Each owner wooden house sooner or later faces the need to replace the most important structural elements of the structure. Most often we are talking about the restoration of the lower crowns. This task is not easy, requiring certain theoretical knowledge, special tools and experience in carrying out such work.

The need to replace the lower rims at home

Wooden houses remain popular even with the advent of modern, more practical materials and construction technologies. However, wooden log cabins have one significant drawback - the fragility of wood and its susceptibility to decay. The lower crowns of the structure eventually become unusable.

If the construction of a wooden house is carried out "by the mind", then the period of operation of the house without major repairs is from 50 years. But in practice this is not always the case. First of all, the lower crown of the house, which is in contact with water more than other structural elements, begins to collapse.

The rapid decay of the lower rims is a consequence of the use of poor-quality, unprepared material. Experienced craftsmen recommend using only larch when laying. This wood, oddly enough, over time, when wet, only becomes stronger.

Often engaged in the construction of wooden houses non-professional builders who disregard subtleties technological process. In addition, it is not always possible to control the quality of the material - the wood may not be sufficiently dried or harvested "out of season". An important factor is poor waterproofing, made from inexpensive grades of roofing material. As a result, after 5-6 years, the homeowner is forced to decide on the replacement of the lower rims and the reconstruction of the building.

Important! A house built from durable, high-quality dried and antiseptic wood, with reliable waterproofing and wide roof overhangs that protect the walls from snow and rain, will last at least half a century without repair.

Determine the need for repairs and the scope of upcoming work will help visual inspection crowns. When tapping a log with a hammer or an ax butt, a dull sound will be heard in some places - a sign that the tree is deteriorating from the inside. A more detailed idea of ​​the destruction can be obtained by working a little with a chisel.

It is also necessary to examine 2-3 logs located above the mortgage - the probability of their damage is also high. It will also be useful to assess the condition of the foundation. Small cracks must be sealed with paper construction tape. If after a while the strips are torn, it means that the base is deformed and you will have to replace the crowns and repair the foundation of the wooden house.

Ways to replace rotten crowns at home

The replacement of the lower rims is strongly recommended to be carried out with the involvement of specialists. This process is technologically and physically very complex. Work errors can lead to the destruction of the roof, chimney, ceiling or the entire house. In addition, self-reconstruction of the house is not safe for performers.

The repair technology depends on a number of factors: the technical condition of the foundation and crowns, the dimensions of the building, the availability of free space near the house, the proximity of the adjoining buildings, the presence of a chimney, etc. Properly choose the method of reconstruction, weighing all the pros and cons, will be able to master, who has experience in performing such work.

Partial replacement of crowns without raising the house

Partial repair, the so-called "spot", is performed if the wood has begun to rot in one or more sections of the lower belt of the crowns. In this case, completely changing the crown is impractical.

"Local" repair involves replacing only the damaged part of the log.

pros partial replacement crown:

  • ease of repair;
  • work can be done independently, without the involvement of professionals and special devices;
  • small financial investment.

Cons of "spot" repairs:

  • the formation of additional junction points increases heat loss;
  • structural strength weakens.

The general procedure for partial replacement of crowns:

The crown, consisting of several sections, is less durable compared to the whole one. Therefore, some experts recommend using this technology as a last resort, or as a temporary solution.

Replacing the lower crown of the house with brickwork

There are two ways to replace the lower crown with brickwork: with and without raising the wooden house. The choice of this or that technology depends, first of all, on the type of foundation, the age of construction and the budget allocated for repairs.

If the house has no foundation and stands directly on the ground, then it is not necessary to raise the entire building. Without lifting, it is possible to reconstruct the crowns if a columnar foundation was laid during construction.

Repair sequence:

  1. The affected areas are cut out according to the technology described above.
  2. The brick foundation is being laid.
  3. The surface of the foundation is brought under intact logs.
  4. If necessary, replace not one, but several rows of crowns.

Advice. It is advisable to start work from the corners of the house - cut off the joints at the ends and install a solid support.

