Sooner or later, every self-respecting lover of a country holiday has a bathhouse in the country. This is not even a whim, but an important element of relaxation, a severe necessity for a summer resident. At the same time, it is not necessary to upset a standard steam room of five square meters in order to take a steam bath and wash, it is enough to build a bathhouse in the country in a mini-format with a usable area of ​​6-12 m 2.

Bath in the country: projects

A small washing room in the country has always been a favorite object of creativity. Each private owner was looking for his own version of building a small bathhouse in the country with his own hands, projects for foundations and interior decoration. There are many projects, but almost all of them are tied to the location of the site and the main building.

Among universal options The most commonly used schemes are:

  • The most affordable version of the wash compartment - compact bath for giving in the form of an extension to the main building;
  • The most common frame mini-bath with insulation and wall cladding with clapboard;
  • A full-fledged timber building with a washing department allocated to a separate room;
  • The most affordable do-it-yourself mini-bath for giving from a cut board is the forty.

The last option is good because it can be built on almost any patch of a summer cottage in five to seven days. Such a design will stand without problems for three to four years, until the turn comes to build a real bath.

A small bath for a summer residence from a roofing board

The main advantage of such a bath is its low cost and large interior space. Most of the box is reserved for the utility block, where firewood and country equipment are stored, the steam room and dressing room occupy approximately 2/3 of the room.

The use of plank shields significantly weakens the walls, so the bath box in the country house is supposed to be built on a tape or slab foundation. Such a temporary building can be built on a purchased plot with old dacha. While they go repair work, in the bathhouse you can steam and store the necessary material and tools.

The walls inside the bath are sheathed with thermal insulation, it is possible with mineral wool with aluminum foil. To prevent water from flowing inside, you can build a canopy or upholster the boards with a thick plastic film, at least 0.2 mm thick, on pre-stuffed rails of the counter-lattice.

The simplest version of a mini bath for a summer residence

Sometimes the owners of a summer cottage prefer to build a steam room directly against the wall of the house. In fact, this is a universal cabin made of boards and timber, in which you can steam or take a shower at the same time.

It is clear that it is possible to build a single bath box only if a brick oven is built in the dacha, in close proximity to the wall.

To heat a mini-bath in the country, you can use a flame tube made of thick stainless or alloy steel. The part facing the stove is laid with a bath stone to a depth of at least 40 cm. A water tank with a dropper is installed above the heater, the steam flow warms up the cabin in 10 minutes.

What is interesting about this bath project - cabins for summer cottages:

  • You can build it in a day, while the body of the bath is best made from a pine board - forty;
  • The cabin does not require additional foundation or insulation. It is only necessary to build a shower tray with a wooden ladder;
  • The time to prepare the bath is no more than 10 minutes, during which time the walls and water in the shower tank have time to heat up.

Instead of a flame oven, you can build a steam generator or use an industrial model for apartment saunas. In the upper part of the bath cabin, a tank with water for the shower is installed. For heating use the built-in electric heater. It is most convenient to build a room with access from the bathhouse to the covered porch of the cottage, then you can bathe in any weather.

The project of a classic mini-bath

For a summer residence with a plot of at least 10-12 acres, standard frame and timber mini-baths are most often chosen, designed for two to three people.

One of the options for planning a bathhouse for a summer residence is shown in the diagram below.

For your information! A feature of the layout of such a mini-bath is the minimum number of internal partitions.

In small boxes 2.5x2.5 m, the construction of a rest room is useless and meaningless, what kind of rest can there be.

It is necessary to leave a small dressing room 2x0.7 m. This is enough to put things down, sit down, here you can store a supply of firewood, from which it is convenient to heat the stove.

Both types of bath rooms are built on a columnar or bored foundation. Build frame bath do it yourself for a summer residence is much easier and faster, although somewhat more expensive due to the large amount of insulation.

Building a bath in a country house from a bar will cost 20% less, but you will need to build a pile foundation and seriously tinker with the shrinkage of the walls. At least once a season, interventional seams will need to be minted with tow. It is possible to build a box with a ventilated facade, but this type of bath cladding is rarely used for summer cottages.

Location features

In addition to a successful box project, you will need to choose the right place in the country where you can build a bathhouse without occupying the most valuable areas of the territory. On the other hand, the steam room should be located at a sanitary distance from the dacha house in order to ensure the presence of a fire-fighting distance and a minimum of smoke in the area in front of the house.

A typical project of a simple mini-bath involves building a room in the gap between a portable toilet and a summer cottage building.

The second option is the most common. In this case, the building is taken out to the maximum distance from the house, preferably closer to shrubs or tree plantations that cover the box from the wind.

A bathhouse can be built in the so-called sanitary area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage, while the platform for the foundation, even without taking into account the height of the piles, should be higher drain pit or septic.

How to build a bath in the country with your own hands

First of all, you need to decide on the material and method of building walls. The design of the foundation depends on this, which in any case will need to be built a couple of weeks before the erection of the walls of the bath. If the structure is framed, then MZLF is placed under the bath box; for the timber version, you will need to make a pile foundation.

Material selection

Most summer residents believe that a bathhouse can be built from the remnants of building materials left over from the construction of the house. Actually this is not true:

  • The walls and the frame must be built from high-quality material, best of all is timber and a drill board;
  • For subfloor filing and ceiling baths, you can use trimmings, shvelevki, slabs, any remnants of lumber that have undergone sanitary and fire-fighting treatment;
  • It is best to build a foundation for a bath from asbestos-cement pipes, or cast bored supports; for these purposes, pieces of old fittings, pieces of roofing material and cement residues of any brand will fit;
  • The pallet and stove screen can be built from any red brick. The sauna stove itself is better to buy ready-made or cook from a 50-liter household propane cylinder.

Roofing, wiring, chimney and sewer pipes, wall insulation and ventilation system must be purchased new. Any attempt to build a bathhouse, for example, using old wall insulation usually results in the steam room being cold and drafty from all sides.


The easiest and cheapest way to build a bored columnar foundation. If the bath is planned to be built on rocky ground, then you can get by with pillars made of ordinary red brick or cinder block; for a 3x4 box, you will need to build at least 12 pieces.

The dimensions of the brick supports are 30x30 cm, the height of the pillars is chosen so that there is an air gap of at least 30-40 cm between the subfloor of the bath and the ground. . Otherwise, you will need to plan the installation point for the supports, dig out the pillows to a depth of 30 cm and fill them with a mixture of sand and fine gravel screenings.

To build a pile foundation, you will need 10-11 piles; screw models made of metal pipes for small-sized buildings in the country are rarely used because of the high cost. Most often, according to the marking of the foundation with a garden drill, ten wells are drilled to the freezing depth, asbestos-cement pipes are clogged and poured with concrete. Half an hour after pouring, wire or studs are laid in each pile under the tying of the pile field with a beam.

wall construction

The greatest strength of all wooden structures have mini-baths made of timber. It is important to be able to correctly lay the first timber crown, laid on the waterproofing of the foundation.

The beam needs to be leveled horizontally and re-processed protective impregnation. First, the box is assembled and floor beams are laid, only then windows and doorways are cut out with a chainsaw.

A frame bath box for a summer residence is easier to build. In the corners of the strapping, vertical racks of 100x100 mm timber are installed, leveled and stitched with crossbars and temporary struts, with everything that can be found in the country. Next, the ceiling floors are laid, the lintels and frames of future windows are stuffed. Boards, slabs or any improvised lumber available in the country are sewn on the draft walls of the bath.

Then thermal insulation is laid, first foil-wrapped polyethylene foam, then mineral wool and film insulation. External walls are traditionally clogged with clapboard or plastic panels.


Initially, you will need to insulate the ceiling ceiling. To do this, a pair of longitudinal cranial bars is sewn onto the lower edge of each ceiling beam laid earlier. Further, along the bar guides, a rough ceiling is assembled from scraps of slabs and boards available in the country. It is covered with vapor barrier and laid with mineral fiber slabs, covered with polyethylene.

The next step is to lay truss beams on the walls of the bath. The roof can be built in a shed version, as the strength of the frame is large enough to withstand any amount of snow.

For gable roofs all the details - the ridge, pairs of rafters and the sheathing of the pediment are assembled on the ground, sequentially raised to the ceiling and knocked down with nails and steel corners. Roofing is easiest to build from metal tiles, as the cheapest, durable and easy to install.

Finishing work

The interior of the bath is always upholstered with clapboard. The dressing room is sheathed with pine clapboard or tongue-and-groove board, the ceiling and the steam room are lined with linden or aspen lath.

adjacent to the stove wooden structures must be treated several times with a flame retardant solution and dried thoroughly. The shower compartment is best finished with plastic. Pine or aspen is laid on the floor. All finishes inside the bath for giving are treated with a special oil that prevents the absorption of condensate and water vapor.

