Critical importance in the mental development of a preschooler has a game.
The game gives the child the opportunity in a lively, exciting way to get acquainted with a wide range of phenomena of the surrounding reality, to actively reproduce them in their actions. Displaying in their games the life of the people around them, their various actions and different kinds their work activities, children get the opportunity to more deeply understand, more deeply feel the environment. The correct understanding of the events depicted, the correct performance of the corresponding actions receive constant, systematic reinforcement in the game due to the approval of the children's team to achieve the appropriate game result, and the teacher's positive assessment. All this creates favorable conditions for the formation and consolidation of new temporary connections in children.
Contributing to the knowledge of the environment, developing children's imagination, the game is at the same time a kind of school of children's will. The richer the content of children's games, the more complex their design, the more children participate in it, the more the child is forced to act not under the influence of fleeting desires, but guided by the general goal and rules of the game.
Comprehensively educating a preschooler, expanding the child's stock of ideas about the simplest natural phenomena and public life By developing his ability to think independently about the simplest laws of reality, teaching him to act in accordance with the simplest requirements and rules, forming his love for knowledge and for serious, socially useful activities, the teacher creates the necessary prerequisites for the transition of the child to schooling. to fully participate in the life of the school.
By the end of preschool age, the value bases of attitude to reality can and should be formed.
§ Relation to nature. Here the child acquires the initial experience of familiarization with a wide range of universal values. Among them are cognitive values: the child begins to feel like a pioneer, experiences the joy of experimenting with objects of inanimate nature, discovers the new in the familiar and the familiar in the new; singles out the simplest patterns, realizes their immutable nature,
Values ​​of transformation: there is a desire to take care of the natural environment, to preserve and increase, to the best of one's ability, the wealth of nature.
Values ​​of experience: the child is attracted by the mystery, the mystery of natural phenomena, he is imbued with its beauty, proximity to all living things, feels his community with objects and phenomena of the world around him and animates them.
The condition for the formation of these values ​​is the curiosity of the child, which can be directed by adults to objects that are more and more complex and diverse. An adult involves the child in the area of ​​his experiences about the beauty, grandeur, diversity of natural phenomena, creating a zone of joint emotional experiences. At the same time, an adult makes each child feel like a "responsible person" involved in what is happening.
As a result, the principles of ecological consciousness are formed.
§Attitude to "man-made world". Here are the following values.
Cognitive values: the child awakens the need for new knowledge, his own experience is expanded by familiarizing with what is known to others; before him the significance of the doctrine is revealed.
Values ​​of transformation: there is a desire to do what is available to another, and to create something new, original, to create.
Values ​​of experience: the child is imbued with a sense of beauty, the perfection of things created by man, works of art, there is a sense of respect for craftsmanship.
The leading factors in the emergence of these values ​​are the game.



Finger gymnastics on a lexical topic



At the cat's daughterpress the fingertips of the right hand

Claws on pawsto the top of the palm. Thumb

Don't rush to hide thempress against the index.

Let the kids watch!Say "Meow" loudly. Several times you can

Continue the game with the second hand. In custody

Practice with two hands


The old man walked along the road,Walk your fingers on the table, show your fingers

Found a goat without a horn.Horns, tap your fingers on the table, again

Come on goat, let's jumpshow horns, shake a finger.

We kick our legs.

And the goat butts

And the old man is arguing.


there was a duck shore,They “walk” with two fingers on the table, waddling.

Went gray on a steep.

Led the children along

Both small and bigBend the ring finger, thumb.

Both medium and smallerBend the middle finger and little finger

And the most belovedCurl index finger


The old man walked along the road

Found a hornless goat.

Come on, goat, let's jump,

We kick our legs.

And the goat butts

And the old man is arguing.

two kittens

Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!"

Two puppies: Woof-woof!

Two colts: “Rrr!”

Two bulls: "Moo-oo-oo!"

Look what horns!


We fold our palms, press our fingers to each other. Elbows rest on the table.
Our cat has ten kittens,

We swing our hands without separating them.

Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two dexterous,
Two long, two tricky,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful.

We tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the thumb to the little finger).


All kittens washed their paws:
Like this! Like this!(depict washing hands)
Washed ears, washed abdomens:
Like this! Like this!
And then they got tired:
Like this! Like this!
Sweet-sweet fell asleep:
Like this! Like this! (
imitate all the movements indicated in the poem)


In our kitchen under the table
There is a glass of milk. (we add a circle from the thumb and all other fingers of the left hand)
The cat approached the lid (“let’s go” with the index and middle fingers of the right hand)
I drank cream on top (with the index finger we make “lapping” movements in a circle depicting a pot)
Dipped deeper into the pot:
- I'll drink milk for the future! (stick your finger deeper into the circle-pot)
What's happened? Oh oh oh!
The cat turns its head (turns its head)
The milk was drunk -
Do not leave her from the pot! (trying to pull a finger out of the circle)
The pot did not tear from the head.
With him, she ran into the forest! (stomping the fingers of both hands on the table, we show how the cat ran away)


On both handles we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs.
Once upon a time to visit someone
A goat was walking across the bridge,

We hold the brushes horizontally, we bring our hands together.

And another was walking towards
He returned home.

On the first syllable of each line we join hands with a swing.

Two horny stupid brothers
They began to butt on the bridge,
Unwilling to give in
And skip another.
For a long time the goats fought,
They ran and pushed.
Here's a running forehead - bang!