A more costly and time-consuming way is to raise the house with jacks. With the help of a hydraulic or screw device, lifting is carried out, the elements of the log house are repaired and masonry is started. General algorithm of actions:

  1. Raise the building at the corners.
  2. Install a temporary support at the corners.
  3. Remove the old foundation of the house.
  4. Increase brickwork, lay waterproofing and lower the building.

Raising a wooden frame with jacks

With self-repair, they often resort to technology with raising the house with a jack. Advantages of the method:

  • the optimal ratio of the cost of work and its quality;
  • the possibility of updating the waterproofing layer of the foundation;
  • high reliability.

The disadvantages of the jack method include:

  • the need for certain skills and knowledge;
  • strict adherence to work technology;
  • duration of the process;
  • when using jacks, new joints subsequently appear.

The easiest way to raise a house on a columnar foundation. The base of the jack is installed between the base supports, such as concrete blocks. First, the old log is sawn out. If the plans are to replace several crowns, then several logs are cut at once.

When replacing the two lower rims, two logs are cut out, a jack is installed so that it rests on the log of the third row.

When reconstructing a house on a strip foundation, the lifting procedure is somewhat different - partial destruction of the base will be required. A distance of about 1 m should be retreated from the corner of the house and a section 40 cm wide should be hollowed out. The height depends on the type of jack.

When raising a building, you must adhere to some rules:

  • for less skew, it is desirable to simultaneously raise the house from all sides;
  • on each side of the house, two or more niches must be made - it depends on the size of the structure;
  • the location of niches at the same distance from the corners of the house.

Important! After repairing the crowns in a house with a strip base, the integrity of the foundation is violated, which leads to a decrease in its strength.

Phased repair of a wooden house: replacement of crowns

Preparatory activities

A log house must be carefully prepared for lifting, namely:

  1. Move furniture out of the house household appliances. In general, the house must be freed as much as possible.
  2. Remove the sashes and frames from the windows, remove the doors and door frames. This will facilitate the construction and protect windows / doors from damage and possible distortion.
  3. Disconnect the wooden floor from the walls. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account:
    • the floor, embedded above the mortgage crown, which is not planned to be changed, can not be removed;
    • logs embedded in the mortgage crown must be disassembled, support posts installed under the logs, and then separated from the lower crown.
  4. The fireplace or stove in the house is usually installed on a separate foundation. If this norm is not observed, then raising the house without damaging the thermal equipment is impossible.
  5. Separate the chimney of the stove/fireplace from the roof and floors.
  6. Intact crowns of the house must be fixed and fastened. Boards with a thickness of 40 cm are nailed vertically along the perimeter of the building, the fastening step is 50 cm. The boards are nailed both from the outside and from the inside of the house. The lower end of the board is fixed to the lower remaining crown, and the upper end, respectively, to the upper crown. This measure will save the house from deformation during the lifting process.

The procedure for lifting the log house: columnar and strip foundation

Step-by-step lifting of a house on a columnar foundation:

Important! To raise the house, you will need at least 4 jacks. They are installed in two on opposite sides of the house - they choose the wide sides of the building. The distance to the corner of the house is about 1 m.

Raising a log house on a strip foundation:

Important! By using the lever-jack combination, the sides of the house can be lifted one by one. In addition, after replacing the crowns, it is necessary to seal the gap through which the lever was driven.

Algorithm for replacing the crown of a wooden house

The next step is the direct replacement of the crowns. Any crown consists of the lower and upper logs connected at the corners. Jacks are installed with emphasis on the upper logs, and the lower ones can be easily removed. In their place, it is necessary to put temporary supports supporting the upper crown.

Further progress of work:

  1. Carefully lower the jacks together with the upper crown. Remove the dressing log.
  2. Prepare two logs to replace the upper elements of the lower crown. The tree must be carefully processed and precisely filed so that the fit is tight.
  3. Put the top log on jacks, and cover with caulking material on top.
  4. Raise the jack all the way - the new log should be pressed tightly against the counter top log.
  5. Raise the jack along with the house and remove temporary supports from other walls.
  6. Replace the bottom strapping log in the same order as the top one.
  7. Repair the foundation, improve its waterproofing and lower the house.

