Drawing for children of the senior group of kindergarten for September "Kosmeya".

Author: Kivachitskaya Olga Igorevna MADOU d / s KV No. 8 "Rosinka"
The master class is intended for older children preschool age, educators of children's institutions.
Target: continue to develop children's interest in fine arts.
- to develop the ability to transmit characteristics cosmea flowers: the shape of the petals and leaves, their color.
- to develop in children aesthetic perception, a sense of color;
- continue to acquaint with watercolors, exercise in the ways of working with them.
- educate restraint, perseverance, accuracy.
Purpose: this work can be done in a drawing class with children of the older group at the beginning of the school year in the autumn, when cosmos are in bloom, and you can bring them to the group for examination.
Material: album sheet, watercolor paints, a glass of water, a brush, a napkin, crimson, burgundy cosmea flowers.

Description of the master class:

Bring and examine cosmea flowers with children, clarify the shape, color of the petals and leaves. Discuss with children the properties of watercolors, how to draw with them. Tell about the season when kosmeya blooms.

1. We take a sheet and place it vertically on the table. Open the paints and wet the brush with water. We collect green paint on a brush and draw lines from top to bottom on the sheet that will be stems, you can make 3-4 stems.

2. With the same movements of the brush, draw cameo leaves extending from the stems in random order.

3. We draw green ovals at the tips of the outer stems, these will be buds, not blooming flowers.

4. Then with yellow paint we draw round centers of flowers over the remaining stems.

5. Now we take burgundy or crimson paint for the petals, draw rhythmic lines from the edge to the center of the flower or vice versa, around the entire circumference, we use not only the tip of the brush, but half the pile.

6. After finishing the buds with a few strokes of half the bristle of the brush.

The watercolor drawing of cosmea flowers is ready, this work is simple and will appeal to children when they first come to the older group and adapt to more complicated activities.

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

city ​​district of Saransk "Center for Child Development - kindergarten No. 13"

Summary of the final lesson


V senior group

on the topic of:

"Gardens in Bloom"

Lesson held

and developed a teacher of additional education

Makolova S.V.

Program content:

  1. Strengthen landscape painting skills
  2. To fix the technique and methods of working with watercolor
  3. Fix the rules for mixing paints
  4. Fix genres in the visual arts


Water in cups, watercolor paints, squirrel brush No. 4, brush stands, white gouache, palette, cotton swab, napkin, A4 sheet, a simple pencil for each child. Demo material.

Methodical methods:

Artistic word, finger gymnastics, physical education, question-and-answer conversation, showing drawing, looking at illustrations.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Hello guys. Today we are going to draw. Let's sit straight, back straight, and put our hands on the table.

Before I start drawing, I want to ask you what season it is now and what month (spring, May)

Well done boys. Did you know that fruit trees are in full bloom in May? What fruit trees do you know? (apple, cherry, pear)


When I went to your group, I found a letter near your door, let me read it to you.

“Dear children from group No._. You write fairy tale characters. There are beautiful gardens in our country. They bloom every spring. But this year our gardens were bewitched by an evil wizard and they stopped blooming. The spell will break and gardens will bloom again if we have painted trees for our garden.”

Guys, let's help fairy tale characters and draw blooming apple trees. Listen to a poem by Elena Atkina.

From the white apple tree in bloom
I can't take my eyes off
Brides of youthful beauty
I see her again.

The poetess compares blossoming apple trees to a bride. Why? (they are also wearing white)

That's right, let's take a closer look at flowering trees.

Look, the flowers of the apple tree are white. From the abundance of flowers, they look like clouds that have descended from the sky.

Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens? (scenery)

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It's called... landscape.

Finger gymnastics

Our white flowers open their petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our white flowers cover the petals

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

Only we won't sleep

And we will start drawing.

Slowly unbend your fingers from the cams, swing your hands to the right and left; slowly squeeze your fingers into fists, shake your fists back and forth. Rhythmic compression of the cams of the hands lowered down.

Main part

Look at the board, how I will draw.

First I will draw with a simple pencil horizon line. What is a horizon? (The line where heaven and earth meet)

Watch as I begin to depict our landscape. Our sky is blue. And to get not dark, but light blue, do I need to add more water or more paint? (more water). We paint over the sky to the horizon line, diluting the paint well with water.

Our grass is green. But green color bewitched by an evil wizard. What colors must be mixed to get green? (blue and yellow) Blend and paint over the remaining sheet.

Let's get to work.

I approach children, I help individually.

Physical education minute

You see the butterfly is flying

He counts flowers in the meadow.

One two three four five.

For a day, for two, for a whole month

Six seven eight nine ten.