On the word "boo" - clap your hands.

And from the bridge into the water - plop!

We drop our hands on our knees.


Some kind of gray goat
I went to the garden to eat.
Index fingers extended
fingers are placed on the forehead. Let's go ahead.
Looked around -
There is food here and there.
We turn to one side and then to the other.
Under the hooves - grass,
We drop the chin.
And above the head - foliage.
Raise the chin up.
Bend over - eat cabbage,
We lean down.
And at the top - big pears.
We get up on our toes, we stretch up.
Behind the cucumbers grow
We turn back.
Bushes bloom ahead
We return back.
On the left - a young onion,
On the right is a delicious zucchini.
Half turn left and right.
Here - a hundred berries, there - two hundred,
Tilts left and right.
The goat spins in place.
We are spinning.
And while he chose
The dog drove him into the barn.
Bowing our heads, we run away from the "dog".


The fingers are outstretched; alternately "go" on the table or knees with each of the fingers.
This fat piglet wagged its tail all day,

Little fingers.
This fat pig scratched its back against the fence.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig

We clench and unclench our fists.

This fat pig was picking the ground with its nose,

This fat piglet drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the piglet,

We clench and unclench our fists.

This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers aside.

We squeeze the hand into a fist, we clamp the thumb inward.


Little rabbit with big ears
Press the brushes to the head, like ears.
pink nose,
Touch your nose with index fingers.
funny mustache
The index fingers are pressed to the lips.
He digs a deep mink for himself
Strong paws in soft ground.
We dig a mink (knees).
He cleans his fur
"We clean the fur."
Or sleeping.
We fold our hands, put them under the cheek.
The rabbit always wiggles its ears.
We move our ears.
Hears steps and foxes and wolves,
Hiding in its mink from enemies
Squeeze into a ball or hide in your mother's knees.

Speech therapy classes for children are sometimes accompanied by finger gymnastics. Hand exercises with a competent age approach help the proper development of speech. If in the younger preschool group, educators conduct exercises that are short in time, then children of older preschool age are able to focus on the lesson for 25 minutes. During this time, the educator-speech therapist manages to solve educational, developmental, educational tasks. "Animals of hot countries" - finger gymnastics, which is well suited for solving the indicated tasks. In addition to the development of speech and hand motor skills, knowledge about the nature of hot countries, the flora and fauna of those places is consolidated.


  • to form a basic vocabulary on the topic;
  • introduce words - antonyms;
  • build the grammatical structure of speech;
  • to strengthen the skills of correct pronunciation.

Development tasks are also solved jointly:

  • memory, attention is activated;
  • vocal cords and breathing develop;
  • physical development is improved, namely, coordination of movements, reaction speed, hand motility.

As in all classes, educational goals are achieved:

  • be able to listen carefully to a speech therapist;
  • actively participate;
  • do exercises on your own
  • do exercises together, in a group of 2-3 people.

The material will be better perceived by children after a preliminary conversation. In advance, you can talk about countries with a hot climate, look at illustrations, consider prepared figures. Arouse the interest of the wards on the topic with the help of riddles about animals and birds recognized in previous tasks.

Scenario of the lesson


The mentor talks with the guys, lining them up in a circle facing the center on the carpet in the group.

"Good afternoon! We are embarking on a new journey. I will tell you about an unusual place: it is so hot there that even the wind blows hot. Everyone is thirsty, but the water is only in the big rivers. It's a long walk, maybe a whole day. Animals and birds gather on the banks of the rivers to drink. Who's to say where we're going?"

Answer in chorus: "In Africa!"

Teacher: “That's right, in Africa. Let's take a walk and see who lives there." Reading a poem:

Rhinos in hot countries

They just walk down the road.

Behemoths get wet in the river.

The lions go hunting.

Crocodiles, monkeys,

Zebras, inhabitants of the savannah.

And tropical birds...

There is something to see here!

At this time, boys and girls are trying to show the named animals in pre-prepared pictures. The duration of the introductory exercise is 4-5 minutes.

Basic part

Development of coherent speech

The children are seated at the tables. The speech therapist on the board shows drawings with animals, such as a rhinoceros. He asks to consider the picture carefully and tell about it in a certain order: name, size, main color, what the rhinoceros eats, what its cubs are called. Gives pupils time to prepare a description of no more than a minute. The first person to raise their hand goes to the center of the board and tells. Each correct fragment of the answer is approved and confirmed by the teacher and children. The teacher does not correct the wrong answer, looks at the reaction of the children, asks them to clarify. You can listen to the second story on a different illustration.

Development of speech attention and hearing

Children continue to sit at the tables, the teacher hangs all the pictures with birds and animals on the board. Offers to carefully look at the board and remember their names.

Educator: “Did everyone look at the pictures? Let's name everyone." They call the chorus of a giraffe, a rhinoceros, an elephant, etc.

“Now name the animals that have the sound “Z” in their name. Children name, for example, a zebra. Repeat the same for the sounds "C", "L", "R", "T", "D".

Improving Auditory Analysis

Do not remove pictures from the board, the group continues to work with them. The teacher asks to pronounce the names in the order of the drawings, line by line from left to right, from top to bottom. Wards get used to the correct movement of the eyes, as when reading. Pronouncing the names separately, in syllables, while clapping your hands. Choose illustrations so that their names of animals are one-, two- and three-syllable. For example, tiger, giraffe, cockatoo.