The nuances of replacing the lower crown of a frame house

Installation frame house carried out on a mortgage crown made of timber and logs. The technology for restoring the lower crown is in many ways similar to replacing the strapping in a house made of timber. However, there are some important nuances:

Important points when replacing the crowns of a wooden and frame house

Log house: crown replacement. Video

In many houses, the floors are made using wood. And since wood is a material that nature has given us, it rots, can dry out and crack. As a result, at some point, this wood floor will need to be repaired or replaced. And when replacing a rotten or repairable wooden floor, it is very important to follow a certain technology with a complete or partial reconstruction of the wooden floor, with which you can easily, efficiently and without any worries restore the old wooden floor.

Particular attention should be paid, first of all, to the moisture content of the wood used. If the wooden floor is made from wet boards, then it will soon become unusable, as a result of which it will have to be re-layed. Since the wood is wet, it cracks and forms cracks when it dries. The humidity of the boards cannot be determined by eye. Therefore, when buying wood, if it was in a ventilated room, the wood will be dry, and its humidity will be low. Wood for floors is dried separately from joinery wood. It is worth paying attention to the ends of the boards: they are strongly not recommended to be coated, as this will eventually lead to their decay.

After selection desired wood you can go directly to the repair of the floor. When replacing wooden floors or rotten boards, you must use new ones of the right size. Having carefully studied the remaining whole boards, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of the fibers of the old ones. This is necessary so that the fibers of the fresh boards run parallel to the old fibers. If it is necessary to replace them, then the old boards are treated with an antiseptic. Remaining old boards suitable for replacement must be laid in the same order in which they were laid on wooden floor, according to their numbering. New boards are treated accordingly on the edges and on the back.

The width of the board should be 76-124 mm, and its moisture content should be 12%.

  • The wooden floor is laid perpendicular to the joists.
  • If nails are used when replacing the floor, then they should be twice as long as the floor boards in thickness.
  • Boards need to be nailed at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The heads of the nails should go no more than 5 mm into the surface of the board.
  • The rows of driven nails should be neat and even.
  • It is best, of course, to use self-tapping screws when repairing the floor.

Nails under constant load begin to bulge out of the floor boards and, accordingly, no longer provide their reliable fastening. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws, which can also be screwed in next to the old nail, and the resulting small depression is sealed with a special wood putty. The boards are laid on a common log along the entire length or width of the room, articulated and covered with a frieze. The frieze is fixed with nails to the log in a couple of rows.

A small distance must be left between the floor covering and the wall for good sound insulation. Gaps are covered with plinth. The floor covering in the room should be 1.5-2 cm lower than the floor in the corridor.

The procedure for repairing a log is the same as for a wooden one. floor covering, that is, they are replaced by new ones.

  • They are treated with an antiseptic, rotten logs are removed.
  • Logs on a reinforced concrete base are installed on soundproof pads.
  • If the logs are laid on the ground, it is necessary to lay out small columns of brick or concrete, and lay the waterproofing in two layers of roofing.
  • To align the lag with respect to each other, use the building level.
  • The first logs should be laid at a level across the room, leaving a gap between the wall of 8-9 cm.
  • It is forbidden to put wedges under the logs.
  • When the first lighthouse lags are accurately verified, others are laid across the entire area.

Laying logs is recommended, focusing on the degree of illumination. In bright rooms, the logs are laid along the incident rays of light, and in dark places, for example, in the corridor, they are laid across. The docking of the lags is carried out end-to-end, while maintaining an offset of parallel lags of at least a meter.

After the logs are laid and the level is verified, it is advisable to start laying the boards with or without clamps. It is necessary to lay the boards closely so that the width of the gaps is no more than 1 mm. When fitting the ends and joining the board on the log, the nails are nailed into them at an angle, sinking to a shallow depth. Hanging the floor boards is unacceptable, as you will have to lay an additional lag under them. To get rid of unevenness between the boards, it is necessary to use a grinder to level the top layer of the floor covering. A planer makes a floor guard, after wetting the floor surface with water. When turning the machine in the opposite direction, the adjacent planed strip is blocked by 50-100 mm.

