex paints, which produce less toxic fumes than oil paints, dry faster, and are easier to clean up.

13. Speed ​​up drying time

To minimize drying time, apply paint in good light, being careful not to create a thick coat that takes longer to dry and may end up looking uneven. If you are using a brush, dip the bristles halfway into the paint, then lightly tap the edge of the tub to remove excess. When using a roller, place it in a special tray so that the paint is evenly distributed over the surface of the roller.

Advice: After painting, turn on a fan or open windows to increase airflow. In hot and humid climates, run a dehumidifier if possible.

14. Leave the door open

If you are painting the door without removing it from its hinges, warn family members and guests not to touch or close the door for at least two days to protect the edges and slopes. Remember that drying time depends on the type of paint used. Oil paints usually take longer to dry than latex paints.

15. Install new handles for a total makeover

Decorating doors with new fittings is of great importance. Functionality is key, but most interior doors use a simple type of lock, as opposed to exterior doors where security is paramount. Also decide what type pens will be on the new door.

Before you paint the door under a tree, you need to study the process and familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure. Often painting wooden doors with your own hands is carried out on new designs. And many renew the life of old doors. In any case, this mission is carried out according to similar methods, regardless of whether the application is carried out on a new surface or on one that previously occupied a place of honor in the doorway.

Painting process old door under the tree

For the correct staining process, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances and features in detail.

Before making a choice of materials, it is necessary to decide what design the structure will have. Deciding on the question of how to paint a wood-like door with your own hands is not the only task facing property owners. You also need to decide on the question of what role the doorway will play in arranging the interior.

Variety of wood door designs

The design options are:

Before you go to the store for materials, you need to decide for yourself exactly what design the door will be framed in.

Design options for wooden doors

Paint selection

In order for the work not to be in vain, and the product to turn out to be professional, stylish, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing raw materials.

There are special paints for the mission being pursued, but you can get by standard options just by choosing the right shades.

The options for purchased paint can vary in many ways.

Variety of wood door finishes

One of these parameters is the quality of the material:

  1. If you need to tidy up the existing surface without hiding the beauty of the material, then you can cover the door leaf:
  • some people prefer to use wood stain;
  • others buy colorless varnishes that renew an existing surface;
  • third people choose oil-based impregnations;
  • canvases are also opened with tinting varnishes.
  • acrylic paint;
  • oil paint;
  • also, paint MDF doors or wooden, you can use polyurethane paint;
  • PVC paint will also work for this mission.

Another choice of paint depends on what material the structure has. In this case, the division goes to:

Consider the type of material that will be used for finishing should be at the planning stage. This will help not to get into a difficult situation at the time of the purchase of raw materials.

How to paint different types of doors

The technology for painting the door depends on what material the canvas consists of. Doors are:

  • wooden;
  • veneered;
  • from laminate;
  • from MDF.

Each of the types interior doors colored in its own way. You should study the technology so as not to encounter unpleasant situations in the process of transforming the structure to look like a tree.

The process of painting interior doors

Wooden door

Finishing a wooden door is the most accessible for inexperienced people who have taken up the transformation of the opening with my own hands. Preparation and work is carried out in the following sequence:

If the owners of the property want to imitate an antique door, then they should also stock up on materials such as:

Veneered door

The technology for painting veneer structures is somewhat more complicated than the same process with a conventional wooden door. A veneer door is usually painted in cases where you decide to change the design options for a product that opens the way to another room, or if the previous type of finish is outdated or deteriorated. The paint for veneer is selected on the basis of water. Usually this is either a polyurethane composition or glyptal.

Veneered door painting options

The sequence of actions for painting is as follows:

All these stages of work should be performed consistently and deliberately. Then the result will please and give the desired transformation of the structure. The video shows the process of painting a veneered wood door.

laminate door

MDF door

A canvas for arranging an opening made of a material such as MDF should be treated with caution. This type of door structure requires particularly careful selection of paint. It must be water-based, otherwise the integrity of the door may be violated.

Options for painting doors from MDF

Preparation for work consists of the following steps:

Painting doors under a tree is such a transformation that requires skills or at least erudition from the owners of the house, apartment. Having properly prepared for the work process, you can be sure that the result will please and give the desired transformation in the interior.