Communications and heating

Usually in the country for a small bath, water supply is not laid. Instead of a centralized water supply in the dressing room, next to the firebox, a water tank is installed. This avoids problems with freezing pipes in the bath.

The drain system is equipped depending on the design of the floors. In the bath, a drain floor system, as in the photo, or a separate shower tray can be installed.

Removal dirty water produced by gravity through a bellows elbow into a cesspool.

For heating the bath and heating the steam room, metal stoves with a brick screen are used. Most often, the loading window is displayed in the dressing room or on the street. This avoids poisoning. carbon monoxide, penetrating through the firebox into the bath when the draft drops. The stove must be placed on a foundation of stone or brick. A single heating of the bath is enough for 40-50 minutes. steam room work.


The presence of a bath in the country remains the same attribute suburban area, as well as a summer kitchen or a gazebo for relaxation. The design of the steam room and stove is constantly being repaired and improved, according to the masters, the process of alteration and finishing never ends.

Often, land plots involve only the construction of only vital buildings. The small area of ​​the site, the use of every piece of land for planting or thought out simply does not leave room for additional buildings. In this case, there is only one way out for lovers of bath procedures: the construction of a mini-bath. What is a mini-bath for a summer residence, how to build it and what is needed to build it - let's figure it out.

Read in the article

Mini-bath for a summer residence. Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a mini-bath is the area of ​​​​the site occupied during its construction. The second, no less important parameter is the cost of building a mini-bath in the country.

Usually mini-ovens for small volumes are metal structures designed to generate steam. As an example, consider the stove for the bath Varvara "Mini".

Sauna stove Varvara Kamenka mini

This is a wood burning stove overall dimensions 48×66 cm and 88 cm high. steel structure The top of the firebox itself is covered with a casing, inside of which there are convection channels. The air, heated in the area of ​​the firebox, exits through the holes in the casing into the heater, thereby quickly heating the stones. As a result, the stove heats up very quickly, warming up a small room in a very short time.

In addition, there are more simple designs stoves in which the heating of the heater is carried out directly, by the action of heat from the combustion of fuel. Using in the steam room, you need to provide a place for storing fuel, or a shed near the bath.

With small volumes of a steam room, in some cases it is advisable to use electric sauna stoves and electric heaters.

On a note! Installing a heat exchanger on the chimney will allow you to quickly warm the air in the steam room. But this option is possible with the appropriate dimensions of the bath.

Mini-pools for a bath

Additional installation in the bath will expand the functionality of the bath and add comfort. It is worth noting that it is better to initially foresee the laying of a pool in the bath project, since mini-pools for a bath require summing up water supply systems, draining water, and heating.

For this reason, embedding a pool in a finished bath is a rather troublesome and costly business. There are several types of pools designed for installation in a bath:

  • Stationary. In this case, the pool is initially laid in the bath project, a foundation pit breaks out under it, the walls of the pool are concreted and covered with a decorative coating. This type of pool is mainly used for full-sized bath buildings.
  • Font. A metal or plastic structure designed to be installed in a pre-prepared box. To put it into operation, you only need to connect the font to the water supply system.
  • Portable pools. metal structures with plastic trim. As well as the font, they are installed in a prepared bed, after which they are connected to the water supply system.

Pools can be equipped with water heating systems, hydromassage equipment, but in this case, the help of qualified specialists is required to connect them.

Mini-sauna for a summer residence

From the bath is distinguished by the type of steam and temperature. In order to make a sauna out of a steam room, it is enough to install an electric steam generator, an electric heater or a wood-fired sauna inside the steam room. When using a steam room for a sauna, interior decoration from one type of wood is recommended: pine, linden or alder. A mini-sauna in the country should be as closed as possible, almost sealed. Particular attention should be paid to its thermal insulation. This is necessary to maintain a high temperature inside the sauna for a long time, while minimal cost energy carrier.

portable sauna

How to build a small bath for a summer residence with your own hands

Before erecting, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the projects of already built baths and choosing the most optimal option. Projects of mini-baths for giving with their own hands (both frame and timber) are quite widespread, and it is not difficult to find them. Before you build a small bath with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of bath, the material for its construction and location.

After all organizational issues are resolved, you should proceed directly to the construction process. First of all, build a foundation and, after that, proceed with the construction of walls, and interior decoration.

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The main requirement during construction is accuracy. Everything must be done calmly and without haste. This will allow you to build a bath in a short time without excesses in work.

Helpful advice! When purchasing materials for construction, focus on the medium and high price range. Purchase soft materials for roofing, insulation and a vapor barrier according to a pre-calculated estimate, + 10% on the stock of material.

An important point in the construction of a bath is not to forget about. For a steam room of a small volume, a channel in the wall is sufficient; for larger rooms, a fan will be required. This is necessary in order for our small bathhouse in the country to be a place of comfortable rest, and not a peddler of miasma.


Many people want to have a bath in their summer cottages. But for use only summer period there is no point in doing a major building. Lightweight compact steam room, corresponding to the size of the suburban area, will fully cope with its functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the structure

The summer bath is a light building with a metal stove, a dressing room and a washing department with a steam room. It is practically no different from the capital Russian steam room, except for the size and lack of enhanced insulation. In small summer baths, in order to save space, the washing room is equipped in the steam room, without separating these rooms with partitions.

Of course, the size of the building depends on the capabilities and desires of the owner. Baths are installed both as a separate building and combined with a country house, workshop, greenhouse, summer kitchen and other buildings. A rest room in the summer building is not needed. It is enough just to install a comfortable gazebo nearby or just a canopy, place a table and several benches there. In summer, it is more pleasant to sit in the fresh air, and the walls of the gazebo can be closed with mosquito nets.

If on suburban area water supply is not laid, then it is necessary to equip summer water supply. It is somewhat different from the winter one, namely, that it needs mandatory conservation (draining water from pipes) so that frozen water does not destroy the plumbing system.

The benefits of summer country baths include:

  • low cost;
  • construction in a short time;
  • no need to build a capital foundation;
  • able to do it alone;
  • easily dismantled;
  • has a low weight.

The main drawback of the country bath is the inability to “turn around the Russian soul”: the building cools down quickly, as it perfectly holds heat, but does not accumulate it.

Examples of summer baths

When the hosts cottage construction they want a lightweight version of the steam room only for the warm season, brick buildings are used infrequently. For such a heavy bath, a strong foundation is needed. Accordingly, it is not advisable to make a brick summer steam room.

According to the materials of manufacture, buildings are as follows

Often, if a plot for a dacha was purchased recently, then it lacks the most basic amenities. In such cases, a change house can help out, which contains everything you need for use.

You can also purchase a bath-barrel, consisting only of a steam room. But even in it, if desired, you can find a place for a shower and bring the drain from the pallet to the street. Such a bath does not take up much space.

Sometimes summer residents, not wanting to spend time and money on the construction of an expensive bath, purchase mobile baths. It can be on wheels and move with a trailer. For such a bath, you do not need to build a foundation, but a stand and an extension cord are enough to heat an electric furnace.

A cheap, reliable bathhouse called a "clay pot" can be built from a firewood truck, a cart of straw and a clay dump truck.

Stages of construction of a summer steam room

The first step in building preparation summer bath is to create a project. At the same time, a location is selected. The distance of the summer bath from neighboring areas is taken into account. It must be at least a meter.

Initial work

Marking and preparation of the construction site. Possible tree roots are uprooted, the site is cleared of construction debris. Next, the first stake is driven in strictly vertically (this is how the corner of the bath is marked). From it, through the planned length of the walls, the second, third and fourth pegs are hammered, which are tied with a cord. After checking the equality of the marking diagonals, we begin to dig a trench or pits for the foundation. Then proceed to the construction of the foundation. Next comes the construction of a blind area, 120–150 cm wide, made of clay or concrete.

Varieties of the foundation for a light structure

The basis for a summer bath in the country can be built different type, depending on the weight of the building. The strip foundation is strong and reliable, despite the ease of its construction. For its construction, coarse sand 20 cm thick must be poured onto the bottom of the dug trench, spilling it with water and tamping with a board with a handle attached to it. Next, you need to fill up a layer of gravel of the same height as the sand, install a reinforcing cage (2-3 metal rods fixed to each other with a piece of wire) and pour the entire structure with concrete.

If your site is not in earthquake-prone regions, then you can refuse to reinforce the foundation of the summer bath. But we must remember that over time, the structure settles, and if the soil is clayey, then the foundation may not withstand and collapse. And reinforcement gives the structure elasticity and protection against sudden collapse. It is important to remember: the foundation takes time to gain maximum strength. Usually this period is 28 days. For proper drying, the erected part is covered with a film and moistened for several days. Only on the 3rd or 4th day open and allow to dry completely.

The columnar foundation is easy to build. It is necessary to dig shallow holes with a step of 1.5–2.5 m and install concrete pillars. For a uniform load of the bath on the poles and their possible uneven shrinkage, they are tied with a beam, a bar or a shallow tape. This type of foundation is not suitable for clay and swampy soils.