The development of motor skills, the formation of a stable connection between speech and movements

The teacher at the previous stage prepared children's hands for the following exercise: "Animals of hot countries" finger gymnastics. Children leave the tables, sit on the carpet in a circle.

The teacher pronounces verses and at the same time shows the movements that need to be repeated.

If in a hot country (squeeze - unclench the fingers of raised hands)

I accidentally hit, (alternately connect fingers to the face with

I'll see a jackal there, thumb like binoculars)

Kangaroo, hippo, (work with fingers of outstretched right hand)

Monkey, tiger, lion, (squeeze - unclench the fingers of the outstretched left hand)

Crocodile and elephant. (work with the fingers of the bent right hand)

He lives well - (work with his left hand)

There are no snowy winters. (clap your hands loudly, spread your arms wide to the sides)

In the final part of the lesson, the teacher includes a recording of a song from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood" "If it's a long way on the road ...", everyone gets up and dances in a free style, as best they can. This technique will allow you to relax, get rid of the accumulated muscle tension.

Important: sections of the main part last for 5 minutes, remember - the duration of the whole lesson is no more than 25 minutes. Muscle relaxation at the end of the lesson for children of the older group is not counted in the total time of the lesson.

Finger gymnastics on the theme "Wild animals"

"Jumping Bunny"

A small bunny is jumping (Fingers are clenched into a fist, straighten the middle and index fingers.)

Near the rubble. (Hands above your head, middle fingers connected, depict a house.)

The bunny jumps quickly, (Fingers are clenched into a fist, straighten the middle and index fingers.)

You catch him. (Roll hands in front of you.)


One, two, three, four, five, (Spread your fingers and bend at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)

The bunny went out for a walk. (The index and middle fingers are straightened - “ears”, the rest are clenched into a fist.)

What should we do? How can we be?

Need to catch a bunny! (All fingers "run" on the table.)

One two three four five. (Close your fingers into a fist. Unclench one at a time, starting with the little finger.)


Bunny jump, bunny jump, (Hands are clenched into fists, pressed to each other, stretch out your index fingers. Bend and unbend them.)

He hid under a bush. (Close your fingers into the lock.)

Under the bush - silently, (Without disengaging hands, raise your index fingers and move them.)

Only the ears are upright. (Close your hands into the castle, move all your fingers.)

"Sly hedgehog"

Cunning hedgehog eccentric

Sewed a prickly jacket. (Hands in front of you with palms to each other, fingers cross each other. Move your fingers.)

All in needles, without fasteners, (Clench fists. Unclench, starting with the thumb.)

A hedgehog will stick on a needle

A pear, a plum - every fruit, (The palms look at each other, the fingers are spread out and touch the pads.)

What will he find under the tree, (Squeeze your hand into a fist, put out your index finger and move it.)

And with a gift to the rich (Put your palms together and knock twice.)

Hurry to your boys. (Hands in front of you with palms to each other, fingers crossed among themselves. Palms at an angle to each other. Move your fingers.)


The bear ate honey with a spoon.
He took a mouthful of honey
He sits on a stump
And quietly says:
"I'm a clubfoot bear,

I don't want to suck my paw
I'd rather visit
I'll find a friend."
It will be ………
Kate, close your eyes.
Who is in front of you - find out.


A squirrel sits on a cart;

She sells nuts.


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Zainka mustachioed ...

(All fingers are clenched into a fist. Unbend the fingers in turn, starting with the thumb.)


A bunny jumps obliquely (with your right hand, depict a jumping bunny; to do this, clench your fist and straighten your index and middle fingers - these are ears; shake your hand up and down)

Under a tall pine tree (straighten and spread all fingers, depicting a tree).

Under another pine tree (depict a tree with your left hand)

Another bunny jumps (depict a bunny with your left hand.)


There was a goby (show the horns: to do this, press your fists to your head with your index fingers forward)

Along the fence (place your palms in front of your chest with fingers spread, place your palms vertically),

I saw a bast (relax your palms so that they hang powerlessly down).

Start the story all over again (spread your arms to the sides).

"To the Meadow"

Rabbits jumped onto the meadow (when listing animals, bend one finger on your left with your right hand),

Bear cubs and squirrels,

And the frogs and the raccoon (show your fist).

To the green on the meadow (walk with the index and middle fingers of your right hand on the table).

Come and you, my friend!

Finger gymnastics on the topic "Vegetables"

"Salting cabbage"

We chop cabbage, (Sudden movements with straight brushes up and down.)

We three carrots, (Three fists on a fist.)

We salt the cabbage, (The movement of the fingers imitating the sprinkling of salt.)

We are eating cabbage. (Intensely clench the fingers of both hands into fists.)


The hostess once came from the bazaar, (“Walk” with her fingers on the table.)

The hostess brought home from the market


carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. (Bend one finger on one or both hands for each line, starting with the thumb.)

Oh! .. (Cotton.)

"How many beds are there in the garden?"

In Fedora's garden

Growing tomatoes in the garden

And in the garden near Filat

Lots of salads.

Grandma Fekla

Four beds of beets.

Uncle Boris's

There are a lot of radishes.

Masha and Antoshka

Two rows of potatoes.

Glad, two, three, four, five -

Let's help harvest. (Alternately bend your fingers.)

Finger gymnastics on the topic "Pets"

"The cat went to the market"

The cat went to the market, (Show the "ears" above the head.)

I bought a cat pie. (Clap the left hand on top of the right, then change hands.)