After completing all the repair work, the wooden floors are cleaned of chips and sawdust, the surface is primed and puttied. When the putty dries, the floor surface is cleaned of debris, the dust is removed with a damp cloth, and only then the floor is painted or varnished.

Good luck with replacing or repairing your old wood floor.

Viewed: 1 683

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Houses made of wood are comfort and coziness, a special microclimate and positive energy. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is necessary to carry out current repairs on time and with high quality.

The experience of operating wooden buildings shows that without special tools, experience and knowledge, structural elements touching buildings is extremely risky. When replacing crowns and repairing the foundation of a wooden house, the cost of professional services will pay off with the durability of the structure.

Source cutala.free.bg

Causes of destruction of the integrity of the lower crowns

Ideally wooden building will stand without overhaul half a century. The "weak link" of the design is the bottom rows. Moisture seeps through cracks inside the wood and through gaps between logs. In damp places, spores of the fungus begin to develop. Mold appears, then rot. Insect pests complete the internal destruction of wood.

The reasons why wood is destroyed may be as follows:

    Use of unprepared material. Raw wood harvested "out of season" quickly loses its strength and begins to collapse.

    Great importance has a type of tree. For example, when choosing larch for the construction of the lower rows, you don’t have to worry about high humidity, the tree will only become stronger. Lime logs are not recommended to be used as lower rims.

    Poor-quality waterproofing of the foundation, made in violation of technology.

    Non-compliance with the technology of antiseptic building material.

    Insufficient air exchange in the underground space, lack of ventilation ducts.

Source zen.yandex.com

    Incorrectly erected foundation that does not correspond to the type of soil, relief, without taking into account the depth of groundwater, climatic conditions region.

    Illiterately mounted facade panels covering the crowns.

All the reasons come down to two main factors: improper operation of the dwelling or an unprofessional approach to the builders' business.

How to determine the degree of destruction of the crowns

To radically solve the issue of replacing crowns in wooden house and the degree of reconstruction, it is necessary to determine the extent of damage.

The dull sound of the butt of the ax on the log will give out the degree of destruction of the wood from the inside. If you work with a chisel, you can imagine a more complete picture of the damage. An ordinary inspection is not enough to correctly assess the condition of the building. A professional approach involves assessing the state of the foundation, determining the degree of load on the structure. An accurate forecast of the further operation of the dwelling can be given experienced craftsmen. If there is no need to completely change the rows of logs, you can save the family budget. And, conversely, time, effort and money can be spent on local repairs, but it will not lead to the expected result.

Source wileyloghomes.com
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer foundation repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Features of the reconstruction

Before starting work, you should free the premises from furniture, things. Take out window frames, remove the doors and dismantle the door frames.

The chimneys of the stove or fireplace are separated from the ceilings and roofs. They do everything possible to facilitate the construction and avoid distortions. Fasten undamaged rows.

Illiterate actions can lead to damage to the roof, chimneys and attic floors. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry them out on your own.

The technology is quite complex and depends on the following points:

    foundation conditions;

    the degree of destruction of wood;

    dimensions of the building, number of storeys;

    sizes free space near the building;

    the presence of outbuildings,

    design and condition of chimneys.

If the furnace does not have a separate foundation, which is provided for by the construction technology, it will not work to raise the house. Choose the right way restoration work can be a specialist who has the necessary knowledge and experience in this field.

Whenever possible, materials are used that are as close as possible to the original ones, sometimes it is advisable to replace the rotten parts with bricks.

Source woicetosh.blogspot.com

Sometimes wooden facades covered with siding or bricked up to hide the elements of reconstruction. A waterproofing layer is laid between the foundation and the new rows, the wood is treated with an antiseptic.

Reconstruction methods

Crowns can be repaired in several ways:

    Partial replacement (local restoration of wood rotting sites).

    Brickwork instead of damaged crowns.

    Replacing the lower log in a wooden house when raising the log house with jacks.