Even the wise bee

Now that the leaf is a little dry. We can draw apple trees. We draw the trunk and branches, the trunk with a thick line, and the branches with a thin one. (How can I do it)? (A thin line with the tip of the brush, and a thick line with the whole pile).Show on the board.We draw green leaves using the poke method. We don’t draw a lot of leaves, we need to leave room for flowers. Then I take gouache, I will distribute it to you now. And with a cotton swab I draw flowers on an apple tree.

Let's get started. I approach the children, I help individually.

Final part

Guys, we drew wonderful fruit trees and helped our fairy-tale heroes, and now let's get up and look at our drawings.

Completion, evaluation of works.


educational activities

in the senior group

for artistic and aesthetic development
"Gardens in Bloom"


Gotovkina Elvira Anatolyevna


Target: Using unconventional drawing methods, teach children to create a spring composition from flowering trees.



  1. Learn to complement the image of an apple orchard with flowers obtained by the “poke” and “blowing” method;
  2. Practice getting pink by mixing colors.
  3. To form the skills of using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of trees, then the foliage on all trees)
  4. Strengthen the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature,
  5. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of trees, their location.


  1. To develop the skills of children to create a composition of a plot drawing - to place objects on a wide strip of land.
  2. Develop the ability to choose color scheme according to the plot.
  3. To develop the creative abilities of children in creating expressive images with visual means accessible to a given age.


  1. To educate children in independence, patience, perseverance, accuracy, respect for the environment, the ability to see beauty.

Demo material:illustration depicting blooming apple trees, a branch of a blooming apple tree, an easel, a blank sheet of paper, a brush, paints, a palette, a ready-made sample task, audio recordings of calm classical music.

Handout:sheets of tinted paper with the image of apple tree trunks drawn with blowing technique, brushes (two for drawing and one glue for each child), palettes, glasses of water, napkins.

Preliminary work:Observation of nature in spring, conversations about the seasons, various garden trees, including apple trees; viewing illustrations of flowering trees, shrubs, flowers; reading landscape lyrics: T. Karelina “I love when gardens bloom”, S. Batyr “Blossoming Garden”, V. Sharipov “Lilacs bloom in the garden”; execution of trunks of apple trees by blowing technique; drawing by the "poke" method.

OD move:

Introductory part.

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

Educator: Children, tell me, please, what season is it now?

Children's answers: Spring.

Teacher: What is the name of the month?

Children's answers: May.

Teacher: Yes, that's right. Guys, look what a wonderful morning greets us today! The sun is trying to "dazzle" us with its bright rays, as if playing blind man's blind man with us. Trees with blossoming foliage wave their branches to us, inviting us for a walk. The earth, overgrown with grass, calls us to frolic on its soft, green carpet. And all because guys, that all nature rejoices in spring and tries to convey to us all the wonders of this wonderful time. Now I will introduce you to another of the most unique phenomena of the miraculous spring, which is described by Nikolai Nekrasov:

Like drenched in milk

There are cherry orchards

Quiet noise...

N. Nekrasov

Educator: Guys, what does this poem say? (Answers of children). What do you understand by the expression "drenched in milk"?

Examination of a reproduction based on the painting by A. Gerasimov "Apple Orchard".

Teacher: What attracts you to this picture? (children's answers)

The educator sums up the statements: The blueness of the sky, a lot of white inflorescences, green grass - all this merges into a joyful hymn to blossoming nature. And now let's listen to wonderful poems about flowering gardens.

Children recite excerpts from poems by Y. Kul, S. Batyr:

I love when gardens bloom

How beautiful! See all in colors!

Like a bride, an apple tree stands

In the snow-white decoration of spring.

Blooming garden. There are apple and cherry trees.

Bees and bumblebees fly around.

Here - the rustle of branches, the smell of nectar,

And pinkish white flowers.

Educator. Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens? (Answers of children).

If it is difficult to recall - by reading an excerpt from a poem by M. Yasnov

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It is called ... (landscape).

Educator: Come on, guys, and we will draw landscapes of flowering gardens.

Main part.

Children become a semicircle at the easel, on which several trees are drawn, obtained by blowing through a tube.

Educator: Guys, in front of you is a drawing with the trunks of apple trees that we drew in the previous lesson. Who remembers the unconventional way we did it?

Children's answers: The trunks were blown through a straw.

Educator: That's right, the "blowing" method. And today we will draw an apple blossom and tree leaves using the poke method. But first, let's remember the structural features of the apple tree. What is she?

Children's answers: Beautiful, with a smooth long trunk. Thick branches only at the top, etc.