Pile foundations are rarely used. It is needed in case of difficult soil in your summer cottage or when building a bathhouse near a pond. In this case, the structure is installed on metal, wooden or concrete piles.

The clay foundation is a reality that has come down to our days.

A trench is dug, the depth of which should be below the level of the fertile layer, and the width should be 3 times the width of the foundation itself. In a separate open pit, a solution consisting of clay, water, sand, sawdust or straw is kneaded with bare feet to a state of plastic mass and left for several hours. A ready-made clay foundation mortar (necessarily tamping) is placed in the installed formwork from boards or a metal sheet and left to dry completely. After removing the formwork, the foundation is wetted with water and rubbed with fine sand.

And then the most important thing begins: firewood is laid in the space between the walls of the foundation and the walls of the trench and set on fire. This is done so that, under the influence of high temperature, the foundation is fired - in order to gain high strength. In order for this process to occur more intensively and better, the trench should be covered with a metal sheet. Such a foundation will stand for a very long time. Do not forget to close it before laying the walls waterproofing materials. Sometimes site owners build a simplified version of the foundation for a summer bath: from flat stones and clay.

Construction of walls, supply of communications and finishing

It is necessary to immediately determine the location of the stove and make a foundation for it. It is important to remember that the base for the stove should not come into contact with the base of the bath itself on any side: it should be a separate element.

Then you need to do communications and finishing work.

  1. Drain arrangement. Inserted into a special hole in the center or corner of the bath plastic pipe 40 mm in diameter, led into a cesspool or drainage pit.
  2. Before erecting walls on the foundation, it is necessary to lay high-quality waterproofing. Frame-shield technology is very popular. In this case, the construction will require lumber in the form of a bar 150 x 150 mm or boards, profile pipe for mounting a frame structure and sheathing from sheet materials with insulation. Wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. The construction of the walls of the summer bath.
  4. Roof installation. Suitable for single or double.
  5. Finishing work. They consist in laying floors, ceilings, lining walls with clapboard, removing a chimney.
  6. Arrangement and decor. The shape of the shelves is selected individually, because someone likes to just sit, and someone wants to lie in the steam room. Therefore, in the first case, the length is usually 40-60 cm, and in the second - 150 cm.

Building your own summer bath in the garden is a doable task. The lack of insulation work will simplify the task. The time and effort spent on construction will pay off with the convenience and comfort during the adoption of bath procedures. It's so nice to take a steam bath in a bathhouse built with your own hands.

A small do-it-yourself bath is a great option when the area near the house or in the yard of the cottage is limited. In addition, with such a solution, you can significantly save the budget, but as a result, get a full-fledged vacation spot that will not only allow you to relieve stress after a hard day, but improve your health and have a good time with family and friends.

Project examples

IN ideal The bath includes 4 rooms in its design:

  • dressing room;
  • restroom;
  • washing;

You can expand the functionality of some rooms by combining them with each other. At the same time, the comfort of the stay is not lost. The overall size of the building will largely depend on how many people will be inside at the same time.

  • 1.20 mx2.50 m Very compact solution. In this case, the bath consists of only two rooms: a steam room and a dressing room. The dimensions of the first are 1.20 m × 1.50 m, the second - 1 m × 1.20 m. There is no rest room, and you can change clothes in the dressing room. Washing can be combined with a steam room. This size will be enough for one person.
  • 2.50 m × 2.50 m. By the number of rooms - like the first option. The size of the steam room is 2.50 m × 1.50 m, the dressing room is 1 m × 2.50 m. At the same time, it will be possible to organize additional space for storing firewood. In such conditions, two people can easily fit.
  • 3 m × 3 m. This option can be planned in different ways. If there is a desire for three people to fit in the steam room, then it can be made 3 m × 1.50 m in size, the washing room can be made separate by putting a shower stall there. The size of this room will be 1 m × 1.50 m. There is also a dressing room 2 m × 1.5 m. You can combine a washing room and a steam room, then there remains a space that can be used as a rest room, which will also serve as a dressing room.
  • 4 m × 3 m. In this case, 4 m 2 can be separated for the steam room (for example, 2 m × 2 m). The washing room will occupy 1 m × 1.50 m, 2 m × 3 m remains for the rest room. In such conditions, four people can easily fit. They will be able to stay in the steam room at the same time, as well as enjoy communication in the dressing room.
  • 4 m × 4 m. In such a territory it is already possible to turn around well. The steam room can be left 2 m × 2 m in size. Make a separate dressing room 2 m × 1.50 m in size. In this case, the relaxation room is 4 m × 2 m (one of the sides will be 2.50 m). The washing room can be combined with a rest room, for this an electric boiler and a shower cubicle are installed. They can be placed in one of the corners of the room, which does not take up much space.

These are indicative examples. You can easily vary the size of the rooms within the available limits. You may want to make the steam room smaller, as there is no need for 4 people to be there at the same time. At the same time, it will be possible to expand the space of the rest room.

Note! All measurements are given in ideal values ​​without taking into account the thickness of the partitions. This was done for greater clarity. In the case when the bath is adjacent to the house, then it can be made in the form of one steam room. At the same time, the bathroom will act as a washing room, and the rest of the territory is available for relaxation.

Choosing a material

Can be used to build walls various material. Much will depend on which project you have chosen, as well as the planned amount of money. For example, you can use ordinary brick. How to build a brick bath, you can read. In this case, the following points will be positive:

  • availability;
  • ease of delivery;
  • relative ease of construction;
  • long service life (with proper care- up to 150 years);
  • ease of maintenance;
  • the possibility of combining with the main structure;
  • when using a new brick, there is no need for cladding;
  • freedom to choose the form of construction.

The negative aspects include:

  • the high cost of the material;
  • the need for good ventilation, tk. brick has poor vapor conductivity;
  • kindling such a bath takes more time than wooden buildings;
  • high costs for interior decoration.

Along with brick, foam block is often used. This is a more progressive material; it has properties characteristic only of it:

  • light weight with large size;
  • high laying speed;
  • ease of fitting block shapes;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • subject to the recommendations - a small consumption of glue.

There is also a fly in the ointment:

  • uneven pores can be a problem when hanging furniture;
  • shrinkage may occur within a few months;
  • poor bending stability.

The most favorite way of manufacturing is rounded logs. There is a lot to be said about its benefits, here are just a few:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • nice appearance;
  • low heat capacity;
  • no need for interior and exterior decoration;
  • nice interior atmosphere.

The negative side is:

  • unprofitable to use in small buildings;
  • some complexity of construction;
  • the high cost of the material;
  • long shrinkage time.

One of the cheapest and fastest options is the construction of a frame structure. This method will require minimal building skills. The advantages are:

  • no need for a massive foundation;
  • availability of materials;
  • relatively low cost compared to other options;
  • ease of care;
  • very fast heating of the steam room with good insulation;
  • ease of laying communications;
  • seismic resistance;
  • no shrinkage.

Of the minuses, one can note the need for good sound insulation. A high level of boominess is the transmission of various vibrations, which can cause inconvenience. It is also important to take care of good ventilation so that moisture does not accumulate inside, which will lead to the development of fungus and mold.

Strip foundation

In the case when a really small bath is planned, it makes no sense to sink the foundation to the level of soil freezing. This will only increase the overall cost of the project. With proper manufacturing and waterproofing, you don’t have to worry about the walls being cold. This type of foundation will be relevant for any of the listed building options.

At the stage of laying the foundation, the necessary communications are provided. This may be a water supply and a sewer drain for water from a washing.

Note! If you know that soils in your area are highly mobile, then an unburied foundation is a poor option, as it can easily collapse under the pressure of the layers. In this case, it is better to evaluate the possibility of installing piles.

pile foundation

There are several ways to build a foundation. Piles can be bored and driven. In the first case, a well is drilled, formwork is made, reinforcing rods are lowered, and the entire space is poured with concrete. In the second option, ready-made concrete, wooden or metal posts with a pointed end are immediately clogged. The most suitable options for a small bath will be screw. They consist of a metal base in the form of a pipe and blades, which contribute to the immersion of the supports into the ground. You can buy them or make your own. If you chose the second option, then you need to act like this:

In each of the options described, separate support elements for the stove should also be provided, especially if you plan to use a heater. This is very important, because its weight can be large, which can damage the floor and lag.

Note! Such a foundation will ideal solution For frame structures, log buildings, as well as small foam block baths. If the soil in the area where construction is planned is sufficiently strong and rocky, then something in between a pile and strip foundation can be used - columnar. In this case, individual pits with a size of 50 × 50 cm are dug out every meter to a level below the freezing of the soil. A formwork, a metal crate is installed inside and a solution is poured.

