Parents who have small children often have to visit playgrounds so that the child swings, plays in the sandbox, and rides down the hill. But adults do not always have enough time for such events, especially if the site is far away. Having your own plot, you can make such entertainment for a child at home. This will solve many problems of parents, and the child will always play under supervision. Today we will talk about how to make a children's slide with your own hands from improvised materials.

A metal slide is a common building from Soviet times. It was installed on the playground along with the sandbox. Metal is the strongest and most durable material. But under the influence of external negative factors, it undergoes corrosion, so it is better to use stainless steel or galvanized metal for the manufacture of slides. When making a slide at home on your own, you must have a drawing on hand.

From materials and tools you will need:

  • metal pipes with a diameter of 15-25 mm, rods;
  • corners with a section of 50x50 mm, 20x20 mm;
  • sheet iron with galvanized coating;
  • multi-colored paints, cement, crushed stone;
  • welding machine, grinder, crowbar, hammer.

Having prepared necessary materials, at the site of the future installation, proceed to the manufacture of the structure according to the drawing:

  1. Start manufacturing with a frame. For the upper platform, weld a square measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m from the corner. Place stiffeners crosswise inside it. On top of the square, weld a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 1 mm of the same size to the corners. If possible, use corrugated iron, it will give stability, and the child will not slip on the playground.
  2. Weld the finished platform to the racks. For their manufacture, you need a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 3 m. To the ends of the racks, the lower part of which will be concreted, weld the heels from any metal scraps.
  3. Under the welded frame, mark and dig 4 holes about 1 m deep with a drill. Tamp the bottom with small stones or gravel. Lower the frame racks into the pits, aligning the structure with a plumb line. Knead cement mortar with rubble and fill in the holes. After about a week, the solution will completely harden and you can continue building.
  4. From a 20 mm pipe for stability, cross-weld the frame strapping between the uprights. From the edge of the platform down to the ground at an angle of 45 °, weld a descent from 2 corners with a section of 50x50 mm parallel to each other. Across the corners, weld strips for steps from corners with a section of 20x20 mm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Sew up the plane of the steps with wooden boards or corrugated iron.
  5. On both sides of the stepped descent, weld handrails from 15 mm pipe. Sew openings between handrails and descent metal mesh or thin rods.
  6. The chute is made from 2 pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. Bend the lower part of the pipes with a pipe bender or by heating with a cutter. You should get a design from a steep descent, smoothly turning into a horizontal plane. Weld the upper part of the gutter to the other edge of the site. Fix stiffeners between the pipes of the gutter. From above, weld galvanized sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. If it is not possible to make a descent from solid galvanization, then weld smaller sheets with an overlap along the descent.
  7. Curve the sides of the gutter fence from a 15 mm pipe. They need to be welded parallel to the bottom at a height of 30 cm, and the sides are sewn up with galvanized sheet metal. In several places, weld supports for the gutter from any remnants of the pipes.
  8. The metal structure is ready. It remains to process it with a grinder to eliminate all sharp protrusions. The design can be decorated with multi-colored paints to make it attractive to the child. The bottom of the descent does not need to be painted, otherwise the coating will reduce slip.

Wood slide

Wooden slides at home are easier to make on your own; welding is not required here. Wooden structures are less durable than metal ones, but a beautiful playground with a sandbox, a house, rope ladders and other equipment can be made from wood. For do-it-yourself construction, it is better to use coniferous wood. From materials and tools you will need:

  • 4 beams with a section of 100 x 100 mm, timber with a section of 50 x 50 mm, edged board with a section of 25 x 150 mm;
  • galvanized iron 1 mm thick or linoleum;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, antiseptic, varnish or multi-colored paints;
  • cement, crushed stone;
  • electric planer, grinder, screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper.

Work, as always, start with drawing up a design drawing. Decide whether there will be a slide with or without a house, and draw a diagram of it. This will make it possible to calculate the consumption of material, as well as facilitate further construction.

Everything is ready, you can start carpentry work:

From the remnants of the material, make wooden benches or a sandbox near the slide. They will decorate the playground, bringing joy to children.

Plastic slides

It will not be possible to make a plastic structure on your own, it is only bought in a store. Such slides are produced in one piece and collapsible. The owner can only install a slide on the site. Collapsible models are better suited for summer cottages. They are easy to disassemble for storage. winter period. This will prevent theft and vandalism at a time when the cottages are left unattended by the owners.