Each of these methods has features, advantages and disadvantages.

Partial crown replacement

Assumes local reconstruction. This is the most affordable and low-budget way. Spot repairs are possible when the wood has just begun to deteriorate and does not have a large scale of damage. However, this technological technique has a drawback - the strength of the structure decreases, the heat loss of the room increases. With a competent approach to business, these shortcomings can be minimized.

An important point: it is necessary to correctly determine the boundaries of damage. If this is not done, the efforts will be in vain. The decay process will continue.

Source vam-mucziki.ru

In order for the inserts to last for a long time, their dimensions must fully correspond to the removed elements. Around the places where new bars are inserted, craftsmen make special holes for driving in dowels.

Brickwork instead of damaged crowns

The technology of partial restoration of wood is a temporary measure. Therefore, brickwork is more often chosen as a way to solve the problem. This can be done with or without jacking up the entire structure. The age of the building, the type and condition of the foundation, and possible material investments are taken into account.

The places affected by rot are cut out. End connections are cut off and strong brick supports are installed in their place. A brick foundation is laid, its surface is brought under intact logs. With this method, you can update several rows at once.

If brickwork is performed with raising the structure with jacks, the scheme is as follows:

    When replacing the two lower rims, two logs are cut out and the jack is installed so that it rests on the third row.

    The building is raised at the corners and temporary supports are installed. To avoid dangerous distortions, the structure is lifted simultaneously from all sides.

Source beloozersk.zakup.by

    The old foundation is being removed.

    The structure is lowered only after it has been completed. brickwork and a waterproofing layer is laid.

Complete replacement of lower rims

Unlike local repairs, the cost of replacing crowns in a wooden house using hydraulic or screw devices It will cost more, but the result will justify the money spent.

Jacks are installed with emphasis on the upper logs so that the lower ones can be removed. Construct temporary supports. The equipment used to lift the structure must be reliable. Breakage of the jack during raising the structure can lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure and injury to people.

Although the process using jacks will require more time and effort, the life of the structure until the next major overhaul will increase significantly. The updated waterproofing layer will not allow moisture to penetrate inside the wooden walls.

What makes up the price

When replacing the lower rims of a wooden house, the cost of work depends on the complexity of the repair, the degree of wear of materials, the terrain, and the size of the house.

Source nicstroy.ru

When the lower rims of a wooden house are being replaced, the cost of the work consists of the following components:

    The whole complex of actions for lifting the structure.

    Dismantling the damaged crown.

    Preparation and installation of a new crown.

    Construction of a new foundation.

    Waterproofing device.

    Fixing installation.

Added to this is the cost of building materials.

On average, the cost of services for replacing the lower crown in Moscow starts from 5000 per 1 sq.m. rubles at the most small sizes timber. If the walls are made of logs, then the price for replacing crowns in a wooden house will be more expensive: from 13,000 rubles per 1 sq. m.

Video description

Clearly about the lifting of a wooden house with jacks in the video:


Determination of the exact scope of work and right way restoration of the lower rims will allow not to spend extra money on reconstruction. Handicraft restoration can lead to a distortion of the structure and further destruction of the house.

It makes no sense to save on hiring specialists, because the price of work to replace the crown in a wooden house is not exorbitant, and it is better to carry out a quality reconstruction once than to constantly face new problems.

Consumption ecology. Manor: Repair of the most vulnerable part of a wooden house - the lower rims - is a very laborious work. Usually it requires the involvement of specialized teams with the appropriate equipment, but in some cases it can be done by hand. It all depends on the type of foundation and the extent of damage to the wood of the lower crowns of the house.

Repair of the most vulnerable part of a wooden house - the lower rims - is a very time-consuming work. Usually it requires the involvement of specialized teams with the appropriate equipment, but in some cases it can be done by hand. It all depends on the type of foundation and the extent of damage to the wood of the lower crowns of the house.

Types of repair of the lower rims of the house

Consider the types of repairs, as well as the technology of work in each of the possible options.