Building brick walls

For a bath, it is better to use red brick, which has undergone heat treatment and has a lower thermal capacity. To calculate the amount required material, you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall. To do this, the width is multiplied by the length. Then you need to divide this number by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone brick. The area of ​​the masonry seams can be neglected, because you still need to make a reserve in case of a fight or marriage.

The wall can be built using several methods:

  • in two bricks with external insulation.
  • with air gaps, they are about 6 cm;
  • with a layer of insulation between two rows of bricks.

Work begins with the construction of corners. This is an important process because it is they who will subsequently ensure the correctness of the entire structure. To maintain the vertical level of future walls, two are dug in at the corners. metal profiles 5 × 5 cm and a length equal to the height of future walls. They are leveled and secured with braces. Between them, a fishing line is stretched to the height of one row. After it is laid, the fishing line is rearranged to the height of the next one. The thickness of the seam should be about 20–25 mm. It must be applied at a distance of no more than a meter so that it does not have time to dry. Additionally, the plane is checked using a bubble level. If the second and third type of masonry is chosen, then it is necessary to provide a dressing between the two walls. This is ensured by the transverse laying of two bricks opposite each other at certain intervals. Also, each row should go with an offset of half a brick, so that the overall weave of the entire plane is ensured.

over windows or doorways a jumper must be installed. Usually it is reinforced concrete. You can buy it ready-made or fill it directly on the spot. It should go beyond the openings by at least 25 cm. Supports are installed, a wooden board is mounted on them. Two rows of bricks are laid out on edge. Between them are reinforcement bars, which should also go beyond the opening by 25 cm, while it is better to bend them in order to intertwine with the existing masonry. Concrete is poured inside. After complete solidification (usually 10-12 days), the lower supports can be dismantled and the logs removed.

Walls made of foam blocks

The general principle of laying will be the same as in the previous case. You should also start from the corners, which must be accurately and clearly set.

In the same way, guides are made of profiled pipes. But there are some nuances:

  • In order to achieve the best adhesion, the row-base is laid on cement mortar. The ratio with sand is better to make 1:3. It is very important to maintain a horizontal plane so that all other rows also lie correctly.
  • All other rows are fixed with special glue.
  • The thickness of the adhesive layer should not exceed 5 mm. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve ideal thermal insulation.
  • Every 3 rows in the seam is placed metal grid, which serves to give additional rigidity.
  • Foam blocks are placed on the edge.
  • Lintels over doors and windows are made in the same way as in the case of brickwork.

Log walls

It is this option that pops up in the imagination when it comes to the bath. For its manufacture, you will need to stock up on rounded or profiled logs. It is better to make external walls from this material. Because the structure is small, it is good if the partitions are frame.

After the construction of the walls is completed, the primary caulking is performed. During which the hanging insulation is simply hammered into the joints. Complete shrinkage of the building can last more than 1.5 years.

Frame walls

After the foundation has been erected, an additional foundation is made for such a structure. It is performed according to the example of the grillage, which was mentioned above. For the corner posts, we need exactly the same beam as for the base. In addition, it will be necessary to stock up on an edged board with a length equal to the height of the future walls, a width equal to the width of the grillage and a thickness of 5–10 cm.

Roof erection

For small buildings, a pitched roof is the ideal solution. It is necessary to plan its production at the design stage. It is very important to be able to raise one wall higher than the other. When this is done, then in the case of a wall of brick and foam block, waterproofing from bikrost or roofing material is laid on the upper end. Additional beams are mounted on it, which will serve as a Mauerlat. They are attached to the base with anchor bolts or walled studs. Beams are laid on top, on which the crate will be stuffed. They can be fixed to the Mauerlat using metal corners.

In another version, the walls are made the same. Ceiling beams are laid on the Mauerlat. On one side, vertical boards are installed that will form a pediment, rafter legs are lowered from them to another wall. At the junction with the Mauerlat, they are cut under required angle. Fastened with metal corners. To make it easier to support the roof in one plane, two extreme elements are first installed. A string is stretched between them, which will serve as a level.

The ceiling must be insulated. A vapor barrier is attached to the ceiling beams from above. In this role, dense foil can act. Insulation in the form of mineral wool is placed in the space between the beams. Additionally, it is covered with plastic wrap. From the inside, filing is done using a wooden lining or a polished edged board. Read more about the insulation of the ceiling in the bath.

Note! For a house from a bar when fastening rafter legs it is better to use floating corners for Mauerlat. This is necessary so that during shrinkage the roof does not skew.

finish line

An integral part of each bath is a stove. You can make your own from sheet material or metal pipe large diameter. In another version, it is laid out of brick, but in this case it can take up a large space. For a small space, it is better to use electric options that are purchased ready-made.

Shelves are mounted inside the steam room. For him, it is better not to use coniferous wood, because. when heated, it may release resin, which will cause burns. Good material for her there will be aspen, larch, linden or oak. With a small space, a width of 40 cm will suffice, it is more convenient when there is a footrest. The fixing material must be recessed flush so as not to burn the skin (it must also be made of stainless material). It is better if the whole structure is assembled on dowels.

For wiring, a double-braided cable must be used. It is better if it is non-flammable (usually there is a prefix “ng” in the marking). Be sure to lay the conductor in the corrugation. Switches are not mounted in the steam room itself. Luminaires are used waterproof with index IP68.

Take care of good ventilation. To do this, you can install an adjustable supply valve, as well as anemostats with an outlet to the gable through the roof. This will be enough for all the moisture to be removed after taking a steam bath.

As you can see, there are no limits on what you can build small bath. Choose the option that best suits you.


Frame-panel bath with a porch

All about concrete and plaster products

How to build a bath in the country

Building a bathhouse and its further arrangement on your own is not an easy task. But still, doable. Initially, you should think about the choice the right materials and accessories. It is worth noting that today there are many building materials that are perfect for building a summer house. Therefore, it is easy to get confused in the choice of these materials. However, there is no need to worry. After all, a special portal today will tell you how to build a bath in the country with your own hands inexpensively. Here we will give useful tips and show a special video with which you can carry out this process correctly.

How to determine the right place to build a bath

In order for the bath to serve for a long time, first of all, you need to make a competent choice of a place for a future bath. In this case, our advice will simply be useful to you.

  • The location of the bath should be chosen away from any body of water. Why is it necessary to do so? It turns out that it can simply be flooded with water.
  • You can make a bath additionally by attaching it to an existing house, or build it as a separate building. These options differ from each other in their unique advantages and disadvantages. In any case, only you can choose suitable option construction of the future bath.
  • The most suitable place for building a future bath is the most extreme part of your land or yard.
  • For a bath, it is necessary to properly provide for a good system of future ventilation and proper disposal of wastewater.
  • The place chosen for construction, located near the road, will be considered incorrect.
  • The southern part of the plot or yard is considered the right choice for this construction site. It turns out that in the southern part of the land, the finished bath will receive maximum sunlight. In addition, in this part of the courtyard, the bathhouse will be protected from the wind. Indeed, if you build a bathhouse in the southern part of your yard, you can make the stay of people resting there as comfortable and very pleasant as possible.
  • If you decide to attach a bath to an existing house, then in this case you must comply with the requirements fire safety.
  • It is advisable to choose a future place for the construction of this structure far from the nearest neighboring houses, since your bathhouse may serve as an inconvenience for a good rest for people living next to you.
  • If possible, the windows in the bathhouse should be located in the western part of the finished building.
  • The bath must be built close to the existing well, at a distance of about 15-20m.

This publication will fully answer the question of how to build a bath in the country. Let's continue talking about this process.

So, before you build a bath, you need to correctly draw and design the future structure. Properly choose the future area of ​​your bath. Remember that it must be at least 6 sq.m. for 1 person in this building. Suppose, if 5 people visit the bathhouse, then, accordingly, its area should be 30 sq.m. As a rule, in the bath there should be a room allocated for a steam room. Also in the bath it is necessary to place a rest room and a dressing room. In organizing the premises that should be in the bath, you need to decide for yourself what area to determine for the listed future rooms.

First you need to design and draw drawings of the future bath. The drawings should include:

  1. General design of the bath.
  2. The project of all rooms that will be located in this room.
  3. Roof drawing.
  4. Description of the fastening of the beam.
  5. Schemes of the future ceiling and floor.
  6. Options for installing a stove in a future bath.

All of the above schemes and projects can be prepared by yourself. Also, such drawings can be found on readable sites on the Internet or any other sources. In general, having considered a large number of these drawings and projects of the future bath, we can conclude that they are all almost similar to each other, and have only slight differences.

Necessary choice of accessories and materials for the bath

To build a bath using a bar, you need to purchase the necessary components and various materials for this.