In plastic models, different gutters are used, which children really like. They are screw, tubular, straight and other shapes. If the child still wants an unusual descent, and the parents do not have enough money to buy, you can do it for a summer residence or at home combined option slides. The fact is that the gutters are sold separately. They are also made in any shape to order. You will only have to make metal or wooden frame and attach a plastic trigger to it.

A playground built independently for a summer residence or at home will decorate the yard, provide children with entertainment in the summer.

In contact with

Slides, like swings, are one of the most popular outdoor activities for children. Any playground is equipped with a slide.

Recently, some parents are afraid to send their children to the playground themselves, especially during rush hour. By itself, the slide is almost not dangerous and is equipped with a number of protective equipment. But the public slide itself carries a danger in the form of other children.

Imagine what will happen if several children climb a sufficiently high hill and decide to fly off the hill with a caterpillar? Often such experiments end in failure. Therefore, now some parents, at every opportunity, limit their children from such dangers and build similar slides in their yard, in the garden, and even in the garden.

The matter remains small - to design and build such a slide.

Types of slides for children and the age of the child

For starters, you need to decide on view of the slide. There are a huge number of them: small, medium, very large, plastic, metal, double, with a whole range of additional features.

Often found in playgrounds slides of metal. This design is easy to mass-produce and durable. Convenient when used by a large number of children.

But regarding security such a slide has a number of disadvantages:

  • The height and sharp angle of the slope make the metal slide dangerous for very young children.
  • In the sun, a metal slope can heat up to very high temperatures.

In a relationship perfect combination slide size, relative safety and convenience the best option counts wooden slide. She can be like standard view, and with various additions in its design.

There are double-sided slides with space for a rope and rope ladders. Such slides attract the attention of children much more.

And in the hot summer time, children will not mind playing on inflatable slide. The slope of such a slide ends directly in a pool of water. Children from three years of age can use this slide under the supervision of adults. The pool is not recommended to fill deep, especially if your child cannot swim.

What material to choose?

For the smallest children, slides are made from plastic. This design is a low ladder (usually not higher than a meter) and a plastic slope, which has the lowest possible angle of inclination for safe use by children.

But to make such a slide on your own is impractical. Better buy finished product, given that the market can be found as the most budget options, and more expensive.

The best material for self-manufacturing roller coaster is tree. Wood is flexible in terms of creating a wide variety of designs, not expensive and ecological.

Create metal carcass slides is a tricky business. Additional equipment, materials, skills are required. Therefore, those parents who want to pamper their children opt for a tree.

Some craftsmen successfully combine a slide made of a wooden base and a metal or plastic slope of a suitable size.

It can be purchased at a hardware store, or ordered from a factory.

Do we make a slide out of wood?

Consider a wooden model slides for children 3-8 years old with a metal ramp.

We will need:

  • 12 bars for the base;
  • several boards for flooring the top of the slide;
  • flat board for the ramp pallet;
  • metal or plastic slope;
  • 2 boards for the railing of the slope;
  • boards for stairs;
  • nails;
  • plywood.
  1. First you need to build base for slide. The design of our base will be the simplest, but at the same time quite stable. It will be a rectangle one and a half meters high and a meter wide. To build such a rectangle, we need 4 one and a half meter beams and 8 meters.
  2. We will find a free place in the garden or on any other site where we plan to install a slide. Let's start base assembly. From four meter bars, assemble a square, firmly hammer it together with nails.
  3. Now take one and a half meter bars and fix them perpendicular to the resulting square in the corners. Complete the base using the last four pieces for the roof of the rectangle. Base top board for extra stability and security.
  4. Cut the appropriate size squares of plywood and nail them to the sides and top of the base. If desired, the resulting walls can be painted.
  5. The next step is attaching the slope to the base. First, set the ramp railing at an appropriate angle so that the child does not fly to the ground during the game. The resulting bumpers must be at least 15 centimeters. Under the railing, attach the base - a flat board.
  6. Now install directly by yourself slope. The fixing process is very simple. Using a special stapler for metal, attach the ramp to a wooden pallet, pressing it tightly and evenly straightening it.
  7. Then you can start building stairs. Decide on the height of the child who will use this slide. Based on this, you can determine the most suitable distance between the steps of the stairs and the height of the railing.
  8. Choose a convenient stair angle. The smaller the angle of inclination, the easier it will be for the child to climb the hill.