No matter how quality doors, but time passes, and their external updating is required. To paint a door means not only to correctly apply, but also to choose the right composition. Only this ensures that the effect is expected.

In the house, almost all frames and canvases are made of wood. And therefore it is with them that the owner mainly has to deal, since plastic, aluminum or glass cannot be painted. Therefore, it is first worthwhile to figure out how different paints on wood differ.


  1. Decide on the appropriateness of applying one or another composition, as well as what color the door should eventually acquire. There are quite a few nuances on this point.
  • If the canvas is made of solid wood, and even more valuable breed, then it is better to emphasize the texture of the material than to completely cover it with an opaque layer of paintwork.
  • For sashes made of MDF or paneled structures, everything is exactly the opposite - the painting of doors of this type is carried out with any composition that falls on the base, reliably hiding all its possible defects.
  • Consider the overall style of the room. This will help you choose the right shade of paint and varnish composition for processing the frame and sash. If it is difficult to make a decision, then you should focus on neutral options. For example, paint a door White color.

  1. Assess the conditions for the use of the composition. Competent painting of any door assumes that the place of its installation is taken into account. The explanation is simple - all rooms are different in specifics. Since LKS, regardless of the variety, perform not only a decorating function, but also a protective one, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the values ​​of humidity and temperature in a particular room, their possible fluctuations, intensity, and the like. It is on them that the wood “painfully” reacts.

Only an analysis of all factors will give a clear understanding of what exactly and how to paint wooden door.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work ahead. Paint on wood is applied in various ways - with a brush, roller, spraying. The expediency of choosing a technique is determined design features canvases. And here it is necessary to focus on the fluidity of the composition, its consistency. It is clear that it is not difficult to dilute paint for wooden doors; white spirit, synthetic solvents, and the like are on sale.

But how will their introduction affect the final color of the base? Will peeling, warping of the old paint begin? Such moments are necessarily taken into account when reconstructing a worn-out door, repainting it. Not all formulations are compatible.

Varieties of LKS


The expediency of their use follows from the definition: such compositions reliably protect the base without hiding its texture. For example, for doors in buildings made of wood (log cabins) - optimal choice. This group of LKS includes various varnishes (colorless and with tinting components), impregnating compositions (including complex action), glazes.


In everyday life, it is these LKS that are usually called paints. It is worth noting that not all of them are suitable for use at home, and therefore, when choosing a composition, you need to carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer!

  • Oil. The cheapest paints that are gradually losing their popularity. They reliably protect wood from external factors are sold in a large assortment. But painting wooden doors with your own hands with such a composition is inconvenient in the sense that you have to wait a long time for it to dry completely.
  • Acrylic. They are based on water, and therefore it is these paints that are most often used to color wood. Advantages - fast hardening of the layer, its elasticity, good fluidity of the composition, the absence of harmful components.

Paints of this group do not differ in wear resistance. To keep them on the wood longer, it is advisable to apply another layer on top - cover with a special acrylic varnish.

  • Nitroenamels. Characterized by large color palette(up to 15,000 different shades). With their help, the problem of how best to repaint the door is solved quickly. If you add such a plus as increased wear resistance, then one of the acceptable options. But there is a negative point - toxic fumes. In the process of work, it is necessary to organize effective ventilation of the room. In some cases, it is recommended to use a respirator.
  • Alkyd paints. Painting interior doors with compositions of this group gives many advantages - the durability of the protective layer, a large selection of shades, low cost of registration. But the downside is that it's sharp, bad smell stays indoors for a long time. In this regard, alkyd paints are identical to nitro enamels. Moreover, harmful substances under certain conditions, they continue to be released into the environment even after the composition has hardened. When deciding which paint is better to paint wood, you need to understand that the use of these LKS for updating interior doors in bedrooms, children's rooms is not recommended.