Repair without raising the house:

  • with the replacement of the lower crown section;
  • complete replacement of the lower rims with fragments of logs;
  • replacing the lower crown with brickwork.

Repair with raising the house:

  • replacement of the crowns of a house with a pile (columnar) foundation;
  • replacement of the crowns of a house with a strip foundation.

The specified types of repair of the lower rims are arranged in order of increasing complexity of production. Replacement without raising the house can be done independently, without the involvement of outside help. Raising a house requires the synchronized efforts of at least two people working with jacks to avoid tilting and destroying the house, or sliding it off the foundation.

Preparing your home for crown replacement

The first stage of replacement is to strengthen the structure of the log house. Even if it is not planned to raise the house with jacks, it will be useful to strengthen the structure. Used to strengthen wooden beam not less than 40 mm thick, located vertically along the outer and inner surface walls.

The lower edge of the timber should be located at the level of the crown that cannot be replaced, the upper edge - at the level of the upper crown of the log house. Screed bars are attached to the wall with nails. At the upper and lower points, they are fixed with a screed (dowels of at least 10 mm) through a through hole drilled in the wall (log). Screeds are located at a distance of 300-400 mm from the edge of the section of the crown to be replaced, or in all inter-window spaces of the wall.

Scheme for replacing a section of a log

First, the affected area of ​​the wood is determined. Visually it is difficult to understand how widespread the rot has spread. In order to accurately determine the damage, they use either a chisel, which is used to cut a log from the side of the visible area of ​​​​the lesion, or a feather drill for wood, with which holes are drilled using an electric drill.

The state of the wood is determined by the state and color of the chips. Having decided on the area to be replaced, they retreat 200 mm to the sides of its borders, and a section of the lower crown is cut using a chain saw or electric saw. After that, waterproofing is laid on the foundation in two layers.

Replacing part of the crown. 1. Damaged area. 2. Cut out area with a margin of at least 10 cm from the identified damage. 3. Insert

In the unaffected areas of the lower crown, cuts are cut with a saw for more reliable fixation of the insert element. The lower part of the second crown is treated with an antiseptic. An insert is sawn from a log of the appropriate diameter, its length should be 10–20 mm shorter than the sawn section.

The length of the cut should correspond to that on the undamaged sections of the lower crown. After that, the insert is installed (hammered with a sledgehammer) into the opening and the existing slots are caulked with moss or other available material.

Thus, it is possible to gradually replace the entire perimeter of the rotten crown. The replacement starts from the corners from the lower log of the log dressing.

Alternatively, it is possible to replace the damaged area not with wooden inserts, but with brickwork.

Replacing a log house on a columnar (pile) foundation

This is an easier option since it does not require the destruction of the foundation. The distance between the piles or foundation posts is usually sufficient for the installation of jacks. To prevent the log house from deforming and sliding off the posts, it is desirable to lift the house synchronously from all four corners of a simple rectangular log house. Only in extreme cases is it possible to lift only one side of the house.

The jacks are brought under the upper log of the log dressing. A support is placed under the jack to prevent falling into the ground ( wooden shield not less than 500x500 mm). The jack rod should not rest directly on the log, but have a metal gasket-plate. After lifting with jacks, the lower dressing log is released from the load and can be replaced. Temporary supports made of logs or bricks are installed on it and jacks are lowered.

Simultaneously with the jacks, the upper logs of the log dressing will also be lowered. They are also replaced and immediately jacked up. After that, temporary supports are removed from the lower dressing logs and the jacks are lowered. The frame falls into place.

Replacing the crowns of a log house on a strip foundation

This work is the most difficult, because it requires: either partial destruction of the foundation to form niches for installing jacks, or the use of a lever system for raising the corners of the house.

The replacement of the crowns, as in the case of a columnar foundation, begins with the replacement of the lower logs of the ligation of the log house. To do this, niches are shuffled in the foundation at a distance of 200–300 mm from the corners of the house under the upper dressing logs. After installing the jacks, the replacement procedure is similar to that described above.

When using a lever system, the destruction of the foundation is not required. The initial stage is to sample half the thickness of the upper log of the log dressing at 1000–1500 mm from its edge from all four corners of the log house.