The last part of the construction of the children's slide is installing railings on stairs and top. They should be high enough so that the child feels safe and does not panic at the top of the slide. The wood intended for the railing must first be sanded so that there are no knots and hitches.

Drawing of a simple wooden slide

When building, keep in mind that it is better to make a slide “for growth” so that it lasts a long time.

On video detailed wizard Class:

Do not doubt the decision to build a slide. This is quite a feasible task for most parents. Such a slide can be many times safer for your child. You will take into account all the nuances, combine security aspects and find a compromise that allows you not to worry about how your child spends his leisure time in the future.

They left. What else to do with your children for a walk in perfect winter weather? Offer to ride on a hill and, taking a couple of ice cubes with you, quickly run into the fresh air!

Is there an ice slide nearby? What's the matter! Let's do it by hand. It seems difficult at first, but in fact, those who have been riding for a long time have a lot of good advice on how to make a slide out of snow.

Lesson plan:

The main thing is to prepare properly!

Where do we start? No, not from the search for shovels and buckets! We will start with a friendly team, call the neighbors' doors and invite the kids, their dads and moms to a responsible task. The whole team, taking with us enthusiasm and excellent mood, we go out to survey the area. An important step, by the way!

Choose a place

We carefully examine the trees and poles growing nearby, so as not to rest our foreheads on them later and not become the bearer of a huge cone.

Pedestrian paths will also become a sports obstacle, you will have to carry pedestrians on yourself. It is better to choose another route.

Illumination is also important, since it gets dark early in winter, and riding with flashlights is completely inconvenient.

We chose a place - do not waste time, it was not in vain that we met. Clear the platform for the future slide from debris.

We select the size

The selected location determines the altitude. The higher you conceived the slide, the more space it will require. Therefore, we will have to proceed from what is available.

Experienced parents advise sculpting a slide according to age. If only for kids, then a height of about a meter is enough.

If you will ride with families, then you need to make it a little higher - about two meters. You need to calculate the length so that the angle of descent is no more than 30-40 degrees, otherwise it will look like a descent with a bungee - from a height head down. It's dangerous, you know!

Well, the width can be any - for tubing, ice, smaller and larger ops, riding in a crowd or one by one.

The place was chosen, the height was determined. Now the question is: when?

We appoint a day

We pick up super trendy phones and open the weather. What suits us?

An ideal option for construction is a thaw during the day, and frost at night. So you can build a hill from easily yielding sticky snow, and at night with a calm soul leave the icy beauty to freeze.

You can be sure that there will be no surprise in the morning - the hill will not turn into a pile of melted snow.

If there is no suitable weather in the near future, then we proceed from what the heavenly office reads to us. Option two:

  1. or postpone until better times;
  2. or start at zero temperature.

In order not to waste time, in such weather it is possible to create a foundation, sticky snow will settle and make the structure durable, and we will pour it according to the weather. Night frost for pouring - required condition. During a thaw, pouring water on a hill is Sisyphean labor.

It seems that we have decided, now we are distributing among the friendly members of the construction team who takes what out of the house.

Collecting tools

We are looking for what we have at home, as we may need:

  • wide shovels and large spatulas;
  • insulated mittens with a rubberized top, if there are none, we do it simply: first, warm woolen gloves, large rubber ones on top;
  • country watering cans, hoses, buckets, sprayers;
  • everything wooden is flat and wide, which will serve for formwork and descent - boards, plywood, old countertops;
  • mops and rags.

What exactly will be needed, you decide for yourself when you discuss the technology of construction and pouring. And how all of the above can come in handy, I will tell you in the options offered by the past practical course"snow architects" parents.

We collect in parts

A friendly team in the collection, the weather is suitable, the mood is fighting. Let's get started. Let's make the base. These are standard architectural approaches.

Little building tricks

Those that are more cunning are advised to turn on fantasy!

Oh yes, I forgot! And what kind of hills do you sculpt? After all, you can be creative, with a twist. Well, for example, with turns in different directions, then you will ride like bobsledders.