Operating procedure


  • To reduce the consumption of LKS and ensure maximum convenience of work, it is desirable to dismantle the door. The place where to place it is selected based on the properties of the selected paint. It is better to treat wood with nitro enamels or alkyd compounds outdoors (on the veranda, in the yard, under a canopy).
  • All fittings are removed - handles, latches and so on. If some elements are non-removable (for example, glass inserts), they are securely closed (with adhesive tape, PVC tape). In extreme cases, a layer of lubricant is applied. This is necessary so that these sections of the door are not stained with a coloring composition during operation.
  • Base cleaning. This is where the stage of proper staining begins. door leaf. All previously applied layers are removed - as a result, the tree should be completely bare.
  • Assessment of the state of wood and the degree of its damage. This allows you to choose the right compositions (priming, impregnating) and the type of paint.

At this stage, it is advisable to reconstruct the door leaf if its work for some reason does not suit you. For example, if necessary, outweigh the hinges, you can sample wood. If you need to rearrange the handle, make drillings.

Web preparation

  • Wood grinding. At this stage, minor defects in the material (scratches, dents) can be leveled, which will facilitate further painting. If you work with a household grinder, you won’t need much time for this, and the leveling quality will be high. It is only necessary to regularly remove wood dust and monitor the condition of the base.
  • To get rid of dark spots it is advisable to “lighten” the tree. In everyday life, chlorine bleach is used, further diluted with water (3 to 1).
  • After the canvas dries, it is impregnated with an antiseptic composition and dried again.
  • The remaining defects (small cracks, for example) are eliminated with putty.
  • The door prepared in this way is subjected to repeated, fine grinding.

Coloring order

  • The stability of the canvas is checked. If necessary, to protect the base, a film or old cloth is placed under the door.
  • First of all, the paint is applied to particularly difficult areas - protrusions, curly bends, and the like. That is, everything that does not fit the definition of “flat surface”. If a paneled door is being processed, then you should start by applying the composition to its recesses.
  • Full coloring of the door is correctly done in three steps. First, LKS is applied in a horizontal direction, from top to bottom. After the layer dries - re-painting, but with a vertical movement of the roller. The third "entry" is done similarly to the first.

This technology will ensure the uniformity of the color of the door and the complete absence of various furrows, dried drops, gaps, streaks, and the like. In addition, applying the composition in several layers increases the color saturation. If the paint was repeatedly diluted with a solvent during work, it is especially important. The processing of the canvas with varnishes, stains, glaze is carried out according to the same scheme.

Decide what color to paint any of the wooden doors in own house, will have to be the owner himself. What needs to be taken into account and what criteria to focus on when buying LKS is noted, and in some detail. The choice is yours, home masters.

Interior doors for painting initially come in white. The surface of the sash is covered with a primer, which the owner paints in his favorite color. The old canvas can be similarly restored, but the method will depend on the material of manufacture.

Can interior doors be painted?

Any door that has served for several years loses its attractive appearance over time. appearance. Scratches, scuffs, paint fade appear on the surface. Sometimes a situation arises when, during the repair, the style of the room completely changes and the door block simply does not fit into it. In order not to make an expensive purchase, the sash is given new life with paint. The design will look no worse than new, if you follow the technology, choose the right paint and varnish material.

Features of painting interior doors with your own hands

The interior door block is made of different material. Depending on this nuance, the features of preparation, choice of tool, paintwork and painting itself will depend. In general terms, adhere to the following plan:

  • Sash interior door block removed from the hinges, laid horizontally. Remove the accessories from the canvas. If the lock is difficult to remove, it is sealed with tape.
  • The brush is soaked before work for at least an hour. A little trick helps prevent the bristles from falling out and sticking to the painted surface.
  • If the surface of the canvas is smooth without patterns, bulges and recesses, it is more profitable to prepare a roller for applying paint.
  • At the paneled door, recesses are first painted with a narrow brush. Paint is gaining a little so that it does not flow into the corners.
  • folding interior canvas"Accordion" is painted with a spray can or spray gun. The gaps on the back of the sash are sealed with tape so that the paint under pressure does not fly out to the other side of the door.

When the work plan is built, paint is poured into the pallet, and the procedure begins.

Advice! After staining, the adhesive tape must be removed immediately, otherwise the sticky layer will eat into old paint and shoot with her.