The cat went to the street, (Show the "ears" above the head.)

I bought a bun for a cat. (Clap the left palm on top with the right fist, then change hands.)

Whether to eat it yourself (The child shrugs.)

Or take down the hare? (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears. The fingers can be bent.)

I'll bite myself (Child shrugs.)

Yes, I'll take the bunny. (The fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers show the ears.)

"The cat will come out"

The cat will go out into the garden, (All fingers are clenched into a fist, the middle and index fingers "go" along the table.)

All the people will be excited. (Spread your arms out to the sides and shrug your shoulders.)

Both the rooster and the chicken (The thumb and forefinger are connected - “beak”, the rest are bent - “comb”.)

From the village street. (Then attach the middle, ring, little fingers to the thumb - a small “comb”.)

They will call the cat for a visit, (Show the “ears” above the head.)

They will feed the cat. (Show hands - palms up.)


White fluffy cat

Washes tummy with tongue. (The child strokes his left palm with his right palm.)

He washes his ears, washes his paws, (The child strokes his right palm with his left palm.)

And on the paws there are scratches. (The child interlocks the index, middle, ring, little fingers in turn and pulls his hands in different directions 2 times.)


There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat. (Fingers into a fist, index and little fingers extended forward. Turn your hand at the wrist.)

Legs: top! top! (Stomp your feet.)

Eyes: wow! clap! (Clap eyes.)

Who does not eat porridge, (The child turns his head left and right.)

Who does not drink milk, (Shrugs his shoulders.)

Togo gore, gore. (Fingers into a fist, index and little fingers extended forward. Turn your hand at the wrist.)

"Two Pigs"

Two pigs in the pen at the farmer lived

And the fat women were friends with each other. (Fingers clenched into a fist, show thumbs.)

Each had four children,

Four funny funny little pigs. (Place your fingers palm down on the table.)

And together all eight loved to play,

Splashing in the water, somersaulting, dancing. (The thumbs are hidden, and the rest of the fingers are palm down on the table.)

And the evening will come - and they run to their mothers,

They lie down closely and fall asleep together. (The fingers on both hands are clenched into a fist.)

"Rabbit Bunny"

Cheerful rabbit Bunny

Played in the meadow.

And if you hear a rustle,

He freezes and does not breathe.

And on top of his head

Ears stand up like arrows.

And his house is a mink -

Under the tree at the hillock.

He runs to the mink,

Jump - and dives into it!

"Five Calves"

This calf is drinking milk (Fingers clenched into a fist, show thumb.)

This calf has gone far. (Show index finger.)

This calf is eating grass. (Show middle finger.)

This calf beats with its hooves. (Showing the ring finger.)

This calf is mooing: - why did everyone disperse? (Show little finger.)

I'm bored alone! (We collect fingers in a pinch.)

The cat invited us to visit palms on cheeks, shake your head
And we went along the path. fingers "walk" on the knees or on the table
Top top,
Cheeky bricks,
We see a tall tree pointing fists at each other
We see a deep lake. undulating brush movements
Top top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
jump-jump, cams knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
Birds sing songs palms crossed - "bird"
Grains are pecking everywhere: Here they peck and peck there, fingers of one hand "peck" the palm of the other, and vice versa
They don't give them to anyone. palms in front of you, alternately clench and unclench your fist
Top top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
jump-jump, cams knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
This is the house "roof"
And it has a window. "window"
We are met by a cat and a cat. clap your hands
Top top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
jump-jump, cams knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
We'll hang out a little hands say hello
And we'll run back. fingers "run" on the knees or on the table
Top top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
jump-jump, cams knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

"Visiting a cat"


Here are five kittens.

One left - and he is gone. (The palm of the right hand is open.)

Well, there isn't and there isn't.

There are four kittens left. (Bend your thumb.)

Here are four kittens.

One at a time

Climb up the tree

three kittens left. (Bend little finger.)

But somewhere squeaked

the mouse is thin and thin.

Kitten heard -

two kittens left. (Bend the ring finger.)

One of them with a ball

disappeared at the door without a trace, (Bend the middle finger.)

And the smartest one

remaining, last, (Put your index finger to your forehead.) He went up to the bowl

and, as a pussy should,

Lap for five

became milk from a bowl. (Fold the palm with a ladle. Depict lapping movements with the tongue.)

"Goat and kid"

There is a horned goat (depict the horns with the index finger and little finger of the right hand),

There is a butted goat.

A goat is running behind her (depict a bell - gather the fingers of your right hand with a pinch and lower it down),

The bell is ringing. (Shake the “bell”).


On the road, white, smooth (all fingers rhythmically "jump" on the table).

Fingers jump like horses.

Tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok -

A frisky herd jumps.

"Horse Mountain"

Oh, guys, ta-ra-ra! (Put one fist on the other.)

There is a mountain on the mountain (put your fists one on top of the other, gradually raising them higher and higher, as if intercepting a stick with your hands; follow the rhythm.)

And on that mountain there is a meadow,

And on that meadow there is an oak tree.