  • To build a bath, you should buy construction material- timber, which will have a section of 150 by 150mm.
  • For flooring the future floor in the bath you need to buy wooden board. The right choice is a cut board, which has a four-meter length with a section of 15 by 5 centimeters.
  • The material for the ceiling is, as a rule, boards from lining.
  • You also need to take care of buying all kinds of materials for holding finishing works indoors. In most cases, the use of wooden distillation for finishing in the bath is very popular.
  • It is also important to purchase a certain amount of vapor barrier materials - tapes or films of various properties. For a bath, the most commonly used material is penofol or polyethylene film.
  • For a finished bath, it is recommended to purchase materials for insulating an already finished ceiling. Most builders opt for ecowool or mineral wool. These materials are environmentally friendly and have good heat and sound insulation. Therefore, they are perfect for warming the ceiling in the bath.
  • Bath construction involves the use of asbestos-cement materials to provide good and much-needed thermal insulation in the bath. The most practical and effective material is sheet asbestos. As a rule, these sheets are placed and fixed on the walls located near the stove and chimney.
  • The construction of a bath is impossible to imagine without a foundation. Therefore, for the manufacture of the foundation modern bath materials with bulk properties are used - sand, cement and gravel.
  • During the construction of the bath, it is imperative to use materials for the final finishing of the roof. In this case, you can resort to various options you like. The main thing in this task is the appearance of the future roof. It should not stand out too much from the surrounding neighboring houses or buildings.
  • It is desirable to build a future bath in the spring. This is necessary so that after the completion of all work there is time left for shrinkage of this room. Also, all materials used in the construction of the bath must dry. Cement should be purchased before construction work. In this case, it will not deteriorate.

General instructions for building a bath

The construction of the bath must be carried out in several stages. First, work is carried out to prepare the site for construction, and then the arrangement of rooms with all kinds of accessories and components.

We are preparing a site for construction. The necessary place must first be cleared, remove debris, existing roots of plants or trees. This work is necessary to obtain a more even place for the future foundation.

Foundation manufacturing. The most popular type of existing work on the manufacture of the foundation is the foundation, which has a support in the form of pillars. The first step is to dig required amount pits to place in them the future support of our foundation. Their installation is carried out at the right angle along the general perimeter of the building and where there are sections that intersect with the walls. These pillars are installed, as a rule, depending on the characteristics of the existing soil at the site of the building and on the load that will act on the support. The depth of the required holes for the foundation should be approximately 110-160cm. It is necessary to backfill all pits with a mixture consisting of sand and pebbles. The depth of the layer should be 13-20cm. Cement pipes must be installed in ready-made pits, observing a clear vertical level. In each of them by placing reinforcement, consisting of metal rods. Pipes should be poured with concrete containing reinforcement. This design should be given time for 5-6 days to strengthen and harden. After that, we will begin work on laying out the walls between the pillars in half a brick.

Making the roof and walls of the future bath. For the manufacture of walls of the future premises, a beam measuring 150 by 150 mm is used. Bars are laid on a foundation ready and insulated with a special material, resorting to the so-called “in the paw” method. Laying timber for walls is carried out at the required height, always making gaps for future doors and windows in this building. A special insulation is laid between the layers of the laid bars.

Components and accessories for the operation of the bath. The upper part of the lined wall is brought under the roof and strengthened in accordance with the given form of the roof of the room. We fasten the rafters to the final layer of the timber with construction brackets. If you opted for a shed roof, then the rafters need to be fixed with two supports - either internal or external. Having a gable roof, it follows that the existing lower parts at the rafters should be supported on the walls. And the upper parts of the rafters are interconnected and take the form of a ridge.

Arrangement indoors. Initially, it is necessary to start the arrangement with the necessary communication system. Communication such as sewerage should be taken care of before pouring the foundation. First of all, make a drainage hole or well outside the future bath. The connection to the pit is made using a pipe laid under a certain slope.

After completing these works, you should proceed to the manufacture of the floor in the room. There are several types of it - concrete or wood. The concrete floors were finished using tiles. This item is very practical. A floor made of wood is made with water drained through it. It is very easy to do this. Boards with certain gaps are nailed to the installed lags. Most builders use a drain hatch, closing it with a special grate. When using this technology, it is necessary to lay the floor with the required slope. In this case, all the accumulated water will exit through the hatch into the pipe, and from there fall into the drainage pit.

To increase the life of wood, our advice to you is to ventilate the bath every time after visiting it.

In the bath, you also need to make a good heat-moisture-vapor barrier, using the materials necessary for this. Install windows and doors. Conduct electricity.

Manufacturing and installation of shelves and stoves in the bath

The appearance and design feature of your chosen shelves in the bath can be any. The shelves are installed in the following order - the first step was the installation of the frame, using wooden beams, and then the necessary boards are nailed to it.

When purchasing a stove for a bath, people, in most cases, stop at choosing a product that they liked the most in appearance. Also, many people are engaged in laying out a stone stove on their own, and some people buy special equipment for baths or an apparatus with heating elements.

Components and accessories for the operation of the bath

There are a huge number of various components and accessories for taking a bath on sale. You can buy for your finished bath: various wooden buckets and tanks, oak brooms, mugs, bowls and other necessary attributes. The interior inside the bath can be different, depending on your preferences and taste.

Now you know how to build a bath in the country with your own hands in stages.

How to build a bath in the country with your own hands inexpensively useful advice and video

So, before you build a bath, you need to correctly draw and design the future structure. Properly choose the future area of ​​your bath. Remember that it must be at least 6 sq.m.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse in the country: step by step instructions

A trip to the dacha is a joyful event, since there you can do a garden or landscaping, and then relax, having a steam bath, provided that it is there. We will tell you how to make a bath in the country with your own hands, demonstrate drawings, diagrams and photo instructions. You'll have to work hard, but it's worth it.

In your imagination, you probably already see how you approach the bathhouse, open the door and find yourself in a warm and cozy dressing room, and then into the steam room. Yes! This is exactly what will happen, but a little later. First you need:

  • choose the right project;
  • get acquainted with the stages of construction;
  • purchase building materials;
  • build a bathhouse and bring all communications;
  • finish the interior and only then bathe.

If, after reading the introduction, you have not lost the desire to make a bath in the country, then we will continue the topic, considering all stages of construction.

Choosing a place for the construction of a bath

The place for the bath must be chosen correctly

Often summer cottages do not differ large sizes, but in addition to personal preferences and convenience, there are norms that must be followed. Let's look at preferences first.

  1. It would be better to put the bath on a hill, which will greatly simplify the organization of draining the water.
  2. It is good when the bath is located next to a pond or river.
  3. The rays of the setting sun penetrating the steam room through the window will relieve stress, but at the same time it is necessary to make sure that the entrance to the bath is clearly visible from the window of the country house. So you can watch the bathhouse being heated and the children, especially when a swimming pool is built in front of the entrance.
  4. The bath can be made in the form of an extension to the house.

In order to avoid conflict situations with authorities or neighbors, the instructions of SNiP 30-02-97 must be observed. Paying attention to section 6, paragraphs 6, 7 and 8, you will find comprehensive information on the placement of the building on the site, but we will give only those numbers that you need in order to choose optimal location for a bath.

Taking into account the fire safety measures for buildings located on opposite sides of the passage, the distances indicated in the table must be adhered to:

The distance, which directly depends on the material used in the construction of the building

The same buildings using wooden elements

Wooden and similar buildings

As for the requirements regarding distances to the neighboring site, they are also unambiguous.

The minimum allowable distance between buildings located on a neighboring plot

A variety of outbuildings (they include a bathhouse)

It is also important to take into account the requirements for the location of buildings on your site - from garden house shower, bath and sauna must be at least 8 m away.

By the way, non-compliance with these norms can lead to litigation with a neighbor and the demolition or transfer of the bath to another place.

Bath project

When choosing a bath project, it is important to consider the material from which it will be built. There can be several types of structure:

  1. Frame bath.
  2. Wooden bath (from timber or rounded logs).
  3. Bath made of brick, stone or blocks.
  4. Arbolite building.

Having decided on the material, when choosing a project, make sure that it suits you according to all the criteria.

The layout of a small bath 6 × 3 m

Option for planning a bath from a log house

Planning a bath for a summer residence

Bath plan 6×6 m

Material selection

So, having chosen a suitable project, in accordance with its requirements, you need to prepare building materials.

  • Most often, summer residents prefer to build frame buildings, as they are the cheapest and successfully cope with their task. In addition, due to the low weight of such a design, the foundation also does not have to be spent much.
  • The most favorite buildings are wooden. The cost of such a building will be somewhat higher, and the foundation will need to be made stronger, unlike frame structure. Built in the country is good wooden bath does not need warming.
  • Stone and brick are rarely used to build a bath in the country. This is due to the fact that for such a heavy structure a strong foundation is needed, and the walls freeze during long absences and such a bath needs to be warmed up for a long time. The exceptions are buildings made of foam and gas blocks. The requirements for the strength of the foundation are not so high, the walls turn out to be warm, but it is important to consider that this building material is very hygroscopic, so it must be protected from moisture.
  • Arbolit is also often used in the construction of baths. Walls can be monolithic or built from blocks. The structure is warm, durable and inexpensive.