On video correct painting doors:

Painting interior doors of a hidden type

The difficulty of painting hidden doors is the impossibility of removing them from the hinges. Interior sashes are installed together with the box. For coloring, the surface of the canvas is isolated, the remaining structural elements are covered with adhesive tape, film. The paint is applied with a roller. Moreover, paintwork materials use quick-drying to eliminate the likelihood of streaks.

What color to paint interior doors

To beautifully paint interior doors, it is not enough to look at photo examples. It is necessary to choose the right LCM. Varnishes are ideal for a new canvas. There should be no mechanical damage on the old door. In addition, it will have to be carefully prepared.

By gloss varnishes are:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss.

Color Differences:

  • transparent;
  • colored.

If we talk about colored varnishes, then they are similarly transparent, but have a certain shade. It will not be possible to hide mechanical damage with such coatings. The varnish can be applied over the paint, but they must be combined in composition.

Advice! Glossy varnish is applied only with an airbrush. From a brush and a roller, it will not be possible to achieve a gloss effect.

The best option is odorless, quick-drying paint for interior doors, as it allows you to hide minor mechanical defects. The lack of transparency effect allows you to apply light colors on a dark surface.

Among the variety of varnishes for painting the interior door block, they use:

  • Oil varnishes are made from drying oil and a hardener. The advantage is environmental safety, but they dry out for at least three days.
  • Alkyd varnishes are made from resins and organic solvents. The advantage is improved performance. However, drying takes a long time, solvents emit an unpleasant pungent odor.
  • It is better not to use nitro-varnishes at home. Their advantage is only instant drying and shine. However, the surface will not shine for long, as varnishes disappear from UV rays. In addition, the toxic odor is hazardous to human health.
  • "Yacht" varnishes are best used for the front door. The urethane-alkyd composition is resistant to fading, moisture, and mechanical stress.
  • Polyurethane varnishes are considered an excellent alternative to "yacht" coatings. The compositions have similar characteristics, only the price is lower.
  • Acrylic varnishes are water based. It is an ideal choice for interior door units. LKM is environmentally friendly. The cured film is breathable. There is no unpleasant odor during operation.

If you choose paint for interior doors, then the variety is smaller, but the characteristics are similar:

  • Oil paints for modern interior door blocks are not used. LKM is suitable for painting an old sash in a pantry or other non-residential premises.
  • Alkyd enamels are well suited for wooden door blocks. The advantage is low cost, resistance to moisture. The disadvantage is long drying up to three days, a toxic pungent odor.
  • The best is considered acrylic paint for interior doors due to the absence of a toxic odor. LKM dries quickly, looks attractive, is resistant to fire.

To achieve an attractive effect, the interior door block can be painted first with paint, and after drying, varnished. However, both materials must match in composition.

Advice! Lovers of natural materials can replace varnishes and paints with special impregnations. They usually include paraffin, wax, flax oil, rosin. Solvents are turpentine or gasoline.

How to paint interior doors

At the request of the owner, interior doors can be repainted in white, blue, green or any other color. It all depends on personal preferences and the chosen paint. Preparatory activities and the process itself will depend on the material of manufacture of the sash.

If you want to give the canvas a truly attractive look, you can try to paint it under a tree. The essence of the process is the application of two layers of paintwork materials different color, creating a faded effect.

If oak imitation is supposed, wood-like paint for interior doors is taken chocolate and Brown with a light tint. If you want to imitate wenge, you will need paintwork in black and dark red.

Painting process:

  • apply with a brush or roller paintwork, which sets the main tone, give time to harden;
  • sandpaper in places make abrasions;
  • apply the second final coat of paint, draw stains with a comb.

The sash of the interior door block can be left as is or the effect of aging can be added. In the second version, the canvas is coated with craquelure varnish.

How to paint interior doors made of fiberboard

A feature of fiberboard is the porosity of the material. To reduce the intensity of paint absorption, the surface of the interior door is first primed. It is optimal to use drying oil heated to a temperature of + 50 ° C.

Painting process:

  • The sash is removed from the hinges, laid horizontally, and the fittings are removed. The surface of the door is wiped from dust with a rag moistened with alcohol.
  • Fiberboard is covered with two layers of drying oil. You can use special store primers.
  • Mechanical damage putty. After the putty has dried, fine-grained sandpaper is passed over the surface of the door.

