(We apologize for the quality of the photo, taken in a carpentry workshop) Children's furniture made of solid white pine. 4 round stools height 37 cm, seats 28 cm, carved legs. The table is round, height 60 cm, tabletop 60 cm. For furniture, you can make substrates, when the child grows up, the furniture can be raised by 5 cm. The massif is polished and coated with OSMO oil in two layers. Children's furniture made to order in November-December 2019. The cost of a furniture set is 19300 rubles.

Children's playhouse

Playhouse for children House for children, carved. September 2019

Made from brushed timber imitation. 135 * 18 mm, height 330 cm, dimensions of the household block 300 * 224 cm floor, 248 cm at the top, two porches 1 decorative with an arched false door, 110 * 98 cm, the second working porch 110 * 100 cm, a warm one is made on the top of the porch house for cats. Carved architraves on windows, corner and wind architraves made of carved aged wood, carved wooden skates. Soft roof TechnoNIKOL. Insulated, inside finished with imitation of timber 110 * 16 mm, painted with Senezh water impregnation, frost color. Made to order in September 2019, stands in the Mozhaisk district, Borodino. The cost is 210,000 rubles.

Children's house - July 2019

Children's playhouse The children's house is made from an artificially aged block house, the author's work. Carved architraves, carved porch, windows, doors, ridge, tinted color. Block house oak color, impregnated by Bernardo Escenaro. Insulated, finished inside with imitation of timber, internal painting with Neomid water impregnation. Soft roof Brown. the size of the house is 300*250 cm, the carved porch is 110*100 cm, the height of the house is 310 cm.

This is the first work made for children, do not judge strictly. I have never taken on children's houses or other products for children made of wood. Now, having worked for 15 years, I dared to try. What children's house I had no doubts that it would fit into the design of the customer's site, but the children should also like it. I made this playhouse for almost a month and a half, you can see what happened in the photo.

Playhouse for children - an imitation of an old windmill.

The mill was made to order on April 28, 2019. Made from artificially aged block house. Carved corners, architraves for windows and doors, gable architraves with slotted carving. The blades of the windmill are decorated with forged cobwebs with a spider. Floors, walls, ceiling are insulated (10 cm). Windows with double glazing. Soft top brown. Dimensions 3 meters by 1.5 meters, height 3 meters. Stands in the Volokolamsk region. It was made as a chicken coop, but the customer's children, with the help of hysteria, recaptured it for themselves. Cost 175000 r

Playhouse for children - an imitation of an old windmill. Made in 2019

Fairy house for children

Why are these sizes chosen? First; it’s not just that they call the children’s house a playhouse, the child will play there, and of course not alone. Having bought a house 1.5 by 1.5, think about what the child can play there ?, well, if a boy and you want to make a soldier out of him, then of course such a product will do. He went in, got up, considered playing. There is another important problem, what to do with it when the baby grows up? Well, the size limit is due to transportation, delivery of a fabulous house to the customer's site.

Fairy-tale children's antique house, external dimensions 240*260 cm, made of artificially aged block house, 135*28. Height 275 cm. Despite the dark outer color, inside it is finished with a snow-white imitation of timber 11 * 1.6 cm. The arched windows are glazed with org glass. carved double, arched door. The floor is made of grooved floorboards 135*28 cm. The lower trim is made of planed boards 140*45 mm. Insulated with Rokvol tile insulation 5 cm. The roof with a valley is covered soft roof Shinglas. Carved architraves and other decorations are made of artificially aged pine. The house is painted with Boritex impregnation in 5 layers of rosewood color, inside it is painted in three layers of Senezh Aquadecor water-based paint, frost color.
The children's house was made to order, installed in the Krasnogorsk region, 06/02/2018, the cost is 170,000 rubles.

Bolodyan Olesya Petrovna
GCD abstract for drawing "Fairy-tale houses"

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution



Synopsis of GCD

By drawing

for older preschool children

within the framework of the interregional seminar

for advanced training

Subject: « Fairy houses»

Prepared and conducted:


Bolodyan O. P

Target: creating conditions for the development of creative abilities in children in the classroom drawing.



Teaching children to draw fairy houses, transmit characteristics items. To consolidate the ability to successfully arrange images on a sheet of paper using colored pencils. Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes.


Develop skill paint straight lines in different directions to paint over drawings without going beyond the contour, applying strokes in one direction.


Cultivate creativity, interest in drawing.

Cultivate friendly relationships in children when analyzing work.

Equipment: landscape sheet, simple pencil, colored pencils.

Demo Material:Pictures: three pigs' houses, teremok, hut on chicken legs, ice and bast huts, house of three bears.

Methodological techniques: fairy tale, looking at pictures, questions for children, physical minutes, independent work, individual assistance to children, finger gymnastics, encouragement, analysis of work.

preliminary work:reading to children: Russian national fairy tales, fairy tale"Three piglets", fairy tale house drawing"Teremok".

Dictionary activation: straw, stone, ice, bast.

Estimated result: children will learn draw a picture of a story, convey the characteristic features of objects, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Course progress.


Guys, today I want tell you one story.

"Once upon a time in a big fairy forest different fairy tale characters. One day a strong hurricane broke out in the forest. The hurricane did a lot of trouble: knocked down trees, destroyed all houses fairytale heroes. Nowhere to live now fairy tale characters. And it's winter outside."

Guys we can help fairy tale characters? (children's answers).

How? (children's answers).

That's right, let's draw them new houses, better than the old ones.

What fairy tale characters you know? (children's answers).

Everyone has fairytale heroes, like ordinary people have a house. Their houses are called fabulous houses.

And let's remember what fairy-tale houses we read with you? Name them.

Children's answers. ( "Teremok", "Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut", "Gingerbread house» , three pigs' houses hut of Baba-Yaga).

let's consider houses.

What are the main parts houses? (Wall, roof, doors, windows, chimney.)

What geometric shapes do the parts of the house look like? (Rectangle, square, triangle.)

On what geometric figure like a wall? (Square).

What geometric shape does the roof look like? (Triangle).

That's right, you already said that the wall of the house looks like a square, first we will draw a square, and also draw a window in the center of the square. Then we draw a roof, put a dot at the top of the sheet in the middle, start from the left side, lead down obliquely, also from the right side down obliquely - we got a roof. Let's add a door, a pipe and it will turn out house.

What are they made of houses? (From straw, from stone, from ice, etc.).

- What kind of straw house? (Straw).

- What stone house? (Stone).

- What tree house? (Wood). Etc.

Well done! Get up for a workout.

Physical education minute:

I want to build a house

To have a window in it

So that the house has a door

Next to the pine tree to grow

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate

The sun was

It was raining

And the tulip bloomed in the garden.

2. The main part.

Now think about what fairy tale houses you would like to draw?

Children's answers. Well done!

Come to the tables.

And now let's get to work, draw wonderful houses for our fairy-tale heroes.

- houses you need to arrange them so that they fit on a sheet of paper, complete your drawing with grass, trees, etc.

In the process of independent activity of children, the educator helps, prompts children, directs the attention of children to the transfer of form, decorations fairy house.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four five,

Fingers went out for a walk,

One two three four five,

IN house hid again.

3. Final part.

How beautiful they turned out fairy houses! Do you think ours will like them? fairy tale characters? (Children's answers.)

What kind of work did you like and why?

(Children analyze.)

Whose drawing do you like the most? Why?

Exhibition of children's works.