Educator: Right. The apple tree is fruit tree with a high, even trunk, the crown branches of the apple tree are thick, but not straight. Guys, pay attention to this. These are the apple trees on your sheets.

And now let's look at the flowers of the apple tree. What color are they? (the teacher draws the attention of the children to the branch of the apple tree and to the illustration).

Children's answers: White, pink.

Educator: That's right, we will draw in white and pink. And in order to get pink color what do we need to do?

Children's answers: You need to add red to white paint.

Educator: And what do we need to mix paints?

Children's answers: Palette.

The teacher calls the child to show how to mix paints. The teacher, if necessary, helps and advises the children.

The teacher asks one child to show the rules for drawing with a “poke” on a sample.

Educator: Guys, before we start drawing, let's prepare our pens.

Held finger gymnastics:

A fat and big finger went to the garden for an apple,

Pointer from the threshold showed him the way,

The middle finger is the most accurate - it knocks apples off the branch,

The nameless eats

And the little finger-master plants bones in the ground.

Educator: Now get to work, be careful and attentive.

Children individually perform a practical task. During the independent practical activities of children in the group, music sounds.

Educator: (when the children completed the drawing with a poke) Guys, you have finished drawing the apple blossom, and while the paint is drying, I invite you to a physical education session.

Physical culture minute "Fruit".

We will cook compote. March in place.

You need a lot of fruits. Here. (Show hands - "a lot")

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand. (Simulate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, put, pour sand)

We cook, we cook compote,

Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people. ( Clap)

Educator: Well done! In the meantime, our flowers have dried up while we have been practicing, and we can continue to work. Take your seats.

Educator: Let's remember what we drew?

Children's answers: Apple blossom.

Educator: Right, but what else appears on apple trees along with flowers in May?

Children's answers: Leaves.

Educator: Right. Now we will draw them. How do you think you can draw them?

Children's answers: By the "poke" method.

Educator: Right. We will also draw the leaves with a “poke” (the teacher reminds the children on the sample how to draw correctly using the “poke” method). But I want to warn you that you do not need to take a lot of water on the brush, this will make the drawing blurry. Can you please tell me what shade the leaves of the apple tree have?

Children's answers: Light green.

Educator: Right. Well done. Get to work (music sounds).

The children are doing the task.

Educator: Guys, I see that you have already done the job. Therefore, I suggest moving on to the next step. What is missing in our drawings?

Children's answers: Earth, grass, sky, etc.

Teacher: Absolutely right. Now you all take thick brushes and complement your drawings with the necessary elements and details.

Children get to work (music sounds again).

Final part.

Educator: Let's see what happened to each of you? What good fellows you all are! Everyone did it! Guys, let's remember in what ways we drew in today's lesson?

Children's answers: By the "poke" method.

Educator: We got beautiful landscapes that can be a spring gift for your loved ones. The blooming gardens you have drawn will delight you for a long time, even when they have already faded in nature.

Gardens are blooming! And so much love in them -

In the raging, boiling white flowers ...

In them nightingales whistle serenades

About the soon, long-awaited.

Abstract open class drawing "Apple trees are blooming" ( preparatory group)

Ladik Tatiana

Program tasks :

1. Fixing : depict on a sheet of paper several objects connected by one content.

2. Fixing : correctly position the trees on the sheet.

3. Fixing : choose rightpaint color by mixing it.

Technical challenges :

1. Strengthen the ability to properly hold the brush and use it.

2. Fixing : paint trees of different sizes and arrange them on the sheet.

Educational tasks :

1. Raise interest in spring painting, in its colors.

2. Develop independence, the ability to listen to the teacher.

Materials and equipment :

1. Album sheet A4, tinted.

2. Gouache paint.

3. Brushes.

4. A jar of water.

5. Palette.

Course progress.

caregiver : Guys, let's stand in a circle and hold hands.

Today on ouractivity guests came to us let's say hello to them.

Children : Hello!

The teacher invites the children to sit on the rug.

caregiver : Tell me guys, what time of year do we have now?

The kids are in charge : Spring!

caregiver : That's right, spring!

When spring comes, everything around wakes up and comes to life. Spring has finally managed to defeat winter, and it is confidently coming into its own. It is now the middle of spring. What is the name of the second spring month?

Children : April!

caregiver : Right!

What signs of spring do you know?(children's answers)

caregiver : We recentlypainted flowers , which are the very first to wake up in the spring. Let's remember what they are called?

Children : snowdrops.

caregiver : Right. Not only the earth comes to life, but also the trees. Buds appear on trees. Guys, what comes out of the kidneys?(leaves)

And some treesbloom . What are these trees?

Children : list : lilac, bird cherry, fruit trees.