1 Finger games on the theme "WILD ANIMALS AND THEIR BABY" Animals in winter The badger and hedgehog sleep in winter, And the bear sleeps in winter too. The bee and the ant are sleeping, waiting for warm spring days. Children bend their fingers on their hands, listing animals and insects that hibernate in winter. Prickly ball We found a prickly ball, We can't hold it. The ball is spinning in the palms, the ball wants to run away. Our ball is alive and warm, What does it look like? The ball jumped onto the track. It turned out to be a hedgehog! Mama bears wakes up early. They don't get up from the couch. - Hey, Bolshak, get up quickly! Friends are waiting at the door! - Well, and you, lazy Pointer! Your paint is dry! You must whitewash the barn and the house with the Middle peasants. - Nameless, my poor thing! I know you were very sick. I'll take pity on you, Lie down for two more days. You, little finger baby, you have an inch tall! But on the other hand, leprosy and fights cannot be counted in any way! Rabbits, Bear cubs, badgers, Frogs and a raccoon came to the meadow: To the green, to the meadow, Come and you, my friend. We knead our fingers We knead our fingers, one, two, three! Children twist massage balls between their palms. Look at the ball, holding it in the palms. Children drop their hands, balls fall and roll on the floor. Depict bears with the fingers of both hands. Shrug in surprise. Shake the thumbs. Shake your little fingers, show how tall they are. Wag your little finger with your finger, count his pranks on your fingers. Bending the fingers into a fist in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme. When listing animals, count the fingers on both hands alternately. Clench and unclench your fists

2 We stretch our fingers, come on, Here is a fox running, one, two, three! Cunning sister, come on, Let's sculpt, sculpt a face, one, two, three! What happened? Well, there she is, the sly fox! The red-haired sister is good! Here is an evil fox, oh-oh-oh! I'd rather run away from her. Our chanterelle has a sad look, One chanterelle sits and is sad. Smile little fox, look at us, We won't leave you even for an hour! "Run" on the table Facial expressions are very cunning. "Sculpt", etc. Who has a coat? A wolf's gray fur coat, A hedgehog's fur coat with needles, A red fox fur coat of Amazing beauty. The hare has a white fur coat, the bear has a brown one. He is not afraid of rain And the weather is gloomy. Children alternately bend their fingers on their hands, listing wild animals and the colors of their “fur coats”. They shake their heads from side to side. Hungry mouse Mouse ate cheese and crumpets, Pumpkin, fish, melon, cone, Ate plums and pancakes, And dried mushrooms. She chewed all day, But everything was not enough for the mouse! Children take turns bending their fingers on their hands, listing everything that the mouse ate. Hare hide and seek The first bunny is under the leaf, And the second one climbed into the barrel. The third scythe hare Sits quietly behind a pine tree. A fourth is sitting on a stump. The fifth one climbed onto the log, Jumped off the log and disappeared. Children, bending their fingers on their hands, tell where the hares hid.

3 Forest population We read animal tracks like a book. We can easily guess who lives in the forest: Here are fox tracks, Here are wolf, elk, Boar and hare, Bear, hedgehog. Here are squirrels, lynxes, And these are deer. What a large population in the forest! Squirrels One, two, three, four, five, Squirrels came to play. One disappeared somewhere, Four squirrels left. Now take a look. There are already three of them left. Well, well, what a pity, We only have two left. This news is so sad. There was only one squirrel. While you and I were counting, the Squirrels ran away from us. With the palms of their hands, the children depict an open book. Close the book. They bend their fingers on their hands, listing the traces of animals. Raise your hands up and lower them through the sides down. Extend five fingers. Stick out four fingers. Stick out three fingers. Stick out two fingers. Stick out one finger. Bunny A gray bunny sits And moves its ears. You need to warm up your paws, it's cold for Bunny to sit. Hands clenched into fists. Extend and bend fingers. Rub fingers and hands. Gray wolf Gray wolf, toothy, Prowling the field, Looking for prey. As soon as he finds it, he gives it to the Wolves. Bend and unbend bent fingers. "Walk" fingers on the table. They clench their fingers into fists. Fox Fox, fox, beauty, Everyone likes her very much. They rub their hands. They show everyone their brushes with splayed

4 The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden. It is important to wander through the forest, Fear induces hares. fingers, turning them, stroking the fingers. "Walk" fingers on the table. They tap their fingers on the table. Bunny Once upon a time there was a bunny, Long ears, A bunny got frostbitten Spout on the edge. I froze my nose, I froze my tail And I went to warm up To visit the kids. It's warm and nice there, no wolf. And they give carrots for lunch! Fingers in a fist, put out two fingers "ears". Stroke index and middle fingers. Stroke the ring finger and little finger. Rubbing their palms. They clench and unclench their fists. They tap their fingers on the table. The squirrel The squirrel jumps, The squirrel rips the cones from the pine branches. With his paws he deftly squeezes And carries him to his pantry. "Run" fingers on the table. Squeeze alternately fingers in a bundle on the right and left hands. Alternately clenching the fingers on the right and left hands into a fist. "Run" fingers on the table. Ira and the hedgehog Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog, will you sew a dress for me?” The hedgehog answered from under the tree: “There are no threads, only needles!” Children with two palms beckon to themselves with a gesture. Simulate the movement of the needle when sewing. Press the fist of the right hand to the palm of the left. Connect the thumbs of both hands. Spread the remaining fingers of the left hand. Change hands. Rotate index fingers around each other, then put them forward. The rest of the fingers are clenched into a fist. Squirrel A squirrel sits on a cart, A squirrel sits on a cart, She sells nuts: Chanterelle-sister, Sparrow, titmouse, Mishka fat-fifted, Hare mustachioed Who in a scarf, Clap their hands and hit their fists against each other alternately. Fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the thumb. They clap their hands rhythmically and strike with their fists.