It is possible with fairy-tale characters at the entrance in the form of an arch. And also with two separate slopes - for those that are smaller and for those that are older.

Let's not forget beauty! Give the children paints and paint brushes in their hands, and you will see how your slide will bloom with snowflakes and patterns.

Responsible stage

Are you standing near your work of art, and the eye rejoices?

Now this snow mound needs to be filled with water in order to be preserved and used for its intended purpose. Here, too, there are tricks, you need to approach the process deliberately, otherwise the slide turns into one movement of the hand ... And you will have to do it all over again and in a good way!

Simply taking a bucket and pouring water out or pouring it under pressure from a hose, especially if you use hot water, is the first step to ruin everything. There will be numerous holes and hills.

So what will fit?

If pits suddenly appear, do not despair. We fall asleep with snow and grind the defect. We knock down hills and level them.

Place plywood or cardboard on the platform in front of the ice track. And so that this material is not blown away by the wind and not carried away after the skaters, coat the perimeter with a mixture of water and snow, it will fix your site overnight. Likewise with stairs. For them, wooden slats or planks are suitable.

This completes our main mission. We leave our hill alone all night. Let her get bored, everything is ahead of her!

A few touches to the portrait

In the morning we go outside and evaluate the result. We bring the descent to a perfectly flat surface using the same spatulas and a mixture of water and snow. We fill the hill a second time. This time it is possible on a grand scale - from a bucket or a hose. In another night, your slide will be ready to receive guests.

I propose to take a picture of your ice miracle so that the children can boast at school among their classmates. Yes Yes! Let the guys pull their parents out into the yard, and they will also have their own slide.

And you, friends, when was the last time you built a hill of snow?

Or, when was the last time you went down a hill?

Don't remember already? Sometimes she is like that.

I propose to add an item to our diaries for the near future: “Ride down the hill with children”! And be sure to do it. Well, in order to motivate both you and myself, I suggest watching this video and remembering how it happens when you fly from a mountain... and inside everything freezes with happiness...

That's all for me! And you? Are there any additions to the topic of the article? Then share them in the comments. And also share the link to the article with your friends using the social networking buttons.

Have a fun and interesting winter!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

A mandatory element of any personal plot, if you have children, is a playground. Any number of structures can be installed on it various types: sandbox, swimming pool, swing - the choice depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Most of the items for the playground can be made independently. For example, a do-it-yourself children's slide is built quite simply, serving as a source of children's joy for many years.

Requirements for a children's slide

The children's slide can be installed both indoors and outdoors. It should be understood that a slide for a child (it is built for a house or for the street in this case does not matter) must meet certain requirements:

  • for the construction, you need to use only environmentally friendly and safe materials for the health of the child. It doesn't matter if you are building a slide from wood, metal or plastic, the material should not contain harmful elements. The same goes for paintwork materials, with which you will open the structure. Another important point both for a children's plastic slide for the house, and for wooden structure- it is resistant to fire;

  • be sure to use structural elements such as railings and railings. They will not only help the child maintain balance while climbing the hill, but also protect him from falling during games. The railing on the slide for a child in the country should be installed regardless of the age of your child;
  • It is best to use wood to build a structure. Children's wooden slides for the home are more pleasant during operation due to the natural origin of the material. In outdoor conditions, wooden slides do not heat up as quickly as metal ones, so they can be installed in any place convenient for you, and not just in the shaded part of the site. On hot metal, a child can easily get burned, but wood does not heat up to a dangerous temperature;

  • a plastic outdoor slide is lighter than a wooden or metal one. It can be easily moved from place to place, transported if necessary, but the material itself is less durable - it can easily crack;
  • the slide should be located away from trees, lanterns, outbuildings and other structures. This is done so that when going down the hill the baby does not get hurt. The surface around the hill can be sown lawn grass or use a special rubber coating. Remember that the main thing is the health of the child, so any outdoor children's slide for giving should be, first of all, safe;

  • the base should be reinforced with a metal support or concreted. You should not rely on the fact that the child still does not move the structure from its place - even the most durable slide can tip over as a result of children's games;
  • an important point is the height of the children's slide being built for giving with their own hands. It should correspond to the age of the child, for example, the height of the slide intended for younger children school age, should not exceed 3.5 m.