After going through all the stages of preparation, interior doors are painted with alkyd or acrylic paint. If the door is sheathed with waterproof fiberboard, then water-based coatings cannot be used. The surface will reject the paint.

How to paint veneer interior doors

The preparatory stage consists of similar actions: removing the interior door from the hinges, dismantling the fittings, laying on a horizontal surface. The further procedure before painting is fraught with many difficulties. Veneer is considered a capricious material. If painting will take place in another room, then the door must be brought there at least a week before the start of work. The veneer needs to get used to the temperature and humidity.

An important step in preparing for painting is a thorough inspection of the surface of the interior door, which allows you to identify scratches, abrasions. Sometimes it is possible to restore the shine with wax polish or furniture varnishes, if the defects are practically not noticeable. Full painting needed when scratches and scuffs are highly visible from a distance of 50 cm.

To paint interior veneered doors with a large defect, first clean off the old varnish with fine-grained sandpaper. You can use special solvents to remove old layers of paint.

Attention! Veneer is a very thin material. It can only be sanded by hand. Grinders are able to select recesses if they accidentally linger during grinding in one place.

When the surface of the interior door is prepared, proceed to painting it in a horizontal position. Deep scratches, holes close up with a primer. After drying, the areas are rubbed with sandpaper. Varnishes are chosen on a water basis or special formulations for painting veneer. If the surface is free of defects, it is best to use transparent paintwork materials that allow you to preserve the natural pattern. To hide large defects, colored varnishes are used. For a special decoration, the veneer is stained with varnish before painting.

Attention! Painting of veneer with nitro paint is not allowed. Matte spots will appear on the surface of the door.

How to paint MDF interior doors

If the interior door is made of MDF, it is better to choose acrylic paint for painting. The process requires the following steps:

  • The door is removed from the hinges, the fittings are dismantled, laid on a horizontal surface. Sandpaper or solvents remove the old paintwork. Shallow scratches are rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • The entire interior door block is treated with a solvent so that paint is better applied to the MDF.
  • Painting MDF is done in three layers, giving each one time to dry.

For interior door block standard sizes it takes about 1 kg of acrylic paint.

How to paint paneled interior doors

The process of preparing for painting a paneled sash is similar to the previous options. The staining itself is different, which can be done in two ways:

  1. If paint is selected, then the ends of the sash are first painted. Damaged areas are sanded on the panel, a primer is applied. When the primer is dry, paint the entire door in two layers. When a varnish or stain is chosen for an interior paneled door, the painting process is carried out strictly according to the instructions of the paintwork manufacturer, displayed on the package.
  2. The second method of painting is based on tinting the sash. The technology is suitable for panels with a wood texture.

The paneled door has many bulges and depressions. For painting, high-quality brushes that do not spill bristles are better suited.

How to paint wooden interior doors

The door block from the array looks impressive if you keep the natural texture of the wood. It is optimal to open a new sash without damage with 2-3 layers of varnish. If desired, the stain creates the effect of aging. When painting an old canvas with defects, paints are used. The color is optimally matched to the tree.

The prep process for painting an old door starts with removing all the layers down to bare wood. Here you can use a grinder, solvents for washing off dry paint. After grinding, putty defects that could not be eliminated. Under the paint, the choice of putty color is unimportant. When interior wooden doors are being prepared for painting with varnish, the color of the putty is selected to match the shade of the wood. The final step is another polishing.

The canvas with patterns is painted with brushes. The painting tool is selected of high quality so that the bristles do not fall out. Shield door paint with a roller in three layers, each of which should lie in the opposite direction.