After that, a metal channel or rail is laid in the formed niche, and with the help of a jack the corner of the house is raised. As it rises between the foundation and the channel (rail), wooden wedges are driven in until the lower dressing log is released from the load. It is removed and replaced with temporary supports.

Next, wedges are knocked out between the channel and the foundation and taken out. The upper dressing log is released and can be replaced with a new one. After that, the channel or rail is re-installed and the house is also raised using wedges. Temporary supports are removed and new lower logs of the log dressing are laid. Lowering the jacks and knocking out the wedges, they lower the log house onto the lower dressing log. The log fell into place.

Despite the technology of replacing the lower rims of wooden log cabins, worked out over the centuries, this work still remains very laborious and requires great physical strength. It is impossible to do it alone. But the point is not only in physical activity, but also in the need to synchronize the rise of the log house at the same time in 2 or 4 points. And with a complex structure of the log house - in an even greater number of points. However, replacing only the lower rims is a much less time consuming process than a complete bulkhead of the entire log house. published

Replacing a wooden floor with reinforced concrete

Any building consists of several basic elements: foundation, ceiling, roof and walls. hallmark wooden floors is the emerging need to replace them. This is due to the minimum service life. If the service life of foundations, walls and covers made of reinforced concrete is almost the same, then wooden structures are operated for about 50 years.

Relevance of replacement

Most of the buildings and structures that need to be repair work oh and were built a long time ago, they have wooden interfloor ceilings. After a certain period of time, such structures lose their quality and functional properties, so there is a need for change.

The solution to the urgent issue of the buildings of the old fund is the rejection of wood. Buildings with wooden floors in most cases have a small number of floors and thick and powerful load-bearing walls. Some buildings are of historical value and act as museums.

After analyzing the house, experts decide which floor to replace the wooden one with: a protective structure made of reinforced concrete slabs or reinforced concrete, which is a monolith.

A brief excursion into history

Structures are divided into monolithic and prefabricated. Monolithic structures limited use until the mid-90s of the last century. This was due to the lack of:

  • special mechanisms and equipment to deliver the concrete mixture to the structure under construction;
  • reversible formwork.
  • Since the 1950s, construction technologies have implied the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

Work principles

The replacement of wooden floors with a practical reinforced concrete structure is based on the use of beams. They are laid with their ends in load-bearing enclosing structures. And also in the already existing recesses in which the old beams were located or in open additional holes.

In almost all structures in which there is a need to replace floors, bearing walls represent longitudinal vertical enclosing structures located in parallel. Therefore, when creating a project or a repair plan, it is necessary to take into account the distribution of the load on these walls.

The use of a structure in the form of a monolith for these works is not appropriate. Since in order to obtain the necessary support on the walls, there is a need to create holes along their entire total length, which leads to a weakening of the wall structure.

The prefabricated slab is a complex of transverse beams, blocks located between these elements, and a reinforced monolith. An important element of formwork works has a rectangular base made of lightweight reinforced concrete, and an upper base made of reinforcement.

For a single floor, they are used, taking into account the load on the load-bearing walls, wide-profile standard profiles - I-beams or metal profiles characterized by ease.

Characteristics of the used building materials:

  • profiles of steel products;
  • brand and type of concrete;
  • thickness of reinforced concrete coating;
  • other options.

They are determined during the creation of the project before the start of the main construction and repair work, taking into account the state of the structure, the features of operation and the main reassignment of the structure.

Work must be entrusted to competent and qualified specialists. Our company has extensive experience and is focused on potential customers, so we guarantee the high quality of the offered relevant and in-demand services.

Replacement wooden structures on reinforced concrete floors helps to significantly strengthen the structural system of the entire structure and increase the indicator of capabilities. We will help make your home more sustainable.

Repair apartments , country houses , roof, foundations, fences, fences, autonomous gasification, private sewerage, finishing facades, systems water supply from a well and a well, professional modern boiler rooms For private houses And enterprises.

Marks of the publication of the company Design-Presige.