Building a slide with your own hands: the necessary materials and tools

How to make a slide in the country with your own hands without much difficulty? If we are talking about a wooden structure, you will need several wooden beams, planed boards, slats, clapboard and fiberboard. You can connect the elements to each other using nails, anchor bolts and screws.

The list of tools needed for construction is very simple:

  • saw for wood, manual or electric;
  • hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

By the way, it is not necessary to use a wooden slope - cracks may appear on it or chips may break off, which can injure the child. You can buy plastic ramps for slides and install them on a wooden structure.

In the case of a metal structure, everything is a little more complicated. Here you will already need a welding machine and a grinder for metal. All seams and joints in a wooden and metal structure should be carefully sanded so that the child does not accidentally get hurt during the game. Metal ramps for a children's slide should be painted with a special paint that will absorb Sun rays and do not allow the metal to heat up to a high temperature.

How to make a children's slide with your own hands: installation sequence

If you decide to create a slide for a child on your own, you should follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • First of all, you need to prepare a design plan. You can take a ready-made layout from the Internet or draw your own. Do-it-yourself ready-made drawings of a children's slide made of wood are good because they indicate the exact proportions of the elements and the dimensions of individual parts;
  • referring to the diagram, it is necessary to cut boards, slats and beams. In addition, they must be sanded so that splinters cannot get under the skin of the child. With the help of a planer, the beveled edges of the corners of the parts are removed, which will further increase the safety of the structure;

  • markup is carried out on the selected area. It is worth allocating a site with a margin if you are going to build a children's sports complex for giving. Optimal size for construction without additional outbuildings - 2 by 2 m;
  • recesses of about 60 cm are dug under the supports. wooden bars, the ends of which should be covered with a special waterproofing mastic. This is done in order to extend the life of the supports. In the racks, grooves are cut into which the connecting wooden planks. The elements of the resulting frame are interconnected using bolts or self-tapping screws;

  • then the floor is installed. When building a slide with your own hands for children, remember: it is important that the floor is as strong as possible, so thick boards are selected for it, which are interconnected with self-tapping screws and screwed to the frame using metal corners. If you do not want water to accumulate on the floor of the slide, small gaps should be left between the boards, but not enough for the child to put his finger in them;

  • a ramp for children's slides is being made. Its width should not exceed 80 cm. The surface of the slope is covered with linoleum, galvanized sheet or plastic. Linoleum is the cheapest option, but warps and tears easily. The metal coating heats up noticeably in the sun and can also bend. The most reliable option is plastic ramps for children's slides. Plastic does not overheat, rust, or bend, but is more expensive than linoleum or metal flooring;

  • ladder is installed. The optimal size of boards for its manufacture is 20 mm. After mounting the main part, the side part is installed. To do this, a board sawn at an angle of 45 ° is attached to the posts with screws. Then the bars are screwed to the board, on which the steps are mounted. Photos of do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood on the Internet clearly show how exactly you need to fasten the elements of the stairs. After the installation of the steps, balusters are installed, on which the railings are attached;

  • grooves are cut in the side of the racks into which side walls made of plywood or fiberboard are installed. The walls can also be made of small boards or have some original look;
  • all protruding corners, nail and screw heads are removed, all surfaces are carefully sanded and coated with paint or a special protective varnish.

Drawing of a children's slide for a summer residence. dimensions: length - 3020 mm; width - 890 mm; height - 1800 mm. Maximum user weight - 100 kg, minimum child age - 3 years

An interesting modification of the design can be a slide - a sandbox for children. In this case, the sandbox is organized either at the base of the slide, or you can build a reservoir with sand at the end of the descent.

Features of using different materials for building a slide

If you are in doubt from what material to build a house with a slide for children or another similar structure on personal plot, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of buildings made of the two most popular materials - wood and metal.

Pros and cons of wood slides

Wooden structures for playgrounds have proven themselves several centuries ago. All do-it-yourself children's slides made of wood are built according to the classic layout, which includes a ladder and a ramp, a base, an upper platform and a protective part. In addition, additional elements are often added to a typical project, for example, an internal labyrinth, a sandbox, additional slopes and much more. Since it is quite simple to make such a design, it all depends solely on your imagination.

One of the significant advantages of creating a wooden slide for children in the country with their own hands is the cheapness of manufacturing. The material itself is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are also not needed for its processing. In addition, building a structure from boards and timber does not require special building skills and abilities from you - sometimes it’s enough just to clearly adhere to the scheme found on the Internet.