Wall materials

Since our article deals with several options use of various building materials, we will consider them separately.

frame structure

The material for the frame bath should be of good quality, and the bars should be dry and even.

The walls of such a bath are made in a lattice structure. For the walls of the frame you will need:

  • Timber of various sections, the dimensions and quantity of which are indicated in the project.
  • Insulating material with high thermal insulation qualities for filling the frame. Again, you need to adhere to the requirements regarding the use of one or another insulating material, but here you need to take into account that the documentation often indicates one type of material, but not all possible ones. If the specified material is too expensive, then you can refer to the forums to clarify what is acceptable in your area.
  • Material for sheathing the frame outside and inside. Most often, OSB boards, edged boards, siding or block house are used for the exterior cladding of a building, while lining is used from the inside.

wooden bath

Using a rounded log, you can very quickly build a bath, as everything is prepared in advance at the factory

For the construction of walls can be used:

  • Natural debarked tree.
  • Cut beam.
  • Profiled bar.
  • Glued beam.
  • Round log.

Bath made of brick, stone or blocks

The walls of such a bath can be made of the following materials:

  • Brick (ceramic or silicate).
  • Stone (quarrystone, limestone, shell rock).
  • Block (foam, slag, gas blocks).

Arbolite building

Wood concrete is durable and lightweight, so it is also often used in construction work.

If it is possible to purchase sawdust inexpensively (or maybe you have your own), then at home it is quite possible to make arbolite blocks of fairly high quality. Also, this building material in the form of finished blocks is on sale. Walls are built very quickly. Another advantage of using wood concrete is the possibility of manufacturing monolithic walls by pouring cement-shaving mortar into the formwork.

Materials for the ceiling in the bath

The dressing room and the rest room are warm rooms, therefore, it is recommended to use materials with low thermal conductivity - aspen, linden or alder.

For sheathing the ceiling of the steam room, it is preferable to use wooden lining because it can withstand high temperatures. Pine or spruce products should not be used in this room; when heated, resin begins to stand out from this wood. It is also impossible to hem the ceiling with sheets of fiberboard and chipboard, since moisture and high temperature contribute to the release of fumes that can harm human health.

Materials for insulation and vapor barrier

It is advisable to perform external insulation only if the bath is heated. It is unlikely that someone will make such a luxury in the country, so we are considering materials for internal insulation unheated bath.

The frame bath does not need to be insulated, since the thermal insulation is laid inside the structure. In a wooden bath, you need to make a crate into which a heater is inserted. Other types of baths need insulation made using more complex technology.

To get the job done you will need mineral wool, the thickness of which is selected depending on the material used in the construction of the bath and climatic conditions. Usually a layer of at least 50 mm is laid. Insulation can be in the form of mats or in rolls.

As for vapor barrier, it is important to know that this is not waterproofing. Each has its own purpose. Even an inexpensive vapor barrier will do its job, while waterproofing, used for other purposes, can nullify all the work.

What you especially need to pay attention to is not to get a fake.

Decoration Materials

Since we are talking about a bath in the country, we will not talk about chic types of finishes. The best option there will be the use of wood: lining or similar facing materials.

Concerning exterior finish, then it can be any material that is used for sheathing houses. If the bath is made of rounded logs, then it would be unreasonable to close the already beautiful facade with something else.

Bath construction

Now we will consider how the construction of a bathhouse in the country with our own hands can be done. It is clear that the work will be easier to do with an assistant, which may be one of the family members. At the initial stage of the work, some instructions can be given to children. Of course, they will not do everything and not as quickly as we would like, but if they feel that they are needed, then they will then be more careful about the bathhouse built with their participation.

But let's be realistic, small children will help a little, and if you build it alone, it will be a long-term construction, especially since some work cannot be done alone. As you read the article, you will see when and how many helpers may be needed - this will help you plan everything.

So, the plan has been chosen, the location has been decided, now let's start marking on the ground. To do this, in accordance with the scale specified in the project, transfer the contour of the bath to the area. In the place where the corner of the building will be, a long peg (or reinforcement) is hammered, and the lengths of two walls located at an angle of 90 ° are measured from it. The next pegs are hammered there, and the distances of other walls are measured from them. Finally, the last - the fourth peg is hammered.

Now, when there is a designated perimeter of the future structure, you need to check how straight the corners turned out. To do this, it is necessary to perform a check along the axes - measure the distance from one peg to another. The received data must match. If this is not the case, then the plane must be shifted, "shortening" the longest axis. After that, it will be necessary to check not only the axes, but also other dimensions, and, if necessary, correct them again.

If the foundation is tape, then a slight discrepancy can be left, but for a pile or column foundation, the marking must be very accurately done.

So we marked the dimensions of the bath in accordance with the design data. Further marking is performed depending on what the foundation will be. More details about this can be found in the table.

Where is it applied and how is markup performed

slab foundation

This type of foundation, due to its high cost, is done only in cases where it cannot be dispensed with. Marking is carried out according to the size of the building or a little more when it is necessary that the foundation be wider and longer than the bath.

Shallow strip foundation

A very common type of foundation. Relatively inexpensive and durable. The marking is carried out in such a way that the tape filled with concrete passes along the perimeter of the building and under the walls.

Column Foundation

This type of foundation is also often found. It is mainly used for mounting wooden structures on it. Depending on the dimensions of the bath, the marking is carried out according to the number of manufactured supports.

screw foundation

It is believed that this type of foundation is new, but this is an erroneous conclusion based on the fact that it has recently been used in civil engineering. The screw foundation has stood the test of time, as the military has long begun to use it. The advantage of the foundation device on screw piles is the speed and ease of installation. The second advantage is that there is no need to excavation so the area stays clean. In addition, it can be used to build a bath even on a site with a significant slope.

The marking is done according to the number of piles and no deviation to the side is allowed.

Weigh all the pros and cons, and then make the final decision regarding the choice of the type of foundation.

Foundation pouring

The manufacture of a shallow strip foundation is acceptable under the following conditions:

  1. The soil in the area is dry and loose.
  2. The groundwater level is quite low.
  3. IN winter period frosts are not very strong.
  4. The buildings are not heavy.

Do not try to guess the type of foundation for a heavy structure. If you are not sure, then invite specialists who, after performing the appropriate checks, will give an accurate answer.

Let's start with a simpler and most commonly used shallow foundation for a bath.

  • We have external markings, now we need to make internal ones, taking into account the fact that the width of the foundation must be at least 50 cm, and must protrude beyond the building by 5-10 cm on each side. Therefore, if the bath is 3 × 4 m, then the largest size along the outer perimeter will be 3.2 × 4.2 m.
  • It is important to take into account the installation location of the furnace and at the same time make the foundation for it.
  • For convenience, in the corners you need to install wooden structures similar to benches. They need to be set in the same plane along the height of the future formwork and a measuring cord should be attached to them. How to do this is shown in the illustration.

For a strip foundation, marking is carried out both along the outer and inner contours.

  • It is necessary to remove the fertile topsoil and put it aside, then dig a trench, the clay from which can then be used as a backfill.
  • As for the depth of the trench, in some cases it can be 35 cm. Much depends on the depth of freezing and the soil itself. It is necessary to dig to a solid clay layer and in no case stop on the ground. Therefore, most often the depth is in the range of 50–60 cm.
  • The bottom of the trench must be leveled by checking its horizontal level.
  • Now it's time for the sand bed. It is necessary to pour a layer of sand into the trench, at least 15 cm thick, moisten with water and compact well. To do this, it would be more convenient to use a vibrotamper, but it can also be done manually, using a heavy bar with handles nailed to it.
  • The next layer is poured with crushed stone of the middle fraction and also carefully rammed.
  • Now it's the turn of the formwork, the height of which should reach the stretched cord. It can be made from improvised materials or wood harvested for other purposes, since this temporary structure will be dismantled shortly after pouring the foundation. Finished shields must be installed along the trench and well fixed, otherwise the poured concrete may move them.

The formwork must be securely fastened. You can also immediately insert the sleeve, then to carry out communications

  • In order not to stain the boards, and so that the concrete does not flow out through the cracks, the formwork is closed from the inside with plastic wrap, which must be fixed with a stapler or thin nails.
  • Now you need to make a frame of metal or plastic fittings, fastened with knitting wire.

You can perform all calculations in our online calculator.