5 Who is in the goiter, Who is in the sweetheart. Here are the hares: “How can we keep warm, guys?” To quickly warm up, It is necessary to rub your backs. Deftly from finger to finger A bunny jumps, a bunny jumps. He rolled down, turned around, and came back again. Again from finger to finger A bunny jumps, a bunny jumps! Fir-trees grow in the dense forest And evil-evil wolves roam. Sometimes a bunny will run, And the tree branch will tremble. Sometimes a clumsy bear will touch the Christmas tree with its paw. And the old hedgehog, prickly side, Sleeps under the tree, Curled up into a ball. Index and middle fingers are ears, the rest are in a fist. Rub the backs of your hands together. The index finger of the right hand "jumps" up and down on the spread fingers of the left hand. "roll" on the palm, "cook porridge" Return to the fingers. Repeat the first "jumping" movements. The fingers are interlaced, the thumbs are on top of the head. Show "clacking mouth" Show bunny ears. The fingers are half-bent "paws". The fingers are intertwined, the thumbs are muzzle. The fingers are folded into a "ball". Who lives in the forest? Who lives in the forest? An old mole under a snag, A fox cub behind a mountain, An elk elk in a spruce forest. Under the bush is a fox, On the pine is a titmouse! One, two, three, four, five, Let's bend our fingers. Interlace your fingers, imitating a forest. Bend the index finger of the left hand fingers on the right hand, starting with the little finger. Clench and unclench your fists.

The final lesson on familiarization with the world around "Wild animals" The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge of children about wild animals. Lesson Objectives: Educational To consolidate the names of wild animals and their cubs.

You, duckling, no food! You better look for your mom. Squeeze into fists and unclench the fingers of two hands at once. Can be used rubber toys. Let's pet Kitty Kitty, kitty, kisulya! Yulia called the kitten. Do not rush

Card file of finger games for older children Prepared by: Fedoseyeva V.A Educator MADOU D / s "Sun" "My Family" This finger is grandfather, This finger is grandmother, This is daddy's finger, This finger

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Topic of the week: Wild animals of our forests 1. I advise your child to look at illustrations depicting the animals of our forests - a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a bear, a hedgehog and a fox. Tag them external signs. talk

Municipal Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten 72 combined type" Topic: "Wild animals in the winter forest" (Compendium open class on the development of speech) Malyasova E.A. teacher speech therapist

Five brownies. Five cheerful brownies on a festive night Show a palm with spread fingers. They roamed too much, they were very naughty. Raise and lower your arms, as if frightening. Standing on tiptoe, one spun

Homework. Lexical topic: “Wild animals” Tasks: 1. Pick up signs (at least three signs): Bear (what?) Fox (what?) 2. Pick up actions (at least three actions): Wolf (what does it do?)

Wild animals of our forests and preparing them for winter For children 4-5 years old 1. I advise your child to look at illustrations depicting the animals of our forests - a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a bear, a hedgehog and a fox. Tag them

Finger gymnastics. House and Gates A house stands in a clearing, The fingers of both hands make a "roof". Well, the way to the house is closed. The hands are turned with palms to the chest, the middle fingers are touching, the thumbs are up - the "gate".

NOD: Acquaintance with the outside world. Topic: "Inhabitants of the forest animals" Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, about their habitat, to activate the vocabulary on this topic. Tasks: -To form the skill

Speech therapy task "Wild animals" Articulation exercises (second junior group) "Window", "Shovel", "Swing", "Watch", "Brushing teeth", " delicious jam» Breathing exercises"Wolf". Grey,

New Year's celebration- Hello Dedushka Moroz! (the palm strokes the chin of the “beard” of Santa Claus.) What did you bring us as a gift? (hands forward, palms up.) - Loud crackers, (clap your hands. Sweets,

Entertainment scenario using exercises for the prevention of posture and flat feet "Wild animals" (for senior preschool age) Prepared by: physical education instructor MBDOUd / s 75 AUlova

OPEN LESSON "NEPOSEDY". Summary of the integrated GCD on speech and artistic and aesthetic development. Theme: Journey through the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man". Purpose: Development of coherent speech of children.

FINGER GAMES One, two, three, four, five Went out to the garden for a walk We walk, we walk in the meadow, There the flowers grow in a circle Exactly five petals, You can take and count 1 2 lines with the finger of one hand, we count

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 8 combined type Synopsis of direct-educational activities for cognitive development using TRIZ technology

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group. Topic: "The life of wild animals in spring" Purpose: To introduce children to seasonal changes in the life of animals in spring: molting,

The scenario of the matinee for children 3-4 years old "Teremok in the autumn forest" Educator Tolstova A.A. Tomari 2017 Before the start of the matinee, the leader in the group invites the children to go to the autumn forest on a “small

Card file of finger games using a Su Jok massage ball, speech therapist teacher MBDOU DS 13 "Spring" Kozyreva V.A. Finger game "Turtle". (with ball) then on the left. There was a big turtle

Finger games Orange We shared an orange. There are many of us, but only one. This slice is for the hedgehog, This slice is for the swift, This slice is for kittens, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for the beaver, And the peel is for the wolf.