Another plus of this design is its environmental safety. The tree does not cause allergies, does not emit harmful substances when heated. The only controversial point here is the paintwork of the structure, so be sure to read the instructions when buying varnish or paint to cover the slide.

An element that should be given special attention when installing a wooden building is the descent. It is best not to risk using your own planed boards, but to purchase factory-made material for a ramp. It can be linoleum, stainless steel sheet or plastic. The last option is the most expensive, but also the most reliable and durable.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal construction

Metal slides for children used to be in every yard and, with proper care, could last for decades. Photos of children's slides made of metal with their own hands show that in appearance they are not much different from the wooden counterpart.

A significant advantage of a metal structure is its strength. The iron structure does not require special processing and care, it endures temperature extremes, high humidity, and high mechanical loads. The only thing that needs to be done periodically with a metal slide is to update the paint and make sure that the paintwork does not peel off as a result of corrosion.

How to make a slide for children with your own hands from metal? To do this, you will need ready-made elements, a grinder and a welding machine. Particular attention should be paid to the seams, as they are potentially dangerous for the child. The quality of welding is also of fundamental importance: the higher it is, the stronger the structure will be.

The disadvantage of an iron slide is that it quickly warms up in the sun. If you install such a structure where the sun's rays will constantly fall on it, your child can easily get burned. Therefore, if you still decide to build a building made of metal elements, you should choose a place for it in the shade or make a special canopy.

When building a slide with your own hands for children, it is not necessary to use only wooden or metal elements. These materials can be combined in different proportions, thus obtaining an original, reliable and durable design.

Of course, you can always wonder where to buy a children's slide for the country. You can do this in any specialized store or via the Internet. But remember that only a self-made design will satisfy all your requirements and allow you to realize design fantasies.

There are a number of points that should be considered in order for the design to be reliable and safe:

  • for additional stability of the balusters, the stairs of the wooden structure should be further strengthened with planks;
  • drawings, videos, photos of children's slides in the country with their own hands show that the grooves and the slats inserted into them, when bolted together, form a light, but strong and stable structure;

  • An excellent option for painting a structure is acrylic paint. It is safe for the health of the child, protects the tree well from various kinds of negative influences and looks attractive. Also, acrylic is famous for its durability and does not lose color saturation even with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • A convenient type of surface for use under a slide is artificial grass or rubber. Such a coating does not require special care, does not change its properties depending on the season or weather, creates a safe surface under the slide that will protect the child from injury in case of a fall from the slide.

A plastic slide for children purchased at a store or on the construction market is far from always the best option. Yes, you save time and effort due to construction, but a wooden or metal structure can not only cost less money, but also allow you to create a full-fledged sports complex for a child, consisting of a large number of elements. By the way, even a plastic slide for children to give can be supplemented with home-made elements and turned into a complex and exciting design for games.

High-quality and reliable slide is not only good way keep your child busy while staying in country house but also the opportunity to develop it physically. As the child grows older, the slide can be completed, improved and more and more stimulate the child to healthy lifestyle life.

For full physical development, children need sports equipment and facilities. The simplest is the children's slide. Many parents can build it with their own hands both in the yard and in the apartment. This article will be a good help for beginners.

Hill on the site

The favorite children's entertainment has always been skiing from the mountain. Many people build it from snow in winter. But with the onset of heat, it becomes unusable. And the transitional melting period itself can sometimes lead to injury.

Therefore, it is best if a children's slide is built to give their own hands completely out of wood. You can build it using a boardwalk laid on metal structure. It should be noted that such a children's slide can last longer. Do-it-yourself drawings of such a design can be made based on this figure.

Slide as part of a children's house

Very often, children are equipped with a real town in the plots. A playhouse equipped for entertaining activities for kids may have an additional slide in the form of a slide. Such a structure is especially interesting if the building is installed on piles.

To build a slide-descent from the house, you will need a flooring and two sides. If desired, you can use a small platform before the descent. But it is successfully replaced by the veranda of the house or its threshold in the case when the slide is attached directly to the entrance to it.