  • The fabricated frame should not reach the edges of 5 cm. It must be carefully lowered into the trench so as not to tear the film protecting the formwork. To raise the frame above the bedding, you need to put pieces of granite under it, since, unlike brick, it will not crumble under the influence of moisture.
  • If any communications pass through the foundation, then you need to leave holes for them, which will help the sleeves, as done in the photo above. The same applies to the manufacture of products.
  • Plan your time in such a way as to pour the foundation with concrete in a day, since breaks are not allowed here - then the tape will not be monolithic. It is convenient to deliver the concrete with a mixer and pour it directly from it, otherwise it will have to be kneaded in a concrete mixer, on the basis that M400 cement will need 1 bucket, sand - 3, crushed stone (or gravel) - 5 buckets.
  • The foundation poured with concrete should be compacted with a vibrator or bayoneted. After shrinkage, you need to add a little concrete and level the site. If a basis is made for wooden house, then in non-cured concrete it is necessary to fix the foundation bolts.
  • Not earlier than a week later, you can remove the formwork.

It should be remembered that concrete has not yet gained full strength, so it must be handled with care or wait 28 days, and only then build a bath.

Wall masonry

When building a bath from blocks, stone or brick, you need to level the foundation with a cement-sand mortar, and lay a roofing material folded in half on it. Masonry starts from the corners. Having installed the first blocks on the cement-sand mortar, you need to make sure that they are in the same plane, and only after that a twine is stretched along the upper outer edge, which serves as a guide for laying a number of building materials.

When laying the next row, the masonry mixture may differ: a wall of brick and shell rock is erected on a cement-sand mortar, while mixtures recommended by the manufacturer are used for laying lightweight blocks.

Having installed the jumpers above the doors and windows, you need to install the formwork on top and make an armored belt, fixing the foundation bolts in it for the subsequent fastening of the Mauerlat board. After the concrete has hardened, it will be possible to proceed with the manufacture of the roof.

The construction of the frame of the bath

The basis of such a bath is a wooden frame, which is insulated and sheathed. various types finishing materials. Need to choose quality materials and observe the sequence of their installation.

For the manufacture of the frame, boards from well-dried larch, aspen or linden will be needed, because this wood has low thermal conductivity. The manufactured shields will be resistant to deformation.

On the foundation, a frame of the lower trim is made from a beam of 100 × 100 mm. At the ends of the bars, you need to make cuts in half the thickness and fasten them together with self-tapping screws. If 50 × 100 mm bars are used, then the frame can be assembled end-to-end using metal corners. The dimensions of the bar used depend on the type of foundation, design and dimensions of the bath.

Making the base for the frame bath

  • At the next stage, the end strapping board is installed, and the floor logs are attached to it right next to it. A beam of 50 × 100 mm is used.
  • On the opposite side, the logs are cut in such a way that a second end strapping board can be installed.
  • The logs must be arranged so that the prepared insulation becomes close between them, then the end strapping boards are nailed.
  • The wall frame is assembled from a 50 × 100 mm beam, and then installed in its place, all parts are fastened into a single structure.

To ensure the vapor barrier of the frame bath, you need to use a vapor barrier film, which will avoid the accumulation of moisture inside the frame. Mineral wool or fiberglass is used as a heat-insulating material. They are able to provide a high level of sealing without disturbing the natural air exchange.

It is preferable to carry out insulation and wall cladding after the installation of the roof. This approach will protect the wood and insulation from getting wet.

Concrete floor installation with wooden flooring

If in the frame bath it remains only to insulate the floor and lay floorboard, then for other buildings you will have to work harder - you need to install logs, make a subfloor, fix the vapor barrier, lay insulation, perform waterproofing, lay the floorboard, which will have to be changed in a few years. Considering that the dacha in the dacha will not be thoroughly dried due to lack of time for this, because after the weekend it will be necessary to quickly leave for the city, then if there is such an opportunity, it would be preferable to make a concrete floor and tile it. They fit on it wooden shields, which can be taken out to dry in the barn and calmly go home.

Wooden floor with insulation

It is clear that for a frame and other structure installed on a columnar or pile foundation, only a wooden floor with insulation is acceptable. This process is described in more detail in the next two videos.

roof construction

Above any bath should be reliable roof, but the options for its creation may be different. In any case, you need to lay waterproofing, and then thermal insulation, think about the type of roof and the choice of a suitable roofing material. Without waterproofing, steam will freely enter the attic, and, settling on beams and rafters, will contribute to their rapid destruction. In addition, formed on roofing material condensate will begin to drain onto the insulation, which will affect the properties and durability of the latter.

The type of terrain has a great influence on the choice of the type of roof, since it is necessary to take into account technical specifications buildings.

  • So, in a holiday village, especially when it is located among tall trees, you can safely make a high gable roof.
  • If the cottage is located in the steppe zone, blown by all the winds, then the slope for the roof must be made minimal.
  • With small sizes of baths and minor snow loads, the roof can be made single-pitched. The same roof is most often made in a bath attached to the house.

Interior and exterior decoration

Although wood is most often used for interior decoration, not all wood is suitable for this purpose. It is necessary to choose the right material, especially for a steam room, in which a high temperature is created with high humidity. It should be said right away that pine lumber, as well as fiberboard, chipboard and linoleum, cannot be used to finish this room. Therefore, you need to purchase lining made of larch or linden.

As for other premises, the conditions there are not so extreme, therefore there are no such high requirements for the material used - what cannot be used in a steam room is perfect for a rest room and dressing room. Pine lining in the dressing room will exude a pleasant aroma and create a feeling of comfort.

Finishing wood and brick bath clapboard is performed almost the same way. First, a crate is attached to the wall, and a lining is already attached to it. An exception is the steam room, in which there should be heat-reflecting foil under the crate.

Exterior decoration is carried out not only to make the bath beautiful, but also to protect it.

You have to choose suitable material and decorate the façade.

Ventilation in the bath

Sometimes there is still such an opinion that good ventilation in the steam room is useless, since all the heat comes out through it, and it is made very weak, or it is completely absent. But there is another extreme, when the ventilation process is not controlled, and the heat escapes from the bath. In such a steam room at the top it is very hot, and the legs are cold.

In fact, while taking bath procedures, the air in the room should be updated 2-3 times per hour, but this is not enough, since ventilation must be done correctly. Usually the inlet is located at the bottom near the boiler, and the exhaust is under the ceiling on the opposite side. While the steam room is warming up, the exhaust window is closed. Then it opens, and warm air begins to rapidly leave the room. As a result, the steam room becomes cool and uncomfortable. You can make ventilation, as in the diagram.

Scheme of air circulation in the steam room

Such a device allows you to hold back warm air under the ceiling, and half-cooled air comes out through the hole located below (B), so it will be comfortable in the steam room. When the steam room needs to be thoroughly ventilated, the top vent (A) opens.

In addition to the steam room, ventilation is necessary in every room of the bath. In order not to waste precious heat in vain, you can make it possible to close the ventilation openings during those hours when there is no need for ventilation.

The canopy and all the furniture for the country bath can be made independently. If there is no desire to make something else, then the network has many offers for the sale of everything you need to give.

With a strong desire to save on furniture, you can review old stocks. Maybe there is something that needs to be repaired, but does not get around to it? After a little restoration, such furniture can last a long time. The main requirement is not to use chipboard furniture, as this material will deteriorate very quickly from high humidity.

Bath plan 6 × 7.2 m

6×6 m

5×4 m

4×4 m

3×5 m

3×3 m

Photo: original baths

Sauna in the country with their own hands - photos, diagrams, drawings, video

Learn how to build a bathhouse in the country with your own hands. The article describes several types of baths that can be built in the country.

We build a bath in the country with our own hands

Bath in the country - one of the best places to relax Bath in the country - a real outlet after a hard day's work. It can also be an alternative to an ordinary holiday in the country with barbecue and soft drinks. But besides, it is the best option clean up and relax well.

Many of us use the bath for different occasions. For some, this is a Sabbath day tradition, for others it is an occasion to gather a group of friends and brightly end a difficult week. But, despite the position, a bathhouse in the country is a real miracle, and that is why almost every summer resident simply dreams of such a structure.

You can build a bath in the country in several ways - by contacting specialists who offer a wide variety of projects, or on your own, trying to save money and get your hand on a new business. By and large, for experienced summer residents who build verandas and terraces with their own hands, build gazebos and awnings, this is not so difficult, but if you take up construction for the first time, serious problems may arise. It is worth solving them in advance, having studied not only the options for baths, projects and construction methods, but also having studied the main stages of the construction process.

Choosing the type of building for the bath

Depending on the region, the cost of materials, as well as personal requirements, it is necessary to choose the main material of construction. It can be brick or wood as the most popular building materials.

The characteristics of baths made of wood or brick are also important, because the materials differ in qualities and properties, reliability and durability, and ease of use.

It often happens that a bath is built on the basis of an already finished building, in which a room is simply allocated for a steam room and a washing room. Then things are much easier. But it also happens that the construction takes place from scratch, and then we are faced with the task of studying absolutely all stages of construction - site selection, construction plan, general project and estimate, foundation and forcing walls, exterior and interior decoration, other works on arrangement and decor .