MADOU 57 of the combined type Abstract of the GCD “Wild Animals of Our Forests” Middle group Prepared by: Eskina T. V. 2015 Tasks: to teach children to answer questions, guess riddles, develop dialogical

FINGER GYMNASTICS A bunny jumps The bunny has long ears. They stick out from the bushes. He jumps and jumps, amuses his rabbits. Fingers in a fist. Point your index and middle fingers up. Stir

Pokitko Natalya Gennadievna Position: educator Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten 243, Krasnoyarsk Abstract of the GCD on the development of speech in the middle group "Wild Animals" Program tasks: Educational:

Abstract of the GCD "Wild animals of our region" educational area "Knowledge" for children of senior preschool age from 6 to 7 years Ivankova Vera Viktorovna, educator, nursery school 81 "Malvina" Tasks: 1. Clarify

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten 104 "Golden Key" of the combined type" SUMMARY OF GCD on the development of speech in the second junior group Topic: "Wild

The forest and its inhabitants Presentation for kids A forest is a place where many, many different trees grow: fir trees, birches, aspens, shrubs. Christmas trees are all different. The trees in the forest grow big and small.

Summary of directly educational activities (regional methodological week) Educator: Lavrentyeva E.V. Educational area "Cognition" topic: "Animals of the Southern Urals" Preparatory for school

Finger games for babies Finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 56 "Iskorka" Finger games (senior preschool age) Educator: Galatsan Z. N. 20.02.2014 Explanatory note of the parents

FINGER GAMES Working with balls "Kolobok balls" Equipment: Balls various sizes, box. Content: Several balls are placed on the table in front of the child. At some distance from them is placed

Consultation for parents "Finger games for children aged 1.5-3 years" "A child's mind is at his fingertips" V. Sukhomlinsky Children are the flowers of life. Everyone knows this expression. Indeed, the child

Conducted to the teachers' council on October 20, 2015 Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "A hare is looking for his mother" Prepared by: MKDOU "DS 29" Kondratyuk S.V. Tasks: 1. Learn to answer questions

FINGER GAMES MY FAMILY This finger is a grandfather, This finger is a grandmother, This finger is a dad, This finger is a mom, This finger is me, That's my whole family! Alternately bending the fingers, starting with

CARD OF FINGER GAMES Exercises with the Su Jok massage ball: 1. Take 2 massage balls and run them over the palms of the child (his hands are on his knees with palms up), making one movement per

EXERCISES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FINE MOTOR HANDS Systematic exercises for training the movements of the fingers have a stimulating effect on the development of speech. This has been proven by a number of researchers (M.I. Koltsova,

Children should know: - the names of wild animals of our forests: bear, wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog; - that wild animals get their own food, build their own dwelling; - what is the name of the bear's dwelling (den),

Speech therapist's advice. By training fingers, we develop speech! Fine motor skills, the precise movements of the fingers, are especially closely related to the process of speech formation. Our great-grandmothers were very wise when from an early age

MDOU 19 "Birch" NMR "BUNNY" (Game session) Educator: Naumenko A.V. The village of Kozmodemyansk, December, 2017 "Bunny" The course of the game session 1. Welcome ceremony: Examining the toy "Bunny" Guys,

Lesson in the younger group "Lost beads". Software content. Teach children to fix attention on the color properties of objects. To form in them the simplest methods of establishing identity and difference

MDOU 19 "Birch" NMR p. Kozmodemyansk, 2016 Purpose: Development of motor activity, vocabulary, fine motor skills. Tasks: 1. To teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text;

FINE MOTOR SKILLS are fine and precise finger movements. Their development is necessary condition for the child to master most types of creative and everyday activities. In addition, "at the tips of children's

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Exercises with younger preschoolers must be performed at a slow pace from 3 to 5 times, first with one hand, then with the other, and later with both hands together. Instructions to the child should be calm,

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Advice for parents Playing with fingers - developing speech! (finger games) A ​​very important part of the development of fine motor skills are finger games. These games are very emotional, exciting.

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Starting from a very early age, the baby needs not only basic care, but also emotional and intellectual education. One of the most effective and accessible methods of development is finger games based on the repetition of various movements with the help of hands in the process of reading poems for children. Kids especially like funny poems about animals, because they are very exciting and interesting.

Benefits of finger games for toddlers

Finger games are extremely important for the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands. In the process of learning, the baby begins to feel his fingers better, control hand movements, and capture even the smallest objects. In addition, the benefits of such games are as follows:

  • learning finger games contributes to the better development of the mental and cognitive abilities of the baby, strengthens his memory. Rhythmic repetitive text is usually easy to remember due to the implementation of various hand movements;
  • baby's movements become more precise and coordinated;
  • in the future, the child will be able to more easily master creative skills (drawing, sculpture, modeling) than his peer, with whom such classes have not been conducted;
  • improving the process of mastering speech. The child will learn to speak faster and better, will become more sociable against the background of other children;
  • during the game, the emotional and spiritual contact between the mother (or other relative) and the baby is strengthened. Even if, over time, the child forgets the exact text of the poem and does not even begin to remember the classes, the atmosphere will forever be imprinted in his subconscious fun game and the love of older relatives.

It is best to start studying finger games when the baby is able to hold various objects in his hands: this usually happens at five, six or seven months of age, and sometimes even earlier. At the age of one, the child will listen with interest to counting rhymes, and after a few years he will be able to recite them by heart.

Types of finger games about animals

The most interesting for the baby are finger games using rhymes, in which wild or domestic animals act as characters. Any kid has seen various animals in the courtyard of the house, in the country, on TV or on a computer monitor, so he has a genuine interest in fluffy or feathered creatures. The heroes of various fairy tales for children are also mainly domestic and wild animals or birds, which only adds to the popularity of such characters.