You can make a slide in a house installed on the ground. True, then the solution will be quite original, extraordinary. In this case, the upper part of the descent should be fixed to the "attic" window or even to the roof. Kids will also like the option of rolling right from the windows of the house or from its balcony.

It is very important to take care of the safety of the child! Therefore, it is worth carefully considering the ascent to the attic or roof of the house. Be sure to make a railing on the roof so that the baby cannot fall off during the game. The roof should also be flat, without any slope.

It is not necessary to asphalt the area around the hill and playhouse. It is best to protect it with a low side and fill it with sand. This will help to avoid a lot of trouble, make the place less traumatic. Of course, with this option, cleaning in the home will be significantly added, because children will constantly drag sand into rooms on their toes and legs.

Actually, if desired, you can adapt the hill-descent on the usual country house, designed not for games, but for the whole family. This is convenient to do when the house is on stilts and has a high porch. Then they make a slide by covering part of the stairs with boards. It is necessary to install a small side on the side of the descent, protecting it from the steps.

Stairs in the house and children's slide

It is not difficult to build an original descent from one floor to another with your own hands. Moreover, such a design move will be a creative solution to the problem of children rolling on the railing of the stairs. Such a children's slide, attached to the stairs with their own hands, is original, interesting, and beautiful.

It is done in this way.

Two identical boards will serve as the side parts of the slide. The third board will be its base. Having put together a structure resembling a gutter, it should be cut off the edge at the right angle. The sharper the angle, the flatter the children's slide will become. With his own hands, the master himself will be able to adjust the slope.

One of the side parts of the slide should act as a carrier rack to which the steps are attached. The second end of the steps can also be held on another load-bearing wooden post. But there is an option to mount them directly to the wall.

Slide as a descent from the second tier of the bed

An interesting design version of the children's corner, which includes a bed on the second tier. It can be a children's slide, made of wood with your own hands and attached to sleeping place. Of course, it is necessary to leave the usual stairs.

To build an additional slide-descent, you will need three boards: directly the lower part for rolling and two side ones that will play a role load-bearing structure. They are knocked together in the form of an incomplete parallelepiped of three sides. The lower edge of the bearing sidewalls is cut off at an angle. Subsequently, they are installed on the floor. The upper edge of the sidewalls is also cut off, but the cut must be perpendicular to the base. This section is attached to the side of the bed.

Details of the simplest slide for kids

Such a structure is suitable for kids to play both in the fresh air and in the house. Such a children's slide is made from wood with their own hands. Detail drawings are given without dimensions. They can be chosen randomly.

But one rule should be strictly observed: the equality of the sides of some parts.

The width of the upper platform (2) before the descent must correspond to the width of the side posts (1). The same size should be at the descent itself, as well as at the lower struts between the uprights, which give the structure rigidity. Most likely, the length of the steps will correspond to him.

The bevel lines at the sides of the stairs (upper and lower) must be parallel. The same is the case with the lines of bevels at the side walls of the descent.

Mounting a simple slide

The installation of the building should be considered. If a do-it-yourself outdoor children's slide is made of wood, the drawings of which are presented here, then metal pins should be attached to the lower side cut of the racks, which are best dug into the ground or even cemented from below, having made the foundation. The design used in the apartment can be rigidly fixed with one side rack to the wall.

Instructions for assembling a slide from finished parts

Before you make a children's slide with your own hands, you should choose quality material manufacturing. Boards should not have cracks, knots, bumps, should be of sufficient thickness.

The parts can be connected using metal corners and bolts.

  • First, the upper platform is attached to the racks at the required height before descending.
  • Then the bottom of the racks should be fixed with spacers. They are nailed to the lower parts of the racks parallel to each other.
  • Separately, a ladder is assembled from steps and sidewalls. It is worth considering the fact that the sharper the cut angle of the sidewalls, the more gentle the staircase will be.
  • The upper part of the lift is attached to the platform before the descent.
  • The slide is also collected separately. To do this, the sides of the descent are fastened with a groove with the detail of the descent. And here it is worth remembering that the dumber the cut angle of the sides, the steeper the slide will be.
  • The upper part of the descent must be butt fixed to the upper platform.
  • The entire structure should be treated with an anti-corrosion agent, painted, varnished.

The construction of the slide will take quite a bit of time, but it will bring great joy to the kids! And if adults manage to involve the baby in the work, then the educational effect will not be long in coming.