Simple at first glance, the painting process is fraught with many nuances. Knowing them, it will be possible to achieve the most positive result. To help the masters, here are some useful recommendations:

  1. If it is possible to remove the canvas from the hinges, then it is better to dismantle it. It is easier to work with a horizontal surface, paint does not flow from it.
  2. The first step is to carefully inspect the entire door block. Perform repairs if necessary. In the lower part of the veneered sash, the veneer can peel off from dampness. It must first be glued, pressing until the glue hardens with a heavy load. If a large area has peeled off, plywood is placed under the load. Pressing even planes will eliminate the formation of blisters.
  3. Work with doors begins after dismantling the fittings. If some elements cannot be removed, they are sealed with tape. Sometimes the complex design of the door block does not allow the sash to be removed. It is sanded, primed and painted in an upright position. The adjacent sections of the wall are covered with a film or tape.
  4. The shield door begins to be painted from the end. From the top left corner move to the right. Following the direction will get rid of the accumulation of paint at the bottom.
  5. The roller is well squeezed out of the paint. It is better to apply several thin, even layers than one thick one, but with blisters and streaks.
  6. If the canvas stands upright and streaks form from the brush, they are wetted with a sponge, rolled out with a roller.
  7. Any accessories that have not been removed, including hinges and a latch, are not painted.
  8. The section of the box in contact with the end of the door is covered with three layers of paint.
  9. The bristles are falling out on new brushes. Before use, they are combed out, soaked in water.

Surely, when building or repairing a house, you installed a high-quality, solid door made of natural wood. But over time, even she will lose her attractive appearance. This is not at all a reason to replace, because a wooden door is not at all difficult to paint on your own. The choice of color depends only on your desire, but you need to know the technology of painting and the subtleties of the process.

Features of the composition for painting

Whether you need to repair old doors or give a different look to new ones, right choice paint product is very important. The quality and service life of a wooden door depends on it. Consider the most common means.

Varnishes - colored, glossy or matte. Their main property is that under a layer of substance, the structure of wood will definitely be visible. If you have completely restored the door, then varnishing is unlikely to work, since all defects and subtleties of processing will be visible. There are several varnish options:

  • based on oils;
  • alcohol varnish;
  • polyurethane;
  • solvent based nitro lacquer.

The latter type is not suitable for use on wood: the composition of such a varnish has a bad effect on wood. But polyurethane varnish is durable and resistant to mechanical damage, so it is perfect for our task, although it is quite expensive.

The choice of varnish or paint depends on the type of door and its location in the room.

If painting with varnish is not suitable for you, refer to paints. Their choice for modern market is huge both in color and in composition, and it will not be difficult for you to give the door any look. Paints are matte, glossy or emphasizing the wood structure. The main thing is to pay attention to the basis on which the product is made - oil or alcohol. Also suitable and nitro paint.

There are also oils containing wax, designed for painting wooden surfaces. Such a tool can be transparent or colored, it will give the tree a soft silkiness. The disadvantage of this material is the high cost.

Compositions for different types of doors

When choosing a paint product, pay attention to the condition of the door leaf. As already mentioned, it is absolutely not suitable for an old door that had to be restored. lacquer coating, under which the entire surface is visible. In this case, it is better to use paint. The varnish will look good on the new door.

The modern market offers a wide choice paintwork materials for wooden doors

The most commonly used in such works are 2 types of paints and varnishes.

  1. Acrylic compositions on a water-dispersion basis. They are easy to apply and fit well, as if covering the surface with a thin layer of plastic. When dry, there is no strong odor.
  2. Solvent-based alkyd paints and varnishes. When painting, they penetrate deep into the wood structure, dry quickly. Resistant to temperature fluctuations, have a water-repellent effect. The disadvantages include a pungent odor when dried.

Taking into account these points, we can conclude that acrylic compositions are well suited for interior doors and dry rooms. Alkyd paints are best used on entrance doors or in damp areas.

If you plan to paint the door in one color, then the choice of coloring material will be based on the above criteria. But in the presence of a door leaf with a design, take into account the following:

Please note: paint must be applied on a completely dry surface. Otherwise, the layer of paint on wet wood will begin to peel and flake off.

Preparing for the process

Arm yourself first necessary materials and tools so that you have everything at your fingertips during the workflow. You will need:

  • painting goats - 2 pcs. or 4 stools;
  • roller and bath for him;
  • putty knife;
  • wet rag;
  • sandpaper;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • masking tape;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • solvent;
  • paint or varnish;
  • flashlight for easy search for flaws on the door leaf.

The door structure consists not only of canvas, and most often it needs to be completely painted, otherwise the door will be very different in color from the lintel and jambs. Painting work can be carried out in two ways: in a horizontal or vertical position.