Knock on the door. (educatoropens door and spring enters with a twigapple trees in hand ).

caregiver : Spring came to visit us and she did not come to us empty-handed. Look at the branch in her handsapple trees with swollen buds from which leaves will then appear.

Guys, whatcolors leaves on trees?

The kids are in charge : Green.

caregiver : Correctly green.

And on the branch that spring brought, are there leaves?

The kids are in charge : No.

caregiver : Oh, whatcolors flowers on an apple tree ?

Children : White and pink.

caregiver : Right!

caregiver : And let's draw trees with blossoming leaves andflowers and give our drawings to spring

The children agree.

caregiver : Guys, let's have a rest and play.


In the field we went with you

(Step in place)

ANDflowers were found .


Bent over for one

(Lean forward)

And then for the second

(Lean forward)

Third fast we plucked

(Lean forward)

And they ran with a bouquet.

(Running in place) .

caregiver : Let's go with you to our tables and proceed todrawing . We willdraw an apple orchard . What willdraw first ?

Children : trees.

caregiver : Right. The trunks of the brown treescolors . Let's take brushes with you and dip them in water, and then in brown paint and draw the trunk of our tree. We press the bone below and lead upward. Trees that are close, draw a large trunk, and those that are far away, a small one.What color apple trees bloom ? Pink and white. Take a palette and mix red paint and white paint, you get pink paint. Take green paint and, sticking the tip of the brush, draw leaves. Before we get started, let's do finger exercises with you. Prepared fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

The sun rises -

The flower is blooming !

The sun is setting -

flower go to bed .

During the process of work, I explain incomprehensible moments. passiveI help children draw .

caregiver : Guys, let's lay out our work on the table and show the spring

caregiver : spring really liked your drawings. He says thank you.

caregiver : And now let's say goodbye to spring.

The children say goodbye.

  • learn to draw flowers with gouache paints, mixing them, use various techniques: strokes, priming, whirling.


  • learn to draw with long, short strokes, priming, in a circular motion, bright flowers different shapes by mixing paints and applying them to each other;
  • convey in the picture the brightness and warmth of summer,
  • reflect on paper their emotions, feelings and moods inspired by music.

Means and materials: drawing paper, gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, a recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", toy "butterfly".

Lesson progress:

IN. Guys, look who came to us today:

What is this miracle bird?

Or a small flower?

colorful, spinning

From petal to petal.

Guessed? Of course it's a butterfly! Although the summer has already passed, while it is warm, the butterfly is spinning and flying over the flowers, itself as bright and colorful as summer flowers. But in autumn the sun warms less and less, and the flowers wither without light and heat. Therefore, the butterfly flew to visit us to warm up and look for flowers, because she is so sad without them.

Let's make the butterfly happy and draw many colorful and bright flowers. And to make it easier for us to remember the summer, I’ll turn on the music, and you imagine how the butterfly will flutter over the flowers, and then tell me what you imagined and what kind of flowers they were (sounds “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “ Nutcracker"). You hear how light and melodic this music is, it shimmers with different colors, sunny, playful, joyful and bright, like summer. (Children share their impressions of music and their ideas.)

IN. Let's practice before drawing flowers on paper, draw them in the air (children take brushes and make circular movements in the air - one flower, two, three).

Who is ready to draw flowers for a butterfly? Is everyone in a good mood? But remember, the butterfly chooses the brightest and largest flowers, you must try to make her like your flowers. (Music plays throughout the lesson).

The first flower, the largest, we will draw in the center of the leaf, it has a round center and round petals around. At first it was yellow, but when it grew, the sun warmed it and with its rays left red traces - stripes on the petals and dots in the middle.

A second flower grew next to it, it has a small middle and long thin petals. While he was growing up, he was constantly dissatisfied that he was not too bright, so several colors were mixed in him at once: red (children draw long strokes from the center outward, slightly rounding); yellow (in the same technique, some strokes are applied to red, some separately, all this is arbitrary), and blue paint.

The third flower is unusual, it looks like a spikelet, it has long stem on which small flowers grow. At first they were blue, but then the sun decided to add red paint, and the flower immediately cheered up (children draw a stem - a long stroke, dipping around it blue flowers, and from above - arbitrarily, not necessarily exactly falling into the contour of blue paint - red paint, using the same technique).

Now you can finish at will any flowers that you saw or came up with yourself, leaves.


The flowers are ready, we will make a clearing for our butterfly. (We lay out the drawings on the floor in a large circle, the butterfly flies, choosing the most lucky flowers, the children explain why she liked these flowers, how to make the flower brighter, bigger and more attractive).

IN. Well done! Now the butterfly will be able to live with us all winter, because here it has so many beautiful flowers.