We are well aware that after reading our article it will be quite difficult to immediately pick up a hammer and drive out a bathhouse in a summer cottage in three days. But we will try to bring you as close as possible to the process and explain all its subtleties so that such work becomes much easier for you!

Choosing the best place for a bath

Thanks to communication with people who have built more than one bathhouse in their lives, and also continue to do this business, and now, we have learned many interesting facts which we share with you. So, initially we will talk about where it is best to build a bathhouse in a summer cottage:

  • You should not build a bath next to a reservoir, in close proximity to the water, as the building can be flooded with floods;
  • An excellent option is an extension to a residential building or any other building - saving materials and energy saving;
  • It is most correct to build a bathhouse in the backyard, where there are no drafts, in the silence of trees;
  • Be sure to think about waterproofing, vapor barrier and ventilation even at the initial stages of construction, because the bath tends to create unpleasant odors if built incorrectly or not provided with proper care;
  • Do not start construction near a road or field - dust in indoor wet areas is useless;
  • The south side is the most suitable for construction;
  • Think about fire safety, as the risk of unpleasant situations here is quite high;
  • If possible, start construction at a distance from the neighboring territory. So you will not observe envious or judgmental looks on yourself, and provoke scandals due to noisy rest or aromas of the bath;
  • Conduct construction in a place remote from the well or well, at least 15-20 m.

How to avoid building mistakes

No matter how colorful you plan the construction, or paint the future result, at the end you will not like something. This is a 100% guarantee, because there is no ideal in our world. But there is always an opportunity to minimize all the construction and decoration mistakes that lead to disappointment. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider the following:

  • Do not forget about the correct planning of internal areas. It is believed that a bath for 2-3 people should be about 10 m2;
  • Optimal Height interior spaces- 2-2.2 m. If it is lower, then it is quite inconvenient, if it is higher - irrational costs of heat carriers and a long warm-up time;
  • Try to have the doors in the bath on the south side, and the windows on the west or southwest;
  • It is desirable to make windows small, as, in principle, doors. If options are possible with windows, then it is advisable to make doors no more than 70 cm wide and no more than 180 cm high. You will also need a high threshold. Of course, this creates some inconvenience, but it seriously reduces heat loss;
  • Choose materials for construction not only according to aesthetic data, give preference to lightweight materials with a high energy saving capacity;
  • Regardless of the materials of construction, pay maximum attention to safety and quality equipment;
  • Seriously approach the choice of wood for internal arrangement, do not use resinous woods.

What to build a bath from

At the moment, there are many options among which it is worth choosing. But if you pay attention to Newest technologies quick construction, then saving here will not work. Of course, a frame bath is being built in just a few days, but it will also cost a pretty penny. Therefore, it is worth looking for a more acceptable option, for many of us and in general, from used materials, for example, brick or cinder block. And why not, because such a building will easily serve for several decades ...

In fact, now you can build from anything, as long as the requirements and budget are met, as well as the characteristics of the future building are combined with your opinion about the new bath.

Bath in the country with their own hands

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to build a bath, and therefore many of our readers who decide on this process will start it from intermediate stages, for example, from finishing an already finished building and interior. Therefore, today we will not talk about how to build a bath from a bar or build a frame bath, but simply consider the most acceptable option for everyone from a brick or cinder block.

We have previously discussed the stages of construction in a short list, but now it is necessary to consider each of them in detail!

Having correctly chosen a place for the site, having cleared it of debris and any overgrowth, a swarm of trenches for pouring the strip foundation. Of course, a columnar foundation can also be used under a beam or log, but it is better to fill it under a brick.

As in any standard summer cottage, when we talked about gazebos, sheds and other structures, you need to correctly calculate the parameters of the foundation. In addition, you need to create all the necessary layers of the pillow, from gravel and sand, choose a material for reinforcement, perhaps even fiberglass reinforcement.

When the trench for the foundation is ready, and reinforcement is installed inside, pour the concrete and let it settle for several days. Naturally, it is better to fill it higher, arranging the formwork 20-30 cm above the ground, so that you do not have to start laying in direct contact with the ground.

It is also worth taking care of waterproofing, which can be coated or made of roofing material, in the old fashioned way. Sometimes a film is also used, but it all depends strictly on the type of building.

Don't forget about engineering communications for a bath that can be brought inside before pouring the foundation or already in the process of laying the walls.


Depending on the material and type of masonry, you should choose a solution, as well as the speed of work. The thing is that the masonry cannot be done too quickly, as the brick can float and the work will stop. Therefore, we immediately determine whether we are building in brick or half-brick, or maybe in general, we choose cinder block or aerated concrete.

We start laying carefully, in accordance with the work plan and the project, we move up, constantly using the level and plumb lines. We do not forget about the placement of windows and doors, we cover the openings with posts, we make the jointing.

At the initial stage of masonry, you can also lay logs under the floor, work with communications.

Roof device

When external and internal walls kicked out, the quality of work checked and you are ready to continue, you need to move on to the roof device.

The first thing you need is to knock down the base of the roof into a single structure and install rafters on it, by the way, you can also do it in finished form. When this stage is completed, you can proceed to the device of the crate.

Depending on what kind of ceiling you installed in the bath, you should immediately think about the chimney for the stove. Perhaps the output will be through the wall, but do not forget about the possibility of output through the ceiling and the roof, which means that holes for the chimney will be needed.

After that, we move on to the roofing device, which we once talked about in some detail. Roofing materials can be very different, starting with the same slate, and ending with expensive tiles. But here we focus on weight, reliability, fire safety and many other fashionable and necessary factors today.

Finishing roofing works, we go down, because now you need to finish everything with the floor.

There are no problems with the floor, but there is a lot of controversy about its insulation. As we found out, it is also necessary to insulate the basement from the inside in order to get best performance energy saving and really warm and dry floor.

To do this, on the basement part, on a brick or a raised foundation, we produce mineral wool insulation and waterproofing. Next, we fill the floor under the washing room, not forgetting about the water supply and sewerage pipes, and we make a dry backfill under the floor in the rest of the rooms. Expanded clay can be used for this.

Now it remains to lay a layer of insulation and vapor barrier, make a small gap, literally 1-2 cm, and lay the board.

Interior and exterior decoration

We will start with thermal insulation, since this stage is very important for a bath. Many are insulated from the outside, but why do we need to heat a cold brick if the same layer of insulation can be laid from the inside. Therefore, outside decorative trim or additional insulation with foam, and inside the mandatory insulation with mineral wool.

It is produced as follows - the walls are covered with waterproofing, applied wooden crate, then a layer of mineral wool and a vapor barrier are fixed on the surface. Most often, this is aluminum foil, on top of which the finishing takes place.

Now the ceilings. There should also not be any difficulties, since the process is identical to the insulation of bath walls. But the ceiling is also insulated in the attic, where fiberglass is laid between the beams. Expanded clay is poured on top or mineral wool, a vapor barrier layer and a rough finish are laid. A cement screed is also possible, depending on the floor production technology.

The interior decoration of the bath rooms is made with clapboard, the exterior - with any material, the design of which is most interesting to you. It can be siding, plastering and painting, composite materials, facing bricks and so on.

During the finishing, it is necessary to install the stove, make a safe exit of the chimney, seal all openings on the outlets as much as possible. We will talk more about sauna stoves in the future!

Installation of windows and doors

This stage will not be a difficult test for you, since we have already told you how to install windows in the country, and we have mentioned doors more than once. Try only to choose high-quality materials and install correctly, because the energy saving of the interior depends on this.

You can choose wooden or metal-plastic doors and windows, order glass doors to the sauna, but you yourself understand that it is in wood that everything will be most natural and warm!

Arrangement of a country bath

We do not undertake to decide for you, since harmony and compliance with your taste in this matter is above all, and you can create such an effect only on your own. Therefore, try to approach the design correctly, furnish the rest room, supply the bath with everything you need - decor and accessories. We recommend learning about budget option baths for summer cottages.

Do not forget that the bath needs light. Here we recommend that you contact a qualified electrician who will wire and install in accordance with all requirements of wet rooms. You can also call a plumber to check your own work, because the supply of water to the bath and sewerage are no less important!

Each stage of the construction of a bathhouse in the country is complicated in its own way. Naturally, you can re-read a lot of interesting articles, watch tutorials, or contact specialists directly for minimal help. But here you must understand that only a personal desire will allow you to start and complete the project. If this is just an idea that seems simple and feasible to you in a couple of days, it is better not to take on the process. Save your energy, time and money, draw up an accurate and correct project, and only then get to work. Well, when you have any questions on this topic, specialists will be happy to answer them. We recommend learning how to choose a stove for a bath.

We build a bath in the country with our own hands

Bath in the country - a real outlet after a hard day's work. It can also be an alternative to an ordinary holiday in the country with barbecue and soft drinks. But, in addition, this is the best option to put yourself in order and have a good rest.