One of the most popular finger games is " Bunny". It implies the implementation various activities with the help of hands or fingers to the beat of the rhyme about the bunny. In the process of its implementation, the training of finger movements, the improvement of coordination of movements, the development of the memory of the baby take place. This game is most interesting for children aged 3 to 4 years.


Once upon a time there was a bunny (clap hands together with the child)
Long ears (we straighten the index and middle fingers in the form of “ears”, keep the rest of the fingers clenched in a fist)
Frostbitten bunny (squeeze and then unclench all fingers)
Spout on the edge (carefully three nose)
frostbitten nose (three nose again)
Frostbite ponytail (clap tailbone)
And went to warm up (we twist the imaginary steering wheel with our hands)
Visit the kids.
It's warm and quiet (spread hands)
no wolf (make a prohibition sign with the index finger)
And give carrots
For lunch (stroking the baby's tummy).

Also quite popular is the finger game "". To complete it, you will need a rubber toy hedgehog or a small ball with an uneven surface that can be painted in the form of a hedgehog. With the help of a toy, the baby will make massage movements, improve manual dexterity. The rhyme "Hedgehog" can be used to activities for children aged 2 to 4 years when the baby can already independently play with various objects and hold them tightly in his hands.

hedgehog hedgehog prickly (picks up a toy)
where are your needles (we help the baby roll the hedgehog between the palms)
Need a squirrel
sew a vest (we roll the hedgehog on the baby's tummy)
naughty bunny
mend panties (at the same time we roll the toy on the legs of the child)
The hedgehog snorted: “Step back
And don't cry, don't beg! (we start rolling the hedgehog on the floor)
If I give needles -
the wolves will eat me" (we hide the hedgehog in place: in a box or a toy house).

Very interesting is the finger game " Bear". In the course of its implementation, it improves motor skills of the fingers, as the child alternately makes movements with different fingers. Poem about the bear fun for 3 year olds and older: by this age, kids are already beginning to memorize verses and try to repeat them after their parents.

bear cub

The teddy bear was visiting (hold hands in front of you)
He went to the red squirrel (touch the thumb to the tip of the index finger)
And to the lake to the beaver (touch the same finger to the middle finger)
And to the hedgehog went into the hole (touching the ring finger)
Even to the mosquito (touch pinky)
Our bear has arrived!

The favorite character of all children is cockerel, which is not only outwardly beautiful, but also effectively crows, calling all the chickens to itself. Finger game "Cockerel" promotes improving finger and hand movements. Develops attention and ingenuity, because when reading each line of the poem, it is necessary to simultaneously perform various movements. Even a two-year-old child will surely like the rooster verse, and a 3-year-old kid will be able to memorize it.


Petya-Petya-Cockerel (at the same time we connect the thumb and forefinger of the hand in the form of a beak)
Our Golden Scallop (at the same time we cross the fingers of two hands in the form of a “comb”)
Silk head (child pats himself on the head)
Oil beard (strokes chin)
Why do you get up early? (we rise on toes, while raising our hands up)
You sing loudly, do not let the children sleep (“we fall asleep”, folding our hands under our cheeks).

The poem has been popular for a long time. about a goat and a goat. In the process of reading it, the child performs wide circular movements with his hands, which is a mini-gymnastics for the hands. It is recommended to use this game with children aged 2 to 4 years.

Goat and kid

There is a horned goat (the child depicts horns, straightening the index finger and little finger, keeping the rest of the fingers bent)
There is a butted goat (tilt the "horns" a little down and forward)
A little goat runs after her (we run our fingers along the surface of the table, imitating “running”)
The bell is ringing (we connect three fingers into a pinch, depicting a bell).

You can also play finger games with your child. Pets”, while using characters familiar to him - animals that live in the house or that he has ever seen. This game will contribute to the development of the baby's memory and the improvement of the movements of the fingers. Good to learn this verse with a 4-6 year old, because for very young children the text is too complicated.


One two three four five (take turns bending the fingers on the hand)
How should we name animals? (we make a questioning gesture with our free hand)
The closest, the most faithful (we wave the same hand towards the interlocutor)
Everyone knows them, probably (simultaneously clap hands)
Horse, cow, dog and cat (bend fingers alternately on the other hand)
What shall we call them? think a little (make a questioning gesture)
Live in the house with the owner (we join hands in the form of a house)
So, everyone calls them home.

Instead of the above animals in this poem, you can name those pets that the child saw himself, and you can name not only the type of animal, but also its nickname.

As a finger game about wild animals, you can use the poem "Mouse". In the course of the lesson, the accuracy of the movements of the baby's hands improves, memory and attention are trained. Children aged 3 to 5 years happy to join this game.

little mouse

This little mouse is sitting in a mink (we put all the fingers on the hand into a fist)
This mouse is running in the field (perform "running" movements with two fingers on the table)
This little mouse counts the ears (we touch with a finger any small objects)
This child collects grain (move objects from place to place)
This mouse screams: “Hurrah! (clap hands)
Everyone get ready, it's time for dinner." (we perform an “inviting” movement with our hands towards ourselves).

The above games can be used for activities with children aged from seven to eight months to three to six years. When performing them, you should pay attention to which rhymes the child likes the most, and use them in the future in learning. Lessons should be short(for 5-8 minutes), because in early age The attention of the baby is difficult to keep for a long time.