  1. In the first case, remove the door leaf from the hinges and lay it on the goats or stools. If you use an alkyd composition for painting, it is better to sit in the yard, on a balcony or terrace.
  2. In the second method, block the canvas without removing it with wedges. Make it so that the brush has free access to all elements of the door. The lock will also keep the door in open position at the time of drying.

Try to dismantle all the hardware on the door

It will be more convenient to work with the canvas removed, but in some cases the second option is quite applicable. Do not forget to dismantle all fittings. If the hinges and handles are non-removable, they can be wrapped with paper and fixed with adhesive tape, or even better - wrapped in foil and ensure it fits snugly to the parts. Seal the lock mechanisms with adhesive tape in a fixed position.

Preliminary processing

This process is multi-stage, and it is very important for the subsequent work. It is from proper preparation the surface of the door depends on how evenly the paint will lie on it and how long it will hold. Prepare according to the standard scheme.

Please note: in order to repair deep dents under opaque paint, you can use auto-filler, it does not contain fiberglass. And if natural array has darkened over time under paint or varnish, you can lighten it with a solution of 1 part chlorine bleach in 3 parts water.

After you have prepared the door for further work, wipe it, removing dust and small debris, dry thoroughly and proceed to painting.

Painting technologies

When painting the door, you can use both a brush and a roller. The brush may leave streaks and streaks. Therefore, before work, properly fluff it to get rid of fallen and poorly fixed hairs, and during painting, move the brush along and across the surface to smooth out bumps.

If you are using a roller, use it to roll out the paint well so that it lays in a thin layer. Do not press the roller too hard during the process, and roll it over the surface with light, even movements.

The surface of the door will not be painted evenly the first time, the wood will absorb most of the paint. Re-staining will be required, and possibly more than one.

It is very important to pre-clean the white door from dirt and dust.

This method is great if you want to paint your door white. The main thing is to clean the surface with special care so that no dirt or dust remains on it.

simple door leaf

This is the easiest job, so we'll cover it first. However, you need to be careful not to leave noticeable stains and smudges on the door.

For such work, you can purchase a special sprayer: it will greatly facilitate the process. But for painting one or two doors, the purchase of such a device would be financially inexpedient. Therefore, you can easily get by with a roller and a panel brush.

The color scheme depends on the type of door structure.

  1. The shield door is painted in 3 stages. The easiest way is to use a roller for this: it will evenly apply paint and leave no hairs. Start covering from the upper left corner of the door, moving to the right side. When the canvas is finished painting to the end, leave it to dry for as long as the instructions for the coloring agent require. The second stage of coloring is carried out in the longitudinal direction, the third - in the opposite direction from the first one.
  2. For a paneled door, it is better to use a brush. Walk it along the recesses in the canvas, while trying to avoid excess paint. Finish painting with a roller, using the diagram for a panel door.

Stain painting

If you decide to paint your door with stain, prepare it and lightly dampen it. Thus, moisture will not be absorbed into the wood, and the dye will lie evenly, despite the liquid consistency. Everything that is located horizontally, paint first along the fibers, then across, and at the end of the work again in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to paint the door in a vertical position and have not removed it from the hinges, start covering the jambs and the canvas from below so that splashes do not fall on the unpainted surface. This is especially important if you plan to varnish the door.

The wood fibers straighten out, having absorbed the water-soluble stain. After the first coat has dried, sand the surface with a sandpaper, clean and re-stain.

After drying wooden surface will become lighter than during the application of the stain. To make the color more juicy, apply the dye several times.

Alcohol stain does not straighten wood fibers so you don't have to sand the door after applying it. In addition, it dries in half an hour. But water-soluble stain is more popular because it is considered safer and non-toxic.

wood look

This method is applicable on any surface. As for wood, on old doors that have been subjected to deep restoration, it may also be necessary to apply a pattern that is as close as possible to a pronounced natural one.

There is another way to imitate a wood pattern on the door. To do this, you need a special brush, which you can buy at a hardware store. Soft wood fibers are processed with such a brush with movements similar to combing. Due to changes in the structure, curls will spontaneously appear, creating the illusion of wood. After the surface has dried, it must be sanded.

How to paint a wooden door - video
